Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 12, 1896, Image 1

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Is owing to my liberality in ad
vertising. Robert Bonner.
Advertising brought me all
own, A. T. Stewart.
I'M IiM.IiMIIIMiI'M 11:111 UlllWliHtl;lll1H(lll
1 WEEKLY rIO. 6f 0 (
a IU44J III M-IMi;iM.a:tl. .&-
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
Business Manager
At $2.50 per year, $1.25 for eix months, 75 ots.
Cor three moucns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THI8 PAPKB ie kept on file at E. C. Duke's
Advertising Agenoy, 84 and 85 merchants
Exohangs, San Franclsoo, California, wbero oou
taota for advertising; oan be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. tn. dally, except
Sunday. Arrives tt:ia a. m. aaiiy, except .oiuu-
"West bound passenger leaves Willows June
ttinn l n m Must liouud 3:ii0 a. m.
'Freight trains leave Willows Junction ROiiiR
east at 7:25 p. ra. and 8: 17 a. m.; going west, 1:30
Ip, m. ana a.ob a. m.
Eulted States Offliilals.
t President Grover Cleveland
' Viim-l'reHident Ail ai Htevenson
f Secretary of State Richard S. Olney
' Secretary of Treasury J arm Q. Carlisle
Seorntary of Interior Hoke Smith
Seorelary of War Daniel B. Laniont
Seoretarv of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postimutter-fteneral William 1j. Wilson
Attorney-flnneral Jndson Harmon
Secretary ot Agriouture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Uovernor. W. P. Lord
Seoretaryof State H. n. runcaid
Treasnrer Phil. MeUohan
flnpt. Public Instruction (. M. Irwin
Attorney General 0. M. Idlnman
u , ! Q. W. MnHride
Senator i j, H MitoneU
- I Binder Hermann
Congressmen J W- ft. Ellis
Printer.. W. H. Leeds
SR. S. Bnan,
K. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Jorllelal District.
tJironlt Judge Stephen A. Lowell
1'iwwutin Attorney John H. Lawrey
Morrow Coantjr OHial.
' Joint Senator
This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho
wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington,
Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and
Intermediate stations.
Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendloton for scouring and packing in
transit. Many of the leaning buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera
tors frequently visit Pendloton warehouses. As a market this place Is equalled only by
The Dalles in quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage :
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf
' fieiently low rates upon wool in the grease
and dirt, to equal the lower expense in
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton.
Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool
at this point than Is averaged at other places having reputations as "high markets,"
based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool,
and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average tales in Pendleton
Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than can be obtained in any other Market in
the State.
All Her Liie.
Here Is another case showing that
there are few remedies which cure deep
seated blood diseases. Eczema is one
of the most obstinate blood troubles.
S. S. S. wipes out completely this dis
ease, as well as all other evidences of
Impure blood whether obstinate or mild.
There are few men better known all
over DeKalb county than Mr. E. D. Jen
kins who resides at Lithonia Georgia.
He is the ;owner of a quarry of
the celebrated Lithonia granite, which
is so extensively used in 6everal
States, and fe acknowledged to have
no superior bs a paving stone. His
family has lived in DeKalb for forty
years and everybody knows them.
"Ever since she was a year old," he
said, in a recent interview, "my
daughter, Ida, has suffered from Ec
zema, and I have never heard of a worse
case of this dreadful disease. For thir-
republioan ticket. The same spirit that
dictated this nomination would, for its
own selfish interests destroy the work
and usefulness of the republioan party,
BDd every other patriotio work for the
benefit of the people. Judge Northup
may be as good and true a man as can
be found in the state for the position,
but under existing conditions there can
be but one safe course to pursue, and
that is to eleot the regular nominee of
the republican party, and let Judge
Northup fill out his office of county
judge in Multnomah county. Albany
Mis ratte
Uoanty Jailtr ,
' Commissioners.,
J.M. Uaker.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Trwasnror
Hohool Bup't...
" Coroner
.... A, W. Qowan
J. 8. Hont.hh
Julius Keithii
, J. It. Howard
, J. W. Morrow
,Q. W. Harrington
Frank tlilliam
J. r. Willis
Geo. Lord
, Anna lialsiger
T.W. Avars, Jr
iiippin towm omaSms.
"Vaym Time. Mnrgnn
fc v...n..ll...uu . O. K. Varnswortii. M.
Lichtenthal, Otis Patterwiu, T. W.Ayrs,Jr.,
8. 8. Horner, K. J. Blocnin.
la ..... .F. I. Hal nek
irv.,.......'" E. L. Frwland
tMnrliJ. A. A. Hubert
Precinct OBI oero.
. lnMa nf tha Paul E. 1. Fraeland
Cuistabls N. B. Whetstone
United Mates Land Orrieers.
TH n&i.i.ca. tia.
J. P. Moore K(ritr
A. 8. Ilium Ueoctver
B.F. Wilson Raaletar
J.H. Robbins lleoeiver
O. A. B.
Meet at Loiinrtuo, Or tlx hat Saturday of
art-, month. Ail veterans are Invited to loin.
I,' C. Hoon. OKI. W. H II ITU.
Aitlulant, If CouwuubW,
L U MBElt !
T dr. id Lumbar, M mile ol Ui-ppuar, at
what It suoan as the
na Lorn riKT, rouuii,
cut a a,
- 17 60
A mi Iauu leal, ai'dlUoiial.
fba above quotations era strictly for Cash,
National Bant o! Heppner
MaU oo farorabU Tarma.
Ontario-liurns Staste Li
ivftr ami Pnc-
' V V. as . V W v v rv V V KM VS. V I M I Jl W
u u
1 1
from republicans in Union county. E.
O. Bepnblioan.
umbia R
lit Mil Na
Leaving Aider Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, llwaoo, Long Beach, Ocean
rara ana wancotta. JJireot oonneotion witb llwaoo steamers and rail
road; also at Yonng'i Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Pally, except Sunday. Leave! Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland fP.M. Pally, except Hnnday. Hntunlsy nluht. 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria Dallv a
at C4 A. ., except Hunday aud Momlay. Uuuday night, 7 P.M.
Leave Portland and runs direct to Ilwarn, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. (Saturday at 1 P. M.
leaves iinacu neuiiuauay anu xriuay at ;ju a. m. ua Sunday Ulgaiaio t. M.
Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free of Expense.
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on tha Telephone, Bailey Gatzert and Ocean WaVl.
at Law,
All basiuM attended to ir, a prompt and aatisfactory
manner. Notariea Public and Collectors.
Iroceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens -Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!!
Ha will rsalto it an object for you to trade !tb
bim m bi tiricoa are right, and all goodt that be
Laudlca are of tbe Tory beat
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
teen years she has been badly broken
out all over hir body, causing her un
told suffering, and frequently rendering
ner uname to attend scuooi. tier arms
and limbs would crack open and bleed,
then dry up and scale oft by tbe hand-
lul, ana at one time an awlul sore ap
peared on her ear, which became severe
ly inflamed and almost dropped off.
The disease also broke out on her head
and her bair was a continuous mass of
scales. Her condition was truly pitia
'Of course we have done all we could
to relieve her, and have triven her al
most every known treatment, blie has
taken potash mixtures and various salves
ana external applications by the whole
sale, ana almost every so-called blood
remedy, all without the slightest
benefit, and year by year we could not
feel the slightest encouragement that
he would ever be well. I was advised
several times to send hcrtoIIotSnrimra.
and also to a celebrated spring in Michi
gan, and was told that this was the only
chance on earth of her ever being cured.
as the disease was too aggravated to be
checked by tni'dicines.
A lew months ago, someone recom
mended a. t. and as soon as uer sys
tem hud takcu on the effects of this
medicine, an improvement was noticed.
tn grew In-tlcr all tbe while and con
tinued to improve in every way We
were delighted to see her so much bet
ter and for the first time felt that she
would get well. The medicine waa con
tinued a while louver, and now she is
cored sound and well, her skin is clear
and pure, and she has been saved from
what threatened to blight uer life for
ever. The cure Is all the mora remark
able because aha inherited tha disease
which has been in our family for a vera
tencrauons, ana 1 am nappy to find
8. S. h. a cure for a diaras which
all the specialists in the world, fail to
cure. I consider a. 8. o. a mnt wonder
ful remedy, and it certainly has no equal
deep-seated Wood diseases which all
remedies do not arein to touch."
experience is like that of all others
seek relief from tbe many so-called
blood purifiers, only to be discouraged.
It is but folly to expert a cure from this
dreadful discaaa by tha use of salves.
lotions, or any external application.
Tha disease is In the blood, and
only a blood remedy ran eliminate it
8. 8. 8. is a real blmal remedy, guaran
teed purely vegetable, and lor teal deep-
aeated blood diseases, hat no cvjual. It
cures permanently tvrofula. Tetter.
KncumatUm, and all ol the many blood
disease. It has made mmi truly re-
Btarkable cares of Cancer, full accounts
of which ran b had on application; our
valuable bonks on Mood and skin dia
VJl C'jU;OIl. eaaea will also be sent free to any ad-
a ma. nwui ppcci&c lotspany, AUanta,
In lendiDg his name to the effort to de
teat the republioan party, in tbe second
congressional district of Oregon, for that
is all there is in it, Judge H H. Northup,
ot Portland, has committed an act that
will forever tarnish his reputation. He
virtually enters into a oonspiraoy to re
turn to 'the next congress, a democratic,
free trade representative, or a populistio
tree trade depreciated unlimited paper
currenoy issue man, in either oase, un
der existing conditions, one of the most
deplorable contingents that could hap
pen to Oregon. Mr. Nortbup's entering
tbe field may possibly divide tbe repub
lican strength ao that Mr. Ellis may be
defeated, but there is not a possibility of
Mr. Nortbup's election. The republicans
ot tbe second district owe it to them
selves and to tbe country at large, to
stick by tbe regular candidate ?nd see
that he is elected, and let Mr. Northup,
in his unpatriotic, selfish and unfair en
tering tbe field against Mr. Ellis at the
bebeets ot the rule or ruin dictatorship
of tbe Oregonian, stay at borne. Alban
For consistency tbe great Oregonian
takes the bun. (if late it has bee? in
dustrionsly advocating a bolt from the
regular republioan congressional uom
inee of the scoond district for oongress
It is seeking bigb and low for a oandi'
date who will be instrumental ia defeat
ing Ellis for congress. During the last
session of tbe legislature tbe Oregonian
desoanted long and bard on the ruinous
policy of nut abiding by the oauons nom
ination in tbe election of a Doited States
senator. Day by day it gave vent to if
spleen Bgamst those who opposed its
policy, and has continued tbe tirad
with more or less vigor until the present
time. And jet, after months of bitter
opposition to those wbi refused to abide
by the caucus nomination, it does tbe
very same act by bolting from tbe choice
of a regular republioan district oonven
tion. Nor is thia tbe first lima that tbe
Oregonian bns pursued the policy of
knifing a regular republican nominoe,
practice tbat ia so much deprecated
when tbe sot is performed by otber peo
ple not in accord with tbe interests of
tbe Oregonian. Tbe Oregonian made
fight on Colonel Cirnelius, the repub
lioan nominee for vovrrnor, aud eleoted
Penuoyer for bis first term. Now it i
unking a determined effort to do
Milcbtll for United Hlates art, a tor. It it
succeeds in this tfforl it Is likely it will
hav tba effect of eleoting Petinoyer,
populist, to tbe United States senate. It
is Hsible Ibat tbe Oregonian wants to
see Peunoyer elected to tba United
Hlates senate. It wanted Penuoyer for
governor, and it la likely tbat it wsnta
fennnyer for United Mates senator.
Orrgon City Euterprite.
A large number of democrats signed
the petition bringing out Northup tor
congress. They hope thereby to eleot a
demoorat. Will the republicans be de
ceived by thia dodge? E. 0. Republican.
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
For every quarter in a man's pooket
there are a dozen uses ; and to us eaoh
one In suoh a way as to derive the great
est benefit is a question every one must
solve for himself. We believe, however,
that no better use could be made of one
of tbese quarters than to exchange it for
a ooiue oi unamoerlBin's Uolio. (Iholara
and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine tbat United
every lamuy should be provided with.
tot sale by Oonser & Brook, druggists.
E. O.: William MoKinley is out of tha
race for the republioan nomination for
president. He is so tar in the lead that
there is really no race.
E. O. Republioan: SVe have failed to
find a single newspaper of the state out
side of tbe Oregonian tbat ig favoring
tbe election ot Northup, the Oregon ian'a
candidate for ooogrees.
E. O. Republioan: The demooratio
tariff reduced the dutv on wool from 11
and 12 oenta to the free list. The con
sequence has been our sheep in tba
States bave been reduced in
number from a value of $116,121,770 to
Spokesman-Review : Iu 1805, the last
year of President Harrison's administra
tion, the aggregate liabilities ot all tha
business failures in the United States
was only $114,044,167. This was the low-
"Papa, buy me a European prinoe,"
said tbe daughter of one of America's
Trust kings to her father. "I oan't do
it, now. my daughter." was the renlv.
I have to buy two or three legislatures Mt ,0,al reBt"d in ten years. In 1898,
for my own use." ,tle nr9t Tear o President Cleveland's
administration, tba total liabilities of
A man one morning at family prayers business failures were $346,749,889. For
prayed for a good neighbor in great dee- tbe first three months of 18U6, as shown
titution. After the prayer, Lis boy aaid by Uradstreet's report, failures in tha
to bim, "Papa, give ma your pocket-
book, and I will go over to Mr. Smith's
and answer your prayer myself."
"I see you are building a new house,
Mr. Bung."
"Yes, you are right"
"Made tba money out ot whiskey, I
"Why, yon are a liquor dealer, are you
"Oh, yes ! But tbe money I'm putting
into this house waa made out of tba wa
ter I put into tbe whiskey. Every farth
ing was made out ot tha water, sir."
United States were greater than for any
previous like period in tbe history ot this
country, not even excepting tbe appall
ing record ot 1893.
E. 0. Republioan : It mora attention
were paid to tbe tariff question and lesa
to tha fanaticism of tbe gold and silver
oraze, party politics would be in a bet
ter oondition and the prospeota ot a re
vival of good old times, wben money was
pleuty, would be better.
Aatorian: When tha wage earners of
the United States are fully employed.
and at tha high wages that were tha rule
during tbe protection era, they consume
mora salmon, meat, wheat and other food
A pious Scotch woman, returning and farm produots than do tbe people of
borne from cburcb a little earlier than I any other country, counting man against
usual, was asked by ber husband if "tbs mao, and they pay a higher prios than
sermon was all done?" And aba replied: the low wage receiving people of otber
"Na, Donald j It's a' said, but it ia oa I natiooi oan pay. When work la tba
begun to be done." United States ta eoeroe by reason of im
portation ot foreign manufactures, tba
AI one time, in tba Highlands of Scot- Pa""r P"" or agricultural prod
land, to aak for a reoolnt or nrtnia...r. "H"' ,0 na "'plus for export
note waa eonaidera.1 an Insult an.) .,,, ro i J. i bS be Sold to
a thlna aa a branch nf a,.Btrao! mm. r.ra. Ppl wl' ' . it haa
ly beard of. ao atrlotli did tha neonl. ra- 10 U olJ lo Prl
gard Ibeir honor. The Presbyterian Wit-
.tl A a a
neai teiie a eiory oi a isrmer who baa I DIsrARI'S OP Till! SKIV
oeen to me Lowlands sod bad there ao- Ti tulenm iu .n, ,n, In.1
quired worldly wisdom. I dent to et a-ma, U tter, aall-rheuin, and other
After returning to bis Dative place be I diseases of the skin ia IrwUnily allayed by
.. .. i . I !'I"J"'K mamwriatna rye and
H'ui-w iuuiw wvucri SHita si ursicu
En v
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Lv Hums Daily at 6 p. m. aad ar
rive al Otitari la 42 boars.
Sinqlo Fnro $7.00.
Hound Trip $10.00
ttis I !'? i e f 1nmm-m
Si i ,if mk II
nmt ) .i.rf r-'i
64 iiit'Ut
Maw ta IKa lite t ffH IM Waaklf
ti.e tnt ttita ittuKta rt
ly ) alarr,B ya. l f l4lf
eUalrS of (;' I' h l
lathastat. ft-1 1 w('l r a
frm-os) aa l :iii.! Jn'a!.i
f. 1alf, a t-iHfJ r.
(W im mim v4 itatrll.
Br a aotilieoad saltation of the aub-
imt-i IKa fWtfrfitaa tiaa al taal annrai1il
Arc You in Need of a Saddlr " Jo, ip. f rortud
I K toll im rtaiiiteaa aominailub la Im
I lOrSC . aecoed dlaifiol and tea lodpeodratly
M SiiSiimS. W. IL 11! ia baaetl
All tLf-aa caa U prtxoreU at Tbrtnt-io k IlioDa, lower Maio Btrrct, laeoibeat, la tba isga'ar a.oiwa.
nejjioer, vrrvjun.
fW Mr,i.a an ll ayli4 Onl H"T fh.. Ottilaa iM 4tf toaatM,
i aa aoa um ta awsiie iw tmnmm Ma iauif mmm.
frv la n alia I'm
hMM taC a Vsa fHiya. ! 4nf tM tilt RaM.
Hus every thing in the lino of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, find also keeps Crockery,
Lrnnp ond Tin ware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
Tiik Lancasiiirk Insukasck Co.
I W finiX-'A ILlM. M- wrii
lb are U ala-i 4rtnerat and ix-polist
raaaina. It is al at all likaty N'-rthsp
ill atany ul, ImiI It, oily t4
bta fa!l ( f lit f anliJary is) tb dafaal
of Mr. Kihs, U ibl tnl a tyiptilisi
til be eWtal aa ropfrtxuUllva. II. II,
Norlbap Is a eteal f"M aUadard.U,
bile I'.Hls I a fr silver man. Il I lyi
m bnl tba r al.lieaas lv al all
Lt ILait ia la b.-ua of lb fiviliab.
-4 a f Imlters, aul Ibat lhy all!
Head by lb parly txttw a4 annw
tkia Judicial autdbag and l.iS jmtosl
istt sabaral n tar oo lt II al lhay will
aavaf I Laard from at sib tlsily
Tbe r-iloer rata Blty Ls. la Moll-
nsali -ifiy, ft if u t, rsn It Iwy of
If, It. h-if tl.i-p f-i 9 -'-saa la ti.
t4 ti. I, (-alat ba rrgatarty
It ia announced tbat tha gold repub
licans ot this diatriot propose to put
Judge Northup oo tba traok of congress.
Tbat would cook Mr. Ellis' gooa beyond
question. But if our gold friends ars ao
angulua of sleeting tbrlr candidate.
wby not put up a man Ibat has But al
ready proven bin-self a h-gUlativs fail
ure. Hut ws rrally bop Ibat lha "sound
money" advocates, as tbey Itrra them
selves, tnav put out a candidate. It
ould make tbs cubical so much bee
ibtereatiof .- Portland Dispatch.
Notlbnp rannut ba elerivd and for a
republtraa to vote fr bim ia iial to
voting fur a drmnorat or a populist. H
la a vol agaiual tba piinmplas of lb rv-publii-au
paily, aislust ptolaetloa,
sgaiaal bimtialiam, agaiiial Ibat syslam
of firomtil uodar a blab tba ouulry
prospared for thirty years as no country
tvar pr-Mpared bafora.-K. O. lEopub-lioao.
Tb Orrgmilan published a list U lha
ludlsrs b signed Iba prllllna
sary to bring out Northup lad-
panii esuiii.iaia fur o-ngraas. a aao
Imt of lbm bav brlfif baa rpb
llesas bat ttil paUti-m br aods tbra as
Irsitofs to Its party sad sh'-ulj futayer
ttlud Ibata fluta l SaitlbrlU iff tba
parly. N' Iroa opahitrso ruat $if a
aarb a palill'ta lb rmly piMaibt ttl-vl
of w isb eaa b lt alaetioa of a d rto
ffalof --iili1 - K O. lU-publiatMi,
ttaetrra (fi'n tiaa la a raprt aaatallf S
la axagrrM st4 lillutsboald b raleud
Ikilb tb aatiabirs a Waalarw Ofgr
Mas aa4 N.rftbup tb "lntar"adi laia
I tf ta r..rllar,.. Tba tely Ibis f
KasUf (fg,.n 4 4a la bi aln I. Hi if
I boy went lhair lalaraala tally Ma-ia.1.
- K (). I.ab! n.
H- far lisv fcar I if I il ansa
in ('hi- f.asi; al.u aa ta all v-t
f.r Vrll.np.lbe l--IUr' aabj lata f-r
r4 ari a. U'a rl i al iwa ll.a U i
loan from a gentleman la lbs neighbor
biMid. Tbs latter, Mr. Stewart, complied
sod cuuntsd oat Iba gold, when lb
farmer immediately wrote a rsoaipb
"And what Is this, man?" cried Mr.
Stewart ou receiving Iba slip ot paper.
"Tbat ia a receiptor, binding ma to
give y back your gold at Iba rlgbi
Urns," replied Donald.
"Uinuitig ye, indeed I w eel, my man,
if ys caona trust yersal, Pa ear I'll bs
trusty. Hio e ys eatiD ba my gold;"
sod, gathering It up, b rat arced it to
bis dek and locked It op.
'But, air, I tnlgbt dl," rrpliad tb
needy Boot, aawilllog to surraadar bis
ps of tbs bias; "sad perhaps my sooa
might refuse it ytj bat tb bit of paper
would compel ibsm."
'Compel them to sustaia Ibeir dead
father's boaor!" aried lbs enraged Celt
"They'll need compallieg to do right, if
Ibis Is tbs rosd v oa'r Ualieg Uiam. Te
eaa gang eleewber fur oay, I tall ye;
but y a'll Bod eaa abt bars Ibat'U pit
mof faitb In a bit of ar thaa In a
at igtbor's word of booor aad bis lots el
"I Ami a tbsgrvalslllasof sall'iaily,'
sirlaimad aa Kailisb clergyaiM IU
other day. WUr ata tbey aow T Wby
eosa ot them bs perlebed so atUrly
that l 1 doubtful if tbey var ttiatedr
furtd FalUr-H Ibat ty of toiaa baa
any particular beat I eaa't Bod It.
'bllobar What tlpasiaBaftlS bats
you toad to Had oal f
"Very I boron ( b oses, gave Lisa a
ty prialiag pre, a steaaa aagias, abut
of paihla, a Sttaat of I'ads, aad lMit
ulbar IblSgS Sarefully alela4 In fla I
oal whether bis tsete IlleVary, Ria-
applying lliamucrlain's Py and t-lio
OiiiiiiH'iil. Many very bad car liav been
riemianeiitly ciirv-d bv it It is equally
elh itit for iu king I'iha snd s favorite rem
rtly for snrs niira; rliappvd luu.U, chil-
lilalns, lrM luU, ami rliMiilo rs eyas.
I'or aals by dmg;tU at 25 anu per bos.
Try Dr. f ady's Condition rswoVrs, they
are JuM a list a horse ner. la when In had rorxti
lao, loiiw, llooJ I'tirilwr and Vrrmifug.
For sals by Conaer A Brock, druggists
TIAt IIKH-V IMirriri'TK.
Teachers' Iostituts r iovene.1 at 10
o'elork, a. m., oa Haturdav, lbs fib, sad
Iba following program was carried oat:
A paper oa "Howards and Puoisti-
metits as a Means to Heboid Dtaciplia,
by It" (llaaacork. (ieoeral disooaanta.
-How to Heat Heoura Uu.4 Order In
lha Heboid It kb" waa belt dteeaeoed,
lil by Mr. ItnaeeU. Tba lnatil.it a was
then adjotireed anlil 1.1 n. in.
Ia lb afternoon, lb sutjel, "How
Caa WaTeanb (lengrapby With lb Ileal
lUaalls," was diaeuaaed, led bv Mr.
Tb Sliet of "Indivt.lsaltty In In.
sir ir ll.a" at taken up sad dteroaeed
by Arthur II ! aad others.
Ttieo folloaa.) a general diaruaatua ot
method la writing aad spelling.
Tba iUbt af Iba qaeatU.a ta l wS
than a p.pflally d.spoeed of by MiS
Tl.S isatiluls WSS Vote, I U(M by
Iboae preaeat.
Tb folluwlsg leathers wer pfea,l:
Mr. CI A Vt.llaaa.il, Mr as..l! Joha-
s 0, H y IllaaaeaS, N IMKSI'I,
Allee(llaea.-k. MaM f ilaevk. Hpea.
er As i. A'tbar lltemj. Mar lair,
ti ho.lih, C-.i lf .11. airs tJL W,
Marat.m iwli . llailaa flUet-a,
Mrs Jttelas aa I Mam.s nnt
I "ati '"
jl IM a-.j. -
Vaal a . 4
I M"MI'.ll,l.f
I I A l--'- I , 14
11 t,k,nkmW,.H
aim - 9-. 4 a-.sj
a (aw f I - (
a 'i I at '4
j w4 bU;aottilfcatdl.Jl.l40llet' aI.Jale ,JI .l d tote
A the irtb al a luihliag dpe.a
lb d.ily 4 Its fuaa lati., a
bealib 4a4a ( tb e4itMi if
II, bbml Tn lfl afi' e a
n,e ll.e tilal 0 l .Sna a
and tt ( Ae eafiHa im
Ha a t aii,i to , f . i va ae.i
fib ie faa.
r isi. W. aV I f . ir4 vaaar S tWw 1 at a