Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 29, 1896, Image 4

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    E. McNEluL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. B. A N.
Agent at Ileppner, cr address
Geo. Pass. Aft.
New Law Requires that Choice Mast be Indi
cated by Cross.
At the lest session ot the legislature of
the state of Oregon the election laws of
the state were remodeled in several par
ticulars. The most significant of the
changes requires that the voter shall
mark in indelible ink to the left bsod of
the name ot his choice, instead of cross
ing ont or ercsiog all names bat the one
it is desired to vote for. 8eotion 59 of
these laws is printed in full below for
tbe purpose of potting voters upon their
guard. It reads as follows :
Seo. 59. On receipt of his white bal
lot as aforesaid, the eleotor shall forth
with and witbont leaving tbe enclosed
spaoe, retire alone to one of tbe oom-
partments or places provided, and soaii
there prepare his ballot by marking im
mediately to tbe left of the name of the
candidate of bis ohoioe for snob office
to be filled, or by writing in the name
tbe person be wishes to vote for; and in
oase of a constitutional amendment or
other question submitted to the vote of
the people, by marking to tbe left ot the
answer be desires to make, wbiob sball
be done with an indelible copying pencil
or with Den and ink. Before leaving
tbe compartment, or plaoe provided, tbe
elector sball fold bis ballot so that tbe
face thereof will be oonoealed, without
disolaving the ballot or informing any
person bow be has prepared it; and be
sball fold tbe ballot so tbat tbe remain
Ing stub may be readily torn off without
exposing tbe contents of tbe ballot or
the marks or oroeses thereon. Be sball
then deliver the ballot to the chairman,
and state his name and residence.
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery
man and merchant of Goshen, Va., has
this to say on the subject of rheumatism
"I take pleasure in recommending
Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheuma
tism, as I know from personal experi
ence that it will do all that is claimed
for it. A year ago this spring my
brother was laid op in bed with inflam
matory rheumatism and goffered in
tensely. The first application of Cham
berlain'i Pain Balm eased tbe pain and
tbe use of one bottle completely cured
him." For sale by Oonser. & Brock
Through trams on the 0. R. & N. will
run via. Umatilla. Walla Walla and
Pendleton. Through sleepers, first and
seoond-olas, will run in oouneotion with
tbe Union Pacific tbe same as hereto
'ore. A through first-class sleeper Port
land to Spokane, oooneoting witb tbe
flrst-olass sleeper to St. Paul, and
through tourist sleeper Portland to St
Paul, will run In onnneotion witn tbe
Great Northern rail war . tt
Come to me-no, 8woet Merino,
Eweet Merino, come to me-no.
Hot because your fleece ii fair sheep to see,
But every cattleman in the dell
Would like to see the sheep in h 1,
But twinkle your little bell, Sweet Merino.
There's a spot not far away poor Merino,
Where there's lots of old baled bay that
I've seen O,
And when toothless with old age,
In a tussle you'll engage.
You'll be blotted from life's page Poor Merino.
Come to me-no, Sweet Merino,
Sweet Merino, come to me-no.
You'r a knot-head and a sand-bank I can see;
As I shear you, you will think
That you'er held by htnky dink,
. But yeur hide I will not pink, tough Merino.
Election time is here, Sweet Merino, .
I can see a keg of beer in my dream, Oh !
Round the keg in circie drawn,
Roachers swift of muscle brawn,
Will linger till the dawn, I opine Oh.
Come to me-no, Sweet Merino,
Sweet Merino, come to me-no.
You'er not clean-no I can see-no.
You'er a corker but I'll tackle you once
. more ;
O'er the wrinkles in your hide, where the
gravel does abide,
With a "Moreland Swath" I'll slide, tough
Every democrat that shears, poor Merino,
Is shedding briny tears, poor Merino;
For he voted like a clown and courted for
tune's frown.
So he'll shear you upside down,
poor Merino.
aid to Be Beneficial la Cats of Dye-
peps la.
"Critics of America," said a well-
known physician, "have poked fun at
us for being' a nation of rockers. Amer
icans have been pictured as sixty mil
lions of persons seated in sixty millions
of rocking chairs some of them cra
dles, of course. But now comes Dr.
Laine, a French West India physician,
who says, it is good for us. He has
been talking of what he calls 'the
good effects that the lullaby chair exer
nifipft nn Riirnpt,a Affected with atonv of
the stomach. Atony is want of tone. There are numerous diseases having
"Laine says that a course of rocking their origin in the blood, but which on
chair after each meal, the oscillations the surface do not appear to be a blMd
Successor to C. 8. Van Duyn. Next door to City Hotel.
Has everything in the line of Fresn urocenes,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
. Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
being quiet and regular,
gastrointestinal peristaltism,' and that
dyspeptics should take notice. The
chair ought to be light, so that rocking
requires no effort, and sufficiently in
clined backward that the person may
lie rather than sit in it. Physicians
will agree that Dr. Laine has done caused by some simple malady, because
Americans a real service. It has always of the low ebb to which life is reduced
been rather difficult to explain the na- Dy tms poverty oi dioou.
Such is Malaria, which is a
noison breathed into the lunsrs, and thus
taken into the blood and circulated, im
buing the entire svstem with its morbid
. . rr a -
ellects. TH09e wno nave sunereu huu
this dreaded disease know what a life
less condition ensues and how the vitality
is wasted awav so that death is often
tional passion for the rocking chair, but
now it is only too easy. Americans are
the worst sufferers from indigestion
and dyspepsia in the world, but it now
appears that we have instinctively
rushed to what is now proved to be the
best system of relief.
This condi
tion of the blood often eives rise to
boils, carbuncles, abscesses and ulcers,
and not infrequently causes catarrh,
bronchitis, and even consumption.
Pantain Henrv Bond, late of the U. S
Navy, has been a sea-faring man all his
lifp and has been in all parts ot
world, havincr sailed twice around
"The man who lunches on pie and Cape of Good Hope, once around Cape
then balances himself in a rocking Horn and three times through tne. uez
chair is unconsciously doing his best to Canal. Captain Bond resides at the Na
stimulate his astro-intestinal peristals tional Military Home, Dayton, Ohio, ana
ism: he is nracticallv sintrinir a lullabv n tt recent leer sav9:
Deafness Cannot be Cared
By local applications as tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion ot the ear.
There is only one way to oure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is oaused by an inflamed con
dition of tbe mucous lining of tbe Eus
tachian tuba. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sonnd or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, deafness is the result, and
unless this inflammation can be taken
oat and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever: nine oases out of ten are oaused
by cstarrb, wbiob is nothing Dut an in
flamed condition of tbe mncons surfaces.
We give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of deafness (canned by oatarrb) tbat
cannot be cured by Halls (Jatarrh (Jure.
Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggist, 75o.
8. 0. Smith and Bro, have loos ted
tbe building opposite P. 0. Thompson
On., and are prepared to do cabinet
work, pioture framing, undertaking, etc'
at prices to suit. Bee ad elsewhere, a
If yon think of buying an engine of
any size or kind send for our Catalogue
No. 30, oontaimng illustrations and
prloes of every kind of engine from one
up to 25 horse power, at bottom prioes,
or Lint No. 2!, Cor yanlit engines, boil,
era aud machinery. Either sent free.
197 Canal Street, -
fmm V.H.Jmmat ef ViMl
Prof. W. H. Feeke, who
makes a specialty of
Eutlrpny, has without
doubt treated and cur
ed more casts than any
living Physician; hit
success is astonishing.
We have heard o( case
of so years' standing
mwm unuy
mm. tie
co.. uii ua
J-'I V i " 1 1 Tt 1
larre bot
tle ot his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
wno may senu iiu-ir r. i . arm express amireita.
we ailv o nnv nne wmhitiir a cure tnandreaa
FroI.W. 0. KEU, ?.!., Cedar St., Hew York
And ell pointe la California, via the ktt, Bhaeta
route or ux
Southern Pacific Co
Tha (mat titahway Oirooah California to all
imiula Kt and Huuth. brand taenia lUmle
ot tha lauAo t. Pullman Huflat
Hlaapera. Hwxniit-claae Hlmirs
Attached In einreea trains, affording Superior
mimwiHtatluDa for awowd-elaaa panaw.
fur Mae, link), eiaaiu ear I i latluna,
i. oall nxa ur allreae
R. KOKHI.KK, Manairxr, I. P. BOG KM, last.
Oen. P. r. Aft., Portland, Oregon
m r i i
- to Tim 1
Thrnngti Pultman I'alar Mlrffwra.
T.mrl.l airra and Pre Miwllnlnf ( hall
far I' A 1 1, 1 U, i hi. .
Many h...ns aa4 'la thla Una l rUf
,for them
I get thorn, plant
rthem. They are the
'staiidiird seeds every
where: sown by the
Inrccrt planters in the world.
Wlit-ilier you plant do square Uwt
of uroiind or W aerea, you ulioiild
Ilia lUOPb TBHIK.tin i.
tuors and tanlnrs rvar givaa
away. Manoa irtw.
Drtralt, Hick.
4 Xftvrntr ml fa i'ran Hiuiwu.
f A Cemplat St, '"""t'tlnk of 3
2 IIWll- hs '- Ball flavor, r..t
Ball flsrtf. Onlf I'larw, Tannla Harvr jj
1 am) nuiynla BLlrr. will na arm vt nj
S 'l'lr upon re. lpl of 10 CaiiU, to pay
Thraa flfurot ara aHanliiUdy trfwt.
bMtutltullf mlorvd and tnmintad. and
cllinlaiMnnlrof mil M rc li.lra g
ol U alhtt-tta tupplf 'rlI. IMHUblt
fur club, rtNKtlni nm, ortlca or noma.
AV lark UNO il.ut-,ia
Q A a a. a a t t if atci y
FnnwauKee & St. Paul R'u -
It. HAXTKH. iUn. Aatnt.
I'orfftiiKf, Itrtgnn.
J. '. It ANT, Ajt, llfj-inrr,lPrynn.
SoliatiOa Aarka
Ttana aunt.
riaioaj oaraaji
a a .
I t. Sm4 f - t.m -
I ...t !) ,,
te r14 ft ft- att ir4an1M.a fca as
f (iciitiUc uinn
t-4l i r u mtwt tm ta
u- r i
CM tm - ' !
.u s s a iu,
lax Sal l.r m t H4 ,
1 li itM rarip4oa ptrm et h
fWHavktl llaaalU a llfal al ta-
U It M AnVRoai aalwttMftf II
! at, I ti' f f la
t . an . lb tha tiM atl
V m " ,. us f 1 1 U. All ! I t4l.
ani,a baiiaaf ttf alrH.tUM a lf
aM laf a a.taaa tl m ftilt4 tv
IMtatwa, '
- i 1 c J aibbr o i
Glanco at this Map
if IM fcra. Mllaa-iiM and a. Paul Rail
at awl svata Its n,M Unas Mb all lraia).
tiwtiial aa-l M a4 aa, and
MMail It at Ms laia H ta4 ana !
lib liy and t aa'ot hi km ls ci,lpMt Is
aia IWftnl Uat. wll awt
iM-fift tai. a uh ftva rvlnt f (halt. tf
im.ia rai ttas aa ttmUU rwllnf Uwa,
a4 M dlnl mi tha tw la lha '4
IHhcf Dim mm ! tha Ihla. hot Hfma IK
m)..tt, aid M mhmt Utsahn I , l w t.is
nlh ruaMlr 'f t h Mllauka "
IWial la fal "! atlra alU (r
fm f'Ut tolvfiaaitaa. f a.1
r . twr. : tt.
I r ! , Tra, Paaa As.
flti, Oaawoa.
I should think tbe several oandidatee
wonld be clad when election it over,
they have eo mnoh to one tend witb
Some are oallrd paupert, otheri with to
be known as the opposite of paupers. It
ssems bard to be a temperance man and
be a politician, tor they seem to think it
neoeseary to patronize tbe saloons and
tbe rear end ot the drug store and in
vite their friends to join them in a treat
Oh what a pity that mm feels so in
clined. A man cannot be a christian
and a politician at tbe seme time as
tbey find they cannot keep their tern
pr when anything is said they do not
like to bear, even though tbey know it
to be true. And then attain in order to
gain v itea they most put themselves on
an equality witb men tbat they have no
idea of assooiating witb when election
eering is over witb. And they are
spending money that their families may
need, whether tbey are elected cr not.
But no one can say anght against it;
tbey are tbe "people" aud it is not no
constitutional for them, bat when a
woman is willing to accept of an odloe
it rouses the "people" to a sense of their
duty and tbey consult the supreme
oourt to see if women can bolJ tbe ofTloe
of ootiotv superintendent of Public
ssbools, and lo, tbat wise body holds op
their bands in horror and Dries ool,
nn. that la nnnonatitntinnal " That
offios Is to be oooopled by tbe "people,"
n t by woman, and so tbe lady candi
date was told to resign, and aba re
signed and oandidatee were ealeoted
from tbe "people." Tbt women vert
told it was QoooostitatioDel lor a woman
lo fill soon an important ofBoe. It Is
said by tbe "people , and also by wo
men, (bat Mist Balslger was tbt brtt
ootmtf superintendent Morrow county
ever bad. Now it tbt e bo lot it made
from among tbt "people" bt had better
not wear tight boota, if be baa torot,
for bit tott will bt tread spot and tit
will bt severely erltiaieed if be dors tot
come np to what Morrow o moly knows
art M taa Italaiger's qualifications for
tbt offloe. Rat then bit wrongs will bt
eooslilntlooel. I it tonstilutionel for
a woman to pay taies en property slit!
owns? Is tt eonstltotioaal (or people!
to doel oat "death by neeeare" to tbt
wben tbey bevt drank
tbelr brain on Ore,
go bme and abnaa their families te
tania tbelr w nothing to tatT Ie it nn
tonal ilutloBal for tbat mother to tend
her children out to tw fond, tbat tbert
may bt Something for lather whoa he
tomes boms It II nnoaneUtatinnal for
nan to takt from bit wtft Iht money
eht earned while bt was standing hie
lima in tbt selnea, and epend It for
whiskey Ne, theet thiagt art not on-
ettltiUaael, Iht eopraro oonrt de
not nnttrt it, hat let n woman ask tr
enefneaend tbat will male lb era rry
ont "nntonetilnllonair IVime Ru
drink more than their
not eugr. Wall don I
ttoaat any mora, fi it la eald Iht least
hraiss a man has tbt twt nhtakey be
eat driek nllhaet staggarlng. Women
taediJatrt art mA very pfoQieMt It the
ealonn kaapra, at titer 44 not pea
around fre wby. In order tbat the
Uiys may nadwttead chert Ibeir
wibia, tialara, saatt and grandmutb
ere tlart are In tbit tiMislry ttordirg
It n tnatiiallaal slandpi4at, Iht tnn
e4ituin ehnnld he read (recently In
tbe eiboaie, lna tny may n4 tar
Man Is ehlnuig Ulgdlly iht mortief.
We be.1 near l fnar tnehat of eoaw tt
thelTihff Msy, aa I a hay rain an
Inn 13th. C U.C
I iu Mite, Mar ?Hh, Hrt
to his outraged and injured stomach,
which is kept from crying aloud only
by this method of soothing it. Behold
in America a nation of invalids vainly
endeavoring to rock themselves to
sleep. Dr. Laine's theory is too good
not to be true."
The Frenchman Who Did It Was Consid
ered Crazy.
A few months apo while amusing my
self with Cyrano de Bergerac's Historie
Comique des Etats et Empires de la
Lune et du Soliel (Paris, 1660), I was
amazed, says a writer in Popular Science
Monthly, to come across the matter
quoted below,which surely foreshadows
the phonograph as closely as do Bacon's
words the steamship and railway. . The
author, De Bergerac, is on a voyage
over the moon. Left alone a little while
by his guide the latter gives him, to
he'lp him while away the hour, some
books to read. The books, however,
are different from any seen on earth.
They are, in fact, little boxes, which
Cyrano thus describes:
On opening one of these boxes I
found I know not what kind of metal
(apparatus) similar -to our clockwork,
"For thirty-two
years I have been a sufferer from ma
laria, and certainly know what this terri
ble disease is. I nave tnea remeaies id
... is (q)
To persons who served in the wars of the United States-or to i their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
' To receive a pension, who now do not.; Thousands under the new
1 law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it ,
I to vou and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
sS ; your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from me
in? time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
CF-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge tor aovice.
No Fee unless successful. V
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
y. S.-Thi Company U controlled by nearly one thousand leading newr-
papers in the United Statct, and tt guaranteed ay mem.
Attorneys at Lawf
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. ' Notaries Public and Collectors.
: : : .
Tanan Wnmt. Persia, the West Indies
composed of I know not how many lit- and other parts of the world, but tne
tie devices and imperceptible machin- disease had such a hold upon my sys
. r . r . . . . n,t it wi, imnnasihlp to pet reliet.
frv. It was a, brink, (firt.ainlv. hut a ttm r------- , . .
most marvelous 6ne, which has neither
leaves nor characters; a book to under
stand which the eyes are useless ono
needs only to una his ears. When he
After trying all remedies I could get in
different countries, and nearly every
blood remedy in this country, without
the slightest benefit, some one recom-
AA c C a TViio rpmprlv oromotlv
I mcUUCU VJ. W. u. - j r- - y
wishes to read this book he connects it reached the disease, and has driven it
by s sort of little nerve to his ears, entirely out of my system. I certainly
Then he turns a needle to the chapter pronounce S. S. S. a blessing to nu
he wishes to hear, and immediately manity, and heartily recommend ltto all
,,. . i, i. 4 ..,.. .fforincTfrnnithiitmostdreadtul disease,
L 1 1 ' IV I lliV 1 i n ttuiu vile ,unb, UlUCliV, no I at... -UQ - - . . .
m it.- .v. . m . malaria T hnv frenuentiv Deen mine
xruiu nio iiiuuiii ui mail, v iruiu ai . , . .
mn.ir.nl tnctrnmant nil lh nwrl. n,l Point Of Cleatn, W1U1 8 tOTF""".'
" ' -""v- , I - , , , Y 1 nDA v, V i i.
sounus wnicn si-rve ine unmun Lun-z ' , ., jt nu ii,imi-mi.
i ., l was so reuuecu mu.,
An;nn ...m,.rl hnneiess. Now l am en-
I will say, further, that Cyrano an- ,.,; uMi i,eflith."
ticipated many of the inventions and ' & s.S.never fails to cure a blood trouble.
conceptions of modern aeronauts. J,o I R,-rofn1.i eczema, cancer, rheumatism.
wonder that he was conHidernd bv his I .onimrinm Vilruvt rmiann. and in fact anv
contcinporariea as "somewhat off." I disorder of the blood is promptly wiped
out and cured by it. Do not reiy opuu
a aitnnlr tnnip to cure a deep-seated
blood disease. S. 8. S. Is paranteed
nurelv veectable, and for real blood dis-
,iwi tina no eoual.
Our valuable books will be mailed free.
Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, oa.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation
Leavina Aider Street Dock, Portland, for A'toria, llwsoo, Long Bench, Ocean
Park aud Nsbcotta. Diriot connection with Ilwaoo eteamers and rail
road; also at Yonug's Bay witb Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leavei Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Bunday.
Leaves Portland I P.M. Dally, except Bunday. Saturday nlslit. 11 P. M. Leavea Astoria Dally a
at6:4fi A. M., except sunoay ana uonaay. ounuay uigm, i r. m.
Leaves Portland and runs direct to Ilwaoo, Tuesday and Thursday at 8 A. M. Saturday at i P. M.
Leaves Uaco Wednesday aim rriuay ai i .m a. n. uo suuuay n:ii at u r. n.
Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free cf Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, rieasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey GaUert and Ocean Wave.
Had to Hland In Ills Hlorklna; Feat at a
frrni'h Court l)lnnT.
When Klihu Wushburne was United
States minister to Frunce there wai u
court dinner given at thepulaceof the
Tuilleries ono niirht by the emperor.
Napoleon III., enys the Cincinnati
Times-Stiir. It was the custom at these
dinners when the emprens arose to re
tiro with the 1 mlii a for the gentlemen
to rise from their seats and step back,
so that the ladies should pans down the
line between them and the table. By
this all could avoid turning their backs
on the empress, Mr. Washburne had
very tender feet. During the dinner
they had given him a great deal of an
noyance, and to eane htinnelt he had
slipped off his patent leather pumps,
lie was abnorlied in onnverhation at the
cloae of the dinner and was caught un
aware when the empreaa made the sig
nal for departure. Mr. Woahburne was
obligtHl to atephaok without his pump.
There he sUnal In bis atoeklng feet,
grave, dlgnilleil and aelf-poNwaaed In
the row of grinning diplomats to his
right and left. He betrayed none of
the embarrsMment he ntuat have frit,
and waa never heard to allude to the
. .
Receiver. LiL,rf-r Compact,
UK IJTff MN irtril Wiw6i
fc.t an f I ftmt I
. 4a a I Aiksvo W wA.,'.
Miatahte t lailtMlsa. (Vrfiala.
An- ', W aiOm gl , ram ( "ini w , rm m pmun
Mare rw tJaM iis awsfre. I
The Mat pla la a r That Is Faarl
lb iVllaw.
The pets of the Iuim were thre
very larg, blaek rata, preal favorite,
ImmeniM'ly atx.lle.1, and very dignifiel
and lasv. As we regarded tha Austra
lian magpie aomewhat s,nfully dally
ing witb hla dinner, wa saw one of
the solrmn black iivinatera atlvanelng
at its wanal dignified pm toward hi in.
A rrv aroae from the arnilile.l family.
aava tbe NatUwal Uevlew: iih. Tigris
will kill the niafple." Tha he4 .f the
family dealml to wait development.
There waa a palaful soraaof treath
aa w w awheel tha shaggy blark
lVralan advanHnf oa the plata and
msgpUi with ft Uady, nhorrie4 step.
Tbe marpie td aaUle from the plate,
and with head well o na aide,
wau-hed the noeomlo robber. There
waa world of meaning la the glanee
nf that wbked gray eye. hut It waa all
,m nn the dignified eottipnaiire of the
IVratan. who without detgntn' trt
at th mart1'. fwl U sniff at the
rotitrnta of the plat.
The Lint, nm.4ilft as statue.
waltl till the bla. k h lakers ram la-
litrinfc'iy over th e-lir of the plates
then h ma. one sudden boo, lunged
,mf, with a Iti-Ma'nr ar or hla
I -). at tbe Wsntiful tUmtf bla k
mf tie, and mmm t k arn la hla
waUl.ful atiltude ai qnUklythat re
tlnoat Ml dlMw4 loihxiht if he had
rr left li, 1 here waa mi dihl la the
mind of the rat. That UpMning atn4e
of the fcesb ha.1 maeH the aam effeet
i the IVrataa aa If a Unuh liswl burst
omewhrro la Ms mM41e. it leaped
witb yril Iva j.r t-aasr4. Ita
letfa eitra Ud, ewry srparsi hair of
IU Umt far siatfiiaf off It at fall
length. M hea It fv he4 th fna4
H heallalM ant f. nonnl, fto tWV j
lug twtkin of fraa nwa4 l I
anlrvti wl'H he4 at tail 4rif"4. la j
manner a it!l;e aa r"i' -e Ita ! jf
tt54 t;iwH, M rtttl at a r"l
f.mt. I trt Ut U alabbtry hiM tt
ha4 i.'ux.
Moat Modtra and profraalve
roe caial(ua or Infomiailoa r1i lo
Naw Haaa. Conn,
Cummings &c Fall,
Ot the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Halt Mors esl ol the Vnlna fVrwt of C. B. A
u.,i:.s.H.r.r,MH.. c.,
ad tha C et, U P. lUllroada.
hatkm asu.oo iiei IAV
Cr. W. Miliaria sn4 Cllntaa Nta.,
taMsartlea raa be t ared
Ily tha aae of fbiloh's Cure, This
great Congh Cure ts Iht only knaa
remedy for that terrible diaraa. Vot
sala tt Wells Wsrrea
This has become an established market for Eat'ero Oregon, Waahinston and Idaho
wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington,
Bisrr City, Hnppner, Arlington, aud from Yakima, Spokane, Lewlston, Walla Walls and
Intermediate stations.
Low freight ratea are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In
transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera
tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As s market this place Is equalled only by
Tbe Dallee la quantity of wool which attract competition, with this advantage :
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf.
ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease
and dirt, to equal the lower expense in
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton.
Owing to this fact Pendleton bnyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool
at thla pout than la mrmgtH at at bet places baring reputations as "high Markets."
baaed upoe etrepUonal self of fancy tots of Unlit wools. Considering character of wool,
and shrinkage. It Buy safely be claimed that the eereagt sales la Pendleton
Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than can be obtained in any other Market in
the State.
Charley Jooee. lbs ll-iaeaa "o!4
tisseV ia tbe Innenrisl line, baa agaia
loratod la Ileppner, baelrg parefcea
Orea Mslheaa' slsnp. Mine baiMInf
oppoeita tha rite hotel Charley will
appreciate a rail a tea la Iowa.
J. VP. Kerea, fleetly tiaiotee, to pre
rrd la do all kl4 of paiaitaa and
natter hanging and wait 4a bona cleea-
in and take aa and pit atwa earners.
'MVe na Main street, nppoeita Citf
r, bo eteee leave lUeMiee Mna.taye.
Ua.taea4 frt lets. leee Fef.a
Taaawtave. Tae.lIS am! Itetatdete
fare 12 eaeft aay ttfr.ea. Welle A
Warra,llMler lr aell. i'ma.
for $:i to t w.ll atl a flrat flaaa, high
fta4, blgti arm seaiag asarblaie taraa
a4 M la tears. F"e farlh-e narttea-
Ure rail na ne ahlreaa, N. A leea.
Jttegta.ingoa. at-tf.
Wall. Tbnmra was ai hetwaaa
Iletiao aa4 MueasnMt, aenvisf vwrf
4ay iwp H-mitf aa4 leaeie' avevy
4y eiert a1v. HhorSaal a I ebeaa-
m maw to the leWrvf. l m
Urc-ek. ageata- "
i Mstheae fto pve air,4 srfee na)
Ita e.! of- Mis ert. la iSa
Ito4iRg f.tm,tly Mwije4 hf b ltai
).., Tt" a .11 he aleeeaj la m
Ihe4r nl4 mteajtea, tt
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Patterson Punishing Co.