SB81' OFFICIAL PAPER I MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad- 3 FREQUENT AND' CONSTANT Advertising " brought me all Ig own. A. T. Stewart. j vertis:ng. Robert Bonner. ifthMaiiiiMwiiii FOURTEENTH YEAll HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1896. Mat lt IH M4I l H.U1 IHWIB miK,M m muz, v tmr wwmi mmwj . JiSI- - "HtH.I.HIll,M;,,M1,rarlnw ' " 1 ! I II I I , ! ;- WEEKt1f WO. 6911 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. fUBLISHSD , Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE ING OTIS A W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON. . . - . Editor Business Manager At $2.50 per year, $1.25 for bix months, ?5 cts. or tlu ee raunuis. 'Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPJOB is kept on tile Ht E. C. Duke's AdvertieiDg Agency, t)4 and. 65 Merchants "EioliBiiKS, San Francisco, California, where oou racta for advert) sina can be made tor it. - 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:45 p. ra. daily, except Sunday. 5:00 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 1:11 a. in.; east bound l:S a. 111. FreiKbt trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 7:45 p. m. and 9:10 a. in. ; going west, 4:30 Sp. m. and 6.15 a. m. OE'r'ICIJi.ri DiaEOTOBT. ... ' , I'ulted States Officials. President.. Q rover Cleveland Vice-President Ad'ai Stevenson Beoretary of Htate liioharrl 8. Olney Beorntary of Treasury John Q. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel 8. Lamont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wilson . - Attoruey-Iieneral .Judson Harmon Secretary ot Aurioulture...... J. Sterling Morton f. State of Oregon. Governor Beorotarjr of State......... Treasurer.... Hnpt. Public Instruction. . Attorney General , . , Uenatort.... , 'Congrrasineri ....W. P, Lord .H. K. Kincaid Phil. Metsnhan ....(. M. Irwin C. M. Idleman 1! w. O. W. McBride J. H. Mitchell I Hinser Hermann W. K. . Ellis 'Printer .W. II. Leeds H. Rniin. (R. S. If. a. Ic. L. Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, . Wolverlon Sixth Jndlclal District. Oironit Judge .....Stephen A. Lowell Proswmttng Attorney ..John H. Lawrej Morrow County Officials. Joint "Bmiator.. i'fc!wnttive.. , A. W. Oowan ,. J.S. Boothbr Jnlins Keithly .. J. It. Howard ' Commlsiiioners, J. M. Baker. " Herk " Sheriff " Tnwwnrm A9simor Snrveyor... " MoImk.I Sup't.. " Ouroner , J. W. Morrow ..G. W. Harnnton Frank Uilliam J. r. Willis Quo. Lord ...... Anna Balsiger 1. W.Ayers, Jr BKPPNIB TOWN OrnOKRH. Mayo The. Morgan O inrilinH O. E. Farnsworth. M. Llohtonthal, (Mia Pattnnon, T. W. Aysrs, Jr., H. B. Hornsr, K. J. Slooam. Ko.Krlr V. J. Mallock rriwrarer ..E. L. Fmolund Marahai A. A. Roberta Precinct OIBcer. J art ice of the Peace E. t. frmland Constable. N. H.WboUtune United Mtatra Unit Offlean. THE DALLES. OB. M. F. Moore Hffinr A. 8. Iliggt lUoeitw LA OBAEI1E. OB. IH.F, Wllann Kegister J.H. Kobbina Ueoalver ascBzi Bocixnss. HA WUNd POSl', NO. IL . ' O.A.B. UiwU at Luxinulon. Or., th Ust Batordar of wh iwnlh. AU nlnu are Invilnd to Join. C &Hooa. (iio, W. Hmit. AilJaUuit, tf CummaaiW. li'UMBEli ! Wl HAVE nm HALK AtX KINDS OF CH Luinrmr, M nliiw ol Ui(ipiier, al what la knows a the BOOTT HAWHIIIjIi. PIK 1,000 MET, KOL'UH, " ' " CLKAE, MOD IT M 19 UEUvcRKu in nirpstn, tx-f l.uiu feet, eOdlUoiuU, WILL ADD Ttte above qnoUtiotM are strlclly for Cab. L HAMILTON. Prop. national Baal of Mr. Wl. PIXLAXO. tO. rrwUfaL K HSIIOP. faaklff. nimcrs 1 asiEAi binii.ns business coLi.i;ariON8 MJ m Fatorbl Tana. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD UFJTXEK. tf OBEOOH Oalario-ISorns Staac Line BisSi'isEiiiiE H. A, VkUllAMS, P op. 0XTAHI0.HUnX8 ! l!are IU!y Mi p. a. m4 a. Hm tl Oubtfta ta ii bo era. Sinqle Foro $7.00. Hound Trip $10.00 tWTinS r, fia si4, twnx&CASvox da, tfMvmvi . c -.1 Fi nr KS M Ve hm te lw gw h Waatlf tl- . W , the M wt If hi t.lnsn,Mt II Ui M bi4 V,hia4lr4l l -r1 t' -! ftmm'wm ) I Jmil,tl,a U . t ' "' 1 ' ' i ' ' i 1 ' "" i . . ; ,1 PBfibS COMMENT. , - " A WOOL This has become an established market wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and Intermediate stations. ,.,:'.,' , 1 ' i Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dalles In quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : i -, "' ir"' V. i.f - ij., jj , i From no point in the Northwest,' Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water eompetition lias not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the g rease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred "by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. , U Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool at this point than Is averaged at other places having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool, and shrinkage, It may safely be claimed that the average sales In Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the -same amount of . wool than , can be obtained in any other Market in the State. fHit IMWnn NOTARY" PUBO'CiS'''; Uliy l dlWlMllr CONVEYANCER . .... ,-sP?M.9 WHITE COLLAR! LINE: Columbia River and Pilpt Sound Navfetion Go Steamers TELEPHONE. BAILEY Leaviog Alder 8lreet Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaob, Ooenn Park Bod Nabcotta. Dirrot oonneotion with Ilwaoo steamers and rail road; also at Young'i Bay with Seashore Railroad. TXHjBFXION'B Loaves Portland 7 A. M. Daily, except Bunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. xj-A-xijaanBT gatskeiit Leaves Portland t P. M . Dally, except Hunday. Hatuniay night, U P. M. leaves AstorU Daily a at:ili A. U., except Uuuday and Moiiday. Hunday night, 7 P. M. OOBAN WAVE Leaves Portland and rnns dlrert to llwaro, Tuesday and Thursrlay at A. If. Baturday at 1 P M Leaves Uwaco Wedneatlay and frlday at 7;B A. M. On Wuuday Bightatt P. M. ' . .Bagpge Ckcted to Railroad Dcstinatioa Bulh Beaelies Free cf Expense. ' For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone. Bailey Oatsert and Ocean Wave. Attorneys AU baaineM attended to id a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notarise i'obho and Collectors. n O'WCE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Ur.l 1 Ell, : t 1 1 T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN- Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! Ho will mtla it to object for 70a to trade with him m Lis price are right, and all good,' that he handlea are of the Terj best , , , ' Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, toppiioi , - - - - Oregon ?HTvt Do You Want a Rie? AM iia Don't Put II T r 1 M I .-, y 'K It-' liiy -J I " S I Wtmm I'r-rnr Sir All thfiMi can U procrJ at Thompson A Bioot, Lower Main Street, Hfj'pour, Orno. Tt fftM4i tn amtMtnlwI mutt Ilrr , Crme, tlttUaM) SJ.4 mthf inquire " w -r m I" m ian v i..n t u0 Matt. THOMPSON & BTNNS, 't to C a Tea txiy, Has everything in Iho ifondies. Nuts, ond also keeps Crockery, Lamps ond Tinware. Stock is Complcto. j i me Lancasmiri: Insurance Co. i ai ANt.'IIKMTItMi imai.ANII fintOlX, i&OT. tkit Ira tlta Wiir. MARKET. for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho J GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. OREGON You Want a Place to up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle orsc tl 4 to Oiy HL lino of Fresh Groceries, Notions a Specialty. Beware Of Mercury Whenever a doctor is called upon to treat a blood disease, the result nine times out of ten is that the treatment is worse than the disease, and in a short while the patient finds his Condition far worse than it was at first. The reason Of this is that, notwith standing the great progress made in surgery, and in some branches of med icine, the doctors have failed absolute ly to discover a cure for blood diseases. Whether in the form of pill, powder or liquid, their treatment is always the same potash and mercury which temporarily dry up the poison in the system and no sooner has it taken on the full effects of these powerful drugs, than that suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way toa stiffness, fol lowed' by the racking pains of rheu matism. Then follows loss of hair and finger nails, and even decay of the bones' a condition most horrible. ; Mr. Henry Roth, of 1848 South Ninth street, St. Louis, Mo., was a victim of contagious blood poison that worst form of blood disease, which has always oamea tne doctors, tie was treated by a physician, and in due time pro I' V f 7 H y Hrnry Roth. nonnced cured, but as usual, in aucta eases, the disease soon returned, even worse than before. He says: "I had severe pains in my feet and arms, and was covered with small red sores. An other doctor treated me for a lonir time and I waa again pronounced well, but the disease came back on me again as before. I was in a horrible 1U, and the more treatment I received, the worse I seemed to get. A New York specialist said he could cure me, but his treatment, which was quite expen sive, did me no good whatever. Many patent medicines were resorted to, but they did not reach my trouble. I was stiff and full of pains, my left arm was useless, so that I was unable to do even the liirhteat work. This was tnv con dition when I began to take 8. S. 8., and a few bottles convinced tne that I was being benefited. I continued the medicine, and one dozen bottles cured me sound and well. My system was under the effects of mercury, and I would soon have been a complete wreck but for H. 8. 8." 8. S. 8. is the onJr cure for real blood diseases. It is guaranteed pure ly vegetable and one thousand dol lars reward U offered for proof that It contains a particle of mercury, pot ash, or any other product of the chem ist's shop. The mercurial treatment of the doctors always does more harm than good. Beware of mrrrtirjr! Hooka on the disease and its treat ment mailed free to any address by Swift t pacific Co., Atlanta, Ga. rbargrsl Wild larmrt. From Colon Mmut. Jamas Ittibbim, of Doe Taller, bat wbo baa been temporarily Wfini at tipsrta, waa arrested leal TbartJay for the beioooa crime of rsp on bis own 12-tar-ol4 daughter. The ease was triaj before Joatioa Kendall, of New Bridge, Oil Ilolililtis was hsld to avail the clloo of lbs grsod J'lry witb bonds filed - a UVWk Of. m s ajuu. ue is so nomarrtea maa, abosMaiMra of ags, bis wife bavin dk4 eifbt fera eta. Ue baa ta dsaslilere h 10 sod 12 years, respect. iHy. The yoosgMt girl uAd the Dibbore wbst was aulo uo six! Ihr esosed Li srriwt. Koantdiog to ibair story three annsMrs! retbli'ioe bsvt twwa soalalnifcl for Btors than a Rubbiae flvniM Ibal be Is tniltr ao4 taf s wai II la sehama pnl sp a,aln( hf ' '' hp 10 M.BI b It. lie wta twiMifM in ihta eiiv, l4r. ny imsiaiiia 4, K. Ktrbf sod Freeh rtbelii aaJ MtH la toe eonolv Jail. mw.hnm or the am. TKe liilrrt ll Itlnf a It J Mturlin In. 1. oVtrt Wl erwma, llf, sail f l,um. arJraW iMase ul Hie aale as instantly ail amlviM t riamUtUint ,e ami UutiMwttL Uf wy b4 rara l.stt etai!ly ew! Lf U. It U ,! II t tMMi put b binf .ia snd S tavnrtle fir " tsif.Uw; ttaim baiwi rlul viaioa, mm wis um throttM ante ym lf sMi 17 urn"" at m my f tot. Trj Dr. r4fs V4,U rVra, 1W1 m Hat a brwi ( hti in l. n4U. Tut sale l-f Ct.aef A IWt, drori ! tm4 Lru(Tlo oeee yilrtwi1 tbe aal terstiy Turuato la UrMk, r4 oti the felbwleg daf tl i'ans'liae J ierasU so eee4 tiisl bis aasl t4 Id tea fSf Wa aatloealiag, Mli aJ grsaisUra!l tfll. H bereK IM folktwtttf dislg(e e : !! 4t4 th'M I (wis i4 latofirte lk IbelT k4 tt UmIu r.aTa f Pi Jba Mtlsst4. UaM I tIJ Ibvea," rMtt Hi i wtil JI ! T- e dr sl f a . i'if h t ni. "l '' Uif Omi." UJ lb !,! I," im a iii lit ti i m.' a b, iv Mr. We would ask tbe Oregoman if tbe boarding ot gold in bank vaults, of wliiob it complains in its aoswer to the Hillsboro Independent, is not almost the oolv use for the great bulk of the gold of the country ? We would ask it if gold circulates at all as money in the great oeotere of trade, where the heavy, busi ness of the oountry is transacted? ' Gold is already contracted in the bank vaults everywhere in tbe oounfry, excepting on the Paoifio ooast, Bnd twenty-dollar gold pieces ere growing to be something ot a rare eight right here, and for another reason that times are hard. This admin istration, whose financial movements and ideas the Oiegonian heartily approves, has looked up all tbe silver monev it could,' and now it proposes to further contraot the circulating medium by de stroying the legal tenders arid silver cer tificates in circulation. Witb the gold locked up by Ibe banks, the silver look ed np by the government, and the legal tenders and silver certificates destroyed, what are the people going to have to. I transact the business of tbe oountry with? True, they have not much busi ness to do now, but it is to be hoped they Will have more after this vear, and then it should be and ' will be far from the purpose of the party in power' to oontraot the volume ot the circulating medium. Salem Statesman. The San Franoisoo Call recently re marked: "It will be poor politics to sac rifice the interests of California in order to obtain ' a cabinet offioe fur Oregon." It bow transpires that ex-Senator Dolpb of Orer on is "slated" for the position of seoretary of the interior in" oase of, the nomiontion and election of McKinley, Tbe remark of the San Franoisoo paper is significant Snlem Statesmau. Salem Post; Those who tbiuk that John H. Mitchell will be re-eleoted to the senate without a severe etruaele will find themselves mistaken . Those h& think J. N. Dolpb bns no eye on tbe plaoe, are away off. Tbe great fight during the ooming winter, should tbe republicans still be in the asoendenoy, will be between Mitchell and Dolpb. There are many of tbe legislative candi dates wbo are posing as Mitobell men who are oot Mitobell men. Tbe voters ill find this oat by and by. Speaking 00 this matter the Eastern Oregon Re publican says: Although it is claimed (for effeot) that ex-Henator Dolpb is not a candidate for re-eleotion yet snob it not the esse. Nothing that is possible is being left un done to eleot a legislature favorable to Dolph. His emifarin are si work all over the state. One of tbntn was in Uulou this week consulting witb those whom he supposed to be friendly to tbe men wbou the people have said they do not want to represent them In tbe Doited States senate; to the man who is openly ao aJvocate of the tingle gold ataodsrd contrary to the declarations of tbe last national and slate pi at forms of lbs republican party whiob declared for bimotaliam. Dolpb is nut the tboios ot tbe people. Commercial Raview: How luososiat. ent la Ibe Oregonlaol Only a few weekt ago it entogli-d tbe stand llou. Oeo. II. Wtliiarat look io refsriog to the dit- graoefal proeeediogt tbst took place at oar primaries; aod when Jojlge Williams tspouaod tbe caoae to brlug furtb Geo. U. r. Dtb at ao independent eandidate for ma) or, aslting forth tbt tame res eont that bit opponent, Mr. Cohen, did Dot reprwtot the parly be waa eomi oated by, tbt Orrg-.oiao Jumpa around Ilka a whipped child aod tayt that Oo. Willi amt ia standing in witb an alleged faction ot lha republican party that "bolted"' from tbt ooevaolloa. Mr. fksolt overlooks oeo thing -ibst U. H, Narthr op wet broagbt out by blmaolf a ,o lo- depeodeet eauJklale fur ooegreet, Ibal araa e.rrolj bql bea the rposibl and legitimate bosirwai and profMSionaJ oo bring oat (). I Ire be, that It all wrung, Mr, Kcott bat dit nor dans- a lo Ibe repaUlOM ( arty ia the last ta years Ibaa aey other tat (4 tbe sUU, and Ibe or be orgsais a party of bl witb Mr. Miutoe, tbe krsttar it will tie for IU ally of Portland aed stale of Oregoa. Mr. ItA.II la A ttneere ba be advocate Mr. Cobea't ele Iba. Ue koove II full wall j ao d-m Mr. hi moo, Tby iatead I trade bits n "V Ibetr leglalallv tlfl4 ao at to obteia tt.t".eg 111 sol" ia PorUsad a buard of eublie war it. MBuutar grmn sr,e ba ffoe ftf , gone wrewg in bis !, ae U wit nmm4 1 1 ll.e f. Ilooir.g ; ie Mlinel- 4 Ibal Uft are felly IKfl vM a.4Jet' tt4e la lb aead rtea! 4a- lrit. NMty all ef lba, M U U'ltved, will beta. lt N-tllnp. To hie em, ts'lee 4 lbs Oread Army J Nvftb- P to aiMally koooa, aod teppatfl of bias will tie la ilea Hk Ibe gfsJ ft-.tiey i.f ataa lleg by a tira4 ol-e be u a fit a fur Ibe piit f bib be le aeraia.1." Of tour "utili all al & 1 & will 4m av'ttieg m faoUb ae lo ue f. al lime, at rata He "IJ a- I ban" via It. rfb beat) tMkl, auaalaeUd by lb rbMl rea sV'avanlM'O) aloto. TWy bave at yrf elaMkltt lb M belag I U.!l.r., a.. I il i n,oft, 1 4 .W4 if jl'y ti Htaitaw tj aaska ni4a if I lbe ki4 ao, Ylrttte ae e erMiiee Highest of all to Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report "!'i't H'rt t among these "old soldiers" who will vote tor the Oreg6niana oandidate, but these are so isolated at to make the mention of this f aot a howling farce In connection with Northup's oandida6y.--TomBhawk. For every quarter in. a man's pocket there are a-, dozen naes i and tn no nnth one In Buoh a way as to derive the great est benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. AVe believe, howavar that no better use conld h mfkjla rt Mia of these quarters than to exohange it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medioine that every family should be provided with tor sale by Qonser & Brook druggists. ' ; ''T ' i v Jtr;twV, . TKUE KEPUBL1CANISM. From Portland Chroniole.' , t , i,;" ; When we atop to oonBider the"' true and lofty' aims of the republioan party we are amazed that any' man, or any party of men, should ttoop to tbe little ness of trying to use to great a party to cloak' their . own misdeeds and "further their pwh ends. '.; Tbe Qregoniauj in its own love of aelf, does not look to the itns meaning of the party name, m ex emplified in its platforms ot ttje pest ten national campaigns, but tries t0 mold tbe party of the state of Oregon' tq ealt its own ends and turtber its own sohemet of plundering' the people. The true aim of the party is not plunder, nor ia it. the establishing of a oorreney system ia ao oord with tbe wishes ot Walt street and eastern bankers, but it is tbe building op of the nation to wbioh it looks, bound to as tbe goal It moat eventually , reach, and by its platforms it bat always shown that Us endeavors were to bujld , np ' the oaMoo by baildiog up its, industries. Its endeavor baa been ia tbe past, and will be id the future, to raise the revenues ot the nation without increasing the taxa tion or issuiog interest-bearing bonds to cover a deficit Uuder demoo ratio rale, with a light proteotive tariff, our im ports bave always exieeded our exports to tiioh an amount that the nation has beeo drained ot gold to make np tbe bal. anae of trade, and tbit alone bat been Ibe cause that hat broagbt on the agi tation ot tbe oarreooy question. Remove this cause and tbe financial titoatlon will right itself without tbt aid of legis lation ia its favor. The Chroniole has always claimed thai tbe money question waa a aecondary matter, and that tbe protection policy of tbe repnblioeo party was the true eolation of tbe question ot oar national distress. Witb our mills and No lories all lo operation, oar labor ers all reoaiviog fair day's waget for fair dsy'a work, oar exports equaling onr Imp rts, aod oar wsxs-earoers protect ed from tbe oompetitloa of foreign pan- per labor, onr oatloa wilt prosper, and the eigot ot discontent will vanish like mitt before tbe noonday too. Let tbe re poblioao party and ite protective policy alone, drop the fallacy of the finanolal totes, and good tiro will drive the gaoot wolf of starvation from oar tboreo. Are tee Usee MuM-rable by ladioMUon. Oonalina. una, ultimata, Je of apMtita. rl w mioT Millions Vilaliter ia e positive ears, rot eaie y wellt a Warren. kauriaoraaoMNu. Irma fatirtai Trthaoa. Tbe Evening Taltgraro view! with great alarm the fact that delegate ta tbe rtpablloaa atliooal convention have beta tnstrocted tor MeXlaUv by tbe Califuroia repoblloaa title coeveatioe. while at tba eeae llmt It declared la fa vor of free aed gallanted eotetgw of it- ver at Ibe ratio of In to 1. Tbe Telegram aalnally believee Ibal the artioo of tba California ipubllteot tboald be ana- Iraa4 aa refleatln( Ibe p-itl'-e ef Ue- Kinlar oa tba moaay toaee. Horli tti. pid reeavinlag ie very jabaomlag tbe eolnoine of a teetroptrtilea paper. Caltfomlatie kaew vty wall Ibst Me Rtnley ta aoead moeey men, and dt! sv4 laalrael Ibetr daUgaleo to vule tot blra Imism ot , bat ia tpile of It. The Celiforala datoasuat will vote, at aoarae, ) ibe aUisJ teaveelloa ! free Mltef plai.k, aad a t4 atoney plabk will b adoplel, aa4 tba CeHl-ie- ia dategatea will Mara U taelr Mimes and ula Made witb tbe other good re peblteeM of tbe ttatoi im barreblef 1m KaKtaley. Tbey lt a4 ball Ibe eHl. of Ibe eooratitkia al Hi, Vmm aed al verttoe rr aa ielpelaat free aulatga eaediJeie for Ibe braa!?. There gd de4 of epieia e4. le Cl.frla b-ll tbe r.p..lraas f that tUt di't t ke It, f ewt C r. Health aed eeel brsalb Ph.L.b'e tietefrkj IUMly. al lJett fririt. teeJ. by lrte &aj. "f aw 0 leed Ibal yea ! aceet tbto," teat with tbe pe..i"a4 t sell. -I ll.i.k It rather btlBkt." r.ea aw, tail tt etlttie. "Tb brigbteeee ta dee to eurilu., Te "Il ftee baaJUd eo .() li atee'Ue !, fTOaS. . . . ... m CZS PURE A WORD WrfH THE DOCTOR. i few drops of ammonia or a littla borsx in tbe water need for washing the laoe wm prove an exoellent remedy for an oily complexion. After using, dry the faoe very gently and dust it with pow dered oatmeal. The juice of a pineapple outs the mem. brane from kbe throat of a diphtheria ds- tient when nothing else will. An exoellent remedy for a oough ia made by . slicing two lemons thin and adding to them ten cents worth of whole flaxseed, ten cents worth of lioorice root, one gill of water, and a little sugar. Boii until quite thiok and strain, Flaxseed is one of the best remedies for a cold on the lungs. Suoh a oold should never "be' neglected, for it may speedily result in some more serious ail ment. A hot bath should be immedi ately taken, followed by a oool sponging; the latter will prevent taking more cold. Use' flaxseed, either ground or whole poor over it boiling water, let it steen and drain off the liquor, thin it sufficient ly so that tt oao be need for a drink. To every bowlful add the juioe of one lemoo and sugar to make it palatable. Drink freely ot this whenever thirsty, or often er it there is little thirst. Tbe result it wonderful. To remove wsrte, wet them tborouehlv with oil of cinnamon three times a day until they 'diiappear. Another well recommended treatment it to cover the arte twioe daily with tbe foliowlnir eo lation: Acid tellcytio, 1 part; add lactic, 1 part; collodion, 2 parts. Neryei Oa Edits. I was nervous, tired, f Irritable aod oross. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea h. m.ri. me well aod happy. , - - Ma E. B. Wobdbm. For tale by Wells Warren. UNITED HUNDA Y-BCHUUL WOKK. A onion or federation of all tbe Protest- aot charohet ia Amorios hat ofUn been propoeed, bat no tuoh nulon exitts, or it likely to be formed, at least for yeart to oome. Tbe Sunday eobuoU, however, repreteoting all tbe charahet and over one tixtb of tbe entire population ot the country, bave beeo organised fur nearly forty yeart, and tbe organisation ie in creasing In strength every year. Billy ilatea, territories and Canadian prov inces are organised, witb ao annual eon veotion, a board of offlners, and aoall- lary ia tbe counties and townships. Aa international oonyeution Is held every three years, to which each ot tbe sixty etetee and provinces sends a delegation. Tba International Executive Commit, tee, witb beedqnartera in Chicago, keeps a forea of aeeretanea in the fild, attend ing conventions and working for tbe ri- lenaloo and Improvement of Ibe Runday- tcboole. Tbe Leeaoo Committee ebooaec tbeso called laternational Ieaeoas, which arc aludtod lo nearly all Ibe HO.ftiOSaaJsy. tcboole of Ibe UoiU4 Httlee tod Can ads. Tbe eighth Internalioeal Snnday eobool CvnveiiuoB la to meet la luun tbit year, Jvs 23rd le 2tb, and a WorlJ't Ofiveelioa will be called to meet aett Jaly la bmdoa. fills tie h4 fare. Pills da a4 care anoatioatioa. Thee only aggravagaU. Karl's Clover lt.N Tee give perfect ygntartty tJt tba boette. fut tale by U ella aaJ U arr.a. A MewMwIaele. Tba lateat teladle le antB( lUbeJ by BJaa ot a doable founlaie pen, one end filled Witb I'rod other with Ibk Ibal fades aeay ta a dty or two, Tba sharker's plan le lo call ea fermere er otbere, make a bargain eo adtantageoaa to Ibaes tbst tbey are willleg to agrae la It, write Ibe ie tract or agreeraaat with tbe lak that fad re, iben maeage eo tbtt IU vietltt eigat it itb tbe ink Ibal leeie, Tbae la a few dayt lby bave the aan on a tbeei of paper ea wbkh ay tt 4 tfl eaa Im wrtttea. IVet le wbe re. Ibe pere are erf ul bow I bey alga lblr aaaaee lo eay dueerneel f?r d by a wrai.gef. 01 here ere eetgbl ia tbte at Irap. CATARRH Is e LOCAL DISEASE Maaiwiitii4 W 1 (47aii bm 1mrmm4 a 9 M I e lao-aHi 4. e- -. a. afjytf a' mi i a g-s Ely's Cf nia Balm jf a -m.,- r iaraf -irgt tee f m i tomfiUtom ltF. 4 ww fesaP Js irajaeah tbMp INc "W-ta, 4 (M uJkUf api m4 I 0mm M ia lbmm,mm, m, m