Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 12, 1896, Image 3

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-AND A- s
By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.v
Fields, Bloomfleld, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Piils Regulate the Liver.
J0.iLJ2J3.J4J5 16
J7 3 19 20 2j 22 23
Here and There.
Joe Leezer ia ic from Ridge.
Hugh Fields is up from Brownsville.
Dave Drinnen ia np from Tbe Dalles.
M. 8. Corrigall is over from Galloway.
Ed. Day was in from Butler oreek Fri
day. Gen. Weaver is making a tour of Ore
goo. Be sore to attend the republican speaking.
Attend the ball on Thursday , May
28tn. - tf
Johnny Ayers is over from Batter
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood
for sale. 37:tf.
Chas. Ward was in from Gooseberry
last Friday.
3. M. Hansford is down from Cotton
wood, Idaho.
Cbas. Iograbam returned from Fort-
land Sunday.
Look oat for the raoe ball on May 28,
Tbursday eve. tf
E. Boetheler got back from Pendto
ton Sunday last.
Bosooe Day and wife are back from
'outhern Oregon.
Joseph Fatnam oame in yesterday
from Mono men t.
Pat Kilkenny was one of Heppoer's
visitors Saturday.
Hon. H. Blackman was up from Port
land last Saturday.
Bring oat yoar families to attend tbe
republican meetings.
Frank Lee, the wool bayer, arrived
from irisoo Sunday.
Ernest Piper is op from his ranch be
low Lexington today..
Mrs. M. A. Knox and Mra. Bad fla
ney are up from lone.
Leet Greenwood is over from the Mo-
Donald canyon ranch.
W. B. Finley and Jas. Mclntlre were
np yesterday from Alpine.
T. D. Mathews and Perry Miller oame
in yesterday from Galloway.
m. n morgan and J. M. Baker were
np from lone last Saturday.
Silas Wright and family visited Mr,
Wright's parents over Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Rnbiuson is quite ill with
pneumonia up near Hardmao.
Lan time ana J. a. riper were in
from tbe lower seotion Saturday.
John MoMillan and Chas. Valentine
were up from Lexiogton Saturday.
joun lier and Win. Lietrace were
among Saturday's visitors to tbe city
Born-Oo Thorsd.iy, May 7. in Lex
ington, to tbe wife of 0. Booue, a boy
Misses Elizabeth Matlock and Anna
Brown bave returned from Pendleton.
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cotter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers
Plain faots are what tbe people want.
See Patterson a statement in this issne
Danger Signals
Mart tban half tbt victims of consump
tion do not know tbey bave it. Here is a list
of symptoms by which consumption can
certainly be detected :
Coueb, one or two slight efforts or.
rising, occurring during the day and fre
quently during the night.
Sbort breathing alter exertion.
Tightness of tbt cbest.
Quick buht, especially noticeable in the
evening and after a full meal.
Cbtlltness in the evening, followed by
Slight fever.
Perspiration toward morning and
Tale fact and languid in the morning.
Loss of vitality.
If you have these symptoms, or any of
them, do not delay. There are many
preparations which claim to be cures, but
Dr. Hckcr'i enalUb Remedy for Consumption
has the highest endorsements, and has
stood the test of years. It will arrest con
sumption in its earlier stages, and drive
away the symptoms named. It is manu
factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16
and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold
by all reputable druggists.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
in. Call
and Smokable
on Ted.
Hon. J. W. Ivey, of Portland, aceon
penisd by local speakers and Ihsosjili
date for the van rounty cflloea on
the republican ticket, m makes can
vim and apeak on tbe following datea at
tbe planes named:
May 13 Ijfxingtnn, 1:3) p. m.
Msy 13 -lone, 8 00 r. m.
May ll-IMitfia. 1:30 p. m.
May 14 Urease Hall, ftOt) p. m.
May 15 (Iftonplmrry, 1:3) p. m.
May 15-Eight Mil. 8 (JO p. m.
May Id lUrdram. 1 it) p. m.
May 6-lleppnera8 00 p. m.
May 18-Wen. Knah'a pUoe, liW p, m.
Mr. Ivey ia a republican speaker of
prominence, and tbe citizens at tbt
above tunned rleore will certainly bs
well entertained. The republicans at
tb different plaeee are reqtieeled to
Circulate tbe report of then meetings,
and members of all parllea are especially
rrqaeatrd to attend.
J. M. HoR,
Cbelrmeo Ceo. Cum.
Ona Pnnm,
fleorelery. If.
La Urnde Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. H. O. Hmith. anlomftn. Hennner.
Mr. Hailey. of Pendleton, candidate
for oirouil judge, was in town over Sun
Atteud the birthday social and sapper
at tue opera boose next i barsday even'
Billy Bnrralt was in from tbe Hvnd
Burrall sheep ranch yesterday on basi
' morgan is resting np erter a
bard winter's rootling on J a. Kbea'e
Johnny and Katie B roe, nan were tbe
guests oi wm. uugoea and family over
fleory Coata. Mr. SUotoo and J. W.
BfOkett ere in from Light Mile Satur
day last.
Mra. Felix Johnson, seoompaoied by
ber xon James, was in Ueppoer Satur
day lat.
The Gazette wants more business men
to advertise. Yon blip ns and ws will
belp yon.
Hon. 0. W. Folton will likely visit
Qeppner in the Dear (otora to talk to
Tom Buckley baa bad an operation
performed for oataraele, and is tempo
rarily laid op.
E. flL Ualey and wife are la from
Monument. Mr. Haley baa beeo teach
log over there.
Ths memorial exsrolsea will be held
io HeppDvr oo May 3 J. , Alt Post mem
bera are iovited.
If Mr. J. B. Eddv. of tbe R. R. commis
sion, and Mr. Jbydell rsaker, bis clerk.
would spend part of tbe time tbey are
using to disgrace the republican party
and to uphold oorporate influences, in
endeavoring to get obeaper railroad
freight rates and equal treatment to all
sections, the state would be better off,
The comiesion should be abolished and
these leaders put to their legimate ocou
pations outting oordwood.
Dr J. W. Vogel, ooolist optioian, of
Salem, Or., is at tbe Palace bote! for a
few days only. He comes with tbe best
of recommendations and is thoroughly
reliable. If your eves are affeoted he
can belp you, and it bevond belp be will
tell you bo. Glasses fitted and satisfac
tion guaranteed. Remember Dr. Vogel
will be in tbe oity but a few days only
Died In Walla Walla, Wash., last
Sunday, of pneumonia, Mrs. W. B.
Gregg, mother of Mrs. Otis Patterson.
She was nearly 70 years of age and bad
always led an active, useful lite. In
social and fraternal oiroles of Walla
Wulla she will be sorely missed. Only
part of ber family were permitted to be
at ber bedside during ber last illness.
Yesterday Jas. Mowat was arrested
for tbe malioious destruction of 55 frait
trees for Hvnd k Barratt. On this charge
be pleaded gnilty and was fined $100
and oosts, besides paying $400 for the
damage done. The trees were killed by
applying a strong solution of sheep dip,
and was done oat ot a spirit of reveuge.
The ladies of the M. E- church will
give a birthday social at the opera house
next Thursday evening. A very inter
eating program will be presented and
ill be followed by a bounteous lurch.
Tbe birthday admission at the door
pays tor all.
Hon. J. W. Ivey, a prominent repob
lioan or rortiaod, win spen I a week in
this oonnty In tbe interest of republican
ism. Republicans everywhere are re
quested to give publicity to these meet
ings. see dates elsewhere.
1 bil Cohn is now associated with ths
firm of H. Heppner & Go., in tbe for
arding business. Tbey pay tbe highest
market price for pelts and bides and at
tend to all forwarding.
a. U. Mikeseii and son, Alvan, were
in Heppner yesterday from the mount
ains. Tbey report spring very baok
ward In their locality and vegetation
patting forth slowly.
Hon. J. M. Ivey will address the oiti
tens nf Heppner and vicinity on Satur
day, May 16, at 8, p. ro at ths opera
bousj instead nf tbe 15tb, as mentioned
in a former lanue.
Mrs. M. J. Baling, of Eight Mile, took
ber departure on Friday evening for
Waitsburg, Wash., and will be absent a
month visiting with relatives at and
near tbal ilnce.
Thomas Nelson and mi thsr are ran
ing the White hotel and rrstanrant in
I'endleion. When yon go mere give
tbemaeull. They will treat von right.
37-1 f,
Hon. J. W. Ivey will ad J ret a tbe cit-
iaeos ot Heppner and vicinity on tbe po
litical issiiee of tbe day at the opera
bouse in this city oo May 1(1, at 8 13) p,
O. B. Halt, the tentorial artist, can
be foood at bia parlors, Matlock Corner,
wbere b win dispense at popular prioes
anavea, anampoos. liairents. etc.
Died At ber home in Heppner, Oregon,
May 11'h, 1896. Susannah O. Matlook,
aged 80 years, 5 months and 8 days.
Mrs. Matlook was born io North Caro
lina Deo. 3. 1815 and removed with her
parents to Benton coanty, western Ten
nessee, when a child where she was
raised. She was married to E. L. Mat
lock, Jnne 23, 1836, at tbe age ot 20
years. Here two children were born to
them. Tbey then removed to Dade
oonnty, Missouri, wbere they lived 14
years. Here six obildren were born to
them, five boys and one girl. Xo - the
spring t 1833 tbey emigrated to Oregon,
oroBsing tbe plains in an ox wagon. Af
ter a journey of about seven months they
landed in tbe upper part of the Willam
ette valley and settled five miles south ot
Eugene, io Lane oounty, wbere they
lived nutil ber bnsband died, July 15,
1863. She continued to live on the old
donation until her children were all
grown and married. She then removed
to Eastern Oregon with br son, T. J.
Matlock, in tbe spring of 1872 wbere she
bas lived most of tbe time since. All of
her cbildreu are living except the two
youngest end are all honored citizans iu
the communities wbere tbey live. She
was a member ot tbe Cumberland Pres
byterian church, having uoited with that
oharcb about forty-seven years ago. Ber
life was measured by that rule laid down
by tbe blessed Savior, "Do auto others
as you would bave tbem do unto you."
I have known her sinoe a child and never
knew ber to bave an enemy among ber
She was laid away today in Heppner
oeuietery, after appropriate services at
the M. E. oburob, South. Many friends
all over Oregon mourn with tbe relatives
in their great loss.
Grandma Matlook is dead, but ber life
work will live to bless our race wherever
she was known
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build
ing np medicine leads everything ever
produced. It Is positively the best. Othsra
may make the same claim. But there's
this difference: We prone it. Not by an
tiquity, but by ATerit. Not by what
we say, j but by
what Hood's
Sarsa- Vii par ilia
doeB S3Jfol ll 11 has
a rec- "" sSia. 6J ord of
Cure unequalled in medical history.
It positively, perfectly and permanently
cures when all other medicines fail.
That the keen discrimination of
the people recognizes its merit and
the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, is
tbe fact
buy Hood's
the ex
alt others.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than
all other blood purifiers. It wins con
fidence everywhere because the state
ments in its advertising and testimonials
are verified by all who take it. No other
medicine has ever received Buch praise, or
so many voluntary testimonials of won
derful cures. No other medicine possesses
n ni
mi a m
shown by
that they .
elusion of
Fills Do Not Care.
Pills do not oure constipation. They
only aggravagate. Karl's Clover Root
Tea gives perfect regularity of tbe
bowels. For sale by Wells and Warren.
To Vint HarrxB.-Tbrnnh tbt ear-
Beat reqneot of niaoy In lleppoef, the
Portland F.leetmlyiis ImtitnU hie beoo
prevailed upon to iit this etiy. and a
rtpreeealstiT will arrive May l'.llh. Tbe
stay will be limited to fnr data. Every
ladv deeirtnf to be Waqttflrd can bave
all Imoorfecunna removed. Heoerfliona
hair, birthmarks and tn removed by
theelectna aeed'e. N pais, no sear.
Wrinkles, freeklea, falling hair and gray.
ae prrventrd and ynntl.fnl coodilloe
reatored. Addrxa on band bills.
Grant Co. News: Died. In tbla city.
Monday morning. Mav 4'h. lire, Aonla
!?, datiM. . f M'. and Mrs. T M
Hriltee. 21 years, 3 ra-mthe and 12
Here. Tb funeral xeirrei Tir4f
artarnrnn ffm the l'.iii"pl rbernb
Mra. Ll,e)'a illneea Was nf only about
one week 'a dor if", an ehe was ant
nosiderej ia any Uicr aolil (Sunday
tvn Hu -The I la tvrifi M
the llri nnnawm.nl at Mr. I.rat.l
Mnaf si'1 tftet A la M Kba at ttnoalula.
I,H Apttl T. I M; ha aas
fUU awl trtwl l thm a .'ft n
as U tnwtfih in f Mm "t . a4
HI ! " l l Naeailaa
kntl. aflef Vr UtM fa alilw
Kai t f wie h t-n-riir In . If at
laM aflhe niHr Kanaka at vtetaal ifr1if
Miaatn Itiat -i Ht
lairif "t ee.. al M tf kia U e
4afaa ktaraft1Mwf e4 ea IM
nllUal tmam ol Ihe rf.f tie ma t a ri':i'
( t ilf ne lvt nada Ifca aaVa wrrm
ml 1U ( p4m1lrn In llw ff, la lat,
an rii iH" II owWiiv f
aM4llan t4aaa IM "fa atif-
elaM, lk"-r' k I ! that ! -f
, .! a tl. a- a-.'t ' t aai't
.E rtf.fwtt. K I , a
a ) Ifcal M m I '! m tie 1 1 K b-M
4 a ! It I " r " t ' "
) la, a a-t eas kI a,r'
Dee and Lr Matlock were tailed to
town tbia mornlog by tbt death ol
Grandma Matlook.
"Hoapper" Garrison, tha wall known
rara rider, ia to Heppner to rtmata till
Ibe races art over.
D. W. D ibbtot retaroe.l to Dillaboro
last tvening, having givto op bia posi
tion at Minor Vo.
Jakt wallonbitrger bat dcidd to
givt a grand IUe Ball oo Tborsdav,
May Xiitb at tbt opara boose. tf
II W. ISaardoa gnl la I mm Condoa
teeierday, having taken Jadgt IWnnttt
over to a private coetvyeoee.
Beo and Albert Matleeno am ia fmm
Itl.ea eteek today. IWo bsa beet qoiia
l l all spriug, but fct Improviag at irvt
Mra. u. L. Gmlidge, of Doaapartt,
Inwa, la vi.iiing bar daofbier, Mrs.
Ilraaias Uulr, bav:cg arrived laat fri
.tla: That aay that Joe Hliann It
soar fnipielely reueej frnta pnlitira. No
hattB wil
Mlaety Per Oat.
Ur all tbt peoplt nrl to takt a oonrat
of Hood's Sarsaparilla at tola season to
prevent that ran down and debilitated
eooditloo whbh invitee disease. Tbt
money invested o a half a doaeo bottles
of Hood's Sarsaparilla will oomt back
wilb large retnros io tbt health and
vigor of body and atrengtb of nerves.
nood'a Pills are teay
takt, easy operate.
tilt. I'm.
Io bay, tty to
Uart til liver
From the Capitol Journal.
Ever sinoe it bas been sat upoo as dic
tator of the republican party in Mult
nomah oounty, and as a plttform writer
for the republicans of Oregou, Harvey
Scott Las oome out openly as a bolter
and disrnptionist, openly seeking to de
teat tbe party in Oregon. And why?
He sava the state convention bas
adopted a silver platform, and that all
silver men should be demoorats or pop
ulists. Is this true? What are tbe faote?
Tbe republican p'.attorm on the mouev
queatiou in Oregon is the national re
pablioan platform ot lo)i, and the same
plauk whioh Harvey fcioott as chairman
of tbe platform oommittee reported in
the state republican convention of 1804.
Now he bolls Ibe party bnoanse it b.
adapted his own platform of 1892 and
Harvey Scott's oourse shows him to
be inconsistent and unreliable as a re-
pnhlioan, or as a man in public affaire.
His warfare on Kills, Mitchell and on
the repub'ioan legislative ticket can have
but oue eir-fct. It be bas aoy mhiieuce
at all, and as Ibe only daily paper at
Portland it cannot but have a grea
deal, it will be to imperil the elrclioo
of Senator Mitchell and both congress
men from Oregon. If tbe rank und file
ol trie repubhoan party and the masfs
nf the people do not resent Harvey
Hoott s ostracism ws are mnoh mistaken
If the republicans of Portland bad
decent paper there wonld be not moon
danger to tbe party. Ibe eetbblhhmeut
of a safe, aoond, fair, tolerant people's
republican paper at Portland, to oppose
autooratio ring rule, and the rule or
ruin policy of tho Boot t Simon fao
t;on has become an urgent necessity
for Ibe party'a welfare in Oregon.
the peculiar combination, proportion and
process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to
itself. This is the secret of its wonderful
power, of its wonderful sales, of its won
derful hold upon the confidence ot the
people. This is why it cures Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all
Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, DyS'
pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the
nerves, createsan appetite and strengthens
the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its
ill km
is usss
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Sliier Prices !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. are beirje sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
What Do You Want?
Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True
Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
4nr,,llc DMlc ,he '""rilly cathartk
11UUU flllS ,rt liver tlmulant. Ka
to take, easy to operate. Alt drumrUU.
25 cents.
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
rtiltAM BMW
0-"tl -V
is a
and li ths result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
It can be cured by a pleasant
remedy which Is applied di
rectly into the nostrils. Be
in; quickly absorbed it gives
rol icf at once,
Ely's Cream Balm
Is acknowledged to be the most thoronfrh cure for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold In llead and Hay Ferer of all
remedies. It ofiens and cleanses the nnsal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
Urn the membrane from colds, reatnres the senses
of taste and smell. Price ROc. at DrnuKiata nr by mail.
ELX BUOTUKRS, 69 Warren btreet, New York.
Gilliam & Bisbee
, Ne ryes Ou t.Agr.
I was nervous, tired, Irritable and
cross. Karl's Ulovrr Hoot Tea bas made
me well and happy.
AlHft. K. 11. WonntN.
For Sale by Wells & Warreo.
Esgle: Osrar Minor, merchant of
Ileppoer, and Mark 1. John, a jeweler
of I'emlletnu, passed through I.oim
Creek Toetday en route to Canyon City.
Mr. Minor is over In the interest of the
I'arrieu ereek road, while Mr. John oomct
ith a possible viw of locating; at Can
yon 3ity.
i e- '
Ayer's Tills are rronromenJel by leading
pli)iriana and drnvgiste, aa the most
prompt and ffloienl remrdy for billions
nees, nausea, rostivenes. indication,
!uififihDa of the liver, iinndioe, and
uk headache; also, to relieve eolds,
fevers, neuralgia, and rheumatism.
Notice of Intention.
I J Mhv 6, lN'.x'v. Notice Is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice ol
Ills Intentluu to make final prim! In support of
hisi'lalm, nml Hint said proof will tie mnde
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at liuppner,
Uregun, on June , lH'jA, viz:
11,1. F.. No. 3. for the EH and 1 HKU,
See. 2i, Tp. i, H., 11 K.
lleiiiinii's the follow Ini wltnc.es to prove
III. conthiuoiis reaiiluiice upon and cultivallon
of. shIiI Inml, vis:
(leorite Sblek, Arthur Hunt, Bherman Hhaw
and Hoy Hunt, all ot Heppner, Orea-on.
ftV4H Keglster,
NewFikd Yard Wm. Gordon has
opened np tbe feed yard neit door to
Ilia Gazette ollii:e, and now solioits a
share ot your patronage. Billy io right
at home at .this lysines, and your
liorees will be well looked after. Trices
reasonable. Hay and grain for aale. tf.
Ho. ye voting men ol Morrow, whistle up a
' I'm free to state, will stay
lively tune
For the "Candidate
with lis till June
Then let him oil lili auger blade, Willi "Sperry'i
I.IiikinxI Mve:"
Tie sweet to llilnk, of that good old drink, for
voting meu are dry.
Hold only at tbe Belvedere saloon.
We are not small meD, Ajb. We are email men, Xs.
we are not (tie Lafgesl msrcnanls in iae WorWi
But when the people of all ths surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oaaa and Water I'tpe, ripe rittlngi, Stoves and Kangei, Wagons,
Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Aiei, Hammers, Raws. Bledgcs,
Wedges, duns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
lteware, Flows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
and Boards, Bhcet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
Ws have Good Goods at FAia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices.
Smith. 5&
smcrirrvtiu aso Mi.saa im
I0 All Wolk la This Line, f'ontrsclliif and Job Work. Picture Framing,
ail kind., at price, in ault. us before ordering sa we guarantee tallslac
llun. I'rleee reaaiiiable. Terms tuh.
Stoi-o Opp. P. O. Thompi-on Co.. Main Bt Iluppnor.
The wool market is not ypt afft-cted by the McKml ey boom, and
reports are not encouraging. We have ample storage capacity at
for those who dosire to hold for higher pricon, and by introdaeinp:
Eaaiern buyers, secure for thone who wish to soil, the highest market
We pay tesmsters and hold wol subject to ordor.
No commission cbargml for selling.
We pay highest price for hides and sheep pelts.
itoiiea barley ana xeea lor teamsters.
We Are floents lor little's dip,
The best sheep dip in the market
We have 5,000 shingles which we will sell at cost.
Mark your wool Q and direct teamster to lower wtrehouse.
e to ()( a wbenhedoM
Tbt Stalem MiiHintl'l versitr taf
rp..Bl.nl eats: "eef flarlg-aa, ef
lleppttef, a sin Unt trf -.J 4. wm at Ibe
nteril; There la).
!r. alrHwneds IbforiM Ibe CI' llle
that the Rew K-feu lreIOAet t.ae
tried ns Ie Large and as wotfc-
Utf wnsderf ally well.
for sale a rbp l.ata gmvl rna-l.lera,
owe r. mtnm aej llgl.t d ruble bar
e, ary new. It. p. (lassaa.
tl at at. K. pareagw.
I'.aeslr gbaoj's Dye far Ibe wbUiers
applil wKeaj at Ikwb, S1 is eat
'"'0 1 1 sms eMful to ,lof ln a b'aas of
Meet, lime lis great populeMi.
A eofklraia eense np l.e beaerb ye.
tev.fsr aa-lr efcarge of ff4a'nt Ma
txr aa4 is bqaily efigae- la aoaiiiertsf
Itee (Mep'alry la rvpeirtag Ike lite.
A J. (! sr.. J a rtfalslie
tie (i.atie a srr ( He M'le. Me,
kfar.ldd 111 r.--' rrn.itl.f mm
e. i-.t if l.e V", f Ttr esji.,w,
11 ei! ti!'f (I eaira'e "
nii lf .f iKf.t.it e .Kne eboeieg
ell It' eeetwe f Iklareat is) Shettjsi
US tee S'4e, lliai mb4 eiacslina.
A Bright teaag U4f failed Is lbs Ores!
from tbe Oregon State Jouraal.
Mim klarr MstHe Matlork died of
C'OsarjDptioa al ibe bums of br father.
Mayer J. U. Matlock, at Eleveolb and
Cternell..n streets, at 8.13 a. m. Hq idsr,
May 3. IKNh at tbe age ot 10 years 0
moii lbs ab'l 1 day,
I)eaeed had leo III for mast months
anil, tlxingh it baa bert knwa for soma
lime tbal the end roe Id bnt be far away,
yet ber deaib baa iu a glome ef sorrow
ever a Me eirole of relatives and friends
In 'his eilf and aleewbere.
lVeeaeed was b ra at I'lea.anl Ili'l
November 1 173, aad reeided there witb
ber pareals anlil 4 years ef age, wbea
tbe family removed ti ibis ally, sod here
she bae a boal of txrtb yonng and eld
frienda. wbe regeel to aee a life so brlgbt
and I oil ol promts a was bare, depart
frtnt Ibe sphere tJl naefuleeM Jul aa It
was verging lel-i Wornaah'M d. H be was
eoneeieblinee, kind aod eirteidereU
alike witba:i and never failed to wis
tbe frietx'al.lp sad bva ef all aba keew
bee. Hoe bee beo a member of tbe
Ct.rielleo rbori'b einea qoile najng, aad
eat ee artivs Worker la Ibe I. I. H. O.
E -f l bet ebotrh.
Tbe fonersl eeretree Were bal l at tbe
rhftaliea li.areb at V d'nloek Meeday
rnnreirtf. bea: eooadoried by Itv.
M'tw I Ha. lmmV.t. Tbe rrtnaie
ere eiVved lniw.elilel aflerwerd
to tbe t'ieaaaet Hill eem4er, wbere
lby ware laid I" reel by the si.U of bee
eieter, Leie N. Mstbwb, wbe depertwl
ir.ie nr
bamlr el frbeds
eriet ee 1
bucksvcu's Dunham tobacco Company.
PUtHAM, n. c
Who Mi
You are entitled to receive
FREE from your wholesale dealer,
BlackwelTs Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. On bar
of soap free) with each pound,
whether 16 ot., S ox., 4 ex., or
l os., packages.
Wo have notified every whole
sals dealer la the United &utes
that ws will supply them with soap
totlvt you fREE. der stood
supply of OLSUNQ tiC'KHAM at
voce, sea insist on frttlnf your
today. Yours very truly.
eeeeeeeee Rrattsnsa? airfWwMtaweaewf ee
., ana insist on fetiiflff your
P. One bar of Soap c-RtjE wllh
h pound you buy. Koep la
ired tor a limited time, so order
N raw wees ee? airfWwU la awewwrtwf fmmt
S"e. sal mmt I hi. Mk. a-4 a. 04 tl wm
fawe erawe te pmmt wlsaH aVeare.
Oh ! Where Did You
Si Get Them Pants ?
A Sway s Life aaeH
Mr rabv bal etfrtip aaH wm eav.d br 1
ftl.il.k'e feee " wrilee Mre, J. f. M ri
M Hoe'eviiie, Ate. for sale by Hells
A Warr.e
SeeteeSe '
Mf'at iei b l4ie'M . C .ln a
I'"', II.SS'Mae, I. mm ut lfliU, eil"W
, HS ita ? Hi.iw.t.a tiuis i a iiiTe ,
i eae, t is by W ells A H airee.
e ' -U e
1 1 .
Heppner, Or.
R. F. IIYND, Atanaflcr.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Tbe ndaralgeed baa opeel ep a sew blaaksmitb sbop oppo
aiU Ibe npero boeae, aad le prepare.) to do aay kied ot
work ia bia liue. Io coaseeleuo be will res s
Work d 00 at Popular Trice and la s ssllsfaelory ssanaer.
I bave eerared tbe eervlnee ef aa stperlenee.) boreeeboer, W. J. Halloo,
of Halem. and boree will be shod en as to ptevenl Inlerfertog and over
reaeblBg, or so sag W. I'. HCUIV.H Eli. Heppner. Or.
O. W. UTT & SON,
ul3I60J : ippS.
HHUfei IIO Ct. Kiw'h; 1'fllfM- lir, Ct. Kiwh;
AxlttitHeit55nnfl ..."() lUch.
tW All eO.ee wmI la prrrtl sM AI L WORK WilSaSTTP. egj
leitii niiniri)et. n. Ar i itt t. ciokt
Salta p
Keeps the I;incst Wines, Liquors .nul Cigars.
(man SolKU. Siffilaitloii Guaranteed.!
DHL eras.
Plenty of them at the
Gazctto OffiQo, . . .