OFFICIAL sl!ffV PAPER trail ig Z S i I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. I i - 5 t""" ' 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 m , , , , , , , , , , , , , M M , , M ,j MM IIUIIlMlfMUnillUltlHtlllMa Ul,tM M j - i i i I MY SUCCESS j Is owing to my liberality in ad-f ertis:ng Robert Bonner. vr -v. FOURTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. POKLlKHEU Tuesdays and Fridays BY M PATTERSON PUBLISIIINT, CIWPANi OTiS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, - - Edtor Business Manager At $8.5;) per year, fl.25 tor six months, 75 cts. or throe mouths. Advertising Rate3 Made Known on Application. . THIS PAVKH ifl kept on lile at E. f). Dako'e Advertisinn ABency.fll mid 65 iflnrchanta Eiehanga, San Francisco, California, where cou tacts for advertisiiia oan be mauls for it. 0. R. & N. -Local card. Train leaves Hepn"er 10:4."i p. m.dallv. except Sunday. Arrive5:00a. m. dailv, except Mon day. , Went bnnnd pusienner leaves tl' ppwr Junc tion I ill h. m ! e-ist bo md i : i I a. in Freiitht train leavi- ll-pp ict .1 inter urn gnlii? east at 7; 1 1 p m. a id l):10 u. m. ; going west, USUI p. in and 6.10 a. in. I liiteil fiUten OMi ialit fieairt'mt V ire-l'riwiileiit.... , Heo'M'ry of Slate., ywrwtury or TreiKitry ,, Serrwary of Inferior N"Milary nf War f'-reiarynf Mavy..... C ! iiiustor.lnneral it' Miy-'niral 5jeorota: j o" Xariciiluire.. . .Grover Clevehtnit ...Ad ai S'iv-mihoe ... Kiohiini 8. Olnet ....John H. (WUali Holt- Snnli. ,. Darnel H. liKmoni . .llilnry , Mrterl Wil'iam I., nun . . J iiiIhoii llarruot: . J. StnrliiiK Mr in1 State ai Oregon Hoternor w p o'r' Peertryof Huta 11. It. Kincaiil Triwinnir p,ii, m,.i., Rnnt. Piil.lie lin'rnction II. M I wir Attorney Geneial 0. M. I.I emu. Senator 1 Comrresmnen "'"fer Herman t rnnter. . W. 'I. Ucd ( n. H. B -an. ... K. A. Miore, Mi- E. Wnlvurl Supreme .Iii-Ikm lvortot Sixth Judicial hMrlet. Circuit Jmlure Stephen A. Iwe'l rrosoctiunir Attorney Jolm it. Lawrnj Morrow Comity Ottli-ial-, Joint Henator Kanrneentntite ' untjr Jndire '." Commissioner.., J. M. Baiter. " ClerV " HhnrirT " Trwaanrnr Hnrrnyor Hohool Bup't.... t!oronr . . W. Rowa' . J 8. Boothh: .Jiiliim Keiihl .. J. It. Ho wan .T.W. Morro ..G. W. llnrrtiifftn Frank (jillinn J. Willi ... Geo. Un Anna l)ali(e . .... T. W. Ayern. J' HiprHBB town omoin, oi . . Thos. Monrai Cmneilinen (). E. Fariwworili. X Llnhtonthal. Pa'tron, T. W. Ayr, Jr 8. 8. Horner, E, J. Hlocain. Kenonler K. J. Mallnel Prewnrer E. L Fi"liri Uarthal A. A. Uoberti frei!inOiniili. Jnatinenf the I'eaoe ..E, I.. Preplan'' lyonitalil. N .-. H'hUw United Stated Uml OrHeera. THE DALLEH. OR, J. F. Moore H"miI" A. a. Higm ltiteif. i LA ORMIDK, OB, B. F, WPwm nsl"t J. II. Kobbins ItemtiTei HAWUNH I'air, NJ.IL a. a. it. Kettt at Lexington. Or., the lut Batnrdaf o ttct. month. All Tetenoa are Invito! to tuin. C Uko. W. Hmith. Adlntant. If lommamlm L U M li E It ! iri havii run hai.k aix kixds or oh V dmcaed Luinlxtr. IS mile o( Huppuer. bat li known aa the BOOTT HAWMIIjIj. riK 1,000 MKT. KOUUH, " " M CUCAK. 9 17 F DIUVERRD IS KRI'PNBR, WILL ADI w w per uuwi net miiniiai. ' The abort quotatlaiii are trlclly for Caab. L HAMILTON. Prop. national m ol Mwi WM, PCNLANO, EO. PraaUeat, K. RIKHOr. Caatlr. TlUNSACTi 1 mmi BANKING BCS1XE' OOLtKOTIONS Mad no Fafoniblt Tunaa, EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOU BEiTNER. If OREOOH Ofltario-lluros Stmc Lice BUBjiS-mOHSTflBEUKE H. . WI'.'.IAMS. f op. oxTAitionunxs braves Bt'M iHMv at e is and ar fives al UuUiN t 42 ttr. Slnqlo Foro $7 00. Round Trip $10.00 "WTliHM!l IMA I Jj fmf lnui.4 nunx-iasros' laia Hnea 4mVf eee4 4af fnAeeia SI af I .it I K ti. inmmH eif a ' f-ite l HfV fsltl ta t' iintoih, rrt.Mt Ilia aa4 Utfl at i'.t. Now U lit I. ma Ia .f thm Waty lha W.4. ia e.t.h aiet I ly t aittae.iwa tr II rkl 1 . rwie ItVu SmwtHio ,4 mm aewfM rWlnw I ,WSI I ,,n,l(H W.n, f !",, an , j,, Cwaas U w aa4 etbill, UNITED STATES SUPT. THe Family ot Hon. R. Sinitn Made Well Dy Fame's Celery Compound. "To bim wlm io (he love of Nature Huhitt oommubiou itb ber visible (urns, Sbd apetiks a various lBnRaa(?e." No one baa a deeper i d f i h t in'o na tnr'e waya ll a-i Ibe iiiperiulendent of Hie f x eiiMve buiauie ganleu of die Uui'ed HtHles at Wimhiiiloo. No out kuowa an well hi be what pre ciniia nppnrinniiie come wit b June. Hii t Smilb, like meat foieulifJo per sona, firmlj behefialbat evr)ntie wonlil brt b. n-HHeii by thkinii a remedy bile Hie blou I is rraditat lo be purifleJ and luyiiforileJ. Paine'a celery eompimtid ia the ooly Pennine medicine worthy i.f the name, io Ibe opinion of Stipt 8niiib. tie writer: Wahikoton, D. 0.. Marob 4, 1890. Oenilrii en Tbe female mttuliere of oy bnueei.dld are more (ban deligbted Ub Pttiue'a celery eompnaod. I learn f'ora ntber fiiei,d Ibat ill popnlarity la Readily growing. It aids dltfettion, and 10 view of tbe prevalence of djapepam, 11 ia ooa of (be benefactions of tbe age. Very rea ectf ally, Wm. R. Pmiib, 8 apt. 0. S. fotaolc Qardto. J raioe celery oomptiood ia aa fur re. mived aa Ibe poles from lha many Iriv lal, nnaoirfil flo prrparalixoa ibat eall bemtelve medioine. . It baa earned Ibe "Biplele eotiUdeoce of men and women tbe orld over. T. R. HOWARD DfcALB IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! H milt make it to object for yoa lo trad with Lito m bit price r riht, toj all goodi that b bandies are of tb ter beat. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Heppner, - - - Oregon. All tUaw can 1 procerej al Ibompain A Hiooa, Ixrr Mala Btrref Heppner, Orejp.n. YkMtiIWMiartteilxto4 Ilk rieat Idnrf rrer. fit II.-tn4 Mk.i fctl aM a... , 4 Um, U ...!.. Setups MTtraMMl aUt Walk nxe i aaeplnf i a t U THOMPRON The Lancasimrf. Insuravck Co. f MNfMltari((, MIUMII nrr: v ifttt .... ... HEPPNER, MORROW Il ia f xoluslvely implnyed iu famillei where nothing abort of Ibe beat oi every tbing pertaining to health will do. It baa lived np to tbe moat aaDgnine eipeatationa of pbvaioiaoa whooaturalh look for exiraordinary resolts from tbi uimovery 1 1 ao eminent a pnysiolan a- Prof. Edward E Ph.lpa, M. D, LL. D., of Dart moot b medic W nchool. luai rniue r celery compound doe cure poaiiively and permanently all lia eaaea erieitig from impura blood or tie- o'ine iu the vigor of tbe nerves ia obeer fully attetted by thousands of earnest men and women. Weaknega, depression, irr'tability pxin and langnnr tell ibat Ibe Dervotit matter in ti e brain, nerves and spinal oord la not getting sofOcieot nourish ment. To qnickly fnroleh a freah aud abnn- dnnt supply of tntrltuenl for every lie atie of the body ia the pnrpose for whlob Paine'a celery oomnoaud was first pre pared. Tlia rapid production of f res I, oervons energy and pare blood was tbe aim of Trof. Edward fc, Phelps' long study of the causes of oervons exbaoa Hon. . The result of bis H'e work was Pains' celery componod this remarkable rem edy Ibat permanently cores diaeaaea of lbs liver, kidneys and atomaeh. It h lbs gteateat oerve regolator and blood purifier of ibis century. Do You a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle I Iorsc ? Sr, BT3STNS. COUNTY, OREGON, W13B AND lirilEUWISE. This world baa too moon grief and pain ; Too many tears by half, And no my blessings do I (five To those who make me laugh. Theo let tbe stiff ones iasg alonp; Their talk is but s chaff; While strength ia iu the pla lul words That stir the ligb.some laugh. ' True, serious moods must have tbeii plaoe, ; , ,,. For work is life'ii great stuff; But they toil beat, who, now and then, Send forth this merry laugli. And bo, sines sbuSowg form ot life By far the lrKr lialf Our siouere blesojugi let ua give To those wbo make Us iuugh. Walter Soott Stetson. Onoe, when one of Farrut's guu boats ou the Missisttipi was j tat koiuk into aotioo, oai of tbe powdir monkey ws potioed by ao officer kneehnu by out of tbe guns saying bin prayers. Tbe ot floer sueenogly naked bim what he tm doing, and if be wt.s afraid. No; I Wat praying." said lie. "Well, wbat wen you praying for?? "Praviug," a. id tt.e ai, "that the enemy's bullets uny U d S tibuled the same as the unzi uiouei principally amoug the offleera." Ao old highland seigeaot in one of tLe Scottish regiiuenia was going tberouudr ous uigbt to see that ail the lights wer, out in the bnrruck-ro ma. Coming to t. room where be thought he saw a light shining, be roato.1 out: "Pit ool thai light thereT' ! Oue of the men shouted buck, "ItV the uiuue. seigeauL" aoi bearing very well, the serge m oned iu return; "1 diuiia dre a laukit what it ia! Pit it out!' It was customary iu Baron OrabamV day to auspeod judgmeut iu oriuiiua Odses till the close of the assizes, auu Uieu deliver the eeutenoes all iu a lump A m u bad been B30ideutally omitted in ibe list of o piial puuidiimeuts, of which be was remiuded on coming to tbs end. "Ob, yes, I eee, Johu Thomson; Jjbn rhomson, I beg your pardou; you are al so to be banged by tbe neck uuiil you are dead, and may the Almighty have mercy ouyour nnaerable soul also." ' It is a great mot ike to tnppoae that a iuipl tuuiv gnM miei g b; it mi' Stimulates me StomaCli to .euevv MOli m t'o impart real atrnuit'u, the bl.iod must ne punfl d aud ennuiied, and this oau uly he Uuun by auqb a ntandard altera tive as Ayet'e dHraapanlla. a wotto with iiia uocron. Hoap used oti tbe bair is apt to make it brittle. It any I lo be used, tar soap is tbs beat, and after using, riuss the bair io several waters la wb-cb a little powdered boras baa been dissolved. Sometimes adults, but mora frequent ly lufants, ars trouble! by bioomigu lo a distressing degres. Taks a tesspoonful f granulated sugar, and moisten with cider vioegar, and, for as iofaot, give small portions at a time, aod Ibe trouble will vary aooa disappear. Tbi r ia bat oos wsy ef gelling rid i f blaokueada, and that il by f'aug I hem out of lbs oloa-ged p res. But iu pren og theru out btttors Ibsskiu is properly nftenad aud prepared f.r their eleoin.o ibs palienl ruptures ibe delioale liasue. oauaiug either ao agty liHUcror. more likely, so enlargement of the opeuing liloh imutediaialy fills pp again, aa h lima inoreasiug iu aits aod mora mahg oant ia appearaocs. Lla. k beads may not 0ly bs removed wilbout leaving an) aoar, bat onr rid i-f. lha patient need owver ayaio bw troubled witu them It bs will sarafolly follow directioas. For lo r Ibree weeks, nottl Ibs sklo is lbr ongbly softaasl, apply a erwa ur oiol- meat at aiaht after aorobbieg tba faar witb soap aad water. Be surt to ns( tbs aoap well oal of ibs fas. Ijiy Ihor. oagbly before applying lbs eream or dnlojHrot. Wbr lbs blaekbeads appear b baok and als balwawej I ba breaais. bssamt iraleaal is rrf tired, fnt- ilua, vssblasd a ilb aa emollient, is death tablsrk bead. A willy and aeaiiajeatal pbyalelan bas praeefibwd lbs followlsg sort tors for 'lbs mal,dy ot luv:" Heart, it. Luve, ad lib. Mil Ibe bearts a ell t -gel bar. Add lbs lova and lake triaaetitly. Uyetetl A WedUk,C'bewiala, It, Cupid, M. IK Aalitotln ahnrieM lb lia aded for iris rtleaUna af lb lab la ib Urvi I m aea i.f eeuap awl dpbbrl. aee e1ig Ut I. 0-bl, ft IN f 2)3 .M. afal abefa) al u lmtm iibal antit liae Ida avafaa tmt4 t4 ialnUlWxi waaaoveftty ble.a boajra, wbiU tb average droliua l fiMly fits t Mafttl eaawa wnb ei.tit. aa mn a s boars, betag a r1Kija n atgbiawa j boars. bfr. Jaeaea rerdae. aa eM lilie a at Moarrw, Kuril., M teff .fS p-d with liaiia, but t.e...d eSipf eelial fenea pml bp aaiaa? Caaaa bwMa's l am Hla. HsMft "Ain, iy Ut wM aiMa. eadlv ia I e.etd aeaelt . p f f tH , Ml fli.f W tv. tl trt W.H. 'ee ! (til-rl.i,'a I ata Kalaa ha A a ' M g'l al'l if m . t f .. fn , .jr M bf 4 Ikm k, l.a4 aU TUESDAY, JUNE ... i . - . . THINGS YOD OUGHT TO KNOW. There is ibis difference between a wise man aod a fool : The wise man expects future thing, but does not depend upon them and iu the meantime enjiys the oreseut, remembering the past with de light; but (he life of tbe fool is wholly carried ou to tbe future. Iu Japan pBper ooats, oiled and thus made wattrproof, have been io nee for at least teu centuries. The first gold pens made iu this ooun try were all manufactured by bund, the gold being cut from strips of tbe metal by soisaors, and every subsequent opi nion being performed by baud. These naud made gold pens oost from 85 to i'20, aud were far iuferior to the machine- oiade article of tbe present day. lit ..111 ..k... . "-"U"ii o imiiuua Baying, -j y guif I j' resie," which he ia said to have used at tbe taking of the Mulakoff tow ir, and which wee used to desonbe bU policy wbeu presideut of the republio, Uis nt late beeu asserted to have been made up hfter the eveut. The veterau writieU general, Sir Miohutl Biddulph, wuo was iu cummuud of the suumuriut nelegiaph servioe during tbe seige of Se oaatopii, uaa wijtteu j M. Germain uapst, the historian, that he weut bim I a a. as aa . . ieu iu iucaianon ana asked what he tUould report to General Simpson about lue poaiti.iu or I ho French at the Mala--ff . WoMiihuu answered, pointing to he, fori "i'out va bieo; voua pouvex lire que j y buib et que ju oouipte y ,es I lava lived to know that the great se- et of huuiaa happinees ia this: Never ull'er your energies to etaguate. Adam Clark. A chemist soys the smell of roses, ergatnoi, clove piuks, some of tbe bon ysuokles, grapes (boib bloom and fruit), peach and plum blossoms are both touic ud prophj lactic. They add totbeosone if euvirotmeoi, either by giving il off ibtmoelves or liberutiug it from other el omenta of the atmosphere. Contrariwise, uearly all of the lily fumily, tuberoses, ueroii-whioh is Ibe oil of orange How era violets aud uearly all tbe artitfoial perfume., are depressants and irritant io the uerves aod tbe niuoou membrane Musk is to many cousii utious slow poi 4ou benoe the danger of cheap per fumes. 11 oak is the baia ot tliem ail. "To oalcb a weasel ualeep" is ,'odioa iv of Ibe rXtrvme vigdauae of Ibesaau male, who are diaturbrd and mada wide wake by any souu I, h .never s ight. A Uralghtforward, opeuhearled man may be safely lift to manage bis own concerns. J ana Austen. Which is Ibs butter mo ot tbs two be who uvr repents, or ho wbo is goiog lo reoent tomorrow ot tbs sius ba is committing today ? AH of Ibe bigh cast Hindoos are vsg alarleiiB, aod of lha very strictest type. They will Dot eat egga. fi-h or even soups or bruiha that bave any misluie ot meats, Somt men talk almul their honor ba Ing hut abrn they msao thtir epi dermis. Tba lunoels nf lbs world ar etiuutd to nnmlMr aUmt I.14J. with a lotal leoglb id Hi miles. Tbere are aUial Um railroad lonoela, Iwalvs subaq-le-oos tuotiela, iilnely oaual luouals aod forty eonduit louuels, with aggregate lengths ot about three boodred aod fifty mile, bine miles, seventy oiilag aod oigblv-flvs UiUs reapeetivaly. At lbs tod of raoh bair tf a eat's nbi-kert 1 a balb of oaivons tobelaoee bieh roovarta tba bair into sioaaiog ly delicate feeders. Il ia said tbl if parsley Is ralea aiib oiiloaa or a aatad aM.laiolng oaioas, tba do nf ibs iMikiM will avl affawt lha breath. Tbs pl.s of par.ley sboald be ssiea a yo wuvld celery. Wera esea m tailgbieatl aod aladi- na of ibelr oi god as lo act by tbs dictates ot tbetr reaaoa aad rtO-atioa, aod o lha up bi o of tMbei,(-ooeeiuc 'd b lb- aUa.1 ralar of baaaaa life. aod lb words Irotb, law, rea, eaiiy and rllg aa too Id b bat yaeya)oa leraaa fur lhal aly galj wbtrsj a.ket teaordaitia)ovraofavir aadap ptobalioa. C ag rev wnatd preps r a drsaia f.a? lb IN wek lef tea sS, Iboagb f-iar r Ire liiwas II.M perl al waa give! io ibs work i.f rviett aad reatri on ader b play bad ba la Us at )'. lire! Itsrlt's mw ily aad Jems K lfiMs laieal pteea i f bav bulb faa avarl bv Toe ledi' II m i tut teolti pabikalioa iri's -tf at MiUl lUfaald Biakai rtsa l-r aad I5d." a 4 bk aa ia Ideal la f iimiilii L-ad'ea aneMt. ht Mafle eall alney 'Tm aar4ita . re -'irw r-Ha.ev ..i i a .. An l m !, fH. in I , a. ant, a i e iiitaM, u . i iJitrf aa m' 2, 1896. Highest of aU in Leavenmg ABdOIsllTECV PURE KA8TEKN OREGON WEATHEtt AND CHOPS. A comparison of tbe temperature showa tbat tbe warm wave was not oonfined to tba-western portion of tbe state. The average temperature of the Columbia river valley was 67 deg., which la 4 de- grass warmer than tbe overage for the week previous. South and east of tbe Blue mountains there was a rise io tbe 1 average temperature of 6 degrees. The ! first portion of tbe week was decidedly oool, being marked by a fail to 26 deg. at Baker City oo Monday morninp. Freeing temperatures, with frost, were frequent inclusive of Wednesday. The latter part of the week was warm, the temperature recording between 66 and 76 deg. The rainfall was slight in tbe Columbia river valley, ai d heavier tban usnal south of tbe Blue mountains, where thunder storms occurred. Great benefits are being derived from warmer weatber and suushine. Wheat and grasses are making a wooderful growth. A large orop of hay is assured, aiooe the aoil is ladeo witb moisture suf do ieot to mature the crop. Tbe rains of tbe paat caused orops to look fresh and green. Some complaints are made of cut worms in the wheatbyma, Beottous, but tbere ia do rurt. Fall-sown graia would mature without mora raiu, hm spring-sown must still bave more. Uraa on lha range is furnishing good food for tbe stook. Oats wert sown back from the Columbia river. Wheat and barley bave stooled well. Tbs prospects are good tor a large grain orop. Early gar dens are making a rapid growth, and vegetables are coming iuto market. Ma oy potatoes have been planted, aod mora will ba plaoted it favorable weatber coo tlnoea. On bigh and sheltered ground about Mosier prune avoided Ibe frost, but oo low ground many orchards ars a failure la the Bood River valley prunes appeal to be setting well, and will yet make s orop. Apple trees are In full bloom St rawberrlea are ripeoiog,aod shipments have been made to Tbs Dalles, Pears aod oberrias Bra doing well, and otber fruit, icepl peaobes and apricota, are ool boil o a great extent, and are expected to make good orops. Io Union oonnty and to tbe south, where iruit trees were lets blooming, generally, the orop prospects ars ool impaired. S. M. BiAnipoan, Observer Weather Bureau. Food, wben it soars on tba atomanh become innulritiv and nowboleoom Il poison ibs blood, aod both mind and body suffer io conn quest a. What is needed to reatnrs perfect digeatiou is a loa or two of Aysr's Pi lis. Tbev nvr fail lo relieve. CURIOUS TREES. Thai Ara aiaabla, (Hawaii 4 lltetart. Tba largest orange tree ia tbe tooth ia a gigaotic specimen which grows out f the rich aiil in Terr 1 tonne pariah, Ioiilaiana. It la fifty feet bigh aud fif teen fort In circumference atthabaa. It yield baa often been Ua thousand oranges per aeaatm. The "tallow tree" of China bas a pith from one Inch to two feet In di ameter, aoourdiug to the alia ot the trre, which ta computed of a ffreaay wai. which U ao highly volatile that ft often catches fire apont ariruualy, eonautuleg tbe tree to the very end of iu root. Th largest oak Ire now left stand ing la England ia "(owthorp s oak." which laaevenly-elght feet ia rlrcum ferenre at tbe ground. The oldest tree la llritaln ia " Parliamentary oak," la ( liwUe park, London, wbkh ia boowa to b fifteen boodred years old. Tbe largeat apple Irs In New York state ia said to be on standing Dear th tuwa of WIImib. It waa plant,! io the year and It U oa rwrnrd tbat it one yleldml thirty thr barral of apple ) a slngl eran. Thar ar four hundred and thirteen aperie of tree f.eand growing wlthia th limit of the United MtaUa. Tbe earbatity of the whd bet to th blavk iroawwal, of IhaHda, wbkh to thirty per eeaU heavier tba water. Wall dried bla k irnnwgnd will sink la water alnwiat aa qui. Wly a will a tier of lead. Th "Hf Ue" of Jamaica to banter ti bill lhaa any MherieHeof wmd growth know W arh.cli-ollsrl.t4. It eoatlnae to fiwe and thriv f, Bkoaib afur being pruuUd aad puaed Ui lb sun. MitiiAirji or THE SKI. Tbe iiUM Ikbing and aaMning Imb " en, wiet. aalt-ebewa, iMhIli dawae nlb aala to iaaUHlly altortil by applying LhantUrlaiat f t tad rikia OtMment, Many Vary bad t-e bsvt ba perwia nattily rrd br it. Jt to tnttally eflketit tw ikbing ptb and a fatnritrm wlf e www ppbat tbai f4 bamU, tbib MaiflM, trM In Ian, and tkmnto nr eraa. ttefaaesb ill wtl.l at U estrlS ft bbt, Trf lr. fads fawdlttoa IVwdrre, tbe erajtaa what a beas aaani wkea la badetwdb Mav "lian, tl.l -Miler a4 viifg fuT tat If IWear t r1rek,drelatt I , fc,f l a ( a fliM'i .xiltoM, eai..a n ,H " , K ! a thai 1 1te .. WEEKLY WO. 693 1 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4451 - Power Latest U. S. Gov't Ri eport . Bbbbbbk A JAPANESE ROMANCE. The love Story or Count Ito, Told by Sir Edwin Arnold. Of Count Ito, the distinguished Jap anese statesman, Sir Edwin Arnold Rives us this interesting1 incident: "I sat at the table with the cx-premier and his wife and children. The countess, quiet, gentle, motherly and wearing spectacles, carving the tai and the kamo with such matronly serenity had yet a history of romance and de votion which could make the wildest fictionist's fortune. "Long ago, in those dark and WnnrW days when the minister was her lover and a fugitive from his enemies, there came a time when they had tracked him to her house and had chosen a band of Soshis to assassinate him. The noise of their clogs and the rattling of their scabbards were heard and the count, trapped like a stag in his mountain pleasance, drew his Bizen blade and prepared to die, as a Jap anese lord should, amid a circle of foes. But while he murmured 'Saganorel' and knitted his fingers around the shark skin hilt of his sword that bravo lady whoso guest I was whispered: 'Do not die; there is hopo still,' upon which sho removed the hlbaehi, or .firebox, over which they were i sitting, and, lifting up the mat VjKand Planks beneath, induced her lover to conceal himself in the hollow space which exists under the floor of all Japanese homes. The murderers broke into the room, a ferocious band, just as the firebox had been replaced and the countess had assumed a posi tion of nonchuluncc. "They denmuded their victim and when sho protested against their in trusion and bade them search if they wanted Ito, tho wretches dragged her uround tho apartment by her long, beautiful bluck hair now touched with silver and grievously maltreated her, but could not shako her resolute fideli ty. Thanks to this Count Ito, the hero of many another strange adventure, cseuped from tho chief peril of his career and has lived to glvo his country anew constitution and to be one of the foremost and best respected states men of modern Japan." i Old-Tlme Football. Football ha never been a very gen tle game, to Judgo from what Waster Htubbee aa.vs about It in his "Anatomic of Abu.Hoa," published in US3. For as concerning football playing, I protest unto you It may rather bo called a friendly Ulndo of fight than a play or recreation; a bloody and trurtbering practice than a aiK.rt or pastime. For Uooth not every one lyo in walght for h e adversarlo. seeking to overthrow bim and to pieko him oa bia nose, though it be on hard atones, ao that by this nieanea. aomctlmea their necka are broken, aotnetimes their backs, aome timca their leg, aolnctimoa thclr arraea; sometimes one port throat out of Joyot, aometimea another; sometimes the nones gush out with blood, aome timea their eyes start out CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE Hit la IN re.elt at eaM sag stataaa cliawtl saaaeaa. Itcaa barnrad hya r"Mnt ivamlr Whir teatmlied 41. rettif Hits th andril. It ai'lr a-aucuartu git tly's Cream Balm Jj arkMan4lrej le ba tha am Unmet, ear foe fieas! II euwta. Cot la Kent awl llay r m af all aedte. Il ope, an ilarn the a aalaaaaaeea, snare pla e4 lSwnaao, keel lha am, ixo. te-na Ike moIkw (rota RriiW, ndm h. ea af taaan4ceii, rrrm al lrnMar k ai.iL Air bacr1UKIU,MarraiHM,w ttk, Vour Face Wn weaatnaal Willi m wa g(g amlta, after fv lnet la a WhiteSewiDgMacIiinB SCWieett wife) Its PINCH TCNStCN. TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER. tb wt rmeintrt sil iWks rear 4J4 l say ataiej Tba UIIITi: It Of ftol fiaUh til firfnl Aifjilwea. Srwl AIL Is mil'9 ArUtot. Aa4 1 d J b w ) to W lb tm$ bum M ' t I . A tit Iinlit i Waatia U M' '- Ab., J j I I ' I eae. f , ear. f 'VeasuaUi. III IIL . I., J I-. -Wiii-a, ltVt I tL-VLL-'J.J. C. -it niit) n mi a.