Look out lor campaign The woods are fall of them. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Presidential Elector!, T. T. OEER of Mrion County K. L. 8MITH of Waeco County J. F. CAPLKS. of Multnomah County B. M. YOEAN of Lane County For Supeme Judge, ROBERT S. BEAN, of Eugene. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT TICKET. For CongreM, 2d District, W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Circuit Judge, 6th Dlitrict, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton. For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th District, H. J. BEAN of Pendleton. For Member Board of Equalization, CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A. Q. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEY8, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner. For School Superintendent, lies. When the votes are counted Brown, Rood and the rest of the republican ticket will be found to have a plurality. Fob surveyor the republican present the name of John V. Hor nor, a young man raised in this town. He is studious and exem plary in all his habits, and yon will make no mistake if you vote for John .W. Hornor for county surveyor. Frank Gilliam has been the treasurer of Morrow county for the past two years. I hat he will serve two years longer goes with out laying, for his services to the people in this important omce nave been satiBiactory in every respect Gilliam is just the man for county treasurer. , A STATEMENT! An Untrue Report Nailed to the Wall ! UNJUSTLY ASSAILED. J. 'W. Beckett, nominee for county commissioner on tke re publican ticket, is a farmer resid ing iD Eight Mile precinct, and a man of sterling qualities. This is one of the most important posi tions to be filled in the county, and we believe that Mr. Beckett possesses the necessary qualifica tions to perform the duties of this office in a satisfactory manner to the taxpayers. Vote for him. DR. B. F, For Coroner, VAUOHAN, of Heppner. Justices and Constable. For Sustlce of the 1st District, E. L WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS 6HANEK. For Justtce of 2d District, J. S. YOU NO. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 3rd District, WALTER CASON. For Justice of 4th District, JOHN MCMILLAN. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 5th District, J. T. H08KIN8. For Constable of 6th District, I. I HOWARD. For Justice of Ath District, E L. FREELAND. For Constable of Ath District, N. 8. WHETSTONE. For Justice of the 1st District, E. L. WOOD. For Confutable of 1st District, OTIS BIIANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. B. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BKANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable of 3rd District, WALIER CABON. For Justice of 4th Tistrtct, john McMillan. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 6th District, J. T. HOSKIN8. For Constable of 6th District, I. L. HOVVAhD. As "self-praise is half scandal," we will not spend much time in eulogising the republican nomi nee for clerk. Mr. Patterson has pledged himself to the voters of Morrow county that he will run the cleik's office for the salary provided by law. This will be a saving to the taxpayers, already overburdened, and a vote for Pat terson is a vote for economy, cour tesy, promptness and punctuality in all official matters. It bas been circulated among the oten of Morrow oonnty (bat A. W. Patterson, the republican nominee or clerk, wai instrumental in securing the passage ot the law creating sheriff and clerk deputies tor Morrow connty. This baa been done, primarily, to influence tbe yotet against Patterson, though it is likely that many have agitated the matter with an honest belief in the rep resentations made. As tbe charges are wholly nntroe, Mr, Patterson bas no beeitanoy in making tbe following affidavit: Htatb of Obeqon, ) Connty of Morrow. J I, A. -W. Patterson, being first doly sworn, depose ana say tnat i not oniy bad nothing to do directly or indirectly, with securing the passage of tbe bill o oreate deputies for tbe sheriff and olerk ot this oonoty, with yearly salaries of $1,000, but tbat I knew notbiog of tbe same until tbe bill had become a law; tbat tbe same is being ciroulated to prj udioe my oandidaoy in tbe minds of tbe people of Morrow county; that If eleoted olerk ot this county I pledge that I will request tbe representative-elect to use his iufluence towards seouring tbe repeal of tbe law providing for a deputy olerk in this county. A. W. Patterson. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day cf May, 1896. skal E. L. Fbeeland, Notary Public for Oregon, rata all tbat Mr. Patterson says. Their statements are as follows: Leziogton. Or., May 11, 1896. To WHOM IT MAT OONOBBK : It bas beo rumored tbat A. W. Pat terson was instrumental in tbe passage of tbe deputy salary bill for clerk and sheriff ot this county. I will say tbat Mr Patterson never spoke to me about the matter, and had nothing to do with it in any way, so far as my knowledge goes. J. S. Boothby. CLOSING OUT SALE! A vote for Northup is only a step in the direction of electing Quidd, the populist, Ihe election of Quinn means tbat the people of the second district will be practi cally without representation in con gress lor the next two years, lie- publicans cau not afford to make this mistake. Vote for Ellis, the regular republican nominee, and a man that will represent tbe people tbe second district as they should be represented. Independent Republican. For School Superintendent, JAY VV. SHIPLEY. A I'l.F.IMiK. In aooorJunca with Ilia general de mand on tbe part of the vnlnre ot Mor row oounty for tba repeal ot the bill creating deputies for th sheriff and clerk with salaries at IIOOO, I hereby pledge Ibat it elected clerk I will urge ihe representative elect to ass his in fluen os towards securing tbe repeal ot lb law providing for a deputy clerk in this connty. A. W. 1'attbbsoN. Dated, May 8, lH'Jfl. Don't forget Hood for sheriff. He is a man that will serve the people faithfully and well. Dr. J. W. Vauoiian will be the next coroner of this county and he will fill the office well. Vote for Vaughan for coroner. In further substantiation of the above statement, made and sworn to before e daly authorized officer, Hons. J. S. Booth by and A. W. Qowan, representative and Joint senator for Morrow oounty serving in the last legislature, enrrobo Burns, Oregon, May 5, 1896. To tbe voters ot Morrow oonnty : In tbe hope ot setting at rest untrue and idle rumors, which are being circa lated in your oounty evidently for tbe sole purpose or prejudicing ine minas ot i y voters against Mr. A. W. Patterson. iQVinQ nominee tor couuty olerk on tne repoo lican . ticket, I desire to make a brief statement to the end tbat no injustice shall be done anyone. 1 refer especially to tbe legislative aot approved Feb. 25, 1895, "To change tbe compensation aod mode of payment of connty clerks, sheriffs snd other officers, aod also to provide for tbe appointment of deputies." See session laws, 1895, page 77. This measure was introduced by Senator Butler and subsequently passed tbe senate Feb 20, and forthwith transmitted to tbe bouse for its consid eration, and wsB passed by tbat body Feb. 23. As to any person lobbying, or using any luflnenoe for or against the measure, or to get it "fixed up" with a view of personal benefit, I can state that no one approached me on tbe subject, nor did I bear ot any member being importuned. It seemed to have been settled by tbe sentiment of tbe people tbat socb offices and deputies should be placed on a salary, and it was also understood by tbe members, as a quiet undercurrent, tbat the serving inonmbeuts were op posed to tbe measure; and with un limited opportunity to disouss tbe matter with Mr. A. W. Patterson I can truthfully say the subject was never mentioned by or between us, nor did anyone from Morrow couaty urge me in the matter, one way or tbe other. Respectfully, A. W. Gowah. Decided to Go Out of Business, Offer Our Entire Stocl of We will Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., FOR AN UNLIMITED TIME. To Stock mea. All persons are warned not to drive or herd any stock upon the land of the undersigned, to wit: the East half of the north-west quarter of section 34 In T 2 B R26 E. Trespassers will be prosecuted. H. E. Hillock. The populiats claim tbat they will carry Umatilla county and elect the entire ticket. Oh what talll m Snin Et for school superintendent is the proper thing, lie is a JJor row county boy and you should tote for him. IlmnLICAMt ate falling into line alt over tlia district and the proaicta of thn le-elwtion of Hon. W. It. Kllia grow brighter each dy. I ! A. 0. lUnTnoLOMKW will nuke a faithful ami eflicent oounty juJge, and will reaKI orer tba couuty court of Morrow couuty after July let, oeiL i J. N. Iluowjt is the mau to rep. recent Morrow county ia the lejr. Ulature, and he il I elected. Ilia election moans a vote for John It. Mitchall fr V. ti aenator. A. C. l'r rm a. fur aweeaor, needs no word ct coiiitneudatioo fiotn aa. The votera will m to it that La ta elected on Jui.e 1, at.J ha will I a faithful aervai't cf the tle. I'.rrnr man oo 0a republican ticket ahould lc, and we behave will U elected. TU ToUr can do no better than clta Lis support to the republican ticket from top to tiottom. AlL Morrow county voters abnuM atatid by Cbaa. obrtaon, r.ot ittire tor innul' r td state Uar. id evaluation, lie ia the tly ti' ii.ui' from tlila end tf the tli tru t aii.l e sli'.ul I gite Lim our toJiTtdtd anpout. It ia generaly conceded that as between LIub tnd Northup Mr. Jbllis has the best chance for elec tion. A vote for Northup, then is a vote for Bennett or Quion since it takes so much away from the leading Republican strength Does Oregon want to indorse tbe Wilson bill or lend strength to the delusions of Populism? Tbe in terests ot wool-grower should not be put in jeopardy because of tbe Belhshness of n l ortlaud political clique. The Dalles Chronicle. Mb. Ellis, our present eflicient representative in congress, has always very ably and earnestly en deavored to represent the interests of bis constituents, and the honor of his ronoroination is a fit appre ciation of his valuable services to this state. In voting to retain Mr. Ellia for another term, the conven tion has properly recocoized bis prentice already attained in the halls of congress and thus placed thn direct interests of the state as they should be above any other uuuuuni iHxue. neurew ivewa. Mom Hat iytra at Iks World's Fair Ayer's Haraatiarillatujoya the eilranr dluary distinction or having t"n tbs only blood purifier allowed an eiblttit at lbs World's fair, Chicago, Manufacturers ot olber sarasparillaa sought by every meant to obtain a showing of their foods, but they wars all turned away under lb application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry of patent medicines and nostrums. Tbs deoisinn of ths World's fair antbo- rities in favor of Ayer's Hareaparilla In rffeet as follows: "Ayer's Barsaps- nlla ia do! a patent madielne. II does not belong to tba lial of nostrums. II is here on its merits." Ths Bares. The races today were well patronised snd very successful. Ihe entries In the quarter dash were Jim Crow, Paddy, Steamboat Bill, Red 8 and hutch. Bill won; Red 8 second The colt race was the finest ever seen on the track. The entries were Paul Jones, Latch, lone, Maurice n, Qladdys, Miss Heppner and Penlaud Buttes, The Heppner favorite, Paul Jones, was beaten by lone, but the race was a hut one. The races tomorrow will consist of three and one-half furlongs, free for all, purse, 175 and half mile dash, free for all, purse, fl00, and will be very Interesting. A CAKD. There are reports In circulation that If I am elected sheriff tbat I will close men out for their ta es. To all such I will promise to be as lenient as the county court will permit me. And the rest of the reports in circulation are nothing but campaign lies. A Roon. May 25, 1896, E. L. FREELAND, mmm COLLECTIONS, wwiTta INSURANCE, MM? ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Land Filings and Final Proofs Taken, STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY ITBLIC. NOTICE. The annual convention of the Morrow County J C F" 3 U 1 1 M D inday School Association will convene June I ' ' ' Sunday 11, 18, at Petty's Grore. The superintendents and secretaries of all the schools are requested to he present . nd also two delegates from each school. All are invited to attend. An Inter esting program will be rendered. J. J. Adkins, Pres. At J. OteceiCISs M. Hager's Residence. Notice of Intention. Oo to tbe entertainment al tbe ball tomorrow niubt. Admission ten cents. TheJ.M. RUSSELL Co. The Dalles. Portland, Heppner. rolXUD HKMOM TIONb. Tbs rspnbllflsna of Dry Fork precinct met al Uunartierfy for tbs p irpoes of draltlnc resolutions to regard to tbs ma hetous atUt ioo tbs repnblioaa eaotli.la ts for sheriff, AnJrsw Hood. Tbs fullowiof resolutions war read and adopted i Mats A poreoa or persona of Pry Fork precinct era spread log or aisliiisT to spread willfull and malioimis falsehoods is regard !t An drw Itmd, Ida repnblieao candidal for abend: Ibat Mr. IUmI will ant OB third of lbs rspoblleaa vot of Ibis preeieel ; Ibat t abuaes svsryon who owes htm: that ha suied man SetMselesS on lbs I.MUdaol May. Tbaftw for t II niVsi.tf .f. Tbal In oof opinion, Mr Itiiod was lbs eboio of every repnbll eaa la Iba precinct for tba aomtnatitw. And t it further i.iv,f. Thai ws bats known Mr IUhxI tot years aod a areat tnasipfos nave bad Oeaaeial aistsa from aim a ditTaretil llin and bav always f'ond him It I aa boif able f titlemsn, ready and wllliaf la eist all b noral la bo era rirrdv, if tl It In tu pomt da o, bul like a l boneet n.a b d eptaM liar and a Ihtrf, and la our pink Mr. lUd baa bUd prr and brdy famaltrs la Ibis pari of lb evnniy Ibaa any wtber saaa ia tbs auaa l I. day. And t it .Vvreif, 4lstbet la ie-aij la Mr ltunl's kaurkiKs! a maa I on tlx I.Va ilar rf May, a (real HMy f a l Ifinilil t Mr. Ilood an Mr Nirbolam a4 will sat Ibat Mr llyod Is 4 la Uat to blaros, M Mr. 9iobtlaa ealiad Kim a a a of b b al wbleb Mr, Um4 ia biro paah Kf paltmi bi bead o bl faa. Mr. H4 did "t mk a lbs a a foMbf Ibaa Ibat, aad Mr. Nirbolsna alUmpUd ladrawakmf bat was pttvotit! if Olbrf partir. M. K V. Vv, C.a.riraa. M a Mntiu rw.s 0. .rttrrs,(r , May 1,V 1 J. W. V. .l ram la fr-a I'.i l: ta Kuaday aa.d wOs iwmiI a ( 4j T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, I J April iH, 1K1I6 Notice Is hereby given ilmt thn Inllowliiir-iiained settler has tiled notice o( his Intention U) make Himl prool In support of his claim, and that said pnmf will tw made beloie Joseph U Olbsnn, (J. 8. Cora., at Lexing ton, Oregon, on June !. IW. vl: JAMES K. TIBBRTTS, Hd E. No. 3WW, for the KKS, Sec. 11, Tp. 1 8. R. 2& K W. M. He name's the following witnesses to prove his contlnnnti residence upon and cultivation nf bmM Untl vll! John T. Young. William Estes, Cyrns N. Rhlnn. all of Heppner, Oregon, and Edwin K. Beh,olUxlglUn.Oregon.A8 r MooRp 4M-M Hcglster. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT I A ORANPE, OKEC.ON, I J April 21, 1HMI. Nolle Is heretiy given The BIG SHOW of the UNIVERSE COMING! ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS , BOND BROTHERS' WORLD'S BEST SHOW, i The Crowning Climax of Exhibitional Grandeur at fe' made belora Ilia oounty clerk ol Morrow coun ty, Oregon, on June lnh.l. tIs: ' PoarEK ADAMH. Hd. E. No. TJ7, for the NK snd lots 1 and 1 Kec. , Tp. i K. R. 27 E. W. M. He name th following wllneaae to prove hlsronilnuousrealdenc upon and cultivation of. said land, vis: Mltllln J. levn. John T. Oallnway, Alhart H. aiamn Charlna Moraan. all ol Haonner. r. Any person who desire to protest aralnat th allowance ni sura pmoi, or wno in.i oi muj latanttal imsoii. under th law and In rf n- lallnnaot th interior Department, why uch prool should not b allowwl, will b ltn an opportunliy at th almv mentioned Um and i,U ta emM-aiamln th witneaae nf aald claimant, and to offer vtdnc in rvbutteJ of claimant. D. P. WIIJ0. Hrs-Uter. r fttftjf RiiST' t 1 f-iNiV At.lt I rasslVa Jl -tt'.JWI 1 LKYar:. I that submitted by lMfilJtl&J), imSvti&tt AJ ft Usnovncsat l:Ay'f 41 i'l'If S rfj t 'J . -Vi V ?iv n t ll l,.llolnrnamet i 1 it f'..( 1 TH F J I i - M I . 1 m M ' . w III If I HEPPNER on WEDNESDAY June 3rd. PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1896. To Thi Public : The following facts have decided ns to open np an office at The Dalles, and we believe th wool growers will feel an interest In our proposition to handle their wool. THE DALLES MARKET.--Inl8Mlr. million pounds of wool was marketed there, which brought extreme prices. The present outlook is that not less than eight million pound will be marketed there this season, and we believe wools sold In The Dalles will bring full valuea for the following reasons : 1st, 1 he large amount of wool handled not only att rue's buyers, and the most of them mala Tbe Dalles their headquarters for the season, causing a brisk competition. The Oregon mills us not less tha'i two million pounds, so wools In The Dalles have the benefit of this competition, as well as for th East and California markets. 2d. The location of The Dalles Is such that five transcontinental railroads compete for freight, guaranteeing the shipper a low rate; in 18'J5 wools from The Dalles to the East were taken at a rate rf 90 eta. per hundred pounds. 3d. Arrangements have been made with the railroad companies whereby local freight to The Dalles when added to the freight from The Dalles East, will pot be higher than the freight from local points direct East, and in many cases less. These facts alone vaur the growers the highest possible price. CONSIGN M E NTS.--While we fully realize consigning wool Is a thing of th past, w believe growers will do well to consider our proposition, especially this season as there is every reason to believe It will be a slow, dravjgy year. Our business In the past has been buying forOregon and Eastern mills and dealers. Reallzlnr -how slow th mills and dealers will be In placing their orders this year, we think our method of handling will be an advantage to the grower, and considering the wool will not b moved from the home market nor from under your control without consent; you must not look upon our proposition in th light of shipping on consignment. For ten years past, "excepting 1x93, the year of th panic," wools bav brought better price in the home markets, as the season advanced, than at the opening, and wa beltevs this will b esieclally so this season. When growers ar not In a position ti bold their wool, or feel inclined to sell to pay their bills, w will make an advance at a liberal rat of Interest; will take charg of th wool, pay th teamster s and other charge when requested to do so, and whan wools ar to b shipped to Th Dalle by rail, we will ta car of th railway freights from point of shipment to Th Dalle, and such points as Heppner and Arlington, w will bav a reDresentatlv who will tka charm nt th wool and lorward It. You will keep In nilnd that when shipping to Th Dalle ther will ha no tra m.ni.iA yon, and considering lb low price of wool, w liar concluded to do this work at k cent per pound brokerage. n win oe pieaMa near non yoq, ana aena regular accounts of eastern ad local markets hen requested. lag j. j. RLIWELL CO. Tba moat TraelMl, Popular, Karooua, ami altogether tba Greatest TfutW txbibiuoo ol the Utmorna. H a umDiteiy worm mora to itncaa a ft of our Marrfloua Special Feat ores than it wouU bo to aw the loaiila ami Outai.l of any Show Id tbo WorM Intention. La Oaaana, Oaaoow. aorll l. im EREBY OIYE THAT THE elller has Sled BOtlc ol kla Intention In snake Snal proof In support at hla claim, and that aald prool will b mad belor County ClerS ol Morrow Connty. Oregon, al Heppner, Ore"n. on May l, vis; JuHfl V. BROWN. Timber Cultnni Entry No. UA, tor lb KW'; Sec la Tp.! B. V E. W. M. H name th Miowlng witness to m Ms continuous reat.laoc upn e4 cultivation .said land. vis John P. Barton, William Barton. John P. Brown and prancta M. utry,eil ot Heppner irr(oa . r, wiijsiin. Wood Wanted. VOTli B IS HEBEY JtVI THAT THE lv a. hod board ot lslrk-l o. I. Heppner, ol als Tbret Oompli-U Cirrus Troop A Kiv Cuatinenl Arenie Assembly Itf , Will rarelr M.U o lh delivery imii cords xt wonr al I ha hoot prvmiae lleapMV. mmm ta be rpne4 on inn A. I", ! lab dellvrrwd OH of helor rt. I. IA Ihm S,Hf4 mrv ! nsrtl ! I)ecl y of or tas Boaas. All Nations CHEATED Male and Female Celebrities, z: CvDa! Mturrir f R Wili lab ul Ocru'i Ptrp Si Asia, Kemp. Af'ifs sn-l America I ColribllB. GRIND Win DiriDI'nOME LMlKFlT Ntff 1D 0RIGIS.1L FUT5. TbOrn lal Eibiblikunal ralnr-Tb M ! WoJfnl aa.l Amuina Animal rffirmanr-TbOrll Wodrr-Tb MoM Ci'tnpUi lil4 Ilea I Hb-Tb r.v.yber OtoJe4 tel Hbns f Carlo. an-Jaty w. BOTIrK OP SALE. o tbekifil fttrrj t Mmihs Cirsi fm'jw, I VJtrU kylu firtitil. IUr, 1U.N, InUrli a4 rp'le4. 1'ratie laaswefabl H(rUI rvature vetor llor t.ibiiia in asswirav. e- Wblob woniil b wnfih a ! ) Ad t't. Make up your j-atlirs and cobaull )our Malum Agral for Kteuraioo IUtcaoo l'.OXI IlUOTHKlUS'.day. vnriii is ntarar iiivtw that i 1 v lf and by vliive a drm and ol sal d'llr le and anwred nm May lih. l. In II. matter nt Ihe ealal Tboma P ISartan ilrvwiel by lbsnly ourl ol Ihe Maw iiiwiK Ui W.now lowwtT. aeillag ewtte the Ktvl.il .io! a lml'iUlxi.-r ol Iba sal ewale will nl. bif sale al pa MIC tmr , t Ike IIiImi M-i-ter lot eoeb la banal oo RrMur. wv Jane a, uaa. al II aeterl la ha Inrenan M that day ea Ihe pnoniar at aald 4ev t. all lb Mloam de-rtl4 el enerty bel-nt Ins lo Iba named eaeate .IHni la) Me en nnlr. mna. o.aii tu V mi m H1 sa.M t and w ',. Sia a awharwM , it ii, at M . all la Sms I . lo. staid ate M ! u.l m all lien a4 abrM iiuiixf aena Iba aald real snmef, and tvtvr lo tba eMareallol a( all aatea tsi b a4 by lb afcov lite Untaiy t awrv J a YOf Mi. Adatlntelrab al Uk astebs 4 TV ljte4lliataaralMf.lcv. V Sco the FREE SPECTACULAfl Street PAGEANT -IN THE FORENOON Ooa Tlfift, f r tba Usual I'rie, AdmiU to tba WORLD'S BEST SHOWSI Twa OranJ I ll.t iU il t4 l eiforn-atrr t ail;, tiala M Pbit. lw f(a al 1 a4 7 at. Kotict for Publication, t atrrrt't at t AaArt. oatoot k beMln( naiwed se baa S .4 bMM of hi Int.niWta a maaa anal p.-.l aurpnes b a4 Ibai at4 ean will b b a i. rr4 aiaalahMi V a ateei eoMrt, Kefe" !- ia , la irnv i r smlivii. m w ia llkM4 attllii r a w w i ..a t'i ha rt, -- tp. a4 roi'nt bai a' Mkl ! l t Ha" I M S) A S'lwll taeAe f pU. i.iiaia Mba.L. ad al He, ye" '- k P w ii" fcia RACES ! RACES ! Tba Uppar 8pJ Aasomatioo bas deolJeJ to bodl a Rao Ue(lng at 9 Beginning Tuesday, Hay 26, $700.00 IN PURSES! $700.00 1 ! (ION A, Kt 2bf IC S TUVT DaT-Taly. Wa2rt-Ha L Qqrtr mil dab. fr fo all. rnr. r0 H i Half mils tlaah, tr I wo-year rJi. br4 In 0'oa. Waab latto r IdabA, nomination raoa, tio lot run dU4 1IJ 5 do as da waiabl. AdJ m.iw.v, llial hKCOM) )AY-W,Jr.J,y. May"7-Rcl Thr a4 fea-lalf fortonf, rrrsforall Vm, 173. Ha4. Half mil rlaah. frea I. all. I'nrM. Ilotv TimiD IT-TbneHlay. May - IU. S On lbonsan4 ar. fra foy n. rnea, IliUJ. U ft. TbrUbta mlie. bandiOaD. retat. fraa (o all. I'nraav IKK) ' rOCIITn PT-fri.lav. May -Ka7. 0l.alf mil dwh. fr for all Ian -year el.l. lonx tat SUka rra brr l Para. ITj. ta H V00.1 aaJ m. bait t nelnett, yarwat, fm all. Par, Oo. IX)N 1)1 riON1'.-Tharr will b.r.era. by lhrUr lU Pactrklllfawt HfM Aalaio), Knlrano faaa In all r, ol o I her is apaxnfted. 10 t"1 swot nfsmannl of nqraa, fl ay n b-l nlfa hra mtt Is ra B eara ahnvs Siva d t nl Cl ttb 8 oB.lrt at.l.le. lb tr4 ba b poaef to f da lb arnoohl nf lb pft a la Ib-r Jadsmetil smsm pmpar lb dirc4nr r lb ftf hi I fnaipno any aa.l all acvwaal nf metnil waatb. ( ahoaa rare do BH fill. peas will ba ta Sfariat aa. In ahtilnt4 bp lb dir-doe. Paraa w' b f1ibM 70 V ftil U 6rl b"VM, ) rR a -rd. All tairi to rloM by 8 o's.'w. p. u , aa lb aawf t'tabadiiut U raoaw ALL PURSES WILL BE PAID IN FULL. a w rTrrRMM. n..i,, I. JaiU, D,vt AlcAle, ; ( r;rry, iHreslor nrn. (H)N.r.H rr i-.i- (in, llamcftu, II eery lltpt,