REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Presidential Electori. T. T. GEER of Marion County E. L. SMITH of Wasco County J. F. CAPLK8, of Multnomah County 8. M. YOKAN of Lane County For Supeme Judge, ROBERT S. BEAN, of Eugene. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT TICKET. For Congress, 2d District, W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Circuit Judge, 6th District, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton. For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th District, H. J. BEAN., of Pendleton. For Member Board of Equalization, CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A. 0. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEY8, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner. For School Superintendent, tnve this man a eooa i&itt it would be to bis interest to do, any state officer stands well who will help Mr. Northup. They all stand together and if a railroad commis sioner will not do all in his power to get one into office, who will I Portland Chronicle. A STATEMENT ! An Untrue Report Nailed to the Wall ! Shiplet for school superintendent UNJUSTLY ASSAILED. Lowell will make fight for circuit judge. a winning What is the matter with Robert S. Bean for supreme judge? It has been circulated voters of Morrow county Patterson, the republican among the (bat A. W. nominee (or H. J. Bean for prosecuting at torney, is the man that will do his work well, if elected. Chas. Johnson will honestly and faithfully discharge his duties as member of the board of equalization. What is wrong with the local ticket, from Brown, for representa tive, down to Whetstone, for con stable? The Gazette is for the whole ticket. ss. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner. Justices and Constables. For Sustlce of the 1st District, E. L. WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS BHANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. 8. YOU NO. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 3rd District, WALTER CA80N. For Justice of 4th District, john McMillan. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 5th District, J. T. H08KINS. For Constable of 6th District, I. L. HOWARD. For Justice of 6th District, E L. FREELAND. For Constable of 6th District, N. 8. WHETSTONE. For Justice of the 1st District, B. L. WOOD. For Connstable of 1st District, OTIS BHANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. 8. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BKANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable of 3rd District, WALTER CAHON. For Justice of 4th District, john McMillan. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 5th District, J. T. HOSKINH. For Constable of Sth District, I. L. HOW A hi). Shipley, the Morrow county boy, is the republican candidate for school superintendent He is a good teacher, a man of good habits and scholarly attainments. Let your voteB be cast for kirn. The initial number of the Eve ning Republican, of Baker City, is on our table. It is edited by Sen ator B. F. Alley, formerly publish er of The Webt, at Florence, Lane Co., but who recently moved to Ba ker City. It is a live republican paper and we hope that its success may be unbounded. Ellis is the only regular re publican nominee for congress. He is a protectionist, and republi cans know what that means. He ib not trying to catch voters by claiming to be a "moderate" pro tectionist Wilson is a moderate protectionist and none of our people want any more of that clerk, was instrumental in securing the passage ot the law creating sheriff and clerk deputies (or Morrow county. This has been done, primarily, to iofluenoe the yotet against Patterson, though it is likely that many have agitated the matter with an honest belief in the rep resentations made. As tbe charges are wholly untrue, Mr. Patterson has no hesitancy in making the following affidavit : ' State op Orkqon, ) Connty of Morrow. J I, A. W. Patterson, being first duly sworn, depooe and say that I not only bad nothing to do directly or indireotly, with securing tbe passage of the bill to create deputies (or the sheriff and olerk of this county, with yearly salaries of 81,000, but that I knew nothing of the same until tbe bill bad beoome a law; that tbe same is being circulated to prej udioe my oandidaoy in the minds of the people of Morrow county; that if eleoted olerk of this oounty I pledge that I will request tbe representative-elect to use his influence towards scouring tbe repeal of the law providing (or a deputy clerk in this oounty. A. W. Patterson. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of May, 1896. seal E. L. Fbeeland, Notary Public (or Oregon. In farther substantiation ot the above statement, made and sworn to before 9 duly authorized officer, Rons. J. S. Booth by and A. W. Qowan, representative and joint senator (or Morrow oounty, serving in the last legislature, corrobo rate all that Mr. Patterson says. Their statements are as follows : Lexington, Or., May 11, 189& To WHOM IT HAT CONCERN : It has been rumored that A. W. Pat terson was instrnmental in the passage of the deputy salary bill (or olerk and sheriff of this connty. I will say that Mr. Patterson never spoke to me about the matter, and had nothing to do with it in any way, so (ar as my knowledge goes. J. S. Boothby. Burns, Oregon, May 5, 1896. To tbe voters of Morrow oounty : In tbe hope of setting at rest nntrne and idle rumors, which are being circu lated in your oounty evidently for the sole purpose of prejudicing the minds of voters against Mr. A. W. Patterson, nominee (or county olerk on the repub lican ticket, I desire to make a brief statement to the end that no injustice shall be done anyone. I refer especially to tbe legislative aot approved Feb. 25, 1895, "To change the compensation and mode of payment of oounty olerks, sheriffs and other offloera, and also to provide for tbe appointment of deputies." See session laws, 1895, page 77. This measure was introduced by Senator Butler and subsequently passed tbe senate Feb. 20, and forthwith transmitted to the house (or its consid eration, and was passed by that body Feb. 23. As to any person lobbying, or using any influence for or against the measure, or to get it "fixed up" with a view of personal benefit, I oan state that no one approached me on the subject, nor did I hear of any member being importuned. It seemed to have been settled by tbe sentiment ot tbe people that such offioes and deputies should be placed on a salary, and it was also understood by the members, as a quiet undercurrent, that tbe serving inoumbents were op posed to tbe .measure; and with un limited opportunity to disonss tbe matter with Mr. A. W. Patterson I can truthfully say tbe subject was never mentioned by or between us, nor did anyone from Morrow county urge me in tbe matter, one way or the other. Respectfully, A. W. Gowan. CLOSING OUT SALE! rr- Having Decided to Go Out of Business, We will Offer Our Entire Stock; of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., FOE AN UNLIMITED TIME. Mb. Northup, the bolting "sound money (if anybody kuows what that means) candidate for congress, opened his campaign in Portland Thursday eveniDg. His speech was engthy and a greater portion of it was taken up with apologies for being a bolter. Consistent repub- icans hope to see Ellis elected by 5,000 plurality. Valley Transcript. Hnrderons Work. Independent Republican. Pur School Superintendent, JAY W. SHIPLEY. A Pi.r.ntiK. In eooordsora with the general da mend on lbs Dart of the voters of Mor row county fur the repeal of lb bill creating deputies (or tbe sheriff and clerk with salaries at tlOOO, I hereby pledge that if eleoted clerk I will orgs the representative eleot to use bis io fluenoe towards encoring tbe repeal of tbe law providing (or depot clerk ID this coon I y. A. W. I'TTiasoW. Dated, May 8. IH'.KS. Ellis has proven that he is a riend to the interests of Eastern Oregon, lie has been tried and not found wanting. Voters of the sec ond district will make a great mis take by not returning him to his seat in congress on J une let The interests of l.bia section of our state demand that he should be retain ed in hiB present position. Ellis is being fought by the Oregonian because of a so-called dirty deal. What deal? Did not the Simon crowd vote solidly for a division of tho contesting delega tion from Multnomah county? Of course they did. Ellis' friends opposed it, but had to be satisfied. lue bimon ciowd, not winning as J, Ambrose is baokfrom tbe John Day and brings news ot an attempt to mur der tbe Hover brothers, Grant and Steve. Recently some visitors oame to their home which necessitated tbe cooking of some (resh bread. It bad been tbe in tention to make the meal off loaf which was in tbe bouse, and not using it, it was thrown to tbe sheep dogs, and it killed every one of them. It bad been poisoned, and tbe (ortunate arrival of tbe friends frustrated tbe plans of tbe Sends. The shower this morning, or at leant part of it, ran into Homer k Rhea's warehouse doing considerable damage. The republican speaking at Hardman, Eight Mile and lone, with Hon. T. T. Qeer as the principal attraction, this week were well attended. Mr. Qeer left Wednesday for Milton. A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases are oured by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. E. L. FREELAND, makes COLLECTIONS, whites INSURANCE, mM ABSTRACTS. iU. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Land Filings and Final Proofs Taken, STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY PUBLIC. D. J. McFaul, M. D. The Ills of Womea. Oonstipation, oaaees more than half the ills of wouien. Karl's Glover Root, Tea is a pleasant cure for Constipation. For sale by Wells 4 Warren. AT J. OFFICIO I HI. Hager's Residence. Ed Day is ill np at R. C, Hart's plaoe, with lagrippe. Chas. Mallory is also laid np with a similar attack. Notice of Intention. 17 The J. M. RUSSELL Co. The Dalles, Portland, Heppner. PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1806. The BI6 SHOW of the UNIVERSE COMING! ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS ON BOND BROTHERS WORLD'S BEST SHOW, AND OFFICE AT THK DALLES OREGON 1 Anril'M. 1XMA. Notice is hereby srlven Hint the following-named settler tins Hied notice ol his intention to make filial proof In support of his claim, end that said proof will be nisde before Joseph L, Oibson, U. 8. Com., at Lexing ton, Oregon, on June 'JO, lx'.W. vlt: JAMES E. TIBBKTT8, Fid. 8. Nn. 38t, for the BE), Bee 11, Tp. 2 B. R. 2A K W M He nsms the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence; upon and cultivation of. salil land, vis; John T. Young. William Estos, Tyros N. Phlnn, all of Heppner, Oregon, and Edwin K. Beach, of Lexington, Orcgon. MOORE, 4M-M Register. Notice of Intention. t AND OrriCE AT LA GRANDE, OHEHON, April 21. HW. Notice Is hereb eretiv Kf they exacted by their sacrifice of jhc Crowning Climax of Exhibitional Grandeur at hro.hh.'." principle, have called it a "dirty trade" and are bolting. Voter, this arrangement wan of their own making and the proof of thia asser tion can be secured from thons anda of honest citizens. A vote for thrown away. Kllis will not t Tnis country u in neivl of pros perity. We can got it only by re turning the republicans to power. The Bupreme Council of the A P. A. has decided that the attempt of a minor committee to boycott Got. Mckinley was unjuatifled. J AT V. Him i.rr. the Indepen dent republican candidate for school supeiintendebt, will serve the peoplo well and be should be tflectou. A Till It republican will Dot le the money ieaue stand in the way of the rrotective policy. Protec tion to home induntrii's first am; the money orjoation will rich! it self. Portland Chronicle. nil lveo no- n- nort of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the count clerk of Morrow coun It. Oregon, on June nth. I, vis: ' VIIHTKk A It AM (4. Hd. K. No. T2W, lor tbe H'i NK and lot 1 and 1 Hen. A To. 1 a R. 27 K. W. M. He name the lollowtng wltneeaee to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation ol, ld land, vis: Mltllln J. Kevin, JohnT. Galloway, Albert H. aumn. Charles Morgan, all of Hennner. or. Any person wno aaairre 10 proiw acaoiai in. rWr latbe indlvidnnl who persistently n- I . ti v &1, K v i f t i f .HPiK Yyt4r iV5V V substantial twon, under the law and lha refu- gleets bis bssllb, and the means of pre ' . Vt U r Vn P'vViHf" S iVJ'Al MUT? iVfXTx?!.?' , i n . lltli S -v. i s''a !', V. it V, .-,. f X .fltrfi"'- i proof should not be allowed, will he riven an ServiOg and restoring it. Msny MfMSt VVaaV 'ITA J'U.AWr?wi-,, V' 1 fMJl : 5Pport.inlt at the ebov. mentioned time and hO Sr aot rooslltnliooal idiots do tblS. ' TC If l:J).t TrV t l2j ,1 1'' flaV. to crow-examln. the of said towels sad symptom, of bllU.U.oe.s are v'C-N '1 O 1 fr4 t X .vV M ' h Not,c f Mention. so msoy wM..lng. of th. sppro.cb of $M;t if&3) ' VpWttVT V disss. To di.reg ard tbem Is sb eot Vf ' i'.V'? VV . t?JiY IVAii t V ', , lJfl Uo Orrirs at U Osakps. Oaiooit fully -blob offended D.,or.idn.r. CMJV W f vV- TOW! S1 VOTIC, ,s BIRFBY WtMVW? pnnlahea), if not Utfclly. Thst . V-Y.M ,', W3itt4.y : lA'V,' LLZz.V " IN iollowintnamed wttl-r ha Blt notice leoial and thoroogblj reliahU prVSO- 'yXt f J t'Jl , , i&'U 4f7f l ' of his Intention to mas. flnal eroof In support v.o. bodil, miWf in b..h.r;.o 0, chronic iliaease, IUttr HtotuMb V 'It 1, r; fry. sl'-iSs,, rL. Ji i.' j J i 1 l;.i' I' I M,,,..ti.r. 6w.n. on Xr lia. vu: w 'af afrm ' T W ntw I WW 3rd. To Ths Public : The following fact have decided us to open up an office at The Dalles, and we believe the wool grower will feel an Interest In our proposition to handle their wool. THE DALLES M A RKET.--In 1895 six million pounds of wool was marketed there, which brought extreme prices. The present outlook is that not less than eight million pound will be marketed there this season, and we believe wools sold In The Dalles will bring full value for the following reason : 1st. The large amount of wool handled not only attracts buyers, and the most of them make The Dalle their headquarters for the season, causing a brisk competition. The Oregon mill use not less than two million pounds, so wools In The Dalles have the benefit of this competition, a well a for the East and California market. 2d. The location of The Dalle 1 such that five transcontinental railroads compete for freight, guaranteeing the shipper a low rate; In 1895 wools from The Dalle to the East were taken at a rate of 90 eta. per hundred pound. 3d. Arrangement have been made with the railroad companies whereby local freight to The Dalle when added to the freight from The Dalles East, will not be higher than the freight from local point direct East, and in many cases less. These facts alone assure the growers the highest possible price. CONSIGN M ENTS. While we fully realise consigning wool i a thing of the past, we believe grower will do well to consider our proposition, especially this season a there I every reason to believe It will be a slow, draggy year. Our business In the past has been buying for Oregon and.Eastem mills and dealers. Realising how slow the mills and dealers will be in placing their orders this year, we think our method of handling will be an advantage to the grower, and considering the wool will not be moved from the home market nor from under your control without consent; you must not look upon our proposition in th light of shipping on consignment For ten years past, "excepting im.l, the year of the panic," wool have brought better price In the home market, as the season advanced, than at the opening, and we believe tills will be especially so this season. When growers are not In a position t- hold their wool, or feel Inclined to sell to pay their bill, we will make an advance at a liberal rate of Interest; will take charge of the wool, pay the teamster and otner charge wnen requested to do so, and when wools ar to be shipped to Th Dalles by rail, w will use care of the railway freight from point of shipment to The Dalle, and at such points a Heppner and Arlington, we will have a representative who will take char, nf the wool and lorward It. Yon will kern n mind that when shlpplnc to Th Dalle there will h. nn oitr. m yon, and considering the low price ot wool, we have concluded to do this work at lt cent per W will be pleased to hear horn you, and send regular accounts of eastern and tocat market ted. Tns J. M. KLSstdLL CO. when request! RACES ! RACES ! Ilillore, will, it resorted to to tltne, avert thm disorders, to th removal ol wblcb it is also folly sJcinat. Among lb are euronis Indigestion, liver eomplaint, kidney troahles, onnatipattoa, nervous Bees, r beam at lain sod malaria. ur or RitfriUCAsa. ft tote for Jud Northun, the Dreimian's can date, will only anit in placing the populist, Martin tjuinn, in con pnoa. Northup raunot le elected, ao don't throw away your tote, 1 "JriMjf KokTnrr ill I eWtd by the nuiet rote," eays the Tele gram. Yes, the tote will be ao quiet that he wilt I startled at the atillneaa of iL lie sorely will t clwted to stay at home. There is do doubt atout that proposition. lint. W. II l.ttis will gain many rotes through the rmltegon ian's ortoiaitiou. All voters that are familiar with the methods of the great daily will take it for granted that Mr. 1.1 1 is U i might irond man. and ill rat their bal lots for Lira. Pakrr Plada, Tnt Orrp.oian of May l?tb ijnotea Mr. I. A. Marrurn, railroad r-mniiioijrr, aa ghirtff Judgt Northup a i""d eo I fit is th rnslrro tMtttion of the stata, Good OreiiU.1 to pacifle tU inventor th I week. Kepurted by U. A. Hnow A IK, solicitors of AmerWiaa and foreign pat ent, opp. U. H. I'sleol Uffioe, Washing ton. 1), 1:. : W. O. Anderson. Ran iom. hrosb- rake, a f. Cboale, IWneoia. Cel.. bt eicle hrake. J. A. iMikin. llinoa Ore.. Or ewipa, (J W. Ktlktn. Uiver eido, Cel., tlilli enaptiag. W. II (ienrea, IVrllaad. dtatrkt-telegtapb. M. (loll ball, Oakland, Or., emhtael barmw an I roller. O. M, IUnexk, lortland. phi pulley. T. Harding. Haa Joee, win dow. K. I. MrtHile. fan rranoiaoo, cbalr ailaobntMit. 1. I'ellrOgu, ban Fran rlo, tlaibl tap fir vebtcle). U. (I. I(irharlwi, Taoorns, sbmgl e.lgr. A. r, bnf, Ilwara, Wash., vapormglaa A. IV It u robl, Haa franeteoo, amalga mator. H. J, Tedford. L Angelee. In haler. 1,. II Tlwon, i'nrtland. Wre sts real. IL J. Wilaon. rteatila, aat.xn.Ur elevator etop, J, C Vou4, Ia Abgtlea, ld-Htch. Mw K.I Af at Ik. WmVIs ra.r Ayef'e HartapMilla ehjnya the etUa--illtiar y d.stitiHio of toee the rmlf blood partner Hnwe an etbtbil al the Wmlda fair, Cti csgv Msnalacliirer ol ether rsiariU nnnghl by evwy meaaefiettalaabuwlng of their gu.u, HEPPNER on WEDNESDAY June The moat Traveled, Popular, Feraou, and altogether the Greatest Tented Exhibition of the Universe. It is lofinitely worth more to witoees a few of our Marvelous Hpecial lVaturcs than it would be to see tho Inside and Outaida of soy Show In the World. JnllS H. BROWS. Tlmf Culture Rnlry No. tAd, tor the KW" arc iTM- w . M. He n.mee th. following Irneave fc prove his continuous rcldiK-e upon end culUratloa ot said land, vis jt,n f. Karton, William rnn. John C.Browa aud rraucla . wniry,aii 01 nrvv"", ""t. m. r. n Tbe Heppner HpeeJ Asaoeiation baa dolJJ to bold s Bses Heating st cu it hl.r. Wood Wanted. onrg 1 tTKsrnr otvgi TiiTTni t 1 h. hl brd M imtri. 1 .Nn. I, Three C.m-Ule Ctirn Trwipa A r ive Continent Arenie Aaoembly H'tpn.r, I ry ol slstv I ; All Nations GHKATEST Male anil Female Celebrities, s MMsjpMsjpMnMflHHHMHM CU Mftirrie f hn VJ4 Ink vA (V-u'i IVfp S htpm Atia, t'.arrr. Africa and America is Contribution. GRIND MBS lliriDIinOME LVT1RHT MW INDORIGlSAt FLIT5. TbOrn.Ls r.ihihlitooal ror-Tb Mt Woaderfnl and Amsnug Animal reformancea-Ths Oreateet Wonder Tha Met (Vmplela Wild IWat Hboe-Tbe Kterv where Ooneeded IWet hbow on lUtth. itr . will hl. h 111 nii.rv( mit cr.r,ta of wood al the arhool eramlm .1 lln,M aiMlttt Btvtwt on July II. I l hi h. d-livrr4 on o Wlt - I. !. brwrd tmitM tb. M.hl to fli any 1 a Bt Oaeaaveta Bosao. twlt II., n., in . Ma a 1. ' " an July it, Bcfinniiif Tuesday, Hay 26, A.iia i a .St firshil. fchJafhl CotfTta tf Mtntksi, tmm Cm!kt, lUre, lch, lastrextiva and t'eparaJUII. rreaeatiag laaamerahla Hpwtal reatore never Oelor l.iiaiiti in ABaertra. m r. ii.vr i Hhleb woald be witrth a lV t Adntmt'a !. Make on your rattir anil eonauit your Matin A fr l.icuraion llatreon IU)N() lUU ) I It KllH' day. bottbe,n,r..iiNr-ri...f nwib. Scc c SPECTACULAH Street PAGEANT appltraltoa of tba rnla f.l i.l lleg the M v . 1 --IN THE FOHENOON," KOTli K Of L. x'orti a i atcarnr ivr tht 11 n lf and bt vtrlu n( a diriN an4 M( nf sal. J.ilr !. a4 .nWCMt nn Mar . In Iks kiatU ol In. Ml. fa ol ThilU 9 arun. dmil. bt lh I ounlv I Mrl nl Ui. eui. nf Hi l.rf MiM'fnw lnlv. wltlnf la ptiria Ik. ,IhIm4 a e.lmlnlMni.n' ol lh. .ui.. will aale al euhllc aertma, u lh. htfhret l.i 1 1 lyf M.a in aa1 aa swiur 4.1 Jim a. I al II a rl.s la lh. arMa ol thai day lh. sat.. of a.14 4ii uml a,l lh. h-ilo.lnf .lMr1t rnal pf.-a.rtv ii.-i. In lo th. St... Mnaa a.l. la llf- t... Innnll itrmfm all . M V of 3. Tp l (lut.ii.iK'l1. !! n4 Itkilwifar lTrlf.ini. M.iillK Mii.luiir ion-Mi Salt saJ Is w'1 s-i ii la all ltn ao-t lnr.aii.nia. aa a tati . mpmm lb. a.1 1 rail ami"?, .-! Sl-ai-l Sa I. o.a,ioa a .11 aUa s. at. kf Um akave .ntttt-l (aaaly laarV I ft. Yot ait. ol the a'. el T-al f. " Iaia4 lots Wh oaf af May. Una. T 4V TfiMtlntr Four Dnys. $700.00 entry of faieiit mailieiaee and aoelrama The ileeww.a of the Worl I fair aatl.e. fill la lavnf Ayei'a Mareanertlla waa la street a Mlas: -Ayet a Pareana rtlla ta ot a eetent sn lelne. II d'wa net betinjg a lbs hat t4 BaeWaat. It here pm He le. Timbtr Culture, final Proof. katsre far rabllaallaa. tmt lpM4 aad liver eoMi Uil ya have a ttlel.d etaraal' ea evar. bottle ol hhlloh' iiali.f ltar fail l fra, fell Uoe Ticket, for the I'aual Trtee, Adrnite to tbs WORLD'S BUST SHOWS ttntTtn tm in rrn t J om, apru la. I. (of Macron, wh thouU U tV't 'salt t-Weill A Warra. Two (treal rihiMix as aad Insert i f rerf.taaara lily, at 1 aed T p. Bi. II a s at PU , T THI fa aa i fMHb rnd fc i t. imm t hi Is mf tail fw4 hm w S4f,g)fjatr rt 1 H'tts-irf i-iiriM, ) m-mAmf, IK aW W ? a-a em tn Msr rnltt mpt' ktt.4j r:. K g ih m -v ejMrtt..j m ., iai . t a, tin m pt $ t( 1 Hi taamee sj itmsis i 1 ;ai r it-tt $700.00 IN PURSES! I M O U A lag Jag IC t FIIWT IT-Toly. Uav3rt-l(aoa L Unaiier aula daab. fra f. all. Puree, a'al lUoe 3. Ualf mil da. a. f..r two-tear old, bred in Oreaon. Wash. lagtrHi ar Idaho, nnmlnaiioa raeav Nua-lbcroogbbrode alloael 0 nooads walabt. Added m.wr, un htXXIM) tiAY-Wtdeeeday, May 27 -Rare S. Three) aad oee-Lalf forleoea. fraaloeall. roce, 71. lUol. Malt mile dab. free for all. Para. II mi. TI1IKO I4Y-Ttar!er, May : - U i. Uaa Ihaneaod tarda, free fo aiL rnr,liU. lUeeft. Tbreotlgaia mile, handicap, repeat, free for alL I'orea, lLK rOCKTII PAT-rrUar. M.vr-Hae7. Oea half n.lle daeh. free) foe all two-year a Ida. wino nf Uka raa barrel I'orae, ITX llae a t'oar aad oaw half forl. rtal, fa for all. rare, 1(X. WJMDI T l( )M Tbeee rare ill ha t .v.rad by lh raUa af tha fartfle Mrl llaraa Aaanetalioa. Kolranc fea la all reoee, boI otb.rwia epacifWd. la r etamonnt of pare, fit ar bm H er, ihrea to start, la ree tbal nareee atmva giv.a do Bat Bit wtlb Eve milete entrlea, tha hoard haa Ib power to rev doe) lha amoaata of tba poraa a la ihr Jadgment em pfnper. Tha direvwors imrw4 lha right la aiMaa aaf aad all raeea arraol of lacl.menl wealW. If alwee rarwo do R"t fill, narae mm givea fof aperiel faaea. la he (aba-Muted by tbe diraeinra. 1'areaa will h rltv.lad "0 bar rent to oral bn. 90 ner rent to eaooad. Allsalriea torloaa by So'elmfc. p. at , aalbatog araneediag tbe raoa. jHv: ALL PURSES WILL BE PAID IN FULL. a w. l ATrrRHnx. Mfini. tiro, ctttn. rr.t.i . hl.ii.-a. D.ta lie, R U. fimy, CJeo, Uaffiagloa, ilrert Utar. ltrtK'r