' fa GET THE BEST ! and be led to think you can get toe best maae, i finest finished and ' Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that ?ou buy from reliable tnanu acturera that have gained a reputation by honest and sq ua.ro dealing, you will then get a aSrto?, Machine that Is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that i easiest to manage anu i Light Running There is none in the world that can eaual in mechanical con strUSm, durability of vvorkmK carts, fineness of. finish, beauty ?n appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home themmimum. nt WRITE FOR CIRCULAR THE SEW HOiSSEWfiGM MHIBE CO. 7t. McNElJ-. Receiver. TO THIS OIVKS THE OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental r.RF.AT UNION WI8B AND OTHERWISE. (jhe grasped the bar, arranged ber skirts, With dainty little tucks and flirts; Posed on tbe saddle, felt the tread OI the pedals, and, "I'm off," she said. A whirl of wheels, a swerve and sway, And from tbe roBd-bed where she lay She realized in foil degree The climax ot her propbeoy. In 1805 Pitt called a meeting of the British militia colonels to conswer nis additional foroe bill. Some objected to the olause which oalled them out under all oircumstanoes, and argued: tnas tnw should not be "except in case of aotu- al invasion." "Then," said Pitt, -it wnnld he too late." Presently tbey oame to another olause, when the same objectors insisted on the malita not be ing liable to be sent out of the kingdom. "Except, I suppose," said Pitt, with oruel sarcasm, "in oase of aotual in- B4 Kacisco, :!-. A"' i;f A, '-' k. NORTHERN Ky. PACIFIC RV. VIA "The height of impudence" is defined to be calling one dootor up to learn the address of another dootor. VIA P. FOB SAl.f, BY C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City J rUrULAn iuhuhliisi. ft- CAD TKC UfMP. run i , s IOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. An Irishman, quarrelling with an Eng linhman. told him if be didn't hold his toneue he would "break his impene trable bead and let tbe brains out of bis empty skull." "Step this way, please, ladies," said tbe gracious shop-walker at a large dry goods store as he led off with a mnjestio wave of the hand. "W are sorrv." returned one of the fair customers demurely, "but we haven' really learned to step that way." "Rnt we'll try." out in Bnother. And tbey b11 did, imitating that haughty shop-walker till he wished he had never been born. FRANK LESLIE'S FdOPULAK r monthly; Matter, 100 wwaoe 43 (- ' Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR BOYS ANDCiKta. .Tnvfmlle Monthly. Fn.lv Kiraixl. Ttihnt writer for yuing Lo. la o ntrlrmta to It. 10 ot. ! l a year. j THE GAZETTE, HEPPHER, 0E. .... anil t.hfl 1 lla.alle. uovu i v.i.aLwtafs PwasaitT HOM im0" Attn Unas end the """ one yt)r Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers j trim rrnnh UM' KMUhtoa Tim,'. X.T., Fnr fnll details call on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obboow. AndaUpolnUin('lifornia,iath Mt. Bhaala Southern Pacific Co In.. hl.hwa' thronah California to all poihta Kaat and South, Grand ttoenlo Bout of the f aoino txwai. rumuau Hlmoen. Beoond-olaM Bleepera , , Ai.ka tnaxnreae trains, affording eoperiot aocoinmodatinni for eeooniWaei peaeenaera. For nte, uoama. uwiiiiii ' hv !'"" . D nnnKDfl Ant R. JtllKMI.r.n., MliKBr, .. 1 Geo: F. i". Agt. f ortland. Oregou , CONDEMNED KVEBYWHEEE. From Portland Chronicle. Voters in tbe seoond district will un derstand that H. H. Northup is the Ore- gonian's candidate for congress, and that whatever it publishes about said Uorth ud is done to mislead the people. North- up Sever bad tbe ghost of a chanoe of seouring tbe plumb that he is reaohmg out for. The Chronicle has in Us pos session faots that will bear it out In mak ing the assertion that there is not one individual in the oounty oourtboose that respeots or is on friendly terms with Northup. However, tbe OregoDian en deavors to make the publio believe that "all the old soldiers in tbe county will support bim to a man." This statement is about as near the truth as any tbat emanate from that bolting organ. The old soldiers of Multnomah county will nni fn an vthino of the sort. They are far too loyal to be used for suoh a pur pose. There are a few who will vote for NnrthoD. but there are mote tnat win not. The Oregonian knows that all thelead- we newspapers in tne staie conuemu NorthUD's oaodidacy. It matters not of what political complexion they are Knrthnn is tabooed and deolared unfa vorable on acoount of his bolt and un popularity. The republican press of the state have a duty to perform that ad mits of no delay. The time is drawing near, and not an issue should be lost. Hhow this bolting nominee for congres sional honors tbat while the Oregonian may lead him around by the nose, the people of this state will not follow such unworthy leadership. There are not one-balf a dozen papers in the entire state tbat favor Northup. The regular republican nominee, Hon. W. R. Ellis, will be returned to his seat In congress, and H. H. Northup will be returned to oblivion as soon as his term as county no Oil 1 TViE u. S;GbVERNMENT 1 im TTS r CURS To the Editor -4 have an absolute rvnmntion. Bv itJ umelv usa ihousinds of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. Sr roof-positi tml of its power that I consider it my duty to . f Jl f. n those of vour readers tern ,wu r- , tawhhl:nr who have uonsumpuuu, i Lune Trouble, if they will write me tlwlr . '"J, L ,nH nnt,Tffice address. Sincereh', w The Editorial and Buinesa Management ot ST. piper (int. thta generom Fropoitia. MILLIONS PAYING A MONTH Sclentlfio American Agency tor CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. OtO. For Information and free Handbook .write i to West circulation of any wientlflo papr r i the world. Bplendldly IHiutrateO. No InteU Igjj a man should be without It. wHI&S'Vjq. year; $1.50 lx months. Address, MUljN & CO., jwjuufaa, 361 Broadway, Hew iork City. A churoh oongregation down in San- judge expires, where lie win rest on dura. Kv.. was dismissed most summarily mourned and unhooored by tne true re under unpleasant oircumstanoes several publicans ot Uregon. , Sundays ago. Eight in the middle of Notwithstanding all tbe blow and the preacher's discourse there bolted in- bluBter of the uregonian to me euem to the churoh, through the half-open that the old soldiers, to a man, wuu.u door, what appeared to be a blaok and stand by Northup, at their last meeting white oat closely followed by a yellow held May 13tb, thby positivbm bbfuobu dog. Cat and dog ran swiftly down the to kndorsb hib oandidaoi. All honor middle aisle to the platform. The to those who would not allow their man- preacher, taken unawares, did the nat- hood to be trailed in the dirt, lhe ure- nral thinir. kicked at tbe oat, bit it, and gonian's vain boast tbat wortnup is gain- landed it squarely in the middle of the ing strength in this oounty, goes for congregation. Then it turned out that nothing. The people know better. Be- tbe oat was skunk. publioaris of Oregon, ao not disgrace your party by following the bolting lead- An Irishman, on seeing a notice in alerahip of the Oregonian. Stand oy your haberdasher's window one day which oolorsl stand by yoor nominees! 1 aiano ran as follows: "Everything sold here up for what you know is right and just; i.- .1.. ... " .ntir nl akr1 trio man rlftfttni Northun and eleot UJU. W. XV ui sua i v To persons whc served in the wars of the United States or' to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension? Had You a . relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended fat support? , ? ? !; . THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW ; To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands undeT the new , i law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it J . to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the ( ' itiaie you apply. " Now is the accepted hour. ,1 I' rWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. ) , fto Fee unless successful. i , V' v The Press Claims Company ! J PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. 9 ... - ' i 5 JT. B -Thlt Company U controlled by nearly one thousand leading JtejW-N mnir in the Vnited 8tates,ana u ffuaranuy , n OUR STOCK OF . . . w SPACE ' IS TOO HEAVY AND WE . ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial, sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a J. CHART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon, j. 0f buSltieSS We ITlUSt Sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. Td TTTTT J' 4r M JT Y? VAX j E0 A1SITMT ,S V VIA TBE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Th.niiirh Pullman Palace Slceper. ' ' 'rnnrlRt Sleeoers and Free Kecllnlng Chair Can DAILY to Chicago. Many hours laved via this line to Eastern Polnti. STEAM HEAT. LOWEST PINTSCH LIGHTS. HATES. R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent, , rorliana, vreyvn. Slmpleat, lMlllE"4left .troo.e.t.f. Bnral Woram,. t..p vTiriy Kecnu- Reclvr. 'llSP Compact. Moat Modcra and progreatlv Kur rll"Kii or liidinnatliin wrlla to , ;TMU MARI.IN Hun ARMS CO.. ' Ntw Hacn, Con, AND STEAM GASOLINE "" ENGINES if nn think of hnvintf nn fnijins o( any air. or kind irml for mr CiifiijMf A'o. M eoot4iiur illiHtrHtl..tn nrloM of r rr klml of ri'itmn from oiif up to f t" power, a l..tt.irn iiiof, nr l.it A'o. W. fr yuelit ngiiu, IkiI- ers sud welairy. I'.itlur n'lit fno. caas. P.wmaia & Co.. CHICAGO lA. P.T.L. TheAmcfican Protective Tariff Uagut it a national organization tdvocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" as explained by itl constitu tion, as follows : . Tk lii I afu i ''Ur ant t torn f rfn of the shop if he sold battermilk. "Yes," wm tbe aoswer. 'Then giTe me a yard," said Fat. "All right," said the rntn, and dipping bit finger into a dish ol milk at bis side, I ha drew it a yard in leogth on the ooanter. "Anything else," be queried triumph- Dtly of Pat. "No," said Tat; -just rowl it op In a pieoe of paper and I'll take It with me." Lord Bowen, an English judge, was onoe tempted to sum np Ironically. . It was the case of a bnrglar bo bad been osngbt, having entered from tbe rool and taken tbe precaution to leave his boots on top. His defense wm that he was in tbe habit ot taking midnight trolls on tbe roofs of housee, and tbat be was tempted by carioeity to have a look at one of tbe Interiors. Lord Bowen Ellis, the regular nominee. PlUil Plleal Itching Piles. bymptoms Moisture; intense itohing sud stinging; moat at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, wbiob often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very tore. Swum a Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed ing, beals ulceration, and in most eases removes tbe tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50oents. Dr.Bwayne Son, FtiiUdelpliin. i ;vr.at, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat- 'entbuuneaaconductedlor MoocaaTC Ftia. I 1 B H I I III II iiffs-AE' !BI 1 1 III ID 'ZltvjK v ill II I tJItEa tlom We adviM, If patentable or nut, Irw of , S- llHl B IB Bl Efl SU. Oa" lee not die tilt patent : h ecuTjd. , ; II 1 I mm I 1 I I B 'r7vIiiMi.iT "How to Obtain Pateota," with Hllll I Si I fl I B B ! ccftWtmtheU.S.andtoreigawuntrM!.!, 1 ! 1 III 111 I itomimj A IiO Jf III fL TUK PUES1DBNTIAL KIVAtA From the HiK.knno kcvluw. Up to May 10, 830 delegitUa bad been eltoted to tbe national republican con vention. Of tbie nu rubor the New York Tribune claims 4!)3 for MoKmley, or more than a clear rani irity of tbe oon Cummings 8c Fall o PROPRIETORS GauiTHouse, HE : WITH. CHICAGO. It.U. watl li if! Kti.nA tlipa MnKiulev bll I -I a . I . . ..i.L.it.lH rVn.i nf r. B. alt I said, aareastioally: "If, gentlemen ot picked up additional ennptrier. inoiua- D,"MW7V'. ; a . Y. Vt w. AC., the jury, you think it probable mat ine ng tbe elgtil aeifgairs iron tne mw ui and tna v. n. i- r. w-- nriaoner ooneidered tbe roofs of tbe Washington, and it Is apparent tbat nn- hii.oo I'ltw 1A.V BIFII : FI!1S Youro BOUISTD to Take 'Em. bona! a salubrious piece for an evening walk ; if yon enppoee tbat tbe temptation to inspeot tbe interior of tbe booeee be neath bim was tbe outeoma ot a natural and a pardonable ourloaily, in tbat ease, of course, you will acquit bim, and re gard bim as a thoughtful and ooneider- liee tklwjtii.ne eboulJ in against tbe Ohio roan bis onminatioD by acolama-1 lion wilt follow tbe fiitt informal ballot at HI. Louit Tbe same authority givee Boed O.T, Morton 61 Quay Ifi, Allison 41, Bradley 16. Cullom li. aud 50 are cUaaed aa fur. W. Maillann ant Clinton Mi., CIXZSJa,90. XIjI. Tl.inn.fh traina on the O. II it K. Will run via. Cmatille. Walla Walla and l.,wU.t,m. Tbrouub aleepera, first and oond cla, will fun in oonneottou wttb Leaves No Constipation,- Cures it, aa well as all B llimiencea, Pick Beadnobe and Malaria. The only oompuktablb pill in the world. Hold by all rlrnfrnite or sent by mail oa receipt ot prioe, 25 cents per box. rilENTlSS MEDICAL CO., 411 California Htrnet. Ban Franciaeo. Ca 197 Canal Street, There .re M, persona o, pr.vat. k Mm of lb, U(l fort. profits in connection ith the Ofganixa. hia bm)U Ul()r4 entwiog tba bouse, and olgbt has n loesee suffered by other J"j (.p)k,nBt onooeHing with tbe r-i ion and it is sustained by memberships, uke every precenlion not to disturb bis candidates from delegates claimed by n.,t oIm. sleeper to 81. I'anl, and a pjif contribution! ajid the distribution of iU neigbtwra." To the Judge's emewmant. tbetn but more recently declaring lor through tonrUt elee p J,",""f ' H' luH Alications. ' the jury took bim . bi. ward and a- McKinley. In H.I. .e, IWd has loe, t , Lord Bowen eeverlft votes In Tnas and Morton 4 to ftew p- i $1800.(W rtesT! c-4-i? u ?m4 - M.mixl.l " a4 - CTal Uwpwti" SrCOND: W 4 ad ' toWlvWe, Kai.4eMS alri.eeea. TMiaO: We NM a laf " mw"s tat art ! M m-m " ' letmta. qnitted the prisoner, attempted to Joke with Jury again. HawtaTnel a Wife, (from ferine llrallk Joarnal.) Firat, gat a wife; aecond. b patient. l; UUs I York. McKinley s 4'JH votes are claimed aa follows: ! Alahama 1 " trl IS ArkanaM W 1"". J (allli.riila "" amnoa... ,. .. I minn tU'Ul ,, Nnfta taSota S ntVTM AVVAVTilINTNT0R!5. rouaTM; twe 4 fa n,,, Dtt uraat trials and petpletl- fiHa ... ' - , GIVEN AWAYTUtt.UHlUK e ,i.,0,orb.,re. bntdo nl tberw- iS.t.W .wsar ,wUtl.la- fure.earry to your boma a elou.lf or im.. :.h jmm r. ,u,t Mt.u-m 1 -f a.trarU.1 tn.a. Toar wile may have uT.",. MTTllV.,ittMat.t.t.a. .M..-.a--fcn tnale,bkh,thooiiof leee magnttod.. mUZ". .ZZ T. .ZZZZu M am. i ..e.f. - Q tltf M f rtai rrtU may be hard for ber to har. A kind M.in4 .ti .. ... 3?mXZ?&m' 2 ""A',,,NU" 9 "rd. a tender bk wilt do womier. to Z ZllXZZ. IT S TJtlEy HPtE, TRIVIAL h'DiTTONS J OTHIFTlPi FIRIIRFfi 13.1! THAT VI11D I0RTINCS. 9 ..H 1 IlLlll 111 llaUULUe. I ko a bHll. of CbambrUin's Oo.sb .s... u ...... i.r.iu, .....J i Kcatttrtt m MM M 1 ' t41"tH mDm, 1 wmm IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT StXMS. tM a aaMtttM mr K hu,l amt, at Wnaxx, nati4M.M. K.a awa mi aw, - I ,-, 4 im aw. "-os a . ....M a4 a eaa.rx eVeaxwaX SS mm riait -j " "T' x a i I'm l.. A Cemplete Set, '" I a 7 7. , ... n. Hall ' !.(. ? Hall I lr. ..il rir, 1ie Hafaf awl e-tx Hi "Ol tx . W 4 ..t ui.m, l H e(tav t Htr 4 ci'e . . , j ew ..! nllf fwrlxL 4 WllMliv r...tt aii.l x-it-l. ami ! tt aiirM. a t r f a a.o.paloino4 mno.. m m lol I Ihiaxa lUniaJf ta lb boaae. It la the bel and te ee to ba a-xtd aooner or lal. toar wife will then knew tbat vo rtaaHy ears far b and wiah M prt.taot bar health, for sale by Coef k Brock, druggwla. A ROt)NN AMAUa. Pfw tUa kla-te. Jadge Rcifibup. beaked by the Ore- grtelM,bse eme tt for aoegfeea eg atnel Q t t f 1 1 tiirttttftl rrsfttQ IUe tepablleaa aoa-laea. Kill. Northup w I ta one of that etaea aba, like Abeakies of JtiriN WTDDt RntUN 4 CO.. (MMMt x tw.M a4 t xsa a4xt. tiSr Street. h.V Rat I. Waihlnte, P. C. t f !.'" xVax a-ar. II rvx. mmn!timii!!iminmn!!5 . ' - v. tar I W .4 (.M Mfc .4 la tMi, ttikx .trf a aval hxi The remlar subaonption prioa of tbe Homt-Weekly llaantta i 12.50 and ib i.a nrirx a! the Weekly Oregonlaa 1 is 11.50. Anyone eubecribiog for the Oaixlte and pew tor one year i ..1..U.1MH1 iHttU the iisteua ana U kl. nr.aoniaa for aUI.50. All Old Snt n.lna thalr an Wrtti"nS for r-"- . . ..,i. a nm aar in ailranee win oe Uteeama. CbarW Jooea, tba well-kaowa "old- t,mrr" in tbe toneorial line, naa again Uatad Ueppoer. Iiavtr.g parcnawa llraxa Ualbeaa' abop. Miner bniUlIng nppoatU tbe fitf bol'L Charley sppreriata a tali aben la town. For tho Ctiro Oi Liquor, Opium tsi Tobacco Habits It Is located at (Mem, Oregon, Tht Uott Beautiful Town on th4 Coatt Call at the itrra ofllrw lor rxrtlculare RlrtrUy coucdentlat. Traaimeot arlTataaud lure eura. cmoAao. mmtti k SI. Paul H'y al al t m 4) av .tog-, x arf I A,-- a( , . r.i4 A.i :; i i,-e ctm. aao aaxa4 a Li eHitoeaaJtiCl,ltiea, -. jix. t ' I 'r t a CatfT M t' Hi. (Ill I 1'ia .tf lig ''i l t , mt- I i . t' "' ' i St l le ". . ta I' t I i 11 , I I i .! . .1 t i 4. i.'. l.la e" Krt I .a MM a. a fae iaretleale ef axitxeaas I, laxH e axA Sixaa. nxtt t.et SxaatHf to) Mel aia..,e exx le S . .'. tkx imi ! ' ata aea. Hf el WpnnstTabutes er4 eat an e'eja tiMirit ni p'raxi ta-' a or 11. t4 Ja4 H, 1 1 leaxl IV, 1 ta old. waata to be a raler, aad tbe Oregon' tea baa txtiea.ia.1 bim to ery ta tbe people, - Would CM I were a relet ta tat eel. tbea ehonld tbe pPi bate Jae- tte." Kew, Jtortbap aaaet bara the lx- ami 1-i.t tbe seme aa Alxaloas did leare lafo. Ilaia. t U4,ltef.etm t btM. Tbef wal saeilow aaf ase4.eaaal II. W. fWwtt, tba bailed. W hite be UltaelieMMkiag tbe rxmit will be eedfiltj lle Alxal m, Ita x ribae the I ) iae Bsale, abtee til tea aedar tbe m at pibx epia. bm. aad J Ue Ktbep will tx see eoaJad la iaae twtae baetea aad ewtb. Thte as oaly fiiuag M epe. and l aatefa Org la Jaat lUkleg Vi Jrite t ribsp ae.4 taa Otriaa saala J. W. Kerae, tbe eitf painter, Is pre .,..t in ,1,, all kiade f naletlsg and paper banging aad will da boaae-elesD-tnff and lafca ap aad pwt down eertxte, i.1S.a oa Mala street, opposite UU hotel. Total Tbe future woald bave to be prolifle ot surprteea la brieg defeat to MeKlaley. cither at M laTuls or at tba polla la Ha- Uf. H aade l be rrrn-BitrJ, Ibtmgb, that wbee lO lsO.OO America voters metcb to the polls, eerprtae la al ifiia eleasaat to ba eoaetdrred. If both tbe republiesa aad detatic na tional auaveetkwt sbeuld declare fr the gold elaa.lard, tbe gold vote woald be ditiJed, and It woald be among tba raaga at poeaiUlltiea tof tbe bullieg daaxieralav tba palbita aad tbe dia- sffxxed repablieaas at tbe weet ta e xne together ta the lutaatloa of e new party If ibia aere dime, while tba ladieatiaae vutJ x.at etrongty toward MrKtatey e Iax4ha. there weald at ill rees li4tnt at aM a kh weald make Ibe CAteot etUeeaely lataraatlag and est- tec, OllpartWe meet die ataa (! aad aw etle be , aad tnaaf M 4,, at t Hue tav. f.texl an lebap. 4e Ibe break : exi n.ate t tbe laWrtaf. iifte Vour Face sr. ki, am laxvax tlenooef Mmnlava, I ttxlaxhtat e aad rrUteya. Uaves Kebo -r 1... Taaa.laia and Malnritaje. -.. aj auk was. Ortloe, Walla A W arrta.Heppaef. Ed. Irtekll, Irp. rr 971 80 I will eel! a rl rlaaa, bb ra ta, bWh arm aawiag eaerblae ffo- txd . r to Taafa. re ranw f"""' tare call nm of adJrext, X, A. Iaeh, lxitagtea, tHetr-a. IJMf . "a4V a XSJItWAUtsS i 4 arw V - t 0 w aVti adae ibe aek at pabile apt., wbeet ,4 aaavlxeUia'a l aa t- m f.r iMa ,b, .... deu bias with M eU.b ZZftZ'S .VJ lb r. liiHne ableh rw l Ibe break in aa ot !,! txf lae are aw d- tel-l ta the pnlilieel i'ankfa. Mr. l. I'. !etx, a rr.aiaal liveiy enaa aad warekaet (4 tlxewt Va . bea tk.a ta eev tkeeat)t uf taaatnaixta: "t take laaaara la tMMe4tag ( baa.lxrla.a e I'l l r-a'ea f.r tMata. pa! Glanco at this Map (Klix-We MUaanlix aavt . fa! lUll ay M ante It wtajaxtloM t all traixrmaw Uamlal ttixa a4 H f.l a1 "a iM laxaxlx that tie tlixefe aM attfc trWHt iM ttxjtxl fcf tx. I la ai!txat le Mxn. liwai , Utn. axnsife a4 mm 4a4Ta, eiui lr fxilt raxia. sx-a I'M , agafita. " tiaiM a aei baa aa ei-rane r-a.ua m. 1 an . - I a4 IW 4IIM aiej wx taxi in wmtim. Matbeae Hnx fcaea aud seme oa txw itxi are kww aa UK st Walt. Tb.rxa mm ela txt' Hat toar ee l kioeataxot. arming mff : day esxH Monday aad Ue-ieg evaey tbe exit e'Je 4 eifexi, ia tne bail lig ti naf ly onipld by the (tea l..4a. Tby ill b pteeaed ta ex Itxir 4 t rweioexfe. If 4 iVlialae-' IW, teeb, tatiadteg M it. A tbie 1 m la4 aa m tx I txwrMa raa aa rex III tlx a 4 Mi-Vs tra laat IVaab Care te IM f aaaxt; lx- I bat abe d save by Herts A Waftxw i bfoibaf a j aii'4t ttatiwi trSf , 1! a flmt a , IWe t-etle a e I'ata I kaaiaa lha Wm t f a btl . : rnt htm." I eea ty t x-f A lifx diaxx. Aay eeaatf la F-i-ea Oi't m wax 4re) the e-ofxe .f aa aii-xy ra erfig tav I ttagiaa, i, . , wm nib Utlata 1 a4faat te rail m t a-l lr tbie fe et 4 eelfaie-t ta- txf, ti' a M Cl ' J tl.a tMala a t imw, a4 fx eUkX h im ,! ia axaawbtlMe, TkHtm nft lart exxi M ttx a.tfflf at't,M WilaeeSx" "Jtxa tVSX eMta ta eaary rHf44 ee alii re taai fitrtlwf laaarxalleev X a44fe C 1. lPt, OaexfeJ aexrt, I W.rsitr, T'a Paaa. lt. Mf U- tiiiuvrn est inrA vtixixatk i WHis I tu-ewi 1 um -a.4-...w arm a wraataxd wna a eaaet exgegtag exile, afta v leet la a ipuaaxea wtva tre wew PINCH TENSION. TENSION IN D1CAT0B AUTOMATIC TUiSlQ.1 RELEASER, Tbe et mwptrta aad aar'al dteea evat eJ-Wd t aaf arving auakaaa. Tb WIIITi: le tmWf esl Hisr:tt!y Istlt, fit rise riaUh aad ftrfact Atttaseef, ttwe ALL Itwakle Articlr. A4 -9 ""e aad ptaje pm ap te) ike rail Itx4 4 yxr epiauua4. A ttts t'saists Wata la axax f!t"tr. tUrallftxa, AatdMa. Nf' Ta e-a.xj if at,-l la tba Sebeei J.,?; f -.-. i ' - tl.lllt SllltJU MAwiltiTC VM. tu.k .f tin; 'Tj,iI LUsxVVx.'- HH1"" ll.vUAe,