Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 29, 1896, Image 3

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For Over Thirty Years!
BESTJLT or using
"Ayer'a Cathartic Pills for over thirty
years have kept me in good health,
never having had a sick day in all that
time. Before I was twenty I suffered
almost continually as a result of con-Btipution-fiom
dyspepsia, headaches,
neuralgia, or Iwila and other eruptive
diseases. , When I became convinced
that nine-tenths of my trouhles were
caused by constipation, I began the use
of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac
tory results, never having a single
attack that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife, who had been an
invalid for years, also begun to uso
Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly
restored. With my children I had no.
ticed that nearly all their ailments were
preceded by constipation, and I Boon
liatt tho pleasure of knowing that with
children as with parents, Ayer's Pills,
if taken in season, avert all danger of
siukuoss." II. Wbttstein, Bvron, 111.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System.
4) t' roo
10.1L12 13 J4 15 A3
17 jd J9.20 2122 23
Qambrinus Bser,
City Hotel Bar!
rs. Call
and Smokabla
en Tad.
(aod Trials of fu-ri at tlic liar Count ee
VfiliifMly and iburulay.
The wphIIkt for tho run hi Hpner
tbil wefk tins bffo til lliut cnnlil be ask-
ad for. The truck ha m in sttl'ndid
condition ami ell things favorable to a
good me!. A larva Dauber of borapmrrj
ara in all'mlanae from the ontoidr, and
soma of tba best raore ever run on the
track bee twen witeeesed this week. It
haa been the endeavor of the eaaoeietioa
to beve everything pee r.fT in aa retire
ly eatisfaotury manner, and in this they
beve encereoVd fur tl.e roost part. We
fool pond (if tba record ome of onr
bum borare beve made, and no duobl
tba raerelM an-k bare m a etirnti-
lui to oar lire men lo tbU locality to
pat forth eitra iff rt lo the fiitara to
brlo ont lb-ir fait etoek to tbat It will
4)01 any lo the Nmlbwral.
The flrsl rare oo Wedm-aday was tliroa
and one-belf furlonge. Eotrire, Mamie
8., Dutch, Miee Coiy, Hig Eimngh end
Jeeee P. Manila H took Orel tntny; lti
Kooogh, rent) J. Tinis0;4l. Tbie ee
a g'od r e eotl my cluee betaren tl.e
to winning borrra.
WedoMtlay'eercnnd ree ,nee-belf mile
deeb, ee relied tb Ibe Mloviof eo
trire: Cmy, Omver, IJrrmai.o and Jin
Crow, (irvtrr waa tba aionf, with Gs
f a try rl eond. Time 0 '.'(
Coim lerk'd tot eil Incnoe of com In
nodrf Ibe aire oa a It with tltosef, anj
Ibe tine made bf Ibe lao borare aae
virtually Ibe earae. Tbia le e-eeMrd
tbe bal race for the Hire f roe oa
Ibe lltppner track end t quale lie bl
tin rU la (Jf"f, wbirb was by
Erlire In I'll tin tine o it, bat
rat oa a fMr track tlian io' (Jiorrr
nwtd by I!, K l' nr rtt.
Tbamltf af irn i.m fMtoiit! tea
Sao'e '! I acre. H, Cat lirine i.ne
tboaud lkiU, frr fur ail. 1l.klrl
ta tliie rac tUt It MU. I .iy tad
Clrotr. cati uftdrr ibta ria
tbe lrd, (Lt( 11 ii f -. (.! Uea
T.roO. Im It. i-f.l l i l'tiy l.itk
r.t,irl m i, M.r t !( !. bi lii-nri,
tpl, wife f. ' . K I N, I' e
ltaiab at l kSn.i n. fixl tal
wee e'e.i. ty Mui H , I M. einatf
Iea-C nj t rrd lhMI,f M
ae ) if n n Hfii rt U'a
n ifcM 1 1 il f" i ( luJ M, ll
l,e m4i b ! t-.l lt.nl i..t,l
tat ta lUd H a. ! fl r)e' 1 te
iil tai t by Mim M,
t ( Knga r '-m- N 'y '-e la af
a4 iaiif . ifc.l u. T , 01
Here and There.
Pat Eellehar is in from Lena today.
B. F. Ward is over from Lone Rook.
Joe Luekman was in Heppoer yester
dny. Yesteiday wdb an exoeediily warm
Al Peterson was io from Lena yester
day. K J, Hill was ap from Lexington yes
terday. Staoe Roberts is in from Eight Mile
The Heppner Transfer Co., baa wo od
lor eale. 37-tf.
Tbe races have attracted large crowds
this week.
Some pretty warm weather yesterday
and today.
Henry Coats was down from Hardman
Patriok Doberty visited HeDnner on
O. Cos is down from bia Hinton creek
ranch today.
F. M. Courier was in from Eisrh t Mile
Thursday last..
Ahi Crnett was io town Tuesday
from Butter creek.
J. J. Adkina was in from his Rhea
oreek ranch yesterday.
J. O. Warmoth is up from Ella this
week taking in the races.
James Carty and John Eilkeuny are
in today from Butter creek.
J. L Swift was io town today to at
tend the populist mass meetiug.
Jss. MoHaley (jot iu Wednesday after
noon from bis (Jrant county ranch.
L. Wilkinson aud Jan. Coleman were
in from Derm omt Gulch yesWrday.:
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. Oo tap at Chrie Borohers'.
Peter Molutyre, the Oregon City wool
buyer, ounie np from below this morning.
Wrn.Penland is up to Heppner this
week feeling much improved in health.
La Gruude Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8, 0. Smith, salesman, Henpner.
Barney Doherty and wife and Mrs Ed
Doberty mere in Heppner on Wednes
day. -
S J. Krr.emer, representing M. Seller
& Co., was doing business in Heppoer
The campaign in this county is draw
ing rapidly to a close and is waxing ex
ceedingly warm.
N. S - Whetstone baa returned from
Astoria where he attended the grand
lodge, I. O. O. F.
Everybody and their neighbors will
he here to see tbe bond Brothers' show,
Wednesday June 3rd.
J. K. Dxiley is iu town today. He il
n iw oimvaleBOtng from some seyete in
juries be reoeived lately.
Don't forget that P. 0. Thompson Oo.
keep oigars duriDg politioil oainpalitoa
and aleo at other times. 21
Miss Elsie Jones who hie been sick
for the past three weeks with throat
trouble is uow convalescent.
The dance at tbe opera bonne last
night passed off quietly but the attend
auce was not so large as expecttd
D. V. Dickson, J. T. King, T. H. Wil
Qui, IS. T. Perkins and Ham Warbeld
are in town today to attend tbe raoee.
Considerable wool is ontuing into
own, but as yet saies have neen very
few from the fact that prices are entirely
too lo. '
A. J. Ray, the representative of The
M. RiiBsell Co., of Portland, wool
desli-rs, arrived (rum Port I an I this
morn eg. -
Married At tbe M. E. paraonage in
this city, on Tuesday, May M, 18, Wm.
C'irrotl. and Miss Rosa Wade, Rev.
Qreene flloiating.
J. J. GUlloway i down from Pomerny,
Wuali., viniting relatives io Ibis oooutry
He lorui"rly lived at Oallowsy end Pine
City, in this county.
E. Minor le l aving his building oo
east Main street deeorati-,1 with vi awn
ing. Frauk Rigers and Jas. Rjberle
are doing the work.
Eastern papers pronounce tbe Bond
Brothers' rtiiowi thn bet evernrganiced.
I'te big ebowe a ill b at HfpDoer oo
Wednndny, June 3nl
Wright Haling and wife ere io today
frm Kigbt Mile, lie bring in enronr
agxing reports tu r'g ird to tbe crop
outlook in bis looliij.
L. P. Dnviileoti, popaliat ooninea for
ebenffof Gilliatn county, aaotimpamcd
by IU v. Hliernll, wr In iron) tbe Da
vidson neighborhood yreUrday.
tl. B. Uatl. Ibe toueorlal arliat, oao
be found at bis parlors, Matlock ooroer,
here he will dwpeoee atpoprtlar prinoe,
abavea, ehampooa, baireut. etc.
Edgar D. Lea oh we io from Rhea
errk yeetnrday and rejior'a everything
erowing bloly out lbra Ha etpMle U
have a large bmU bervret this year.
For eale cbep team good rnadatcra,
one mad wagon and tight doable bar
oca, nearly new. K. P. Oaiaxt,
II at M. t pareooaga.
The Morrow county Monday ecbnol
aevnetalmn will bold tbeir annnal plrnio
in Pellet grove in Thoreday, Jooe 11
Fort bar annionrenietiU will be mad
(tacar Minor bee retareed from a trip
to bie rnob or on tba John Day. lie
rHrie tbat be bad a rough trip, found
gre prvtly eceiee tod tbe eatile only
la fair condition.
Mary McSaord le tbe proud
or of aa Kpeorlb piano nf baatifel Be
Uh, a prnl fmra ! father. Tba tn-
trtimriit ehtpped direct from tbe
faeinry at ChU ago.
lUporte com lo from different part
of ibe eoantry Dial empa era ai grow
ing atcrly, bnl Id t Imahttre eel
im and cild wveiber beva drelroyed
a part af tbe greie.
Thin) nloa ana rnr iur e'e ran
leg th While botid end rctarol ta
tVeJle'nn. ta in ia gt tbcra git
iba ell. lUy will treat yoa riirbt.
I hit Cbe le no wilb tl
Bta4 il. Iliipar A C-i, io tr-e tor-
rding hade Tby y i higi.Kt
nark! ptire .r poll and bidre end l-
taaJ I.) all Irtraat ilitiff. a
I If. 'fL Ibe occulta I ad c.ptician.
dr'ti lb' euoreig fr 0k
kr I olhi-r luUrt-if ptul, fUr epanding
e f'W ct u i;i ptir. II tipacte l
taiera bare le Ibiaa esualb.
A itma t r el Flre e lulil'd lta
bar Hf hf ikk eal who wbUd
I. i II l.int a r)l-I-') He itiA
I I, a trfrtti , enrttarit,g that tia Wneld
ft'. I .t t. e i f l m dia. Iblng
ft'..nn I ll,a baa, tt f (, rVil lHa
i f I la lt lf r.g li n l nf thatn.
be n'.l Iwk ar aniil eb eoel l p4 eil
oa it- l.i .
In combination, propoition and
process Hood's Sui'siiparillu is peculiar
to itself, and unequalled in true merit.
No other medicine ever possessed so
milch curative power, or reached such
enormous sales, or made such won
derful cures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It is undoubtedly the liest medicine
ever made to purify, vitalize and en
rich the blood.
That is the secret ot fts success.
Head this statement:
" When my son was 7 years of age, he
had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma
tism, which settled in his left hip. lie
was so sick that no one thought there was
any help for him. Five sores broke out
on his thigh, which the doctor said were
sores. We had three different doctors.
Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The
last doctor said the leg would have. to be
out open and the bone scraped, before he
could get well. Howard became so low
that he would eat nothing, and one doc
tor said there was no c'.iance for him.
" One day, a newspaper recommending
Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door.
We decided to try this medicine. Howard
commenced taking it the last ot February,
after ha via.? been sick for a year and a
halt. He hadn't taken it a week before I
saw that his appetite began to improve,
and then he gained rapidly. I gave him
five bottles, when the sores were all healed
and they never broke out again. The
crutches he had usea lor lour years were
laid aside, as he bad no further use for
them. 1 give all the credit, to noon's t-tar-Baparilla."
Mrs. Ada L. Moody, Fay
Street, Lynn, Mass.
This and many similar cures prove that
erness in a good family here and left her
place to be married to the preacher. She
bad en aunt and other relatives living
here and wee a member of Hermann'
The oburoh officers sey tbat Hermann
was suspended reoentl? tor embezzling
church funds, confessed his guilt in that
regard, and was waiting a bearing before
the annual Methodist Conference, Hr
as a fine-looking man and very gener
ally liked. He is represented as having
a great liking for the study of medicine,
anatomy and kindred subjects, and often
delivered disquisitions on the human
For every quarter in a man's pooket
there are a dozen uses ; and to us eaoh
one in euoh a way as to derive tbe great
est benefit is a question every one must
solve for himself. We believe, however,
that no better use could be made of one
of tbess quarters than to exohange it for
a bottle of (Jhamherlain s (Jolio, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine tbat
every family should be provided with.
For sale by Oobser & Brook, druggists.
The Best Cough Cnre
Is 8hiloh's cure. .A negleoted comb
is iianuernus. o'op it. at once win
Hhilob's Cure. For sale by Wells &
For Congress, Second District,
A. 8. BENNETT, of Waco County.
For Supreme Judge,
JOHN BURNETT, of Benton County.
For Circuit Judge,
T. G. HAILEY, of Umatilla County.
For Prosecuting Attorney,
0. W. REA, of Morrow County.
For Member of State Board of Kqimllzatlon,
C. P. DAVIS, of Umatdla County.
Is tne One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.
Hood's Pills
cure l.'vcr II In; e:isy '
For Representative,
THOMAS MORGAN, of Heppner:
For Clerk,
J. W. MORROW, of Heppner.
For BherlfT,
E. L MATLOCK, of Heppner.
For Judge,
GEORGE NOBLE, of Heppner.
For Assessor,
W. P. SNYDER, of Dry Fork.
For Justice of the Peace, District No. G,
W. A. RICHARDSON, of Heppner. .
For Constable, District No. fi,
J. E. MA8TER80N, of Heppner.
for Coughs, Colds,
and Consumption
Is beyond question the greatest of all
modern medicines. It will stop a
Cough in one night, check a cold in
a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma,
and curt Consumption if taken in
time. " You can't afford to be with
out it." A 25c bottle may save your
life I Ask your druggist for it Send
for pamphlet If the little ones have
Croup or Whooping Cough
use it promptly. It is sun to curt.
Three Sizes 35c, goc and Jl. All Druggists.
16 & xS Chambers St., If. Y.
?! m MIES i
For your Protection. Catarrh "Cures" or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potussa, or both, which are injur
ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It sturts in the nasal
passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, and, if repeatedly neglected, the re
sults of catarrh will follow ; severe pain in
the head, a roaring sound in the ears, bad
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should be quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's
Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for
these troubles aud contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
M. B. Morgan was in from lower
Eight Mile on Wednesday.
Kenb Sperry end family are np from
their lone home this week.
John Hayes and too, Joe, came over
from L'ine Hock Wednesday.
Johnny Cbrisman oame in from Lonar
Greek yesterday after freight.
Chas. Sperry and wife are in Heppner
this week from tbeir home down at ine
Fred Mosier, a resident of John Day,
got lo from below on yesterday morning.
Billy Knark started 138 head of oattle
out f ir the Okanogan country yesterday
iu charge of Drank Wilmarth and his
eon, Exie. These are the oattle Billy re.
oeived from Mrs. Henry Welch on the
shares, god vre hope ho may be success
ful in handling them.
Ho, ve voting men ol Morrow, w hittle up a
lively tinui
For the "Camiiilflte," I'm free to state, will Hay
with ii( till June;
Then let htm oil hit auger blade, with "Sperry '
i.miwimki Kye;
TU tweet to think, nf that good old drink, for
vuiing mm are ury. ,
Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon.
G. T. Hailey, democrat io nominee for
oirouit judge, was iu Heppner Weilues
day and Thursday looking afier his In-
'ereste to Ihie part of the district. Mr.
Uailey ii a very pleasant and ewreeable
goutleiuan, end tie should receive the
anpport of bis party at the polls on text
W. M. Firron, who resides In Demo
orat Otili'b just over the line io Qiliiam
rwiunty. bad bin house with its oontmils
destroyed by Ore on Hatnrday iiiutit.
the Ore started m stairs nd trained sorb
headway before b'inl diaoovered tuat
tbe lmily had do lime to aave anything
trom tbe bone. There wit DO lnsurenc
oa the boilding aod the family was led
without anything. Chas. Johnson, one
f Mr. I'inreVe neiuhbnra. came ovr to
lleppncr and eoltoitrd eld l r the suflVr
ere, and Urge amount of money cod
provisiutie were soon tubeeribrd.
and by virtue of an execution Issued out
of the circuit court of the Htate of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on May 22, MM, anil to
me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment
rundored and entered in iiild court 011 the 2nd
day of March, lsflti, in favor of (ieorge W. Har
rlugton, as AdinlnlntrHtor of the estate of James
Ht wart, deceased ulaintill, and against Jas. U
Hamilton, Dora U. Hamilton, J. N.Br wn, The
Northern Counties Investment Trust (Limited)
and Addle l'Hrvtn, defendants, for the sum of
One Thousand Dollars with interest thereon at
the rite of ten per cent per annum from Juno
21, IKtM; for One Hundred and Twenty-hive
Dollars attorney's fe and for the further sum of
Thlny-Hlx and S010u Dollars costs; and, where
as by said Judgment it was ordered and adjudg
ed that the following described real property,
to-wit: N'H of HW)i, HE'4 of and of
HK4 of Heetion S2. Tp. ft 8., R. 2ft E. W. M.;olsn
8'4 of and NE'i of 8WJ4 Section 4 and
N Section 10, Tp. 6 S., R. 25 E. W. M be sold
to satisfy said Judgment, costs and accruing
costs. 1 will, on
SATURDAY. 27th JUNE, 1690,
at 2 o'clock P, M., of sitd day, at tho front door
of the court house In Heppner, Morrov County,
Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest of said
defendants III and to the above described p o-
ertv at I'lihlic Auction to the hlL'hmit and best
bidder for cash In band, the, proceeds to heap
idled to the satisfaction of said execution, at
torney's lee aud all costs, and riots Unit may
:TI1U. i. . II A KH1 MiTON,
Sheriff 01 Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated May 22, 1SW. 43-.Y2.
Notice of Intention.
J May 20, 18U6. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make flnal proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the county clerk of Morrow county at
Heppner, Oregon, on July 8, 18, vbii
Hd. E. No 32, for the BV4 8K.i, Bee. 7, and
E4 NE, Sen. 18, 1p. S, 8. R. 2fi. E. . M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Orin E. Farnsworth, Anson E. Wright, Jesse
Emry and Wesley Stevens, all of Hard man, Or.
442-52 v Register.
Mee Hat Ayrrs at Ike World's Fur
Ayer's Harpwille er.ioys the extra
dinar distinction of having ho Ibeonlv
Mood purttw allowed en eibibit at Ibe
World' fair, Chicago. Manafeelnrers
of other eareaparillne annght by every
means tooblalo ashowiog of Ibrir gmds,
but I hey were ell turned away titular Ibe
appU alioo of Ibe rale forbidding tbe
entry t patent medicine and boetrooi
Tbe deetetoo of the World's fair autho
rities to favor f Ayer'e HaraaparUle wae
In effeet ae follows: HAyer nsrsspa-
rilla la pot patent medielne. It H.
not belong to Ibe lial of Duetrome. It
bere od lie menu."
Notice of Intention.
J Mar rt. !. Notice la hereby elven that
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
hts intention to make final proof In support 01
his claim, and that said proof will lie made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppuer,
Oregon, on June So, 18, vis:
lid. E. No. S2ia for the E4 NEU and 8EU,
Sec. 22. To. 2. 8.. R 2ft K.
He niunen tne inuowing witnesses 10 prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. sitd innd, vis:
Hcorge Milck, Arthur Hunt, Sherman Bhaw
and Koy 1111111, att ot Heppner, Oregon
4;W-4S Register,
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Notice Of Final Settlement.
il undersigned administrator of the estate. of
Warah Coleman, deceased, will make Kii al 8et
tletticnt of tils accounts with said Estate as such
Administrator, at the next lerin ol tbe County
Court of Morrow County, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to
be hidden at the Court Homo In Heppner til
said County, 011 the tith day ol July, A IL, IB'.).
Geo. W. CiiM'iN,
41 4G Administrator.
5 i.i
or -"'jr."
1 1
lily m
is the
very best
Blackwcll's Genuine
LTee win lad at
ftur a bag, psa
oe aoopoa lastd cask I eaeo bs aa4 twe amenes InaM tmt i
tlx sou pus and m knr to (t your ol .euQ la pnarau.
eaeeeaaf. 9
We are not small meD, lbs. We are email men, s.
ve are not ifis Largest WntsintliEiWoii
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Sarbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Gass and Water Pipe, l'lpe Fittings, Htnves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, haws, Sledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, otc, etc.,
Should call and Examine oar Goods and Qet Trices.
W have Good Goods at Fna Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices.
aoN 1
Tbe wool market is not yet affected by the McKinley boom, and
reports are not encouraging. We have ample storage capacity at
he mmmw warehouse
fr thone who desire to hold for higher prices, and by introducing
Eastern buyers, secure (or tliose who wish to sell, the highest market
e pay tea meters ana bold wo il subject to order.
No commission charged (or selling.
We pay highest price for bides ami sheep pelts.
Rolled barley and (eed (or teamsters.
We fire fluents lor little's dip,
The best sheep dip in the m allot.
We bare 5,000 shingles which we will sell st coL
Mark your wool Q and direct teamster to lower warehouse.
Oh 1 Where Did Yon
Get Them Pants ?
. c. mm tail!
b.n t aril HlMn si.. an. r!,..in nut Ihvtl Furnishing; in1s an4 are
ailing Mtus Onil, llsflast, llnaar sii'l otbrl tiling.
Patronaoe Solicited. SatlslaGtlon Guaranteed.
am r tt ss aae bs i s a is. -
n Ail W ml la TU tin C ..Mc. II st 4 "s . rrit Framing,
tl Sli.' t l' In it l-i..i ot'lnti a ImmM Mlitf.
kS I II. rMl.t, IM (
ii Hi- 1 iirmr.
,.. , .1 I .(., t
er-. K'i i t .i t H J' !. t-U
ae well t4 (, ,
s ! It. Wmsal,
Fef Sale b W.,le .
Ik Tism I Nibl
r Ibe )! le ei iLse shm, Ike
! I l't bm m te ! 4rtee
pxi texs f isis 1 1 Ji4 Im
H-otue nlw4 eel !(.'. ea4
: ik lh bJ nff te
Tij i . H-l'e Mssi wtiU t S
! HllM, SwasjM l M lh Oi
T'n I I 1'i'ifl f I te Intiia.
II r .1 I'. II I r ..) H failU 1
. b.iw ! ell V e lla. m , i-4 4 fsjstsU il. M-e h
)aifiate, 23e.
A I'tek Paator AtresS flUrrral Merere
Halt Uas, I'lab, Maj Z7.-Tbedel
eimnle la the rbareb treat J; in lite
ettf lel to Ibe Mitt thai tbe IUv. Krao
ie IIoroiaDO le a man ttb s reennl el
eriroe lull Ut Ibaa Ibe eolorlooe
Hoi, lite Oral eife d4 lo KoffieaJ
oe lf tisiaiuus elreametaeee. lie wee
( sst..f (4 a Mnendaneelea rbnrrb el Wrl
Interior, Wig, la l3eel IK. aod
lb re inarrUd e btghlf reptelile le-lr,
hi la lr iba s r dif very eeil
dealy lib Lt leu ' o! 1 baby.
As lt. .! oae bM, dot eolhina be-
I ensi.ljloe of i on I pie' ae elic
it I, tUrtnaae e-i otarrlrd sesie eml
ram In Kail Ik 1st liEll still. 1.1. mtt
IMoit I-.- Ube Mbo.nesJ Ibe! Htiim Opp. I. O. Tllollleoii C.. Mil
mnih et.il e ilJ d4 end ltl e Um
k la aftofaarj,
1 ho b e riittn(i siiiti klte L'lea
-e saiMae4. en 1 il H bw4 le Ibe
imp',ib ebleti bae Imi sautn let-
Jnba He-n, a abr ef ibe rberrb
,e, ttl be orlrl a. l (inall
Ibe biJr i Ibe (f ftt'fteee In Ibe
thMfrh bttl.
Iln ntaae aae n(cl la aasrrf Mie
Hai.(e m la l'U e' of Ibie ;er, but
be d.st tere1f ee 1 II le el.sr.-! thai
be tj.l br eel eal mp lb 4
la IN cbrc re!lr.
Ae ff ee yet d i r 1. it la tii.i
lfrtf bee ttidn4 ee frenoa.
K.s Dtsee teaee Ut Rail Lle fioee
Ube eea yeere i, hb mis
lit ) )) n f a f , !,' t
r- 1ii la M hi e-)y, I. .I .l
') frf t .ls !, sw,4 r- i-l l 1i
lle" m etki;4 m ftertwty
' - I
i r- i-- '. i
: A1- '
snn cM....ifnciMncQ
Heppner, Or.
R. F. IIYND, Manager.
New; Blacksmith Shop.
Tba mlraioad bee ope. gp e v Meeksmllb ebop uprwv
eiU Ibe epcra kunx, tod le prepeied lo do any kind ef
work la bia line. Io roe ere I Mi be will roa a
Work d as al Topuler Trine and ia a ealUfaelory msr.nsf.
I bea erar4 ibe erlfe of en eipnne l LorlHr, n. J. II.lloo,
ol Salem, eed boree will tie iImhI so m to rni lnlrlrn end over
reeebiec, er o f W. I'. HCUIV.ir.ll, lltpnr. Or.
lilt f
.' I t II (. i Ml ,
I b r h M f r.r I H1
I (t,,y !.. ! v;:,, 1 1 LLC l lY.
. Til n IIWW ftnnBm
G. W. UTT & SON,
HiMic no vim. Kiu iu r.iifM. :ir o. iZcirU-.
AxU-tnweir.-, nt,t H,' TiO Kaoh.
tmr AH fk le WufmiUm M . wk IIHIMIHt)
toMS Slxit
J. O. HOKCU 10 US, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars.
i .
Plenty of them at the
Gazette- Office, . . .