Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 22, 1896, Image 4

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When yon are obont to bny a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by allunnfc advertisement
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and square
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage ana as
Light Running
Thorn tn none In the world that
I can equal in mechanical con
Sl3 Btruction. durability of working
-parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as uio
New Home
... ..... T.Inn. Tlniihle Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it ; New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged
.a ftB We centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Ban Fbamoikoo, Jai Aitamt A, Ua.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Ileppner, Oregon.
Popular Magazines
for the home.
E. McREli.1, Receiver.
10 THI5
Of Two Transcontinental
a r
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Contains each Month : Original Water Color
Frontispieces 128 Quarto Pages oi Heading
Matter: 100 New ana nign-cisse "
.1 m..,. i urrmrv Matter and Illustra
tions than ny other Magazine In America. 1
25 cts. ; $3 a Vear.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Sours
T.i..t. whrlmiie. Juvenile Monthly.)
TNilv Illustrated. The best writers for young J
utuile O 'litrlliute to it. 10 nls. ! 1 a year.
Fbamk liiui'i PopntAMoKTiiir nrttheJ
Uaaette, both lor one year w
Frank Lmms's Plkasant Hmiii wbBoii
AMD tilKl'S anil i" i
one year a.uo.
Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers
tW-Hrntt In Prank Uflif'n PvMMIna nom. N.T.
rr JVru) lllwitrntrit lYrmium IM, t rw.
For full details call on 0. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
GeD. Pass. Agt.
A lawyer tells the following story io
the Green Bag : "Some time ago we bad
under oross examination a youth from
the oonntry who rejoiced in the name ot
Samson, and whose replies were provoc
ative of much laughter in the court
'And so,' questioned the barrister, 'you
wish the oonrt to believe that yon are a
peaoably disposed and inoffensive kind
of person?' 'Yes.' 'And that you have
no desire to follow in the steps of your
illustrious namesake and smite the Phil
istines?' 'No, I've not,' answered the
witness. 'And if I bad the desire I ain't
got the power at present. 'Then yon
think you would be unable to oope suc
cessfully with a thousand enemies and
utterly rout them with the jawbone of
an ass?' 'Well,' answered the ruffled
Samson, 'I might have a try when you
have done with the weapon.' "
They met at the linen oounter, and the
girl in blue looked so sadly perplexed
that the girl in brown said, sympathetically:
"Why," May, what is the matter? You
look so miserable."
"I'm bothered," acknowledged May.
"You see, Randolph and I quarreled bit
terly last night. And to save my life I
oan't make up my mind whether to go
on buying household linenn in expecta
tion of reconciliation, or to buy an or-1
gandie to begin a new campaign."
"It is bothering," agreed the girl in
brown. "Ah! We women have so many
bard problems to solve,"
A certain solioitor general of England
visited Berlin on a vacation, and being
mistaken for bearing a military title was
invited to a review and mounted on a
charger. Being aooustomed to follow
ing the hounds, he made an exoellent
equestrian, but when asked opinions as
to some of the manoeuvres was obliged
to parry the oross-examioation. A sim
ilar inoident befell the late Marshall
Bidwell, an eminent New York lawyer,
in the fifties, who visited Paris in long
vacation. Presenting his card at the gate
ot the Taileries, he was politely inform
ed that the emperor was at a review, and
if be desired a dragoon should be de-
tion. The flesh must be well washed
with water and a little antiseptio if there
is anv danger of foreign substanoes be
ing in it If the ont be larger than an
ordinary jack-knife wound, bind the
edges together with narrow strips ot or
dinary surgeon's plaster. It stitobea are
necessary it is best to wait for the physi
cian's arrival, but in case one is not eas
ily found the operation may be done
pretty well by an amateur. Soft white
embroidery silk and a fine needle are
It is a good plan to keep a surgeon's
needle in the house in case of needing; it.
The silk should be drawn through the
flesh and tied tightly and securely in a
dowle and twist sort ot a knot, known
as a surgeon's knot. Any physician will
willingly show you how it should be ti
ed. Tben it the wound is large, strips
of sargeon's plaster should be applied
iodoform powder being sprinkled on the
out before the plaster is applied. If an
artery be out it requires tying or hold
ing it tightly until a surgeon comes. In
oases where it bleeds very profusely a
tight bandage should be put above the
wound if an artery has been out, and be
low it if it is a vein, and a stick inserted;
then it should be twisted as tight as can
be borne. This stops the loss of blood
In a oase of bad bruise it should be
bathed in hot water, and arnica is often
applied Witoh-bazel is also good.
'To thb Editor t I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By Its timely use
thousands of honeless cases have been already
permanently cured. Sc proof-positive am t
of its power that I consider it my duty to
send two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Consumrrtion.Throat Bronchial or
Luntr Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
'. A. SutCUM, M. c 183 reari st new iot.
The Editorial and Business Management of
this raper uuarantee um geuetviia iwiwtww
Sclentifio American
Agency for
i m t ajr-a
im av -r
For Information and free Handbook: write to
MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents In America.
Every patent taken out by ua Is brousrht before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
inSX m xxm
Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly, $3,00 a
yeari $1,151) six months. Address. MUNN & CO.,
PUBUSHEBS, 301 Broadway, New York City,
For a sprain use hot fomentations or a
very hot bandage, and rest the hurt limb
until it is knit together well. In nil
cases of sprains and broken boneB the
patient should be kept perfectly quiet
until a physioian arrives. Burns are
painful and bard to heal it not well oar
ed for. If the skin is off, oreosote is a
good remedy. Bo not remove any dress
ing until a skin is formed under it. If
nothiog else is available, flour or corn
starch are good, as they keep the air
from the skin and allow it to heal.
... IS q)
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Ware
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
) law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
) frWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
J No Fee unless successful.
! The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manager,
i 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
N. B.TM Company it controlled by nearly one thousand leading newt-
papers in the United States, and is guaranteed by them.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J
ent business conducted for moderate Fees.
Our Office i Opposite. U. 8. patent Office J
and we can secure patent ia less tune than those 5
rClUUl-s Hum '' , .,, . . V
Send model, drawing or pnoto., wun ucatriH-j
tion. We advise, it patentame or not, ua uii
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, i
. How to Obtain Patents." with)
cost oi same in the U. S. and foreign countries?
sent free. Address,
Or-p. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Cummings & Fall, &
DonDDicmec I
If soda, aaleratus and potash are token
into the stomaoh in too large quantities
they oan be made harmless by vinegar,
JL1 ITITOH-OxSOO tailed to aooompany him on horsebaok lemon juioe or any Bdd.
to the Champa de Mars. "But I am not
Of the Old Reliable
And all points In t'liforni, via th Mt. (Shasta
Southern Pacific Co
The (rent hihws through
uolnts Kast and South, uri
California to all
rand Boanlo Boat
Of the Paaifta Coast. Pullman Buffet
Hleepers. Beoond-olasa Sleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for aeonnd-oUus passengers.
Vnr rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
I .tn amII nruin or H il rMl
R. koKHLKK, Manager, B. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Qen, F. k P. Agt, Portland. Oregon
a soldier," said the old lawyer. "Not a
soldier, and a marsball?" examining
theoard.l "What a droll oonntry is
Strongest. I TC71fl Workl"'
Jr Solid lu3V"JiLJ Most
C88 T 0fttfB Accur'u
If you think of buying an angina of
any aiita or kind nd for our Catahujut
$o. 30, oootaininir llluntratioiia and
prior of er-rjr kind of angina front om
up to Tt horn power, at bottom prions,
or LM A'o. ', fr yafht engine, boil
era and machinery. Either aul free.
The London Globe relates a story ot
an old Hampshire peasant farmer who
oame to town to buy a hat, and was re
quested to look in the glass to see if the
bat suited his taste. The customer stood
before the glass as though fascinated by
his reflected image. Presently he slow
ly inquired: "Wnll is that mef
"Of course it is, gut'nor, was the shop.
man's reply. "Why, don't you know
yourseltr "I be sixty year old," said
the aooient, after another pause, "and I
duono as ever I see my taee afore!"
And when, bis porohase completed, be
walked np to the looking-glass again,
laving: "I'll take jost one more look at
mesel', for I dunno as ever I shall ha'
the obance again."
Many years ago the minister of Forbes,
Id Aberdeenshire, was Benjamin Meroer,
a man ot great bodily strength and of
great eocentrioity ot habits. Que day,
ts he was preaching, a man in the con
gregation fell very sound asleep. Mr.
Meroer took no notice ot blm until be
began to snore, and then oalled to the
beadle: "Uharlie, wauken np Bandy
Muoii; he's sitliu' V the corner o' that
sqaare seat, snorio. " The beadle was
quick to aot, and Handy wakened op in
a hurried, txoitod manner, whereupon
If any aoid is taken suoh assulphnr-
I io or oxalio pounded obalk is effective.
Drink quantities of warm water.
Iodide of potassium requires wheat
flour in water, and then vinegar and wa
ter. Prnssio aoid needs an emetic and
then ammonia water. Arsenic's anti
dote is oil or molted fat with lime water.
Gault HouseJ
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. Si P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts.,
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing . Co.
fJOyk '
197 Canal Street,
Most Modern and progressive
For csulogue or Information wrlle to
New Haven. Conn,
mi Anuwsir as m t fan in iimiioti,
3 A Complete St, '"" "" of five 3
11W1C.. iiuiTr.-s Uhk.1 Mall I'lsvrr. Kimt P
41 u.ll lUw,r ll,iir I'lavi'r. Tptilits i'laver W
W ami Blryrle Rdler. will I sent Io any
n adilreaa upon receipt oi in cn is, ui j
cnart. ... . .
Three ".(tires are neniuwir r"w,
rHuntlltilly nilorwl an! imiimtml, ami
rraiiKnl Ui sUikI Iiirl?ltt,aw1 arrao rl-
rruriit wmitpui, ,,i w ? . .. ..... ...
, . I ...iii.l. M,...lrt Hllllali . K
HI III Willi,-",,! "if,'" .
(r club, rrlln rMim, olttre or home, n
Knt I'erk I'alrnso i-Mliilrli.Am W
O t t J if t m tCttftimttQ tluiea as muokU to blame as the hearer
dui sou ns Deia out nit ciiiioned aai
For corrosive sublimate, milk or the
whites of twelve eggs in two parts of
water, acting as an emetio, is the best
Lead requires a strong acid, as lemon,
tomatoes, etc. Nitrate ot silver calls for
salt water; alcohol, warm water; opium
requires powdered mustard in warm wa
ter and tben aoid drinks. Dash cold wa
ter on the bead, apply friction and use
every means to keep the patient awake
and 10 motion.
StryoLnioe calls for a quick emetio.
When the lungs, stomach or throat
bleed, ie a teaspoontul of salt and re
peat it often. For bleeding at the nose
use ice on the back of the neck, or ktep
the bead elevated and pour cold water
ou the oeok.
portraits and other piotures.
Mr. Wilt H. Low will have a olograph.
ion! and oritical paper in McOIure's
Magazine for June on Darjta Qabriel
Rossetti, Holman Hunt, Burne Jonee,
and other men ot the famous Pre-ltapha
elite group, illustrated with reproduc
tions ot the bent works ot these painters.
McClnre's Magazine for June will con
tain a dramatic and descriptive story of
a battle by Stephen Crane, the young
anthor whose wonderful study of war
from the standpoint of the private sol
dier, "Tbe Bed Badge of Courage," is
the literary sucoeas ot tbe day. The sto
ry will be illustrated by Taber, whose
pictures ot soldiers are always a good
story in themselves.
Karl's ( lovr r limit Tra
Is a sure cure for Head ache and nervous
diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly.
For sale by Wells & Warren.
Through trains 00 tbe O. It & N. will
run via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and
Pendloton. Through sleepers, Brat and
HESS ! mm : FILLS !
Youro BOUND to Take 'Km.
the minister eJdressed him: ' Sandy, I'm
no as hsrd noon alee rws i lbs kirk as rightfully adminlatered. Trorapt means
Witna filli tsifatist.t th itPtiftrliiir im nttiaV of affecting a our are absolutely ess en
tial when poisons, etc., are concerned.
1!nni.t inJ Mlf.pfinftaiii1 eriinn iarieo.
essary if tbe best reaults are to be ob- second-class, writ run In connection with LeaVeS No Constipation,
taioed. Calmness does much to reassure "e Union r.cuio. me same a.
the patient, and la also necessity, or tbe 'or. A through first-class sleeper Porl-
might no, be of proper quantity or
through tourist sleeper Portland to 8t.
Paul, will run In ooooectioo with ths
Great Northern railway, tf
Cures it, m well as all B'lliousnesa, Pick Headaoha and Malaria. Tbe only
oompobtabli pill in tbe world. Bold by all drngoista or sent by mail on
receipt ot prioe, 25 cents per box. r KEN 1188 MEDICAL CO.,
411 California Street. Ban Francisoo. Cat.
1 1 . ee net S
threateningly -"but,
handy, I debar
ti ".iK pf,tiiii ...
erur lh beet paleflU rVw amr rllmls.
sa4 the l fl 4 lh ciW, m k " w
sluah 4 llalntM U-K A I H. mm IMS m
ii to uinM Ilrt (kUmc lh Ik UM
m4 eWa hm IAn. iH. swir W,
MM - -ht-fm "ImH,
at.f,., mmA s UmwmkI mim sle tfurp SW bwhS
sit mmt in S4 e imt , siU tle
I..MUI m M tnrt Hut !" Ui ixikim to Ims
Miw. lrralfeiKetMHttohfe
tvMi btHiM lMfli t amrxs, ui mt la
" ImiMl llfcilM. M ltow
li r,ii.nMni-r),to,,w,
to to HUM t . W ". S nki
ft im, miuI h ml r-m, k. 4 ex ttom.
WW.. MMMto
4 nen " hi t'ul
elen k ef iWsvwaw. saS S to '.
4, to) 1. mt- H I Ml'i..
e e4 a..-wn. ) brtri ee sto
iW mm lk toi. ....
4 1 MMHHwet rrJ4 rt.lff a' iieiiMi
john wr.niu Km us a co
MmImi e4 Ammumm mm I ! I'eiert.
61 SI1 tftrrt. N.W.,
Rt ,1J. X astilnt. P. C.
isf Jr ft It w.njrw
L: 1 "li 1 it
w. JLi JkV. MJ MJ -a
I ..ii hi . at. 1 et --3
S.. Mh( MrWn kiilM rj ew - J
- to.. -3
to-- . tor I .
fcj ttort "a an, i fmmtt,
i s 4 1 1 1 ri
fc: e ti i , a r T7M. :g
Pi TNftIT0lUliClllCM0CO.l3
m- sm.fii.i wes9 - f
H I'. !! a l lUo. fcete tete.t la
lt. .sit lti ohm,u I. C tfcsr
1W, a I ar i r4 W 4 tMirt
k. pWmt traackst. J-rtasiBg, '
at ttt te eit. C 4 atsswMt.
Tk feretlee vales ribeee twacaMs
Is snows ! mm Mreoaa.
Tbef lllf ale leal f reeur vsel la
Hat alvsys ane le e Stslree.
TkeM sares s frees lb beat Sc lei twtl
4aaasaare4 Mb say frieely
tvff FSM CtKB
tiySM Tsbalea I fHsa, f "' a
Ot Srvf ta, M bf aseit.
Iirsst CNlMiCai CO, t Hm IT.
Wbst Sir John Carr was ta Olasgow,
In 1W7, ha was asked by tlie magisiratea
what ioscriptioo ha rtooiumended tor
tbe Nelson statue, thto Just areoted. Kir
I John rroiromoilrj a short one:
gow to KsIsob."
"Just so," said one ot tba bellUa, "an'
I as the low a o' Nelson's closa at band,
ukbl we Dot juiit say : 'Glasgow to
Nelson, ssi mile,' an' so It tuicbt aarva
lor Boauaant an' a rnils-stane, taaf
rilral fllrat In kl( iUlea.
Symptoms Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. It allowed to continue
tumors form, wbiob often bleed and
nlcersU, becoming very sore, rjw.YHl
Oistmbkt stops tbe ttcblng and bleed'
A halaral lleaatlfter.
Karl's Clover Ibnt Tea purifies the
blood and mvea a clear and beantiful
completion. For sale by Wells It Warren.
Its E::!:j Uuls
Ths regular subscription prioa ot tbs
8mi-Weekly Uasette ts t2.SG and the
Oiaa- tog, beats ulceration, and in most eases regular price ot tbs Weekly Oregonian
remove tbe tumors. A I draggtstt, or
by mail, tor 50 eenla. Dr.BwayneA Hon, j
Mr. li. I'. Pstla, prominetit livery
man and metehaat ot (roabra, Va., bas
tins to sav on tbe suh)rt ut rheumatism:
"t take pleaer tn reenramenditig
Cbsntier1aia'a 1'aia lUlns tor rliania
lism, a I know from trttial aiperl-
enee that it will do all that is rUiaasU
fr It. A year ag tbts siriag my
brother was lai.l op ta bt with lallein
matory ibitnaltm and suffer.! In.
letieely. The Itrol a Hoahno of t'Lam
barlaia's 1'aia lUIro eaaed the pain and
tb sms) ot tiotila oimiilptely pumt
bira." Kf sal by Cwnsr A Krwk,
MeCtnrs'a Msgssiot tor Jan will con
tain a series at Bfleeo portrslU ot Mark
Twain, the earlieat taken nearly thirty
year ago at Constantinople, lb Istast
is 11.60. Anv on snbsenbing for the I
0 a tell and paying tor on year in
ailvance ran get both ths OaietU and
Weekly Oregonian tor 13.6a All old tub.
arribera Bavin their subscription tor
on year in advene will t entitled to I
For tho Curo o
Liquor, Opium ud Tobacco Habits
H Is located at talsm, Oregon,
Tht Most Beautiful Town on th4 Coatt
Call at the Ostsrra offloa tor partlrnlars
Strictly coufidenUai. Treslmsot yrlTate as4 lure
.uTOUM'KNfii'ic mm
Vn. i.r'e e-l turn a. ul Ikel
la's I'all t .
Meef b ! e Ill's lie l f eeto
Cbarley Joor. lb well-known
timer" in th tonsorial lin. ba
located In tleppner, Lsvlrg pnrcbad
taken only few months ago at Hydosy, Orn Mathews shop. Minor boiUtng
OppOail ID fllf BUWfc UIIT
. . . i .i. . ttll tltM In Ltes.
If Hi...., HA f . . I... Mill A,.H. I ' -
,-, Vl' I ,a" lWW ' . " W It, -' w
lain en nnrt einr tv lirijftar.t Kli.ttBtf.
lalmg bow Mow.lt, lb Wulf ehllJ. in-1 L.M haocin and will d boua-clean-
IroJuosHl bimaelf tntti lb rbty of whit tnt nd lak np and put down carpet.
t( IH Mf IT.
JL M. HAXTIH, .- trnl,
Wthia4, lry.
j. r. if art. Aft, Hi?, iv.
I WORD W IT t 1 W I maTX'.
In raae sadden mrey when
etetdeaia bav bapwael a4 byi
rtaa esnnot b tBm-liily rait. It
la abwJatety aeaential that sms mem
be ot lb howeeholJ kaow Jtaajt what to
d aaJ th tee4 aJ easiest eietho4 ot
glpg atmnl it.
In b"iitlU a br tber are rbil
diea thee at alway ny bomWr ef
tsinof arwidenta, JobbbM is apt to tail
4 bf ate bimeelf. Itatry t tnti4 tu
bark bts fitr wiik Je.k kail. a4
stfts aa-1 bvra an-I eaeb Ibtcg ar
of S.i iKVttf reoee, Is Bt-iet b-'l-i..
l.le. t.. ther is always flight t
SU efgy euMis, a4 tf fea-
en ot lb fust. Mil Ibf tgti I, k f ,
ttnlMll lb fl (kwsb
efterttot AeenJeai wttl bat pen, bat j
tbet buU b btit t rvtfstj i
In trstig tkeaa, a dl ta ) eases
ar als)s dssgeni.
I ttt t a Mdiwy wt.tb li
t lb wnnl bl4 b ligbltf b4
t"ftbt with n toft rag a4 Mt t WW
ribt af rtlrll f Mtistls
; railroaJ ekry by l y warmsn;
and n g4 inatallntent ftt Aotboey
Hope's new novel "rtim," All will b
fully UlusiraUJ: tb Kipling story wttb
eleven drawing by W, A. C Tspsv
Tb Inoul paper in Mailnre's ntsg-
ana f"f Jua will deeorib Lincoln la
bis familiar, every day relation with bi
family, frUJ, and neigbtwr, at lb
Urn ol bw ret am to PiaBel4 after
etvlug a teini in Cgr. It will on
tan a anntber t aw fe and an
dt, aa4 will preaeal lnla ta en of
bt ot altracitv aaperla. Tb paper
ill b fatly tll4slrai4.
An toktirelt new near view ut Ureal
tl li giten la MtCSar' magstm f.w
Jit, la a paper wntlea by tb ataa who
s fi.ai.leia ot lb 3lt llli.ss abea
lltaat was e-v.itr ,4 tb rinat, !
Urn litr-l, dating tbat tint, ta tb el
et Uliasarjr Willi bira. It ttpoft laUf .
eaUsg .ealios ailb (Iraal aaj re-
la! a task bar f harawtertali .
la MeOat' n.as'ea.a lr J, Us
belli ltat I Ul;w Will bav a pep !
lem.aU'etMe e4 llatrtel tWerbef Wtow. j V
a netaHWw a4 bt f it fir4 ,
on Main street, opposit
Krb ( leave lleppnef Mondays,
We4aedas sad PrUsys. Ive F.eho
TneaHtars. Tnra-lsTS ana tfalnrdat
-. f J earb war. DTlfe. Walt A
Warrea.lleppaer. El. lrskl, I'mp,
For LIS 1 ill "il or etas, bigb
ar.te. bih arm aig bin goaran-
l4 lor to vear. for furl her t,'"',
lr fail on or bUw, K. A. tb,
leiiftoa, Drego. IPMt.
..Watt. TVmipeon mos eta- betweoa
"ettef at M"et. arriving v-ry
day tirt4 MtMtday 4 leaviag vry
dar ie t Hnawlav. Hboret an I bD-
ei fi l lb Interior. O-n
Hnk, a-'.
Your Face
v-s A
i ; X :i
augitiv J
Metlirwa Tro bee ssnvej arrtoj on
I ha ea.1 aula (4 Msi elreel. tn tb
building fiftriy oeeapievi by tb ties
sell. Tbry wilt b pleased t
their u4 rasloaser. H
Aav ttelf ia r.efa Vri wb
4ete-a tb aa altowaay Ml
Waebifs-lMi.lt, O. iU ! II bl
4t Va W rail a l !' Ib t-
ia Aatef, 4 ot J
J l iel l. bf
U treat f l.teef aa4 ysUxlirf. Tb a-
pff aOl t
tee M, .
Tea stiate ait ! ta
riaab t l(rptof. Atti
Glanco at this Map
t th" Hllsra ami H. fan) Hell
aef aa4 nta It mtiMrtlnne with all I re nam m-
ttiMwial ll 4 t rul et.4 nta, sn4
eewttot ttet Its Iralae are ttie4 wttblr
Irwty a4 beattot by etia Im eniiawmt W
Mt tietaM eK, Urfry. wl'- en4
aierp ears, with fftw rrlinln rt.sira. b
atr.lM b1b bee a rtot eatln lewp,
eM He 4lflt rare ae lb Keel l III W I.
tHbet llnM are tnre thel I Me. b-il tome e j
eNorlef. a4 neitf nltre ti..l-., li,nne f
ammiimletlnna Three era eili toul rsns j
llbesMlar1tynt'Tbe Vllaaasra ' I oa-a
! mm la ewf retimed e win t 1
ym tmihf Inl.M toeliim. e toMma i
f. I. IDtlf. tte
J W.Ci'lT. Tret. fees. eft. j
r..Hs. e.-a j
UflMTfn.lU inr A -raaib'
lb natwiat krik- ym vMiib Write 4uia l. k
a Ju. bat l T, ' iUHK aiH, ! nars WetaMfua,
Kla.li.Uj elk ...ic. Buulx 1 iliiilne. IbrMiML. Ulf. I
, c Nt umm rwto i .
Will ba arraatka ih a mat S(teg
toiila, after fu lavaet la a
Tb svwl r-"fWt n4 WM 4rfcsaaf
XU4 I say eeaisf avkta.
Th WHITi: la
Csrtbty asl Hsa4aisty I silt,
Cf risi rials 4 Ptrf Aitt!,
ttwi ALL frwakt Arliekis,
e 1 rr S-4 pae yrl pbslbf fa3
bto bt ytrur snbtiuS.
A mi I mum Waattn i !
ft4 ta',ity. l4iti Im A4lrt e
WliiTE SEWiH3 UkUlti CO.,