REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. cans have a good working plural ity in this county and there is no occasion for work of this kind being done in the interest of any one candidate. It is not necessary for ns to state, however, that this matter of trading is being done by certain leading democrats, and in the interest of one man, too. lne thing for republicans to do is to stay with the ticket and every man will be elected. For Presidential Electors. T. T. OEER, of Marlon County E. h. SMITH of Wasco County J. F. CAFLES of Multnomah County S. M. YOKAN of Lane County N For Supeme Judge, ROBERT 8. BEAN, of Eugene. KEPUBL1CAN DISTRICT TICKET. For Congress, 2d District, W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Circuit Judge, 6th District, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton. For Prosecuting Attorney 6th District, H. J. BEAN of Pendleton. For Member Board of Equalization, CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A. O. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEY8, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner. For School Superintendent, An Untrue Report Nailed to the Wall ! Vote for Rood for sheriff if you wish to have the affairs of that office administered in a satisfac tory manner to the taxpayers. Jay W. Shipley, will look after the affairs of the school supenn tendent's office in a capable man ner. .Remember the Morrow coun ty boy when you cast your vote and give him your support The bill prohibiting further is suing of bonds without specific authority of congress is being de bated in the senate. It has been virtually settled by the severa test votes which gave the bill the right of way that a majority of the senate favors the bill, but if there was any probability that the ml could pass the house it would not be allowed to come to a vote in the senate, and it is not certain that it will anyway. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VAUQHAN. of Heppner. Justice and Constables. For Sustlce of the 1st District, E. L. WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS BIIANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. 8. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 3rd District, WALTER CA80N. For Justice of 4th District, John McMillan. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of nth District, J. T. HOHKIN8. For Constable of Oth District, I. L. HOWARD. For Justice of 6th District, E L. FREELAND. For Constable of flth District, N. 8. WHETSTONE. A STATEMENT! UNJUSTLY ASSAILED. It has been circulated among the voters of Morrow ooanty (bat A. W. Patterson, tbe republican nominee for clerk, wai iostromental in securing tbe passage of tbe law creating sheriff and olerk deputies for Morrow couDty. This baa been done, primarily, to ioflaenoe tbe voter against Patterson, though it is likely tbat many have agitated tbe matter with an honest belief in tbe rep resentations made. At tbe charges are wholly untrue, Mr. Patterson bas no hesitancy in making tbe following Bffidavit: ss. Htath op Oregon, ) Connty of Morrow. - ( I, A. W. Patterson, being first duly sworn, depooe and say tbat I not ODly bad nothing to do directly or indireotly, with securing tbe passage of tbe bill to oreate deputies tor tbe sheriff and olerk of this ooanty, with yearly salaries of (1,000, but tbat I knew nothing of the same until tbe bill had become a law; fliar ihtk BflmA ia rminff rirrtiilntAf? in nrl It is pretty generally believed ni1llw mv nandidaov in the mind of the that the contest in this county for people of Morrow oounty; thBt if eleoted some of the most important offices olerk of tnig oonnty i piedge that I will will ue pretty close, ana mucn tiara request tbe representative-elect to use bis work 18 being done on all sides. ,Dflaence towards securing tbe repeal of There is a good deal of talk of jobs the lftW providing for a depoty clerk in and trades, emanating from only tbiB oorjrjty. a, W. Patterson. one source, but these stories are carrying little weight and only re act od those who started them to their injury. We believe that when the returns are all in after Mon day it will be found that each can didate on the republican ticket has received the necessary votes to se cure his election. seal Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis 11th day of May, 1806. . L. Fbebland, Notary Public for Oregon. Independent Republican. For School Superintendent, JAY W. SHIPLEY. Mb. Geo. Noble has withdrawu from the race for county judge, leaving only W. A. Kirk and A. G. Bartholomew in the field for this, one of the most important of fices to be filled at the coming elec tion. We are of the opinion that too little is thought about the im portance of the olhces of county judge and commissioner, probably from the fact that the remunera tion is lesa than for services ren dered in other stations, but they are of great importance, and need to be nllpd by men of. good busi ness qualities and sound judgment; In farther substantiation of the above statement, made and sworn to before p duly authorized officer, Hons. J. S. Booth by and A. W. Oowan, representative and joint senator for Morrow oounty, serving in the last legislature, corrobo rate all that Mr. Patterson says. Their statements are as follows : Islington, Or, May 11, 1896. To WHOM IT MAT CONCERN : It bas b4en rumored that A. W. Pat terson was instrumental in tbe passage of the deputy salary bill for olerk and sheriff of tbis county. I will say tbat Mr Patterson never spoke to me about the matter, and had nothing to do with it in any way, so far as my knowledge goes. J. 8. Boothby. Burks, Oregon, May f, 1896. To the voters of Morrow ooanty: In the hope of setting at rest untrue and idle rumors, which are being circu lated in your oounty evidently for the sole purpose of prejudicing tbe minds of voters against Mr. A. W. Patterson, nominee for county olerk on tbe repnb licau ticket, I desire to make a brief statement to the end tbat no injustice shall be done anyone. 1 refer especially to tbe legislative aot approved Feb. 25, 1895, "To change the oompensaion and mode of payment of connty clerks, sheriffs and other offioera, and also to provide for the appointment of deputies." Bee session laws, 189o, page 77. This measure was introduced by Senator Butler and subsequently passed tbe senate Feb. 20, and forthwith transmitted to the house for its consid eration, and was passed by tbat body Feb. 23. As to any person lobbying, or using any lufluenoe for or against tbe measure, ortoaretit "fixed no" with a view of personal benefit, I oon state that no one armroached me on tbe subieot, nor did I hear of any member being importuned It seemed to have been settled by the sentiment of tbe people tbat such offices and deputies should be plaoed on salary, and it was also understood by tbe members, as a quiet nnderoorrent, tbat tbe serving inoambeuts were op posed to tbe measure; and witn un limited opportunity to disouss the matter with Mr. A. W. Patterson I can truthfully eay the subject was never mentioned by or between ns, nor did anyone from Morrow county urge me in the matter, one way nr tbe other. Respectfully, A. W. GowaN. LOSING OUT SALE! Having Decided to Go Out of Business, Offer Our Entire Stock; of We will Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., (COOS'S? 2 . FOR AN UNLIMITED TIME. A Pl.RIHiE. In soonrdanca with the general de mand on the part At the voters of Mor row oounty for the repeal of the bill creating deputies for the sheriff and clerk with salaries at StX)0, I herein ttledtrs that if elected clerk 1 will nrgt- the reurmxo Ut if e elect to nse his in fluence toward securing tbe repeal of tbe law providing for deputy clerk in till conuiy. A. W. Pattihhon. Dated, May 8, 18. He sure and mark your ticket with an X between the number and namo voted for. To Stock mm. All persons are warned not to drive or nerd any stock upon the land ol the undersigned, to wit: the Eat half ol the north-west quarter or lection 34 lu T 2 B K 26 K. Trespaaien will ue prosecuted. II i. Hallock. A Great German's Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation, and kid ney, liver and bowel troubles are cored b Karl's Clover Root Tea. For Bale by Wells A Warren. Fills Do Not Core. Pills do not oare obstipation. They nnlv aoimvairfttn. Karl's Clover Hoot Uien WUO are not Coing to be infill- Tea &ive Derleot regularity of tbe enced to do what they know to be bowels. For sale by Wells aud Warren other than right and lu the inter ets of the people whom they are called to serve. A. O. I5artholo- mew, for judge, and J. W. Beck ett, for coinmiKHioner, are just such men as are needed for these two important places of trust Thej will be elected For Hale. Ten shares of etoek in the National Rank nf Henoner. Address Itit hard T. Cox, Reoelver, Arlington, Oregon, G4tf, Notice of Intention. Land Office at Thh Dalies, Orkoom; Mayiith. im. XTOTirR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice nihil Intention to make final prool in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, ol Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 27th, 1HMJ, vli: KIUIMRO M( EI.I.IUOTT, Hd. E. No. 31M9, for theSWSe. Beo. 17, Tp,2&, R 'M E tie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said laud, viz : Meuzo A Olden, James M. Baker, Frank M. Orlllln, Samuel Warueld, all of lone, Oregon. IaA. F. MOOKE, 419-41. Keglster. E. L. FREELAND, makes COLLECTIONS, waitta INSURANCE, Mttts ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Land Filings and Final Proofs Taken, STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY ITBLIC. The J. M. RUSSELL Co. The Dalles, Portland, Heppner. D. J. McFaul, M. D. f ETTKRS I j nr.. May 2.1, IMA. LET I KK i.iar. ADVERTISED AT At J. orrrieic i M. Hager's Residence. HEI'PNER Hrh.rtv dev. 'I liiimas McAllth. Joe Butler. Win. Me flies, rare Jno Elder When railing for these letters please say advertised. J. r. niLMAiie. r, M, The BI6 SHOW of the UNIVERSE COMING! ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS. The populiftfi mill democrats down in l'nlk county have fusod on afreo silver platform. Rexemkeii W. K. KlUi when you make out your ticket He should receive a rousing good rote from this county. IjOYaI. renulilicans should see to it that some of these campaign lies are nailed to the wall. Don't be fooled by smooth talk. i j Tut trouble among the fuller men down at Astoria is on the in crPRAP. A man was killed down there on Friday while drifting in bis boat, as a result of. the big strike that has been on tliera for some time. A iui street car accident occur red in Victoria on Tuesday in which mm e than fifty iwwple Inst their Uvea. 1 u accident was f-aufttsd by Mia rar going through a bridge that bad Uhhi citndxinord as anaafa for travel. MrKlM.ET appears to have very much the) beet of it for tha pre. dential nomination, and tha only show, apparently, to Ix-at him is (or lua Iieltl to Comuioa ami go against him should ha not im Dominated on tha first ballot Till pre pert a of tepuMioan sure in this county art) trry btik'ht indiisL All this talk about tti trading (T of rettain randi dates i all Ixwh, tnad from hnl rlnth, with a tteeira t Injur the chances f rertnin tuen n tha rev publiean lirket. Mid in tha inter ret of but one man nil tha demo rratio tit-ket, It ti't !. BOND BROTHERS' WORLD'S BEST SHOW, Notice of intention. JAM) OFFICE AT THE DAU.EI, OKEOON. j May 'ill, IKW. Notlre is herehy given that tl,o I,, nwln imtnen sett er lias I lea notice oi his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he madr before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, el ueppner, rirai,,iti mi Julv A. IH1. vm : 1M. E. No. R.MU, for the Ints 1 and 2, an 1 fl'-i UK. Hro. l.Tp.&H., K. M K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation Ol said land, vis: Harvey ('. Rush. William Gilliam, daunt aud lienjainlu Maitvsuii, all ol Ueppuur, m JA9.F. MOORE. 41 M Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE V ALI.E OREHOJi, I i inrilia. I hue Notice la hereby given Mn. Ellis is the protection can didate of the second congressional district, nnd should receive the enruoat support of every protec tionist in the district, regardless of race, color or previous party affiliations. On the issue of pro tection tne .bllia Campaign IS 1)6. . .. r J. ! ' lolloln-nmiNljHiiler naa nien noure bg fought out on the other The Crowning uimax oi cxniDmonai hand none of his opponents are coming nnt or taking a positive position, but would rather straddle with the hope of rapturing votes from all tho other parties. Mr. Northnp, whose campaign ought to have died a-borning, hopes to draw votes from both the old par- ties, and yet it he is a protectionist be could hardly hope to receive the support of a free trader, sine upon that issue.has been tbe di viding of the two greatest political parties the country has known. Doth Mr. Quinn and Mr. Dennett are making the campaign on free ailver. Then the only logical way for a protectionist is to cast his vote (or a protection candidate. Mr. Ellis is for protection to Amer ican products, his opponents are iAFSJ! vj4.r.-irj.tiAAi ,I f T 111 .f 'HI. V3 V, .'uTtt on WEDNESDAY June 3rd. and our ple are wel aware that most, Popular, Famnu, and altogether tbe Greatest the tariff must be settled first ua 1 u m. . ',. , ., ' t: A i LRil. ih I a iCUUHt tUlUII'UIWU lk VUl'Msn. ai-a..'y A iri itinf rtrluna sttnrk Ht. I iiiie, M'., fxliietkUy ptening at almtit & M n't l" k. 1 Ls ttumber of d ili reprte in Ht. xni and vicinity amounted t M ith Kit) ii jurisl an I others Wing brnnjit in. This is one if lha liMwt tetnl lr drstrurtiv and death iliIit)g fyt biiieseter re(mrted. No etimle Iim )et !o ma-la cf tL l"M aud dttrikg id property. Arlington llecnrd. f ke Ill4(ml ra4 st Utli Is lbs InJlfi loal who ferelsleetljr n glrele bis beellb, sml tha means at f ortisfl ssd reetofiti 11. klatjr (eraet ho am sot mnaliiallotal iJiuls da tbis. Tber fons objects of eotapsMloa s veil m eeneqfe. A fetlar of spp lite, lot ut sleep knl Heeh, Impaired Jia-estiufi, so nneeriaia e'ale cf Ibe bowels toil m lores tf liilNxiaeeee are Oiaojr imsIsii f Ilia spmrb c4 diaeeM, To ttieregeril them la eljet folly, wbleb nftenjril talnre In doe time tiUnletieS eeeerely. If Pol felkll. Tliat tnlal sat I Huron (lily lelleUle te(es ol llil ttlMbief In tbeehen rhf..ele ilieM, .ia4ter's Hoinaeb Hitlere, will, if re?ted tn la Hate, ayeit thoee ilieot.lere, lo the rttna ol wblrb II te slea fally Icon ate. AtH' thee re ehrnai In.t slie, lltr e-imi-laint, ll loey ronll-e. .itipU', ioie fe, tbcaaietum roalaMe. more to itneaa a few of oar Marvrlous Special Fcatnrea than it would I to see the Inside and Outside of any Show In the World. hefnte Joarpn U (ilbson, I. S. tU.m., at Lexing ton, Oregon, on June JO, l"t". is: ltd K Kn. Svm, lor the bK, nee. ll, Tp. J B. R. it. v w u He namee tne louowmg inmwi n. pmn his coiitltiiKWi residence uin and rullivaUoa of said land. l: . j..i.n t vnmie. winiam r.siea. irnw fhlnn, all ol Heppner. Oregon, and Edwin It. Beh,otUluWu.oreon. 4 AO. w. ' "'n r., M Register. . Notice of Intention. f ASnOFFICl AT I ORASDF.. OHEUOJI. Ij Aorll II. lav. Notice la hereby glvaa that lha Inl owing nam1 sen ier naa nira no- n nl hla luicntion to make Snal proof In sup port nf his claim, and thai mm prool win oe marfie neiore ine roiiniT ' i", m.'.tvw ty, Oirgoo,oa) June l'lB,t. ls: Hd. I. Ke. (r me ', Mti and lota 1 and I tu, ITn liknK .M. He lumx the Mlnwlng wltneeawe to prot hlaronilniinna realdeece upon and culUiailoo Mlltlln J. Hen. John T liannway, ainen n. ai.nn rk.tla Unmn. all ol Henptief. If. Any peroia wnooeairee pi"" - al'nwanr ol ew prool. Mminiir ..ti.mul Mann, niel-f I he law and the regu lations nf lha lnlrot Itepertreeni, wny awe proof .h.Mild nH be allowed, will I glree an oi.portunlly al Ihe aie mentioned lime end Ju- i.. -a-mttia the wilnewee of Bald rlalmanl. and In ofler evidence la rebulUI at I that subotltUMl by clalaunu n. r. w ii-. 4M-M Srelal. Wood Wanted. ktoTii a t ntarsT ntvF. tmt Tut a, hnd board nf IHstrWt n. I, iieepeer. lot . will lervlte bids of ike onry m Miiy il mxla ol wood el Ibe ertwa premlM el PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1896. To Tug Public : , The following facts have decided ui to open up an office at The Dalles, and we believe the wool growers will feel an interest In our proposition to handle their wool. THE DALLES MARKET. --In lH95slx million pounds of wool was marketed there, which brought extreme prices. The present outlook is that not less than eight million pounds will be marketed there this season, and we believe wools sold In The Dalles will bring full values for the following reasons : 1st. 1 he large amount of wool handled not only attrac's buyers, and the most of them make The Dalles their headquarters for the season, causing a brisk competition. The Oregon mills use not less thai two million pounds, so wools la The Dalles have the benefit of this competition, as well as for the East and California markets. 2d. The location of The Dalles is such that Ave transcontinental railroads compete for freight, guaranteeing the shipper a low rate; In 1K95 wools from The Dalles to the East were taken ate rate cf 90 eta. per hundred pounds. 8d. Arrangements have been made with the railroad companies whereby local freight to The Dalles when added to the freight from The Dalles East, will not be higher than the freight from local points direct East, and lu many cases less. These facts alone assure the growers the highest possible prlre. CONSIGN M E NTS.- While we fully realize consigning wool is a thing of the past, we believe growers will do well to consider our proposition, especially this season as there la every reason to believe It will he a slow, draggy year. Our business In the past has been buying for Oregon and Eastern mills and dealers. Realising; how slow the mills and dealers will be in placing their orders this year, we think our method of handling will be ao advantage to the grower, and considering the wool will not be moved from the home market nor from under your control without consent; you must not look upon our proposition in the light of shipping on consignment. For ten years past, "excepting 1NM, the year of the panic," wools have brought better prices In the home markets, as the season advanced, than at the opening, and we believe this will be especially so this season. When growers are not in a position I hold their wool, or feel Inclined to sell to pay their bills, we will make an advance at a liberal rate of Interest; will Uke charge of the wool, pay the teamster's and other charges when requested to do so, and when wools are to be shipped to The Dalles by rail, we will lae care of the railway freights from point of shipment to The Dalle, end at such points aa Heppner and Arlington, we will have a representative who will take charge of You will keen In mind that when shipping to The Dallee there will lie no et tn yon, end considering the low price of wool, we have concluded to do this work at cent per pound brokerage. We will lie bleated to heard 03 you. and send regular ercoutita nf e-at-m ami Ino.i m..k-. I when requested. xMI j. . KUSMKLL CO. RACES ! RACES ! -4 Ths tltppaor HpeeJ Aseoeialioo baa decided to bold a Kaea Meetiog at I lleppoef. same to be epa June a, la, Coaliarnl Areow Aeeerably ...! to- d-uwr no b-i.,fe i I . i tht-td rteettee Ibe WM to t.)l s all M.le, Aitm J, I S"ess,rief Kauai, IteppiM. nr , May 1 1 St Uat-aa or sua Botes. T July 10 Tare CnrnpMa Ctrc as Troops - - A Fits All Nations GHEATT Male ami Female Cclebrilies. (hW )m?tt of Rift Wai flu4j is. fttii'i IVi Su SiryrvM Asia, I'.arot, Afrtea and Amerie la foettibaUott. r,Rin mm mnmmi..wm tv and or.iGiML rtm i , i.j Wna t .nulla, aaxllna la irobale . i a a f. l.i.i. 1....I r I-.-. Tl, l...i U'nh.ltfnt a .1 Imagine Animal I lha a.l.iil ae .l.nli.ta.i..e ol li said IHSlimani .uin-f l.a,. al uWk- sadaa, to lllllll rn. off liHsoay, j 26, MlIU K or SAI.K. t nrsrsv otvsi TMT aii.l-t an4 by lrti ol a IM WW nl Ml aa,U and nlea-1 a Waf HB IW. in IK- m.-ii- w ih- i-t- ol T kom-a 9 law! hllktlMDI) son of lb Wale M tot Mn loMBlr. wtiim la protaiw Itf,mnanre-Tbe (Uealeel l'i.B.rre-Tb Coinfleto WllJ I Waal Mbows-lbe Ktertwbere ('Or Jed IWet Miowe on Keith. A rH f si -is la ltaiaitoti I'll lltie IkM skeflg Ibal will ebtae enl lbtfle'ae. te a I s-k I will sMile to be ea leelent ae tbe eoenif e-arl will ft m II ate A M U tea of lne fr-"te le eiere'ail.Hi ere k4l,ivg bl teaalg Ilea. A S.e. Ma JV, ies. Ttif reja'fl is qoit Mrrrt ahuot Ilri ( tirr that trailicrf ia lV Irtjj i.t;a ljr an.l in lli Inlerrst nf rei tain ral.ili latre in t lse rrullf raOlukeL Tills ie a trry Ohfra. itial)a (atrnie,l StiJ ahollff wttbutit faqcJaUoa. fltoal f Itost b kte rue. otsture; latonee lUhisa sal eiiriri sxajl at sigbt, woree t- efetrtilsa. If Slbwe4 la) Stilts t emote fwrsB, bieb ltea Meavj 4 aiweto, hrr.-elrt ef enfew tTaa (lietaraf el' i-s Ibe a. Id-oat. beele wlevtalaoe), M e raxl eaaae r-rj)t- lb lesoe Al draggle, a, a . -. I a . aar, , . t M . - .a Tit ISimUto I'lJie-tolrbla, hki-yrJi fjrrl .f KintLii, CirKtl frr, I WfKjtl Itare, Itlch. toetrtHllse sa4 rpeiel-U.l. I'reMSbef leeeaa.rable Hperiel Ii,,im ieer before) I ibitt4 In AnrK a T l.lber tf Vblb wont. I be !) It fan A I I'eeM- Maka op T'tir l arlira ati.l feuteull )uur Matin Aged ft,f lacureioo lUteaoo IJONI) llUOTItKllS' tUy. Sec the FREE SPECTACULAR Street PAGEANT . ftt m IN MIL ruiVCINUUiN Oot Ticket, fof IL I'sOal rnc, AJmiL; lo tU lh, iHM a'l l'i I'X w la band M if. J.oea.-aa allleelwtlai Ike lanama rt lhal 4af the f'-mlax ol aaM 4ri lha l.l..s me e-il eo.rn h-leg la to ih ata. MiaM aaxate aiiweted la Mn. fa I t " to all 'a "l "I H, Te it, 5t I at. aim - -a aa m-4 VHa.ati.BlM SB. ft 7t ft. M . all la I taweai ai4 aaJe w aaa-le ! ta al ll" a-t l !' - a aa atlalli.e tit.. a lha aa4 real t,Tatf, ea4 e.,i.ji ba iea enaliioaiws 4 ail aai-e to be by Ibe abate eenited I af I at i A rir(. 4alnla)rlo (4 Ike ale 4 TVawae f Sa.t.a a a, 1 Ihi-I Ibis sib 4a r al Mae. twty r? r. Kotictfof Publication. SMt. naruoi la kae-H fta lha lha b.ale aall'a baa e aaj Me aa iniat.ii.Hi Sn aui SnaJ frmj la eaifnrl ml bat alaa ea4 lhal aa4 p4 eul be aaai ka toee B . r H a.ajaatwa U a etentt aarl, as lla-f Ite-a aa I ,e Tk, lit M'llll'r S'l""e -.Vnci JfiMtliiu: loiir DnyN. $700.00 IN PURSES! $700.00 l t) H A Sal al IC t rillT rT-To-1ay, Mayy.-Uaee I. Utrer mile daeb. fra) f.-r etl. faree. Uee 1 Half nits daeb, f . r ! tear nlU. trl I Oresna. Wtth- lag io nr I labo, nominaiioa reo. Nua-ltKmagbU'xts allowel fi poaedg weight. AJ.Iet m.M v, tim KtXt)M PAY-wediteeJaf, May 7 - Usee S Tbre se.l eee-Laif forlooga. free for all Puree, f 75. IU-. Half -oile daah. f few f-w bll. I'are. )). Tlllttt) DIT-lbO'.lay. Way J Oee t bio sn4 yards, free foe all Pnr,j. Kaeefl. Tbraateigbts sai, baoJ.esp, repeat, free fur sit. 1'nree, I Ml rOUKTU PAT-friUe.alef -R7. Oee b,f mile 4eeh, free ff .11 ten year ei te, wtmwf uf euke rea ba're I Taree, 7j. HM B Far as4 oee belf fi't"e rtel, fe M ail. raree, lUU, lX)Min)M -Tl eaerar-se,llb.r, l by the ale i.f lie reifl IlUa, Maraa) Aaolalw, Knlranee few la g! raeaa, a nib-ralae ettetnlWtl, i) bet ewcl of striotitil if poe. Art we ant ti eeitcf, three) lo e'arl. In raae that (nreee eraots givest do Sol Ql wilb tte totai leU enltlee. Ibe board baa tb bisif I) rev dere ll.e emoweig (4 lle po'e ea la lb jt If rrxnt eee pf"(r Ibadireeinrs eae Ibe Hb la a-eiixe apt eed all reeea aa aeroaai nl laelemeal aealbee. If ahnew rarwa do "! fill, paeea will rat rtea lot e pei el f eea, lo ta eqUtlloted hy Ibe dirae'ewa I'araaai ali Ue rtiebM 0 pe' real It fleet tore, ft) per tl la enal. All satries lorlf bf o'slork. p as. aa Ibaaewstof tm4ig u raeev WORLD'S BIST SHOWS ggpSflt-b purses will b& paid in full. tw9 Oraal llkibiltosa a4 reffa IHtf, Kl Kbits, liuurs it I mi T . ti t Hoi'i SJ fitnire.ll ta4ir .fiie, I I ai'tea U a) ta fw- . fa. W. W a w frr.,i. s-, jrn. catfi rre.d.i- I. Malawi, lists MeAte K. CI. ,, (re Uartiaatoa, Bear Ilpfr, lt rectors.