Poitlnnd Lilrnry JW" niimiinnuniniuiiiiuKiimHu,,,,,, s OFFICIAL s PAPER I MY SUCCESS I Is owing to my liberality in ad- vertis'ng Robert Bonner. vr L utm i h m m Hi 1 1 rw n inn 1 1 1 a i iiwiiii imiin m i mi FOURTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLIBHKD Tuesdays and Fridays BY TDK PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. A. W. PATTERSON. - . Editor Business Manager At JS.60 per year, $1.23 tor en months, 75 ots. for three moncas. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application.. : THIS PAP KB is kept on tile Bt E. 0. Itake's AdvortiBinff Agency, 04 Mid 65 Merohanls Exohartgs, San Francisco, California, where oo,j. roots tor advertising oan be made tor it. 0. R. & N. -'Local card. Train leaves Hepp'ier 10:46 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 5:00 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bonnd passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 1:11 a. m. ; east bound t:: a. m. Freight trains leavK Heppner J unction going eastat7:iip. m. and9:10a. in. j going west, :30 ii, m. aim u.ioa. in. , OFFICIAL XSXUISCTOXaTr. Duiteil States Officials. Piesident Grover Cleveland Vice-President , Ad ai Stevenson Beo-e'ary of Htate Hichard S. Olney Secretary of Treasnry John fl. Carlisle Secrntary of Interior Hoke Smith oeoreiary or war mm el . Lamont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postinaster-Oeneral William L. Wi son Attorney-(Jneml J nelson Harmon oeoreiary or agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Movrnor..t.. ,..W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. It. Kincoid Treasurer. . . Phil. MeWnhan Hnpt. Public Instrnction 0. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Ideraan Senator. ( W. W. M nitride I J. H. Mitohell Congressmen.... j $ngrE'nJn,,,,in Printer w. H. Leeds . I K. B. Bn, Supreme Judges I F. A. Moore. ( C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District, Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'nxwcuting Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow County Officials, iolnt Senator Uepreeentative. A. W. Qnwan J.S. Booth by 1 'onnty J mUre ' ('ommleainnerSi J. M. baker. " rwk " Hheriff " Treasurer Surveyor " Hnhool Bup't.. " Coroner Julius Keitbly J.K. Howard , .T. W. Morrow ..O. W. Harrington Frank Gilliam J. r". Willi. Oeo. Lord Anna lialeiger T. W.Ayera, Jr bkppmeb Town omoiM, Mnyoi Thus. Morgan Cviniliiien O. K. Farnaworth. M. Liohtentlial, Otia Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr., n. o. norner, c. i. otoenm. Raoonler F. J. Hallock Trnaanrar E. L. FreUnd Marshal f A. A. Roberta . Precinct Oflloere. Justice of th Peso E. L. Frealand Constable N. 8. WheUtooe Halted Htatea lAnd Officers. TBS DALLIS. OB. i. P. Moore , It"intr A. tt. biggs lUweiver LAOBAtlDa. OB. B. F, Wilson nit.r J. II. Kobbina Itenalvw JCZ3BX OOOISTIE. KAWU.V8 POr, MO. IL O. A. B. yi-t at UuntiKtn, (rM tlw bat Hatnrday wh rnonUi. All vHwaaaar Invited to Join of .. ... , USO. W. nMfTH. Artiount. tf c,n,.n,u,. fOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. VOTE FOR ONE. FOR CONSTABLE. VOTE FOR ONE. JJ J li ' 6J " 3 T U03KIN3, f P,M G,t' KpnbHo C7. x 1SAA0L HOWARD, of Piu. City Repoblioan 17X HAVK FUR HALK ALL KINTMOP Cll -. ' drnaHl Luinhnr, M Biles ol Ueppitaf, al what la known as Uia " - .. . BOOTT A.-WIVtXlUr. riB 1.000 FEKT. KOUKII, " " " CLEAR. 1100 IT M I r PKUVKRtU IN H EPF Eft, WJU. ADO t&au pr l.uui iMPt aillUooi. Tbs above quotations art strictly for Casn. L HAMILTON, Prop. Kaiioaai Bantol hwi v. rE!(LAD. tO. tL ItflllOP. fr-Mts.at. rlilr. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLTKOTIONS UaU oa favorable Tarma. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HE ITS Fit if ORr)()! Oolario-Boms Staae Line BflBSS-Si'&EUJfE H. A. WILLIAMS, P-ep. . os'TAiuo.nunsH tvt Hi'oa I,Hy m p. m. t4 ar. rttrt ! (Mark la 12 boar. Sinqlo Fore $7.00. Hound Trip $10.00 nunxH caxvos I .IV nil tl.pf.nar mmtm famt fmtw t" Inlafte 1im r -l'.'t i miu, i " il.a 4 Ulrw tetat a.r. Saw ta tba liasa t iba Walf fhfmtm, tfca fwatawl aa.rrr 4 tba Ws-i, Hb iba ().ar4Ab-l) a. If la alaa,tiaa f a. 1 f) a bif awWiaw f a...n a.a l w,la lalKa alaU. fWi.Ua aill flaw aa a sat-a aa a4 ihwh..! Hswal.ia . t4 riaala. aa Mtl..J f, Cala aia an4 tMariba. a ' '. '. I . VJflSX1 LaMlMMMMnH,,.,..... I . , - ZZZ. ' ".i.l,! tl l' M,M. t 111 II I IIMUMi To be F OR CONiRESS, Sec 12. 13 1. 15. 16. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. 20. T. tt. HAILEY. of Umnlilla Co Democratic 21. X STEPHEN A LOWELL, of Umatilla Oo. . . .Republican 22. R. M. TDRNER, of Umatilla Co., Independent Fiee Silver FOR PROSECUTING 23 24. 25. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. 29. X J. N. BROWN, of Heppner Republican 30. THOMAS MORQ A N, of Heppner. ............ Demooratio 81. J. L. 8 WIFT, of Eight Mile Peoplea FOR COUNTY CLERK. 82. J. W. MORROW, of Heppner Democrats 33. X A. W, PATTERSON, of Heppner Republican 84. E. B. STANTON, of Eight Mile Peoples FOR SHERIFF. 85. 86. 87. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. VOTE FOR ONE. 88 X A. O. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine Republican 89. W, A. KIKK, of Heppner PeopUa 40. GLORQE NOBLE, of Heppner LCmocratio FOR, COUNTY TREASURER 41. X FRANK GILLIAM, 42. J. L. YEAQER, of 1 neauennon how you should Ti. .11 .1 WASHlhUTuN LkTTktt. rrow our Itwrlal CorrwpondonL ! ni last Iriur, I MM to neolioo tba da-til ade by Haoaior Mcbrida to rotain ia Iba bill Iba appropnatioa fur PuriOfford It waa gallant ona but lia lata and Captain S.m.tna weradead gaiu.t him. Tua eaplain waa railed ba. fura Iba cotenrrea cvaim.ltoa and t.t,t Ibal Iba propoaHi o waa notbinf aodtr tbs tun liol U attend Ji3 M) wf e'Dtnrtit Danaay toboilda abarf. lis said iba aha'f aonld hava to bamaJa of Iroo. Uia uhlI rmaarfal. tba atroogaat baf ibal enolil ptaibly ba aadr tbal II wal4 bava to ba atlaebad la Ua at Ika boitoa of Iba aea, and even tbta that it M doablfnl briber It would aUy lhara. la tba ( of Ibiadamaffteglaaiirnney Kswator MKkla waa gacoa aad aatnj for a i U. Ua awxnj akma Tta aailra aottmtttaa apfad bu ia tba wopoai- iioa. ixtrlat tba JUaaa(oa ef Iba bill ia tba aaia, gaeator Mitrbatl aa4a Baal v-aoaraia ailanpl bold a la tba l orl Urfont apprnprtaii. Ua made a In daaMtplKia of Iba eoualrt smsaa II ad t'a fntora or.nraaveial poaaibiliMra, and Said ba aol4 ta tli!a in anaapt at tba prva.nl lima llfiO uil and traat ta Iba faiara fur any a4Jiitneal amtiani m. tjtiirt. Mr. frja aamaauaaUy ftAimi tbat Iba baaiaa Ia ba aaooonaadaiod by Ihta araai barhnf waa 1 dail at... S boWla, t sfcwa, I fM atab'a, 1 erfaa. vary simib, 1 4akaalla abno. 1 b4 1 4akaalla abnfi. 1 bop, I abaroh, I aotiwrf, aalim-a aad 1 1 ad of la bvroa a hw wiibnal bia slaaa aaaail saaaMll. Ila anaaadt -Ur.'lnra. IVhimm will ti,.,. u.. l raMdaai, am 4 saaaaMl al aatthtna that-w akS. t bava aot CT.f ibal." A a later ba Said aftaf araklaa of Iba tartnoa vWHa of Iba difffaai boa "la of aagtaaava; -yiaally aa arproorialloa) aaa asada. Tbal aa alaaiab , bxaaaa ajy lt.s.1. iba aialnr fraas Or "'. Mr, Miiobail) aatmg aa ba tw f f Iba Hi. la f Of.a, witb bia lafla ! Ballad Walta aaia aad ib Iba lafltaaM of iba Hr atisUr (C ..ar. raf ) a bo waa ba al Ibal " " aarptiaad at aay kiad af aa airtaniiaitna.'' aabxaaoailf a Iba Jiaaaaioa Mr. ft tbia iiaaXiw la fVaakt Musk, alii -Ilaa Iba aaW ia bia w4 tpt aaMaf laa aay alaia Wtilory a aHna. aaaa thm him of nvyn a r-H m4. ia aak it t;.4 m.t a, aM4 a wbarf Miuar ftaat M.tab all ffliad la d t aa'a Wbat bad ba d--aa bavat4 Th a.a tk-a was Mbf Ika a1 'a'S aHld Ka iair.ad bt l.a as.wtt'ti af I, aal Hf. ffja fjaa1! Vf HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY STUB. Torn Otf by the Chairman, Oiiiclai Ballot tor LENA Precinct; Mark between the Number and Name STATER. nd District. VOTE FOli ONE. A. 8. BENNETT, of Wasoo 0.. Democratic W. R. ELL18. of Morrow Co Republican F. McKEKOHER, of Multnomah Co Prohibition H. H. NORTHUP. of Multnomah Co., Ind. Sound Money MARTIN QUINN, of Multnomah Co Peoplei IXTH JUDICIAIv DISTRICT. VOTE FOR ONE. ATTORNEY. VOTE FOR OA'E. X H. J. BEAN, of UniHtiiia Co Rapublican WILLIAM PAR80NS, of Umatilla Co ....Peoples Q. W. REA, of Morrow Co...., Demooratio COUNTY. VOTE FOR ONE. VOTE FOR ONE. VOTE FOR ONE. J. a HAYES, of Heppner Peoplea E. L MATLOCK, of Heppner Demooratio X ANDREW ROOD, of Dairy Republican VOTE FOR ONE. of Heipner Republican Ueppoer Peoplea DISTRICT IVo. C5. 01 me voter is called to the Official Ballot as printed above. This Indicates mark your ballot-wlth a simple cross Just before the name voted for. j . . . . . ooiiraa it will help tba sawmill tbcra to ba a wbarf." Wbtla Ibia diaouMloa was pmreadina, Mr Vaat, a bo la tba raakiag d'intarat oa tba e-mojliiea amaa to bis fart, aud Haoalor Miieball rsJJ a gaaaral laaab by taming to bim aa ba Oooclutlrd and saving: -f bopa tba saaator from Mta auori, who ta a member of Iba auoiniiitae oa oomnMirca. and aLo, I ata, la oa bia fret, will aul faal it laoambaat oo l.im alf la oiaka say obaarTalioaa siaply fur Iba porpoaa of ataodtag by Iba rnmmit ta. 1 know ibal way dowa la bia mind ba araa with ma Ibal somatbleg oagbl la U doaa for Port Orford." It must Lava ben way dowa ia 8a alr Vaat's tuiad. Ua said ba waa bow and f'T all lima rrtoaably oppiad to Iba govaroojefil golBf Iota Iba baaioMa of baildiag wbarvra. lis said tbat If Iba Btaaadwaet rtaaaad lhara was ot a bar bur Is Iba L'aitad Kala wbkrh woald ant aay: "loa bqiil a wbarf la Or.on; baild oaa bawa." And lhal avry aanalor oa Iba aKr woo Id (! biaiaaifealUd p. ta tba la larval of bia tooabtaeata lo follow iba ttaaspla of tbs saaator from ()ro. j lbs aaoala aaraad altb Rao a lor frys aaoj r.natcir vaat sad iba aaaaodmaat waa rei4. All of Iba Ofagoa appfopHalioaa ia Iba rivar aad barU.f btli paaaad Iba aao ata aoenrdiag la tba rtaommalaina of Iba aomeaitiM aa Btr, Now aotaaa iba anafswawaaaoaiaiiitaa aad than oa Oil I tnaw to lias prtmimt ha aato 6fb day of Jana; probably a4 Ufora. It la ttiat lo aak at Ibis lia wbat woad ba Iba s!fH aa Orayoa'a malarial lalaraala If Mr, Kll a wars tfafoalt aad lbs laialaiara fail! ta rMra Mr, Miiab II Iba I'aitad Hwaa saaaia. PaMlag Bntiiiaa aaida, aa wail ifnrmal raaa aaa galaaaf Ibat M anaaH ba a fara M stroke af be4aat no, IdtaU balb f aa Iba I'onlaa I Uragnalaa wiMild kaaa Iba tmrtly la day thai It waM ba a vary bad almka af tMainaaa ttoliav, bal la Ila epaaais of roUlnipbobia II la In sriSa iba a-i.a a abiah Iba sannaa appmpviaiKa bills ba baaa t" las maay yaara bi t "a saa anar or ear asao anaalrr. Iba I aasstuss of waiaa aa ftaaw I ait hf Orwaas iba Oraal aad tamaalad by g,. a t-. ts WMk aa ira!y ftaw ..ala ia ttm thava wnald ba aa bta ibal O wa waid sad lMd aa ail Iba alaa ta Iba aat af SraBiilnai "IN Iff Iba ra iM bab bill sbarawawH ba M bkabbvod Ibat sbsiebaa y bavar trvsf oar fail lead j ..-!- I - - . . . ' t STUB. To be torn Otf by the Morrow Go., Or., June of Each Candidate or Answer Vottd for. FOR SUPREME JUDGE. 17. X ROBERTS. BEAN, of Lane Co Republican 18. JOHN BURNETT, of Benton Co Demooratio ' 19. JOSEPH GASTON, of Multnomah Co .. ..Peoples For Mtmb.r State Board of Eqailiatiot. VOTE FOR ONE. 26. O P. DAVIS, of Umatilla Co..... .....Demooratio 27. X CBAS JOHNSON, of Morrow Oo '....Republican 28. QEOROE D. PEEBLER, of Umatilla Co.. . . . .People, FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. . VOTE FOR ONE. 43. WILLIAM CRABTREE, of Mattesoo Peoplea 44. X A. 0. PETTEYS. of lone Republican 45. W. P. BNYDER, of Dry Fork ..DemooraHo FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPT. VOTE FOR ONE. 46. J. D. BROWN, of Heppner Independent Democratic 47. ADDIE W. CONLEE, of Eight Mile, Independent Peoplea 48. X J. W. SHIPLEY, of Heppuer.... Independent Republioan FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. VOTE FOR ONE. 49 X J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.. Republioan 60. J. T. MoALISTER, of Lexington. Peoplea FOR SURVEYOR. - VOTE FOR ONE. 61. X JOHN W. HOMNOli.of Heppner. Republican 62. R. W. TURNER, of Heppner ............Peoplea FOR CORONER. VOTE FOR ONE. t& J. T" Ml rOHELL, of Heppner People 64 X B. F. VAUOHAN, of Heppner Republioan woM S'anl tanlb or rvan taantietli. Atoording In tba census of WM ahr raikad thirty a'gbtb or thlr y i iuth h lbs api'ropriailoos wbicb wmilil b mad for bar baoafll aad the baoefllof bar pan pis. Tba meaaura of bar lull urn ne m Iba lower branch of coagraas would baon an rlact rat io aa tilt btr popnlatioa wi'l two Daw men aa hr rapraaanlaliTis ti tba a.tiala bar poaitlua ould Dot lis innch baitar. Inddstry and mtalligsnrs aoant fur b sraat daal in eoraaa, aa they do any where slaa, but I hay tin not count In any prroaptiMa dagraa daring a man's Aral 'aw yaara lo a..orrra, rioapi taanfar as bay prapara bim for bia par to, of oaa lalnaaa to eoma Ila nay bs ssr so lo daMriotta, aar ai Utallitsat, s?r so ar. daal la bia daaira to sarva bis panpla and bis Soaatry bat wharala do I baaa tbinga srva bim, whaa bs baa to fret away all is great ability aad soaray ia eervx-eoo S'ltna trivial eotnoiiltaa. It is la ths oom iniiiaas tbal tba work of enrt.rtaa is dons, aad It la tba mtnbrs of tbs com mitiasa wba do tbs work. Of roaraa, I do not siprct Ibaaa arq maata lo bsvs aay s(fi opoa iba l'orl iaad Orsooiaa. If it ba a saariBaa, ta l ap tbaaa apprnpnatioas it ia willing la saanSos Oragov ob Iba allar of oor "aairy. oai ii la a naiiar or graas bather Iba Urtoein beliavra , ibsi h waaii ba a saanfi-a. Ia lie ad. ! torial aoaaat na Mr. Toogna s opening paeon it says lhal iba eoaatry ia ai a liar lag from laeb of money bal from tM moeb aanoay; thai what la Beaded ts lraet tiiti ie.rl.lton. aad sinea II ia ao ardaat a balisvar ia Iba beerfjte Ibal oold fnlbiw geaaral roairaoiina, tebbly believes Ibal a ar,filiM, Iba Mrealaitag matiam lo Oragua la Iba Silent of gnvaramaal appropriations Woald ba a g'wet Iblag f.i lha srala Sad bring It ta Ibat bedmek ndilio abtaii H aa slrwty sdmeatee as aarwaa ary lo aa' aoaairy's pnwpariiy, Tbia ia iba way la abieb prnaparFiy Is In ba raalorad saanrding la IbeOrrffnalaa ; A aoatraMina of tba aorrenrv wtl re.aH ia aa tttflrio of onl.l.n a. .a A l.n-i ll.u li flaii a of pabtsa imt leaaa will atari Iba aarlaa raaalsg. Iba sad aaaWa atary maa la I ins anrbiag 14 a as.ik.i htt bia adisa al a fair r ara aad la pay tff MS eaorvaas ad alhsf l-laa.i-aaa. fla IM otbar bead aa lsl!atba of I' aaaeey tnlama aid r-aan ia a aa l'a-iu,o ft ihtt aa6lae, aad maa basins' Va snafl leaaa WHb wl.leb la sa. , ' In baataaaa aaiefavMaa ar la .f i ti' deMa a Mb, htt blag aaafi'M ra I s'aa-l WHb ava , aalaai ly will i j " . - First Clerk. 1,1896. VOTE FOR ONE. Ths latiar is a dark and sombar pirtars wilb a silver lining) Iba former a goldso lined affair without a silver lining Tlie rt-publieaa parly, as a parly, has always opposed any o -olfaction of tbs money folorua. Any maa who tries b3 patitio a dlffcraut aliunde la ail bar hupelea.ly iuuorant, or ia oooaplring lib lis anaiDtes lo defeat it, Tba money qntstloa bas osvsr baaa a party qoaailoa so far aa Iha tao great partiae if tba ooantry ara otmssraad. It eao not ba made a tarty quest ion uoleas parli s ara divided oo aertioual liaea. Ilka pbaaa of Iba alruggls betaaaa Iba rich and the poor, Iba eraditor and ilia cirtrtor elaaaea, betaaaa ii,a bsva's aad tbs have not'e. It la a straggle oa iba oaa aid a to increase Iba va'ns of all forma ol ladtlHedaess and oa tba other lo ilearvaea that value. 1 ba balk of ILs aeallb ol tbia aoamry is eeolered In a fsw great stale , and Iba maa who poe a ibat wsaltb ara onatioaally dutog all Ibay saa to loereaaa Its porsbaalnt power, and da it without aay tboaabt ut Iba rffagt sasb laerssaa may bavs opoa tba prodasiHs anergiea of tba oruiotry. Tbey ara Iba eraditor eUtae I Iba Amrrleae L'nl.m Just aa (Iraat Hnilaa is tba aradilor aalioa al Iba world. Wilb Ibaaa rradllor alaiaa, ab sniataly doainaiad by Iba ereditor elaas. 1st ao far as tba moe.y oneaitoa la nna. earaad ara allied tadiviJeal tradltitra acallsrad avsr tba rataaiadar of iba aiintry ixn otHnprtaiog a small par aaatsga of iba popalatioa. Agaiaal them ara arrayed Ibe debtor slalaa aars aa ia Htair rsiaisBa ta any aad all attempts lo inrreaee tba bardaa of Ibeir Indebledneaa, Bod aailoas lo dear. aaa Ibst bardea if averaibla. The people of tba debtor sUUs ara la a meetly, a real in.Jirily aver tba panpla af tba redilor slalaa, bal Iba panpla t4 Iba vMitor alalea lava iavariablr roa. I trilled lha sbief rieaaliva of Iba aailoa 1 here la oaa and only oaa party of oaireritoa ia this aoaatry, and iksl is IbaUruvar Ctsvelaod-damnara'M party. 1 ba Oreanaiaa bas derted tba repab 'sa parti ta Haa-ima aa bambla sor. abipar al the ebrta tf iba maa Ibat few tears ago it was a. .a I ta ietr.pt awiaair deai(aia as fl'nvsr tba I st aad Iba rtta'ad Prvpba. It tea reels sa arsly la Iba shadow af ila -mmS4 frnfbar sad drlaks la goMaa wards af edosa from bia I. pa. i wishes ta lara tt.a repal r.a parry of (Magna aver ta bim, aad la Ibal ra-taavna stadina.ty iannvlng ha ral tefnl.lieaw laeaa .f "' M ta Kmna leda.frlea. aad Iba Imhaesliry and .-. o ie,ef ,4 Iba data ' pat la t maoagamaat of tba 26, 1896. Highest of all in Leavening i v ii1' 1 i i i sr 1 1 AC50LUTEILY PURE affairs of our for congress ia country. Its caadidatu to be voted for by the demnnvofa a .. ndminiatratioo , . . r. , u II ,1 III ner 0f wbcm signed his petition, and by this means if auy he ia to he elected as mo representative of what? Of the re nuunoan party f By wbat repnblioan Ci0Ve?,lPn WH8 he "ominsted? By -ue uouv o! men naving. the right to icuieeof me repuniioans of Oreiron was he nominated ? If elected he will be the representative not of the republicans but ... .uo oUlu,UIHrHnoo oemooratn of Ore gon. But of course he will not be eleot ed. No sensible person can look for ward to snob an absurd thing aa that tThe following letter addressed by Sen- r luitoueii 10 uon. Sol. Hirsch plains itself: "My deBr air;I Bm ngt jn rMeipt o( ju. m., ,, iu wotou you state there has been an impression orenrad in .-!- mis portions of the state that I volar! with the silver people for a silver amend rneut lo the tariff bill whlnh n.m. r the house. I desire to say in rnhnnn. tn ihi. alleged rumor that there is not one par- .101 or lonoaation for It. I not only did not vote with the silver people or any other olaas of people to put a silver jmendmont on the tariff bill wbicb oame from the bouse, but on the contrary, rrom the very first in oaucua and oul of oanous opposed any and all such propo sitions, believing aa I did then and do now, that a tariff bill should stand on its own bottom and that no attempt should be made to plaoe a money amendment of any kind on a tariff bill, and that the money question should stand on its own bottom and ba dealt witb by a separate and Independent bill for tbat purpose. "The faots are these in regard to my position and my action: Two bills passed the bonsa of representatives early in ths session, ona wss oalled the bond bill, authorising the issuanoa of Interest bearing bonds; lha other wsa tariff bill. "Tba bond bill cams to the senate first I wss opposed to tbat bill on the simple ground that I am opposed to issuing inlerest-baaring bonds In tima of peace in order to meet ths current expenses of government, believing, as I do, thst suoh expenses should bs met by a proper iariff bill. The bond bill was re'erred to tbe oommittee on finanoa and reported back witb a frae-eiWer rider or amend ment, for which I voted in the seoata as an amendment to tbe bond bill, wbiob nao noming wbattvsr to do with tbs tariff. Tba bill as amended wsnt to tbs oonae wnere it is still pending. , DtiDteqnently ths house tariff bill oBme in the sensta aod was referred to me oommmee oo finance. That com mitieson February 4. reported it baok to tbe senate with so sraendment, ahiob was to strike out all sftnr the ensotins oisnse tnst is lo strike out tbs tariff oui and insert In lien thereof a fr. onlnsga measure, and to ebanga the title ouns mil so as to read: 'An sol for bs free coinage of silver and for other purposes.' ' Oo tbal same day Hen. Qtisy of Peno f lvsnia moved to reoommil tbe bill ta ths committee on fluaooe witb Inatrao tions to report tba original bill (the tariff bill) and the amendment as sep arata propositions. This motion I seo onded aa will ba eeao by reference to t-'. 1405 of iba Cong. Record of iasnr Fib, 4, lM5j ablch reads sa follows: 'Mr. Quay, I move to reoommit tbs bill ta tba eommitlea on finance with In structions to report tl.s original bill and Iba amendment ss separata propositions.' "'Mr. Mitchell of Oregon. I second tba motion.' ''Mr. bbermao and others. Qfiestioo.' "Tba vice president. The qieatioo is on agreeing to tbs motion of lbs sen ator from PeBBsylvsnla.' "Ths Record furthermore discloses the fact Ibsl Hen, Hill of New York raised the question that tba motion of Men. Qnsy wss cot ia order, "Tba vice president (ustslosd Ills point of order. "HubaeqaeeUy oa Iba same day (aaa page 14o8 Record, lab 4) Hen. Quay soliniilUd lha folloIBg leeolntiona: Resolved. Tbat Iba bill (U. It 249) reported by tba onmmitlea on finance lib tba smeiidmeot, ba reonmrailted to that Ooromlttea with faslroollaaa ta report ths original bill aod tbs amsod manl as separata propositions.' "Sao. Hill stain objected to tbs reso lution sod nadar lha ratee il went over, -Again, oo feb. lJ.I'ege 141, Record of that data) tiea. Morrill of Vermont moved that Iba senats proceed to lbs ooaalderatloa of tbs tariff bill, being hooaa bill 2719 Oa tbat mot km 21 ra pnblicans, of bom I was oaa, foled "Ysa", lhara being negative voUe and 39 aot voting. Ho tba moling to prn eaad ta tba cirtisldsrstioa of tba tariff bill aaa biat, aril, bnvsr, by my vita, bnl a splla of my vote ta laka It la, (Mae lleaord, Feb 13. p. H4 I -Agaio oa Fab. 3, Haa. Morrill of Vsrmoiit. rbalrman af Iba enmuiitaa oo fifsnea, moved tbat tba seaata proeaed lo Iba OitnaldarsUoa of Iba boasa tariff bill. On that moiloa tbsra wars ti yaaa, ari repabllaaBS, of horn 1 was oej II, are wars 88 Bagtliva volai lad 34 am v oil eg. " ayaia tta moima la take op Iba tariff bill waa bail, Voting, however, la f.vnr of iba avrtina ta tks it a p. ce Kae.rd. feb. Tt, p. XA "ftiorw Ibea no rffitrt baa teo ma la by Mr, Morrill ar aoyoes slsa to laks Bp Iba tariff bill. Trior ta Iba tariff bill aomisg ta Iba seaata, I Inlrndnsed sad bsl rslarrad ta lha SornroHtea o flsaaaa a prarmeed sssendatent lo aay tariff bill Ibal misbl eoma from lha hnaae featuring Iba Ma Kthley dalles sahelaallally aa wanb "It.ia M Iba blatnry aod tt.a aUila ka-tory of iny anaeariioa as tilt tariff laalalalani at ba present eeeetnw, twm tbia voa will sea Ibal an far fra bating la aay msan.r atlampWd ta aatbarraea Iba roasMerallia of a IsnfT bill, I bate oa every oaraetnaj ptsaad, voted jal ta tba fnlrary Yoora vaf aieaavety, loas II. Mi a-ai.1. Jaks Wallet liar.r bas datled l fa a sre4 Ha Hall no Tkarala. mj 2oib a tba opart brass. a I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT g Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. WEEKLY NO. 692) SEMI-WEEKLY NO 443 ! Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report asaa-NaVUVUM U IT REPUBLICAN OR PUPOLIbT. From Union Republican. Two years ago 39.312 votes were oast for congressman in this district, divided as follows: Ellis, republican, 18,875; Waldrop, populist, 10,749; RUey, demo! orat, 8,013; Miller, prohibitions!. 775. This year abont 42 000 votes m-iy be ex pected in the district, or say 41.200 di vlded among tbe four principle candidates-Ellis, Bennett, Qninn and North op. On a basis of 41,200 votes, one ronrth will be 10,300, and it would be possible for a candidate to be success ful with only about 11,000 votes. But as yet no combination has been made by which the defeat of Ellis oan be fore shadowed. His plurality two years ago was 8,126. The only way in whiob he oan be defeated is for over 8000 republi cans to refuse to support bim and vote for some of the other candidates or for the other parties to fuse and vote solidly for tbe fusion candidate. Of course. Ellis will lose a few votes, which will be cast for ths bolters' candi date but the number will not bo large. Ellis is the regular nominee of the party 5 he is the ohoice of a msjoritv of bis party and republicans believe in major ities ruling, and above all, republicans are opposed to sending a populist to oongreee, aod this bolt can have no other result should it succeed in dofeat- ing Ellis. This is evident from an ex amination of tbe result two years ago. To defeat Ellis be would have to lose over 8000 votes. These would go to Northup. None of them would bo to Beunelt, that must be oonoeded. and Bennett will lose some demooratio votes tbal will be oast for Northop. Ellis' vote would (bus ba reduoed, Bennett's would not be increased and Oulnn. tha populist nominee, backed by a party that is going to keep in tbe middle of the road would, oome out with his full party strength, and tbe great republican stste of Oregon would have to oe rspre- sented by a populist in oongreis tha next two years. If Ellis is defeated a popnliat will be eleoted. No other result oan be deduced from tbs figures an I presnnt oonditions. Ths question for those voters who look witb favor npon tbe CHiididsoy of North up, tbs lool of the corrupt Portland ring, is whether you desire the stale rep. resented by a republiosn or a popnliat. A vote for Northup is a vols for Q lino ; a vols for Ellis Is a vote for bimetallism asadvooated by the republican party, for protection lo Amerioao Industry and labor, fur a vigorious foreigo policy, for tha bonir of tbe flag at bums and abroad, for a rstorn of prosperity, hap piness snd ounteotmsnt. Vole for Ellis. How la Treat a Wife, (From 1'arlflc llrslth Journal.) First, gala wife; second, be psliant. Yoa msy bava great trials and perplexi ties in your business, but do not there fore, oarry to your hums a cloudy or OO'-trartrd brow. Your a ila mav h.va trials, wbirb, though of leas magnitude. msy ba bard for bar to bear. A kind aord, a tender kok, will do wonders in Chasing from bar brow all clouds of gl oora.--To this wa would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la tba bonas II la lha bal aed is sora ta ba nead d sooner or later . lour wire win then know Ibal yoa really cara lor bar and wish to prolan! bar health. For tala by Gooser A Brook, druggists. Charley Vsa Dora Is no from The liellrs to attend Iba reeea. Alvab Leach. W. GL Metier. If.ar Falberg and onmarons other ixipalista era Mu from Latina-ton K.lnr.i.. m bear Wssver. Tha ackonalrdin-d leedina ehnwa of Iba world. Tba f.mnae Ibiail Brothers rgrrgatina. Will Its at ll.itDr oo Wednesday, Jans 3rd, Col. Wm. Perwnos. of I'endleloa. txio. bliet aaoili laia for district attorney, mmt I" Uappoer H.iarday looking after bis lateraata ia Iba poliiisal field. Wa ara tdeaeed ta n roll Ih.t J V !asr, who baa beea er-aaly ill for lha paal Ibrra mooiha, la traomtiaa-. It a ta lia Unpad Ibat ba mar now speed ily recover. E. O.i Mra. Al Ib.hart. bo baa baa a gneet of bar sletar, Mr, T W, Ayers, ripeds M reiara borne b s veaiag. Mha baa baaa Vleiliag ia i'endtrt'io fr tba paat m Mb. Wba this sampaiga ia avr aad yoa ara llred i.f fl.hmg f.i sn-S.rs, bay a na'fll af fl.hleg la. ka rtH p. 0, Tbmiarn Co. aad Iry B.liirtg .r Irani, toa may bava bailer rk. 21 CATARRH a. a LOCAL DISEASE af sti'a 1" "It.T Il a. n ay a 1 iin' i if wfca w :m4 m i iWimi , , a NiifiiaiSin( Bys CreamBain balMnJ 1. w iil. hMi 1 . . . I ar-a. I 4 ta Um4 .4 lot t iw f .1 . . ii I i . .. 4 v 9 m ...1 ) a-a ev. 4 i.ii.. k. , 11 . . vm IM .,.. 1.., r-m p. im i m af i ..-4. -. !.. .. iniil i, A .aVikfc , as MiM,rt tat. J1' aw T-ni- i mi i