Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 15, 1896, Image 3

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    4 THE BEST
Family Medicine
She Eat Ever Known. Wordt of Praitt
from a Hew York Lady for ' .
" I would like to adil my testimony to
that of others who have used Ayer's
Pills, and to say that I have taken them
for many years, and always derived the
best results from their use. For stom
ach and liver troubles, and for the cure
of headache caused by these derange
ments, Ayer's Pills cannot he equaled.
Here and There.
T. J. Allen was op from lone yesterday.
J 68. Pearson was in from Lena yesterday.
Ed F. Day was in from Lena yester-
Attend the
V?1 J)
When my friends ask me what is tha
best remedy for disorders of the stom
ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable
answer Is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea
sou, they will break up a cold, prevent
la grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They are easy to
take, and are, indeed', the best all-round
family medicine I have ever known."
Mrs. Mat Johnson, 3G8 Eider Avenue,
New York City.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer's Sareaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders.
1 rx-ivi n
10J112 J3 J4 15 TO
17 J8 19 20 2J 22 2d
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquor and Smokabl
CI ars. Call on Ted.
ball tin Thursday,
Khl'l lil.H'Y.N H-tUKINO.
nan. J. w.ivwy. or f .rtiun I. acoorn
panted by locxl hpf kr th oajdi
aaira rur ine vaimna county inet on
lbs republican ticket, will nidka a own
vans and speak on Ibe Mlnwiiitf dates
to places nam:):
May 13-Ijciitninn, 1:3) p. m.
May 13 lone. HOO p. to.
May It Omnia. liVi o. in. .
May M-Oranje IUH. R.ik) p. m.
May 15 Ooodrry. 1 3) p. m.
May 15 Kitflit Mil. 8 00 p. m.
May lO-IUrlrnan, lu'l) p. ta.
May Id Hppnr. 8.IKI p. m.
May 11 Win. Ittiah's pUce, IM p. m.
Mr. Iter is a republican shaker nf
promioeno. ami tba citiioa al tb
above nam! plectra will eertaluly be
well entartainel. Tbe rtpnbtioana at
tha different planae are rrqrieated t.i
Oirrnlate lb report of Ibeas lulling,
and members of all partks ars especially
reqoestrd to altebd.
J. M. IIaoir.
Chairman Co. Cum.
Oris PrTiiiK.
rrorrlary. tf.
To Viorr Hsimia.-TbmnKb tb ear
Met rjial if many In llrppaar, lb
Portland Klaotrolttia leeiilaia has bwo
prevailed upon to viail this city, aft a
repreaertiatlva aill arrive Ma 1 J : b . Ti
lay will b limitad to fnf ds a. F.rv
Jed Aftrint Vt be beaniiflrd cto nave
all imnor'roilins fm.tr1 Hepardlona
bair, birthmarks and m rtmoval by
tbe elertria ara.l'a, Nt pais, a er
Wfluklat. frecktee, f llinai bair ami fa
eat prnlrd aal yoail.fni condition
restored AJdr'te n bn I bills.
Tbos. SsDDisdawn froinCjIletffl PI bob.
Tbe Ileppner Transfer Co.. ban wood
for sale. 37 tf.
Look out for the rsoe ball on Mav 2S
Thursday eve. tf
Hon. T. T. Geer at the ODera house Ihn
19:bat8 p. in.
Wm. Douglas Wbb in from Batter
oreek yesterday.
W. S. Conner and wife were in the oitv
from lone ou Wednesday.
Tom B pothby, of Lexington, was a
visitor to Heppuer Wednesday.
.- i
I. Jaoobs and A. Udmb, travelling men.
were in town over Sunday.
Ed Conner. representing Wadhama A
Co. , was in town over Sunday.
Drink the ' oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
J. M. Hamblet and wife were visitors
to Heppner frjm lower Eight Mile on
Tbos. Morgan whs in from Eight Mile
yesterday. Politios out that way are
red hot Tom says.
La Grnde Marble Works. La Grand
Ore. 8, 0. Smith, salesman. HeDDner.
Geo. F. Roberts, representing Zan
Bros., of Portland, wag doirg business iu
tleppner yesterday.
Plain ftiots are what the people want
See Patterson's statement in this issne.
J. H. Filkins. Ben Winters and RwBvne
Troedson, all farmers of the Douglas
neighborhood, were in Heppner yester
day. .. ' .
Jake Wattenbnrger has deotded to
give a grand Khoh Ball on Thursday.
May zacn at tbe opera bouse. tf
H E. Warren and Wright 8aling. sub
stantial farmers of tbe Eight Mile sec
tinn, were doiug business in Heppner
In tbe half mile dash at the rsoe track
Wednesday afternoon between Dutob
and Coxev, (he former was an easy win
oer. biases Sol).
For sale a cheap team good roadsters,
one road wagon and hub! double bar
uest, nearly new. E. P. Gbbbnb,
tf at M. E parsonage.
hi L. Matlock is now tbe owner of a
very Hue watob, valued at about $150, a
present to bim from bis brother, Hor.
w. r. JdatiocK, ol feudleton..
G. B. Hatt, the tsnsorial artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlock oorner,
where bd will dispense at popular prices,
snsves, suampoos, hairouts, etc.
Dandruff is an exudation from the
port's of the skin tbat spreads and dries
forming scurf and causing tbe bair to
fall out. Hall s Hair Kenewer curts it
Thomas Kelson and mother are run
ng me wnite Hotel and restaurant in
renaieion. wtien you go there give
them a call, lhey will treat you right
lion. J. W. Ivey will address the oit-
issns of Heppner anJ vioinity on tbe po
litical issues t tbe day at the opera
house tu this city on May 16, at 8:0 J p,
Hon. T. T. Geer, tepnblioan nomiuee
for presidential elector, will address lbs
citiZHOt of tieppupr and vioinity at tbe
opera bouse ou Tutsday svtniug May
E.O.: Mrs. A. 8 Wells, of Hrppner,
is tutting her sister, Mrs. J. M. bxtitly.
She is ascompauieil by ber Olilldren,
Pearl Welis, Clyde Wells and Aba
Wells, jr.
Hon. J. M. Ivey will addnsstbe oil!
enus nt Ileppner and viciuity on Satur
day, May 10, at 8, p. m,, at lbs ciyera
Uuikj malciail of tbe 15ib, as mrutiuued
o a furraxr isua.
i hit Cibn is now associated with tba
firm i( il. lUppoxr A Go., in tba for-
aiding baiovas. Tbry pay tba highest
maiket prua lor pelts and bides aud at
tend Ij all forwarding.
W bnpe lbs men who bas bea sop
plying n wiib snob an abaudanoa of
winter wealkar lbs past few werks will
e Ot to give ns a Changs right soon.
W art getting tired ot tbia.
W railed oo Wills k 8 locum yester
day, but Ibey wr too busy with their
eloaing out sl to talk In os. Sow tbair
d in this papsr aoj tbaa oall oa Ibtm
for bargains iu all lioes ot dry goods.
J. E. Prteroa, a (atrssr, ot GooasW
ry, was la llsppoer ystr!ay. Crops
art fairly gnod to Inat asetioo and art
frst fruin tba lavages ot Iba col worm,
Uovr, mote warm wathrr it badly
Oa Msy 8ott lbs Ltsington Sunday
aobo.il will tsry thtlr usual Children's
day frsiept by boldiog a baskM pica It
ia IViilaitd'a grove. Eolrrtalomvot,
bitb liuray and tno'ioal, will bs fur
bibcd. All art lavittd.
Tbe repubhoan oampbign was opened
in this oonoty in good shape on Wed
nesday, at Lexington, by Hon. J. W.
Ivey, ot Portland, assisted by local
speakers. At night they addressed the
citizens at lone, and will oontinue the
meetings over tbe oonnty, reaching
H"cpner on Saturday evening. Knep
tbis in mind and torn out at tbe opera
bonse tomorrow evening at 8 o'olock.
for Coughs, Colds,
and Consumption
is beyond question the greatest of all
modern medicines. It will stop a
Cough in one night, check a cold in
a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma,
and cur Consumption if taken in
time. " You can't afford to be with
out it" A 2Sc bottle may save your
life I Ask your druggist for it Send
for pamphlet If the little ones have
Croup ot Whooping Coagh
use it promptly. ij sure to curt.
Three Sizes 35c, 50c and $u All DrnggUU.
16 & 18 Chambers St., N. Y.
Clever Piece of Detective Work is Arresting
toe Tbe Dalles Pogtofficc Kobbers.
From the East Oregonian. -
Messrs. Miller, Templetoo and Bob
bins are tbe three men arrested at The
Dalles for robbing tbe postoffioe there at
10 30 Saturday dight. Tbe mail p inches
taken were fonud. One contained a large
number of checks, one for fSOOO drawn
by tbe oounty treasurer in favor of tbe
state treasurer. Only about 87 50 was
taken in cash Miller and Templeton
were strangers in Tbe Dalles, but Rab
bins is a resident of that oity. An inter
esting feature of the case was the arrest
of Bobbius. Postmaster Crossen, in com
pany with Sheriff Driver, r -visited the
place at 8 o'olooa tbe next morning, and
(onod a button from a coat. In tbe
meantime tbe authorities had been led to
suspect a man named Bert Bobbius of
tbe ciimn. aud their next step was to ex
amine Itobbins' coftt. Proceeding where
be and his wife lived at Mrs. Brittaio's,
they induced her to go into their room
and oareleBsly remark that she had found
h button, asking it it belouged to him.
He at once unsuspectingly claimed it,
and on that evidence the offioera made
the nrreat on a charge of burglary. The
case whs brought before Justioe Davis
this morning and dismissed, on motion
of Dep'y Dist. Atty. Phelps, Davis not
having jurisdiction, bnt before be could
be discharged a warrant was made be
fore tbe proper officer, Mr. J. M. Hunt
ington, U. o Oommisionor, tbe oorrect
charge being robbing the United States
mails. Tbe arrest happened about 2
Results Tell the Story.
A vast mass of dlreot, onimpeaohab'e
testimony proves beyond any possibility
of dnnbt that Hood's Sarsaparilla actu
ally does perfectly and permanently cure
diseases oansed by impure blond. Its
reoord of cures Is nnequaled and these
cures bave often nenn aeoornpltebed
after all other preparations had failed.
Hood's Pills core all liver ills, billions-
ne, jtundioe, indigestion, siok head.
A. W. Balsiger Is up from lone.
Arthur Hodion Is In town today. '
Joe Beck ii over from Urant county.
Wm. Cuahman is over from Long creek.
T. W. Marshal, the candy man, u in Heppner
Hear Mr. Iver at the opera house tomorrow
Chat. Tan Winkle li up from D. P. Doherty't
Mrs. Isaac Lanrs continues to Improve in
Theodore Anderson was In from Gooseberry
yesterday. ....
Mrs. French, who Uvea up near Wm. Hughes'
place, is IU.
Lester, the little ton of Isaac Large, it very
much better.
Elmer Gentry, of Black Hone, wat In Hepp
ner Thursday.
Mrs. Otis Patterton returned thlt morning
from Walla Walla.
Clarence Johnson and Lime 8 wick are over
from the John Day.
M. P. Gerklnc and Bill Luelllng ars down
(rom Hardman today.
Jnhrt Die kem, of Penland ranch, it spending
a brief vacation In Heppner.
Speaking at thi opera house tomorrow night
ur. ivey win aaarest trie meeting.
Ike Blum, a commercial traveler, arrived thlt
morning to interview our merchaatt.
Wm. Allyn, of Inne, hat the host crop" of bar
ley nil ienoiu mil ii quite a larmcr.
Rnn. W. F. Matlock and wife doparted for
uirir renaiemn nome on neaueniay evening
Mr. J. B. Manning it having much trouble
with hit legi from an Injury received many
yeart ago.
H.'M. Thornton wee no from lone thlt week.
Hta clip nf wool wat the largest received at Ar
lington tan year.
Miae Ella Cow lne. niece nf J. W. Cowlnt. rf
true place, arrived .Iroia fortlana Ihurtilay
uiuruing on a vieii.
N. Donnelly, an old timer of the llennncr re-
tio ', le hack from Malm, a-'d at present is all
lug badly with an attack of grip.
Mrt. Itev. K. P. Greene arrived from Elleue.
burg, Wh., tint innrnlne to join her hneliand,
the pailor of the M. K. church at title place.
Regular acrvlcee In M R church. Couth, Btin
flay. May 17th. Morning nlilwl. "Gml'e flrsi-e
HuHlclent." Evening etiliject, "Kohhlng God."
Thte locality was vlattiMt tiv a tmall enow
itn'tn laet night How le title for the middle
of May, and e are eiuipoecd to be living In Or
egon, loo.
The Fndeavnr society meelt at the owa
hnuee on hiincUy altcrnoon at 4 1 1 rlunjii-t
-now noa rewaroe inoee inai no lite will
Lraxlcr, Mlat Mabel Leeier. You are welcome,
Arllnrton Record: The well wri'len editor.
tail ol The Italics Chronicle plainly enow that
It la a elaiinrh republican naner. carneelly en p.
Mntng me rcpnuiiian iii-nol aua not en I king
wun a torrnraa.
Dr. MrKwnrde l In receipt of a letter from Dr
Henry Jonea eUllog that the Utile eon of Albert
Slociiin le doing very well 1 he cheat haa been
IiiIimI anil a grral dt-al of pita taken away. Il la
Inilred pleaelng to hear that the proa pre te fur
rwoveri are eo g kmI ,
The birthday social given by the ladlrt nf tha
M K rhurrb on laet evening waa largely al
lemled and proved a tucneee In every way. A
neat and aporoprtt pnnrran waa rainier d
which waa followed by a eplrndld etipiier pre
pare. 1 by the lad lea.. The rwcelpti amounled to
about li 00.
Tha Woman's rhriallan Temperance t'nlnn
pwIoii on Wetlneeilay waa profitable and pleaa
anl. liHeree'log rradlnte and enthtieiaatle
lale ware given upon the IVx-lal purity tie
partmenl, whka will be continued at neit
mett g. elan readlnge and lolormallon on oth
er More ol aork. At Ibe M. R. church W.dnea.
nay al 1 SI p. m. Indira, pleaae meet wlUi us
Ut one boar. Hood nuele etpected.
Died Al ber borne near Hardman, el I in a.
a., 1 hurrta. May 14 If. Mr. Im RoMiiaon,
aced i years. Mra. rbiblneon waa taken elok
atjonl lea weeke era wllh pneumonia and (rear
rapbtly eme aotll deih came lo ber rellrf.
She e-irtrred a eevere aiierk of brain levef alao.
and Uile cnnipllcated wllb pneumonia, enaile
bet eaae s very dimriill one to menace and baa
lened hef death. Mra Koltlnaoa hnveee fam
ily nf Imir children, Ibrew baya aod ene g rl,
bretdee ber buetaand. to mourn the loaf nf a toy.
log mother aod wile Ihe rvauaiue were bur
led la lae Hart! mil i-emeu-ry.
It Saves lives Every Day. .
Thousands of oases , of CoDumption,
Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Croup ate
cured every day hv Sbilob'a Cure. For
sale by Wells & Warren.
Indepc nd- tit I'atiilidHte.
Owing to the recent decision of the supreme
court our lady candidates for the superintend
dency found that they were not eligible for the
place. Therefore there hns been considerable
hint ing among our teachers for the coveted
plums. As tomorrow is the lust day tor fillug
nomlnationi, the various central committees
were unable to get together to make the selec
torn regular, so that the voters of Morrow coun
ty will take their choice of independents. So
far, J. D. Brown, independent democrat, and
Jay w. Shipley, Independent republican, are
all that bave entered tbe race.
year rteeate.
from ibe K o.
The ilorqbla ri'ef fcae a d rUen at
preoleb'y during Ibe) pet tw'ole .ier
boora ad people living along il bank a
are) nora and more prrtirneiva lha'
tb warm weaibi", a I "t delayed, will
Mis tt,ly ami niell Iba tone In I b-
raooolaioa al at . raui tid lha wtf
t4 rv.tne In ll.i.la. Tba rtee to the t
lumbla aaaaily tgmaatoit May I'l.
and arra1ally p'o eele until Jeee 1,
whan b malitnara Is f'a'bel anJ Sejti
aidnr0 roar m-nCo U lq Ihe ii ts
aalu r dttvl the end l" cm eg f
waria wthr u iliii'un lift I
alnvaal Inva'ta'ily It la alalasal, a'e-t,
tbat whea Ida a t ee.lliff l.o'Je a ev
late, lb warmer days nm!lt mm h
greater altaHy, ('..nae-ji.t,llr. lie
ti.lnrobla rtree raidn' a'W alarmed
and f-r a I'p'tiU ( the eiprteofs
ftf l'i.
Hew ta) free! a ir
(tinea PariAe H-.i litl I
Tifi, gel a wifej eeinil. ! patietit.
TotJ May bee great Iriale at, t pfplelt
tteej ta r rntH'ee. h f d ti"l Iberw
tufa, ea'fy to jour bonaa a !! f
On -If act I txtw . Ta)f wife may bave
inele. wbtf h. tt.-n jb f ! "aanitate,
tatyWebard tt '. 4 Ha-l
o4. ledv bk, will l en..n aj
Kaawef ffHti ,f brw alt rl!e vf
gl-wm. To Ib e we fnall -l I alwaye
t -B a tvl rf ft aw S -e t'-nb
JUne4t la M. I. . ... -
Yf mttm tl 1 1 1 M t a) e-H
Sate ..f t a, eiUH j ! U-t
tVMt'H tut . 1 Caat.f it Lr-xk,
Ho, ye vo'ing men of Morrow, whistle up. a
nveiy tune '
For the "Candidate," I'm free to ttate, will stay
with tie till June:
Then let him oil hit auger blade, with "Sperry't
Liiuwoon nye;
Til tweet to think, of that good old drink, for
voting men are ary.
Sold only at tbe Belvadere saloon.
In combination, proportion and
process Hood's Sarsnpurilla is peculiar
to itself, and unequalled in true merit.
No other medicine ever possessed so
much curative power, or reached such
enormous sales, or made such won
derful cures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It is undoubtedly the best medicine
ever made to purify, vitalize and en
rich the blood.
That is the secret of fts success.
Head this statement: .
" Whon my son was 7 years of age, he
had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma
tism, which settled iu his left hip. He
was so sick that no one thought there was
any help for him. Five sores broke out
on his thigh, which the doctor said were
sores. We had three different doctors.
Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The
last doctor said the leg would have to be
cut open and the bone scraped, before he
could get well. Howard became so low
tbat he would eat nothing, and one doc
tor Baid there was no chance for him.
" One day, a newspaper recommending
Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door.
We decided to try this medicine. Howard
commenced taking it the Inst ot February,
after having been sick for a year and a
n m
mi a m
1. ib usss 1
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the Btock is beiDg disposed of at
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and Bee the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Ileppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
For toor Protection .Catarrh "Cures" or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken
Internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potussa, or both, which are injur,
lous if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal
passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, and, if repeatedly neglected, the re
sults of catarrh will follow ; severe pain In
the head, a roaring sound iu the ears, bad
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should be quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's
Cream Balm ia the acknowledged cure for
these troubles and contains no mercury
nor any Injurious drug. Trice, CO cents.
Nbw Feed Yabd. Win. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard uext door to
the (iseetis om.-e, and now solicits a
share of your patronaiis. Billy ia rihi
at home al tbis business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Priot a
reasonable. Hay and grain fur sale. If,
half. He hadn't taken it a week before I
oaw that his appetite began to Improve,
and then he gained rapidly. I gave him
five bottles, when ihe sores were all healed
and they never broke out again. The
crutches he had used for four years were
laid aside, as he hnd no further use for
them. 1 give nil the credit to Hood's Sar
saparilla." Mns. Ada L. Moody, Fay
Street, Lynn, Mass.
This and many similar cures prove that
Is tne One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 11.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., l-owell. Mass
Hood's Pills
I.lver 111': e:t"
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Buzz, buzz, buzz,
O Ii tie politioal beel
And I would I bad tongue to utter
The bother yon are to me!
And the candidates go down 1
To the voters under tbe bill ;
But oh for a voter to land me safr,
And the fell of a ten-dollar-bill.
Atlanta Constitution.
A Fact Worth Knowlnc
Gunaumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia
aod ail Throat and Lnne diseases are
oirrd by Sbilob's Cure. For aala by
Wells & Warren.
Gilliam & Bisbee
For Dyspepsia
aod Liver complaint you bave a printed
guarantee on every bottle ot Sbilob's
Vila'iiser. It never fails to eurrj For
ale by Wells & Warren.
Hon. J. W. Ivay, a promlaaot r pub
lican of l'ortlaod, will aprn I a verb ta
ibis aooaty la Iba iota'eei of rapnblloae
lro. lUpabhoaaa avtryabore are ra
oiraWd to t publicity that Beat
ings. rW daWs slat bars.
IIo, J. W. It y. of portlaii), arrivH
at li'pi nrr a vVdo.la atoralnf, aod
la eoropaay ailb btfl aafS end rao
dldala nf tha rrpihlieaa) parly, tarld
oa a lour f lbs d ff-rant potela la tba
county makiof campaign epwNibr.
Oa nf Iba btl tvldaoox Ibal Arsr't
H-ir iff la aa srlirla of aiorptKtnal
otatil m ih fact Ibat Iba drosnd f"t u
la eoti.ianlly laitrrMiif. no ix who
ears ibta lns inipr.li;a Irawtng lbakt
nf i)iu any mbr irparatia tot Iba
(lot. I.rl baa art! rrasiailioa ap-
ra (lot. l. 1 1, nf Ualtfuraia, " Iba qa
tndy tat t'barlaa Wflw, anla al Ueia.
t'atoa aoanif, fo Iba trtry taf b4
arraota W jlta eat arm4 aad Is ao
la Jtl at Haa I !, awaMinf lha arriv
al id IW L'bt ta eoualy sebf Itiaa.
Tba Wat kins sbrinc arc 4 ap
frttra CaatU l.k Hala'day aal still
llnaa nimaiWiat ta ll.ia ..aiil. Tba
rolt iaitif ara Iba en titer : i'lf Jaa,
VI. J llaanta, IWb at I la Wakii,
fr.J ant Cha'I't Hl.tUmt". Ot Hanb,
Itill MOtraiat( fi tly Craak sad Jm.
Jaa. i ) ia s-.rfld to bit huna aa a
raanll nf aiKtia atvara ltjiria ablta b (
raiTi wniw naa i ttif vtitnia ara)i
a Tartar. 11 waa aadiy sratbt ap '
an I brl lalxcallr bv lha t.oraa diu I (atatrtb ti
i'it I av.itta dwtiart, bit II l Mallb Sa t Sat t faalb Srtdt hf
Ih'.aat.l Ibal Iba llrt fwlr4 still Hldloba (lah Hmlf. I'rtna) hO
(i't aari -oa. jeaia Naaal Injar fra. fof ta by
For every a oar tar la a man's pock at
tba re ara a d ta aaa; aad In ns sarh
one In aneb way aa In derive Iba (real
al loatli ia a quaaiina avary oaa nasi
solve for himself. We balieva, boaatar.
that na bfltar naa cal4 bm made of oao
of tfceee qiarlars tbaa to eiebatna lor
a bila liit Cbarabarlaln'a 1Ii. Cbolera
and Diarrhoea Rmtf, a tanltrHaa lhal
every lamlly abnald ha provided wllb.
lor sals by Cfioear A llroek, dramlsU.
Taarhara Kiaatlaalloa.
ktla aana Palalar. mnif srhootd aaaarla-
landant, baa naa famdarOns latrtitnT ataaa.
Inallna al tha mmt kntat BlntMl Wadnaadar.
tVi all Vktay. Taava rra MtrUaa l
aaaia la attanlaar hbh Is aa anuaually
lata aaaiiwr Int la It amtnlf. Tta I'lllo Ing
aa lha mh ol th'aat laalnf tha ttaaslnallna);
MlaM rHa pe4. Mxtd Roafc, I'tna hit
.a tumrll, Matnla r nM I, Jaflnla Klwafl,
a l"aa, (a Al t Alba mam-'w
Wai.l. ,,.. ma Iftatail. Maa I aal
IrwtBa, tukm paiwcf aM Ma44aev
lb llat ml aawa.
Crnalalkn, tnora than ball
the lilt of wirt. n. Karl's flovr IWhi,
Ta la a plenr. rur f..f Oubelipell'm.
fufStlsbr Walls Uarraa.
ernes or
Dear Sir I
You ar entitled to receive
FREE ,rom your wholesale dealer,
Blackwell's Genuino
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of soap Free with each pound,
whether 16 ot., 6 or., 4 or., or
a 01., package..
We have notified every whole
sale dealer In the United State
that wo will supply them with soap
to five you free. Onfer a rood
aupply of OL.SIjLnG DURHAM at
once, and Insiat on setting; your
oa p. One bar of Soap TREE with
each pound you buy. Soap la
offered for a limited time, ao order
to-day. Youra very truly,
f If r avt aav SimcatiT lapra:rla jmmr M
saap, tat ! thla awlka anS aaaS II ayltfe
yaaw eraar te yaatr wfcalaaala atalar.
Who Retail
We are not small men, lbs. We are email men, a.
we are ool tne Largesl meicnanis in ie world!
a a a But when ths people of all ths surrounding country ara in need ot a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Qlaaiwara, Wood and WUlowware, Nallt, Iron, Darbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oaat and Water Pipe. Pipe nttliim, Hlovct and Ran if t, Wagout,
Hackt, Bugglvt, Wagon Material, Hardwootl, Aie, Hammers, Bawt, Hledget,
Wedget, Uunt, Plttolt, Cartridge! and Ammunition, Maton Jars, Gran
Iteware, Plowt, Harrows, Rakea. Mowen, Tubs. Waah Botllert
and Boardt, Bhcet !ron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine oar Goods and Get Prices.
Wa have Good Goodi at Faib Prtoet, and Cheap John Ooodi at Chep John Prtcet,
Oh! Where Did Yon
Get Them Pants?
p. a 'mi
Pnn'l aall Rlanawra, and ara alnalng ihiI l,alt farttUhlnt llnnla and are
lllu( u ua Oruiaika, llar-laara, 1 maara aM aihar ll.li.ta.
Patronarje Solicited. Satlslactlon Guaranteed.
The wool market is not yet affocted by the McKinley boom, and
reports are not encouraging. We have ample storage capacity at
iuu iiuuuu.iuHuuy nauuuuuyu
fur those who deeire to hold for hicber Dricen. and bv inlrn.lnin
E.trn boyera, aecura (or tlioae who wish to mill, tbe higbeat market
We pay tfiamstera and hold wo l aubject to order.
No comroisaion charged for.aelling.
We pay higheat price for hidoa aod ahecp pelt a.
Holled barley and feed for teainbtera.
We flre floents lor little's dip,
The beat aheap dip in the market
We bave 5,000 abinglea which we will sell at coat.
Mark your wool 0 and direct toatnater to lower warebouim.
Heppner, Or.
R. F. IIY1ND. Atanaoer.
S. O. Smith. cS& 3eSx-o9
- aasvrai rt asaa at j inuu is.
In ait Wmk I Thl. jna r.M,fmrittxt and lt ntt. fl.t.,ta yramlag.
all Ui.-I. al !. In a.ill a at il. .ta atdrrltig aa aa guaraulaa tali.la.
Um. tiUvm manual. la. l.tmt t aah.
HtomOpp. J. O. Thompiaou Co.. Mnhi Nt. IIpnor.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Tba anrJeralraa4 baa opeeej ap a eev btssttroltb abop et,w.
siU Ibe epero bona, sad la prapaied d0 ta. l0( of
work la bis line. Ia ceaaeaiba be will raa a
Wik d' aa al I'opoltr I'iIom aoj la a aallafaelorf aaanasr.
1 1 fcaea earared tbe atleea f aa StperUeaH bra-ab.af, . J, Hallna,
ol Halam, and antaea ill k sboil sn aa to r-a.ai Inlarfrriflf and over
reecbiaf.of aee, w. I'. HCUIVWKII. Ilafpnar. Or.
art af Taaeka
Ta aanfla at Naf.aaf aaa nf atanal t' at
l tula ! tK.ir K..aa It ua !''' t I:
M wt wih.t a4 aaa.l aa m e
BaalanH lit tfcalr IrtaMa.
W.ty t atna.
A .ia.l IWaat Sr
ltt,"aa r al iT- lal ea'b-r tF
41 wwt A , ( t i. a. il ia aa.-
I a l , a 0 a-aa -ttm I K-'t VAnm It r la Btfl lb
, I,,...-" ,,.,m a wta atMil ea bl.l aa I (ita a f'af a"l b a.ti'n'
l A;t)'a ltaiia ttij e tare u aMk , U I aaa, tJ( ta tiay a-) a
tar. IaM, U.'I U a atteaU. !'
i r -1 r t
I V 1 x
br r
", -rjr
-a -ClV-
I ft I iMLmi Oa vr.
towm.Kttrsrt, SnowriiAsn, TiuonAtiiy.
G. W.
Npokcfl HO C:t. Knrh: l.rM-i Jir, Ctn. Ent h;
AxltttfMH."iiui(! H.-,.f,0 iu'li.
star" ah Man ia fnfnnum ta-i tu w!g wtaatnTrn. -wx
avlall W wllfw.wr atari. r- af IttT a r-a
yj. VV. UNA OUiN .
tail i a ai,...
.1. O. J JOHCIIKR.S. 1'i op.
1 1 1 in 1 1 fwaiaiaaaai nil
Kccf)S the Finest Wines Li.uors and Cigars
Plenty of them
Gazttto Offigp.
at the