Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 15, 1896, Image 2

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For Presidential Electors,
T. T. OEER of Marlon County
K. L. SMITH of Wasco County
J. F. CAPLE8, of Multnomah County
8. M. YOKAK of Lane County
For Bupeme Judge,
ROBERT 8. BEAN, of Eugene.
For Congress, 2d District,
W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner.
For Circuit Judge, 6th District,
STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton,
For Prosecuting Attorner, 6th District,
H. J. BEAN of Pendleton.
For Member Board of Equalization,
CHARLES JOBN40N, of Lexington.
, For Representative,
J. N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. 0. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEYS, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner.
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner.
Justices and Constables. .
For Busttce of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
J. 8. YOUNO.
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th District,
john McMillan.
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
J. T. H09KINS.
For Constable of Sth District,
For Justice of 8th District,
For Constable of nth District,
these Belf-appoiDted republican
bosses. Then at the end the re
publican monetary plank did not
go far enough they say. Does cot
declare for a siDgle gold standard
and denounces in strong language
aoy or all persons who may believe
that silver money is good enough
for them. If, as the Oregouian
has said, Mr. Ellis can do nothing
either for or against silver, then
the opposition to him is a most in
consistent thing unless it be for
some other than the silver ques
tion. On the tariff question Mr.
Ellis is safe and sound and his be
liefs are in keeping with the rec
ord of his narty. If he has failed
to open the Columbia river at the
Cascades he has not done lees
than his predecessors have done
nor than bis successor may do. tie
has always evinced an earnest de
sire to serve his state and any fail
ure on his part has, in all proba
bility, been the result of error
rather than willfulness or negli
gence. For the four years he has
been in oihcehe hits accomplished
quite as much as could pe expect
ed from any young member, and
bis future presence in the house
is much more to be desired than
that of the man who will most
ikely be elected iu case of Mr.
Ellis' defeat, and that is Mr
Quinn, the populist."
An Untrue Report Nailed
to the Wall !
Ellis' chances
brighter every day.
are growing
West Virginia falls in line with
the McKiuley procession.
Remember, voters, that Browu
stands for the re-election of Sen.
John H. Mitchell, and give him
your support
Republicans should stand by
the ticket from top to bottom this
year, This is no time for scratch
ing or swapping.
It baa been circulated amoDg the
voters of Morrow coouty that A. W.
Patterson, tbe republican nominee for
clerk, wai iostromental in securing tbe
passage of tbe law creating sheriff and
olerk deputies for Morrow county. This
has been dooe, primarily, to iafluenoe
tbe voter against Patterson, though it is
likely that many bave agitated tbe
matter with an boneat belief in tbe rep
resentations made.
As tbe charges are wholly untrue, Mr.
Patterson baa no hesitancy in making tbe
following affidavit:
Htatb of Oregon. )
County of Morrow, j
I, A. W. Patterson, being first duly
sworn, depose sod say that I not only
bad nothing to do directly or indireotly,
with securing tbe passage of tbe bill to
oreate deputies for tbe sheriff and olerk
of this county, with yearly salaries of
91,000, but that I knew nothing of the
same until tbe bill had become a law;
that the same is being circulated to prej
odioe my oandidaoy in tbe minds of tbe
people of Morrow oounty; that if elected
olerk of this oounty I pledge that I will
request tbe representative-elect to use bis
influence towards securing tbe repeal of
tbe law providing for a depnty olerk in
this oounty. A. W. Pattbbson.
Subscribed and sworn to
before me this 11th day cf
May, 1896.
E. L. Fkbbland,
Notary Public fur Oregon.
rate all that Mr. Patterson says. Their
statements are aa follows:
LeziDgton, Or, May 11, 1896.
It baa teen rumored that A. W. Pat'
terson was instrumental in tbe passage
of tbe deputy salary bill for olerk and
sheriff of this ooonty. I will say that
Mr Patterson never spoke to me about
the matter, and bad nothing to do with
it in any way, bo far as my knowledge
J. S. Bootbby.
In farther substantiation of tbe above
statement, made and aworn to before
,9.1.1a anthnrlvail nifloar Hnna .T ft KnntK
VAKUIUAIUB iur wugrenB iu turn K .nJ A w rtma-en. ,nro.aol.tiU
district are still a lambing Ben- Ld 1oint ienator for MorIOW oonnt
li. l . " 11 LIIC.IJ J u: .11 -
Dem uuion, wuiuieiu bdu oinuon ierviDB in the iMt legislature, corrobo
an alter jmus some distance alter
him. Moro Observer.
Burns, Oregon, May 5, 1896.
To tbe voters of Morrow county :
In the hope of setting at rest untrue
and idle rnmors, which are being circu
lated in your oounty evidently for tbe
sole purpose of prejudicing the minds of
voters against Mr. A. W. Patterson,
nominee for county olerk on tbe repnb
licau ticket, I desire to make a brief
statement to tbe end that no injustice
shall be done anyone.
1 refer especially to tbe legislative act
approved Feb 25, 1895, "To change the
o impeosa'ioQ aud mode of piymeut of
county olerkg, sheriffs and other offioTP,
and also to provide for the appointment
of deputies." See session laws, 1895,
page 77. This measure was introduced
by Senator Butler and subsequently
passed tbe senate Feb 20, and forth ith
transmitted to the house for its consid
eration, and was passed by that body
Feb. 23. -
As to any person lobbying, or using
any lbflnenoe for or against tbe measure,
or to get it "fixed up" with a view of
personal benefit, I can state that no one
approached me on tbe subjeot, nor did I
hear of any member being importuned
It seemed to have been settled by tbe
sentiment of tbe people that snch offices
and deputies should be placed on
salary, and it was, also understood by
tbe members, as a quiet nnderourrent,
that tbe serving inonmbents were op
posed to the measure; and with un
limited opportunity to- discuss tbe
matter with Mr. A. W. Patterson I can
truthfully say tbe subject was never
mentioned by or between us, nor did
anyone from Morrow county urge me in
the matter, one way nr tbe other..
A. W. Gowan.
leaving Decided to Go Out of Business, We will
Offer Our Entire StocK of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc.,
More Precious
Than Bright Gold.
Coming Events.
Republican national convention Bt.
Louis. June 10th.
Annual reunion of Oregon Pioneers,
Forllaud, Jane ICth.
Democrat in national oonvantion Chi
cago, July 7th.
In aoonrdmce with the general de
mand on the part of the voters of Mor
row oounty fur the repeal of the bill
creating deputies for the sheriff and
clerk with salaries at $1(100, I hereby
pledge that if Heated clerk 1 will urge
the representative elect to use hia io
Uuenoe towards aernring tbe repeal of
the law providing for a depittf clerk 10
tbix county. A. W, PattbiwoH.
Dated, May 8, 1800.
Mr. Ellis is being fairly and
honestly supported by many re
publican nnners in this diritiict
who were opporicd to his noraina
tion, and who disagree with him
very strongly on the money ones.
liou. Hut realizing the (act that
he is the regular nominee of the
party and a staunch protectionist,
aud showing their loyalty to the
party aud this great principle o
republicauUm, they fall io line
and ant heartily supporting him
The following clear and forcible
statement from the Arlington Rec
ord is a corroboration of what we
have juat stated. It speaks for
iUolf and needs no further com
monta from us:
"While we were not in favor ol
the nomination of Mr. Ellis for
congress (our preference being for
Mr. Moody) yet loyalty to the re
publicin party would prevent our
bolting the regular nomiueo. Ho
doubt the republican atata central
committe recognizes Mr. Ellis as
tbe regular nominee, and, as such,
he should receive the upwrt of
every loyal republican of the dis
trict, 'f he 'Mi' of the t'otnination
ia but the culmination of a bitter
fight, which for two years past bas
boon waging ixdwoan the radical
free ailreritoa and the gold alaud-
ard men. Noithur of theae fac
tions bare ever had a place ia the
loademhip of the republican party.
I lie republican party liaa never
yet declared for a single gold
tandard, but from 'tradition' has
favored the me of both gold and
silver, under such reatrictlons
will maintain the parity of each, a
taak which can well In submitt)
m tut party which has Lad ao
touch to do with moulding tbe
nation's greatueaa. There bate
Ikm'D 'holte' from tin republican
tiotnineoa heretofore which bate
always traded to the detriment f
the bolt'-ra, an I thia cm will i
tin etccption. There waa Dover a
great tiolitical party that could
frame tnnaaurea exactly to lh
fancy of all it adherent at all
titna. Mr. Ellin, in his linaurial
iwa, tlnvt n.t suit all of as who
irofc to li republican. Mr.
1'ongtiA, who waa tuppo! to b
the ehoica of tha gold standard
toen, had Dot fully ajoirod bis
ratochistu from th Orepmiao
and Iim tli w.-rdf (lia r vl f
tint ofu for Io I..m tiM'iiii'i;.
It rvn )t a '( i ii. wh' th'r
M. Mdv aoul nv Imi tadi.
The senate passed the Oregon
vivap onA horVmr Villi nn Warfnaou
Protection is the rallying cry Low ba stinmnnri io tVin miia
for republicans. This 1b what the available for use in improving the
country neeasto Dnng us DacK to wftter 8 in thi9 6tate. lt aj80
good times. lou can lend a tand 0t,rtlI,a ih.t ( Wo-nri Vio renrononU.
to this good work only by voting tiyes in the halls of congress who
for the republican nominee. ara workers as the oDDoaition to
thin bill waa vnrv atronff and de-
A MAN in Kentucky is reported termined. esrjeciallv when it was
to have lost his mind because he before the committee on finance of
could not pay his debts. If this the senate. This is bv all odds
affliction would come to the men the best appropriation Oregon has
in mis secuon mere wouia naraiy fiVP.r renniveil for this DurDOse.
. ,-,,-1
tie a sane person in ic oaiera
Statesman. rrjr
twtffV ia tin or within twAfitv
nr thirty. five votes of a nomina
oiITCnELL democrats' are slick Hon and there vet remains about
ears but the voter who takes them one hundred delegates to be elect-
as mey wimi to oe understood will ea before the convention meets.
be grievously deceived. 1 hey are Tt i aaf to aav that lona before
mete political jugglers, hoping to the convention it will be known to
got votes enough in the asHembly Un that McKinley will be chosen
to send Hon. A. H. Jiennott to the tli Htnndard.honrpr of the reoub-
U. . senate. Moro Observer. linan nartv at frit Louin. It is also
a safe prediction that the nominee
Washington falls into line for of the republican party will be
McKiuley. At the state couven- elected next November bv the
All Recommend It
Ask your physician, your drngsiat and
your mends annul bh'lobs (Jure tor
Consumption. They will reoommend
it. For sale hy Wei is 4 Warren
Notice of Intention.
I J Mav 6. lX'.W. Notice li hereby given that
the following-named ettler has filed notieaof
hli intention to mate final proof In iiipport of
hla claim, and that laid proof will he made
before 1 W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on June m, in:m, vn:
1M. E. No. 3-SO, for the K NE!4 and Z BE
8fC. 22. I P. 2. S.. R V, E.
He natnci the following witneiwea to prove
hla contlnnont residence upon and cultivation
of. Mid land, vlt:
(IcorR-e hhlck, Arthur Hunt, Sherman Shaw
ami Kuy Hum, all ot Heppner, Oregon
4.18-4S Keislnter.
tion at Everett yesterday a resolu. Inrcest ronular vote ever cast for
tion was uuanimously adopted in- an v candidate for the office of
structing the delegates to the 8t. president Pendleton Tribune.
Ijouis coiiveution to vole for U rn. I '
McKinlov. Thua th MckMnlov Tka lliicral Tool at Una
waimn rnlla nn I lb Individ! who peraiatantly
wbn peraiaiantiy n
ahola bia health, and the means of pra
nrvioa and rratnrinir it. Many peranna
A DETltOIT newspaper has been who ar not ronalitntlooal i.linia do I hia.
led to note a coincidenca It found T,, rnoin object nf eomoaioo
i. . 1 aa wen aa oenaorr. n. iuur mVVw
vui uo p. ,)lt U1 U, on ,u nM of , M( flMh ,mprw,
recent Hunday "contained a little aie.tin. an nnariin atai of ib
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrita at Tiia Dal' r, ORKdON,''
,i , , . MavtMh. In'M.
liillowliiE-nitmed wttler hm Hied notice
ol nil Intnntlon U innke nnnl proul Im niinorl
ol hla rlnlm, aiKl that Mild proof w ill be made
befo-e County Clerk, o( Morrow Comity, at
iiuppurr, wrenon, on jnnnzin, iwat, vu:
Hit II M(l) Mc Kl.l.UiOl T,
Hi. E. No. 3H.W. for the 8W Sec. 17. To. 2 8.
R. 1 K.
He name! the following wltncaacf tonrove hla
coiiiiniioiia rcaitieiica umii aim cultivation ol.
said land, vit :
Memo A Olden. Jamea M. Raker, Frank M,
Orltlln, Hamuvl WarbcM, all of lone Oregon.
Ja. r. MOoitK,
4WI0. UeglaU-r.
of Do lttcs. a little of Btatie eoasin. bowela and arnu torn of bilionaneaa ar
a little of religion, a little of boohs- n,"' "j""" "''it pPro,r. J
y, a little of advertising, a little of
literature, and a little of vauous UDnj,ha avrtlr. if not faulty. That
other elements that co to make un genial and thoroughly rrliabla praveo
thetlunday nowapapor." iivoi oofliiy miaenn m inPnpoi
I a. 1.. Ji...u llAaiUitaa'ai illiimaan
viiriiniw ti latvfawa ijib-wih i aa am'wwv
Itiller. will, it rnrtd Io Id time, avert
THE republicans of the second boM diaordare. i tb rmrl of w Mob
district should vote against the "VJ"
... - , I fJUvlfBlQ iltl lj "TP H" im
s lliriiiinil limai tnraft tiLaltt Iia I 1 "' - -
M"MB.Ma aaaaiaiaF w a I as a w w ww I . , . .
..m.Ji-t.l Kr. :. t,1 1 Arson 8mui..-A very flaaaaat atb
nwwwa w oaavww v k I a al W
Ibam aliou .1 vm(a r.r Me. V a "
should every memoer of all other "J Ut 3' IK n,? w4,DA'd"
liarlloa in I..m Ii A..nnli am.l "eoioa, IO nroB-ma wil
bis home more than Hall street.
Notice for Publication.
1 J May 7, "M. Notice la hereby liven tha
the following-named aetller haa tiled notice of
hla Intention Io make anal prool In aiipport of
hta rlalin, and that aatd proof will he made he
lot K. . Krwlaiid. commtaatoner U . clrrnll
rourt, at Heppner, Oregon, on June th, leial,
114 R. No.7ifor the N4 HWi aud WW8E
See I To. . R 2J E. W. M.
Ha namea the following wllneaaea In arnre
hla pniiitnuniit realdeiir uuon aad cultivation
ot, uld land, l:
I) 4 Hamilton II T Mlkraell. lender Counla.
William Mlkeaell, all ol Heppner, Oregon.
Nothing In the world can take the place of
ona't eye light or reitore it after it la per
manently Impaired. The wlae thing then
la to take eareof the prlcelera gift by wear
ing proper glaaaea preserve that which all
tbe wealth of the Indies cannot buy. Cor
rectly fitted glasses coat no more than ill
fitting onea, provided you get them at tha
right place. Examination free.
The J.- M. RUSSELL Co.
The Dalles,
lnd Fillnga and Final 1'roofa Taken,
PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1896.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At J.
M. Hager's Residence.
WANTRD A reliable lady or gentleman to
distribute samples and make a house-to-
house ranvaas for our Vegetable Toilet Hoaps
and I'lire Flavoring Kxtracta. IN to 157 a
month easily made. Address.
t.M! Caorra a Hi id, Chicago. 111.
Notice of Intention.
J April ;, Inu Notice la hereby given
that the following-named anttler haa filed nottra
ol hla Intention to niaka final pmnl In support
ol his claim, and thai said proof will ba made
helore JxMph L. uilon, II a Com., at Laxlug
ton, Oregon, nn Jnna ao. ins. vl:
Id. E. No. Sa, lor tha BK V bee II, Tp. Ill
ii K W. M.
He namee the following wttneaaea to prove
his poniliiuous realdeoc upon aud cultivation
ol salil lanil. via:
John T. Young. William Estea. Cvms If.
fhlnn, all of Heppner, Oregon, and Edwin K,
Beach, ol lilngtou, on gon,
4AB. r. amni,
4.KV M RegUter.
To The Public :
The following facta have decided oa to open np an office at The Dallea, and we believe the
wool growera will feel an Interest in our proposition to handle their wool.
THE DALLES MARKET.--In 1895 six million pounds ot wool waa marketed there
which brought extreme prlcea. The present outlook la that not less than eight million pound,
will be marketed there thia aeaaon, and we believe woola sold In The Dallea will bring full values
for the following reasons :
1st. 1 he large amount of wool handled not only attract buyera, and the moat of them make
The Dallea their hcadquartera for the aeaaon, causing a brisk competition. Tha Oregon mills use
not leaa than two million pounds, ao wools In The Dallea have the benefit of thia competition aa
well aa for the East and California marketa. '
2d. The location of The Dalles is such that five tranacontlnental rallroada compete for freight
guaranteeing the ahipper a low rate; In 1895 woola from The Dallea to the Eaat were taken at a
rate of 90 eta. per hundred pounds.
Sd. Arrangements have been made with the railroad companiea whereby local freight to
The Dallea when added to the freight from The Dalles East, will not be higher than the freight
from local polnta direct East, and In many cases less. These facta alone assure the growers tha
highest possible prloe.
CONSIGN M E NTS.--While we fullr realize consigning wool I. . thin. i k- .
believe growers will do well to consider our proposition, especially this aeaaon aa there la everr
reason to believe lt will be a alow, draggy year.
Our business In the past haa been buying forOrcgon and Eastern mills and dealers. Realising
how slow tha rnllle and dealers will be In placing their orders this year, we think our method of
handling will be an advantage to the grower, aud considering tha wool will not be moved from
the home market nor from tinder your control without consent; you must not look upon our
l w "a w ini'i'iii mi Vl-llBlgliniCIlt,
For ten years past, "excepting inrl the year of the panic." wool, have brought better prteee
In the home marketa. aa the season advanced, tbau at the opening, and we believe thia will be
especially so this season. .
When growera are not In a position t hold their wool, or feel incline . -n .
bllla. we will make an advance at a liberal rale of Interest; will take charge of the woolVpay the
"Oi"s wnen requeatca io do so, and when woola are to be shinned to Tha
Dallea by rail, we will tae care of the railway freights from point of shipment to The Dallea. ana
t?3ttX?2Xt? "nd ArUn,,0n' WUl b'T "Pr"f". ho will take charge ol
.Ja.1L:.?J".L." ""'Pping to The Dallea there will he no extra mmUi.
price oi wool, we have concluded Io do thia work at $4 cent per
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Nolle For rabllrallea.
KJ IHiliiw, Urrgria. april IX, iw.
Ualeta Htatcstuao.
JitKiK Dennett, democrat io
noininoo for eongroas io the second
a . s alt m m
tiiainci, says us is 10 favor ot "a
tariff for rarer ne only." Well that
a what tha I leve land admiulatra-
tion haa given tia. We have tha
Hoelal" alvan by Iba social enumttla ot
tba Cbriailaa Eadaaeor aoelotf. Iolla-1
tinna bail to iaauaj lo aaub Brmbar ot
tliaatwlalr aitb Iba rr) trail hal t ley
bring a IrieoJ with Ibam, abJ eoraa
qnenlly Ultra aa galbara.l logelbtr
sods lblrtjr-flt or torly ot lbs ynanf
paxipla. Tba yonag lallea also broegbl
ith llira aach aa apma, aej Iba prlnel
pal fralore ot b ttaalaa'a aaUrlaio-
met aa Iba bammleg c( lbM apmaa
b.if given that Jnha C Brown haa a led
nntlrw of hia Inwntlnn to mate tnal pr-
brbxe J. W, Mnrmw, rnuntf rlerk, al hUoitlc
In luppner, Orevon, on stnttdav, tbe 1 ith dav
of Mav, !. on llinlM r rnltiira application Nn,
lor the N v ol aartlun o 11, In township
No 2 xoutn. Kanira So. 'J t.aal. .
Ha ami- as wlt-uaiia:
Jnetoa M. Hmman. Hm IHiran, IlliamClaik,
O. M Vaw.ul ueppuer Oron,
JAS. F. M00RE.
t l 41. Keglater.
Timber Vutturt Final Proof.
a. J lalira or go
"tariff for," hut it don't cira tia tba
-revenue only." V ara failing io L, ,b, B(,,ua. rra-at Ma, aa a
tun, 00 aa aTPraB in avvaaVaaj ,,. M , Mptti) mHi ,b. M1i
per mooui. notnmi' uui a reaaon- oJ iba amnaat tbalr iskaMoi 4
ahlft Protection will save oa fiom 1 10 (hia line pnlool wa immaa. At-1
tiltimatrt hatikrniitcv. lloaohure
...... -
1 laiotloaicr.
lH this (arHMlid) Coticrrnaiotial
tliatrict tha rrpul'licana hara Doin
inatrd a ataimcb rrotcrlioniat in
William IL Kllia. Two of hi pom-
ix tiUira ara Vuown aa frri Iradora,
and IU ollirr, . . Norlliu who
haa come) out a ao iodfiwudrbt
randitlat at ttia inatiL'ali.m f
lUaaia. HiMlt an I Hi toon Wi dfrat
M'. 1 '.Ilia, will rut tia figure out
a. a . ft .
11 I 11 . a a
will nar.iiy cnt rixnicu rutra lo ti
Mr. l'llia aiiir iniurv. Tint Imai
I. .... 11' . ' .. 1 o hti a lo b hat of Boalraina
an'iia,! oiaiini win i)i itirow nii'ir
lar lha apoa arara baran!, a a 10
Inneb of Ua arearn aat tela waa arv l
by tba laJiaa. M any (amaa ware plajdl,
aaJ lai all ibr li avaat oaa a
tary ai itabla ooa, la44.
Maata Hal Atra al Ike M i Fa.f
Ayaf'a MaraapMllla aajoya tha ailranc
dinars iliaimrtt.taof hav.na S lb onl?
tln pqnflof altnwa.1 aa lbirit at Iba
Wi.rll'a fata, tbaav Manalaetttrwa
of alkar aaraatfarillaa anagbl lif twy
aBaaaelooMale eennvint f bir fnnta.
Nil lliy a ara all larl away an t lb
appHraima of lb rata ffl..lia? Iba
anlry af patent a!li anal ans'ism'.
Tka itaawtao of lha WorM'a fair eaih".
Ultra ta faai Arv'a MaraanoalHa waa
la tlTeel aa Mt.we: A?t a ha'aapa
tllla la hoi a patent mlwlna. II
II as
A mil Ii. laak Ikntlra ia
hr (itn that W. Ilarringbm. Ad-
mliilatralne ol tha F.-Ula irf Jana ataaart.
!!' I, has ail l0. of hia Inlaul nn rn
SMaka aal pnaif hrtofa H N. f rar, rotiety
"a. al his atr la nndnn, tra. Ml
M.H4ar Iba 4h mf fl Mav. Ian mn llaihrr
enllM appllrali.Mi Ha T'.. I- lha h kww.
K. 4. and KFH Mva f set too Sa. I. la
liaMa Aaoiib rang M aaM.
M aa BllnnMa
'"ll r'ao-l. t haft N tut! is W illiam
Loaning, wg W. I has". Hardman Ore.
JAA. W. M'liMg.
t It, Kri.ir
otc of intention.
I AM nrm AT Till tUl.l F, OHthiK,
4 April ?, Iat, Moilr la brH altan that
Ike lnll..l..g miwH aril ! Baa aia.1 k.Mk-a nl
li.l lnl.nlk.il In ml, anal pxnf In soMa-rt ol
naf eiaiw, a4 that aald r-"'l will ha alr
Wia J, t a.t,., mnnlf rlark. al Napanar,
fwMs. b Mar f t-ta.
Ml(kaTJ Hl F(Mr.
M l F !.. m.A, tha Hkv krr. U, Ta I S.
t ni.. a
Ma mm lha Mtnwlnf ltn. 111 1 In pmva
t n-.in.MM Ktbltim span and eai lialiua
I aai t l" l tit i
A 1 k M A til ltn J..a r.n. all 4
"na-a, M C. A. , ! Mpr-. tf.
Ja. F. ..
ta aa, ataixat.
you, and eonaldering tba Ion
pound brokerage.
wbaVrui.'jy'.'4 10 her h0m 00' n,, -coounu of es.tern and local mttUu
1 . laa I. M. KCdstLl, to.
Notice of Intention.
i April II. lataV Motlra la hareb given
that lha following named settler haa filed no
lira of hla Intention to malt tnal proof In sup
port nl nia elatm. ana thai satu pmnl will ba
made belnr lha eonnlv elerk nl Morrow ooun
ty, Uirgoo.on Jnnt lnh.l"a.vlt:
FimrK K ADA art,
ad. E. Kn. TSC, for the e kl and lota and
t a. A, Tp. 1 a R 77 K W.M.
He mim th following wltniasta la pravs
hit mn'lnnoiie renldanr upon aud cultivation
of aatd land, vis;
MIRIIn I, larvln. John T. flallnwaf , A 1 hart B
ttaanp, ( harlt Motgan all ol Heppner, "r
Any prrann who dealrte Inpxilral againal th
aliowanre of aura prnnf, nr who ka-' of any
aiihetaaiial rtaann, nndrr th law and lha regu
latkinsof lb Intartnr tp.nmtnt. why sorb
pmol ihonlil not u allowed, will h given an
opportnuliy al lb ihmi wtanltmiad Uata and
plan In tim tiintnt Iba wilntwaae of aald
rlilMnl. evt ki oCrf evldanc la rtbtltlal of
thai atibaailiad by claimant.
CM.M IUlalae.
Vctca away on him, rtwKtally tha
wool man, and all will woik for
Mf. KHia'a ta-alaelioo. Wa dt Cft
waul a ffo Iralpr. tVa tnat
ha a hlfh lafiff l-andidal, and
!.. nl'i Una il tl'l t kii iw
that Mr. I. I'l ia llo ir fi. i d and
VT anla Ikal Iba ( trrwl, of
faodlelaa, Osaka pwalaaa aamtKHl aaf
Iba llrrf la Ha taana -I W"el
a lav 1ft rxa bta oa Iba y tb i
faaita 1 1 Ka f ennc! Itrsl I a
of ftl at-, a
Rati a I tt ia4 tea
1.. ti i.t ...J
ill it.t if Lie tiiaitfilv of I no i u ..ui.
CaJcUvU.Utv.ltiHllLtf lktH4st4 aA-CWtUWtai IkVWW, rwaajb WoaU Walr-.
Mitl' g of atLK
NOTt. I wrTraT oivt vmr
tkb)4 k lM "I I M M.W
M tale 4lf aa.. aa4 anlarad aa Mav tin ttn.
la lha mlM nl tka al ll.iwf a.M.m,
art. k. lha 1 .".it mn' ka aatia f
iwaiiMi t ttinit I firtf kFtllng la pAata
h tisUK aa a l.iai'i..r al tha ai.
akt a u a l.,f taia al pah lo ea.-a nn. ka
lha k'th4 k. I Ui . rata la ht I aa Oatvr
.. J t 4 'm till .! lha tmam
nl thai Ul aa lh a.iaM l atl4 t aa. a a. I
lha M"'tl"i 4a Mh-a Mai an.a.t htl-.a
i"S - lha t naataH avaia aliar- In M
i I t.
' at t
M . til la W .....a I milt itrwaM. tw M.
- I kj,l .t t" I 'w K4
. , np .ll.Ml.il ,1
HI 1 r t . rt 1 1 t,H 11 tt
it 1 1 'he a ' I ,.4 I fc.11 i .m
I a .t mi.
Aa '.ai.-t tt rt ratal at! 1, taaw f,
ttm.it w tto mt W At v. aaaa Ml-aa
Notice Of Intention.
(Uaa Ornra ar LaUatapa. Onion.
aprtl lalant
l.illaalng Mitxl atttltf kaa aid Ootkra
ot hla Intanlkm W taaSt anal prwf In enptmrt
nl hia rtalat. and thai aaht pnmf will b na.l
ttrlote t onnly I Ittk ot Mn t'miatv. OTga,
al Mtppnar, Ortn. oa an lata, u.
JulIK r kKOWtJ.
Tlaibaf rnllnr knttf No WO, lor lh
aa it m 1 a a n .
II lha M swing nllnaaaa an prove
htatvntinit a rial Itnn nataa aa4 galUtaUoa
nl aald land, tla
John g Otik.a. Will lata Partna. Jnlia f. Wtttwa
a ad FnuKte M. Wastry, all of Mi-t.n. twtmai.
a. r. "Miaow.
4U 1 aw1aa.
It t Ir. a II 4 ISal M
r , mta a I ' l , n.li,
t,ii, vf la, i n, ta
notice of Intention.
rArnrrtr a l Aoatunt, oarooti,
t April i. laav Ootira as harrhv gltaa thai
Iba hillttla kaar arlilrf ktt a leaf wntlea tt
na Intanttnai la) taak glial ptonl In enpanrl nl
II tieiat and Ikal ! piml will ka taada
Wlntai onnit 1 lata eat ttrt-ma i nnniy.al lltpa
ka "t...a an May II tarn t
Urns usMtT ara nrm atvu.l.
M lha a , nre a Tp a a a r a n
M nataaa lha ti. wiuwtn M oena
bat rantianama raaudaaM nynn aad llialiHl
at aalH ltl. tif
litMt M Han-. Knmis A Kelt. J
raaaan, UUaaa Mttabatt, aM mi M-rt"
a r.oiukiv
Wood Wanted.
. a.1
ortfi t nfrT ftivta tht tat
ratfl nl itih a I, Mitam,
, al t tat.a M4a tn lha avilvwv W atttv
,an, en4a 4 ttmt nl lha fc-l t-MMiaaa l
llr,.r-. h-i W ti a J. It l li
a t la iM 'lnwt m. awi nt I I a
1h. tmt4 rtaaltt lha MM I, trn a-f a
a . av Sktaitf laa tWaaa.
I I aaetat rit-
UaliHHnM.VM ,kt,i .
Tba Deppoar Hpa4 Aaaociatlon baa dooiJ J to bold a Rao Uetlof at
iciiniiiiil Tuesday,
Viia Inrf&Htlntr Iotir Tuyn.
$700.00 IN PURSES! $700.00
alia daab, fra-a top art.
rifUlT r-AT-Tas-lay. May 2fl-Kac l. naa,i..
rora. t-VI )Uea 1 Ualf ttlla daah. for lwn -7.ai u t.1 ,..Z:' 7.. "'-
ktelZi,iam'' ailo.al 8 poa.da'wgbi'
IUUT-Wrtaaaiif, May 27-Rara S. Tbma aad oooLalf f.rl....
I a.- - . .
fraa f H
IS". . IVaoat. lie r SB a daah. fta f,.e all ti.w.
TOIHD I)4T-Tbr,d.v. May r - H.n. S Oa- ikasttai a... iZTZL
Tbralbia mil, baodicsp, ropaat, fraa far alt 10 ma,
raeaa, lltaO.
rOCRTrt PAT-rrt.Ug.il., W-R.a.T. Oaobalf n,l). a1a.li. fro for all
bajf farWa rrratal, f-oa for all. rareo,rQ
WXMTtoXihtTmmMhtltm try lha raUa of iha rSallloml
Mora. A-hnaliwa. r.otraooa f-. la all ran-, aol .ibaroUa spaiuo. io
ofamoaot of paraa fl,a p avw U r.i,,, Ihre lo ,t,rt. araa leal oaraJ
alta e ven do aol Oil tlb Et r-m- lrW aM-le. Iba t-ar,! baa lb r-wa, 07!
dnealh.arooanianf iba fa rare aa la ib.r Jnlgmrnl aroaaa onpf Tb. diraora
Jit lo f-poea aay aat all r.re an.l nf loolarn.al ..TTb
If ahoo f do M 8U. parata will U for e par.. I y.oaa. lo U an hat,
by Ik. dir.. W raraw. .t-oad..i,M 7 l par real ma-.tVra. M rr rl to
-mn,4. All.airlaa torla byaalora, p ta, aa lb. aeoaiSf Iba