hi fl CK BRANDS. While too aeep your subscription paid up jcxt oaakeep your brand in free of charge. ADrn. T. J., lone. Or. Homes GO on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and npper bit on the left; range, Mor row 00 an tr. Baird, D, W. and ion. Horses branded D B on the left hip; oattle the same on left flank, crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left, itange in Morrow Count;. Bartholamew, A. G., A'Pine, Or. Horses branded 7 E on either shoulder. Bangein Mor- rJanni8Wr, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand, d B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, (iooeeberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on "rosrnan, Jerry. Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right nip; split in "ili-own, J. C Heppner, Or.-Horses, cirole C with dot, in net ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J.. Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle Bame on left T8 it - n- T7nott box brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in Mtorg,rp. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P Bon left shoulder; cattle, same on loft hip. Brown ee, W. J.. Fox,Or-Cattle. JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Bangs m Fox valley, GCarenernWarren. Wagner, Or.-Horse. brand . edOon right stifle; oattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear, Kange in Grant and Morrow oounties. Cain,:.. Caleb,Or.-Y D on horses on left stifle TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant oonnty. Cate.Ohas. K Vinson or Lena, Or.. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Bangs Morrow and Dmatllla oounties. Corrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle i orop out ot each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle C on left stifle. Bangs Mor- ow and Umatilla counties. Carl,T.H John Duf. Or.-Double cross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit riSJtjT... .nut in ft ear. Range in Grant i7 on heD. inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Kar markon ewes crop on left ear !"S ,n, hit in right. Wethers, crop W !iv.t .nd under half orop in left ear. All raugs 1UnookntA?j!.Lena,Or.-Horses, 90on rightehonl a' .VHo. name on right hip: ear man square orop off left and split in right. Currin. B. X., Cumnsville, Or. Horses, 0 on "Iw va H.. Hanlman. Or.-Caitle, C with B in center: horses. CE on left hip. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark n" hapin H. Hardman. Or.-Horses branded O on right hip. Cattle bmu.led the same. Also brands (II on horses right thigh; oattle same j iht hou der. and out oft end of ui ram t" - ----- rigniear. ft.n-v. Or.-Cattle.B Don riglit si(le,s'wiulow'-fork in each ear; horses. B D yHBhros'.. Douglas. Or.-Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oatue same on loim.p lV. P. S.. Hardman. Or.-Horses branded 1 reversed 0 with tail on loll -moulder ; oat. reversed Cwitli e same on right hi1 uinnnxr. Or. Cattle. LF on Florenoe, li. A., ' right hip; horses. V itn oar under ou ngiu " i n. V.. Hetmner, Or Horses, F on him liar right shou der; oattle, t on right hip or thigh. "n. 7 Ki,n Or. Horses branded H B. with a quarter circle oyer it, on left stifle. Haneeln Morrow ana uinauiiiu.... "IK i u Ui,l Or. latte. round-top -Ith onartVr ''circle under it on the right hip, Bangs borrow and Umatilla cmntms. rJ ... .;l,l hi.uliler on horses; on oattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in Sh! .nd slit in left, Kamre in Haystack rfutrint. Morrow oonnty. HOWara J li, ITll"wn-, v,. .... , . - with bar above it) en right shoulder; oattle same i,fk itanira in Morrow and Umatilla Hall'rkdwin. John Day. Or.-C.ttl. E H on right hip; horss same on right shoulder. Bange In Urant oonnty. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded heart on the loft shoulder. Itange Morrow Co. Hnnsaker, H A, Wagner. Or.-Horses, II on left Shoulder: oattle. (ton left hip. Humphreys, i M. Hardman, Or.-Horses. H on Mlla2m, I.nther. Eight Mile pr -Horas H on ths left shoul.lnrand lmart on tlislnft stiHe Cat tle same on left hip. Bangs In Morrow oonnty Jones, Harry, Heppner. Or-llorses branded ri J on the left shoulder; cattle braided J on right hip. also nnderbit ill left ear. .Itange in Morrow county. , i u M Honnner. Or. Morses, horse. shoe J on ' left ahouldor. Cattle, the asms. Bang on "tht Mile. , , v..u. I ... fir Horses. nircleT on left stille;'oattle', same on right lilp, under lialf erop in nil "iilit 'n left ear u . M-,b. lloMnner. Or. Horses branded KNY on leftlvip cattle same and orop oS left tr; imiler sloiw on the right Kirk J.T.. liennner. Or.-Uorsei 68 en left t,nl,Wi nattle. m on left lilt'. KnmlH.rlaud.W.G.. M.mnt Vernon. Or.-I L on oattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in If ft sir and under mop in right ear. Homes snms i..r. .l.iil.lr. ltaiiue in (Irant rnuiitv. Urten, Btephen. . Fox, Or.-H I. on left hip iilit on riulit wr, HonB Mtaa hrtfevml UD left shouhlnr. Bangs (irant liensl Ian, John W.. l,i-lltoi. Or. -Horse, k... i,.lfj,lml J I, nuiinsotml on left liuiil der. tittle, sauie un lefthio. lUuge, near lei. Uahey, J. W. Heppner Or.-Hiroi branded I. and A on lnrt slmuldnr; cettla sums ou left hip, wattle over right eye, three sliu in right liord. fle-irge, Heppner. Or.-lhirsee branded double U (HH.neibl Koineliiune oanail ..... It 1-rt al.iHililHr. u..i. it ('.. lliMinuer. Or. Cattle branded eirvla on right hip; huneis same on right suite. UsngelB M.irrww otMinty. Minor, tlmr, neppnef nr.-t attle, I Dm right hifi horse. M .mi left shoulder. Morgan, ft. N.. Ileppn.. Or.-llorsee, II ) on left shonhlei cattle same on lfl hip. MiUihell.Oir.lo r.-Horse, JI on right Li 91 .!, I si, la. " LLT I.,... k Or.-llorw A N eon- Dert'oa left shiiolderi oattle same on bothliii. Oiler, I'erry, Lesluguiu, wr.-r w un wn h!l,.rfi, J. W Douglas. Ot.i hrM O un left ahooidort oattle same ou rlglit hip. fsarxMI. Olave, Kight Mile. Or.- Hotims, qnar- tar alrrle shield on ! SlllrUlileT SIlH IMI kr hip. rattle, fork in left ar, right oM.ppL . ' i . I. ... ti..,M ,,n Kldhl Mile. I'arkar ' IIImoO. llafiinan.Or, Horses IP on left should.. a . . .,. . . J (L. K e.wiieet-11 en Wt sh.Htl.lari eatUe n.aoa right lilp. wuiw t.. J II llntHi. tr. -Koreas, JK aapiad 'onUft sli.wl.lart raula, sains u lfl hip. iidar bl In eanh ear. a I- l,Hia. Or i huraas diamond Foe .iui.Ui satila. J II J o.nrl.l. am Ihe eft hip, upper sU.peta Uft aaraad slip la the right. U1, Andi-w. Har.lmi.Or,-H. nare , with quart-rin'Ui af it on Uft elifla. Hiwh Mra., Heppnar, r.-H aas hrn,t I I tt right shtml'hwi eaiiia, a m i" i n.p entp i.rl ltt ar and ilrUr oa ttm k. HMffl U M,r ail .l"ii'li e."n-- m at lUan-i, mm lamniriiMI. CV-Mnraas bruita.1 A II mi nstit li.il.lt, nl qtwrtat rlrole btamli rallie same Ml rtflM hip. Itsnae H"'r,w enntf. Wi. II. lNiiflll,V-IIH H ii h iwrlK nirliaw l"t ea'ila.ia n't lop Kn, rr,i H rtM -M ai. -tH la WV santa kwI mUtx .h.ilw. Hasuje ta H'in. tirw.1 awl initial" ".mnuaa. Kart.ir i. W . Vm. tf . - H.iTSaa, JO a MieiwoUtw. t estis - rtahl him piriM W. K, lt-H.n-r. slart I H rat k-n elllWi tmiM 4 M hip, swaiUrS) (,a ta '. Mt.il la l. Swii.IIim.Hw. i.-M.w-a, i ATea Wft hi Pi eaiu bbm Ml Wft kip. Harw. rVwawt. UsMtaa, ttr.-faltls 1 oa HM kip "l ,l'h' I ka. .,.hl M...l l", IU..- i M rw a.,.,l.. p.ilk Mr.- . !-.. ... tr. II'""-. l MatKUW) aaiila. awM Ml ah.-il-W a... Jum Ailit.',i, ll .1 hatrmm Wamtaii J a ... l.M fc.ml.M. .iii" U alan i.li.. tu. ee ia '" "'- rH.i4.ana. V. A . llr.M., I l ps ,M uM Sim aaula ,wis.ii L a M rt.l sfcta (...... Mm A. i Haaat t It -4 attla, H mM I.M'1 sall" " Snfaui, rt, W , Mpv". -Muesea, M a .fl .(... i t- , 'U hi -,,.- . -latths C Ml Ml a.p. mw -f 's'. ! - tm taft paw, Iwreas W t M " IkHHta.. t A . Hl-P" II -"- 1 Uli kmti aasila. laft sl-aiMae, t.r.aaaJI i.kil..- 11-raaa.t.sai left twils N W. lUt- I . -aB earitai t Ufi ,-, i i w eaule m Wt kip "jlU2'ui!M M "l IV - M. 1-wM 111 M.o---l a k .-, .'.a-,' aaaas .4. larv-. M T . l.l, M.Mat H I a.a, aM4 vi i.a .t ilskisiiKstas m nt kItit, Wa . H .- . H'-a. V t. . K tt I ' "a. u p-. Is lt.M tav-Wl J U S lei tHaa m It I'aUK. V- aJle srtikaaa a.i II mm ll a. la. aulil la .M aaf H tai kniM Wt .. aw li. IIh i .k tt W -s .4 M U a.t UU a. I ..... 1.- ... ua I. 'I U a4 li. K.lm4 M-i iaw, u.- H veaa, i f U.Bl Ml. it I asfca H-fi .t.-W- aaeaa laj ..i.aa taaaa l.,,. la-llwla' W Me aw I." Wai aa, M tup, aattat a ton. Pa. tseaai mmmm. Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horse running AA on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Xonng, J. B., Gooseberry, Or. Horses Drandw on u.e i right should". GET THE BES1 Whefn you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements, and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu tacturers that have gained a reputationbyhonestand square lealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none in the world that IfajGSf can equal in mechanical con i'jPWJi struction, durability of working fWh in appearance, or has as many New Home It has Automatic Tension. Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patentea), anving wneei nmKeu on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Oeihob, Mass. Bobton, Mass. 38 UinoM B"Ans, n. i CHICAGO, ILL. BT. lAjt li, m'J. v.j,i,.. San Fbancisco, Cal. AtlaktA, ua. FOR Sft'-E BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. FRANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY Contains each Month I Original Water Color Frontispiece ; I Z guano rages 01 recalling . . .1 , L I III..-. Mutt... ill., mew inu 1 , iv n lib.. . u .-. . Vlnre l.iterarv Mutter and Illustra tions than any otner magaime in America. 23 CIS. J JB rear. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR DOYS AND GIRLS. a tird-Vi wholennine. Jurenlle Monthly. F'litv Illustrated. The best writers for young pouplo t: ntribute to IU 10 cts. : l a year. SnO ALL SDBSCEmiOHS TO THE GAZETTE, HEPPHER, Fbank I,hsuk's 1'opui.ab Momthi.y ami me Ua.etto, both lor one year lor Fkank Unuk's 1'i.basa-t Hours for Boys AMPUiHUiimi the Oa.etto, both lor one year :MW. Undoubteil.y ithBest Club Offers ;yS, In Frank ItMt'n fiihlitMnn ITov fur frrw lliunlmlrd VrmluiB Lut, IS M J- STEAM GASOLINE POPT p.tblb 1 XT T AT 1 C? AND 11. 1 IT I r Ii1 If you think of linying an en nine of n9 size or kinil scnit for our Catalog A'o. :it, ontitainmir illtistratiiiiii ai 'alogUf - i "u" prior of evrry kiott of engine from one np to i'i biirHii power, at bottom prior, or Lint A'). in, for yacht engine, boil en and machinery, Either sent tre. Gfi35. P.Wsilaid & Go., 197 Canal Street, . CHICAGO Q t f.f M ki 1 1 f 1 1 M I O t Mi'Ai.niNO'M at 1 ..HTHLETIG FIGURES.. m mmrrmtr cf B I Vae la HmMmn. H 2 A CempUle Set, -i.ttii tt . 2 lll..- h. ,a l.a Hall I'lsn-r, P.a4 lull I'laif-r, I...II l't., tani.is lisf si. l pi. . l Kl Irt. a III I wnl I., aiiy M 2 Irnas un. i. i4 oi W rents, to -af jj 2 i i.i.s H "! tiw Hiiwe are alakilnMr f'lert, a rwa'.liliiMr ilrl a't Rf..iM.lpt, ati4 PI errant.! Uiii4 m.risht. aa,l are aa as- k i lN.Hr.it s.Mi.t i .t ...ii j ats a lra.ll.fS 2 "I Die SIM. ttr aul i'lf "i1 s,illl,ia 2 l"i rl.it. rr.iii.s r.M..it. nrh.-e botoe, 2 A. G. SPALDING & BROS., .. ' lllftM iSll.Sr4pS Qf ! iitaatfttrtQ Tke Mrrsiissle eihsae leraeaeas Is laws l eases (wraana. tasp l!...1.sis Ikel (teeter tealHr kl piaS elerer maat k eewreA. Taeee tails espma tfct We.tiiat faei. KieT Wpan$Tabulcs a iere's4 tia aap peeelsassl tPirMA cvtti .. aree TsWatx i Pn.a, pa seal Ul 4ljia. s tr Ps4. .. Iifaal (hi mm. W, 1 1 tfwm H, Popular Magazines ia FOB THE I.OiE. 0?f. .n&i f)JML E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO THB trict. GIVES THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For OAM rriAMrilOnn bAN T ft AN OlOOU. For full details oall on 0. R. & N, Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obboon. QTJIOIt TI3VT33 t San Francisco And all points in California, via the Mt, Bhaat route oi me Southern Pacific Co The areat highway through California to all points East and South. Grand Hoenle Route of the Paoifio (oast. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Beoond-olass Hleepers Attached to exoress trains, affording superior accommodations for seoond-olass Dsssencers. For rates, tickets, sleeping ear reserratlons, eto,. oall npon or address K. KOKHLKK, Manager, K. V. KUUSKB, ASSl Geo. F. A Y. Agt,, Portland, Oregon Most Modern and progressive Fur catalogue or Intorniatlon write to THU MARUN TIRU ARMS CO. New Haven, Conn. fc: C inOOwwolovrlyMuikfrFrtT ' - - lull .! tat It.w.f At !- ..f . .a a CAHlCIU. tht IhM Oasew. WJX. imumm muinxt Mi N Hit 8LUUKAH CUTTlNQ. 3 S: THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 3 tiuJwsv Thestrs HlJit.. Nrw Ym City. -s I a- eiMvissrss siisTin I am if I in in in in ii 7 ii .-2 A. P.T. L. The American Protective Tariff League it national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" at explained by its constitu tion, tt follow : "TKeekcsef (hie Isaneekel keto paster, Aaar laS r S laeilf aaj paaafSs. ajlwck Sha4 Mwiyii nnw Anismna s.aisai peee'iarei There are no pertonaJ or private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it it sustained by membership, contribution! and the distribution of it! publication.. riatr: Ce l Is s.llal.4 KMMaka " ae4 " CeNsaW rtOMO WseaaaasilisaisasatfMWaa, tiK.ij.a. as larte, e ewe sans a. TmiNO! Wi puts. Ise a af a.swu.ia waw S" Skaaak a T ' awa.l.iM. pe i.i.,iMMlk eai 4 Ja.. 69 ss,te rOUSjTH; fa4 all M4 .m Pm s ar fce " Aaan.ss t, S-. W W t Wttaw, Oaaerei laynyi, IHWalllrlrMt Naatar. $1800.00 OTAXN AWAVTO INVENTORS. I fAAaal (pejejei bbMIpA (iWplPal ! Mr OMW tyte) Mls SI aawaasawa) lies ! M e eaaatre im kwe paseeise W aves Maana, S4 la) .4 Ha ewf M a Spiaa. katmiM sai KM l A. m SMas an n n mm syaa Hie p..ia. las tan la. rt $ Titc siMntTimuL intmwk$ TltlTVIOO llIVM3. paikas Pal sas.a4aAa)" .UtiwWaJ aMcs S wal naaMbi I rf Is Sa4 at a.. i,a g la i Hal rr is mx m n m as n mxhs. ftWtl ibm m0 0mmmm m aiasMaW t a I (haf a4 IsifctJaWtwej te I C ,tofcWtWsseJssf kfe-st" f"" 411 ajMsf $t nasv. ss4 sjak fa m sff enae ft) ekiel P alsskM) I 1,11 aji g Sh. aan-j ii., . e"syeeswe ektP jtitt" vi nm viu &N a ca, J j aaatal aaal Jk aaaaast'tal aSaam A ft aaaT as ii 1 aJ fltAaSkatabaaal A lsmPVeaWTf tsaf sssaamar a eaeaj asspssax s ssraflj gr veVWV a, Mrpt.h.WM tUt atkinit. ft. C. I jp t ra.a-.a. r an ft) Hmjur aat C (TTT laiii I I If " in Ss'Mt. tl$lffcv Lightest, Simplest. I'ffixl y Easiest Hronsest, liTIffSCjffl fa Working-, Solid 1 1 wL431a11i-J Most -J Top XffirilW Accurate. Reiver. XM?' Compt, a- lstrt, Wuhli-it. Ilvellrt sn4 aitnt popur aelei iMsis. both via si nj Inttiumenul, K"tti n up In Hie mx rlrgant manuer, io- e- tluainit four Uti-t site Pontalts. Sl aa f. Msksjst4asfe A I afcia. as Imw a a to W4 .a ia aia. 11 al iaa im'.yi. I NEW VOTING LAW. No Beratchlnc Required this Year. oters Should Head Carefullj. A good deal of loqairy is made these days as to bow tbe votinp at the Jane polls will be ooodaoted. Voters who thought the ballot (riven them two years ago was large will have something to kick aboot in the shape of sizs this time becanse of tbe addition of new tickets and a large Dumber of candidates for each office in tbe county, citv and dis Daily tbe county clerk gives out infor mation on this score nntil be is dejected and weary. Eleotors tbis year will not be required to scratch several buudred names of candidates that they do not want to vote for. This was tbe bother last election, as it took a voter a long time to seleot bis candidate under eaob office and scratch out tbe names of tbe others. It made the tiokets look as it tbey had been half mutilated. The difference now is that the eleotor puts a mark opposite tbe name of the man he does vote tor. and that is all tbat is required of him, It be votes a mixed ticket all tbat is necessary to do is to place a mark imme diately to tbe left of the oaodidate be desires to be elected. Tbe Oregon Aus tralian ballot law bas been oalled a misnomer, and so it is. Until it is chanced to inolude all tbe provisions of tbe Australian system, as it should be, it is far from being either satisfactory or right. Only a abort time remains yet for tbe independent candidates to get them selves placed on the ticket. Tbe inde pendent or disoonneoted candidates can tile dominations up to within 15 days of eleotion. Not later than this the clerk of tbe oonnty court is directed by tbe law to prepare the sample and tbe white ballots for printing, and place the names on the ticket. Following are extracts from the law in regard to voting: Section 5'J. On receipt or bis wbite Daiioi as aioresaia, me elector snail forthwith and without leaving tbe in- olosed space, retire aione to one or me compartments or plaoes provided, and shall there prepare his ballot by marking immediately to tbe left of tbe name of tbe candidate of bis ohoioe for eaob office to be tilled, or by writing in the name of the person he wishes to vote for; and, in case of a constitutional amendment or otber question submitted to the vote of tbe people, by marking to tbe left of the answer he desires to make, whiob shall be dope with ao in delible "oopymg" penoil, or with pen and ink. Before leaving the compart ment, or place provided, the eleotor shall (old bis ballot so that tbe face tbereot will be ooncealed, without displaying tbe ballot or informing any person bo he has prepared it; and be shall fold tbe ballot so tbat tbe remaining stub may be readily torn off witbout exposing the contents of tbe ballot or tbe marks or crosses thereon, He shall then deliver tbe ballot to the chairman, and state his name and residenoe. Section 66. Any elector who declare to tbe chairman that be oannot read or write, or tbat by blindness, or otber pbysioal disability, he is unable to pre pare his ballot, shall, npon request, re oeive the BHsislanoe of two of the judges in tbe preparation thereof, and such oflioeri shall ascertain bis wishes and prepare bis ballot in aooordanoe there with, and suob officers shall thereafter give no information regarding the same, Tbe obairman mav, in bis discretion, re quest such declaration of disability to be made by tbe elector under oath Whenever an eleotor receives assistance in tbis manner, tbe seound olerk shall write npnn tbe uollbook, opposite tbe name of the eleotor, tbe word "Assisted, and if sworn, also "Sworn." In prepar ing bis ballot, any elector suhII be at liberty to one or oopy any oolored or sample ballot provided by tbis act which be may choose to mark or to have bad marked in advance, to assist bim io marking the ollloial ballot Io regard to penalties for violations of tun election laws, section C7 say part of of from 8i() to 8KK) shall be imposed miscotitluot on the part of tbe voter, oonvn-tion of misonndaot on the t tbe officers conducting tbe pulls impris onuii'iil from three) mouths to one year or flue of frnm 8,rx) to S'miO -or hoth, Id the disoretiou of tbe ooiirt it tbe pcn ally. A proalty of from one to three vear in the ppnttetitiary or a Doe frnm .'il0 to 1 1000, or both, ia Imposed for the practice of fraud by tbe judtcef or cltrks. Mr. D. P. Davia, a prornineot liver; rnao and merohaot of Ooabeo, V., baa tbia to aav on tbe aabjact of rbeomatism: 'I take pleasnre ia reovmraendioc Cbaaiberlala'a l'aio Italm for rheuma tism, aa I koo from peraooal etperl eno tbat it will do all that la claimed fur It. A year ago tbia irln my brother was lai.l op tn leI with iullsm malory rhetimaltsm anj sofjere.! Io tenaely. The Brat apptioation of Cbam tierlaio'e l'aio Halm eased the paio aod Ibe as of ooe bottle mmplsieiy rurrd im.,, For tale by Oortaer k Brock, Jrugglit. A bright little fellow about lb re ear of age ae very anilooa to go to walk itb bu lather. 'No,' ald tbe latter, oa ran't go; yoa're too litlle." "Ob, do, papa," be eaid; 'Tin a b'g biy." All rifc-bi," aaia bis father; oome loog." Oo tbe way borne tbe titUe ftlw be- am tired, and waoUd bie fatbs Io etrry bint. "I tbottubt yoe wave a big br etid tbe father. prtteciJIag te snear. "1 wee a big boy wba I tarte4 oat,1 be aatd, "bat I a liiile tmt ow.N lie in cartied the reel of tbe way. rilet I'll. 'a I I alsf I'llae. h) mi.l.mis - M iielure; iokto lthttg aaj tiiogtng; tmwt at algbl; wore by rrakrbiag. It alUiwed to ennliaae temor foraa. wbiob fta I4ed aad ttkwak. beritileg very mt. Ht i a OiPTwaat Ptup lb itrbing aad Uesai- tag, mlt nicwrattne, aad la Moat revsavew tbe tans.iv, Al dragf Ma, of by wtaiL f v S0eela. I'r, Hs)t. A rka. n.ila4lpt.ia. Al lb fatal IUfl-Jk (wbs) ba just IreaUd kl frt4 I lb dlane of lb piablNikaeai,-lrlty gmd Jiaea (. V tier. fa. bf Ilia (ripad-l'irel tale. 'a bve awtbar -TtJ tut. "Wbat Is Itm t-t eigtif prti.g eaikerT' Tkat dslifMlal fli wbieh ak yow waet U pit ) and wau-b pibev l wik.-rbtM Kk4, Jt"ll Mt Utort -I bateVi't t'l. 4 I be faeaf -! tfce b-.qs a.ae 1 Lit lb k.re. g rt 1 U..I lie l. aftd b dtl. Ia4aarlM Ivarati COUGHS and COLDS LT8 FIB SOLA a tore Kemedy tor coughs, colds, sore throat and for asthma. It XT 8 1 ircoogt euouies, qutcztf abates the conch, and renders expect- ucauwu easy. Consumptives will invariably derire benefit from its use. Many who suppose their cases to be con sumption are only suffering from a chronic cold or deep seated cough, often aeeravated by ca tarrh. For catarrh nse Ely's Cream Balm. Both remedies are pleasant to nse. Cream Balm, 80 eta, per bottle; Pineola Balsam, 5c Sold by Druggists. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc, For information and free Handbook write to MUNN CO., 861 BaoiDWAT, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent takenssut by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the 9 riwtific Jto Lai-Rest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly. A3.00a year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUNN ft CO., fUBUSH&tu, dot aruouwuy, jaew xurawiior. -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars 1AILY to Chicago. Many hours saved via this line to Eastern Points. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS, LOWEST HATES. R, W. BAXTER. Gen. Agent, Portland, Oregon. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- rentbutincMConaucteaior moocratc Fit. i oun orrtci is Orpoam U. 8. Pstiht Orrtct Sand we can secure paicut in kss tuns thaa those rremote irora nssningum. i . . , . i ' 1 . kI.I. " - - ' - benu moaei. arawing or pnruu,, nu uwuir1 tion. We adviie, It patentable or noi, ires oi charge. Our - net dua till natent b KCUred. cost oi ame tnth U. S. and foreign countries; v. " - r e i s-; a. a Hiuirr " now to vutain raicnua wun sent tree. Addreu, C.A.SNOW&CO. ! Ore. Patent Orrtci, Wsshinqton. D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, ' CH1CAOO, ILL.. HalUdoi k west ol the t'lilon IVpot of C, B. .... . . ,. . K. . I. Ll. U.' 14., V. n. ft ni. I ., V. at n., . r . . a. v., anU tlisC tt. LAf, Kaiiroads. KAI'ICP ta.c IICI IAY Cor. W. Ms'llson and Clinton Ms., Tbrortgb tram oo the O. R A N. will rnn via. Umatilla, waiia waiia aad 1'etidletnn. Tbroagb aleepera, first aod eonnd-olaM, will run in eoooeoUoo with tbe Union ractllo, tbe aame a b ere to fore. A tbrougb first-class aleeper Pork- land to Bookaoe. eonDrotiog with tbe tiratelaaa lee per to Bt. Peal, aod a throngb innrtet sleeper Portland to HI, Paul, will ran ia connection with tbe Great Northern railway. It Tbe regular abaoription price of tba ttoab Weekly OaMtle ia l-'.W and tbe rwmlar price ot lb Weekly Uregoniaa la 11.60. Aoyoee eobacrtbing tor Ibe Oaieiie and paying for on year in advance ran gel tx.th the OatelU and Weekly Oregon laa for I3.Da All old tab. ecrtber payiog their anbanriptiona for one year in advene will be entitled to Ihe aame. Charley Jonea, lb wall-known "old- timer" in b tonaonal lin. baa again I. -a ted ia Ueppoer, bavir.g porebaaed (Ireea Matbewa' abop, Minor bqilding oppoaite tbe rity boleL Cbarle will appreciate a tall when to town. i , W. Keroa, tbe eity painter, la pre pared to do ail klada of paiatiag and paper banging and wiiia houascisD- tn- and lake op aad pnl down earpeia OrAce oa Main atreet. opposite Cu bo tel. IVbo 1e leave tieppnee kfoodar Vfclaaedatt a4 Prklaia. Leave Retie Taesklet, Taradaya and ttalardaya rare IJ eaeb way. U fries. Well , Warrva.lleppaer. Ed. Driakell, Prop. For t.U V) I Will Pell a (tret rlasst, bigb grsxle, bigb ana evwiag mat hln gnaraa- ld ..r la yew, fnf farther t.attien (era eJI oa or adJrpaa, . A. (.eaea, ljeiieli, IMegina, tVMf, Wait. Tbttpan runs elage twlweaa lll .nr aa t kiNiaat, armiog pvwry lay te4 klin.ly a4 laaviag every day eiept a.lay. Hbneleal ao4 abeap- ra M tba ia toner. tjutr lift k, ageeiia. MaO.ee Ttm ba asose, erf e tb esjet ai le ? Maia etreet. ia lb bmLtipg tirnwly noenpid ! he (tea eal.irsB. Tby will be pieaaed U m I r l.l t pat..arte. 1 1 Aav wvtov In l.aeUra CVrn daaieaa) it, srtit r-f aa all.ivaef i Uaakingloet, V. C . wiU fl4 11 ta bie ! elf eftU-e rail t adJrea tbia pa- et P.le, Tm s era ef ). k ii tte MatNl j liaak of ilt,pr. A.Ureaa Ukar4 T l Oni, lueetve-, Arliegta. Oregokv, (, Vy -- T j" ft Nt is PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. gyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINQTON, D. C. B.ThU Company it controlled by papers in the United States, and i$ guaranteed by them, aW at TZf. S J A aV M It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. PBISS : RECTIF7IH6 : FILLS ! Youro BOUND to Take 'Em. Leaves No Constipation, Cores it, aa well as all B llioneneaa, Pick Beadaohe and Malaria. Tbe only 00 at porta blm pill io the world. Hold by all rlrngiriata or pent by mail on receipt of prioe, 25 oents per box. PREMISS MEDICAL CO., 411 California Htreet. Ban Praoclaoo. Cal. It: Eesls; Institute CIIICAQO. Plilwaiilee & SI. Fas! El l-"iiU Glanco at this Map 0 the (tlrajn, mtaauke sr4 at. Peat Rail wap s4 anse Its eona. tn.i.s HI. ail tir.a.. Uaanial p a4 PL Pail a4 ' as).a. aM ramaaatv that Its Ualnss.e HrtiUl wuasiar. trtrtly an4 kwaMI kf etcam, tie sttipmn,! ii Pttk tlepwat bqtH, Uhrarf. iaMit aM Heaping rare, wllk tree reriihlnf tkalra, Varti aiwuiuf rt eafth Me aa i.tw Nwting mp an4 lie 4lal ears are the bast la ta a or 14. CHJiat ttaa are Mtf thaa tkla. kut are Sttorlaf, an4 HMM ePvrt tf .. lalarVMts rwnKvlayHia, fhaaa are l. toat r'll ha) the p-alarl!! at'lba Mllesakaa " C'p tk tet e tea la I ef eajmavi aaaae a Hi fit fmm fartaee t.iesuat, a.Us C I. I PPT. a.erJ .tat. j .C1T. Tree, Pm. Atk Paeeise. dssaiaa WANTED-AN IDEASt'JtJi I ttiiU IS laMal I Saatat faajr MUe , Ikafanaf if" r eaiiia- w rt.a aruiitH. tit'M 11. l-art 4uurrs Wayaucf ts, UC,M tMt Js pttee a.V. T.r-v. a- a V- Xkiiiarauatol 4 s . -cK jr - t O W y fs.l ts - ",TTb,T At T""rWTrT f nearly one thousand leading newt- OUR STOCK YOF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD For tho Ouro o mi Liquor, Opium tsi Tobacco Habits It Is lore led at Ralem, Oregon, Tht Host Beautiful Town on tht Coast Call at the 0 terra offle for wrtlenlart mrU-tlr cooOJenUai. Treauneut prlraieand sur "k eur. f Your Face Wilt be wewathew wlta a saaet eagagtag easlle, aner yes) taea a ItBSeiigUacIs tcwip-ta vmn it a wtw PINCH TENSION. TENSION INDICATOR Automatic tensiqji releaser, Tk smxit pmiipkta pad Baefid Vava f a 444 ta any peering BMakiaa. f Thai HIItTi: le Derakly tad Naadaeaiffy lallt. Bf Dee fiettl gad rVtaet Antgket, tfwt ALL Irwaksg Artiebrt, Aat a,n awu ..J J.. .L I a - '- " " " i-w . I mY e lw fcss yr etatMaaV A-rta titatiit Waavas la mnmm tmA sWea. f .i ..l a.. a v WHITE SEW1K3 MACK1SE CO., CblVtLANO, O. v I