Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 26, 1896, Image 3

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-Nervous Prostration
I Complete Eecovery by the Use of
Ayer Sarsaparilla
"rj'ome years ago, as a result of too
' close attention to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a de
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, began to improve at ouce,
fcnl gradually ini'rensei my walglitfrom
,one hundred and twenty -rive to two
' liundrod pounds. Since then, I and my
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are all hi the best of
health, n fact which We attribute to
Ayer's Rsrsarmrilla. I believe my cbil
dren Would have been fatherless to-day
had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
ot wliMi preparation I cannot say too
much."-II. 0. Hinson, Postmaster and
IPlaiiter, Kinard'g, S. C.
Ayer's Si Sarsaparilla
AYER'S Fiila Eava Doc r's Bills.
01L2 13 1415 36
44 i8 J9 20 2122"2a
(Qiambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors
CI ara. Call
and Smokabl
on Ted.
Lugs-Id this oily, at 10:30 FrIJsy
amnio?. May 2i, lS'JC, Lenlrr Lee,
'little soo of Ihh: Large, aged 3 years,
9 mouths and 8 d)s.
Tbs little boy bud bn sick f ir some
lima with a lingering Hlorss. but tba
best of medical aid sod nursing laiied to
restore him to health ami death elaimed
bun. It has ben but a lmtt lime sioor
tba elder son of the family pasaed away.
mmi this sorrowing family indeed bava
tlm sympathy of Ibis community. Fun
ernl serviore era oonHnoied ou Sunday
ftarenon at tba M. E. church b lUv,
J&, P. Oereo, tba remains baing laid to
west la tbs Ueppner eemeUry.
aaMLT At tba residence of (lea Via
cent lo Ibis cltr. et I J o'clock Ffi.lsy
'4tf night. Ma 22, 1KJ, Mrs. Julia
Vreesley, wife ot Dura l'rrsalsjr, aged
22 years.
Mrs. Preaale bal btfo sirk for eboal
thraa tuooiht wiih a cotoplirio of
diMea wuleh bf3cf tba skill of tier
physicians. Una leaves husband and
two yoong eniMrea, one a baba of 6
months, to tuonrii tba early takieg away
ol Ihs wife to I mother. Hrnve wera
eoodoo'ed by iU-v. K. P. liraeo at tba
M E. ebereb oa Heads aflernnoo, and
tba matins were folloJ lo Iba em m
trf by a large a umber of aorrowiog
IuwbI and rUilva.
Ura. Wrar Hr
(loo. James U Wavr, of I a, ad
drewed tbe pnliillist BtM BMtlug at
iba opara btiasa 00 tislarlr kfumooo
The lerga ball was fllW4 ailtl iwp
silisU, rvpebliraos aad domx-rata, mho
era aaitnos n bear bl a gpila
of aliaal rvpata ami 14 beta to asy
regarding tba bf fe the A tuft
cn bopl of Uh1. Mr. Weaver la 1
snaa ol ry f!ett a l li. ao l fit
two boare auj laealy five stLaia Urn
bl4 Iba aManiioa bis lileeia, at
dreaalng llir la Iba saaia Iba Cos-
lal atii-aiion, giving ia a f .iribU msa
1 biS r fur Iba rtorlloa of
silver as tnitiey, atxl ll.a fra anlnag of
tba same at Iba fiii (illalal. II
rfraee l iht I pstis a4 tbair
aetiiias oa Ibts qin in was l ir
parlf ol slraia. aiid alula be disagreed
lib Ibair lraaimal f Iba ea, ba wae
Bo aboaiva, tb-xaxAg f abr l) nf
arsawanl lbo raliay. MbMa la
nmb4 nf I !.' abi ksr4 bitn da ttui
ar a)ill Ha ( lll hf Mr,
Wt', tl tbr a'at-Ur II waa a lra
n bf km Siwak. II Ml lt(Hr l.rf
olber point a lnrf aigbt'e Usia.
fcall Uka a. ly Traa
(WJim l-l U,a HH lakalnlMiaa
ill raa In tr'K f Iba tUmk U aa
lr t li 'I t"' '. tbs t bib
lanla'd aill ba Maiaiaiaa-I. iM aeary
(l.llilba t. l I" Iba fWiai-
Weakly la IM fol leak.
( D nr taitlta.
ike rt'l aHt'
Stl"l nka
kla I r an I a II
li hI4 aa tti
a nb w -
!.rnt 1 n ft Utrrtaa
tVtioaw a,ik m b mmitU.
Here and There.
Eleotion Monday.
Heppner't raoes began today.
0. . Peck was in Hepptier Saturday.
Attend the ball on Thursday,
The Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood
for sale. 37.tr.
Look oat for the raoe ball on May 28,
Thursday eve. tf
Mies Alta Lescb, of Lexington, was in
HeppDer Saturdny.
Tbos. Morgan and wife were
Eight Mile Saturday.
in from
A large Dumber ot horsemen
Heppner to attend the races.
are id
Millard French was down from the
Qlnton creek ranch Saturday.
J. O. Mack, a race horse man, is up
from The Dalles to attend the races.
The BoDd Brothers' world's boot shows
will be here Wednesday, Jane 3rd.
John Hayes is in from the sheep
csmps to remain until aiter election.
Mrs. Mark P. John is over from Pen
dleton on a visit to hn relatives here.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Otitis Borohers'.
La Qrsnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. C. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
A. 0 Pettys, aocommpanied by his
wile and children, were in Heppner yes
terday. Avery large representation of popn
lists were in Heppner Saturday to bear
Qen. Weaver.
Mrs. A. A. Roberts and bod
this morning from a visit with
at Pendleton.
Elder J. W. JenkiDs wil! preioh at the
opera house on next Sunday, both morn
ing and evening ,
John 0. Brown made final proof on
his limber oulture claim before Clerk
Morrow yesterday.
W. 8. MoEimmey, a staunob republi
can of Bight Mile, made this offioe a
p'.e saut oall yesterday.
Don't forget that P. O. Thompson Do.
keep cigars during politioal oampalgns
and also at other times. 2t
Rev. J. M. Denisoo, formerly pastor
of the M. . ohnroh at this place, is in
mo any tor a lew days' visit.
T. L. Dorman was in from Liberty
Saturday and attended the populist
mass meeting at tbe opera bouse.
E. 0.: F. J. Haeenbarth has cone to
Heppner after part' of tbe 60.000 bead of
sheep he will drive east from this section.
Buy your oil for branding sheen of P.
0. Thompson Co., who have profited by
pasi experience and sell boiled oil this
year. 2t
Tbe ladies aid Sooietv of the Christian
church served ice cream on Saturday
afternoon, realizing a goodly sum for
their labors.
Born At their borne iust below
Heppner, on May 22, 1896, to Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Clark, a daughter. Mother
and child ara doing well.
Mrs. Isaacs Large is rapidly lmDrovins
iter a protraoted aod smons 1 lines
and is now able to go about tha home
and attend to light duties.
Wm. Douglass and wile were in from
uuurr orea yesterday, a. little warm
weaiuer is needed in tnat looallty to
make things grow as they shonld.
For sale a cheap team food roadsters.
one roan wagon ana iigtil double har
ness, nearly new. ' E. P. Qhbinb,
W at M. K parsonage,
nv. .... . ..
(jr. u. uan. ma tonsor al artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlock ooroer,
wuero ue win dispense atnuonlar nrinea.
.1 i . .
unvea, snamiKioa, uaircuta. eio.
The Baptist ladies served dinner and
soppar on riatiirday In the old Liehtau
thai building next t the opera bonae
aud were successful 10 a fiiieuoiel way.
If tbe hair is falling out. or turning
gray, rrqmnog a stimulant with nourish
log ai,d nnbiring fixxl, Hall's Vegetable
Sicilian 11 air ik-newr is lut lha apeeiQa
Tlniiima Nelson aod mf Iher are ran-
ngllieWblte bote! and rrslauranl lo
renuieion. nuen yon ao lliera aiva
D.J.. ....
hem a oall. They will treat yon rivbt
"W ara tantlog tonight on tba old
rawp ground" to a tent bonirbt of P. O
Iht muMo CoH mho bava jual rnoaivrd a
oua aaeorimeni of tents, aagoa covers.
eio. at
I hil Cibn is DO aasnoialad with lha
arm of if. Uappnar A 0. 10 tba for-
aiding baaiaeaa. They pay Iba big heal
mar km price lor pelt aod bide aod at-
laua lo all forwarding. a
Mrs. Bailey Oroea. of Valley Oroya.
Wssb . eeonmptoled br ber aoo. WiU
ford, paaaeU tbrovsb HeppDar yesiarday
on Ibnr way to California mhtrm I bey
in Tien ior a mo in un raiaiivea.
J. N. B'own. aaodidete for reDreaenta.
mm. A. W. I'ailarano, cl.k. A. U. liar
bolnojew, Judge, and aiinruey T. It
Li 0. aol 001 lo 1'loe City taalardav
10 sdJras lb votars at that point sad
J. J. A lkloa and Jaa(bUr. Mia Uaa
urn, aampanieq oy u. 1. Uagiay. ra
inraed yeatardsy aaolng frfa I'aedle-
lon vbara Ibay bad baao atlanding die
'rtol oofarebe of lb M. t.bareb
Sub in.
MrKmley MiieUII, of narvei. oa Ibe
repabiaa tafftslallva Hckl. ar
preiaiiy saada ram paiga baitoa. read
Bf. "WrMelay f. .raallafil, Mi'Oball
r ead.ior, mui MokiaUy Miicbell fr
bmb." s
A aorlal evaat alll Hmnaieal lea"
II ta gitao ai Iba opera bonaa by tha
ldia f Iba KfUenbal rhnrrb, Wadoaa
d ee-oieg, May 37, Ki AJmiaaioe,
10 acts. 42 4-1.
Tba aenoum-aoiaot e.f Iba aiming vlait
4 lb4 llrvi !.' fid baa I sbaa I
aiaraalieg oar rDinaily a aeouaal
4lliaii4 I'rioiiaaara ta apjaaawaal
'Mkirca. ,:( ba ,aa Vtadaaatay,
fee 3rd.
A M"aM by Iba finloa Haada,
a-b'.. aill ba in ailaa4'a gmaa
011 nala4ay,lbaSjlb loat.la birb
l Ibartaaday prmt af tlfpttar ara
.ftv.ia.1. Waaadaa4 good avaay
ll aiiaad If ta bara.
A fi'. aaaa4 froas Iba gaaoliaa slay
ta4 t haatisg ra. IMvu'fa I a l
llpr lnaly an tmt e'U.
axia. Tba I ara rnrlala la iba froal
alad vara dalfara-l, bal said froaa
ibia e aUr daaaa aaa dia,
Mr. IT Nit.1 dt 'll laal
afaatot tf VaaavMiva. Waaj4 ba be
ha la of bay at, Mrs RilraaUf
(li.itahi, mm la Itlag f fta
.(alb 4,mt Hb e-aaaj pi tW
alaaiag lira. Nobte esaaS a
ytail ky I4 al M .
I"! f ewtwaaaipitna, a ,( j
Sa mat I fWk.j ib.
a Mnt r.a, at l a- II..
.!.,, tf r ib, aaw l-IH.'i J
' 'l-ea aa I ! 1 . 1..a-a taaai,
-K lid'r I kava tliCal
iba UK.ukiUi tiiat al Ik a t'l-a
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build
ing up medicine leads everything ever
produced. It is positively the best. Others
may make the same claim. But there's
this difference : Re proee it. Not by an
tiquity, but by Merit. Not by what
but by
par ilia
It has
ord of
Cure unequalled in medical history.
It positively, perfectly and permanently
cures when all other medicines fail.
That the keen discrimination of
the people recognizes Its merit and
the cures by Hood's Barsauarilla. is
shown by
that they
elusion of
the fact
buy Hood's
rilla inpref
to the ex
all others.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than
all other blood purifiers. It wins con
fidence everywhere because the state
ments in its advertising and testimonials
are verified by all who take It. No other
medicine has ever received such praise, or
So many voluntary testimonials of won
derful cures. No other medicine possesses
the peculiar combination, proportion and
process used In preparing Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to
Itself. This is the secret ot its wonderful
power, of its wonderful sales, ot its won
derful hold upon the confidence of the
people. This is why it cures Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all
Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys
pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the
nerves, creates an appetite and strengthens
the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its
Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True
Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Mrwvl'a Dillc ,h" to't '"nil? cathartic
UUUU I-and liver stimulant. Ea
to take, easy to operate. All druggist. 25 cent.
J. W. Blake is here from Condon,
Tom Mollally is over from Pendleton,
Kev. Pot wine is over from Pendleton.
Musical tea at tbe opera bousa to
morrow night.
Wm. Allen is over from Pendleton lo
attend tbe raoes.
Billy Gilmore is no from TheDalUa
with Jim Crow.
Harrison Hale aod wife were down
from Matteson Sunday.
Billy Hamilton is over from Grant
oounty to attend tbe raoes.
Tom Buckley is workiua at Ed. Mat.
lock's saloon during tbe races.
D. W. Collins is np from lone and
reports crops aa looking welL
Ed. Nelson, tba vetran stage driver.
was over trom uomion last week.
Mr. aod Mrs. Felix Johnson aud sop.
James, are in from Butter oreek to
W. M. Magatre ia back from Pendl
ton with bis kiuetoscope and pbouo-
Fred Crswford, son in law of Andy
Stevenson, ia burs from Pendleton visit
ing ILe folks.
Mrs. Bob Thompson aod H"U. Wm-
maiiock were passengers on this morn.
log s train to Ueppner.
J. C. Hudson, well koowu in Morrow
couoty, is luuumg fur school suprin
teudeut duwu in Yamhill.
1. Lb uorinaa mel wlib a rnnawi
last Maturuay ou bis way oul to Elgin
mile, out nolbiug was hurl.
Ths ladies aid society will serve ba
oream each afternoon this ek at lis
north room of Ihs Palace bolel.
U. v. Uetee came in ounday mnrniof
aud to laal evauitg al Iba opera buua
dclivsiad a masteily addreee on repub
Election dene, at lone on Iba nighl ol
Jul i lal. Joa Woolery aud Nat Hale
ill give Iba danca aud Vouohsafs a
good urns.
Oso. Harrington and Bill Ladling
ware over al dindoa Ibis week lo prove
np on a Umber culture belonging lo Ibt
atewsri eaiaia.
Don't furael Iba "Musloal Tea" at lbs
opera hunee tomorrow, Wednesday
availing, by Iba ladies of tba Episcopal
enaroiu admiaaiuo lUo.
Fereooe sating sed from tbe
premiere of Mre. uellotk mast male
arrangements Iberafor or tbey will b
liable to proaacuiiua.
Tba bids for wood fur tba Urppaet
ecbvul should ba bended lo dark Hub
erts oa or triors Jane Ctb, Instead ol
July II. Tboa desiring la make bide
III plraae bole.
II U a rrlanala day for mas bea
ba Orit Uiaouvers lha value of Ayar's
fareepanlle aa a blood purifier. Villi,
Ibis meUuJse, be kaoas ba bas fog ad a
rajedf wblcb ba mar rely, aoo
Ibat bis life long asalady la al leal eo-
qoared. liae cored vlbvre, will caio Joa
Ho. ye todac awa al Mra, a alette aa a
fa ih. , e.-l!..u - n free to Mala, alll stay
Tbea M alia HI an sorer Ma4,wlia -St-rry
tie a Uias. af Ibal fmt aU 4 rial, tat
tlug mi era 4ij.
Hold only al IN lWlvedera aakxia.
Are Haa Vat
(If bM onasppv fyl aba sre laf
fwla( wiib weak aeivaa, alartUc a
aarjr sltehl aat4. aesUla lo earfar
aa a a nan el dieta'tteeea, Oedia tav
p-eaible 4 alaeff Aii4 iala aad
' coSBpoaaaa. real Ibe ar
mp-m tl'Kwi sa4a pttw sal koariehles
lr (aa craat- ti'aj puttii at4 lie.
tle tusks, Ilu4's hafaat.aUla.
Hu4'a fills ara iba baal aflar diaaai
Irtl.a, aaatat dirattua, reveal aeiipa
CAku at iHtha
1 u-a.ia lu ibaak all II a Ina4s sa
ilbbnis mum t fa-lblaHf aad ekMf
fail faalafaj all aaaialaaea la Ibatr
l-aaf dr.,( iba itlaa a4 4aik ol
Ob; aifa, Lsf I'fcsaaisf.
F"f a,aait la a aa s pmkm
tUreerea sVm waaa) aJ loaa earl.
waa la s4k a aa U df!a laa grai
e4 b-aCl a miUy mmmtf mmm fsae
a.. Its M aiaaaair. We tHee, kaaee.
j a Maf aa el4 ! aa-1e f
! . ..
m iaaa ixixi iaa la a.f a II I.
a b..ia tA ('.'. i.i.i i ; um, ( .4
aa I ! kas i awi ilia
"t lailt aHMa 4 m .i4. will,
i I saie f Caaa A tWa, Ua4 at.
we say, bwbw
Sad Death. On Sunday, May 2tb,
Alma Thompson, daughter ot Mr. and
Mrs. Alec Thompson, passed to the be
yond, sged 14 year. The deceased
was the only daughter of the family
and tbe loaa is an irreparble one in
deed. Services were held st the bodse
today aflerwhioh the remaina were in
terred in tbe Heppner oemetery. Tbe
bereaved family has the sympathy
of elL
Herbert Alexander is working on tbe
branoh in place ot Tom Durham who is
resting op a day or so.
For Congress, Second District,
A. 8. BENNETT, of Waco County.
For Supreme Judge,
JOHN BURNETT, of Benton County.
For Circuit Judge,
T. G. HAILEY, of Umatilla County.
For Prosecuting Attorney,
G. W. REA, of Morrow County.
For Member of State Board of r qualizatlon,
CP. DAVIS, of Umatilla County.
For Representative,
THOMAS MOKOAN, of Heppner.
For Clerk,
J. W. MORROW, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
E. U MATLOCK, of Heppner.
For Judge,
GEORGE NOBLE, of Heppner.
For Assessor,
W, P. SNYDER, of Dry Fork.
For Justice of the Peace, District No. 6,
W. A. RICHARDSON, of Heppner.
For Constable, District No. 6,
J. E. MASTERSON, of Heppner.
- Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thb Dali es, Orroon,
May 9th. l9fi.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to mske rlnal proof In support
of his clHlra, and thnt said proof will be made
before County Clerk, of Morrow Comity, at
Heppner, Oregon, on June 27th, 1S!6, viz:
Hd. E. No. 3939. for the 8W! Ben. 17. Tn. 1 S..
He names the following witnesses tonrove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
Hin tana, vis :
Menso A. Olden. James M. Baker, Frank M.
Griffin, Hamuel Warueld, all of lone. Oregon.
J A3, i. MIKIKK,
439-49. , Register.
WANTED A reliable lady or gentleman to
distribute aamDls and make a hniisn-to.
house canvass for our Vegetable Toilet Hoaps
and Pure Flavoring Extracts. 1 10 to tr7 a
month easily made. Address.
4do-u crofts a kekd, Chicago, 111.
and bv virtue of an execution tunned out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on May 22, tm, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 2nd
day of March, 1H96, in favor of George W. Har
rington, as Administrator of the estate of .lames
Ht wart, deceased, plaintift, and against Jas. D
Hamilton, Dora C. Hamilton, J. N.Br wn, The
Northern Counties Investment Trust (Limited)
and Addle Parvtn, defendants, for the sum of
One Ihouund Dollars with interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent, per annum from June
zi, iiwj: tor une Hunorea and iwetity-Mve
Dollars attorney'! fee and for the further mm of
Thlrty-Hix and Hu-lUO Dol lars coits ; and, where
as by said judgment It was ordered and adjudg-
ea mat me loiiowing nescntieii real propenv,
lo-wtt: NWofBWiA, BK"4 0f HWU and HWUof
8KI of Sei'tion 2, Tp. ft S., R. 25 E. W. M.; olso
H'i ol NV4, and NE!I of 8'!4 Section 4 and
N Wl Rectlou 10, Tp. 6 8., K. 2ft E. IV. M., he sold
to satisfy ssld judgineut, cosls and accruing
costs, i win, on
SATURDAY. 27th JUNE, 1804,
at 2 o'clock P. M., of ssld day, at the front door
ol the court house In Heppner, Mo row County,
Oregon, aell the right, title and Interest of said
defendants In and to the above descrllx-d ti
perty at Public Auction to the highest and best
bidder for cssh In hsnd, the proceeds to he ap
plied to the satlslartinn of said execution, at
torney's lee and all costs, and runts that may
accrue. it. w. n AKKI.M, ion.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated May 22, 1MM. ii-jl.
you r.
Oh ! Where Did You
Get Them Pants?
ua all Hlraf. and i rliMtne mnt Ihait f urnUI.If Ci.U and ara
Sillaf aaea Oroik, Mf. !, Iluaara aud utliaf Uiluaa.
PatronaoG Solicited.
S. Oa ZEZxxxi.tlx tS&
atat ri'Tt aaaa sas Hiuu IS;
In All Wl la TM iJha f'nnlrilnt Sn4 ld Smi, rtrltira tfl-l.
ail M1" al arl lo .ml hi.t udili( Ma aatato aiKla
ttoa rrVaa r.a.Mil.ia Iru. ( .
HtoiuOjip. I. O. ThomiMwm C Main Ht, llcppricr.
i "
LT 1
1 1
f UL f su.r ii Ojt f'r.
rsfM-M Aifrortmi
IVtlNf-V kMC'l v
COOMtmMJ, iJlilTHA.VO. Ttltf.Af'HY.
i J I l t,im '; -
1 " ' f
Danger Signals
Mori than half tbt victims of consump
tion do not know they have it. Here is a list
of symptoms by which consumption can
certainly be detected:
Cough, one or two slight efforts on
rising, occurring during the day and fre
quently during the night.
Short brtatbiiig after exertion.
Tightness of the chest.
Quick pulse, especially noticeable in the
evening and after a full meal.
Chilliness in the evening, followed by
Slight fever.
Pcrspiratim toward morning and
Tali face and languid in the morning.
Loss of vitality.
If you have these symptoms, or any of
them, do not delay. There are many
preparations which claim to be cures, but
Dr. Acker' i CnalUb Rcmtdyfor Consumption
has the highest endorsements, and has
stood the test of years. It will arrest con
sumption in its earlier stages, and drive
away the symptoms named. It is manu
factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16
and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold
by all reputable druggists.
For your Protection. Catarrh "Cures" or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potassa, or both, which are injur
ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal
passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, aud, if repeatedly neglected, the re
sults of catarrh will follow ; severe pain in
the head, a roaring sound ia the ears, bad
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should be quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's
Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for
these troubles and contains no mercury
tor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
Notice of intention.
I J May 20, 18. Notice Is hereby given that
following-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final nrnof In sunDirt
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
neiore me county ciers oi Morrow county at
Ueppner, Oregon, on July 8, 1896, viz:
Hd. E. No 3-296. for the WM. Bee. 7. and
EH NEV, See. 18, 1p. 5, 8. K. 26, E. W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uuon and cultivation
of snld land, vis:
urin k. farnswortn, Anson E. Wright, Jesse
Emry aud Wesley Stevens, all ol Hard man, Or.
412-52 Register.
Notice of Intention.
J May 6. 1KM. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to mate final proof In support of
nts cisim, and tnat mm prool win ne made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Henmier.
Oregon, on June SO, 18, vis:
tT.I V Vn O'llVl ITlf MAM . ...I TTI QVl
8ec. 22, Tp. 2, H R 25 E.
He nnmea the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of, ssld Unci, vis:
(leorge hhlck, Arthur Hunt, Sherman Shaw
and Roy Hunt, all of Ueppner, Oregon
tw-lH Register.
Notice Of Final Settlement.
undersigned administrator of the estate nf
Harsh I'oleumn, deceased, will mske Kli'al Bet
tlement of bis accounts with said Estate as such
Administrator, at the next lerm nf the County
Court of Morrow County, st 10 o'clock, a. in., to
tie holden st tho Court House In Heppner In
said County, ou the Utb day ol July, A D ISM.
Oso. W CinriN,
41 111 Administrator.
TI aaaaa.
T !l sty,
1 jZ3f rzzrMiVWcV?
You will find one coupon
Inside each two ounce bef
and two coupons Inside sacs
fbar oaoea bac of Blac k wel t's
iHirbam. Buy a ba of this
ealebratad lobaeeo aod read
Ibe sou poo which gives a
Hat of valuable praaaals aud
bow lo fat lhara.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
r a $ . i , h -v
ii in rs " in t mm hi ! -i n--.. i'- 1
S . W ' I
a te;jin him ill Arouai ?
Haa bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
.mercantile vo., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter P
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. are beine Rold rl
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment Call Bnd see the stock before it is too late. .
Manager and Salesman. It. LJIOnUr, "rOp.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
What Do You Want ?
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not email men,
v;e are not ine Largest
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crocksryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pipe Ittlnirs, Btoves and Ranses, Wagons,
Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, 8awi, Sledges,
Wsdges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
Itewsre, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Botllera
sud Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlne, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine oar Qoods and Get Prices.
We have Good Goods at Fua Prlrs, and Cheap lohn Goods st Chep John Prices.
The wool market is not yet afflicted by tbe McKmlev boom, and
reports are not encouraging. We liave ample storige capacity at
.r those who desire to bold for
Eastern bojers, aecure for tliose
Ve ij teamstera and hold wol subject to order.
No commission cbsrgrd for selling.
We pay highest price fr bides and sheep pelts.
Hulled barley and feed for teainsUrs.
We flre floents lor
The best sheep dip id the matket
We bare 5,000 shingles which we will sell at ooal
Mark your wool Q and direct teamster to lower warehouse.
Heppner, Or.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Tba aoJara.ga.J baa epaea.1 ap t B LIsslsmHk sbop nppo.
"c ..p.rTI P't to do aat kial ot
work la Lis lias. Ia coaaeaiba ke will raa a
Woe k mm al l'opulsr prfca sn) ia a eatl.feoUr ssaaosr.
I bsa srar4 Iba Sttla f SB eip.fUnsa.1 toraaarwMr, m . J. Hall.m,
ol ftalem, an 4 borsa will U shod an aa to a.l lntrrfrrm ail tear
reabla. of ao aa. w r HUUl VHEII. Heppner. Or.
G. W. UTT & SON,
HK.Ii rs MO (.'trs. i: h; I-VllrMM n."i Ctis, EfM-h;
faT" All a4lf af ptnanHIMiaM SlL W'kl W4ksTtO.
BarlasS W Mf tir , af T ITT a cmi
aatlia Mwa.
.1. O. J3O.UOI-M0US, L'rop.
imnimii aj a a
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
jliiilL I I j A N
tba. We are small men, Xa.
Muts iq te woli
hicher Dricea. and b intrnnnct
who wish to aell, the highest market
little's dip,
R. F. HYISD, Manaacr.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . . .