Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 15, 1896, Image 4

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    41 C& BRANDS.
While roa aaep roar subscription pud up yea
ean keep roar brand in tree of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horsea GO on left
shoulder; cattle earn on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and opper bit on the left; range, Mor
row ooantv.
Biird, D. W. and sin. Horsei brandnd D B
onthelntt hip; os'tla ths earn on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndprcrop in the left. Hangs
in Morrow Countj.
Bartholomew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horeei
branded IKun either shoulder. Bange in Mor-
" rtannlstar, J. W., Hsrdman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thiuh: split in eaoh ear.
Brenner. Peter, ttooseberrv Oreon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle fame on
"Busman, Jerry. Lena, Or.-Horses branded 1
on riaht shoulder; cattle B on the left Bide.
Left ear haH orop snd right ear noper elope.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right nip; split in
""Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in oei ter on left hip; cattle, lame.
Brown, W. J.. Tsna. Oregon. Homes W. bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hlE'oyer, W. Q.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split ro
Bo, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
shonlder: cattlo. same on left hip.
Bmwniee. W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle. J B connected
on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange m Fox valley,
Gnl?"n3r, W.ner. Or.-Horses brand
ed Oon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Bange in
ciijAOr: D od horta? on left stifle-
TJ with quarter circle over it, on wrc snomaer
Sua oil mil ow"" . , - 'an
loft shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range In Grant oonnty.
Oste.Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
,1 . una, and Umatilla connties.
Corrigall. M M, Osllowsy, Or-Oattle orop ont
of eaoh ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle u on leu, suuo. uau.o aw
A TTmntillo nnnntiAfl.
!!. -Ii m n T,.h liu Or. Doable cross on
eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit
in right ear, split In left ear. Bange in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou eweSjOrop on left ear
pnnohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop m
5ht and tinder half orop n left ear. All rang,
Tnn..Or.-Horaes, Won rightshonl
Aar- Cathie, same on right hips ear mark square
orop off left and split in nrtt.
Cnrrin. B. Y., Currlnsville, Or. -Horses, on
'"co'xEd. 8.. Hanlman, Or.-Caitla, Cwlth
Cochran B. E Monument, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark
nnder elope both ears and dewlap.
u ..rim.n nr. Horses branded
nV",Si,'f. h?n. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle shskj
brand on right shoulder, and out off end of
j'".. -to M a.lWsv.Or.-Cattle.BDon
right .Ul .'widow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
0DK.Slhr.. Dowlas- Or-Hor.es branded EtA
on ert snoniaer, o '"'
Emery, J. D imra , "VT. L ,
n .rsed C with tail on left shoulder t oat-
tiesam. on right hip. Range in Morrow oounty.
m - i. a Hannnar. Or. Cattle. Lr on
right hip; horses. V with bar nnder on right
'We'noe, B. P. Pf. -Horses u I on
right shonmer; oaraa, ;" k
1 " . vi-,.. ifnhn. Or. Horws brsniel H
8 with a quarter circle over it, on left stifls.
EV .:;. .n1 nmatillennnntio.
Hiatt A. B.. Ridge. Or.-Uattle. round-top
;, u nnartnr oirole under It on the right hip.
Bange In Morrow and Umatilla oounpa.
Hughes. Bamnel, Wagner, Or- F (T F t
. ......4 ia,i ahnnldnr on horses: on oattle
i-u. v.i .nH nn left side, swallow fork in
right ear and .lit in left. Bange in Hay.taok
4i.t-.nt Mnfrnw onnoty
Howard J li, fHllowsr, Or.-Horses T (oros.
with bar above it) on right shoulder; nattls same
on left side. Bange in Morrow and Umatilla
""HaliriMwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E H on
right hip; hors e same on right shoulder. Bange
J 1 1 t u-nta
Hnghes, Mat, Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded
heart on the left shcilder. Rang Morrow Co.
Hnnsaker, B A, Wagner, Or.-Horaes, on left
.h-mlderjealtle, or left hip.
Humphreys, J U. Hardinan, Or.-Horwa, H oa
"u?Ull- t.ntw Riaht Mile. Or.-Horse Hon
the left shonhierand heart on the left .title Cat.
i ...-loft hin. lUnaK In Morrow eonntv.
Jones, Harry, Heppnr. Or Horses bran-led
H J on the loft shonlder; cattle bra lrtml J on
right hip. also nnderbit in loft ear. .Bang in
Morrow county.
Junkin, M. M., Heppner. Or.-Horses, horse,
shoe J on left shouhUr. Cattle, the nma.
II iri.ktMlla
i.. !.. Or. Horses. nienleT on
left stiHes'oattle.sameon right hip, under half
or-m in ri" ml sulit n left ear
u . Mik. iiannner. Ur. Morses branded
KSi on left hip oattle same and omp off left
ear! nmter slope on in rum
Kirk. J. T.. Hennner, Or.-Horse. St en left
.honlder; cattle. n9 on left. hln.
Kiimberland. W. (.. Mo int Vernon, Or.-I L f
..n. n),t nd left siilna. swallow fork in li
hp ami under omn in right ear. Horses sum
brand on left shoulder. Itange in Grant eonnti
Loftan, Htllien. . Foi. Or.-H L on left hi
nn Mttla flnill and sulit on right ear, llnras
same brand on left shonlder. Bang Grant
Lleiillen, John W Lwln v Or.-Horiw
branded liair-elrols J I. conneoiei nn iii snoni.
dnr. Cattle. eui on Ufthiu. lUngs, near li
ttigton ,, , ,
Iriwhey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horse branded
I .... I i .,n lull ahnuhinn cettl nn on I"'
hln, wattle over right ye, three 1iU in right
l,rd. Genre. Heppner. Or. Horaee branded
double U ooi.naot, t Mometimae eallad
...... If nn laft ahntllltar.
Maris, M. ft.. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
circle on right hip; home ism on right slttl.
Bang in Morrow eouniy.
Mumr. liaoar. lieiipn-r nr. attl. II D
right hip; burse M on laflioold-r.
Morgan, H. N., Heppner. Or.-Hte. M)
.t...nl,l.. m(1 ! aame on left nio.
Mnohtl.War.l", Or.-Hor. II oa right
klpi oatUa. 11 on rthl side.
,irm I.Mia Hiail.Or. Ilormas A H eon.
Banted'on Utt shoalitari eattle Mine on both hlpa,
Oiler, t'erry, ijsiingum, vr.r v urn vm
iMmrn, J. W., Doii.las. Or.t hrM O oa left
.himldafi mills seme on r'aht hip.
f saraon, Olava, Eight Mile, H-.-lt.raea.qnaf
tar alrala shield on 1.1 saitaliler aod H on ten
hip, rattle, f.H-s la Mt ear, rlht eruuiwd, at
n left hio. tUnaao-. Ktelit Mila.
Parker A (Haaaoa, Hardiaaa.Ur.-rlovas IPoa
Jart atHHtldar,
rm't,ll1'.-Hoia, brand,
a K (lj K ennneata-l) aa lft shrmldar ealtl
s me oa rUM hip. liana, Mrvw anatii.
I'liaw, J. latlnt.Mi. tr.-Hiiraa, JK .
aeniad nn laft shcwl.lars oalUa, Mm oa Uft alu,
gndav bit la aa"h ear
I'M Ira. A. fM lima, Of t hnrtmm diamond P oa
- ahuaidart eattta, J H J eanart., na the
art h,p, ukihu slut-a la laft ear and alio la U
Hmd, Aadrasr. ttardmaaj, Or.-Horaaa, a,MPt
ra wit qiiara.ntrTlnTa it oa laft Mlfia.
Haah Hn.. HeriM. ,tijmm brandt 1
M iha rU'it ahoaLlori eatth. II f the Wt kip
rr.. t.f laft aat n1 daw lap n Bats, ttaaga li
H .e aod -ti..llo.Miiia.
Haai-f, Aailraa. In", Ov Morass
braaitsd A H rtaht alHwUlar, aat qaartai
alrrle aav Uwxl, raUas mum M riaht hi (.
Ita'.aa B.irniaj o-itr.
rUifim, Was. H. OaiiTvllUn Or-tilt ansiaa-tat
with quartav alrrla nta tnf . rwM bir
an j er,.w oft ryw aar aa-l avli la Ml. Hma
mm biaa I n Wl thoaUlw. Iaana Is llurri.aj
iiiftnt aad Uilliam " "". .
liaar. t. W , tlappaar. Or.- Iloraaa, JO aa
Uft stwulJer. ta0 0m rtM bt
Htralht W V... tli Pia, Of - n.rmm ahaHad
J H na laft atllU.eaiiia J H im Ufi fcls.aJww
?..ts la rM ear. aa.ta.Ml la Uft.
f.., I ta . UaHHHW, IK, -ll.maa, A t
LUi bi aallla SUM ta Uft bits
rUfara, Hotwrt, tKmslaa. r-ratlUl tm
rt.M bin eil riaht . Lias ( luinae, a
tight alnxiUU, Han la H,tf."J AMintf ,
hmitb ll" . Snwaavtlta, tr lle. htandad
H t. raili.Mla': eaMia, in Ml ah,a,,a,
ainiraa Jaasaa Aria1., ilr.i bnnaa Iwandad
Ja a l.tt ah.nU ! eai'ia tl.a aa-na. aim a.a
...Li., lla- la aaxl llillla-aan laltaa
hi4 . He" I- hneaaa om
n.M eii hurtsxo'ai L a iim nM akla
ra.Ma, Mrs A J M - -4Uaa.
,,aM ail i ll" t. ia Wt ear.
O, w , Mn..i- li -Muraaa, M a
tall .Mii i , aauU. 44 laft ki
m.... It. II. Hmwi, IM. - I alll tCa
latt m,p. 9p ! ad a4a.lnl IS tafl ttaw,
4ataH tnm Wl owl aft.a.1 ia
IWa.a. a, M"l.Ma, I . ll'Waaa, 1 1
fl al.it't-.l nlia t -an t-ft '.'Wl'lar
I ,,.4 It r.laia.p.-. -M-aa, C-M b
.1 ... 1 1
1v,waf ft. W..H.WM tr -ftmaJI social T
.fl .t,,WI- botaaai aallla aa,M a ar bty
r,k M.hl M Wl a,
1 Virt. II. at . t - M aws IwMdad
f t wll " tn atHai .Sw aa I,
.,Wnd H.T . ! ih Hiinailtlaa
aarwM wa b.MJMifMtlaviaMaa pm naht
ta-. W . Haraaa. P ,
a lha alml.t". ra"M MM f ll.,l bt.
mt-'f ..g la'l ar a4 '' ft t4
Silan.til. U, aa Har-I, ttf -
ft.rfaw M 4M If an IM trl ttmmktm- Haj
kt dMa tBAff.
arra tl N falab tlU W lw4a
..a l tat l ta rtahl
II mm Ik4 a W ai.i lar, lwis
l.a. i. .ta.
tl Hf. Ilaf tanf, " - Hnaaaa beailtait
.4 ,vl Ml a' .IM ) I I-t Iiib
I :m K..a la.1 tmH !. imi bib.
I H ', l - II a I f
-.. t,i It 1 1. H ,aa t.a ,.4
Wititan taw Ha - !"
ala aa faaaa la k.4 Iw4k "a-US S4
Wren, A. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses running AA
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hio. I
Xonng. i. a.. Gooseberry. Or. Horse. BtamMC
18 on to right hnalna.
When -ion are about to buy a Sewing: Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisement,
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
vou ouy trom renaoie manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
fyiSY There Is none In the world that
ii'''!fMfi 3 aWiM,. Hnrahilitv of working
'1" Vi parts, fineness of finish, beauty
P ' V.'-'a in appearance, or hag a. many
New Home
it Automatic Tension. Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (a),noother has
it ; New Stand (patented), anvins wneei ninr;cu
on adjustable centers, thus reducing f ncUoa to
the minimum.
Oeahob. Mam. Bofrrort, Mam. wumow hotakk, . x
FaAKCttOO, Oal. Atlajtia, oa.
P, C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
- . i
Heppner, Oregon.
Popular Magazines
a FraoK l?JiZ!slrl)A iii. .Mtle
r ..... . wr..
Contain, each Month I Original Water Color
frontispiece i 120 yuarto page. 01 Kcaaing
u.ttar, ion New and Mlnh-clas. Illustra
tions; Mor. Literary Matter and Illustra
tion thua any otner magazine in America.
23 cti. li a Vear.
Frai Leslies Pleasant Hours
i rtritriit. Wholnsoma. Juvenile Monthly,
F ulv llliiM rated. The beft writers for young
iMMJi.lo ntrlbnte to It. 10 i ts. : i a year.
Frank L.sm-'s Populb Monthly anUhe
Oasetta, both for one year lor j.iw. 1
FkankUsu-'s Plaant Hous -ob BotsI
and uiaxa aim un iikibimj,
one year (J.UO.
OndodJteiliyWKl Club Offers
rr Seed In Fmnk If Mr' PuhlUMna ttout. X T, 1
fur Sr.w llM'tntted -malum LHt, Ht.
If yoil tliink of linying ao Mgins of
sny sua or kind aetnl (or oor Catalogue
No. 3(i, oont.inirg Illustrations bod
prions of every kioil ot engins from out
np to Zi horns powsr, si bottom prioM,
or Lint A'o. ?.', (or yacht nginrs, boil
ers so J machinery. Either seol (res. ,
Cas. P JilM H0
197 Canal Straw,
Q it t rrv rtt t ret t ittn Q
sS Aiarvatr f IB I'rat fa ftaatay.t.
Z ACamwlataS,'"',intolv 8
IIMiIp ua,M aw Ball Hater, runt
3 Hall flarer, tl-ll l larir. Tennis I'lar rf
ami blrvrle Hi lar, a III ha aotit to an fj
adlrMs upua rofliH a4 la cvnia, hi wi I!
rhar-s. H
J lliraa Snra ara BhaalaWy pmftrrX JJ
jl baautilullr rolotrd and mHjtal, and tj
arrantxt sesiand nprtshl. Sad ansa as.
rrllanl fc"if"li nl nut M faara a Inwiars as
l lha athlrtte S'lCI'lf woi.. amiai l ft
luf t lob, ralii r.a. offire or hma.
Traj a. waa Mlto4rij.uJ at
Q 1 1 1 M MrStt 4)
T tss rawfersit vevsli.4 tt tbtaa wsar4
Is saaa M tan-it sraaat
Tbwf lllMltsIS tb.l 4t aaaalltf b)
Has aiwar taaat la b awi.
aTaaa I4I4I 4Sfaa h. bsa.Slial eJa
Itf f
Wpans Tabula
4ssea.aar44inb.ay saiawalr seayaa)
tv rr rrd civi
R'a.aa TiWlra t vM.A, tea 4. tMSi
Vi 4nfgtia, w b aasai,
sfiA4 CbUlCM. C4w II aafVM tL, sVa
E. McNEluL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. R. 4 N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Oen. Pass. Agt.
San. Fronolsoo
And aU poinU In California, via the Mt. Bhasta
route 01 me
Southern Pacific Co
rtia areat hia-hway through California to all
point, rast ana soutn. urana ooenio nout
Of the Facifio (kiast. Pullman Buffet ;
tileepers. Beoond-olaw bleepers
Attached to exorees train, attordmc superior
accommodation, for seeond-olas. iMiMengers. -For
rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
.to. call npon or aoarees
K. KOKHLEK, Manager, K. P. ROGKRfl, Ant
tea. F. A t. Agt., Portland, Oregon
Most Modern and progressive
, For cstalogus or Infomistlon writs to
New Haven. Conn.
1 TSt 15 E
(T I n 00 worth of kivrly Music lor ferry 2
uJllJ "' consisting .
w-. af I w . .. . si. TU
M loo pairrs 1
run sirs Mien Mu c ut :
a- Intnl. brightett, liveliest and aimt popular
MlccUont, both vocsl and Insttumrntsl,
ev irHirn up m ine awu eitnt aunner, u- a
y; iiuuiiii rour urge site rortriut,
yj- OAHHIKCIJ. h, 8rml$ Daicr,
fc; Broadway Thtr Bug.. New York City. m
2T;,.i ,7. ,T?Tr. !? .T. Hll0.-
f sPa HTa Lsia
The Amaf lean Protective Taiff Uagua
is national orgtnizatiofl tdvocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry m (plained by its COnttitu
tiot at follow i
' The abject ef iKIs laaaue sKaS U la prtm
Aaianoae la em. Syr . ttntl aa wa.se., whft atad
Maeuasalf ssSMas Aaawieaa la.ail a.aSwa.
Sf Sinst ta Sain.ai..aa ef Sar4aja teSaa,"
There no pertonaJ or private
profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it it tut tamed by memberthipt,
contiibutiom and the distribution of its
FtMT t Cs.aSeS"IS I HWs'wll Maaag
Maa.lt.,1, - pr4 - Offnal Csl Hl.ll i I 4a.
CCObO. W aad 4n4 a slas-n ssV .batamt,
ratkav iaaS a. BVfa, 4a a 11.14,
TmiHO; W. s. tat "aw nisi'4
aa.ar.-a aS .a af 4a Ta. i,,.a, Caa
ou Hi a tm a law 4a ana aS 4a. ( 0 4a44.
rOUSlTH: taad aaaial aa n.mit aa
4aMae af a laarua. I
..., W W- r Mtlaaw Uan
J9 Wat 114 W4V ha Va.
fr ftsswjaajsjrtp sWsji ikaaaj BSjjkaa4(Mh wVa7 4MVv iw(fcft'awi
tttw It ajf (sWl fcftii tt hMatk Al lW Ma
wMl fjej traBkAsbjiai lyjaMjfiee swtsfi SaVisiaa satis) fls4d (ftsBfet
bis m tfa) "tar
J!'um' 'b IM
af mm aaa a-4 s .r M a..,a. . i
an (M aaaa thai law. kfal 44 SM
I If 14 MtA at li in a 4a an was
V1 - t aaV jtt aai 1 a fc aaw- Jlaa-aa-kataaa baaSa Sat
IT Brave tftMsav wpssi i" 1 ssw wpai ".s eaaaai
l C ,w4lllMalaawaar m l aj 1 Aa
m pap laji i .aa.4 af aaaa.. at m wjf.ui a faai fla.
,naw M 4V 4aanl 4aa ml aa a U a la. ail,
W. ala. Maatax) fcM J wanV. lai.aal aaal
, at a..M. aa. W 4 ftj.anA 4 V aut
LTTT1-: J?Zir 5 r.
4a.taiwWia4. 44 4 Aaw i, .iww af 4aiaa
la a,aa4 ! I a4 lM
jmhi vi nnt Kni PN co..
1UU..t.a el Aaaavttaa. a4 la- ae4..
ttl.hl.lM rf
a4. aa.waj f 4 i. A
SaVst. fSt'jBv Ughttat,
Simplest, jfjljL Easleat
Jtrongct. fsWlf jtl Working,
ftolld 1 W7jJ,IjUil Most
Top l - J mJb 4; i. J Accu rat..
Receiver. &!pidJr Compact,
aMil ai4 44 ai liaMS. t toajyag 4 Baaa)
From llie Dalles Chronicle.
Were it not (or the peculiar condition.
attendant, Ibe campaign In the second
congressional district would be too one
sided to be interesting. Coder normal
oironmstanoes Mr. Ellis' plurality wonld
be so overwhelming that tbe eleolion
would closely resemble a republican
ratification. As it is tbe result is no-
certain. Tbe candidacy of Judge Nortb-
np baa complicated matters till the for
lorn hope of tbe democrats has changed
into a possibility of suooess.
Aided by tbe Oregonian, tbe demo
cratic papers and campaigners are seek
ing to cover up tbe true issue in Ibe
campaign and divert pobHo attention to
another question one over whiob each
of the great patties is badly divided If
oooe they were able to dispose of the
tariff end simmer ibe contest to tbe
discussion of tbe currency question, the
weight that hangs like a millstone
around the democratic neck would be
removed and the jaded party oe reju
venated. But the tariff will not down.
Despite democratic declarations to the
coitrary, it is the great question before
tbe Amerloan people.
Four years ago, made reckless by con
tinued prosperity, tbe voters of this
country desired a ohsnge. With all its
resultant evils the change has come end
brought nntold disaster and misery. By
destroying tbe protective policy under
which tbe nation bad prospered, tbe
democratic party paid homage to foreign
nations and gave what rightfully be
longed to Amerioan laborers to toi'ers
across the sea.
Tbe people have been waiting to rigbt
that great wrong; to vote into power tbe
party nnder whose rule both the manu
facturer and tbe laborer, tbe capitalist
and tbe farmer prospered. Should tbe
demooretio party go before the country
d defence of their ruinous policy, they
woull notoarry a state north of Mason
and Dixon's line, nor all of those south
of it. Euowing this full well tbey seek
to change tbe issad and bring to the
front tbe currency question, bopmg
again to mislead tbe people as tbey did
in 1892. Whether tbey do or not de
poods upon tbe judgment and penetra
tion of the republicans. If tbe diotate
of tbe Oregonian be followed and-pro-
teotioo forced to tbe background to give
way to the financial question, defeat is
a possibility. Otherwise success is un
Tbe republican party can be trusted
to settle the vexatious money question
with the same wisdom as it bas others,
just as vital, in tbe past. It can be
trusted now as it oould in tbe storm;
years utter the olose of the rebellion.
Let the republicans of tbe second dis
trict be careful bow they act. Nortbnp
oannot be elected. Bennett must not be.
Tbe dot? that remains is for, tbe loyal
voters to support the regular nominee,
and thereby insure the election of re
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery
man and merohant of Goshen, Va , I si
Ibis to say on the subject of rheumatism
"I take pleasure in reoommendicg
Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheums,
tiara, bs I know from personal experi
eooe that it will do all that is claimed
for it. A year ego this spring my
brother was laid np in bed with iiitlHtn
matory rlieiimuiiMii mul sufferpit iu.
tensely. Tint tlret application of Cham
tie tin ill's Pain lfslm eHsed the pain and
ttienseof one bnltle complntely cured
til m." For sale by Conser 5i Brock
8h turned bar oslhoil on him
sbs wislisd to rrsJ his mind
Bnt, reckless maiil, tl; tieht sba ss
nigb wholly tnsJs bur blind;
For C Lolly's mi id's so very blstk it
clad oo tier sigbt
As would 'most anvttalug thst was
slrstigrly dstzliog whits.
Usrpsr's Usissr.
PllrsI flint IkblBf rilM.
bymptotD MoMtnra; lotenaa ttobing
and stinging; most at night; worae by
scratching. It allowsd to cotillons
t a mors (orro, wbiah o(to bled sod
nlt srst. brcomlog very sore. Bwatwi
Oirrattxi stops tbs itoblog sod bled
log, brals uloarstinn, and is most essca
ramoves tbs tomora. At droggist., or
b mail, (or SOosota. Dr.Swayna Boo,
"Tlits la ao saddt o," said Eva. "I do
aot want ynQ to Ibick ni tusrerasry,
bat what are yoor fi.isnoial pmaperis?
Adsta d'w biresolf op a ItMla and said
lib tbe qalrtraas of traa realoaws:
ewa tbasaftb.
Tba rswt ia Malory. Oli.oiiin.ll Ert-
Horos time ago I bad ocpaaioo to be
aboard nna ( cor tatga liots wbao
ebwrry-4 aa old lady look let ovtf tba
A(ir walk tag around for Maskd
arable liens aba earns arroaa a sailor
ft) uiit frvsb waUf np fiooi batow
wba aba saddfaly tislatmsd:
"Lor, sir, 1 did not laawr yea bad
wall atxiaid bfr Answsfw,
Itftlg'sll.iq la fria takan (r enfisnrcp
ll.iB, Tba Jfd BnrBptrMI Btaana
waaiiPf aST, aad diap-trisra n(ia
WaalsBWSf BS bsdlf M oSsastllva4
Tba raaaort tw(a wasta away a t
eausatb? dowt get aasagb lo al, Of
tby 1n I rtigaat wbat lhay d .
II tb laMaf ta Htr IfHitJax. Iak Pttah
f iHgrsliaatVfilia'- Tbl will balp t
la rtiginit year M aa J atop yoa bwt
of fl-h.
rihakaf tVgawltva r.lial ta Basis (rmw
bsiras, batks aad lbs Jw J Ciall, by
lb Wsll Isms HUakara at M t l
baw It pi'aaMa great taMt bad
digtltva p-afw.
Htakaf iH.rallvs .ital bas ttlffd
nisi aai-waai a asnwb'ivaw (aba sirs
t . - ti.
I faally 4 I 4 1 WW k bf Wptf bBS
I ak ajaarka lit d ! t b ( tb
. ata tb wt.ibat aaj aa
gittag lke
by Jtea.
Trial Klil-a lie.
IV..r. Bhst it lie tntli aHh Me,
f at . . I. ai. a. . t.m.t taaf .1,1
!,.'! ,1 ..I L. I-HMf Hl. It fr.,'!,
j ... . . - . .
;l-aia ..teaeaa-iaiaeaf iaa
frvBt TT.$.Jmrnl of ttrnHHm
Trot. VrJL reekc, who
make, a specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living Physician; hi.
success i. astonishing.
We have heard of cases
of so years' standing
curea ov
him. He I
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
he sends
v I
tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
Ve advise anv one wishing a euro to address
Prof.W. H. PEBKE, F. 1)., 4 Cedar St., Hew York
For information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO., S61 BllOADWAT, NEW York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents In America.
Every patent taken out by us Is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge In the
iAnsest circulation of any srlentlflo paper !n the
wond. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly, R3.0Oa
years 1.50 six months. Address, MUNN A CO.,
Fubushebs, 301 Broadway, New York City.
Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. -
Tourist Sleepe'i and Free Reclining Chair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hours aaved via this line to Eastern
R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent, '.
foruana, Oregon.
J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-(
ent business conducted lor MODCRSTC FCCS.
Ous Ornct is Oppoein U, B. Patiwt Orrict J
.nd we can secure patent u less tun. toaa loose
Mmnra imm na.ninirion. a
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-f
lion. Wo adviio, if patentable or not, tree 01
charge. Our (ee not due till patent Is secured. J
a ........ r-r " How to Obtain Patents," with t
cost ci samo in the U. S. and loreiga counuiesj
sent tree. Auuress,
Opf. Patent orrtcc. Wssmihotom. D. C.
Cummings 8c Fall,
Gault House,
Of the Old Reliable
Half block west of the fnlnu Depot 0. B. 1 I
y., C. M. M. I,, C A , P. n w. at c,
and the v. m. u r. Kaiiroaas.
HATICH U.oo iki i ay I
Cur. W. Vadison and Clinton Bis.,
cirisjs.ao. zx.Xa.
Through train oo lha O. R. A N. will
mo via. Umatilla, Walla Walla aod
Pendleton. Tbroosh aleapara, flrat aod
eonnd elaM, will run Id eoooecUou vitb
tba Uolon raciflo. tba aama a brlo-
'or. A throngh firat olaa. aleaper Port
land to fpokaoa, oooototirig
flr.t claaa aleepar .to M. I
throngo lonrlst alerprr PorllaDfl
Paul, ill mo la oiioorctlon
Great Northern railway.
Tba regnlar aobaonption price of tbe
Semi-Weekly Uasetta la 12.50 and tba
reanlar prwa ol tba Weekly UretODiaa
la 11.60. Any one aatwenbiBC for tba
Oaitetia and paying for on year in
advent raa get botb. the Qacetta and
Weekly Orsgoolaa for M DO. All old aob.
aonbera payieg their aabanHptiona for
one yea la adraoea will ba entitled to
Cbarley Jooea. tba wall-kanwn "old
timer" is the tonoorlal line, baa again
located ia tleppoer, baatrg prj'chaaed
Oreea klalbawa' abop. Minor botlJIne
npnoaUa tba rity boteL Charley will
appreciate a call ban la Iowa.
) .' W. Kama, the eily painter, (a pre-
bre4 to do all Had of palottag and
paper han-lng and will da hooae olrao- I
teg and take up Bad pnl dowa carpeta.
Offlr oa Mala etreet, oppoatie Ctiy
botel. "
aa atage leaeea tleppoee Mondara,
WeJaeedaM ad fridata. Leaeea Kb
Tnetxlara, TBUfe and fjelnrdaie.
far li eaeb way, Offlee, WeHa A
WarreB.lleppaer. Ta, Dflakell, Prvp.
P-r tn m 1 will a-ll B fir.1 rlaaa, tlb
grade, bigrt arm aewteg mar Line goaraa.
leed fur It) yeara. f"f tutthmt parttea-
lra eai or addreae. N. A- ., I
laS.legloB. (H.g'HI, lvt-lf.
Wall. Thorn f-aB run. attafa twtweea
ltni.t,r eet kloenmer.1, arrtvtt g eve'T
day e.ept M.m.l.y aad leaetag every
4af eieept Koelar. rlk-n-ieat nd a beep
a-. male Wt the laWrmr. CnOawf A
Ufoek, ageeta.
Malhea Urn ba asaVJ errr. n
llta eael ei le f Mam else, ia the
MtUliBg f umerly oetpit by Ibe Oem
eakwaa. Tbf will be bteaeej Ut ee
Ibetr old raaloateta.
Aay raeewinv U raeteea Orgn mm
da)lrwa the tticvm tit aa allot e Ml
eabtectna, U. O , will fed It fc, i
adranlage t eil oa r ad lreaa thia p
tr. Mf
f-e -.
l-SIHal 1 ti.J in
t .f )i t4,r, Ad
i r tj ""ia
, . I
awvTHH tH m
tCwl, Keeaiver, ArUaaWa, VrBwa, Veli"
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
"Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had Yon
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican WarsM.
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at tbis present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
f?Write for laws and complete information. '., No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, -
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
B.Thit Company it controlled by
papers in the United Statet, and is guaranteed by lhem.
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
Youro BOUND to Tnko 9Km.
Leaves No Constipation,
Corea it, aa well aa all B llionaneaa, Pick Beadaoha and Malaria. Tba only
coat ro rt a b Li pill in tba world. Bold by all rlrnpoista or aent by mail 6a
receipt of prioe, 25 oen la per box. THEN TIBS MEDICAL CO.,
411 California Street. Baa Franeiaoo. Cal.
lis Eeeloy Minis
i WwA & St. Paul R'y
Glanco at this Map
M the CbU-, MlJwawkae aa4 at. lad
ear e4 Unto IU tonne lta Ilk alt Iraaarcaa
I tinaatal lla4 ad Ml f.nl aaJ snaKa. aa4
reaaeeaawt Ifcat IM Vara a ) M-I wMk t'r.
tit. itf ta4 k-akwl bf mm. IM eairaveal Is
tt, Ihaiaal aM. tit-arf. aai aa4
Star Ma. rara wlta Ire. ewtiotaa rtv.lr, Ummh
I aloetag eM enb kae aa ateetrv tvaytiag U.
knA Its diataa aa ra era ttta Wal la lha wntM
ml- IHm. am ba IMs li.kv Imt keart
eaartav. aa4 eaet ear ta aa latailews
eaweattlew TMett elea faeasi.
NwibatneMterttf elnt beMttwavkaa- tatsM
itMuM It tmt Minal iMtlliitH
yw lira lafe, at e44raa
C. I. lttT, fiwaeal AeaaH,
$. W,rIT, Tra. tmmx agaat.
fnarvaea, Oa,
. lit 4W tfctat r rr.a.1 faat .'pt t.Mr
If"; -r z
Xwe. v IV
11 H 4v I 1
w,ITf X V
e .la'Snaial L , t. f.,m aael lb. kn lii, Wil. 4U
It f br4 X. j '-"- " -- .ia.
aOB. taiiLiaWMbMMaaMa4aa. -
nettrly one thousand leading ntVM
OF ...
too heavy
For tho Curo d
Liquor, Opium tui Tobacco Habits
It la located at Baieta, Oratea,
Th4 JJvl Beautiful Town on tkt Coatt
Call at tba Ottirra efilea for Barttrwlar.
trkiUy ootiSdanuai. Trttatstant artveteacMt Mrc
Vour Face
WIN aa wvwatbed H a rnest eagagtag
anlie, efW yaw lava u
cuieeB with m aa
Tba at tmnpSete 4 as-fnl aWtc ewag
aited t aay arwiag aKkaa.
Tb UHITn !
CanWy til rlMtfweHlr lalft.
Or flat ftalil til Partial Aulatee.
twt ALL Irwaiki Arliete,
AM a r ad pAeaaa y-j p to t'm fm$
ea4 f pmt t ijw.t.lajwa.
Aernt f4tt Waatto in ..
i 4itiy. li.r, ttrsM, Aanlrta.,
W.liTE A.I1E tt