Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 02, 1896, Image 2

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Republicans Win Every
Office But Two.
Fully One Thoasand Families' are Ltlt Home
less id St Louis, '
Evr ry thing Passr Qnielly and Ordery
in Heppner A Large ote l-olled hlli
Lends In the Congressional Race, With
Qnlnu a Cone Second.
Yesterday, Jnne 1, 1896, will go down
in tlie minds of the oitizeDg of Morrow
oonnty as a memorable day in county
politics, aid it has taught some of our
local politicians, at least, that this life is
fall of nneertaintles and disappoint
ments. In Heppner, and as far as we
have been able to learn, in the entire
oonnty, the eleotion pained off quietly
and taking the oonnty over a large rote
was polled. Especially was this the
case in Heppner, Mt. Vernon and Gen
tryprecinots where nearly half the en
tire vote of tbe ooonty was cast. - Early
in tbe day things appeared to be so
mixed that it was very hard for anyone
' to form even an npiuirn as to what tbe
ootonme would be. Of course tbe main
interest was oentered on the fight for
rpDresentative. sheriff and clerk, whlcb
pi noes were being holly contested for,
and tbe withdrawal of one candidate for
county judge also made that raoe an
interesting as well as a close one. Tbe
result as it now stands is not a satis
factory one to this paper as we desired
to see tbe entire ticket elected, but tbe
people willed otherwise and it now be
comes our provinoe to humbly submit
to the wishes of tbe moj rity.
Up to time of going to press tbe re
turns are all in except from Wells
Springs, Pine City and Lena preoincte,
which oan not materially change the re
suit, and we give here only the total
vote, leaving the report by eaoh pre
uioot separately uotil after tbe cffloial
count is made.
For supreme judge, Bean, rep, 448;
Burnett, dem., 229; Gaston, peoples; 820.
Bern's plurality 128.
Congressman, Ellis, 457; Bennett, 189;
Northup, 79; Quinn, 401 ;McKerobpr, 3.
Member hoard of iqnalizaMnn, John
ton, 478; Davis. 181; Feebler, 327. John
son's plurality, 151.
Circuit judge, Lowll, 408; Hailey. 331;
Tomer, 280 Swell's plurality, 87.
Prneemitiig attorney, Bean, 382; R
867; Parsons, 325. Beau's plurality, 25
Representative, Brown, 509; Morgan,
101 ; Swift. 450; Brown's plurality. ED
Clerk, Patterson, 8S0; Morrow, 453;
Btnntau, 811. Morrow's plurality. 07.
BlierifT, Ilnnd,350;Mtlnok, 497; (layer,
&V2. Matlock's plurality, 147.
Oonnty judge, Bartholomew, 519; No
bl, 47;Knk. M3. Bartholomew, plu
rality, 8.
Treasurer, Gillitm. 6'9; Yeager, 317.
Gilliam's majority, 010
Ominlesltiner, llcokett, 581; MoAlis
ter, 400. llckett's m Jirity, 181 .
Assessor. Tetleys, 443; Hnjdar, 227;
Cralitrep, 381. JVUeys, pluislitv, 62.
Hi'honl superintendent, Shipley, 500;
Biown, 4(i7. Bhiplo's msjiilty, U3.
Hnrveyor, Hornor, 620; Turner, 481.
Boroor's mr jurily, 89.
Coroner, Vaiiglim, SGI; Mitchell, 410.
Vatigliau'a mnj irily, 148.
jAstne of Ilia !, C Hi district, Free
Ianii, vm: it'oiiarusou, M. iitoiiaiueou a
maj mi), 25.
Constable, Whetstone, 19'; Mastersnn.
171; Jonrs, 108. WlieUtoua's plurality,
Tbs ab fignrra art not fflcUl, but
the official oooot, now bring made at tb
eonrt bouse, will be preaentrd lo next
issue, and will change thtse figures
Tli latest returns received from Tort
laud are lo that uVt that Ellis' ehaoora
art vry brlaM, bat Tongue will likely
l.oe In I be Hist district. Tba Mitohell
rrpubllosn legislative ticket Is probably
t toted lo Multnomah eonnly.
Tbe City Amply Able to Provide for the
Kecds of the Afflicted-The Work of
Rebuilding Already Br goo.
St. Loris, May 3D Two companies
of Illinois state militia from Greenville
and Belleville, 111., in all about 100. pa
trolled tbe levee district of East St. Lou
is all day yesterday and last night. Dead
lines were established and no one allow
ed to pats without a permit.. The effect
of these stringent measures was sooo
seen today in tbe greatly decreased num
ber of people in tbe devastated district.
Over sixty suspects have already, been
arrested and were sent to town and look
ed up. Several nick pockets and confi
dence men have also been arrested. In
addition to tbe militia and polioe force,
Obif f of Polioe Ganey swore in 50 dep
uties who were plaoed in different parts
of tbe oity. Tbe property loss is bard to
0 j6 feature of tbe storm and one of
tbe after effects wbioh was
A Newspaper Man Relates a
vellous Story.
An Interesting Chapter in His Own LifeSome,
We Hope, May Profit by Reading Same.
From the Herald, Columbia, Tenn.
feared was tbe large number of botses
killed. Uo every side ooutd be seen
mangled bodies of these animals. Tbe
polioe department was busy all day mov
ing carcasses, and none too soon, for the
warm weather of tbe past tew days bad
already started decomposition,
Tbe railroad yards are already being
cleared of debris, rendering the move
ment of trains possible, but it will be
weeks before anything like order oan be
A ladies' relief oorps has been organ
ized. Committees bave been appointed
from all tbe cburobes of tbe oity and are
actively at work soliciting aid and are
meeting with good success. Tickets will
be distributed to needy ouesfor food and
shelter. Mayor Bader estimates that 500
families are left entirely destitute and
will need immediate sustenance. ' Many
have not even sufficient olotbiog.
Maury county is one of the richest
and biggest and best counties in Ten
nessee. It would be an exaggeration t
say that any one man knew every othei
man in this county, but it may safely b
said that few, if soy, oan come nearer to
it than Mr. Joe M. Foster, whose horn
is at Carter's Creek, and who is now
connected wiib tbe Herald. In tbe in
terest of tbe Herald be bag visited near
ly every home in tbe oonnty. Upon
"state" oooasions that is, tbe Herald '
somewhat annual pio-nio reunions be is the "mas
ter of ceremouies." , Tbere are tew mi
better known, few better liked, nom
more trusted, and what be says tbe Her
aid, unconditionally and unequivocally,
will vouch for.
To see him now in perfect health and
energy, one would not tblnk that two
and a halt years ago he was a bed-rlddnn
Invalid, a pbysioal wreck, whose famil
physician, loved ones at borne an)
friends all thought was soon to be called
henoe. But such is tbe ease, and not
only lie bat bis family and a hundred
friends will testifto it.
It was a peouliar affliction be had, and
bis cure was marvellous, bis recovery a
nineteenth oentury miraole. And that
otbera may enjoy tbe blessings of tbe
wonderful medioine which beyond tbe
peradventnre of a doubt under God's
blessing saved bis life, Mr. Foster
not desiring publloity bnt with tbe hope
Tbe number of families left homeless of doing good has o inseoted to tell of
by devastation along tbe pnth ot the bis aiokneaa and bis cure,
storm lo 8t Louis proper, will resob np It was in tbe tall of 1892 be was taken
iito tba thousands. Iu many instances He was a farmer tben, and had
these people bave lost all their earthly prt tbe Hay exposed to the weather
possessions. Many will be for days de- Bnd working in the field, and for flv-
pendent opon obarlty aud their fortu- bo.irs was in the mud, io a stooping p .
nate neighbors fur shelter. There is a sition. In a few days thereafter be hid
probibllily that one man whose horribly peculiar feeling in bis f-et and hands;
mangled body was taken to tbe morgue, (bey beoame nnmb and Mt as if asleep
xs oot killed by the storm. A gentle. But, perhaps, it would be b -Her to let
roiin who was in the neighborhood of tbe Mr. Foster tell his own txperience. aud
union depot power bouse just after the bl la what be says:
torin ssserts that some of the orowd "Following the onmboess ot my feet
there assaulted a ghoul caught thieving land hands, that numbness spread until
aud beat him to death. His story is that mv whole body was Darab cd. I had a
while Viewing the wreck be saw half a I dreadful constriction around my body,
1( Etn meo jinnp on a man wbo bad been god as I grew woree this extended up,
loafing abont in the orowd. Home one Inntling off my breathing ; it finally got
bit biro with a club, felling him to the I within a few Inohes ot toy throat and it
ground, then the crowd j 'imped on the
man, kicked bim until be wss nnoon-
soioni. Home one orled "Lynoti the
thief!" and then tLe orowd pioked up
bis limp form and carried It to Russell
avenue, where they dumped it into a dirt
oart and oarted it off.
The citln' league Issued the follow
ing announcement tonight in rsferenoe
to the i fT-rs uf aid from cities through
out the Uuited States: ''Tbe league en.
dorses the action tit Mayor Wal bridge lu
dri lining outside aid. It fiwla grateful
lor tbe many evldeuoes ot generosity in
was with difficulty tbat I breathed at
all. At Irregular intervals I bad light
ning pains th'onab my entire body and
limb, and for at least five months I wss
perfectly helpless, aod a man servant
was kept In my room day and night to
torn me io bed and wait npon me.
Io the earlier part of my illness my
feet f. It as If I was walking bare footed
on a stiff oaipet. Boon I could not walk
at all in tbe dark, sod could not even
stand alone with mv eyea hn. I rap
idly g'ew worse, and en my liroba
fused to carry me. Firally I lt my
these help nfTdringa, but having made a tense of feeling nr touch, and ooold not
oarrftil investigation o tb shirro strict. I tel beo my feet were again! each
en district whiob, though extensive, la nther. bnl felt all tbe time as If tbey
almost entirety eonflovd In Ibe aeotioo of were being polled apart.
tba eity ouisids ot lbs priuolpel business "Io tba beginning I bad called in my
area, it is oor jd Igmant tbat tba eity family physician, a very sooreeefol prso
will bs amply able to folly provide for 1 titinnrr. lie pnt ma on a treatment.
Little Weal flriai told, wlih Iks
A boat tae Daly Vsier.
From the B. a
Eioept by deeleia listing sooo red
wools et the Prndlrt mill, have
beard of no sales la Oregon and Weak.
Ingtoa; even these buyers are not 0r
atieg tiUtivlvsty owing to tba low val
ors Id tba east.
Ut wk tba J. M, Resaell Co.
bought f0 bags of W. J. Forolea. Tbis
Is bow being bsuled to the mill for
E. Y.Jo I.I bought about 100 bag at
Yakima of James Wright, and George
Fell, for II. U. Judd A H 4, boltfht Ibe
Bartholomew alio at lleppoer. Tbis
wtml la sow at Ibe aeixtrteg mill.
It seems rvmatkabla tbat early tbe
first tt June baa come wib so Ititle
lulnM in wool Tlo wh beadle
o the g'eeaa tin m4 em ta be
able to tiny at all. Mot of the large
borers ft leet )ar are S"liiliog
Sgamei,ls afily, Ibe sorters Ulng tbe
Oblr ttl)'B.
Tbe Use frsnrUco matk't eteiioajve
w.k. The Witnl A Cilto IU-t says;
The flr.l K'4 Blair sale t t Ugs
wee at a real bU fties pJ leal
year, alib ragb Ibe wal liibtr
abtlKkas aaJ blr la foallU.
At It.e ea'isg milts la dale, I 315 Oil
I be lt t. Ibe (!
p , !) f wl leh e-ws f""l Waelildg
i.e. It U'gt l.iintil eas from i ff
tbs Clfrat N..lera wM nl ri-lan,
.'(-- A foi ia 4 4'4l Uge.
1 i,e si. ! m I S'sll ! 4y,
lib slt bl ttante It Is i ) 4
tbal anteM IUe sltalta tuaUilall;
i aige, a gra'er tMMn i-tli-bvy
x litll MlMlUi'M al Weabiag
! will bm aal by gmwera a 4
tale's lo be ard, as lb ! soiree
aaat ! It lralils l Slits) waspW
U Ike gtceee.
ttiw rrtt Iin-, nt'lHi be
, ,), II - I r tlt il in
,ti.,.i. ,fti, ant . ..'. ta a
. t ! l t M I'git
el In al its I nin,, I y-t
. r-e w ll W a 'it t M ,
t aebea. Uf4gie U t
all tba needs of lha afflicted."
Tbey farther snuoouee that not ain-
gla hotel io tba eity has beea sff cted or
tba wholesale meeufsotorlngdiitrlot me
Urially iej ire.1. Tba slight ir j irr to tbe
building ereoted for lha republican coo
van t inn baa breo repair! and the bedd
ing Is now reedy for oorapaooy.
witb instrootiona lo keep very qnlet
But I continued to grow worse, aod In
about all weeks bo told ma, oaedldly
and bonestly, tbal ha bad d .ee bis beet,
tbat ba bad also advised with some of
Columbia's lesdiog ph)lotios. giving
ibem my avmptoms, bnt tbat ba could
do nothing for ma and it was useless for
Estimates BpoD lha property lose hsva I Kim to try any further. Us and tba
growo wider and farther apart. Oaeee phyeiriaot wih whom ba advised pro
were mads May all lha way from 127,- nnuBoed my diseasa locomotor ataxia,
OOOOOU to 151.000.000 fr 81. Louis aod aDd Inrorsbls.
from ll.fxIO.ilOO lo SJ0.000 0OO for East -He lold my friends tbey eonld try
HI, Loaia. Tba Biual popnlar ealiaalo I any thing tbey wished, sod tbes I begsa
Is ia lha naiglbirbood of i'JJ.ttC.rtOO for Itrileg event Msg tbal waa aoggeaied
both eilUa. Tba batldiag eoolraetors of I intd ilfferenl klo.ls ot elrotncity -belt
tba elly bsva beec overwhelmed with or-1 pjg, abnrklog maehlera an I elect ro
ders lor rebuilJiog aod tba work ot wlp- piae, with ooosberleM kloda of medi-
Colombia (who is now clerk and master
it tbe ChaDoery court of this comity).
reoommended Dr. Williams' Fitk Fills
for Pale People.
"I began using tbem as per directions
for locomotor ataxia, and in about or e
week some of my friends thought I was
better; bnt it was two weeks before tl
inprovt ment was plain to all aod satis
ftiotory to myself. Tben, however, I
kiew th pills ere doing their grand
and glorions work, and 1 kept taking
hem until I could hobble around on
orutohes. -
"It was suggested to me then tbat
nature would do tbe rest, and I left off
tbe pills. Io about ten days I saw tbat
I was going doan bill egain; I prompt
ly renewed tbe pills, aud again I began
to improve. A second time I tried to
leave tbe battle to a good constitution,
but fonod it etill too weak so I com
menced on tbe pills again and kept tak
ing ibem ni til I whs well.
"I waa in my fifty-first year when I
was taken sick. It is now about two
years sinoe I dleoarded stiok and crutcb
and found my legs strong enough to
oarry me. 1 am er joying epienaio
health, weigh more and look better then
for years, and attribute my health and
my recovery and life to tbe magic ol
Pink Pills for Pale People, under the
blessing of God.
"I have recommended these pills toe
nnmher of pecpl-, aud mmy t know
have been cured by tbm. I wish 'n my
heart that eety pers n u earth who
is suffering as I was could get tbem and
wonld try tbem.
"To those wbo. know me, I hope it is
not nere, sary for me to add that I mat e
this statement of mv own free will, will -out
money and without price, Bnt If
there are anv who are inulinud to doubt
I will refer th-rn to Dr J. U. Bill, J M
Hunter, K. D. L-ckridge. Je Terwef,
Anderson Nichol. S. B. and O. W. Nio
hols, all of Cartel's Creek, Maury ooun
ty, Tenn , or it they will oa'.l upon me I
will give Ibein tbe names of a hundred
witnesses of as good men aod women as
tbe sun ever shown npoo.
"Hoping a ime poor sufferer may read
and believe and be raised from a bed of
pain, I am Very resptotfnliy.
Jog M. FoeTan,
Care of the Herald, C ilnmli'a, Tenn."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple are an unfailing remedy lor all dis
eases arising from a poor and watery
condition of the blood, snob as pale end
sallow coinplf xlon, general mnsoulsr
weakness, ns of appetite, depression o'
spirits, lack of ambition, anaemia, chlor.
oaie or green eickneao, palpitation of the
besrt, shortness of breath on slight ex
enion. eotd'ieae of hands or feel, swell-
ng i f fert and limbs, pain lu tbe back.
nervous beeileolie, d inness, loss or
memory, feebleness of will, ringing lo
Iba earn, early deoay, all formi of fen ale
weakness, leooorrboea, tardy or Irregu
lar periods, suppression of menses, hys
teria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia, rbeo
matirm, sciatica, all diseases depending
on vitiated bnmora Id tba bt'od, caus
ing scrofula, ewsHed glands, fever aorta
rakets, blpJ"'.ot disease, bonebbark.
scqoired deformities, decayed bone.
cbmoio erysipelas, catarrh, consumption
of tba bowels and longs, and also f r
Invigorating the blood and system when
biokin down by overs ork, worry, dis
ease, rxaaee aod Indisoretinns of liv
ing, rroovery front arote disese, soob
as fevers, eio, Inea ft vital powers, spr
msturrbnes, early decay, prematnra olJ
age, Tbey act dlreoily on tba blood.
soppljlog to Iba blond its
qualities by assisltog it lo abeorba f IV-
gen, that great aopporter of all orgeeto
Having Decided to Go Out of Business, We will
Offer Our Entire StocK of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Nats, Caps, Etc.,
Land Filing and Final Proofs Taken.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At J.
M. H ager's Residence.
The Dalles,
Notice of intention.
I j Mny M, M. Notlre Is her. ly given that
li fnllnwliiir nsmed settler tins tlkil notlre ol
his Intention to make IUihI prool In smMirt nl
his clslin. sml llmt sll pnitil will lie msrtr
Iwfore J. W. Morrow, rounty clerk, at Hppner,
iinnon. on Jul v a. tix :
lid. K. No. XM. lor the Lois I and J, and 8i
SV.. tc I, To. AS, K K
lla tmmes the lollowlns witnesses to prove
his continuous realdeuce upon and cul lvsllou
ol ssld land, vl:
llsnevC Kurh. Wllllsm Otlllsm, Rciilicn
daunt and Benjamin lialtvson, all ot Heppner,
rri"n- JA8.F. MOORE.
U-SI Krslsler.
Notice of Intention.
i April J. iwsj Notlre Is herehr slven
i hut the (nllnwn(-namd sritlef has Sled nmlre
ni hu im. ,. i. on ii nuke flittl nrtHi' In siiitcrt
nl his rlslm. and thst said pmol will t made
helote josenh U .lbann. II 8 O.i... al Lexlng
ton, Uregoii. nn i-ina JB. I"". ls:
Hd g No. vm, lor the 8g, Bee. II, Tp. 1 a. R.
a K W. M.
He mm Hie Mlowlna witness? in pttnt
hlsrnnilniioi resUlence upon and cultivation
ol aaio ina, u:
T Vn,n. William galea, rrrns 5
Shlnn. all el lleipner, ttreton, and Kdwla R.
4H 4 WfttsleT.
rVo(c of Intention.
Us. Ornre v T.s Dsn as, Oss.ioa.
Mavwh. irat.
OTira ta ItrRFtY OIVEM THAT 111 It
tv lotto ln nm. settler kaa (lied rmtlra
ol his InlenUita U me Snal fttml in support
nl hi claim, and that eaWt pen" will ba ma.ia
helara ronntv ClerS. ol W-nro foiioty, al
Ueepner, Orrfm, na I"". i". via:
,r kii Htsn Mr Kl I Miorr.
ltd. t. ho. IMS, lof lit w Vs . If, To. 1 ft.,
I Ml
Ha names Ida Mlnwlna wltneaae lopm hi
Muillnanua raaidallM ULMlB and aalUvatt. O.
nt.gmag i. t
JaS. F. stiaiaa.
am. aS. rlur.
I'ltk fills are aoM by all dealers.
PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, J80S.
To Ths Public :
The followliin farts have derided us to open up an office st Tha Dal es, and ws believe the
wool growers will feel an Interest tu our proposition to hatid'.e their wool.
THE DALLES MARKET. --'n IWttsU million pounds of wool was marketed there,
which brought extreme prices Tho present outlook Is that not less than eltiht million pounds
w 111 be marketed there this season, and we believe wools sold In The Dalles w 111 bring full values
for the following reasons :
1st. 1 he large amount ot wool handled not only sttrac's bnver. and the most of them make
The Dalles their headquarters for Ihe season, causing a b'lk competition Tha Oregon mills us
not less tha'i two million pounds, so wools in Th Dalles have the benefit of this competition, si
well as for the East and Call torn la market.
2d. Th location of The Dalle Is inch that five transcontinental railroads compete for freight,
guaranteeing the shipper a low rate; in 1895 wools from The Dalles to the East were taken at a
rate cf 90 ct. per nun (red pounds.
Sd. Arrangements have been made with the railroad enmpnnl? whereby local freight to
Th Dalle when added to ihe freight from The D.ille East, will not be higher than the freight
from local point direct Bast, and la many cases less. These facts alone assure th growtrs th
highest poeslb'e price.
CONSIGN ME NTS." whHe we fully realize consigning wool Is a thing of the past, w
believe growers will do well to consider one prnpoaitlen, especially this season a thr Is avery
reason to believe It will be a slow, dravgjr rear.
Our business In th past hss been buying for Oregon and Eastern mill and dssters. Realising
how slow th mills and dealers will be In placing their orders this year, w think our method of
handling will be an advantage to the grower, and considering the wool will not be moved from
th home market nor from under your control without consent; you must not look upon our
proposition in th lUtht of shipping on consignment
For tan years past, "excepting IMfl, th yrar of th panic," wool bave brought better price
In ths home markets, as th season advanced, than at th opening, and w believe this will be
especially so this season.
Whan grower are rot In a position t hold their wool, or feel Inclined to sell to pay their
bill, w will Bisk an advance at a liberal rat of Interest; will take charge otth wool, py th
teamster's and olber charge when requested to do so, and when wools are to be (hipped to Tb
Dalle by rail, w will ia care of th railway freight from point of shipment to Th Dalles, aod
a such Poln's a Heppner and Arlington, will bar a representattv who will lak cbarg of
th wool nd Inrward It
Yon will keep l'i Rilttd that when shipping to Th Dalle there will be no ste eipens ta
yon, and considering th low prlc ol wool, w hav concluded to do thi work at J4 cent pet
na a in n piratca w near no Ton, ana scna irguiav accounts ot eastern ano local mark'
wbsn reqj
la 1. at. Kl'segu, to.
its Best S
The Crowning Climax of Exhibitional Grandeur at
or will t i
OS receipt of
Wood Wanted.
. ,n.,r,, Mr. A. N. sMke.. .4 rtne O" . Botte.ert-ly. N. T. JT ftl M t J JJt y W U .
trrMaM4raa.it. b-kc4 .b..,. ib.t if .be,, u " i?jlZrn?tVLr M'rif V'V U2 l! IP f
os o.ouib tt.at ba evea Wlter tbsa atami, . . Jif. Jtfjfrtl ltk A v V iJV'r7 . I
..r.. bsv. .o ,o, tbelr eeoM u u T - TMSl Y&jh )tW4 w
"blgbT p,., ...MM.hosit; saeans p .r Iseallts, iJli.w- -, -i.i.g in r-- TiWyl V 'tjffi , LJ 3
rtr. enese of tb. alters to latr am seal I M. j,. .ni.. Km enil ter.l'e
... ... . ..... i -
emiditina. to. t-f oi osm is -' M rt,,,rM4 B,Mnt ), bU ranch
if gree log grrstar as im fjMa H si ear
lag a.sy Im rat pri gr
ritt rn t iwkig ni.
hy tn plrttia Ml ore; latena. Itching
aaJ slingiiig; tt at HgUlj aura If
crati l.ieg. If alk.4 to ki
lamr fnas, .bleb iftea tle4 a.4
ttlreraU, tr..lg Very ov. tlwtiaaa
Oievuiat sti-i Im lbag a4 b44.
lag, el lerlh, ! la mm saaea
. IM Lean At 4r)gMa,e
by mail f. fkleoeta, r N.ayia. A rWaa,
ated a4 Uih. laws.
Vfr4 t't'a, M.edi'B 4eej
eel, ag4 It ya. II at to Wish.
lagua eigat ra a a.4 lata t
rfil4, ttvg, M4 b tare
Il4 tf m f f ttsai g
(1..i, y asu ti M lane; if t I
lun g. Aiy i'.iiims Ual eg l to.
elraU at ). Utiii'f teaivj y
1 L l l, ,arm, 'eU'ae S 'S-
it, " Vu4 gM.
Mr. t. A llsmilloa I trying lo pa
1.1 grata la la IM Tretty bar4
Mr. iealf (ppl balig il
kraM I . la 4ts bat Dait4 U fl4
Mr ltbef llaaailt Hi ' f"
km Vt .ll.. SVaah SAtll U hi
bfniLe IK A. Iliaiilioa.
MmalUlH. ll'Vteal, iM b. twa
Istme at Nr. 7. dHgi aertog .i
abMaee, ba rlarea4 rea.
Tba 4lrMtnr of ear 4rtet
ebaa4 a (he tasp of lb '' f 0'g
4f4a4 te tear eh4,
I'm vllaiv K. hav. '!'
M tliag a4 sM(4 hi tn Sam la
ihf avtiU Im eu4 ea14 get la
em1l'tm f.4 teastlag,
Mr 1t l tilJ, M Wei y
lag tve 4stt, Me tt f .y
lae-Lba g. it H I lt a e
after M llt la Wm gaft.
i TUsekayieaast U VL ub
at.l ao l.rt. 4 ny It la tbal lull
ii ! U net of
t.t. i.ntf4 ' a-K-'cr aevrr
.'. US SS'f Wl',
f ls ( l-b Ml .kef IS-
iiva C-e lial
HUaa r l.rl.v l -.dla saaars ynr
l..naa d g'St S'l IN (kjl.tf 'X.
n .,1. reiwve all lt ).pta t4
II .. ac' aa lw.t4 sua toaae
IC o.ll a4 - 1 Mat.
IM SS tn las IM rr. f" will
fiel i f .if al a
AIJ'.!' Tll 'i'i. lurea's.
Pall !. SH tulif Tf'kaaa
tU in I t Ibe H.H lake Tr.t.ia
ill e in-v M pW r4 its rW H'asg
ly t lluft-e tts i-CMetai
4a'l will saalaiaiaoi, .4 every
g alii M an I to lf IM
Week'f la In. 'ral ttet.
AV ! ta I.a'al ())
4eao im ? nl a a y
W aaklegtma. I. U , will 4 It to bat
4tla I. rati em a-Mrm th
fee. -'
Fee tf
n.t IVar romrla-kl a t'4
f4t. esy ! pMt l a
Ve.r tt ' fa.- to 9419, 'r
f Wii A Vt w.v
ni ik.i ila, mn I Ha lax n aal t - all
IK tnilnatne A a'lta-t eaal P"Hr "
lit NM.natn 9 ra, fnw "V - w i mm
lm tj lha aha mswI I I "s
'"m .'ir"l-a,T'"T-1hr.'tJ. 1 J 1 j J a J II I ll-jf aJf m
M. mmm Ik. ll r.al filt. l4 11 7 "" W
kMl s lha ml all aala to I
maU bf tb la aMUM4 fam t "".
1 gv Till U,
llalaUnw al la aaule 4 taae F
iZto4 triH'Taar W . t 4.
Kotict for fyblication.
f ABrrtt V lnSM forvsl
I I t w la fc r
tka lale "4 " kaa ansar
a.a I" a a.,i r ' l ef P""
kM,.l ,-4 IKI 1,14 l al l mt KI
l-a a t. r e m - 17 a !"
e-ri at Hare- " K la.
i. as .itwl t Nt Sl
M4 ff kimMiMisaitl
llll in s
Ha Swaawa Ik a s-.alo wtH mn
kW mm.tmmm) n t .i.i aMt a4 tllk
S,M la-4 n,;
M.. w N ) Vaaalt ta4srsa.
Tb mnal TraveUI, rpn'ar, Tamnos i1 a'tther tb (IretUst
T.Dle4 Klbitiilion f tlio t'uivffso. It la ! finitely ..fth
loof. t. ilriFa f-sr g.f .ir Mrve1uoa H(ciat
rrstarvo than it vrmit.l la , tLg
Ibanle) ai-il (lolai U .f an Show
I.. IU V. L
I Tbe CnspUt Circa Tmc po
A five C'Kitiaeat Arvalc AaMf
A faa laawaag
t rei!"' -, t l'rr. f V'e i
ea I all Tfce-at I tsag 'linsn e
a.4 M ) Coca, rr hU I;
s v A Vt siieav.
AllNations GHKATLST Male and Fctnile Cdetritics.
Asia, Cavp. Afrtea a at Arw-e ta raribatlo.
Too CiraaJ I ikibti-s. t 4 Vr'er I If, ttia so stltt.
tiMsis i ja at a4 J p. taw