my Success Is owing to my liberality in ad vertises Robert ffbnner. I 1 1 1 I Mllll 1 1 1 M Mil M l I I I I 1 1 1 in un i i, ,WU FOURTEENTH YEAR SEMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. PDBLI8HS1) Tuesdays and Fridays . -IT-' ' . ' " ' HE PATTERSON PCBLISHIN6 COMPANY, OTIS A. W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON. - - Editor Business Manager At $8.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIB PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, r4 and 65 Merchants, San Franeisoo, California, where oo raott for advertisiim oan be made for it. 0. R, & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:45 p. ra. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 5:00 a. ra. dally, except Mon day. , . West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 1:11a. m.j easibo'ind i::Wa. m. FreiKlit trains leave Heppner Junction (join east at 7:1 p. ra. and 9:10 a. in.; going west, 4:1)0 p. m. and 6.15 a. m. OF ?XCXXj X5ISOT,0S"Sr. United States Ofllulals. 1'ieeident G rover Cleveland Vioe-Presldent Ad ai Stevenson beo-erry of Htate Kiohanl 8. Olney Heoretary of Treasury Jutui 0. Carlisle secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Beorelary of War Daniel H. Umont Seiirerary of Navy HilRry A. Herbert Postmaster-General William h. Wi eon Attornay-fieneral ,J uduon IiHruion Seoretary ot Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. governor.....' W. P. Lord Seoretary of Stats H. K. Kincaid Treasurer. Phil. Metanliao i. M C. M. Id'eman I . W. MoHriue ( J. H. Mitchell J Dinger Hermann "JW.R. Ellis W. H. Lend. Bunt. Pullio Inntrnction Attorney General Senators Congressmen Printer ; Supreme Judges , ( H. S. B vi . F. A. Mo f 0. K. Wo 1 H. S. B wn. ilKre. , Wolverlon Sixth Judicial District. Oironit Jndge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawry Morrow Connty Official. Joint Ranntor A. W. finwan Hepresentative... J. H. Ronthh. I'ounty Judge Jnlins Keiihly Commissioners.. J. M. tinker. Clerk Sheriff , Treasurer Assessor.. Surveyor.. School Sup't.... Coroner . n. ogvwu ........T. W. Morrow ...ii. W. Hamnvton Frank Gilliam J. f. Willi. Geo. Lord , Anna Halsiger T. W.Ayera.jr BIFPMEB TOWN OinOISH. Mayor Thos. Mnrgnn Cmnnlmen O. E. Farn.wnrth. M. Llchtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs,Jr., 8. 8. Horner, E. J. Slocuin. Recorder P. J. Hallonk Treasurer K. L. Kreoland Marshal A. A. KoberU Precinct Officer. Jnetioenf.the i'moa ..E. L. Fraelana: Consul)!. , N. B. WheUtont ITalted States Und Officer. THE DAI.LtS. OR. J. F. Moore.. Hi-eister A.S. IJig. Heowver B.F, Wilson IWMnr LA OBAMDK. OK. .n. miuiiiui neosiver axosixx ajocx-xx. KAWL1N8 POST, NO. IL a. A.n. lieeta el lKintm, Or., the last rUturdny of act month. All veterans are Invited t Join. t;C. H.k. Uao. W. Smith. AdluUuit. tf romniuidnr. LUMDElt! 1TB RAVK FOB MA 1.8 ALL EINW OF OH ' lnwl Lu in lor. It tuilos o Ueppoer, at What hi known HUte BOOTT -.WlVXZXsXfI pkb i,ow ritcT, aouuu, - - " c 1.1. a a. I f 00 17 M IF PtUVKR-D IS HRPPNRR, WILL ADD 14 per l.uu0 IvH. eitdlUonai. Tbe above quotations ere ilrlrtly for Casb. L HAMILTON. Prop. National m oi Mm. mn. KULAK d. to. ft. kimioF. PrmUrst. CMklsV. TRANSACTS 1 GENERAL B1NI1.NG BCS1XESS COLLKOTION8 Msle oo Favomhle Tenu. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI) DEPTH EH. tf OREOOH Onlario-DnrDS Sfec Line fiDBSS-SiiBEllIE H. A. Wll'.l.MJ. Pop. OSTAIUODCllXS Learn Birr Ii!r at n. m. and t fltea at OeUfM im 41 awiar. Sinqlo Foro S7.0O. Round Trip $10.00 FTr-g fftf r pt faml, rwnxs asm I I At ! Il-t t... l...u-,. .1 l r-.-u u S'.s-'i m ".!. 4 i .,. u n lh i i i . fit ! I.ittu. I !, Ct auw, I Mi rr't -f-sp- of r . Huh !(,. --.-(, , l M etta , , t 1! MiMnP .f r-.t i I la the !, Im (m I iv ma prmmt mm a iit f o.-.i. ( ' lie, t l wi 1 , ' - -ti MmMiiiManai-... 1 , -- ., - , V.....,B,XTpI!11,4,IWW)f ( . z r l : : : : " . -i a . .. .. A WOOL This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho wools. Last BeaBon three million pounds were-received here by rail from Huntington Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing in transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dallesjn quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage: From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool inthegrease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Fendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for 'wool at this point than is averaged at other places havl-ig reputations as "high markets " based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average sales in Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than -can be obtained in any other Market in the State. v. ,, Otis Patte NOTARY PUBLIC A - WHITE COLLAR LINE:: Columbia River and Pus Steamers TFXEPIIOXE, BAILEY iu a.uer o.rees toe:. rortiBOd, Tor Astoria, Ilw.oo, Long Beeeh. Ooe.o Prk and Nabcot .. Direct oonwotioD with Uw.oo .Mme7, ,n road j alio at Yonog't Bey with Seashore R.ilrod. , TETjEPIIOTJU Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Daily, excent Sundav. - - - . JL -a. JL JLJbJ-T -eaves roruana p p. M is.;- , u "'TG' B"n"y. at6:to A. M., except aunday and 00-33lr WAVE Leaves Portland and runs direct to Ilwsoo. Tuesdav and ThnnH.. . a. j .. Leaves Wednesday and rffdl, ?? A? ffnui .W ' Baggage Checked lo Railroad DestioatioD Bulb Beaches Free tf Expense. For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone. Bailey G.Uert and Ocean Attorneys at I,ttvr, All baioea attooded to it, a prompt and Bitiafactory manoer. Notaries Poblio and Cuilectora. BEPPNER. uericK im NATIONAL T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' SurruEs, Etc., And Wants H- will make it an ol.jVcl for yon to trade with Mm m bit pricoe are right, aod all goode tLmt he Lod!ee ere of the very boat. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, t- r xueppnur. ' - . ( 4 " ---- T i lorse r All thoa cm U l'roeorHl t TLoror-m k Iiiaot, Uir Main Stmt llf ppoir, Orrgon. TW r.n., t ,, .Ml, N- rr- twin ui w .,. Frlnels yit tlkUi.U.HL THOMRSOTST & niX2TS, "f Tea .,. ! i. nty He-,), Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Condies, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery, Lnmps and Tinware, Stock is Complete. Tut: Lancasuiri: Inukavck Co. ,.., MAMCMUhtkm, KNllUNII OFFICIAL rWO W W;. V7. PWMTOfc ......... I HEPPNER; MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15, . . . i MARKET. CALL, OPPIOB CONVEYANCER GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE, ,4.1a. iu j, except sunaay. 0fiT 5?S BUT "aturdsy night. 11 P. M. Ix-aves Astoria D.liv . Monday, night, 1 MP. M. ' BASK BUILDING. OltEOOK Your Trade! - . . oii'tmii. o " - I J Do You Want si Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Notions a Specialty. sECV PAPER Too Mud Knife ! The use of the surgeon's knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. The press al most daily announces the death of some unfortunate whose system could not withstand the shock of an operation, and whose life was cruelly sacrificed to the keen blade of the surgeon. Of course, in some instances an operation is necessary, and is the only means of saving life, but such cases are exceedingly rare. So many deaths occur under these conditions, however that the public is beginning to realize that the doctors are too hasty in resort ing to the knife, and if such a state of affairs continues, there will before long be a general uprising against such meas ures. It is but reasonable to believe that the majority of. operations are unnecessary, but when the fatal mistake is discovered too late, only the doctors ever know of their error, and though a precious life is given Up, the public is assured that death would have resulted in spite of the operation, and who is ever me wiser r The folly of resorting to the knife in cases of cancer, is demonstrated every time it is undertaken; The disease is in the blood and the cancer or sore is vfc tau vuiitbiu uuauiiesiation Ot a terrible condition of the entire circula tion. To cut out this sore, therefore, does not in any way effect the disease, and it can easily be seen that the only correct treatment is to get at the seat of the disease, and purify the blood; the sore will then heal up naturally. S.S.S. is the most powerful blood remedymade and is the only cure for cancer. ' Ii. WILLIAM WALPOLB. To anbmit to an operation, is to rolnn. wruy enuanger one's life, without the iKuiesi nope ot Doing benefitted. Air. William Walno e. ia a planter residing at Walshtown, South Aaoia, ana is well known all nr h. aiaie. unaer aate oi January 20th, 1896; ha write.- Al..,m,. J. i icojrcais -Ku,iuere came under my left eye a little blotch about the size of a small pea. It grew rapidly, and for the pahtyear, shooting pains ran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it cancer, aud aaid that it must be cut out This I would not consent to, having little faith Jrrtbe in discriminate use of the knife, though I was alarmed at my condition. Reading of the many cures made by S.S.S., 1 determined to rive that medicine a trial, and after I bad taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began todis charge. Thiaafterawbileceaaed. leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy looking little car remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway .Words are inadequate to eipresa my gratitude to the great blood purifier, 8. 8. 8., and I write this hoping that it may be the means 01 leading other sufferers to a core." Cancer Is not incurable, but the only mean of curing it la to rid the blood of the disease. S.S.S. never faila in An this, but it is the only remedy to be re- ia po. ji is guaranteed purely vegetable, and cure Cancer, Scrofula, aascbib, aiarrn, k neumaiutn and in. other d of the blood. Other blood dteet often develop Into each alarm, ing conditions that the doctors think aa Operation Beceaaary. Scrofala. for in. stance, often diseases the rlanda of the Deck to such aa eitent that aa operation Is looked opon aa absolutely the only relief. Thia Is alto a grave error, a the disease ia la the blood and a real blood remedy Is the only cor. Aa operation never did core a blood diaraae, tksrara of the kniia I Sead for tmt bonks oa nim an4 blood diMaaes, mailed free, gwtft Bpe citte Company, Atlanta, Georgia. WASMIkUTllM urn. Fras ear Srial VptmmAtul. Tee river and bebn bill bee Uea banned la the aeasle b IL eoejmit We 00 enmnisrra. Ii 1, bvf,rlbebt Wll lof 0'(' ever qlKnllMj r eon. ree, tier rfreetstiv aad . tore eave de their daty well. The ppfc1ali earriH b tb bill lot Oftoa, iarlnJiBf tba outiaala rua treats aelborlted fur all the Ur e- Mpfte4 orkt, i,aeta twai taswdtaf Ibrsa niillit.ti .n liandred tbMea4 donate, Jmi tbirk of til 0 three sntlifa tir..lred lbe- 4 dollars lo U eij..t,.-4 1 ha ,Vrr aad barbnr lwpm.aate i4 O'eeia, Over tea dMaa sr si ila f,. aa aa. aad rLI.I la Ike ttata Oelf lbfe Ute Lest fered belter g'a la lU er..t tmnssl lrtaUMU eeeiMd la lU UIL fVi. aae af ef arrereia e aletsa are below bet ee Ibe ImH. Il m berd mmk, b"tr, very I er4 ml, !. Tia,ih.e Nf e"fiat eea rr f.t.r. aaer at . but the .llr . f W. HHit hf tie It nrtrm if rVs, Mrt,S '' ' J III IL In.,- fl, I me commmee was too mnnh fnr th- oppoeition. The Yaquioa oontraol was retained and the bill left tbe senate com mittee with an increase oer the amount oarried by the boose bill of over two million dollars. How muob, if aDy ur gon will rise by amendments in the senate or will have lo give away in tbe conference committee ia a matter only lime can deoide, but her ohaooes in these particulars are at least as good if not better tban those of her sister states TK uo uuiuuiuit-e on commeroe w continuous session for two weeks sidenog tbe bill. The weather is ID con- was stiflinely bot and oppressive during tbe greater portion of that time tbe hottest, in fact, ever reoorded iu Washington during the month of April, by tbe weather bureau. But daring all that protracted session, through all the hot nod stifling weather, Sen. McBride did not leave bis seat nor miss a vote on any measure that came before the 00m mittee for consideration. His vigilance was neoessarv, to prevent an attaok be ing made on the continuing contracts for Oregon, and it reoelved its Just and proper reward. Always obliging and ready to help other members of tbe committee In their Hurts to secure iro- jeets of improvement in their own states, tbey Bud it very d fflonTt lo attack any of his matters. 8m. Dolnh used to over awe bis brethren 00 the committee. Tbey dreaded bis wrath as a timid child fears a thunder storm. There were a few men associated with hi m nn thu VHi ions committees of wbiob be was a member wbo cared to rnn up against the frowning front of Dolph. He would oarry his point, when be did carry it, by bearing down all opposition. In tia respect it wonld be diffionlt to Bud a man more nolike bim than his sno OMeor. Sen. MoBnde aecomrjliBhoa hie ends through the nse of diplomacy aud discriminating, taot. Judging by Iba work already sooomplislied by him bia bia method appear lo be as smoessfnt and kept him free from the antagoniam, friction and disagreeable incident Ibat alwB) accompany tbe ose of force wbiiberit be mtnlal, pbysioal or any other kind of force. I have said that Sen. McBride .ever left bis seat while the committee on commeroe was in aesaioa. I mast cor rect that statement with an exception. It whs after tbe bill had been pracMoally completed and tbe committee were bold log their final meeting for the consider ation of soma sprcial objisct. Sen. Mo Brjrte felt that all the danger point wrro p wired and be went. down, la the pablio laud committee, of wbiob be ia a member to look after matter there. During bi absence Mr. Qormao oalled attention to tbe f no I that fifty thonsand dollar appropr'ated by the bill for the Onroade Look was included in f 179 000 appropriated io the snndry civil bill and 00 hi motion it wat strickeo out. Hep, MoBride returned alter an abtcnoe of ten minnbMi and found that the "deed done." He bopped around in very active fashion until he mooeeded io letting tbe mischief rrpared. Tbe item bad been inserted io Ibe bill io order lo make assurance doubly sin io tbe mat ter of tbe lock. With every day that pease tbe irn- preasino grow that Mr. Cleve land will vrto the river and harbor bill. fie baa nvr signed e river end bsrbor bill during bl edruioiatraliuo ot Iba office of president, bot be allow tbem tri lie com law without 11 ignlare. HlioulJ b veto tbi one it will probably be passed ovef hie veto. Tbe California bill for the chualfka. lion, eta, of mineral laud to wbiob 8o. Mil hall baa proposed aa amend ment i ripictrd lo come op is Ibe te any day. Bo. Mitchell" amend, meet nukes Orrgoo nbjeci to tbe pro V.siol of Ibe till. Tb Csl forci oisa at Orel ohjroteij beeaoe I bey (tared Ibal It wonld jeopardit Ibe tasaaartaod Sea Mcllrnl Inlrodnred ow bill fir Wasl.ieiina and Oregoo. I ha bate oaibl lo agre ailb itu. Wtttoa a to oo pfopoeej tbauge and Wtsbingtoa ill U tr k kea oat II ii bold bte bill io reedinre la rsae aortie mlsbsp 'oold b fall lb California bill, or Sea. UiioLsll's ameBdititet tboald est b eeewpted. After Hn, M(tebll ad bipeeeb ia btbalf of lb laJite war velereet be atlempted to get lb bill on II Heal paeesee, nt K-a. Oref (Jen) objected, rbereapna Sea. killabell tsad Ibaful. lowing deelarailoa tf ieteaitoet "I fiv notir t,e, at this lima, that at lb very flret npporiaali I R. f Cball mo to preeaed la tbe 'nai'lor (l, of Ibe Mi aad I eball anlagsnse vert Ibiag Ibat ew la tb ay aaid I aa get a !" Mr. Ellt do a4 in b loeiag ay eep otaf lb aaslaaUia by tl.a Ornniaa 4 Jafg Kortbaa for 'ea a4 Iba aoueirte by ,eh graw llaea of Ibei aoanaaUta. "( ass U ret alar repablieaa anMnae, aid Im l a twlay, "enaUnated by tbe repabliraa erMveii,Ki at,, t tw ai,e U aerett Iba vaetliel r-f iba ret ablipea Vetera of 0goa apoa Ibe aeltoa A Ibeir rMns abatever It aiighl U. TbaOfa f talaa M ueteint lis iffM ,ia bmM tt taaaat ditet la aad tele ir ret.bliea ty II f)rre aej Iblek M will ae-et Hh fttkr Uafesl It m A, 1 1 iba r.y It bee .i, ! . I rm4 tim h ll..t ay rna ei tmhef f rvabiieane I 1teni lha lrt ji.,m 4 tttt lmff. 1896. Highest of aU in Leavening who love the principles whioh it advo. flates and representa, are willing to saori fioe it on tbe altar of Qrover Cleveland Oregonian gold monometallism. I do not tblnk any true republican will desert hie party and help send it down to de feat, in order to indorse the financial policy of the demooratie president of the United States and -the Portland Ore gonian. .No republican national plat form has ever indorsed that poltoy. and I do not think any republican national piairorm ever will. "The repoblioan party is too broad to oe narrowed down to any one idea. " Its base bas been broad enough in tbe past for men of diverging financial views to stand upoo; it is broad enough now; it will be brosd enongln I ibiok, when the loruana Uregontan will , be a memorv and its proprietor dust. However, sen ators and, repreentativee belonging lo tue republtoan party may d ffer. however much tbey have differed in tbe Past, on tbe question of money thay have always been able lo come together in all ques tion whioh involve the well.kuown prin elple of tbe republican; ( tboe prinoiplea a enunoiated.ia the parly platforms, as proclaimed, on tbe stamp and as enaoted into law nnder the lead ership of uob great statesmen as Lin ooln, Grant, Blaine,-Garfield and Mo Kinley. ,,1 am sorry that the Portland Oregonian ba deserted the, republican party, but having an abiding confidence iutbe intelligenoe of the masses wbo oompriae Ibe rank and file of tbe repub lican party. I do not think that any of Ihe means which it commonly employ or to wbieh it might rortwll persusde any considerable j number of (hem to follow it example. , -, "The republican party ba in tb past ettledallof Ibe great qoetioot itb wbiob it ba bad lo deal and I Ibiok has ettled tbem satisfactorily. I belisv Ibat when it comes to deal with tb money question it will prove equal 10 tbe emergenoy and that il will solve ibat troublou problem in a way wbiob will eoare t'j greatest good lo tb greatest number, and redound to tb material welfare and glory of our onmmon ooanlry Dratntsa Caaaot be farad uy incai application a tbey caonol reach Ihe diseased portion ot tbe ear. There ia only one way to our deafnesa, miuiiiatie oy eooatiiuuonai remedies. iwaioess 1 caused by aa loflamed eon ditlon ot tb muonii lining of tb En laohiea lab. Wbeo tbi labe is in a 1 1 ... " -av a ramming soana or iraperieci nearing, and whea it la en tirely cloeed, deafness la tb result, and nnlra thia InflamuMtloa esa be taken oot and Ihi lote reelored to it aormal ooooiinn, bearing will be destroy, tor. ever; nine eaeee out of tea era reused by catarrh, wbleh la nothing bat an la- nsmeii onnauion of the mneooa lortare. W civ Oa lloodrad Dollar for any oss of deafoM (oanaed by eatarrb) Ibat cannot b cured by U all's Catarrh Core. eod for rlroolsrs; fra. . . . F J CK CO-. ToUdo, O. Hold by druggist, 70o. neriUT uia. k-piblk ax or okeoos. rress tb fort land rhrantrta. Every newspaper la tb tai U giving Nortbap bi us dua. Wbal little (nding be did bav la tbe repablloso aHy ba bee forfeited by aeceptiag a eom (nation while boldiag tbeoffleeof eouely judge. Oa never b been nor 111 be ever ba, a nan ef Ibe people, tie owe bi pteeeet pnailma eolirely lo elieamtlaoora. U rod lata newer leo year ago timply txeeu aomlnstlo wss rqnivalmt te aa eleeiloa, Tbe t pablicaa party ae tbea sailed aed every eaadldal la tb field bad a walk aver. No aditlue are altarad. A Baa'e aorta, fidelity t party aad politt- eal ataadiag will be weighed ea eiaead- log Boa eealae, Nortbap-boJlar, r, dler aad parly breaker Ibal be at-will Bad bim.f largely wattJisg la Ibeee re. qqlreraettte Ibal are eareeeary to ssake r le a aaeeeaaf BaUb. While aoa pylog oe poeiUoa wiihla tbe gift of tbe t'pl. tbie vaia his he U-a suoaeae. fully rHd by pper ot aa cxdUaraJ tendiag late eeeepting tb aoeaiealHra for that ot another, believing Ibat lb ill vt lb pe-pla bad auatbt blot eel a tb oely veUeU eaud-lsle at ksad What a moekary; what a baai to Iba baaeel, fiibfl rpablia aba bav givea a lifobiag ppoft t tbe grnd oi l p 1,1 T Cbrnntel ak that every tra re pabtieaa wbM Blttr lo leader M t.ioila, flrenl, , HeWefd, ant a at alber ba sever bea qetiibe., one .re fall Into tt ae Ibey di t year fi, tll f if lb Ira pnarlple of reeu bits sale aj aad lo dsfast b b..lileg aaatla, . fl. S .rtl wp, fat Ibe pailta be aepiree to. . abeam a lb .ley sUs t Ivef mm, grad, iWinoe old benner ral..eaa ef lb aeel ; Mabl U es M ar te als ah .r i 1 ie WilMa b' t '- , tttitiJ si. I e. I at hf a eat bst laM witMa tea bls'wrt f FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own. A, T. Stewart. SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4401 PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report ; PURE yuunoan party of thia state. There can not be, there will not be any compromise. Hepubhoan loyalty will be as firm aa tbe eternal bills of God when tbe appointed hour draws nigh to settle the question as to whether an honest republican, Hon. W. R. Ellis, the nominee, eeleoted by a majority vote of loyal republicans sball be supported, or wither a vain, con oeited, bolting mogwomp, H. H. North up, sball renreseot this slate in the balls of congress. II oan not be! It will nnt t , .... be, and, "by the Eternal," it shall not be said that; "in that far land where rolls the Oregon,' the republican party has so prostituted itself as to treacber onsly betray a loyal standard bearer in order to elect a representative totally nn fit to enter tbe , legislative; halla of the nation where true and Unfaltering loyal ty to the grand old party has ever been tbe highest recommendation obtainable. Vote to defeat H. H. Northup 1 Work early. and late, republican of Oregon, and crush his infant aspirations in the bud so that tbey never may be permitted to bloom in tbe 1 repoblioan garden of Oregon. 1 diseases op xnm SKIN. The intense itcliihg and smarting Inci denrto eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin ia instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally eihcient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nippies; chapped hands, chil blains, frost bit, and chronio sore eyes. or sale by druggists at 25 cent per box. Try Dr. Cndy's Condition Powders, they arejust wliata horse needs when in badcondi "on. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. For sals by Cooser & Brook, druggist WIBK AND OTHKltWlBK. There was a king ot Wall street ooo II itarted with a dime; tie ai ways meant to writ a book, Bot didn't bav lbs time. The man who Interviewed tbi king The ways of fate are fanny Hfed l ways meant to pe dilate, liul didn't have tb money. Washington Capital. "You hmk sleepy. You must bav been up with Ibe boy last bight." "I was. W bav lain at our bons." Ilsrlem Li fa. Psasenger-Sey, esptain, bow far are a still from laud? Captain About two naatical mile. I'aaangr But we cannot see land anywhere. In win t direction doe it lie? Captaio-Straigbl below n.-Da Wlppohen. Priaon Vtellor-Ahl Here' a cell that U so tidily kept Ibat it reveal fldeaeea ot refinement; aed ibat beautifully work ed motto ot "Home. Sweet Home tb farther wall-is it possible Ibat tbi I the handiwork ot tbe 00 out. ant of IbieeellT Warden-It la, ir. P. ?.-W-oderfu Aad for what of- tense against tb law can such a man ba eon flood J Warden-J n.t wife beating: that's all. Boston Courier, Mrs. Hotor-I know abal kind of a temper yon'v got. Mr. Hector I don't donbt It. Yoa'va tried It f lee eaosgb.-ftotloe Tra- crlpt, MIsele-Wbtt do voa tblnk ef thee. shore lor II Of MemU-Tbey are a reel barsaia. Tb. leather Iteelf aasbl lo be worth almost thai. Indianapolis Journal. Traveler at railway reeiaraiil-Tbea aalwlbee are fearfully email. !eturaat Keeper-Wbsl'a Ibad ff-e. seat The Kata oaly wait bare eae S-iaota.-tUMiiHi Globe. MoJlsKlad ledy, wna'lyoejB-ta a poof ruaa auk oaly oe leg! Lady (mUreeie-Jj-How eataayootn aave kwt aa Ugf MeadiM t - M y father bed bat aa aad adidasy sraa.iUibee, ()sM4 ,j ntt la tb taatiSy V. esbiaalua Timea, 'b-lng !! artel I l.k lb fc, mm bsMf. A fumt asaa ll.iele leraa aelt at4l ba Uwa-Atrbia. (.ta. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE MSntaMSeiatiM, ti sa n it aiacr'ae 'iVpl.a.Mw.A r f s-awna 4 etna a -. tin Criani Balni -t f e 4 et M4 4 I'll I wm . t I -tt , ' --tle-ajap.ejg a. lata, i It i sy aav TTIX aw eW P' SB jreitbe UJ Uase la li MiiAib( eiiki4 w it lie liut aj tbe U,4 bee evl aUetrvH ibe la- UkZ: