Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 19, 1896, Image 2

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For Presidential Electors,
T. T. OEER of Marion County
E. L. SMITH, : . . .of Waco County
J. F. CAPLES. of Multnomah County
8. M. YOEAN of Lane County
For Supeme Judge,
ROBERT a BEAN, of Eugene.
For Congress, 2d District,
W. R. ELLI8, of Heppner.
For Circuit Judge, 6th District,
STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th District,
H. J. BEAN of Pendleton.
For Member Board of Equalization,
CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington.
For Representative,
J. N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. O. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEY8, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORN OR, of Heppner.
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAUOHAN, of Heppner.
Justices and Constables.
For Sustlce of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
.J. 8. YOUNO.
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 8rd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th Di.nct,
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 5th District,
J. T. H0BKIN8.
For Constable of 5th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
For Justice of the 1st District,
For Connstable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
J. 8. YOUNO.
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For ConsUMe of 3rd District,
For Justice ol 4th District,
For Constable ol 4th District,
For Justice of fith District,
J. T. 1I08KINH.
For Constable of nth District,
I. L. HOWAliD.
Independent Republican.
For School Hiiporlnti'iHlont,
Id Booordanea with thn onernI tie
wml od Ibe part of the. ot-rB of Mor
row oounty for the repeal nf the lull
creating dspntlMi for tlm horiff ml
dark with salaries at 9 1000. I hereby
.1-1--... . & , . . . ...
jiieoge turn ir eiemmi oiorK i will org.
the representative elect to rue hie in.
llueno. toward nrmtr the repeal of
id taw proti.iinu fur a npntr clerk in
mi county. A. W. rTTiMoi.
Date J, May 8, lH'.K).
Jtdoe Hen-sett, ilomocratio
camlidsta for congi-ms, spoke to i
large audience bora nat TueJav
bit address being chiefly confined
to the advocacy of free coinage of
stlrer. 1 bis proposition could not
have been totter argued by any
man, and be made a few convert
whose votes, however, he will not
ect, as thev are ardent nrntnrtlinn
lata, and will vote for Ellis, he be.
ing tne only protective tariff and
silver candidate. Mr. Itennett said
he favored a tariff for revenue on
ly, and would vote for a reasonable
tariff on wool, say half the amount
of the McKinloy duty. With one
part of bis sponch we found our
selves in heartiwit awrd, that part
in which be referred to the per.
petnated fraud which prevent the
opening of the Caacade Ixirks. He
said if eloctml he would shake that
mailer up as it has never been
shaken on More, and those who
liatened Ixdieved that be would,
for they know that be has great
ability and irreprewiibla energy
and, Utter than all, incorruptible
integrity. In spite of all these
qoaliliee, however, Judge Itennett
will not run ahead .f!,ia ticket in
(Hlliara eouoty this par in as great
degree as be has formerly done
when running for la important
oflieea, simply lxriiM big ma
jorilf of the voters Mint that the
tariff is the paramount iaaua, and
be is itol in aocord ilh thir views
on that qttralinn. Journal
fWHitlliat strat.ira
ditu.icraU and
is Hot the iaaite, it is Vinance.
aV "1 rotation
far as ittfTorenfe of opinion
among voters is cvncrrnM that is
true, fitf heart all nttr iwkihU mmm
the r RVt c.f drtmcratie rgi. I
Ulioo. N-verth.h'M m caunct'
m off to a Uu until the old j
one is roa.t rigbi M us get Urk 1
to ptoUclion and rrcipmrilv a
emn as rt,h!.-Wrt Hide.
Vote the republican ticket, voter.
If elected, Shipley promises
to resign his position in the Hepp
ner schools.
It occurs to the voters of this
county that our political affairs can
be handled without the aid of im
ported material in the shape of
ward-workers. A corpetbagger is
a corpetbagger aDywhere and ev
erywhere. The legislature that pave hirth
to a railroad commission that costs
the people $10,000 a year, and
other worthless commissions that
cost the people as much more,
should not be allowed to propagate
so freely hereafter. Eagle.
The republican ticket of this
county is made up of competent
and able men for the different
offices. Ho republican in the
county should be found scratching
ms ucKei on tne 1st day of June
as you will not improve matters
by so doing.
The cry of "dirty work" bv the
Oregouian and its shadow, the
bveniDg Telegram, aerainst those
who are opposed to them, does not
go down with the rank and file of
i t. i i: , m.
iuo muuuucau panv. liiev are
placing the charge on the wrong
parties entirely ana the people
know it
The school bov rlav of tho RnW.
egonian is manifested to a stroDg
degree by its actions in regard to
its country exchanges that do not
agree with it. It cannot ninnd the.
fire, therefore it attempts to get re
venge by chopping them off. The
smaiiness or such action is quite
Japan is about the size of Swed
en. She IS larger than P-root
Britain and Ireland, nnrl ia tho
eleventh largest country in the
world. She has 6.600.000 mora
people than France: she has 7 im .
000 more people than Great Britain
and Ireland. In population she is
the fifth nation in the world. Her
territory comprises about 900
A DISCOVERY of vnnf Vwla nf on.
thracite coal in the extreme north
part of Minnesota is announced.
It is also stated that t.hes
v WW WUb VXa, uu
ures have become the property of
me president or. the Ureat North
ern Railway comrmnv. unri Via nm
poses to run a branch line to them
and develop the mines. Similar
beds have been dismveiWI in a l
berta, Canada, north of Montana.
It must sound very pleasant, in
deed, to old line democrats to have
the name of Judre Northnn innrl
ed to the sky by that great demo
cratic daily, the Telegram, of Tort
land But we imarinn what that
sheet has to pay carries about as
mncn weight with them as the
mort)lDff 1H8UC. edited and nnfrnl
led by the same outfit, does with
the rank and hie of the republican
party, namely, none at all.
As has alroady been stated in
those columns tho republicans
have no regular candidate for
county school superintendent, ow-
ing to lacii ot tune in which to
supply the vacancy. However, re
publicans have a competent man
to voto for. Mr. .lav W. Rhint
In fact, ho can clnim the votes of
all pnrticB, as he m a Morrow coun
ty boy, educated in a Morroi
county school. He has made bis
mark as a teacher in thi rnnnt
The Gazette shall say more for
uiiu as ine campaign progresses.
Tuk secret of William McKio
ley's almost unprecedented popu
mmy is uis personal integrity, his
genuine and enthusiantia AmerU
csniam. and hia natrint ! an, I nn.
selfish public service. The uofor.
innate modern distinction letween
does not apply to him. It is true
that he is not a politician, in the
ordinary sense of that term. But
this fact only increases the respect
an. I a(T.xn:.. .ill. ! !.!. .1 .
a T.a
niii-vtinu wim wuico tne peo
ple regard hira. He is not the
friend or (lall ornr nf w.l,i;.t
. ...... . - ii'iioi ni
i-mni-n, ihucH lOSS IS tt Ulft SpoIO
L'iat for or alwiA tt nntii;.l
cry. At the very beginning of his
iriHniiiacnBTiiM 1)0 eOltCUM
his athisor a private citiwn, w
liaa tin IHtlifial .,..;... I .
, . n-iiiiiuua mitt no
rompromiaing alliances with frse
tinnal intriguers and nnprofesaion-
ai p.ace nuuiori.
Till TnlARram
of ttlS Ikiltoi'nnian ia .11
- ---- n ..... ukiuk mi
inflnnnrwi it oan ,lr- .... t
. . . . . w a . in.,, , ttipf I f
the democrats to judge h'orlh
i from
e ia
rrauiing, 01 OitursA that II b
electinl votes mutd oorow from I
sule of the fence ss well as from
m repuM uans, ays be is
m lavor ti a bign prvtcUve i
ami. of
cxnnitgf! ci miff r iDil M lh I
... . a. . - f at a a
. . -1 a
iinoaiioa m in kll.altanrliinif
the TclrL'tatu
in a
few vol, for the bolter in
av. In mini. a. I it,:.
r.Un alands ss a atrong adrorat
t.lod'rtinn lli nal i-.,.. lu
Ihe American JxN.pla tolay. H
for tins fimt and silver ei
t . a
kllrvftrtlst rrtwtt IKsm
nf J U N.iithnt. tiimaalf i
, no
ul lisn h.i i tHitind on ib
.j-i.-.u. ii ran aiira w inntw
Ma vol ly faalirig fr U,
eMuan rarxlidalu, I'.llis is
inao you want; be is the only
man on this npn-ilku.
An Untrue Report Nailed
to the Wall !
It has been circulated among the
voters of Morrow county that A. W.
Patterson, the republioau nominee for
clerk, was instrumental in securing the
passage of the law creating sheriff and
olerk deputies for Morrow connty. This
has been done, primarily, to ioflaenoe
the yoter against Patterson, thongb it is
likely that many have agitated the
matter with an honest belief in the rep
resentations made.
As the charges are wholly untrae, Mr.
Patterson has no hesitancy in making the
following affidavit:
Htatb of Obbqon,
County of Morrow.
I, A. W. Patterson, being first dnly
sworn, depooe and say that t not only
bad nothing to do directly or indireotly,
with securing the passage of the bill to
ereate deputies for the sheriff and olerk
of Ibis oonnty, with yearly salaries of
(1,000, but that I knew nothing of the
same until the bill bad become a law;
that the same is being circulated to prej
adioe my oandidaoy in the minds of the
people of Morrow oounty; that if elected
olerk ot this oonnty I pledge that I will
request the representative-elect to use his
loflaence towards seonring the repeal of
the law providing for a depnty olerk in
this oounty. A. W. Pattebson.
Subscribed and aworn to
before me this 11th day of
May, 1896.
seal E. L. Fbbblakd,
Notary Public for Oregon.
In farther substantiation of the above
statement, made and sworn to before a
duly authorized officer, Bona. J. S. Booth-
by and A. W. Qowan, representative
and joint senator for Morrow oonnty,
serving in the last legislature, corrobo
Of the Fint National Bank at Hepn-
unr, re me oiuie of vregon, at the
Close of Business, May. 7, 1896.
Loans and discounts 140,19t99
Overd'ftsseouredand unsecured 14,918.83
u. a. Donas to secure circula
tion 12.500.00
Premiums on D. 8. bonds 875 00
Stocks, securities, etc 19,505.90
Banking-house furniture, and
fixtures.. 8,88444
Due from National banks (not
reserve agents) 6,258.54
Due from approved reserve agts. 28,244.64
Notes of other National Banks 1,400.00
Fractional paper ourrenoy,
nickels and cents. 7.95
Speoie 8 9,700 00
Legal tender notes.. . 57 00
Redomption fund with U. 8.
TrAfwnrAr tft nnr rant r.F
circulation) 562 50
Total $238,190.79
Capital stock paid in 850.000.00
Hurplusfiind 12,000.00
Undividtnl profits, ls expen
se and taxes pii 21,083.13
National Bank Notes out
standing Il."."i0 00
Due to other National Banks. . 117.22
Una to stats bank and bank-
. f 804 70
Individual deposits subject to
ehook 110,819.93
Drmuml certificates of deposit 31,4:14.75
Htatb or Ohw kk, )
Corrrt ov Morrow, j
I, Oeorg- Oonaer, Caxbier of the
alxivn named bank, do aolemnly awear
that the above atatnment ia trim to the
boat ot my knowledge and belief.
(Ikii. CtMNRR, Cashier.
BubaoriM and sworn to before ma this
15th day of May, lxort.
K. L. KaRit.ANn,
Notary Public
Cormct-Atleat: J. P. Rhea, T. A.
Roes, J. B. Nailer, Director.
Krpiblirsa Spakl(
A large crowd of lbs cltiieni of Hepp
ner and vicinity gathered at the opera
bouMoa Saturday evening to bear Hon.
W. Ivey.of Portland, oa lbs politioal
iaaoM of thi praaant eampaiga. Tba re-
alar spaakor of Ibe avaaing was prwaj
d by A. W. Pat iw a, eandiiUt for
OnaDl Slcrk. A. ft. ItarlKnlnmaa .a-
diJ.lelorJmUJar W. Hbipl-y', can-ttW-dl.late
or seonol iiprlnt-odol and J. ' H I R.
W ...ji l.i. a.. . . I HI
. . . . . . w w u . DuiuHuu 1 1 ir nnH.Hi.iii.
'b naktoB Bat IMMbai r,iiioin;
tb.tr i-.llo.M luanlaia aad for-il,l.
tt an ear m that hy might aol bm mfa-
.aJf.1.104 by tba -..tare. Followla.
idpm lino. J. w. ivoy m Inlrodnrad
wirwin ina aaiiatM
it San akhlak
ttftDBtr for tlonl twa KntiM. I.u I
Math li.o ILa . l . . I
w.i mm t-wniBj in idsj inia mm irfqmfM
II h ot dacl.laJly ba laana hafora
Ihm pmop tn.at ; sbowtog bmtrmd AomU
. k . . . . . .. . . . -
thai 111 rrM Ira. I n.ilwa f ika .l...-
eralis partr Is b rolnoaa oaa sad tba on
ly etiaBM to BaetiM a rwiarB ol tba txt
urti-s ij"7.l pttor tba b-glnring of
Iba pr aaanl almliil(lralma was lo tnt
Iba rapnliliaam ia pnr air la. Mr.
! above Ibal tta la lhnR.ti.sta rw Li
oa I I.U aaljart aat tba ahla ajaaaar la
ahii h ha anaata ul fail f
onnvtrtioa la in ear wb ba karat, 4ra
oaii doriif, Ibal protaaiinB U Iba I.
Sim, an t all Ibis talk atat Iba m.fr
1 "' balog p'aaal t only lo
IXMHlaitik Iba paopla ilsialiMitilh
iinfMtrala la m Itnrt.a si..
If Iba cjftarMt, an,(M,.. q
It. Iloaar l. W, U Hallef, t'ha I'tao
lan.l anil H M. IIdmm l.t
l'B.ll J aaUaiioM aa4 4rTB t4it.
ka Sal Byats a IB HatMa fa,
Aata Maraanatilla aalava Ika hIma
itlnarf ,t,linrHiia of having Iba tmlf
blt fanflar alla, ta aibihit at lbs
Wcwtd'e fair. ClaatA. liaaalanlitrwa
ot ttbt aaraapartliaa BMBfhl by ftwrt
BMaaastoaMaiaaaBawief f Ibair rl,
hut IMT war all Ira4 awat ,iaf th
aeblkrallna af tha rala f,wl.i.l Ii.. ik.
ir pf paiatit a4iia an.l anagram a.
a a. a . .a. ....
1 rtaatatB or Ilia V orl.lt raif aalbo.
nil IB tatnt al Ar's HaraapUia waa
M fft aa fiilhiva: tiH'i Maraaaa.
fills pa Bt B Palat.1 Mtatltpln. ii.a
hot trl. In iba I ! of Boairame. m
rate all thai Mr. Patterson sajs.' Tbelr
statements are at follows:
Lexington, Or.. May 11, 189&
It has been rumored that A. W. Pat
terson waa instrumental in the passage
of the depnty salary bill for clerk and
sheriff of this oonnty. I will say that
Mr. Patterson never spoke to me about
the matter, and had nothing to do with
it in any way, so far as my knowledge
J. S. Booths v.
Burns. Oregon, May 5, 1896.
To the voters of Morrow oonnty :
In the hope of setting at rest untrue
and idle rumors, which are being circu
lated in your oounty evidently for the
sole purpose of prejudicing tne minds of
voters agaiost Mr. A. W. Patterson,
nominee for county clerk on the repub
lican ticket, I desire to make a brief
statement to the end that no injustice
shall be done anyone.
I refer especially to the legislative aot
approved Feb. 25, 1895, "To change the
compensation and mode of payment of
county olerks, sheriffs and other officers,
and also to provide tor the appointment
of deputies." See session laws, 1895,
page 77. This measure was introduced
by Senator Butler and subsequently
passed tbe senate Feb. 20, and forthwith
transmitted to the bouse for its consid
eration, and was passed by that body
Feb. 23.
As to Bny person lobbying, or nsing
any lufluence for or against the measure,
or to get it "fixed up" with a view of
personal benefit, I oan state that no one
approached me on tbe subject, nor did I
hear of any member being importuned
It seemed to have been settled by the
sentiment ot tbe people that snob offioes
and deputies should be plaoed on
salary, and it was also understood by
the members-, as a quiet undercurrent,
that the serving incumbents were op
posed to the measure; and with un
limited opportunity to disouss tbe
matter with Mr. A. W. Patterson I can
truthfully say tbe subject was never
mentioned by or between us, nor did
anyone from Morrow oouoty urgs me in
the matter, one way or the other.
' Respectfully,
A. W. Qowan.
T. T. Qbbb Spbaks. Hon. T. T. Geer,
of Marion oonnty, addressed quite a
orowd at tbe opera house this afternoon
on tbe politioal issues of tbe day. Mr.
Oeer is a republican of more than looal
reputation, and today be appealed to
the people to lay aside dissensions and
yote for tbe regular republican nomi
nees. Mr. Oeer presented the vital
issue, that of protection, in a most in
teresting manner and to tbe satisfaction
of the entire audience, olaiming that tbe
monetary system of our country wss
practically Ibe same today under free
trtae ana disaster aa it was in 1892 no
der protection and prosperity, therefore
tne nnanolal ailments of the United
btatea oonld not fia the real seat of
onr uiuvmiiies. lie traced, the good
ruecm ot protection all tbronah tbe his
tory of onr.natiop from the beginning
np to the present date. Mr. Oeer is for
iMiis ana tne regular ticket.
Tne Dent Couch Care
IsShiloh's core. A negleoted oongh
is dangerous. Stop it at once with
Mhilob'a Cure. For sale by Wells &
I J or.. Mht 1H. Mutt.
Harm. Chn. n ...i-
Mi'CoiiiiiMl, I'ernr Bwli'k'. Uurnnre
Wilkinson. Kr.uk
Whi-ii culling
lor tlirse litlrs plow ni
" I i.i.i A an. I , 91.
V ,, K,,A rlliilie la.ly nr Kflit liirnan lo
hmii.riiv. (or our WhlUIiIk Tollrt fours
11,1 I'll F. t I a .. . I tr . . , . .
r.oiai'ia. (HI U l
uioiilh raslljr ma.lo. Alilnw
iHortnA Kiild, ( hirsfo. III
Notice of Intention.
r AMI OKFK'K AT TIIK nil I va numna
14 Mnj , lnM. HiAUn Is lirrctir glvt-n that
(,.U,i li, iumwl n-ltlrr ha dir. I uotlr nl
his luiriiildn hi mute Anal pnml In support ol
his claim, and that ahl pmil will l mull
--...m , . o normw. rouiiir Clr, at Hrpuner,
Ort-non. on Jun m, ihm, u:
llanamn the lolloalns tltnMM lo proT
i "':,.,n"n,,, "l'lnca Mpon and cultl atioa
ilmirca tthlrk, Arthur Hunt. Chorman Siiaw
r. '7 ii mn, an 01 nappnar, (irf on.
" Hi.ur.
Nolle of Intention.
Land Orrira at Tub Dalim, Oioo.
. . . . Mat th. IwiA
VTOTiri: 14 iirurav nivvw Vu.t u
lH"lif namnl m-IUt ha Rl. nollra
... .... ixmuim wi maaa ntial proof la support
ol hlsrlalm. amllhal Mi l pr. will ha mad
I , .. ..... -...r.w .niniv, ai
Kit H IKD m sil l MiOTT,
No SMI, i u M Km, It, Tp. 1 a,
M i.no. i7m -"-
,,.""1 ol'!J' ,"7? "' rn
'4..l m l",?-
" Rir.
Notice for Publication,
. a.. .. . a .
"'"mt aanw.1 aMti,. ha i. J
i.'I """ - p-i ia npr-H l
m r iaini. an.l laai mi. I r.mj win . .
mo a 1. riwt.H.1 . ...
fwofl, at lr, pn.f, !. 00 Inn mh, Una,
: S11iAMISir.itKVI.AXH.
H. B Nn m fc tha SW'. ta4 WiAlKk
Ha aaaaaa th milowlnf llnaawa) to pm.
M...UM....,-.l.nru,. aa4 Uhala
at M la4, U,
l 4 ll.miu.in. t p HlkwIUaMatCofal.
llllan M lknll, a a U.aa, Omaoa.
ft. r. WItwtK.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Hmtmt rakltralla.
iTMTrn.TiTta ttvn urn i r thi
IIIM. lrn pn Ik imm. la
h.,t 11..1 l .ka I". Baa ha
IMnr M k,l InlaAliMl to atlf Snal pn.4
.';; ". nmtf fik. i,t,m,,
la M-rt-H oa k,ur. i.a a n.t
ul lw p Hm't rnllufa R.,ialaia .
1 Z -t . it, la kKMk
. -"". wP m Baal,
Ma ama naaaf -
" 1 "4 nf aa uta..a.
An 41 U 9
ttsnatlal air
Notice Pf final StWrmeKt.
V'T" Sr i.ltH TMtf tttf
, a arA .!.. M,al. ,4
""''' A-m.i ail .. r art
I ,4 kia a. .-.ia a nk .
tTu"! ."' " f
t t M..,m. t UK,,),) ,
U, M ika n. 1, t. rM',
tall I M lkU. . .f
Having Decided
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc.,
Land Filings and Final. Proofs Taken. -
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
M. Hager's Residence.
At J.
Notice of Intention.
J April as, WM Notice Is hereby (riven
that the followtuir-nnmett settler has Bled notice
ol his Intention to make fliutl proof In support
of his rlalm. and that said proof will tm made
before Joseph L. Gibson, V. 8. Com., at Lexlnir
ton, Oregon, on June an, twkt, vl:
2a R. W. M.
He nm the following witnesses to prove
ma wiiiuiiuou rmiucuce upon ana cultivation
of. said land, vU:
John T. Young, Wllllm Estes, Cyrns N.
flhlnn, all of Mnppner, Oregon, and Edwin ii.
oeacn, 01 Lnnguiu, uregon.
Notice of Intention.
Ij April 91, 1H1KI. Notlra Is herel.y given
that the following named settler has tiled no
tice of his intention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will ba
mane neior tne county clem 01 Morrow coun
ty, Oregon, on June Hth. vis:
Hd. E. No. 7S(7, tor tha H'f NEIa and loU I and
i nee, ft. To. 2 A R. 17 R. VS. SI.
HanarnNi tha following wllneM to prove
n rominuoii rriiuenc upon ana cultivation
01, mifi lano, vis;
Mlillln J. Pevln. John T. Oalloway, Albert R
Stamp, Charle Morgan, all nf Hennner. Or.
Any penon who dealre to promt against tha
atlowanre of surh proof, or who know of any
ulMrtantlal reason, under th law and the regu
lation of th Interior Department, why urb
proof should not b allowed, will be given an
opportunity at th above mentioned Urn and
tilara to eroes-axamlna tha witnaaaaa ol
claimant, and to ofW cvldenea la rebuttal of
mat luDtmiMi by claimant.
R. f. WIIJIO!,
WM heguiier.
Notice Of Intention.
Lamb OrricB at LaOaAne. Oan.ion.
April I. ISM
M lowing namad aaiilrr ha tied notice
of hia tniaatkm to make tnal peool In lupport
ol huelalai. and that said proof will b mad
tMHor voaaiy 1 ll of Morrow t ounty, Oregon,
at tl appear, Oregon. n May M, lava, vU:
TimW rultar Unity No. 1308, for tha KW:
Me. la TP f B. B, 17 R. W. M.
II name the following wltnar to pmr
bla continuous mliianc upoa and ealUtalioa
m aaiti lano. vis:
John t. Barton. Wllliara Br1on. Johe (!, Brown
and FraiK-l M, Ucatry.all ( Hcr-pnar. On-goa,
ixt tt
m. r. nujKin.
Rag Ma.
Wood Wanted.
Hrhwd boar.l ol iMstrtrt a. I. Hct.iH.ar.
Ir , will racalva Hd Im lb A.llT.rr ol .1 tit
mm wnm at taa araant praaiiwi at
napaoar. Sam 10 ha opaoxl on July II, ink,
dellvarad oa or belnra h-t I, Us.
Tba Hoard fiaatvea th riaht la nan ana at
M "'ia 11 uanaaor tbb aoaaa.
i. I B"st, fWfk.
faled, Ueapaat, in.. Mat t, Mm
1 a mm. L L . . . . . . .
- - ' ' p, w. a m. . 1 . mi aroav
ml seta rful, a.a-U and antrrad aa May Silt. Iat,
la th Kattc of Ika aetata al fkaau W ta.r...
ttaraaaed, by lb oontv l aart ml tka Buu .J
ln-rra ( tnnnlv. atlmg la pmtt
I Km .mt.i.i...Bl mm . . I -
Mtaba, will kw aala at paMM acn.a, t
tba kKb-at M-t lf (ov -aa In bead ao tuiur.
.. Jul., , at It arlnrl la th Inraaona
Ikl - MM - - .... ....... ...
M M IM UMal M..M .jl.J 1. W
-. , rm, m.mm IT njOHf
it la
cw t'naaly -., k.all B
r. Iai If
tS ail la Mnrma I Miri. I,... M. . A . . ..
mm.m jw, m. ,i iwbi ai., Hvataafwacww
fcaw lunf a I a taamid tval pKmnt, aa4
eakirt ta Iba enwarataiio ml all i a
I. B. Tni'BO,
A.tM.ll.lBtH.t .J L. MMiMtM I Y . I.
labt U,i. KB Bar ol My. VU f?
Timber Culture, final Proof.
nJMTTIJ BTlTta Ut orrti f AT TBI
lli Of mrm. A a. II IA M feotlca tm
-.t.t tw ll.it W Herrtttgtaa, 14.
taiaMiatn ml tka ml JiKM H.,.,.
I., .at. ba i4 ml l lataat'oa ba
aaa aaj m4 I. Ime M lau. aoaat
'. a but a aw ia f 4ai on. aw
tka Mb aay at Mat, 1Mb. aa ti.ba
.rlb at- ba In Ika B b W w
" m m a4 a -t wriiM g. , t
b"' . Mf Ba M Wfert,
la a) w,iM,a , kHw B) Ballta Wltllaa)
I Bali 11,, ! (Immu ml tlc4aa lira.
a.t J F. M S
to Go Out of Business, We will
Our Entire StocK of
The Dalles,
PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1896;
To Thb Public :
The following fact, have decided us to open up an office at The Dalles, and we believe the
wool grower will feel an interest la our proposition to handle their wool.
wbi7hlb5LDU;ES MRKET 1 1895'lx million pound, of wool was marketed there,
which brought extreme prica The present outlook 1. that not less than eight mini rnd.
,eMon' tDd we Mlevt W001' ,old ,n Th' D'11M
TheDall.. S anot "ot only attract, buyer., and the most of them make
lot ia. In t h"wte' ,or the "O"0-- """""K brisk competition. Th. Oregon mill, u.a
we aYtor th.7 T u, " l hVe ,h Bt ' cTpemion.
well as for the East and California market.. a
.n.JLeJr"M ' The1Ds,,e' " ,uch thl flv tranontinental railroad, compete for freight,
ZTiVTrUTnnT ta
M. ArrangemenU have been made with the railroad companies whereby local freight to
Th. Dalle, when added to the freight from Th. Dalle. East, will not be higher th the rent
ZSS"'"'"'-- fact. alonaaJur.
belifv?B1!ow,.,wm rtoll,?;" Wh.? W 'UlIy "MUt COn,lK Din wol " " P". wa
bn.0.!oi",k!',,,n tne PM,,hM "n "mii for Oregon and.Eastern mill, and dealer.. Realizing
how .low the mill, and dealer will be In placing their order, thi. year we think our mSLS, .
handling will bean advantage to th. grower, and considering th. i w.l!
th. horn, market nor from under your control without cogent; joTZt Sot look uttfZ
proportion in the light of .hipping on consignment
.n.rktonyM"JM',''"TOpUnglOT,,h,TMro'tnePne."ol.h.v. brought better trlee.
When grower, are not In a pcltlon n hold their wool, or feel Inclined to u to tk.t.
bUI., w. will mak. an adv.nc. at a liberal rat. of Interest; wl l V?f mL?
leamstar'. and other charge, when requested to do so. and whewool th! Z f?7
Dalle, by rail, w. w, lata ear. of thlw.y frelghu fm pZlt "Z to Th P 2l
thirarr.' 'n4 Arl'"ton' - PnU,v. who In, Uk. .brol
You will keep In mind that when shipping to The Dslle thar win Km mm - .
'pol,dnbdror.erlg.rin,Ith- to ' N-Wi
wh.n'rue.kJ'.''44 bm n1 "nA BccounU of etem and loea! m.rk,,.
.Mj-aMC-JC-XSUtaJK,, rJ2S3,.M
Beginning Tuesday, May 26
$700.00 IN PURSES! $700.00
-tl7 P-TBaT. Ma, 2ft-KaB L 0,U..r ..U ,..t
PtXXJMl llAY-WnJaaJaf. UaS7
iuihu 1I-I boradsy, Ma L"H -
imrtn n.w a. . .
U'll'l ni3!-TB.raraf ail ha
" " pwrwa. nB f mora M smi.,
.MM.... ii.. . r " " ''r
' - ".m pnatpntia aa Bad all
All tatrU. lo fc, Vsfc!
K I. Mail,,, iHvt rVi
IS FourDayn.
- B - MaB -w.
lUoa . "" BIUU.
n,.....l b .
,hf, . M ,1 w w
JBtrill aaaru. beot ti..ii
ium. KK . . ' . wiimnri
sfl JL u f'" lf to
tWIKR. rr-irf-.
" i i a i , iba
u t.a j
A Imi'.itiiakif , I
bar m Its