Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 22, 1896, Image 3

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Nervous Prostration
Complete Recovery by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
" Some years ago, as a result of too
close attention to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unable to look after my Interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a de
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once,
and pradualiv increased my weight from
o:io hundred and twenty -five to two
Immlri'd pounds. Since then, I and my
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are all in the best of
health, a fact which wo attribute to
Ayer's Snrsa part Hit. I believe my chil
ilrcn would have been fatherless to-day
had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation I cannot suy too
much." H. O. Hinsom, Postmaster and
riantcr, Klnard's, S. C. .
It !. .THE
AYEK'S Pills Save Doc r's Bills.
y y fj,
A. 4 J) 6 & "cf
J0.iL L2.J3 J4 15 JK
Zja19 RO 2J2223
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and Smokabla
CI ar. Call on Tad.
Of the National Hank nf lleppnrr at
lieppner, tn tM Affile of Vrtijon,
ut tlie fln nf In inc,
Hay 7th, ism;.
Loans amldiHootwU , S 88.0H4.75
Overurnrta wo u red and tiu
oured 7.G07.G6
U. n. bond to aware ciroule-
tioo 12.750.00
Htoclte, ecurltiea, ete 6.514.63
ltHukiuKlioiixe, furniture, A fix. 2,509 3C
Due Iron National liaoks
(not Uaere AgeoU) 3.C07.O
Dna from stale banks and
banker 2.646 06
Due from approved rrra
aenU C.078.W
Cure si and other ouib item.. 1.4'U K0
Notes of other national banks 200.00
Fractional paper rnrreurr.
nicklea, and oenta 7.50
LAwrt'L n(Y aaaaava I ami, via:
fWla 3.7'JOHO
Iz-ifal-tender oots. . . .3(Vt.(X) l.l.jO.SO
IbMomptioo fund with U. H.
Treasurer (5 per cent of cir-
eulatiun) 6C150
Total tlVJ7U7
Capital sWirk paid to
Harpltia food
Undivided proOU, lHiigo
aa and Ules paid ...
National batik autre outnlaod
Ing Due to otber balinoal run a a
Una to State banks and batik
era Ihttih'ftJ unpaid
Isdividael drpnetia auhjtrt
U ebmk
Demand eertifkal of d-
$ enmm
1 0,i x 1.00
3.407 23
100 W
tn S7
, 4i.t'.rl73
p.il r.,flt73
Total ; tt.v7ij7
8tts or Oao, I
Cmiqlv of Mnrmt, J
I. KJ. U. lii'tiuP. Caebirr 4 th
alv-aatned bank, do anlrmnly r
Ibat Ibe atmve a'alomnt ta trite to the
best of lay kftUU sad bvlirf.
Fp. H. Iiimior, (b!ef.
aaberirw ant aanra lo Ufjr to
lhs ltb day of My. "
thf lUTTtaati.
Notary I'oblie for I f rf-a.
rrert-AtiMt: U'm, I'eoUnl, O. F.
Faraortfe. V. C. TU'.,..e, lirwiir.
Ibe atteeiia ! ail b enWritwd
id tbe I'arrub rriwk fol la etil
totte fH tia Ih Itnaare enatntlte
tif lb ll.t pi-r b... i4 trade be
ar-Hio I ria Hier Uf. IU vr nh
aeri(tina rdy It ttm ee tUy ae-l It
la tbetf t,oi (.
I l1kMk
Ihi at be In lei-. It bae aey iH
U fmn baee mate aa frmt mim4 to late
llwd Hr(M'i!U Urrf Ibat
Hmd'S Hartrttl flf. ba e l
other fail ! yl se op la Afmit
Imow Mix Iwilu' M (. faileit to
blp )mi. Tk M't "rt-aMlla
f.iil.'nl'r mi fn tpf ratty i
to be fii-l
IIt PiH ti'lr
f iy rparJ li.
trt ita't-
Here and There.
Hugh Younger ia over from Pendleton.
May showers today, and thunder with
Attend the
ball on Thariday,
The Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood
for sale. 37-tf.
Ted Barrett was in from Rhea Creek
Ed Day was doing business in the oity
Jas. Allen arrived from John Day on
Look oat for the rsoe ball on May 28,
Thursday eve. tf
Henry D. Coats was down from Hard
man Wednesday.
J. H. Cnrmiohael and wife wtre in the
oity on Wednesday.
Paul Sohiller, of Gooseberry, was in
Heppner Wednesday.
Extensive repairs are being made oo
tbe M. E. parsonage.
Mr. A. Andrews and son were in town
Wednesday from Alpine.
Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers.
Johu Barker, a substantial resident of
Butter oreek, was in Heppner Thursday.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner.
Jas. Doherty and wife, of the Black
Horse section, were in Heppner Thurs
day. A little son of Isaac Large is lying
very near death's door with spinal men
ingitis. Voters will remember thai tbe voting
plaoe in Matteson precinct has not been
The biggest and best shows on earth
will be with us at Heppner on Wednes
day, June 3rd.
C. C. Curtis was in Heppner on Tues
day and Wednesday of this week from
bis home near Douglas.
Jake Wattenburger has deoided to
give a grand Raoe Ball on Thursday,
May 28th at the opera bouse. tf
Wm. Mallory will move his family out
to bis saw mill this week where they
will remain during the summer.
The ladies of the M. E. chnrob.South,
will serve dinner on eleotion day. Din
ner, 25 cts. ; ioe oream, 10 ots.
Mies Belle Griffiu arrived from Port
land on Thursday morning and is visit
ing with relatives in this oity. '
E. H. Clarke, woolbnyer for tbe firm
of Christy & Wise, of Han Frsnoiaoo, got
in from l'endleton on Thursday
Lee Kilboorne. Tilden Williams and
Jasper Kelly, all Gooseberry boys, were
visitors to Heppner on Wednesday,
uen. weaver, tbe lowa populist ora
tor, speaks iu Heppner tomorrow at tbe
opera house. You should hear him.
Jay W. Shipley is teaching a term of
school in the Hogbes dietriot below
town. As a teacher Jay gives splendid
Tbe Bond Brothers' enormous shows
are said to be the most meritorious of
exhibitions. Will exhibit bere Wednes
day, June 3'd.
Mrs. Green Mathews, who has been
sick for a long time with mfi'immatory
rheumatism, ia now able to get arouud
by tbe aid of crutches.
Miss Alma Thompson, daughter of
Alex Thompson, of this oitv, is very ser
iously ill and serious doubts are enter
tained of berrrpavery
Mark P. Jobo, tbe Pendleton jeweler.
was in tbe city oo Wednesday eoronte
borne from a visit to Canyon City and
otber Grant county puiuts.
Will & Slocura have Hoe of farm
machinery to oluao out at eot, ouoaist
iog ut two mowers, two rake, plows,
wagons, etc. ibeae are bargains.
For sale a cheap team good roadsters,
one road wagon and light double bar
ons, nearly new. E. P. Ghiinb,
If at M. E partonagn.
Dr. J. W. Vovsl, oouliit and optician
will re'nrn to llenpoer May 2fitb, to ra
in sin until tbe 81st. Ion should not
fail to see bim at lb Palaoa boteL
U. b. uatt, tbe lonsorial artist, can
be fouod at hi parlors, Matlock corner,
wber be will diapente at popular prioe
snaves, shampoo, bairout. etc
If tbe bair la falling out. or turning
grav, rrqniriog a timulnot with ooiirwb
ing aiid coloring food, Hell's Vegetable
Sicilian flair ltecewer is juit lb spoiQo
Rev. W. K. Pol ioe will be in Hrpp-
ner oo text lnesday and will bold er
vices in th M. E. cborcb at lb nanel
boar ia tbe availing. Yon art iuvited
Iboma Nlnn and mother are rac
ing Hi White hotel tad restaurant to
Pendleton. When you go there give
I beta a call. They will treat yon right
I bit Cobo la now eaenelated with the
firm of it. Uetpor & Co.. In tba for
warding batloM. Tbry pay tba highest
market prir lor poll and bides and aW
teod to all forwarding.
Cbaa Otoo arrived from tbe Interior
vtrd after freight, lie slate that
lb road are very bad, and tbe beavy
rains ar having do not teod towards
making tbm any Utter.
M. E. chtircb. Burnley May 24: Morn
mg suhjool, "A Optional' I'oiol of
View." Kling oMct: Tb HigB of
lb Time." Hprtl tnaaie al vnlog
cMioe. liuvt, I'vt4 and llolietb,
Candidal oo th republlrao tik4
ill eddrm ! voter at Lena and I'm
City on ib tKilitieaJ Imum, ttn Moo
1v. May SSih. Pine Cttv. l2U;Loe
7 ..H, p. m. Tora oat end bt tbeis.
Potmnosry eoucamptioo, la It early
tag, may lie ebeckiwl by lb
Am I berry I'reloral. II tp lb
lilrriiig e.iab, ih Irrttatoo of
tbe tbmel aej ln(, aod Induce mnrb
ir.W rp liaadred bv ImIiOwI
U$ lb IiiiimUIiU virla of tbi prep.
t.. ii Ifcr. I i.arie K. Ilifd an
wife, errompaaUd by III Mad hisllb
Mim Usie Adkin sad I. i Adkio
drv of from llrpper wdnU
vralng to atltad tba N E. rboreb
naih, ronlrw.oe. Hm Kilb fetarto
ff a twit la ll'f pner, wbei b
a gel el br sl.Ur.Mr. Cbaa. II. Ilu
f 1.
As ltlrrI.M ine of lb W. P.
I . wm bll oa l ind.. a ra
mg Imm be I tf nifftl, 'Km
l'otilf." Irfnagbt (Hit earnet di
enxx n ai1 tbe boar lrfi all too
aicl ly Mr. May Mit.or, smmm.1 by
tti I' wub M Mini lifter a
orgttitai. fatrel Ibe I aU-m Mb o d at.
I for Ibe or flr It I dMlra-
tie thai meiitwr ad ether will saak
a rial If -rt tn aiia4 Ibe ral
oMlink- vi MhIi iUrK.
ft I a f rtanai day f mum b
t C"i i ..? li e .f A'
'( :!; a Li -l im 3r W.ih
tU b l k k'r a hM l,iS9 I a
lrm4t t.q afcUb be BV rl. anl
1 Icl-l 1 1 rntiA n'l,M9n III t.m
Nerves are weak, many people Bay,
and yet they do not seem to know
that they are literally starving their
nerves. Weak, pule, thin blood can
not give proper sustenance that Is
why you are nervous, tired, exhausted.
The cure for this condition is to
purify, vitalize and enrich your blood.
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla fairly and
faithfully, and the rich, red blood,
which it makes, will soon feed the
nerves the elements of truo strength
they require; they will cease their agi
tation and will resume their proper
place being under the control in
stead of controlling the brain and
body. Read Miss Bartley's letter:
"I want to express my gratitude for
What Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for
me. My health has been very poor for
three years, due to trouble with my
was nervous, bad pains in my back. I
cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight
became affected and I was so despondent
did not have any interest in life. I had
two physicians, but my complaints be
came worse. I was told that I was affected
With Bright's disease. ' A relative urged
me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so
and In a short time I began to notice a
change In my condition. Things began
to appear brighter, my eyes improved and
did not trouble me so severely. My appe
tite returned and I gained strength every
day. I am now able to do my own work,
and feel perfectly well. I cannot find
words to express my gratitude for what
wood's Barsaparllla Has done lor me and 1
gladly recommend it." Miss Ella Bart
LBY, 213X S. Grant Ave., Columbus.Ohio.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. SI.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
mm rtMf wuro jivrr jus; enny vu
tl00a S FlllS take, easy to operate. 2ic.
At tbe teachers' examination held in
Heppner last week, ten out of the four
teen applicants in attendance obtained
tbe proper markings to entitle them to
certificates. We mentioned the names
of but two, our information on tbe sub
ject not being oorreot. The superinten
dent states that all those who attended
did well.
Thursday was a beautiful spring dav.
tbe weather being very warm and vege
tation seemed to spring forth with don bly
renewed energy and vigor. Today things
are different, rain coming down in tor.
rents at times. However, tbe weather is
much warmer than oommon and itwoold
seem now that spring had surely arriv
ed. This morning Harve and Tom Allen
came in from Tbe Dalles witb four bead
of race hotses, three two-year-olds sod
one aged borse. J. O. Mack also sent
up four bead of racers, three two-year-
olds and one aged borse. with Alva
Boynton and Geo. Alexander in charge.
Harry E. Bartholomew sold tbe first
clip of the season Weduesdsy, down at
the lower warehouse. It augreitated 28.-
OtlO pounds and was quite heavy, bring
ing only 6 cent a puuod. Geo. D. Fell
was the purchaser.
J. M. Short, of Long Creek, is in town
on bis way borne from Halem. He as
sisled abend Comb to take down three
prisoners, one for life, Frye, tbe wife
moideier, and two others, eaob for one
year for larceny.
Notice are beiua posted in this seo,
turn, sigoed by "Citireu of Northern
Oraut," warning heepmeo not to drive
aornaa on lb trail between Long Creek
and Middle fork, ibis section ia moat
ly deeded land.
A social eveot called "musioal tea"
will h gtvsn at Ibe opera house by th
lad lea uf tbe Episcopal eburcb, Wedues
dsy evvoiog, May 27, lH'Ju, Admission,
10 oots. 42-U
Tom and Ed Matlock's raoe table.
ooDimting of May, Bertha, Nora M. and
Bet t ma, ar bar for th races, Matlock
and Harry Kiebler In ohsrge.
Republican speaking at Pine City
Monday afternooo al 11. p. ro., al Li
ne tbe same evening at 7 o'clock, n. m.
uo aDd bear lb boy talk.
Go. Perry ciu over Toeedav from
Ixiu ltok. and auooonoed lb death of
"Uocl" oil Browo. grandfather of Ell
Keeuty, ol this placa,
The grett and most attractive
amomot vot of tba age. Tb Bood
Urulbra' shows will exhibit ber Wtd
eday, Jane 3rd.
Wild Bill" Oat i back from Idaho.
Bill will 'teod camo Ibia uo.mer lor T.
V. Math, of Galloway.
A. J. Hay la representing tb J. M.
Hum II (Jo,, wool men, at lirppoar la-
(ad ol air. IK tree.
W. II. Latbrop, reprwMoling Arlbnr
Kobe, the mercbaol lailor of Portland
is m town.
I. U Van Wiokl aa.i Grant Ualley
ar Dr wilti meamboel uui sad sad'
dl bar.
DU k IWa, Ibe prioo of mutton
oviDsrcba, ia Juoroiug a fw days la
ll.rn -To tb if ff Albert Otmlo,
br Ueppoer, Hay i'll, an pound
K l llialoo g'l b3k to Uppr To-
dy attr ao atiMo of eum year.
Dr. J. W. K mio u I etieodieg grand
bid- of Old fellows al AUff la,
I'bil aad J"ba Duberty wtre la Thar.
dy front Hotter creel.
Aodr Ck was la frooi La Tady
aad wia4y.
We MfNab I duoa frooi kA.
Was. Letllmg to over from Ilardotae
C'lia. Jihaq it "ft ttm lb J,hm
Eil Hebaif I ever Imoi M aeeal
Jubeny CamvUH, of IUd, I lo toa
ail it
Ak yoir .b;icia. your AtntiM a
ytn Itm4t Ht Rt.itob' Car ff
CVMatatiKi. They will re4
IU Fiif l by Weil W arret)
t fit fa T Wm (i hf
up It.a ! ! aril !.f 4
lhltaM i. Tl. an t t a!
Uor t.( fmt p't'it,gt. It II; U rit.l )
al k'Maa al I h a l,onnM. aad 'tif
rtaaathh. liar J fate for aK tf.
bund brothers'
World's Best Sbnwa wbioh are to ex
hibit at Heppner Wednesday, Jane 3rd,
bear tbe repot at ion of being the most
elaborate and entertaining exhibitions
ever organized. Possessing many ex
traordinary features of merit never seen
with other shows. The Bond Brothers
have occupied tbe foremost rank in
amusement realms for forty years; having
visited tbe prinoipal oities of five oonti-
nebts in their remarkably successful ca
reer, and bring witb them tbe very beet
show ever presented. That they will be
eminently successful bere as elsewhere,
goes without saying. Wherever its Great
White City of tents is spread, its patron
age is unlimited, and its many surpris
ingly pleasing attractions and innova
tions are a sonroe of the most unbound
ed satisfaction.
Ho, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up a
lively tune
For tbe "Candidate," I'm free to ttate, will atay
with us till June;
Then let him oil hit auger blade, with "Sperry's
Linwood Rye;"
'Tis sweet to think, of that good old drink, for
voting men are dry.
Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon.
For Congress, Second District,
A. 8. BENNETT, of Wasco County.
For 8upreme Judge,
JOHN BURNETT, of Benton County.
For Circuit Judge,
T. G. HAILEY, of Umatilla County.
For Prosecuting Attorney,
G. W. REA, of Morrow County.
For Member of State Board of Equalization,
C. P. DAVIS, of Umatilla County.
For Representative,
THOMAS MORGAN, of Heppner.
For Clerk,
J. W. MORROW, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
E. L. MATLOCK, of Heppner.
For Judge,.
GEORGE NOBLE, of Heppner.
For Assessor,
W, P. SNYDER, of Dry Fork.
For Justice of the Peace, District No. 6,
W. A. RICHARDSON, of Heppner.
For Constable, District No. 6,
J. E. MA8TERSON, of Heppner.
Notice of Intention.
Land Offici at The Dalles, Oregon.
May 9th. 1896.
11 following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make tlnal proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk, of Morrow County, at
Heppner, Oregon, on June 27th, IH9G, viz:
Hd. E. No. 8U39. for the SWU Seo. 17. To. 2 S..
R. 24 E.
He names the following: witnesses to Drove his
continuous residence upon and cultivatiou of.
am lana, viz :
Menso A. Olden. James M. Baker. Frank M.
Qriitln, tjamuel Warttokl, all of lone, Oregon.
JAS. t. MtlUKlf,
439-49. Register.
Notice for Publication.
May 7, lmK. Notice la hereby given that
the following-named settlor has tiled notice of
nis intention to make nnal proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore E. L Freeland, commissioner U. H. circuit
court, at Heppner, Oregon, on June a)th, 18911,
Hd. E. No. 72W for the UK HWU' and H'U SEU
Sec. 1 Tp. 5 8. R. 27 E. W. M.
tie names the inuowing witnesses tn prove
his continuous residence unon and cultivation
of, said land, vis;
Li A Hamilton, 11 u Mikesell, lyeandercopple,
William Mikesell, all of Heppner, Oregon.
WANTED A reliable lady or gentleman to
distribute samils and make a hounA-tii-
bouse ranvRss for our Vegetaliln Toilet Kuans
and 1'ure Flavoring Extracts, ttu to .7 a
month easily made. Address.
URons tur.D, Chicago, 111.
The highest
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Kvery old smoker
knows there is none just
as good as
ySnto!ung Mateo J
X each twoouncetxitr. and twooon. hh"
jx)iii manic eat h f.mr ounce
Imir of KUck wcU'e Durham.
Buy Ug of this cele
brated tolmceo and read the
cotiofi whkli give list
of valuable nrrecuU and ho
Q to get
Oh ! Where Did
6et Them Pants?
Ia wtt Hlwmr. and am r.in mil ttlr furtiUldnc (i.t and are
ftllliif uiun Oncila, llanlearv, llnitar aixl oilier Uilufa.
Fatronaoe Solicited.
S. O. Smitli Sc Ero.,
- t tiit iiu aa (.!. i
io ill ttmk la TMs IJiw I nnlraiitnf and I.A Wotk. Il.t.ir f t.wli.f ,
all tiiHla al ftirmm tn xill ll,,t urdrrtnf aa at luttanln aalitla.-.
Uua. ribla, Tra(Mb.
Htoi-oOpp. 1. C. Thompson Cd., Main Ht. Ik-iipnor
i i . f y
h'.. IN.
will stop a cough in a night, check a cold
in a day, and cure consumption if taken
in time. If the little ones have Croup or
W looping conga.
Croup is a very
ratal disease.
ully one
half of
those at
tacked die.
The great
danger is
in delav.
The disease progresses so rapidly that
the losa of a lew hours in treatment is
DY will cure Croup, and it should al
ways be kept in the house for
emergencies. A s cent bottle may
save your child's life.
Three sizes! 23c, 50c, $1. All Druggist
& xS Chambers St, .New York.
For your Protection. Catarrh' "Cures" or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potassa, or both, which are injur,
ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal
passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, and, if repeatedly neglected, the re
sults of catarrh will follow; severe pain in
the head, a roaring sound in the ears, bad
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should be quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's
Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for
these troubles and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, GO cents.
Notice of Intention.
A J May J, lHHti. Mi
Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has
tug-named settler has filed notice
of his inte
ntlon to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the county clerk of Morrow county at
Heppner, Oregon, on July 8, 1896, via:
Hd. E. No. 3290, for the 8 8EV, Sec. 7, snd
EH NE!, Sec. 18, Tn. 6, 8. R. 2i, E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Orin E. Karnsworth, Anson E. Wright, Jesse
Bmry aud Wesley Stevens, all ot Hard man, Or.
442-52 Register.
Notice of Intention.
I J May 6, WM. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will he made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on June 20, 18, viz:
Hd. E. No. 1)2(13, for tho E'4 NE and EH 8EJ.
Sec. 22, Tp. 2, 8., K 25 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of, said laud, vli:
George Shirk, Arthur Hunt, Sherman Shaw
and Roy Hunt, all of Heppner, Oregon
4.'l8-4 Register.
Notice of Final Settlement.
undersigned administrator of the estate of
Harah Coleman, deceased, will make Final Het
tlenieutof his accounts with said Estate as such
Administrator, at the next lerm of the County
Court nf Morrow County, at 10 o'clock, a. m to
be holden at the Court House in Heppner In
aald County, on the 1Kb day ol July, A. !., 1HW.
Geo. W. CiitpiN,
41 40 Administrator.
claim for other
ibem. v
Satlslactlon Guaranteed
r t , m
IMtV.ll AS I) ,l . M.A
SlIfifcTHAStl, Tl 1 1 r.AMiy.
awn mt L ,T,;TV S'l 4
Seen a Change in
ED. R.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business'of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slauffhter Prices !
All wooleii goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
Manager and Salesman.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
What Do
people want the
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not small men,
we are not me Largest mercrianls in trie Woririi
t But when the peoplo of all the surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwire,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pipe IttiiiKi, Btovet and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Wedges,
Wedges, Ouns, Pistols, Cartridge and Ammunition, Mason Jan, Gran
lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, ete., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices.
We have Good Goods at Fata Prices, and Cheap lohn Good! at Chep John Fricei.
The wool market ia not ypt
reports are not encouraging. We
the wwmw mwm
or those who desire to hold for
Eastern buyers, secure for tiice
We pay teamsters and hold wool subject to order.
No oommiasion charged for selling.
We pay highest price for hides and sheep pelts.
Rolled barley and feed for teamsters.
We Are floents lor
The best sheep dip in the market .
We ua6 5,000 shingles which we will sell at oohL
Mark your wool Q and direct teamster to lower warchouo.
Heppner, Or.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Tb ndoralgaad ba opaaml up a llaaiamilb abp hi po
alt tba oparo bona, aad It pfir-l to do ao; kind of
ork ia hi Itna. In roaaralk ba will raa a
Work d as al I'o polar 1'rkwa and ia a aaHafaotorf Banner.
! baa arnr.- tba rlra nf an atpritta.i bora-abfMf, "r7. J. Hal Ion,
of Hal.m, and borava will ba abod ao aa to tat IniffUrlo aad ovar
reaohlof, or so aajr W. I. hUHIVJJKIW llappnar, Ur.
G. W. Ui'T & SON,
HKJltfH IIO C;i. Eiw h; i-Vllmn :.' Ct-. Eiv-li;
AxUtnf!&5iiru! y..r0 Eiwh.
faT AM "f la ttmnn a4 Al t W'HK Wk4itTrn. 1
Mil w. ut twir at. rt at mtt fnn
hi Ilk ,
J. o. noitcinowH, imoj).
lnummi a
Keeps the Finest Wines, IJfjuors and Cigars.
Iffi!, llLfflS,
Business 111 Around ?
R. BISHOP, Prop.
You Want?
earth; you can
get a
lbs. We are small men, Xa,
nffected by the McKinley boom, and
have ample atorage capacity at
bicher Dricea. and bv introducing
who wish to sell, the highest market
little's dip,
R. F. HYIND, AUnaacr.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Offjco, , , .