Portland 1 fMUVMIaMMOIUIMIMani - fill l OFFICIAL PAP E R i""" '"" 5 eeeeeeeee I MY SUCCESS I I Is owing to my liberality in ad-: vertis'ng Robert Bonner. 1 s I 9 I lllltllMIltlDIJ'llll riMlillUlllllllMlM i-lia FREQUENT AND CONSTANT j Advertising brought itie all II own, A. T. Stewart. o o S) a o i i '' J tWtt.i miMktii FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1896. I WEKKLY rfO. 692) j SEMI-WEEKLY NO 444 1 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PCBLIHHBU Tuesdays and Fridays BY M PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. - Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $4.5(1 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots. Cor three mtmins. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. 0. Hake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where oou racts for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:4s p. m. daily, except I Bunday. Arrives 5:00 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 1:11 a. m.: east bound 1:33 a. in. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 7:45 p. ra. and :10 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p, m. and 0.15 a. m. OPriCIAIi DIBEOTORT. United Mate Officials. President... G rover Cleveland Vioe-l'resldent.... Secretary of State Secretary of Treasury. ... Secretary of Interior..., Secretary of War.. .... .. Secretary of Navy Post master-General Attorney-General Secretary oF Agriculture Governor Secretary of State Treasurer Bmit. Hublio Instruction Attorney General Senators .Ad ai Stevenson ..Kiohard S. Olney ...John G. Carlisle Hoke Smith .Daniel 8. Lamont ..Hilary A. Herbert William 1,. Wi son ...Judson Harmon I . J. Sterling Morton Stale of Oregon. W. P. Lord H. It. Kincaid Phil. Metachan O. M. Irwin C. M. Id'eman MoHride Mitchell Congressmen Printer I G. W. Mol H. Mit 1 Ilinger Herr I Ilinger Hermann 1W.K. Ellis W. H. Leeds R. S. Bean. i F. A. Moore. (C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John U. Lawrej I Morrow Coouty Officials. Joint Benator., Kepresentativ, I'mnty Jadge 1 Commissioners... J. M. Baker. " Clerk " Sheriff " Treasnror ' Assessor. Bnrveyor. ' School Sup't.... " Coroner , . tit n i . .... n. . uwi I J. 8. Boothby Johns Keithly J.tt. Howard J. W. Morron ..G. W. Hamngtou Frank Gilliam J. C. Willis Gen. Lord I Anna lialsurnr T. W. Ayere, Jr ...If. L. Treelana .N. 8. WheUton ttvppiin towm ArnfliRH. Muni Thoe. Morgan I r,.,,nil,iiu O. K. Farnswortb. M. liichU-ntlml. Otia Pattorson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., 8. 8. Horner, K. J. Blooum. . Keoonlw F. J. H al ook rr...nn L. L. Freland Marshal A. A. lUiberU I Pm-IBOt Offlc r. Justice of th Peace....".. Constable United Htatrs Land OtHcem. TUB 11AI.1.U. OB. J. F. Moore Ulster A. 8. Binre Keoeivw t.k naAvna. oa. n V. Wilxm IlngNter J.U. Kobbins... JUoeirer BSSItZT SOCIETIES. KAWL1N8 POST, NO. IL G. A. U. Meets at Lexington. Or., the Us Saturday of art. month. All Tateraus ar Invlt to Join. C- C. Hona. (I so. VV. Hmitii. AriintAnt, tf ('oinnminUr. L U M BE It ! Iirt HAVK FOR a A I.K ALL KIND OF CJ V dressed Lumber. It miles uf lieppnef, at what Is known a the BOOTT O.A.VV'JVtXXjXj. rxa i.ooo riKT, rough, - - C'LKAt, 17 60 I STUB. To be Torn Off by the Chairman. STUB. To be Torn Oft by the First Clerk. Official Ballot tor HEPFNER Precinct, Morrow Go., Or., June l, 1896. Mark between, the Number and Name of Each Candidate or Answer Voted for. STATE) FOR CONGRESS, Second District. VOTE FOR ONE. 12. A. S. BENNETT, of Wbsoo Go Democratic 13. X W. R. ELLIS, of Morrow Go. Republican 14. F. McKEROHER. of Multnomah Co Prohibition 15. H. H. NORTH UP, of Multnomah Co., Ind. Sound Money 16. - MARTIN QDINN, of Multnomah Co ..Peoples FOR SUPREME JUDGE. VOTE FOR ONE. 17. X ROBERT 8. BEAN, of Lane Co. . Republican 18. JOHN BURNETT, of Benton Co Demooratio 19. JOSEPH. GASTON, of Multnomah Co .Peoples Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report r Absolutely pure WASHINGTON LETTER, SIXTH DISTRICT. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. VOTE FOR ONE. For Member State Board of Equalization. VOTE FOR ONE. 20 T. Q. HAILET. of Umatilla Co Democratic 26. UP. DAVIS, of Umatilla Co. Democratic 21. X STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Umatilla Co Republican 27. X CHAS. JOHNSON, of Morrow Co Republican 22. R. M. TURNER, of Umatilla Co., Independent Free Silver ,28. GEORGE D. FEEBLER, of Umatilla Co People. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. VOTE FOR ON. 23 X H. J. BEAN, of Umatilla Co Republican 24. WILLIAM PAB80NS, of Umatilla Go Peoples 25. G. W. REA, of Morrow Co Demooratio .. COUNTY. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. VOTE FOR ONE. 29. X J. N. BROWN, of Heppner Republican 80. THOMAS MORGAN, of Heppner Demooratio 31. J. L. 8WIFT, of Eight Mile. Peoples FOR COUNTY CLERK. VOTE FOR ONE. 32. J. W. MORROW, of Heppner Democratic 33. X A. W, PATTERSON, of Heppner Republican 34. E. B. STANTON, of Eight Mile Peoples FOR SHERIFF- VOTE FOR ONE 35. J. C. HAYES, of Heppner 3G. E. L MATLOCK, of Heppner. . . 37. X ANDREW ROOD, of Dairy ..... Peoples Democratic .Republican FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. VOTE FOR ONE. 43. WILLIAM CRABTREE, of Matteson Peoples 44. X A. 0. PETTEYS, of lone Republican 45. W. P. SNYDER, of Dry Fork Demooratio FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT. VOTE FOR ONE. 46. J. D. BROWN, of Heppner..... .Independent Democratic 47. ADDIE W. CON LEE, of Eight Mile, Independent Peoples 48. X J. W. SHIPLEY, of Heppner. ...independent Republican FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. VOTE FOR ONE. 49. X J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.. 50. J. T. MoALISTER, of Lexington. . .Republican ... .Peoples ' :- FOR SURVEYOR. VOTE FOH ONE. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. VOTE FOR ONE. 61. X JOBN W, HOUNOR. of Heppner Republican 38 X A. Q. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine Republican 52. R. W. TURNER, of Heppner Peoples 39. W. A. KIKK, of Heppner Peoples 40. GtORGE NOBLE, of Heppner Democrats ... J FOR CORONER. VOTE IQli OAE. 60 J.T. M ITCH ELL, of Heppner Peoples FOR COUNTY TREASURER VOTE FOR ONE. M B. F. VAUO HAN, of Heppner Repobl.oao 41. x FRANK GILLIAM, of Heopner Republican 42. J. L, YEAOER, of Heppner Peoples DISTRICT iXo. g. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. VOTE FOR ONE. FOR CONSTABLE. VOTE FOR ONE. 68. X E. L. FIIEELAND, of Heppner llepublioso 70. JEFF JONES, of Uepi ner Peoples 69 W. A. RICHARDSON, of Heppner Demoorstic 7L J. E. MA8TERSON, of Heppner Democralio 7X x N. 8. WHETSTONE, of Heppner Ind. ltepublioan MM.M t The attention of the voter Is called to the Official Ballot as printed above. This Indicates how you should mark your ballot with a simple cross Just before the name voted for. TF DFUVERKD IN HFPPKR, WILL ADD M. K' 00 par Iswi. additional. The abort quotations are strtctljr for Cash. L HAMILTON, Prop. national Earn; oi umi WI. rCNLAND. ED. t. BISHOr. P rolls I. Ceekssr, TRANSACTS A GENER.IL BANKING BUSINESS T. R. HOWARD -DEALS 1N- coLL,i:arioN8 Ma.!a ou FsvorabU Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLD HEITNtll. tf OREGON Ontario-Burns Stat line a ft i BOBHS-GflHYON STHGEUHE! H. A. WILLIAMS. P-op Groceries, Gents' . Furnishing Goods, " Stockmens' Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! IU will make it ao oljVcl fur yoa to lr!e with him M bit price re rinht, tod s.11 goods thai be band lot art) of tb very bent Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, PI op pii or, Oregon The RMtBucHkow. Without doobl or question lbs most popular and attntclivs eibibttloual eo terprlss of lbs age is tbal of Bond Urotb- srs, whtob will spread its bags lenU at Hsorner on Wv)nealaf, Jaos 8rd. Its repaiaiion aa lbs leading Wolf d laws meot is world wide. As orgenitstion owned and directed by lbs same mso agemeoi for forty years of mot sileeaivs trsfel, bseinf eihibiM aronnd lbs globe, lis adf enl bere la beraldsd far and ida, audits adeertieing mtterlel dnaa aredil to the prisUr's art, belog lbs flsest sod moat aipwoeifs sef posUd say where. Pre par si loos are belog mads oa every band for be great day. Lsrge crowds frota aeiclib neg toans sad tba sons try will be bar. Everybody Is oa tba tip-toa of sipoetetioa. Ir rale round trio sseareiosj tu-kala will be est sale oa day above asrosd, tbal all may bavs aa ooDortooiiy of vUlUeg laa World's Bl Hbow. TUn Poppeo waa down from Hard man yesterday, Tba bo pu I lata have another uiaes meet ing at Iba opera boose today. 'OSTAUIOnUJlXS leaves llirne Dally el 6 p. m. sad ar- rlvtw al Ontario ia 42 boara. Single Fnro S7.CO. Round Trip $10.00 fswTh" (i fiit t ' f1 p4. j IlVIiS'S CAXYOX al n, n I .tr ih llt i wi M iviM la lulnlu) I'M rntllxl !wM iik ixiuibi. ti,t.. al Latt ai (, M A-wr !.: st e h'-rrx Maw la IM time li f.t I K WTly fWiurnaiaa. tS m'is alab nf ths Vt, Wiisj I MO -. b I It ta a.1stM. . ft l 5"M'e 'Fill? t .wtiiaatwti ,f a 't at a t m S I 1 1 r to lb , lii ! '! t a it ptmi aa a-1 initial .hm.I.ii !' f a k-wllial ptU a ONwS ia e4 ataaaritsB. Do You Want a Rig ? ! Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle I Iorsc 1 All tbts can U procorrnl at Tbntupwin k l!iooa, Lower Main Htreet, Herpner, Orfgoo. TVw hIs tn oil tilM sllli linn Mam? rtrw. Ill'llsw 4 WlmntH ea4 avaw, a-4 Hm la mi ae ! t '!!' mmm. rv- ia iv4 aia u n. THOMPSON IUNNS, Lancashire Insurance Co. DIM:!! OP THE tKI. The Intitw lulling and swiarilpg InrL dmt U earma, inter, salt -theam, and cxI awwi of ilia akin U liwuiiity alUrfl by ait-lrlng (hambrf tains Ira sad Hio Ointrrawit. Many Very 11 ea havs ba prrmaiwiiUy tvrnl ,v tU It is equally ffuivnl M ikbiog .iL arl s favnrlie rww alf i sore oiii.Ua; rl. 4 l.svU, edit UaiiM, frrat liu-, aivl iIipm io wre eva Ko sale hy druj-Kis al cial Jwr btS, Try Dr. fadj's (edllla reasVrs, tby Sf jual akal a Imw text a hm In Isvl triad taust. !-, LVk-I purilwl aa4 veratura. Fuf sale by CVaer k Hfei, da(Us T M ! Tba rivr M rM rapU'y aad lib lb slrg Wam wtad Plf H tB't tw el eet In kp at It In awniU, be Ibera era aa eepelly alalag rp"f a tat Imas) app anaatry asd lbre te axi reave) ta w a' eni l a aa'ia 1 vim e fresi f ba anaih was ad ) , al mIs l.iptf wai-rs l iba t- InskVa, aat if Iba Make ipie s fl ,4 l.f . (he aprf 0lawbis g'U s tMl la, we aa '. Luther HnstoB and wife were In from their Eight Mile borne oa Wedoreda; JUv. J. M. D-aniaoa departed for bis boms st Hood Itiveroo Wadaeaday even lug. JUunlar oresohlos servieea at the op era boose oo Monday by Elder I. W. Jenklbe. Joe lis n later aad Ham Adams ware la from llardmaa Wednaedajr atleadiaf to aoeua boeinees metiers. O sores Miller, the onetmaelerat Dong lea, was la Hppaer Wedaaaiay shaking baods with bis msoy frkode. It A. He Mar. reiiraewotiag . K- lieteh A (Jo-, narebeel I a. lore, of Tba Uellea, Is dittos our eitf la lbs ietret of bts fins. IteJdoeaa ia either hereditary or asaeed by efc'ieeaa, moolal eibeoetioo, eriag Until Biting hate, and by over-work aad Iroable. Hell's lUoewee will preveol II. Dr. J. W. fUemne rHorrd on floa- dav mornln frura Asl'Wla wlwra be at Uedsd Iba grand rdga of I. t). O. F. I k sas loaf bad a g'aad lias, I here bloe sasa IUra haadrej deb gsiaa la altaadaaoa. Fueeil Jooraal i 4l Mad of oaa aad two-tear old etre llt f 'i Wedaea . ... ... day la erarf l loia li'iaa ai iiai'pasr, fr alx.ro w. n. lrj' tona turi. Ibess la Ihte vieia.tr. Tbey are Ube' ehl d Ket. fond, aba It eoaire r0 lb ebxaarb onaaaw li.anl'il' va acid aaa k-. !.. Il mo 11m bi-t. aad bHb salad and blv eaffrr la roaT e wbai ald l rHe -(! detiHi te a dM or two of A rei'e 1'iila. Tba; aevr fell l Mliate. M ANCIIHM'r KH, NIILANI t aSarra I ar. I llMllh a4 Saaw lr.ell I. y biMis CaUrrb IlusaaJy, Fuss frOc, J A Vlonit. the I .ae eaarehent, wee a llfpar Wdls. J a eaye lb a eM-i a as t -aad to bo ebofl aa a eB lhe ' owing io toe onino) oi. Id eirig t'l'l't obie pvet4 asaeb of n.e grata l'a swaaiag op Il le a graoi att ke toeaeawwa ikal a Mo.fl .e gtM eag b; II ai s exala'ra t' e- wtvh I all-o f im.-ti t al f. !. Il.a I I asaat hw atifi d and ! I, ad Ihta mo air - a) bt etcb a aoJed ellWS tie ee A si's tWaaartlla. From our Special Correspondent. , , It was Mrs. Partington, I believe, who declared to the world that "comparisons are odorous," Now if there is anything odorous about the comparisons I am go ing to make, it should be a sweet smell in the nostrils of all Oregooians, for tbe comparisons ere very mnoh in favor of their state and the sound sense and po litical judgment they have heretofore shuwn. 1 do not expeot in makipg this pre sentation to rival Gladstone, of whom it is said that no other man can - make tho dry figures of the Budget breathe soulful eloquence, but I do expect to tarnish some food for thought to those few per sons in Oregon who have an idea that the state does not get its share of tbe ap propriations made by the Federal gov ernment. . In proportion to her population Ore gon stands first on tbe list of stales in appropriations carried by the ltiver and Harbo? bill as passed by tbe senate. Ad ding in the amount carried by the Sun dry Oivil bill the bill oarries tour million and nineteen thousand dollars for Ore gon. In order to illustrate how great this advantage is, I, am going to make some comparisons with tbe three . states whose aggregate appropriations exoeed tboes of Oregon. The bill oarries tor tbe greet State of New York in continuing contracts and Immediate appropriations a little more than it oarries for Oregon. Bat New York has six millions of people and Ore gon bad aooordiog to tba last census 813,000. Tbe per capita amount tbe bill carries tor the slste of, New York Is abont seventy-four cents- That is to ssy it directs to be expended in tbe stats of New York a sum equal in sroount to seventy-four cents for saoh man, woman aud child that lived in it at the time the last oensus waa taken. On tbs other hand I he bill direots to be expended the state ot Oregon, a sum equal ia a mount to twelve dollars and forly-fiv oeots for each men, woman and ohild of her population, or almost seventeen timee as mnoh ss will bs expended in tb Stats of New York, in proportion to pop ulation. The amount to be expended under tba bill in tbs State ot Illinois is ons dollar sod seventy oents pr heed, or only one- ssventb of that to be expended in tbe State ot Oregon. The amount to bo ex peoded In tbe Btete of California is three dollars and thirty-one oents per besd, lUMe over one fourth of that to be ex peoded io the State of Oregon. Tba total amouot carried by the bllj ia equivalent to one dollar and tweoty omits tor each man, woman and ohild In tba United States. It tbs amount bs beet, dietribatad eqaelly emoog lb states aooordiog to tba population Ore- goo would bavs received three baadrs aod seventy eix Ibooaaod fle boodred aud twenty dollars, tbal Is to sav three oitllioo, seveo hundred and sixty flvs tbooaaod dollars lees Ibaa abe will re ceive if Iba bill beoonee a law as it bas paaaed tba senate. t lbs spproprlsllnns for all Iba other states were la proportioo to those it car riae tor the State of Oregia, tbe ltiver aod Harbor bill would bavs lo carry total appropriation of aevea hundred aod fifty-ooe millbia dollars, or lh boadred mlillooe mora than tba entire appropnatioee of tba government for every aod all parptatea. Ta a maa ap a Uee-evea If be ware aot credited with tba Intalllgeoos and dieearameat nasally atlriboUd lo Ike asytbieal peraos il woold eaara as il Ibis wars tbs a p pole ted lima for tba pa triotic Oregoaiaa lo raiao bis toiee ie paalma ot pf etas aad Ibaakegiviag. Aad I do aoi soppoae lb at be woU objacl to bar eaeetore aad repeaasateUvaa is eno grees getting a litlls of that swa4 ia eeoaa, aaleea indeed bs Ibloks thai ti.a lovs tba aaoalors aod r tpreeaolelirea frnm ether etstse entav tale for Oregon le ao oioeb greater Ibaa tba love they beve f.if Ibeir owe stelae aad aoeetileeaia, Ibal ll.ay eaerifiee Ibaraaaliee aa Iba al tar of Ibeir love of ear Web footed euov inaoealtb. I era, of aooraa, well so are, thai Ibis bill la S p'eaael aoadltios) Sneos aa etpeaelofi of Ilia swrrwooy lo Ott', a boa d all Iba aviaey eipwadad la lliaa iiaorovemaels rtaala la lbs sUle, of I ! dlles enl forty Ivs seals per eapiia. Oa Ibis aeoooal I eipawt M ao iba 0''rt.laa, ragardlag aa II d'e an; Hilng Ilka laf1aiiMi uf the aarreary ae aa naauMgaUd evil frsagbl Willi Iba '! faarlnl ea4Mai, orgs Op"0 frael dl (lt.lad tba eipdiaey ot ki ir.g tine b.ll. Tbe Oegnaiaa lervaitf daslaraa Ibel I bar a la two meh aay ia Iba eaairy aad of anae It de S'.l awal Oeegia aa blag oaieide the t'atla.1 wi.u ta b- a aaia waa r "l ili'e I'e sr,ta4.i i.ti.a f.f li tr ei d lle-l-v Im'IP'II-' A-vU.I. II...MS H.. i-uv- li Uarmee tf -fed l aedwaal ta purpose and practical effeot of whioh was to nullify all the continuing con tracts provided tor in the bill, by a lim itation ot the total amount that oonld be expended in any one year to ten millions ot dollars. A motion to lay on tbe table was defeated by a deoislye vote of thir ty-one to twenty-three, just before the senate adjourned for the day. During that night and tbe next day Senator Mitchell and ., Senator MoBride worked like beavers to strengthen tbe opposi tion to the amendment. Senator Mitoh ell prevailed upon the Senators from tbs Rooky Mountain states who have little or no interest in tbe River and Harbor bill to vote on the seooud motion to ta ble and it was due largely to his efforts that tbe seoond motion was oarried by as decisive a vote as the first was defeat ed. Adjournment of ood gross is now look ed for anywhere between tbe 5th and 10th of June. It will be impossible tor any of the Oregon delegation to leave Washington until adjournment. Sen ator Mitchell will probably be detained here for several days after adjournment getting bia papers in order and settling ap matters in tba department. He bas not bad any intention of leaving bare until it were safe for Oregon's interests for him to do so. Tbs statement in the Oregonian to the effeot that he would bo in Oregon about the 17th of Ibis month was evolved oot ot tbe inner conscious ness ot that paper, and is in keeping with the methods il oommooly pursaee. It would be untruthful lo say thai Sen ator Mitchell aod Congressman Ellis would not like to be free to go to Oregon and participate io a campaign in whioh tbey have a direct personal as well as a party interest but it is imposnible for them to do so, and feel that they are jus tified in saorifking important stats in terests tor their personal advautage. The last days of a session are usually the most important, and everything has to be oaretully watonqt How to Treat a Wire. (From Pacific Health Journal.) First, get a wife: second, be natieut. Yoa may have great trials and perplexi ties iu yotir business, but do nut there fore, carry In your home a oinudy or oo'itracted brow. Your wife may have trial, which, though of leas magnitude, may be hard for her to hear, A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders ia Ohasing from her brow all rlnuda of gloom. To this we aonld add always keep a bottle of CliaruberUin's Congb Itwmedy in the bouse. II is the bel and i sure to he beaded aooner or lator. Your wife will then know thai yon really oare lor ner and wish lo protenl her health. For sale by Cooser A Brook. druggists. PRKHi COMMENT. Tbs republican who votes for Northop is voting Indirectly for Qalna, tor lbs reseoo that Northop waa pot ap for Iba sols purpose of taking votee swsy from Ellis, aod svery vote taken from Ellis, whether by voting for Northop or Ben nett is a bslf a Vule for Qninn, beoaneo Qaioo will bs elected if Ellis is aot. Tba Isws governing this country are mails io Congress; there lbs policy of Ihs aalia and of Iba political parties is shsood; hen os all that Ibera is io party should be bronabl lo Ihs sorfaoe ia lbs election of members of Ihs highest law-making Irlboual la Ibis country. Certainly lbs man who vol's for a free trade eosgraaa aan should silt I late with Ibe free treds party, for thai ia Iba dividing lias be tween tbs Iwo great political parties, aod bas been for all tbeae years, aad will las for years lo ouma. Then wby should a republteea fits evrn ladire lly for Ba oat t or U ilnn T This is a matter so eerioos Is Its character thai il repair's mors Ibaa paeelog Onr.sld-rali.ia. hi. Helens Wtal. A Mbv s Ufa Bat.4 "My baby be I smnpeed was saved br HI. Hob's Core." writes Mrs. J. B. kfartia, of llon'eville, Als. For sals by Walla 4 Werrea. ta'bea llila earapaigo is over aad yoa ore lira.1 of flililng f r soekara, boy a aew oo'fil of ftahieg laakle frnra P. 0. THnrniieon (V and try fishing (or trnnt Too may bavs 11 If lock. SI Tbe "musical la" al Iba opara boaae ft B Wednaeley eveleg waa a ennaeae. and B'l'ed the ledlrs of the !psooal sha'eb a nt a 'i in. CATARRH-SI LOCALDISEASE S-4 1 Ik w i tM e4 tl Ma ka rmrm4 , pmimH tf .IH, 4 B lfs if i r . e- 4 m Ely's Cre i d:hi tf , -' u a4 4 i (' I " i-.f . r, at ,( b . ( t I, - ... I'Slt. - . .. v i .a ef rw.. ,). . . -1 t4I ewi SUA, M aent M lata.