Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 22, 1896, Image 1

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Is owing to my liberality in ad-1
vertis;ng Robert Bonner.
mm i t in t t in in hmki iKi iii in UM i di i mhi n a.i m m
Advertising brought me all
own. A. T. Stewart.
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, - - . Editor
A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager
At $2.50 per year, $1.25 (or six months, 75 ots.
lor three mourns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKB is kept on file at. E. 0. Hake's
Advertisinu Aprenoy, M and 85 Merchants
Exchangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where cou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:4fi p. m. dally, except
Sunday. Arrives 5:00 a. in. daily, except Mon
day. West bound passeiiRer loaves Heppner Junc
tion 1:11 a. m.; east bound l::M a. m.
Freight trains leave Heppner Junction Rolnjr.
east at 7: l."i p. in, and 9:10 a. m.; going west, 4:iK)
p. m. and 6.15 a. m.
United States Official.
President Grover Cleveland
Vice-President Adlai Stevenson
Becetary of State Kichard S. Olney
Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel S. Laniont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General Willinrn L. Wilson
Attorney-General Jndson Harmon
Secretary of Agriculture J, Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid
Treasurer .....Phil. Mo techno
Hnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
Ho ( G. W. MoBride
8enBtoM J J. H. Mitchell
p. 1 Binster Hermann
Congressmen w B Euu
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. 8. Bean,
Supreme Judges . A. Moore,
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawrey
Morrow County Officials.
. . . a . t rr n
. m ii i DfliiNMir... ... n. , . uuwnu
ltepresentative J. S. Koothby
ilnnnty Judge... .
' Commissioners...
J. M. baker.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
' Assessor... .
' School Bup't....
..Julius Keilhly
J. K. Howard
J. W. Morrow
.G. W. HarnnirtoD
.... Frank Gilliam
J. V. Willis
Geo. Lord
Anna Balsiger
T.W. Avers. Jr
BEPPNKB town omoro
Mayoi Thou. Morgan
ft mncilinnu O. K. Famsworth. M.
Linhtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr.,
8. 8. Horner, E. J. Ulocuin.
Reonrder F. J. Hallook
Pr-mummr E. L. Freeland
Marshal A. A. Koberte
Precinct Officer.
Jnatinenf th Paaoa E. L. F reel and
Constable N, 8. Whetstone
United Btates Laud Officers.
1 P. MnnM ...... Kesri ster
A. S. Uiggt lteoeiver
H.F. Wilson Healster
1. H. Knbbius Keoeiver
kawlins post, NO. IL
a. a. n.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Satarrlay of
. month. All vetoran ar tnvitari to Join.
.' C. Boon, Gao. W. Smith.
Adlntant, t( ('otnuuuitlor,
V dressed Linn imr, 16 mile of Heppner, at
wnai is snow a u uie
FIR 1,000 FEET, ROl'OH, --
- - CLEAR, -
- I too
- 17 60
L .uu per i.uuu ism, onimwiioi.
The slxivs quotations ore strictly for Cash.
Hatioaal mi ol MW.
freolaoet. Cashier.
Made oo Favorable Term.
Ontario-Burns fe Line
-A. T4 I-
H. A, WiL'.UMS. Pep.
Loatee Burti I'olly at 6 p. m. a&J it.
ritoi al OtiUn ! 43 boar.
Single Fnre $7.00.
Round Trip $15.00
I tfthnt'm t fratght r, Mi.i tt smti4.
ni'nxH caxvos'
ImM H 4m 'r -..!f TMr
! I r. , ..n t f tlrryu -. .mf
ilk lfc Ontad s l ?tl tt 04
im I tw linws in fi tS Wlly
(traias), !! (roetooi f t4
Wool, ttllb th()oto.b"ij r..
If I 0.1 !-, nl'O frt. 1 1 fl 5 b4lr
rMoiti t aoo !( r m asU
in tbo slot. IUoIIm m (lots Ml,,
This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho
wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington,
Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and
intermediate stations.
, Low freight rates are given on shtpments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In
transit. ,Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera
tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place Is equalled only by
The Dalles in quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage. :
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf
ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease
and dirt, to equal the lower expense in
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton. ,
Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool
at this point than is averaged at other places having reputations as "high markets,"
based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool,
and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average sales in Pendleton
Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than can be obtained in any other Market in
the State.
Otis Patterson
Columbia River and Pa
Leaving Alder 8treet Dook, Portland, for
TT l J XT-t. . . I J .
xui sun nsocuus. xireoi connection wim uwaoo steamers and rail
road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Daily, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland P. M. Dally, except Sunday.
at 0:45 A. M., except Sunday and
Leaves Portland and rnns direct to Ilwaco, Tuesday and Thursday at s A. M. Saturday at 1 P. M.
nnw fiGuunu.; kiiu (uiiii; hi . a. it, uu Diinusy ntgn, at U r. al.
Bagpge Checked lo Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free of Expense. ...
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Gatzert and Ocean Ware.
Attorneys tit Iaw,
All baaioeM attended to ib prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it ao ohject for y8a to trade with
Lira m bis prices are right, and all goods that he
handle- are of the very bent
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
;!!5Sir"n Do You Want a Ri& ?
frv" n), Don,t You Want a Place
Morse ?
All tbi cab be procured at Thompson k iSiee, Ixtwer Main Street,
iippporr, urrgon.
TImw fwntiamiea sr tntfti4 H1 OmM lUmrr , front . ftl!ltat eM rthf eoqtitWo
rnj ( mmttw f a4 tin I Mtlf tb twtiM oHb (roitnf ,
aixvi4 I t. a Vs thl.
Hns cvcrjthlng in tho
Candies, Nuts, ond
Lumps n
Stock is Complete.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
et Sound Nav
Astoria, Itwaoo, Long Beaob. Ocean
. i . .
Saturday nleht. 11 P. M. Iave. A.tnrl. nu. .
Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M.
up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
il 4mm to ( My yl.rtol.
lino of Fresh Groceries
ao keeps Crockery,
nd Tinwnre.
Notions a Specialty.
For real blood diseases relief can only
be obtained by using a real blood reme
dy. So many people who are sufferers
from an obstinate or deep-seated blood
disease make the mistake of taking rem
edies which at best are only tonics and
cannot possibly reach their trouble. It
is in just such cases which other so-called
blood remedies cannot reach that
S.S.S. has made some of the most won
derful cures. 'Rheumatism is one of
the most obstinate diseases of the blood,
and there are few remedies which have
any effect whatever upon it.
Mr. Asa Smith, who resides at Green
castle, Indiana, where he ia well known,
"For many years I have suffered from
that terrible disease known as Sciatic
Rheumatism, Nvhich the treatment of
many physicians failed to relieve.
I have also used nearly every known
blood remedy, but they did me
no good, as they di'd not seem to
reach my case at all. Possibly my con
dition and the extent of my sufferings
can be better appreciated when I state
that the disease reached a point where
it was matter of utter impossibility for
me to take my food, or handle myself in
any way, ana tor several months the
nurses were compelled to turn me in bed
by use of the sheets.
"1 his was my condition when S.S.S.
was recommended to me, and I must
confess that I had little hopes of any
uicuitmc ucneiHung me. i was soon
encouraged, however, when after taking
three bottles I was able to move my
right arm. I continued to take the med
icine ana Deiore long was ahle to walk
cross the room, and when I had finish
ed one dozen bottles was able to iret
about as of old.
" I have been hale and hcartv now for
two years, without any sign of a return
of the disease. I will never cease to
praise S.S.S., which I regard as the most
wonderful blood remedy on earth ; it
brought me oat of a condition of utter
helplessness to one of robust health,
With a weight of 170 pounds."
S. S. S. cures Scrofula. Cancer. Ec-
lema, and any form of blood trouble.
It ts guaranteed purely vegetable and
forces out the poison permanently. If
you nave a blood disease, take a blood
medicine S. S. S. ia exclusively for the
blood and is recommended for nothing
else. It has made some truly wonderful
cures of Cancer, where death seemed
me only relief, and we will take pleas
ure ia sending to anyone full DartimUra
of theae cures, and also our valuable
books. Address Swift Soecifie Com.
pany, Atlanta, Georgia.
Fmm the Arlington Record.
The election of Judge Northup, cooM
II be oeompltshsd, would be no victory
for republicans. That ean be aroom
plisbfxl only by Iba election of Mr. Ellis
Mr. Northnp' taocee would be via
lory for the n t'sne of disgruntled poli
liciani aod 'ireboada tbal euro out of
all polilloal eoDvenUaa. Th differ-
eo to tbal tbla Northnp campaign was
larger dtaaol, wbert lb foroo er
ooany oqqtiij divided. Air. Eilit a
If oa way iotrlgnlng lo defeat lb will
of lb voUr at Ibat ooavoDtino Dor bat
he taken part lo Iba eafflpalgo (loot-
On Ib eemtrary, b baa remained tadl-
17 in po 1 ai n aebiogtoo, workini
for id open titer and lb need of bis
cooetllneiiey. Mr. Northnp I not eo-
titled to lb (nptxirt of lb Vuter of lb
Mood district. H I not a omnia of
ay prty, bnl imply eonnoet Lieo-
If ladopooJeot eaoJi.lat for xm
irsoe, raooiiig 00 met idea, aeklog
lb offra ef 15100 voter and offering
bulbing lo mi or a fr ll but hi oo I be
tol l UoWrl. lo rarryloa? out Ibl
Id Mr. Kortbop will have but oa vole
oat of 4j(L If b rear l oonareoa, aod
bt loBooor will ot tstond U)eol tbe
badow of bt kooe. lo lb lal
form oa ablrb b etaml. b attompi lo
fuTMUII lb ortioo if Iba ropoblicaa
a(lQOalroaealiuo. Ihm romblleo per
ly oaa b eMy lm!l N aliol I hie
ajqeettufi, ftad Mr. Kills bolofige
to It Hy 11 rtj, Mr. N .rii.up i
til, bnl Ml bolter ai. t,4ig i la 1,1
frur for iM lUfool. fa rrf-ffmlnf no
eorroory ll.e ronl,liai parly will Ji
SHally jqJwione In the aljiiiilii,ti,
ar oor levreiiia et pnut lt lfl. !
birb Ihe wio-Iom f
bvo bs bs 'I Irml ilng oo lr
rovtood e)tUo (remo-l f.r rvnn) Mly
4 felling I the!. Mr. N' irtbp'e so lidary
ie fr I bo rlI atoii Uti milf,
Iktotil Ibet b aif. tan be Mid la Lie
fM. II l boliotoe la (Le rpibiea
frfiwipie f iri.WM.ej Ihon LM lwtia
n'll d smi f'id t"t Mr. l!,e .e f.rf
ttaJM bint. If b off t, tba Lis
election ia least desired of all the candi
dates in tbe field. Mr. Ellis is in favor
of protected labor, home manafactnrers
aod tariff on wool. True, he did vote in
favor of coining $100,000,000 of silver
that had been lying in tbe vaults for tbe
past fonr years, but that was a long way
short of the free and unlimited ooinage
of silver we bear so muoh of. '
Mr. Ellis is a republican and will abide
by the 8t. Louis platform. His ballot
will be cast with bis party, whether for
tariff or monetary laws. Tbe experiences
of the past justify tbe assertion that tbe
republican party can be safely trasted to
administer tbe affairs of this govern
ment. That it will establish a revenue
system, which, while providing sufficient
fnnds for maintaining all governmental
expenses, will famish ample protection
for American labor. Nor will the mone
tary system be neglected. A sound,
stable ourrenoy will be maintained,
which, while performing tbe functions
of a circulating medium, shall be as
"untarnished as the nation's honor."
Republican voters should not be de
ceived by tbe protestations of purity
tbat are emanating from the throat, and
pens of tbe bolters. This is a republican
year and as republicans we are entitled
to be rejoicing over a great victory on
tbe day after election instead of a ride
in the Northnp hearse. Tbe effeot of
tbe coming election will be lar reaching
and will play an all important part in
tbe national oampaign, when we expeot
to place in tbe presidential obair that
great protectionist, Major MoEinley.
MoKinley and Ellis should be the
watchword of every republican in tbe
eeoond district.
How to Treat a Wife.
(From Pacific Health Journal.)
First, set a wife: second, be Datient.
You may have yreat trials and perplexi
ties in your business, but do not there
fore, oarry to your home a oloudy or
contracted brow. Yonr wife may have
trials, which, thoucb of less magnitude,
may be bard for her to bear. A kind
word, a tender look, will do wonders in
ohasiug from her brow all clouds of
gloom. To this we would add always
keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Hemedy in tbe bouse. It is the best
snd ia snre to be needed sooner or later.
Yonr wife will then know that von really
oare for her and wish to nrnteot ber
health. For sale by Conner & Brook.
Jndge Bennett holds that protection
to Amerioao industry "is a mere bag
atelle." Ambassador Bayard astonished
British audience reoently by diatribe
"gainst bi own oountry for toleratiog
protection in any form. Tbey point to
England a proof that individual liberty
is tbe best and only means by which tbe
greatest good can be secured for lb
greatest Dumber. Does not tbe condi
tion of America today, oompared with
England, prove what "protection to
England" means to America noder dem
ocratic free trada at home? Wo think
docs. In ordor lo maintain specie
payments tbe present administration has
old, io the course of little mora than
two years, 8:02.000,000 of bond, appar
ently to maintain gold payment by r
deeming tbe legal tender notes in gold
b'jt, in reality, to provide tbo money
oecded forourrenl government eipeos.'s,
which ongbt to bava com bnt which
did nol oome, from tbe rrgular source
of revenna. Every rffurl shoold b
msde to enlighten the conotry upon this
subjeot and demonstrate to voter tbat
lb Cleveland bond aalei wrra really
made to meet defloleooie In revenues,
nothing else. Tbe aonnal interest
charge of tM 1.000,1 sk) oo Iba national
debt wa cut to 123,000,000 and lb In
tarewt bearing debt wa reduced from
13,000,000.000 to boot K500.0tW.0o0 by
lb republican party. Io three yeer
Clevelaol baa created dht ot 1341
000,00(1, lb aonoal ioloreel charge being
over IIO.INJO.CXX). Io lb faoa of faota
och tbeaa bow can Jodg Bennett
far an liooeat aod iutlhgot audience
and claim Ibat In tbla eontet protection
. . .i 1. a...
10 American loanotrie 1 " rj)r
bgaMle"-ai no flgor wbalevorT
ft I falsa, Ib iaeaa befor lb pan p la io
Orogon I a rolttrn la pro parity by lb
ebaonolaof proUrtion. Hilver ieti'l in
It. Wa d'io'l maka paoobea bnl
ay tbat oaocb ! Iinme, and eballaoge
deelal. M ro Obeorver,
Th ooly b'lpa fir lb roatoratlna of
liver lo It money as Ilea la Iba rpub
lleaa party, beraoea it i th ooly fart
Ibal dooa or caa carry out Ita pUlaoa
II 1 Ib ooly parly Ibat really under
stood 00(1 brlievea lo Ilia great Dee of
tbl Nation, aooeoiiontly lb only par
lf Ibat will ever bate lb e.iurag lo"ra
nooelUa ailvor" ilbool aailiag for E
mpa or England. Hal II. rank and tit
of iba parly I al proal iatorreled aa
dooply In Iba rretnration f i.rita:oa.
aod Iba prosperity Ibal goo a lib H.lbal
i will aaei lor aolhtng eloa for Iba lio
bolng It Biooi Uka Ibie stop Orel. e.
log lekea ll It a ill ba roaly lo arei lof
ail vor aod ll onoe reft (ally. M trn Ob
itor, ll U eofo Pi ear Ibat Je-l-a hrlhap
alll not fooolva 0ta Javerlii vtoa in
Mhrtoao aoojalf. Itrpohlkart w y,i
anbd lot Mr. I'JIio. the rogalar oomiaoa
al H a party, I boy a ill not tm f.wtid
Un.Wieg aver an annlb-r la foil t
be trap Ibat ba bori ea adroitly , wr
liea.- M'ira lo.
T'a f n
ad, looiooil uf
vrr lo M.o f i'ia,
ftfinf Bilb bee
Highest of all in Leavenbg Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
wings, she will walk with her own legs.
She will be tbe paradise of tbe tramps
and the great and miscellaneous frater
nity and aggregation of tiredness repre
sented by tbe Ohio importation. Halem
Mr. Northup represents both the con
traotionists of tbe ourrenoy aod the bus
iness of tbe oountry. He wants only a
bank ourrenoy, based on gold, and be
want what be and tbe paper that foist
ed him into prominenoe ot a nomination
are pleased to term "moderate piotep
tion," wbicb is the other , name for the
Wilson tariff. We hope his vote in the
return will represent also oontraotion.
Salem Statesman,
Eastern Oregon wool growers and
both Eastern and Western Oregon man
ufacturers, fruit men, bop men and ag
riculturists generally should remember
that "moderate protection" moans no
obange at all in tariff legislation. Tbe
wool men will not even get tbat halt loaf
proposed by the Dingley bill if too ma
ny Nortbups get into congress. Salem
"Besides, there 11 a difference between
a protective and a prohibitory tariff.
While I favor proper protection, I do not
tavor a protection tbat prohibit. There
is as moob misohiet in a tariff which is
too high as In no tariff at all, and I think
tbat you mast agree with me thai a tar
iff which ii reasonable is tbe best tor the
country," said Northup, the Oregonian'i
and Wall street' candidate tor congress
In tbe seoond district. Be i not o anx
ious for "principle," which ha olaimed
hie candidacy represents, as he is tor of
fice, and he would stultify himself and
subordinate the dearest wishe ot the
great majority of the people ot this ooun
try to this end, with the hope thereby of
winning tbe Tote.
voter in in second dxtriot will un
derstand tbat II. II. Northup ia tbe Or
egoumu caudidata for congress, and
tbat whatever it publishes about said
Northup is done to mislead tba people.
Northnp never bad tba gbost of a chanoe
of securing the plumb tbat be i reach
ing oat for. Tbe Oregonian knows tbal
all tba leading newspaper lo the state
oondemu Northnp' oaodidscy. It mat
ter not of what political complexion
they are, Northup is tabooed aoddeolar
ad unfavorable on aooount of bi boll
and uopopularity, Tba republioao pre
ot tba state Live a duty to perform that
admit ot no delay. Tb time I drawing
near, aod not so buna iboold be lot.
Show this bolting nomine tor congres
sional honors tbat while Iba Oregonian
may lead blm around by tb ooaa, Iba
people ot this state will not follow mob.
unworthy leadership. Tber ar not
ooe-balf t doseo papers in tba cotira
stat that favor Nortbop. Tb regular
republican oomioea, lion. W. Ii, Elli,
will be returned to bi seat in Coo gr oaa,
and IL II. Nortbop will be returned to
oblivion a soon a bis tarn a county
jodga eipire, wbare b will rest oo-
mourned and unbuoored by tba trne re
publicans of Oregon. Commercial IU-
For every quarter ia a man's pocket
there are a doseo nana ; and to na each
00a lo snob a wsy a lo derive tba great
eat baneflt ia a qoaatioe every one mast
solve for blmstlf. W beluv. bowr,
Ibat no batter oaa could he made ol 00a
of tbtae quarter than to cicbeoge it for
a bottle of Cbsmharlaia' Colls, Cbolar
and Diarrhoea lUrnody, a madkiloa tbat
vary family hoold be provided with.
For al by Goaeer A Brook, druggists.
from Tbe llellte T. .
Tba Dalle will lie pretty well irpre
eenled at lb Heppner rarwa ablcb begin
00 May 20 Tbe boreea wilt leave ber
Tboraday bight oa freight Tbee
l.leb will go from bare ar aa follow :
Weeea labia, Jim Crow, Hatali ead Ha
giola; Alva Voratoo, Mamie ft. sad
Mbaeia; Malt Wblla, Mania D; George
Aletaoder, Ifatlie Uleee) W. L. Wbll
nvife, Jm Turner and looa.
All ar fla animate, ar la toelleat
Iraialng, and if tbey 00 not carry to
pria il will be boAaaea tbey ar over-
roalrbej, for tb oeeert tif theea aal
as ale art going to tleppoar lo win if poe-
IHM.HM or Till! RKIH.
Tba liiMiae lb hint arxl eiuorlifig ln-
ib lil ill w , trltr, soil 'thoUMl. end ulr
dM o.a the kin U ImUoily iUwl by
elrliMt t hsmUrloln e I eei hkia
lininvot. ny vty ll rv bsva "m
fvrwienettllf Mind f It, ll lo eitil
rT-i.t, f4 Ibliiitf ptfs snd a Ufffii f
! if are rii t'Uo, hi haiwU, il.il-l-lsino.
fr- biWo. end ihronU. era eoV
for oia by Amtgwt el V roaw r bus.
Try Ir, ?Aj' etMlltUa rewdrra, tKy
er yA o l.i e mmU a dm In ll ole
Utm. 1-uk, IiOmI -rilr ed vsrssulue.
tut aala by feer A lrak, d'tuMi
In a reoant issue the Walla Walla Un
ion made an attack upon Senator John
H. Mitohell, olaiming that because of bis
views on the money question he should
be defeated for re-election. In answnr in
this we give tbe following from a letter
to that paper, written by its former ed
itor who is how in Washington oity, and
who, by the way, is a well posted man
on all matters pertaining to the welfare
of tbe Paoiflc Northwest, and we believe
what be says in regard to Senator Mitoh
ell is true :
Washington City, May 12, '96.
To thb Editok: In your issueof May
6th yon did a great, and I hope and be
lieve, an unintentional injury to one of
tbe best friends Walla Walla and Wash
ington ever had in congress, when you
intimated that Senator Mitohell places
the silver question above all others and.
for tbBt reason, deolare be should not be
re-elected. If you will turn baok to the
time the Dingley tariff bill was defeated
in the senate you will find that Senator
Mitchell voted for tbe measure, tbat he
did not follow, or join, Teller, Carter,
Dubois, Mantle, in their opposition. No
one oan truthfully say that Senator John
H. Mitohell ever declared io favor of the
polioy ot combining free silver and pro
tection. Oo the oontrftrv. I hava tho
words of bis own Hps, spoken months
ago, tbat be is in favor of free silver, bu t
is also of the opinion tbat it should
stand on its own merits: tbat it is not
statesmanship, muoh lees republicanism,
to make protection, that oniversal de
mand of the people, carry free silver.
While Senator Mitchell is earnest in hi
sdvooacy of free and unlimited ooinage
of silver, at the ratio ot le to 1, and in
favor of doing it without regard to tbe
wishes or action ot other nations, be ia
not now, and never has been, such a
fanatic on tbe question as to Insist that
all other questions must wait for their
solution until siher is free.
Many conversations with Senator
Mitchell during tbe past winter convince
me that if tb St. Louis convention a-
dopts a gold standard platform, be will
do all he oan to promote the eleotlon of
tba republioao ticket.
Senator Mitohell Is a firm believer in
majority rule, and after tbe party of his
choice baa formulated a platform, in tba
regolar way, it is Ins platform until
changed by proper methods. While Sen
ator Mitohell, like many otber believers
in free silver, will regret tbat tbe St.
Loais convention decided against tbeir
view, be will, witboot tbe slightest bea
itancy, support tba ticket.
Oregon baa burl the entire Pacific
oortuwfst by turning down Senator
Dolph aod Congressman Hermann. I
pray you do not let tbo Union aid io car.
rying on tbe work of destroctioo by help
ing defeat Senator Mikbell.
P. R. Joiihsoh.
Deaf aeoe Caaaot be Carea
By local application a tbey cannot
reach tbe diseased portion ot Iba tar.
Tbara i ooly oo way lo our deafnaea,
and that I by constitutional remediea.
IWnesa ia eausrd by an inflamed con
dition of tba munnu lining of tb Eus
tachian tab. When tbla tuba Is in
tlaroad yon bava a rambling sound or
Imparled bearing, and when it ia en
tirely cloaril, deafnaea la tba raaolt, and
nolrae tbla InHaamation can be taken
ont and tbi lot restored to it normal
onoJiiion, bearing will be deatrnyed for.
ver; bid caoea ool o tea are oaoaaa
by catarrh, which is nothing bat an In
Hsmed condition nl Ilia nut eons snrfarre.
Wa five Una lluo.lrod Hollars for any
a of deafaaee (eano by catarrh) Ibat
cannot be tared by 1111' Catarrh Cora.
Head for firm I ore; fro.
F. J. t'utr co., Toledo, O.
Sold by draggtele, 7'e.
Hotem Juortiol : Jack tamper, lata far-
Pier al tba pea. returned from Eaolere)
Oregon lael night, lit tbltik Mr. Jlta
will wla in Iba Coflgreooiooal rana, lie
oy a the polllit al and crop no Hook la
vary aeoerteio in EaeUraOregna.
I sU'rk er4.
health aod aoel lireelh aernred, by
rOillob't t'atarrh ltmdy. frrna .VI
noiita. Nooal Injector free. For aala by
Well Ii Warren.
J a. Jooea I abla to report Ibet la
wm not eri.nly bar! in Iba repeal fra
eaa ba bad wiih a broa np at bla lara,
BMritlta of wbinb wee too to ia a foinrr
100 11 a. Ua ae glo4 to know tbal ba wae
(ortaaela la eoeopiag any serioaa lajn
rt. localViseage
Siuetie ttwt0
ll Nl '4 tt 1
K .1, .- m i v I -
- sf t o
il fnt
Ely's Cream Balm
l o 0 ii .4 lo oo ifco o it ir. two fe
Mil oor-ti, 4 10 Im4 o4 IM o o-(
Oi.0 eoi Oft 4 l4.MItOl. M4 tdw t""
ef o4 n rw, 10-. ,i4
ai attoiiitu, h ei,a i.