, THE BEST Family Medicine She Hai Ever Inown. Word of Praiae from a Hew York tody for AYER'SPILLS " I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them for many years, and always derived the best results from their nse. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills caiuwt be equaled. W Mm . n.y friends ask me what is the fcrtt remedy for disorders of the stem- eVr bWe8' m variable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they Will break up a cold, prevent la gr.ppe.vjl.eck fever, and regulate the digests organs. They are easy to taka,khd are, indeed, the fiest all-round !.y medicine I have ever known."-;-M. May Johnson, 3C8 Rider Avenue, - JSw York City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer'i Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders. JJ- Jft 8128 25" il 25 1 MT272flMgjT Qambrinus Beer, HALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drlakaala Llquart and Smokabla Ci art. Call on Tad. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. SKorCnmrrru, Perond Mlrlrl, A. i. BENNETT, ol Waaro Couty. For Supreme J mine, JOHII IURSKTT, ol Itw.tor, rolinty Kor Circuit Jdr vn" County. ,C. I. PAia t o( vmtl.ll. County. KrprMnttlvo, ' MukOAN, ol ll-ppn-r. ror Cltrk, J. W. MOKKoW, of H-ppn-r. for HherllT, K. U MATIX K, of ll-.tnor. . For JiiiIk. 0E0KGE NOIttE, of Hrppncr. For Aimtiir, , W, P. SNYDER, of Dry Fork. For Juitir of the l-raca, Matrlrt No. , W. A. RICHARDSON, of lUppnar. For Cotnui.la, iMilrtct No. , J, I. M AkTEHmoN, of flpppncr. V rank Smith let I Monday to rial! bis lU ia U'alltila. lira. It. LUullo i rontat-acpot af Ww aaiga of Ilia la trior. Mr. nd Mr. Lartaa Mealli-ter left (or tbair bum lo tnngtoo. Mr. at Mr. Ton Morgan, of EiM SBila, aT Leva viaiiing friend artbt riUe and cmaeJ iulrrU are a 4. nanwa "euttor' in thia Beck o Iba oo4. VA Ll-nalUa left la.t ak for fcln. 'Una muk bp. Tbta la fcj'i Brat trip aernaa lha trail. Mi Una HhipUf, of flrtr. ra tarn4 bom aflar a ft dtta' tiail ailt) fttatili la tbi oitr. A 8uJr trhool t'tn will t bi ia Iba irova bl tua en li)r Jib lo blab all 8 Ha. ara InfiUd. Tom lV.Mlh'F Uf 'fma ya mrH thai ba will aol t i Mootaa aalil aftf Iba tlMtkon. Tom la onto tba rn kl. Wa Done, of llora, a lailof t oaf rlty H.tarJ.f, jut rtif nl In.tp a iit In lb Vrlo etmnlrj, Jaa IJalln aal fnity aooa Roa lo I5it.laa lm ma Ibnr ftitara boot fbair tnaat fni.U a III tally a. laa im l!a J. W. Iff tU (wnpU a rat. Illtig fmt fpnl.l,cq U!k lal Ur, atl bllily ai'pfaiai bf all aa ifMrt,! Th Jot 1 ta J tu, Il!gti, Oft, Ur I6b, " 'rrf.T t4i U'oll fita at 'f.t Mattb. ll tiDMtiff h4 a a rfetly loy mwI Itka a)loa to kit lbaalt frtf lltt,y. I'ara. rob blnn4 la it K. t of ( ,tU. rtorwl t Hrt-tfMt t It I In I'.!m I'tirirl-f, fittt "1 bllh rn it bmMt ap iba Irvt f ia.t lMa tra blumt ttlo4t 1'iilt ft tinlt'f f fotlr baila alatt tlt4a a4 Here and There. Kaio, rtiin. more rain. M. D. Havman is on the liok list. Jo Robinson Ter from LoDo Rook. d Joe Lookman was in. Heppner ye.ter- 28th.,eD4 Tharsdsy, M.y Salmon are now runnin, ia Wil"w JeoV Ohapin h in fr0lD oJohn JWdp, for sale. ePpne 'WfcfctJo., bas wood Ed Hoi' 87-tf- 8atnrdii -wF Has up from Douglas 00 T Th jTr 5,01 the rnoe ball on MV lift .Kaay eve. t 1 ?d " laid np with erysipelas m obe of his eyes. Oscar Mitobell was np from Lower Bhea creek Saturday, M. C. Riley whs down from the Hard mitn seotion yesterdayv Nels Jones. Lvy McBee and Bill Means are in from Lena. Ed Smith is over from Tom Matlock's MoDonald canyon ranob. .1 Jan. Willis, son of Assessor Willis, was in Heppner Saturday. Mr. Maxwell and others were dowa from Qaoseberry yesterday. .Henry and 0 F. Thompson were in yesterday from Butter creek. r " Herman Nelson and Ben Foppen were down from Hardman Monday. Wm. nd Cbas. Barnett, of Lexington, were In Heppner Saturday last. Drink tho nnlnhmhxi T tt n.ti - - " u. vuitcr whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers' NeW Mftdflnn nt TntliAnn .tl..J.l . i..i.DWU, BllDUUCU the teachers' examination here last week. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore., S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Plain faots are what the people want. See Patterson's statement in this issue. Tom Soott of Galloway, and a strong oKinley republican, was in Heppner to- 8. L. Leffler and wife were in the city Saturday from their Clark's canyon home. T. D. Mathews, a sbeepgrower of the (Jalloway seotion, was in Heppner yes terday. "JeMus" Friedman, representing a Portland house, was in Heppner last Saturday. J. L Hill, a prosperous farmer of the Lexington neighborhood, visited HeDD ner Saturday. Mrs. Andy Tillard i ia Heprw to re oeive medjoal treeal, av been ill for some time. Bill Geiger was dowa trom the mount ains early this we and reports four ioobea of snow. Wm. StrsJight and wife and Mrs. Jerry Uroflnan in tha n ... viij Hum Adulter oreek yettetday. Tb. MorVjo waa in from Eight Mile ywrrerdsv. Pniitin. ... .1... reo hot Tom a.y.. ' One day last week tha Richardson 7 of tTn tD'u ,b'fl out 1,283 bead of sheep in 9$ hours. Hon. J. W. Ivy left )a evening for hn borne la I'orlland, after a laooessful political tone of the couoty. Jake WtnWger bas decided to fiV ol,.!1'""1 IUoe B'" on Thurtdav, May 28th at tba opera bona. if . W. O. M inn. ham u( ' .nn.l f M trip to Grant oontity where ba went to u;k aiier me i irruiQ oteek road matter. 'Gene Noble and wife and Mlaa Flor ence Crittenden spent Hnnday out at tha M ( Kinney oretk home of Geo. Noble, Sr. For sale a cheap team good roadsters, one road win and liicbl donbla bar 0f, oeatly new. E. P. Gbeink, If at M. E. personage. Jack Mnrray, Fat Bpillana, Tom Mo Intire, Mike Kenny and Thomas Oilfll leo wers in irom tba Lena preclnot bon day. Wm. rtoltr.d baa retarnad from Port land abtra ba baa boon receiving medi 01 treatment He is oonsijerably im proved In health. HUey Roberta and Hemao Oolwell, of Fivbt milt, were Ulkiog politios, (jost a little) on oar atreeis Bttordiy, from popnlmtlc sttndpoinl. A pleaaant daooe waa given at tba raa. Ilenua of Jerry Urotnaooa Friday night laal wblob was Urely atteodtd by bis fnends and neighbors. O. B. Halt, tba tonsorta! artist, eaa ba found at bia parlors, Matlock Ooraer, ahera ht will iunMa i .nn 1 . . abavea, shampoos, balroata. ale. a Dr. J. W. Voval, osalltt aad optklaa, ill ret ore to lleppotr May 'ifitb, lo ra maio oalll tba 3 lit. Yoa should not tail lo tea bin at tba Ptlaot boteL Lost A rather beavy gold watob rbaia, IwtaUd link, without aor (utaotr. Fiodtr will ra libfily rtwrd. by leaving tba lint at Iba Gaiella office. Darty Jones vitiuJ tha Rialmnnlu ratttriUv. Ilrf tlalaa I till k u i'ttl 1 hit lo ba around after aa ailaek of tictDMt wotoa laid bita ap savors! days. Dendrojr Is aa tiudtlloa from tba fmres of n,t tklo ibtl spreads tad dries, tormina trnrf aad hiuiik iK ki. fall out. Hall's flair lUatwar anrta II. . A. Krk lat a vary valotbla sow aa Hnt.4ay by br eatlag aa avot aatoaal of irMa alfalU. Hha was a Jtr-v and Mr. Kirk Wool I tot kan Lk t VI I ber. Jea LitaaJUa was ap from Lailagtoa vetUrdtr. II bat i li. baal at tbeHnf suata lately, bat baa bes prtveotrd niaea aa aotnoat ol tMtoeta. Otlitf to lha anaoaea of Iba pattav tl rnlll '. bra will ha an imii lha al. K rfearch. rVatb, ra Hoadty aett, tteept lha Hoadtv ahoo la Iba sftafnnos. H M.itJ.y thKU nt liefer bate tta IttiUd In I ta wiia Iba Hta.ltt tetxaJ la a baakat Htlafity.iba rtb, at I'talttd s grott lO ltIIBgt(ia). lo Farmer n. wife ViatlaJ a tlmpp. Oaf oa Httardat. Me r.. .1. "tp pf.iU art aee ag t la bit e. aalilf. bal alll imprva If IM wtlmt It'r t timer. Tiita D'Uletl was la HiIimom M.i. alr, lttn latt rttaraeW ttt.m a stay of etteral tll nl aa lit Hat trwl mhm tt tttwiH Rl Dtt iartaa iba laaN"g ta . . II MtVtv. nae al tba aahaUeliaJ reavl,etat 4 lef Ft ftraetael, Wat it Ht( ta4y 4 aliad4 Ibt e-tM.!,l.r, ttkkiag at lies tMt Iraua fltlarjey ateaiag. of all Cough Mcdidncs is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold b one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Three Size 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle. At Druggists. ACKER MEDICINE CO, 16 and 18 Chambers Street, Hew York. Rev. C. R. Howard and wife, accom panied by J. J. Adkins, Miss Maggie Adkins and H. T. Bgley, departed tbis mornine for Pendlntnn rn oUan i tha district oonferenoe nf tha M Fi. 8oath, wbioh convenes at that plaoe on tomorrow. Mr. Barley and Mr. Adkins are delegates to the conference from the chnrcb here and toe others go as lay delegates. Wet Marlnlt ia in rnn. tkA 4. . .u . I. IIUU. hid lUUUUIUIlJ distriots where he has been looking after the Minor-Marlatt oattle. He states that there is large quantites of snow in the Blues, and be bad to travel nearly all the time through snow and rain whiob made bis trip a very disagreeable one. It lookt DOW lilrn it nnnll ho .... .: . nwu.u mo ruwa lliliv yet before the enow begins to move out ff tha mnr.n.:n v. nut. U.UUUIU1UB. Eaffle: Oinar Minn - - aa.auv IDDI III" day from Canyon City. He informs ns that Ibe Parnsh creek road bas been granted and thai wnrk will at. nun. ka commenced on it to open it up. He says uai ine people ot Ueppner have hopes of getting the road in shape to receive some spring trade from tbat section of Grant oounty. In mentioning tha n Am AH nf IKna. at. tending the teaohera' examination we stated that Paul Troedson was among the number and it ahnnM hiuhu. nn.l Troedson. Ho, with Miss Mabel Glass. cook, were the snooesefnl aspirants for teaohera' certificates at the examination last week, . i . J. F. Johnson, Pendleton's postmaster, WBa in Hennnnr nvar Mali.nl.. vr. Jobnsou was here for the purpose of uuiuk wopi, anu wnuo ne is one of Ibe leading demonrala nf hia nit ha little to say in regard to politios, prefer- iuk ratuer 10 laix Dusioess with our sheepmen. Died At bis home in Bond, Arkan sas, on May 8rd, 1890. of dropsy, J. H. Justus, aged 79 years. Deceased waa the father of D. O. Justus, ot this ooun ty, and was a respeoted and honored cit ieen in the community in which he lived. He had many friends residing in tbis oountry who knew him well. Dr. J. W. Vogel, the optioian and oo enlist, ot Salem, Or., who bas been bera for the past week, left Saturday night for Pendleton. Dr. Vogel will return again on May Mtb, and tbose who desire treatment should not fail lo call on bim. Hillsboro Independent: Prof. Wm. Raamns and wife assisted by Inoal talent will give the society drama, Damon and fytbias, to tba Hillnboro public. The performance will be given under the patronage of Phoenix Lodge No. 34, K. of P. "Ten people out of a dog n are inva- I : a a. nut, sya a reoeni meuioal authority. At least eight onl of these leu, it is saie to allow, ara aufftirlna frnm tnma fnrm of blood-dinette which a persistent nta ot ayer s Hartaparilla wonld ba sure to curt. Then, don't be an invalid. Tba Gazette regrels tbat the parody on "Hweet Marie" which was sent in to as, was initial 1. However, it had been sel ia type bnt owing to a misunder standing it waa distributed Tha anthor will please send us in a oopy of bis oom posttioa at an early date. One ot tba best evidences tbat Ayer's Hair Vigor is an article ot eioeptional merit is lha fact that tba demand for it is constantly inereaeing. No ona who etea this InSnmntralila draaaina think of trying any other preparation for Ibe nair. J. D. Ingraham waa ia Heppner from Eiaht Mile yeeiorday. Ua baa bees aofftring vary moob Iba patl few months with rbeamatitm, and It baa been very bard for bim to get aronod of lata, but leeis somewhat Improved at Ibe present. Pound A red eloth eovered memo raodam aod pocket book eonlaining ebeoks for different amounts aud made payable lo J. It 11 out. Owner eaa get at me by etlllog at Utgtlie offioe. orov log property aod paying for tbis Dolioa. The floaaoe eommttteeof Ibe Ueppner ootra or wane were around rJatardav gtlheriof ap Ibe subscriptions to Ibe terrkan era, road. This Important mailer should oow be pushed along rapidly. J. D Ambrose, a former resident of Morrow eoeety, and well know a lo ne ar awe, arrived from Mpanlty, III., on atteroiv lo loo arior his basinets af. fairs, lie alll remain bera a abort time only. We tailed oa Wide k f locum yttlaf. dsy, bat tbty were too baty wiib Ihtlr eloaier out sate to talk to ns. Kea tbeir ad la this ptpaf and Ibaa eall oa Ibem for bargatna la ell lines of dry goods. Tbemta Ntltno end atolbtr are roo t's the Wblle bol tad retltortol la Tendletoa. Wbaa yoa go there give tb oi a eall. They will treat yoa right. 87-lf. I Ml Ob a la aow eaeneiatxl wttb the lm of tl. Ilappoer A Oa. lo tba lor. warding tetieeae. Tbey pay tba Mgheet aitrkel pnem palte aad btdre end at Uad to all for warding. a Hoa 8. A. Lnaatl, rtodhUtt for jedga, II. J. lUta. f.ir prr img etior. aey, eed T. T Haw, Ibe farmer ortU itt Oraaroa, ware ptmgtn aa lb la joining's Iraia. Ilan. MCr, repfetaeilinf lha woo) llrta. Iba J. M. lOiaaell I'.i, of I'tlUed, Tba Dallee aad lleppnar, ia here ta ibe Itlaretl td bit biMMta. Wbita etefslaiag a horee Halnrdty )tt Iwtaata stint t atr gettirg M lly bnrl, Ibe braa falling a biat. Haatter, be ate ael bally lf ail. Una. II V. Ottee wilt nk al the ri bM oa tba aigM af Mtr ..(. Tk't will aad Iba eatnpaga U rrpaMl eetiitaa a tbta enaaly. Falb eantel com lm UP hnt Una. II. V, (Ittet will aapply laa at. ry, ttt ag ae Ibe etemag 4 t J"(b. I al MeDau), D. f. to I Kl i l..ft are la frvsa the leaer geaatry. MRS. NANCY B. GREUQ. Mrs. Nancy B. Gregg died at ber home ia Walla Walla, Wash., on Sunday, May lOtb, 1896, ot catarrhal pneumonia, aged 66 years. Deceased was bom at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1830. Her maiden name waa Singer and she was married to W. P. Gregg at Danville, Indiana, about 1850. Her hus band, who was an expert printer, enlist ed in a company ot Indiana volunteers in 1861. and served till the end of the war. His health was nndermined by bis military servioes and he died in 1866. In 1884 Mrs. Gregg removed from In diana to Walla Walla where she resided nntil tho time of her death with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Games. She was a noble, true hearted woman, and a great worker in G. A! It and W. R. C. oiroles, and was the departmeut secretary tor Washington and Alaska of the Woman's Relief Corps. In this work she was at all times very aotive, as she always was in all matters to wbioh she gave her at tention. In all these she will be greatly missed by her neighbors and those con nected with ber. Of her own family she leaves H. C. Gregg and Mrs. Lizzie Games, of Walla Walla, Mrs. Mary Patterson, of Hepp ner, J. L. Gregg, of Canton, III., and Mrs. Matilda Hayes, of Noblesville, Ind. 8he also leaves three sisters and one brother, the latter, J. L. Singer, resid ing at Walla Walla. Mrs. Gregg was quite Well known in HenDnnr whnrn the viairaH aasaral lit. ferent times and impressed all who met ner mat sne was one of nature's noble women. She lived to do others good and died to receive the reward ot the faithful. For your Protection. Catarrh "Cures" or Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken internally, usually contain either Mercury or Iodide of Potassa, or both, which are injur ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not a blood disease, caused by sudden change to cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat. Cold ia the head causes excessive flow of mucus, and, if repeatedly neglected, the re sults of catarrh will follow ; sovere pain in the head, a roaring sound in the ears, bad breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis charge. The remedy should be quick to allay inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for these troubles and contains no mercury aor any injurious drug. Price, GO cents, Ttillv faana nftaaan thr.tiah Inw. n J V LUW U IU day with a floe band of mules. A Baby's Life Saved. "Mv hahv had nrnnn anI nan .aAJ V... Bbilob's Cure," writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Hnnts"ille, Ala. For sale by Wells & Warren. Geo. U afford. Yakima .Trillb anrl Haa Matlock got in with Cass Matlook's sta ble last Hatnrdav. This atahla of Leon. Lela. Rnbv. Ruth. Harmann anil Gertrude, tha last named, a two-yea r- UIU. Salem Statesman: It would seem tbat Ibe oonolry bas had enongb of "modern protection." Republicans, in ths second district, get out and see to it that Mr. Ellia ia eleoted by a large mnjority. The democratic wool growers of Eastern Or egon, too, ought to leod their aid. erricc BLACKweu't Dunham To ALL Merchants Who Retail TOBACCO. offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TODACCO COMPANY. W ra hv aar Slfftcahr la ra.H.( aaP aaa. cat aal (hla aaitca a4 aaaa ( tfe, r area ta yaar wkoWaata aaaWr. Oh ! Where Did Get Them Pants 1). .1 I la'l alt nuxxnirt, an an rmt .,( fh.lf riirnl.hlt, Unr-ta. an are MIiipoa Urtmiiaa, llaclasra, 1 Inaara at iu, ll.li.i. Patronaoe Solicited. Smith cfc Baai rtmaaaa FURNITURE AND Ib All Wrrti ia n Jb, r.rtilrarllBf an4 tnh Ww. H't.ira frmt aM IbI al ptrw a na l..t. (Hdrrlng aa loataiilra al !). 1-rl.a taaarmaMa, t'fiMlaati, Htoi-o Opj. I. O. ThoinpHon Co.. Mnin Ht, llt ppnor. K'l i;mi"i"iiaAu. C-CL 7 rkXKltflMi, SmTMAMl, TlLtOftAfHr. fK , . '-.1 MMiaaitiat iraiMua.ia a a a a, IV4 II K A 1 kklll l WoinYueiro Who are nervous, weak, worn ont With local troubles find pure blood, nerve strength, and perfect health la Hood's Sarsaparilla. We do not say the above to raise falso hope. It has been the experi ence of many, very many women in those intensely trying periods which demand and consume so much irvouss force those special physical trials we delicately indicate by merely using the words Maid, Mother, Matron. Like a confidential friend we suggest tho use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli able blood purifier and tonic; it lias helped many others and will help you. "I was in poor health five years, broken down in strength, and appetite all gone. Local troubles and other weaknesses in tensified my misery. Nervous sick eadaches dizziness, heartburn and pains in my back made me think I should never be well again. A friend prevailed upon me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon began to improve and in six months it restored me to better health than for years. I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla a grand medicine for all troubles peculiar to I am now strong and healthy and can do a good day's work. I stand by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other medicines failed." Mes. Lub Dieb, Carllnville, Illinois. This and many similar cures prove that Hood', Sarsaparilla Is the One True niood Ptirtfler. Alldmsglsts. $t Prepared only by C. I. nood &Co. Lowell, Mass. 11UOU S flllS full? prepared. 3i cenU. Ho, ye voting; men ot Morrow, whittle up a lively tune For the "CtmlidRte," I'm tree to itate, will ftay with lit till June; Then let him pit hla auger blade, with "Sperry'i Lluwood Rye;" 'Tli tweet U think, of that good old drink, for voting men are dry. Sold only at the Belvedere saloon. NwFkd Yard. Wm. Gordon hae opened np tba feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy ie right at home al this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes reasonable. Hay and gran for sale. t'. A Great German's Prracrlptloa. Diseased blood, constipation, and kid ney, liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by Wells A Warren. ttltlMMM or Tobacco Company. Sex Durham, n. c. Dear Sin You are entitled to receive FREE from your wholesale dealer, JrVHITE STAR SOAP with all . Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking TobaCCO you buy. On bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 or., 4 ox., or J oz., packages. We have notified every whole' sale dealer In the United States that we will supply them with soap to five you FREE. Order a rood apply of QENUNB DURHAM at once, and Insist on fettlnr your soap. One bar of Soap FREE with 4 You ? Satisfaction Guaranteed. i,i.t.M ip UNDERTAKING. Wuna a a a . at Save you heard THAT THBRB'S.aaaaBBaT a Chaag in Business ill Afouad? ED. 11. BISHOP Been Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! XViVJTA,iJLiJti.&SS J1 COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and m fact everything kept in a general mercantile esl tabllShmpnt. Hall anrl aaa IK a o(-U 1 t :j. i 1 . . . ow wo oiuvyB. FRANK M'FARLAIMD, Manager and Salesman. ED. The National Bank Some people want the goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HARDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not email men, we are not He Largest merchants in He world ! But when tha peoplt of all tha tiirroundlng oountry ara In need ol Hardware, Tinware, Crookeryware.OlaMwara, Wood and WIllowware.NalU, Iron, Barbwlre Cumberland Coal, Gaat and Water Pipe. Pipe Ittlnm, Btovea and Kan., Waironi ' Hack., Buggiei, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axel, Hammers, Bawa. Bledgea, W edge, Ouni, I'l.toli, Cartridge and Ammunition, Maaon Jan, Gran. Iteware, Plow, Harrow, Rakea. Mower, Tub. Wah Bolller and Board, Hheet Iron, tluc, eto.,l., Bhould call and Examine our Goods and Get Tricea. WhTOoooOoodiat Fai Price, and Cheap lohn Oood at Cliep John Price. GILLIA.M & BISBEE, MAIN STHEET . W00LGR0WEHS! tmmmmmMmmmmm'mmmmmammmmmmmmmm The wool market is not yet affected bv the MeK lnlnw Imnm ami reports are not enoouraRing. We have arable storage capacity at m mmmis' warehouse for thoao i who desire to hold for higher priooa, and by introducioc Lastero buyers, aecure for thoae who aili to soil, the highoat market We pay tamster and bold wol subjiHjt to order. No commiwhion charged for elling. We pay bighent price for hide- aud abeep pelta. Rolled barley and feed for teamstcra. We fire fluents lor TI t a i ue ueai aneep uip id the market We Lave 5,000 ahinglea which we will sell at coat, Mark your wool (?) and direct teamiter to lower warehouse. Heppner, Or. R. F. HYISD, AUnaacr. New Blacksmith Shop. m aaaawaaaMafca. Tka aJr.lf. bat apwaa,! ap a a M.kmitb .b- p npp FIRST CLASS WAGON SHOP I Work d. aa al Topalar 1'rloaa aad la a ali.faelorr nanatr. H.l.m, and bor-a, aill U ,h,-4 aa to p., i,,f.,tM aa.l ot.r - G. W. UTT & SON, LOOK AT TIIESH PniClZaS I HjKlii. HO Cl. Km h; r..lKN ir, C'Im. Kiu h; AxIPtrccMAnrid t?r.f0 Knoli. tW All l la paatla mmA Al t, WORK W a ka t f . , it'll W (..war tie., aa.Hk imm. THE PALACE MOTEL 11AU, J. O. JJOltCIJ lOUS. I'i i.p. ' fcaamaaaaaa a Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors ami Cigars. I MM I III TO 11jLUxIj uciuio 11 ia mo law. R. BISHOP, Prop. Building, Ueppner, Ore. earth; you can get a lbs. We are small men, Xs. IIEl'PNKU. OIIKOON little's dip, .a G. W. UTT & SON. Plon,y 01 them'afthe Ga:tt'l0 ol(ic0(