Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 26, 1896, Image 4

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    iiloiAlo iiSlo
E. McNEluL, Receiver.
to the
:e sir
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Another Congressman;
Paine's Celery Compound, the 6reat
Spring Remedy, A.ade Him Well.
bat oh, great Soott, this ia a oaae ot
May all in the land bow down and
onbip thee that thy name may be
glorified. Coonsel na in the wavs that
give thee oleasnre. Give nt thy protec-
oo. Guide, goard and protect na
throngb the uneven jonrney of life : al
leviate (be enffdrinKSof our frail and dy
ing bodies, and at last save na (or Soft's
sake. Amen I
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. k N.
Agent at Heppner, tr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Obkook.
If you think ot bnying an engine of
any size or kind send fr our Catalogue
HT oi n..4.k.'KiM ill..-.-...: j
4ir, ou, utiiitniiii' k muni mi iuui iuu
prloes of every kind of engine from one
up to 2T hoiss power, at bottom prices,
or List No. 29, for yaoht engine, boll
era and maohinery. Either aent free.
Ciias. P. Wiilard & Co..
197 Canal Street,
&ciii. Frniiolsoo
And all point In California, via Uia Ml. Bhaeta
ruula of the
Southern Pacific Co
Thasrml hiahwKf through rahfnrnia to all
point K4.1 and South. Umnd Howiln ItoaU
of thal'ai-IAe '. I'nllman Hoflet
hlaopera. Hooond-oUa HlwiptM
Attached lo HM train, attimtin enpanor
aoMimainiUttoii fureenund-claae I mitotan,
for niiaa, tirkrta. elmpiiig car reaarvatlufil,
"n. nail nim i.r aililrma
R. KOKIII.KIt. Matiaor. K. P. ROOCIU, A ait.
Un. r. V, t.. hirtiand. Oregon
p-stx : :f?-.v. . .- . .-v.- . V'SV - '5i.
Don't think beoaaee yon are aiok and
nothing aeems to give yon relief that
on can't be oared.
There must be a oure for yon some
If your doctor esB't cure yoa. perhaps
be has mistaken the oanse. Aoybody is
liable to make a mistake sometimes
One in three ot na suffer from indiges-
lon, and one ont of three dyspentios
doesn't koow it. Tout is, be may know
rie is sick, but be blames it to some
thing else.
Indigestion ia the oanse of half ot onr
angerons diseases.
Shaker Digestive Cordial, made from
tonio medioal roots and herbs, ia the
most natural onre for indigestion. Il
relieves the symptoms and on res the
isea e gently, naturally, efficiently, eiy
ng fresh life, strength and health to
sick dyspeptios.
At druggists. A trial bottle 10 oents.
A congressmen is a publio servant in
Ibe full sense of the word.
Be ia tesponsible to bis constituents,
to bis party, to himself the honorable
office is full of bard, thankless work, and
heavy responsibility.
Congressman William W. Grout is
grateful to the friends who direoted him
to Paine'a celery 00m pound, when pro
longed official work bad well nigb ex
hausted bis health and strength. Hia
letter reads:
Committee on Expenditures War Dept.
Bouse ot Representatives, D. H.,
Washington, D. 0 , Feb. 28, 1896.
I found relief in Paine'a celery com
pound for insomnia. Its action on the
circulation and digestion was also beni
floial. Very truly yoors
William W. Grout.
There ia something wrong when one
feels "tired all the time." It ia contrary
to every condition of good health.
There onght to be no necessity of
drumming ioto the esra ot tired men and
women who feel they are broken in
health, and are every day losing in
whiglit and strength, the urgent need of
taking Paine'a celery compound, now 'lie
spring, to restore their spent nerve force
and purify their blood.
8ma ot the earliest good results no
tioed from taking Paiue's celery own
pound daring th'se spring days la a
regularity of fie bowels, a better appe
tits, sound sleep, and good digestion. A
healthy blood supply is regulated by the
nerves, and when these vital tissues be
come fatigued and badly nourished, the
bad effeot is seen in falling digestion.
distressing, ringing sounds in the ears,
dizzy spells, depression, neuralgia and
lassitude. These dsys afford every one
the opportunity forsbak'ng off old weak'
neeses sod persistent disorders.
Pbyaioiana of every school have been
from the atart urgent to inquire into the
formula ot Paine's oelery oompoand
that they might satisfy themselves of it
wonderful power of Disking -the strk
well. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M D.
LL. D., as soon as be presented Paine's
celerv compound to bis fellow pbysi
oians, was always soxinus to have the
invlgorator tried in oases thnt had re
sisted the nsnal methods ot treatment,
that be might prove the truth ot every
olaim .made for his newly discovered
formula for Psine's celery compound,
The great remedy alwavsgave relief, and
in 99 ongfs ont ot 100 made peojle well
Paine's oelery compound oannot be
judged by ths standard ot any ordinary
medicine, saraaparilla or nerve tonio
It is a great modern, scientific discovery
aingnlarly unlike auy remedial agent
that has ever aimed to effect a siiniliar
pnrpnse-to make people well.
fame's oelery oomponnd ia tbe one
real remedy known today that never fail
to benefit. (Jut Paine'-i oelery oom'
pound, and only Paloe's oelery oom
pound if yoa wish to be well.
Through trains on the O. R & N. will
rnn via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and
I'endMon. Through sleepers, first and
second. olasa, will run in oouneotion with
ths Union Pacific, the ssma as hereto
'ore. A through flrat-olaas sleeper Port
land to 8pokoe. connecting with tbe
first-olaes sleeper to Kt. I'anl, and
through tonriat sleeper Portland to Ht.
Paal, will ran lo connection with the
Great Northern railway. tt
QlYJtSKt tl&ail t f I it fit O
Thmiith Pultmn I'alara Slavptr.
1oirti atw"t and Frva R lining Chair
iit I'Ait i w t i.i.r.
Many bnnni at4 via this Una la tatlara
Tut ti la.
1T I CM.
Ji. II'. BAXTKH, (!n. Aomt.
I'orlhiH'l, (rvoa)
J. C. ItAliT, Atftmt, Ihii'tr, Vryon
Soliatiflt AsrU
Agency for
m 1
TKaoa mill
f tf 4wl ft4 f H-" M
f m f w
I , r fc !! -. I-
. 4 taf a 4 ( tm
5ritnUfif amntera
Thm regnlar aatar ifHkm pttcm of the
IWtat-Wwklf laaIU ta J&0 aad IM
ra-lar ftna j I he eal lVr-ila
la ft .VI. Antptta ant.rilit M the
(l.i.n an. I aihg fr m tear la
t .ttniru pi Ir-tb tH (Uietla aa4
V .!. (Ir.t..n,.a ft II . Allot I anh.
,tn" !( tiieif anlwi.tiwia ht
)er ia alvaM will w itl4 te
I .ra(r a S l ntrt ia Hulant. t
U A Cemplat Sst, eon.l.ilng of Bra
5 llWlt liaiiiM - Ium Wall I'lajrvr. V-ml
! Halt I'layvr, lol( l'lT'r. Tvnnia l'Ur J
anil Hlrjrrl Kl'lrr, Kill l aiit In any PJ
a'tilm uou mwlt gf IU canta, to wjp n
ehargra. B
Thpw Sguna ara atwolutpty jwr'""!, H
branlllnUr rolorr.1 n l moinipl, aiwl H
arrange! lo lanl uprlitht,anri anran ea
rvllrnt aonvenlrnl onr JU yraraa IraiW-ia JJ
nf ilia athlHio aupcty orM. Hullalila fi
lor club, trailing ronia, afflra or homa. 3
,Vr art HtMuea rUdoli.AM H
Q i ctttt iium a 1 1 a 1 1 ,J
A Small
Spot lay
Be Cancer!
9Jt WW w W aU. U arJU-JTA. aVal A
Bucceasor to C 8. Van Duyn. Vezt door to City Hotel.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
Salem Statesmao: If the oandidaoy of
Judge Nortbup in tbe second district ia
to be judged by bis speech opening tbe
oampaign, be should be snowed under
by an overwhelming vote. He panders
to tbe favor of the free trade democrat s
and the rrugwump republicans by claim
ing to be a ''moderate protectionist."
fhat ia thj soit ot a protectionist Wil
son is. Tbe "moderate protectionists"
in the demoo ratio party devised and
passed tbe present tariff law, that is ruin
ing tbe industries of the country and
plunging it headlong into bankroptoy
Tbe "moderate protectionist" republican
demagogue is more to be feared tbao the
genuine free trader, If we get a sprint
ing ot them into congress, and it tbe
'gold bogs" of Wall street and their
sympathizers and the ''free raw materi
als" men of tbe Enst auooeed in keeping
tbe financial question to tbe front, we
ill secure no tariff legislation at all, By
all means, lor the benefit of this suffer
ing country, tbn North ops, the milk-and
water tariff men, should be kept out of
tbe balls of congress. Ellis isaaafeman.
Be will vote for more than "moderate
protection." Be will vote for protection
tbat will proteot. Then bia free silver
ideas will not hart tbe oouotry. Tbe era
of prosperity tbat will sweep over the
land will awallow up tbat issue. It will
be lost sight of and forgotten in the
events and tbe measures tbat will press
forward to engage tbe attention ot tbe
American jeople.
It is very often that the moat inslcr'
nificant symptoms are forerunners of
the most violent disease. There is
not a more destructive disease than
Cancer, and in a majority of casea it
is first indicated by a very email scab
or sore, to which no attention is at
tracted, until it before long; develops
into most alarming; conditions.
Here ia such a case, where the first
symptoms were too small to be noticed
for quite a time. Mr. J. B. Arnold be
longs to one of the oldest and best
families of Carolina; he ia well and
favorably known throughout South
Carolina, and has resided at green
wood for yeara. Cancer ia hereditary
in the family, an aunt on each aide
having died from it. Several yeara
airo a small spot, like a tiny ulcer.
about the size of a bird-shot, appeared
just under nia ieit eye, aoove ine cneeK r
bone. He thought nothing oi it lor JLiOppiiCX
Borne umc, uuui u ucgau iu giuvr iajt
idly, spreading all the time, ana at-
stroying the flesh as it went
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an object for you to trade with
him as bis prices are right, and all goods that he
handles are of tbe very best.
on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
Theie arentlemen are well acauainted with Grant. Harney. Crook. Gilliam and other counties.
and can save money and time In making these aectloni with traveling men.
Prices in keeping wit Ii the times.
Attorneys at Itrw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Pnbhc and Collectors.
We sing "Come Gentle Spring," and
are often very aorry tbat we did any
thing ot the kind, for Spring, tbongb
beautiful, ia sometimes very painful. Tbe
very luxury we enjoy in tbe return ot
the balmy air is tbe latent sonros nf a
great many pains and sohes. It is be
cause tbe nerves sre relaxed in this way
that tbey become weak and easy prey to
sudden sttscks ot neuralgia, but we
have iu fit, Jaoub's Oil something tbat
restores the tens, yigor and strength of
ths nerves to what they had beeo. Tbe
prompt use of it in these nenra'gio at
tacks of springtime is sure to be follow
ed by a perfeol cute.
He says: "It cave me a great deal
Of pain those sharp, darting pains so HEPPNER,
characteristic of cancer. 1 took many
so-called blood medicines, without the
slightest effect, and sought the help of
the best physicians, but they did me
no good; one told me, however, that I
was incurable and had better make my
arrangements accordingly. I waa on
the verge of despair, when Dr. J. L.
Miller, one of the leading druggists of
my town, recommended S. S. S. The
first bottle seemed to make me worse,
but Dr. Miller told me this was a f av
orable symptom, and by the time I had
taken the aecond bottle, the cancer be
gan to discharge, and aa I continued Lieavtng Ai.ier street Doc. Fort I sort, tor A'loria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaob, Ocean
Columbia River and Pu
Ittee & St. Paul H'g
at, rant
uwAuaiiV !
I T I I 9
Glanco at this Map
m iaafkl.A. MllaansM a-1 at fat Rail
aaf IM ft ha rnnarllta alia ail lraaaroa
ltntai lna a4 st Nl aM al a. a4
witmtwr thai Italxinaara lltut altaa'
Irk llr aM aaalol kf aUad. I la a.4lal la
(Ii !l S'ilt, I it.if, ai..klaa' a4
tlu rmn. auk ttv ew MM fhlta lark
loelna ear twrlk kaa aa alnlrW r lli.j mm
a4 tta 4lalrt rara a IM M la iha mWI
IHkvf Itnara Inoaat law Ihla. M Bwaa a
th.ilr, a4 anathar off.ra ltaba loiallntta
anwwamlallnna 1kar auSlra mat
HMtMsuSarlt at "TV Milaaut u
U.ki4nia la V falir4 a.alligta
( a I lUial lalMiaaltua, X a.) I 'M
t I. MT. Amnl afwrt.
I W. f KT, tta. l-aaa, tfmK
fS'tritaa, laaaa
An Opta Prayer to Lord Harvey Brott
Frum Tillamook neailllght.
Almighty and most munificent Harvey
Sootl, wa come before the on bende
knse, homble supplicants for fby mercy
Wo fervently beseech thee, all-seeing,
omnipotent and Oesvenly Scott, to be
stow opoo os a continual duo ot tby
Oh, Lord Scott, corns down from tby
per oh on blgb and be among ns for
brief season.
Thou ot great understanding,
thou onndescend to step from tby throes
aod enlighlro as poor, meek, Insignia
rant beioga, who ara totally unworthy of
tby good oflloea and kind protection.
we know thai w nave sinned an
tress pass J against the, and that it
only through tby teoder mercies tbat wo
are not already cast into tbe bottomless
pit of despair, wbsro the world focketb
to aad fro, and the drbaeed sinner looks
I upward on lb point of many spear
whan os Iha beevrus ara rant asoader.
I Wo Lavo strati aod strsrsd from tby
path like lost sheep. Wo lavs dona
things wbk-h wo ongM aot lo bss dona
and have left nndooa things wbtrh wo
ought to have dna. Maks os see ths
awfol ooodition whteb eoolmota as b
foro it is tverlsslingly loo lata, Send
lbs arrow ( eoovirttoa dep Into the
hearts of the wayward Ignoramus.
Pat It In their basils to Mr Iha while
tbey aay. Am-a! rnBal tbelr
ooalswitti lb lev of Hooltl (Lord
Oh, Ihoo f rt aaJ star oat oao; Iboa
of latin!! wi.lmi th a oat ar aad
aatut Wine, who ra1el with aa iroa
band; thow great end only Hrotl; Iboa
wboatsyesl sanlt ths flrmaoteBl sann-
dsr and with oo fall stiok lp lb
oiveraa oat of list see; wo'aLM thoa
Spar as yst l dajs that w nay pro
per to to oat tbe.
All ptais U t tby asm t (ft -.,)
W thank tit that sr farrotlled to
live, sa. shall coasforsl aad
oanlrats oar live to the. ( 4 men
8trsi oar whims from as a far as
lit Mtt t frnna lb weal, aaoorthf b
Us as wear, laths a wlih Ihy lot.
Oh, Lord rW"V woaldal lbi blea
son t oar errleg brsibrva. Tot words
oa I hair trga and aa-l.ia la laair
Wearla, aad ilally wntda bo
dow tUil Beatta aad f sUr Wilait aUk
a satiable dra l UMllg, Ob,
fWntt, Iboa koal thai It. Will r
rjair a pial effwl Iky fri aad
a-B4 Iky tmmedisl sttswtioa, (Lord
Oraal Make I bJ anew. Vbtlbey
From Baker City Republican.
There is nothing more certain tbao
Ibat the country people will throw a
large vol for Hon. W.R. Ellis. Bine
the Oregooisn has determined on bis
defeat, ibo people outaido ot Portlaod
will give tbat journal to ooderatand Ibat
it does ool diotate the detest or election
of any man lo Oregon. Nevertheless it
charge down npon Mr. tuie with a
clear-tonsd song of presumptivs triumph,
il will And that a people not, Oregooisn
ridden, which reside outside of th
Austria ot Oregon, ar subjects qnito
I ermsos to b onosidered. It is about
time Ibst lbs peopls uf Ibis slat teaoh
IbaOregopla tbal it ia aot ths Cxsr of
th political doctrine of any man.
Our metropolitan paper talks glibly of
tb igoorsao aod dsgooeracy ot tho
country folk. Il put He Portlaod csn-
diilate Into lb QalJ lo defeat a Ooml
oe residing in lh coaalry, aod than
nnbloahingly asks lb far mere aod
other out of Portlaod eltitsoa to vol
for Ibeir city maosnUd political slsva.
Dot like sleelrioi'y, prograa ia in de
pendent iodi'idusl politioal sHkia
travels fast. Evsa ool her ia Bakr
ooonty ao ar aot Oregooiaa politioal
ticket of leavo men. This fsot ot Ors
goa has ba eaoght ia tb wep of
wbsl w call "stsadiag from aoJar Ibo
)( kr," and w ar goiag lo work for
vo' fr and sleet Mr. Ellis. Joel alter
lh 3 id day ol Juno lb Oregietaa will
nd Ms political fi g bora Immessely
battered a bsa slillog ia lb wblpring
gallery rf Ihl atat listeaiag lo Ibo
avws of Mr. Ellis' tUetioa.
thia became quite profuse, and kept up
for some tune. Then it gradually
grew less, and after awhile ceased al
together, and to my delight tho place
dried up and la cured entirely, so that
nothing remains but a scar.
"I consider 8. S. S. a boon to eu tier
ing humanity, and feel that I owe my
life to it, aa the cancer had made auch
progresa when began s. S. o. that my
death waa declared to be only a matter
of a very short time. The cure ef
fected in my case is considered by
everyone most remarkable, and clearly
demonstratea the fact that H. s. o.
doea cure hereditary cancer. No one
who la afflicted with thia dreadful dis
ease can afford to fail to give 8. 8. 8.
a trial, for that ia all tbat la necessary
to convince them ol Its virtues."
The above ia but one of many re
markable enrea being daily made by
8. S. 8. Cancer ia becoming alarm
ingly prevalent, and manifests itaelf
In such a variety of forma, that any
sore or scab, it matters not how small.
which doea not readily heal up and
disappear, may well be regarded with
Tho fact that 8.8.8, curea heredi
tary cancer, which ia considered In
curable, places it without an equal aa
a sure euro lor all manner ol real
blood dlaeaaea, auch aa Scrofula, Eo
tema, Contagioue Blood Poison, or
any other form of bad blood. AtUmU
Mleat niet la Slag ftl.
btmptnm Mutator; inWos Netting
sad slinging; anus! at Blgbt; aorao by
sratrliiog. If allowed lo coatiao
t a mors furas. a blob oftaa Meant aad
nlrwraU, becoming very sor. HTa g
Oirrnsvtstop tb Itching aad bl4
tag, bla alearaltoa, aad ia aaosl
rmM lb toon Al drsggUla. ar
b malt. f aOeala. IV.Hwsya A Hne,
Park and Nabcotta. Direot oonneotion with Ilwaoo steamers and rail
road; also at Yonng's Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria T P. M. Daily, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland I P.M. Dallr. exeept Hiimlay. hatunlsy nluht. tl P. M. leaves Astoria Dsllr a
at:t5A. M., except Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M.
Leaves Portland and runs direct to I'wsoo, Tueaday and Thurndajr at It A. M. Hatunlsy at 1 P. M.
weaves iiaaco neanesnay ana rriaay at i:w A. M. oil smulay nlglt at P. 11.
Baggage Chcokcd lo Railroad Destioalion Bulb Beaches Free tf Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Gatzert and Ocean Wars.
Cummings & Fall,
Ot tb Old Raltabls
Gault House,
In IViMt of C, B. A
u.f ri. w. a c.,
a P, lUllroada.
Half blxrk waat nf Iha 1'nln IV'
and tb U at. U
Cnr, W. Ma.lloa and CUntoa Ma.,
eoxoA.90. xzju
Charley Jo, lh wall-kaowa "old
timer" ia lh lonaorlal tin, baa again
Inretod la Heppner, bsvtrg porehaaed
()ra Malhewa' ahnp. Minor building
nppnait tba rtly hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call be a ia Iowa.
This has beeoras an established market for Eaa'arn Oregon, Washington and Idaho
woola. Laat seaaon thre million pounds wars raoalved her by rail from Huntington,
Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Ltwtslon, Walla Walla aod
Intermedial stations.
Low freight rata ar gtva on shipments lo Psndleton for seourlnc and parking la
transit. Many of th leading buyers mak this plar headquarters, and all larg opera
tor freqnantly vlU Pendleton warahouaas. As s market this plae Is equalled only by
Ths Dalles la quantity of wool which attracts eempetlUon. with bt advantags:
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf
ficiently low rates upon wool in the g rease
and dirt, to equal the lower expense in
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton.
Owing lo this lart rodlta buyer ars enabled lo pay as murk or mors f wool
al this polal than U eerae4 al other ptaraa bar! g rapatallmt as "alga marieta."
baaed aeoa sceptlonal aalol of leiwy hU of llghl wool. Considering character f wool,
sod shrinkage, II may aalaly b elalmad Utal tks swntet sale Is rcadletoa
Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than an be obtained in any other Market in
the State.
WANTTD-AN IDEAWk"'' 'b,", 'r btu
1t.iWiMir !- lei Has. na aloM baal lb great
UkaMbmiMMfiHsialt - jarWl 0rattua assy b inimiy,
If yea want l erjoy a fl4 slaa ei
"f, gl a ocpy (A Par" Jnhsei 'l
t'htesea ItttgaJ.' by I00 Jxhcsx
Th - Maataia Xiaam Co. of 7m
Markol sireel. Paa tra4eiao, wbo ab
liab lb . h aent a a vv, sad
il Is a rl wmk f rt A very B pi
tnr tA lb Proa." WHb a' br4" freab
te lb rxt la b band, loe tb
litt pf. lb .Uhakd Crrn4 Job,
oa aiagtag ll an ibroarboal lb
otry iih great aar. Tb pru
Snarked is iV.
J . W, Kerea. tb oily pain let, i pre
pared ! do all kind nf palette and
paper baaging and will do bona rlea
r aod take op aad pot down carp's.
lXn- oa Mala street, opposit Dty
FVbo Msg laa llepnaee Moadavs,
U e.laaa.let aad PrMais. Lvr fh
Toe1aVS, TorlstS "d Mlrdat.
Kaee J ea way. Offlo. U'tl A
Uarraa.Ileppaer. Ed. lrlekell, Pmf
Pr 9:i M I will . a Aral el, bigb
grade, high arm sieg marhla gnsraa
lJ lor 10 yera. forth parltew
l.ra al mm or addr, N. A. Iab,
lilBgt..e. irregfa. aA-r.
Tbe ke tMl l aea
I hil..b's rare. A fW'eJ on,k
daneta. ') II at e li
rk. ., , Cap. rtf. M1 ia .it- a
Wall. TVmroa ma ilw bel
Heppner ssd UaaiaMl, arriving -vey
day iee4 Mnaday aad lvtag ry
day lp4 Baaday. Mbarkaal a1
ea4 rnale v, t la ten sr. On A
k, afa.
Mathe Urn b sjhv4 acme na
tb eaM ! mt Mai , I Iha
bail I iag f .ttttarlf rwrpW ,f iH O'aa
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I tlesif vfcl rstuB. t
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
ficc You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
The Patters: Pum.ish.ng Co.
arm. . W M - - J. -. X m VI