CE BRANDS. While yon aoP To" snbeoription paid np yea eankeep roar brand in free of charts . m 3 Inn. Or. Horse GO on left r ia!.. Mtiia same on left hip, under bit on SffwKT- the left; range. Mor row count?. Bvrd. D. W:frf,Cr, on "left fUnk. .nfitVnnrop in the left. Bange in Morrow County. s.rfl,tilmew. A. O., Alpine, Or. Horsee iJIKltortbiolder. Ban, in Mor- JTnit"r. J. W., Hardman. Or.-Cattle brand Ton left hip and thigh; split n each ear Rremier Peter, Itooeeberry Oregon-Hone branded PB on left ahoulder. Cattle same on n!n. Jerry.Lena, Or:-Hor.e. branded 1 right shoulder; cattle n on ine ISft'eUr half crop , and right ear ""per elope Barton Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Homes, J n jPKYTiiht Mttle-iaine on right hip; split right thigh; cattle, same "Brown. J. C., Heppner. Or.-Horsee o.role C with dotvn ye, ter on i. .?:r"'. he lRft shoulder. Cattle same on left ovei tvi v v- hi ur. a a H.nnnar. Or. Hore. running A A on ahoulder; Cattle, earn on right hip. Young. J. B., trooeerjerry, vr. norm TS on the right ahoalda-. liP. it n TI (irwna ho JSaVOT-ith split in "BorTk O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left .hoalder; cattlo same .or .left hio. 00nnecteiJ nfyZflR .ponTe'n e"and' two splits and on IB" i 'f , -,(,. Bar; im horses same oWletrgh7nage in Fox valley. Grant county, Wlun)B. Or.-fTorsas brand . ' iSrtne,ffle caule (three bars) on tcrVa&mineaoh ear. Bange ,n e'arV D on home? onleft stifle GET THE BEST Wh en yon are abont to buy a Sewing Machine do nut be deceived by alluring advertisement! and bo led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have pained re putat ion b y honest and sq uare .lc.iling, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running f-v,M There Is none In the world that crr '- can equal in mechanical con IfWrW'tJ struction, durability of working 11 jAr rto. fineness of finish, beauty OV'h in appearance, or has as many Hlvfrl improvements as the , New Home ft : New Stand ( patent A driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. . WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE EW HOME SEWISG MnCHISE CO. oIM Mo E McNEluL, Receiver. to the; GIVES THE CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS TABlOi a SUPERSTITION! COUGHS and GOLDS ELY'S PIHEOLA BALSAM Is a enre Remedy f ormnsha. colda. sore Uiroat and for asthma. It soothes, oateily abates the eongh, and renders expect oration easy. Consumptives will Invariably derive benefit from Its use. Many who suppose their cases to be con sumption are only suffering from a chronic cold or deep sested cough, often iNSS.C- "Mzrr aoirravatvd nv ca tarrh. For catarrh use Ely's Cream Balm. Both remedies are pleasant to use. ner bottle: Pineola Balsam. 5C SnldbyDrngmsti. r ELY BKOTBEKS, 64 Warren eu, fiew 1 era. UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA gclentifio American DESICM PATENTS, J feft shoulder only on U horse, over 8 years. .SX! i-vIV .h nM.rt oattle same on right hip. f! "".."J " n.tllla oounties. 7M'3J&P. a THOMPSON CO., Agents, I rJ2rM circle C on left .title. Bange nor- Ban tiUJrciHi.'tj, i,.ah, a FOB SALE BY St. Paul Kansas City ow and Umatilla oonnties -. in right ear, 'Averted A and spear point c0Ty,M? F markoiieweS. crop on left ear on shoulder, bar roarlto ew efof in P.nn?h?dJn-pp,?I. hilf eroiinleftear. All rang. rigni ln firant oonntv. Won ri)?ht,honl itX'on fighthip: ear mark square "'cnrrin.B. Y., Cunin.vai.. Or. -Horw." on l'"" a TTlmsn. Or.-Cattle, Cwlth &nighth shoulder, and cut off end of rilKnYass W. M . Oalloway. Or.-Cattle. B D on right .wailow-fork in each ear; nor. B D on left hio. n.nra hranded KLlf ontTonldeTcTttl. m. on lefthip. hole in right ear. . or Horsn. branded r, 'ESwaVlT. with Uill'on left shoulder ; oU .'.ronligh. hip. "rxiZTMi .WK-'B ' with bar under on right ism niui u"'"1. Heppner, Oregon. LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Popular Magazines! FOR THE HOME. i f&ovs anu j Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. right hip; noraea. ehouldar. n.m. Or Horses, F on Florence, o. . . h. hi thiKn B. with', a-rt ojrc -over . . FRANK LESLIE'S iOPULAR For fall detail! oall on O. B. 4 N. Agent ai Heppner, tr address W. H. OTJRLBTJRT, Oen.Fass. Agt. POUTLAND, OBKOON. Id Holland and BelRinmtokillastork is considered one of Iba greatest misfor tunes that can happen to a man. Ill- lack is certain to follow bim through life In the Oral mountains the peasantry believe tbat if a wolf sees a man before the man sees the wolf, the man will be struck dumb and remain so as long as the wolf lives. In England and Scotland milkmaids believe if they forget . to wash their banda after milking their eows will go dry. This superstition is diligently fos tered by the owDere of the oows. The Chinese believed when telegraphy was introduced in their oonrtry that for eigners cut out the tongues of children and sof pended them on the insulators to transmit the message from pole to pole. There is a superstition among many oolored people in the South tbat to meet a frog is a lucky incident, indicating that the one thus favored is about to re ceive money from some unexpected quarter. French housemaids have a pet super stition tbat it is nnluoky to kill a "money-spinner," i. e. spider, and therefore, spare many webs in situations where tbey can be left without suspicion of negligence. In most parts of Europe it is consid ered unlucky for a hare to'cross the road in front of a traveler. Among the Bo mans this omen was so unfortunate that if a man starting npon a journey espied a bare on the road before bim he would return and wait nntil the following day to begin bis journey. In hunter's lore there is an idea tbat the jtckal is tbe lion's provider; tbat be locates tbe game and takes tbe lion to it. This superstition bRS no more foun dation tbao is found in tbe fact that af ter a lion has slain bis quarry tbe jack als always attend and wait tbe conclu sion of the repast, in order to piok up Cars 1.A1LY to Chicago, the leavings. CAVEATS. TRADE SHARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, eto, For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., l61 Broadway, New York. m.i . tn ojiourinir nntints In America. i; ,,t in iia Is hroucht before tlie p'ubUo by a not.ee given tree ot charge In the Lareert circulation of any scientific paper Jn the world, bplenuldlv lllustrateJ. ho Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly R3.00 1 a year: S1.50 six months. Address, MUNN A CO., JUBU8UEBS, SOt Ilroadway, Mew York City, 1 liEU. fc. UU V KK1 wEl 1 1 ... IS ... to) 1 PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH is To persons who served in the wars of the United States-or to their Vg( Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a W relative in the War of the Rebellion. Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support? i THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED I UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it o you-and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time vou apply. Now is the accepted nour. fyWrite for laws and complete information. No Fee unless successful. No Charge for advice. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. IB X.B.-TM Company i controlled by nearly one thousand leading new- papert in the United States, awl guaranieeu uy ... TO THE- EAST il' SOUTHEAST VIA TBE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Throueh Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tomtit 81eepers and Free Kecnmng t-nair QUIOK, TI3VII3 t Many hours saved via this line to Eastern Points. W R RidW ( r.-llattle. round-top K lip- f li p L Mr. D. P. Davis, prominent livery man and merohant of Oosben, Vs., has An ft iTratlOiSOO tbii to say on tbe subject of rheumatism: M O N T H C Y i Ud all Polnte in tWifornla. vl. the Mt. Blurt. "I t.k. pleasure in reoommendin iflVr'll I HUI aouauiw roauofthe ObamberlaiD's Pain Balm for rheuma- c- ..V v,i Uanjrirt C.rt I tinm. as I know from personal experi- tOOSintt II Will ao ail lont IB imureu . rr . ism STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS, LOWEST HATES. "J!2 n and on l t si.le. swallow fork in tMSl Itausa in Hay.tao. ., L. t f . rllowa. Or.-noraM . (oro nim - . . . .u.,,,1,,, nattleaame on left side. riiht hip; hor aam o " ""' V'T- Mat Heppnar, Or.-Hnm .haded , "Zha"th.MWt.h3lr. liana Morrow tio. Hnnaaker. H A. Wayier. or.-iiore-.. . u Bangs in Morrow and Umatilla ,02!;u"k,lwln John Dar. Or.-PaMI. E H on Hall. K iwin, .i.. .houlder. Bange rluht hip; nora in Orantoonntf. henrt on tha Wt TOZl.Or.-Hor.e.Hon 1 i. . f mw Fmht Mila, Or.-Hora H on thl'Kot rton "am " "r,;iir. branded bra tried J on etir. .Kanga In i ll ii m H,ni,nr,Or.-Hori, horaa. liAim f. fiMP-. riff UT on ler-iZ'Sairnvm rj,ht hip. nude, half urn mi brandM uv ... Uft hin oallleaainaana orop on mi n .... . .-- .I..I. ulr uienni" Contain, each Month I Orlf I net Water Color n"t..npVe, 12 Quarto of W-dln, Ina-' Vlori Liter:ry MatUr end lllu.tr ItoS'ttaSTn" ohcryMaIf.n. In America Fraak Leslio's Pleasant Hours FOR DOYS ANDCIRL8. A nrk'ht. Wholeonme. JnTenlle Monthly. F,Mv lllii.ifal.Ml. The belt writer, for y.mi uouUe c ntrili.ite t. it. iu ' f THE QUiTTE, HEP?mOU:, LHUfn Pr.rai.am M-it.T Hurtle, both lor one year tor .(. I Fsahk U,us'i PaV-t Hnoasrom Bots ho uiai.s ami " Theirraat hlahway throngh Calif ornie to aU , pointa Kast ana soutn. urann ooenio uw of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Ilnffet Hleepara. Beoond-olaa. Hleeper. Artaehad to exDrea. trains, attordinn anperior tonnelv icoommonaiuma ror aeoonajw" For rates, tioaeti. sieepiuf ear reeerTawou .to. call npon or addreea H. kuEHI.RH. Mananer, B. P. R0QRR8. Ant (ien. F. a P. At. Portland. Oregon for it. A year go this spring my ronmrm, i.... . brother was laid np in bed with intlam j. c. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon, rtiatter Ol DUSineSS We ITlUil t)Cll 11. matory rhmimatiem and snfferett in- I , 1 HE PATTERSON l UBL1SHING OUR STOCK OF . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri ... . 1 fice. You need it in your business, ana as a The fire applioation of Cbam- one year $.I.W. ri 1 on tha left ah. .l..r; raMl rilit hip. alao underbit HI left UndQUaitsiily t'-e Best Club Offers , fvl. r.ii,'. .W(.alap rTo. Jf.r, 1 " r f.ru lltiflriilnt Irtmtum 1.11, r ' 4 5aeat. jjffffiitfoL LllthUit, Simplest. JiullIIE,"lest TP Milfjic Accurate, Receiver. ilSaSp Compact. berlaio's Pain balm eased the pain and tho nse of on bottle onmpletely enred bim." For sale by Conser k Brock, druggists. A LITTLE BIT OF PHILOSOPHY. er..nlnri-t"-nd;..lit n '' "' Kennr.Mik. Happnr. Or.-lion KNY on Uft hip 0attl..naand e kirk J T., Ilepl.nar, Or.-llnrie. n leTI '"".'V: " . .Wht ear. l..r-.,.n. brand on !-' -hoolder. lUn- In jlmnt e not. Loflen. Hilnn. Fo.Or.-H I. on ! nip no. eatlli." rop an.t aplit on r aM ear. I ?r .rbraud n l-fl .houU.r. tUne br.nl 'i"'lIIlilM. John W . !,'-' Hr.-lt.inw. 5? nil tie. aam. on Ml hio. Ilange. near L. 1"?"? u Il... lit.- Hi itxi hr.ll.ted LaClAim left ah...ildr - enm. on 1-M hlS?Uleoerr.nht... hr el.i. in r.hl H l- ' ..... .n r(At 21 k Moat Modern and progressive For catalogue or Information write to Tim MARUN FIRG ARMS CO.. New Haven. Conn. It is a divine nuptial tbat weds hearts I as well aa live. There's a lot ot guesswork when hon esty has to be divided. Memory is tbe gnest of tbe twilight, who tenderly throws ber arms about us, loving each blessing ol tbe day and pity ing each sorrow. Ignorance and bigotry never change 1 tbeir minds. Don't tbriw stones against a wall; they'll oome back to you. Ilogret is a master tbat will torture us near to death; we cannot reoall tbe yes- u t-r WW ' w (caveat., and Trade-Mark, obtained and all Pat-1 rent butines. conducted (or moocratc Frrs. I i p..r.n..rl A OUR OFFICE I. orroaiTl v, r 5 d w. cahlVVure patent la Icaa tuao thaa tho & t .. . V. ; trn i i bend model, drawing or pnoio., " Jtioa. Wo adviie, if patentable or not. Ire. o(S tchanre. Our fee not du. till patent Is curett. 1 t . . How to Obtain Fatenta," wlthl ScoTt vt same in the U. S. and foreign eountnaij Jsent free. AUdreu, ,A.snow&co. Or. aaTtnT Orrict. WaaMiworow. p: c. La Il...nar Dr. H1.1 d,S U M.iu't H.-metime. alll 'nX M C . IU.;.ner. Or.-f.U fcm.W rirrl. on riaht hipi h'trwe aame 00 STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES I j "sT3 U? TT 2 er,,y ,llt brought ns bappinen. -1L" Nature may rh) me ber creations, but rr: C inoOw"'hoiivivMuiciorrartf be nevt-r duplicates tbcm. V- 75 1 II,, Call. coniltlne M toor'tfri -i t: . J"n " Sfrt,ic " V) He who says the mcst in tbe fewest rle,llon, txrtti vocal an4 Inilrumenul, J I word. bttS m tinia to tbilik. i fiittm up la the nott rlre.nl awnner. In-, (luJinc Iwr lart Mr Hortralta. J for Iyprpla CAKlCIT. ra laaai Oaeeer, ' r " , . , fAOtnisui, ixt Brt riuMitt, TZi sod I.iver complaiul yoa navs a prioiea tutu run s . oi.Il..k. MtUUHAH CUmNQ.ZZl gnararjl-e nu rverj uumo vi i Vila'lier. It never fails to oure. For aaaacae l4 e v nam nivi o" ; - ... .. 1- - " 1 11 ai zrr. 11 nr.rr 1 1 r: Tumruin..v!iiirii trunrn 21 ' . If vo,. think of bnio ao enirina of 5- """J""" T.r",t",:r.r,"-S t'T iis warren right .title, any aixa or kind aend fr our Oifooflur j- eivat wawTto. Cummings &. Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Bailable Gault House, CniCAOO. ILL.. Half bncV west of the t'nlon fpot of C. B. A U..C. M. M. r-,y A , r. r. w. v., and the C. Bt. L. 1. Kallroada, IA.TKM tU.oo I1CI DAY Cor. W. Madtson and Clinton BU., CirXO-aVOO. IUi. mm -: "WITH. Mtuni S! Youro BOTJISTD to Take 'JEm. liana in M.wrow e.wnr. U0. J!. eoBiainirB; llinair.ii..... uu iw. tNoar. ria.pnr nr.-taltla, D e ,er- ,IBl f engine Irom 00 ........ k.. m ..m inrtawmionr. i .. . ' . . ...... . m i i. at ) I np ir Zi nofae power, ai uoiira pnw, nil enginra, u.. Kilber tent free. HKKK AKC TOl'K HEM AND rLOWfc'H. ufr.h.ri'.ii rati i a?" h.!.p- L. or Ut So. in, i 't yacht engine, boil itnhii. it. I.. r.-n..r-, ii "" ,fg ,nj nsehlnery Bert.) on I .ft eh.ml.l-r. eU. b. hi-k lh.lH.rn. t. v.. iwa'". --I Gnas in, quae- 197 Canal Street, CHICAGO .p.Wiiiatu&co.. mA.p.T.L. (l,.mhW ra'tll '." ""J'"'", t'P'n.m. o.u.r . ' , ui k,a ,W an. I It urn Urt ,rp.T.;;.;nv:;a i. w 1r-j,rhl . 1 Tv. r r.nri.ii mi .h.idf i eMii l'lMr.J II , lslniiie. Iv. ai..W hll tnaah p ft aip. atwM atop ta i " Vf y ayn g g t g g g i n e BBa i nmwi" a a a " ' T T , ya. r.r i ThaAmarkan Ptotectlv Taif! Uigu ii k national organiiat!ot advocating -Protection to American Labor arxi Induit7" a tplain4 by it conit.ttf ton, follow. : TkeeluoMef U. lifiiWUWrM a. a anr wea. a 4 teaouetat. tawi Aiiam lme al a fore. A through firat olMe alM port- f7 j T I'l 1 SrSSsS flj K,6 67 Mill 6 Paul, will run la o.ooecUon with the 1J Great Northern railway. tt tieht. (.-. R.-l. Adrw. ",J7, ""u,tT-" JTiiC: 1 1 - ta ur, kk.I drle " ea. m ... irl few. I tV-Hr. iTtl A H "M " i t-. n"r," "'11" MTiVrrrllU. Or-llrl m " " Urt " H I J. W . ll.v-. O -Hnraae. IO e Mt MwaUW. t eiU. t I ,Wta4 laTMa, A F ,M a lt.,.nar. Of - M -lr-! H-t. IK-al-a. Ih-raill.n ...u kl. 1 a, 77. .. tmA Mill. t ' .Ta a ll.... IU i "TTr ..1 L M II.. e,M a.n.t.1 a.. 1 ..Ui.f-'tM" 1 J, -t .-.I 4 -- u un r w a" n aaaett 4aw , R W , ' w - Uri ewwt., I.. e- urt ae 'SjSZrn "i iw.m.ww "iIT H T lv... '"i iM rt.-Hi-"k miM k'W.iwi t w ,w " Ih, k, WMkMr. -U . IHM .'. k..wl J t Uft awle. lu-ew " JrVTw"M 1 .1, n, W wua w - uft , -. . . W-4 Mt -'-U. U. HMa It WW ' n , 3 a nrmrTin nnnnrp a..ninLLim nuurQO. eivaliiNi'M Anatvalr f I rar, la uivn. A r.m.l.la Sat. enn.l.Mnf al e I1C11. p. ,m Stall l lr, fmn "w full l'lir. i.-'ll rir. Tni. il.in ' at (, Hir.rla kl ler. "HI t F 1 2 -l.ra aa r4 ol 10 e..!, to fmf m -.. . . . i..i T I ri ' . -. - - - " ' . - , a.ili.,l i r"l.rt. ad .... .t-l. e4 m arn.l ld plifhl. ad ara J rllnt ! lrl O'.l W f !(. fl 4 h alblr.u ... ir a. .114 uiial.t I .. rUb, i' Ui "f !. 1 A. O. BrALOINQ 4 BROS., Ii . I . t railwaHM' Qim iti aiawae-trf 'Jl Through trains on tha 0. 11 A N. will mo via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pendleton. Tbronah eleepere, first and J.nn.re Ttia oarnet and anowdron. 1 Mnnrl cl.e. will run io Oonoeolioo wtlb symbolic of coo.t.oey. tro. fr.ead.bip. i nueiiiy ana parity. February Tbe amethyst and prim roe;sioeerlty, freedom from car and stiife. War oh Tbe bloodstooa and violets; trragtb, bravery, wisdom and love. I xi, regular snbeonpiion prto of tbe April-Tba diamond and dalay; Ibdo- 8aml-Weekly GasetU (a 12.60 end tba i a run ir DIMS Ol tua vra.j vn.'" ceece, parity bou pa-. LViw .r.ribln for tbe fay-Tba emarald and baatborae; o,'h' gDd piying for ooeytario immortality and a bappy domeetl life. aUani raa gel both the ' 0"u Jooe-Aa agate and booeyeaokle;! , -,1.- .hetr aobewriotione for health, wealth, a long aad bappy life. 0ne vear la adrenoe will be entitled to i ' . Thtft V iva ptrionai or pnBw ji. Tba rebf and waUr lilyi fba rxof.ti connactioft w.A th Ofgamz-. dlge, ,,, f,b , love. Joo ,b- wrt,.kMw, -old- tooand itiaiuttamad by rrbannipi, Aogoat-Tbe aardooyt and poppy; nBr in tba tooeorial Una. bee agaia Contnbytlomi tftd the tfitnbutioft ol it ajugal kva aad r '' tncaUd la Ueppoer. bajirg , ...... i - i. Oreea Matbewa' enop, Minor baildiot jrubricabona. rWplember-Herpblreandmoroioggto- ftppo (b rity otL Charley will .. - . .tm -m.I ... inia. ftm. - ..II ska. U In... naiT i c o.riv I h i i"-f r-'mt I 'r 1 1" " " ippmii- - ie4a agaiDsi eevr sua hbh.. i .... . . ... a I t tiT ihaaite nam tar. la Bra- a i ngarggMi aa mi smi a i w w " gr -'a. i parity and raarege. ' . . . d boiw.0u,.. yrt.artwauriatiKeaiarivwMi I S'amV r Tbe tnp.g aad cbrysa 1 lnf Md Uka p aad pt down carpaie. rouaTMiaaaviaiasaae-? -; - , . i lim -j .bin and lova. Offlre) oa Mala street, opposite Cii ,m. ....... . , - ... e , iL.l.... "" liaorotiat l arannea im j ywvw Leaves No Constipation, Cnrea it, aa well as all B llionsneas, Pi.'k Deadaohe and Malaria. Tbe only ooMFoBTaDLi pill tn lha world. 8old by all rlrngoiate or sent by mail on rare.pl of priee. 25 oeata p boi. PKENT188 MEDICAL CO.. 411 California Street. Ha Franolaoo, Cat. For the Cure o Liquor, Opium tai Tobacco Habits It la lor. ted at Salem, Oregon, Tht lfoel Dtautiful Town on tht Coast Call ai tha 0irrra efllee for aartlenlar. atrtrlly oonBdeoUaX TreeMenl yrtraie aad euro cure. CIIIOAQO. NUB & St. Fail R'l Vour Face at. sar. " e 0"aai t ICONOs Wee1! tHiao; we " a ue ' 1 p mm a 1 v e. a-v im , f vVaWwa Ova III MM d Ivaa ftaa Tar. $1800.00 0ITN AWAY TO INVENTORS. parity, eaeeeaa, l.trtaae and farna. A ierei IW.eliSrf. Kars Ctavae lint tea pulfle lb bl.wl and tit a etr an. bai,fo anapUiM. rt eala by Welle A War- fee. - Am a iba editor tfcal takes ta Ibe tMlaMMM AiMMekM.ae ' , ., ,. U..ii...ri.Mr..a eortaly Meaee?" I4iraj I be pallar, aa ITSTllC yHrUTKnianA'DmONS aoJ.. iJ maa. t timli arpaM to... ( Lis faea. "Tea, elf." rapii toasg iaa al tba dealt I e.a lake la eat kial of Haeae. What bate yoaT a. ikauat Ik. aaat aaaaaea tat em attaala. r TttT VU10 roKRMS. 'M.WaHraVI m) gi.ii .ai. a. a. I . .... v ....... t- " ' I I w. . 1 i.i . 11 I t T af relive ! f 1m" laa t. laaara te aaaal M"" tWr t. graoM !' J eg Kmi alr al V eaeMea. .. taaae la. a. ..am ile baaaial tyf flpans Tabula aetarmer I 'I eaaaa t)rl .'. a r.M Ti-'x ". ae ie a Weg I f 4a , H 4. .. J AA t t UCaJ. ( .A. 1 1 ie) la S fa a) ev mm mm tia 1 omw a m . 1 n, a4 . I tmm a in . Cm. . , n a e-l mi " , .. Hi .a 1 Vhn slaee laevae llarnoa Mood at a. WadBaadateaadrrldaie. lae Fba Tnu.1.11 Taradeve end rjalnrdafe. p-.m ri ah wsv. lime. Wella A! Werrea.llrppaer. Dflekell, 1' Tor 1 M I will ell a flrel elaee, klgh gra te, bigh arm H M . Mne gnaraa a. or 10 yaere, rr forlbaf perttf l.r. eall ita of a44ree, S. A. Iaen, Igmgioa,trroa. rVMf. -XamwAuatiV . aW X a. Glanco at this Map Of tt,rktr. Mtlaeaia an4 t. T- gi. o.f ea4 IV raaaarrlna. alia alt lenaara. W.li tki.ttiiii rune la betweagj I uaaatat Uaae a4 H raul iM aaaba, sag llri.t-nef a t MoenaMUl. arming every rwafcar laal lie train are llgkiat wliae' ... u...j.b n.i Iuiim mil iriHH .ai kaial li ana. Ita laaal la j'Mkv. It's Ibfe way." eald tba falla, ,t(,, Hq.). Hbort-at and ehea I rvv Kei tntwi, uw.v. a..iin.M biweriag h- f.ke. -Ml eng iillM mm h tba letano. V'f m I a)t4g rare, ana rr r-ii'.i rra ...11 .1- t..i al.il. aad l'ai willing i t.rfk. Blle. lalg ear aa aa el- in. eradi.g tea.a. T : . 1. 1. -a.. ,., ..... I ea4 le dialog rare a-e I He Wat la ike a!4 l..p.yiaav..B..-..-ra,,a- --..r .... . a ,rrr rB ! aa., ii-m. are Ih.a tai a-l ao .r. Bl la or t-epaf "e 00a I enarge .. , . a. j,,,.. ra lb I .aww. IM" M MM tH.ri IM tk.., I11..I.HN '"rTl''i"" .' aetttlaa f labl.iblag eUlf lleaM," I tM,.!.!,.. f.mailr arapU4 by I be C m I e mmm UiUae. ykaeae. eaSteVMil raae 1 I . 1-... I .1 . .. .ra aaaa al Ike daak. !..!... Tbrv will t I Uaa4 to S. ,4. a...a. . ... n j . . . . . ... .. I I lir ol I raalosxr., l 4 tim 4 v ! a I m an, W l.i ... mm. t .t a eWA al ..g a. nn rr ts hoT w it uo as rr sirnx. fawiaaxf ia.tilall fU mmi ..i..v ,t il I ,a , . a. lakug la aaeefipf -llwlikl I Bfrr. mill III IIIVI. mmm I . u . M . . - , . , .1 Aa? Wal la r.aa urvgnei wan lr.efattf. 'I" 41 aodfelaa l. I . tk vwa ef aa etiev la aMe Iki as Miif, e4 I 11 1" 1 Waahiegtnei. t. C. will b4 II t bla M w,i atfi eIJ.aaat 1 nf mn m, gat: 'Mr II. fl k aead eJv4ila to eall oej of al.lraae tbte r. ' -a awtg a. j . 4 at .. .g I 'ala oil l Urtcf. . . .. M la ant.lal)l f"T Vlla..l." faeaa llrkal egaarg la avary rllma4 I14 give yaw fan? Inl.wa.auaa. e eddr C I. IPPr.OaaavvJ At I W.CA'tT. Tree. raa. Agaat, roena, !. WW ae vrraatKael HB a meet agaglg .mile, artae too laveat la a llBSeiDgUaciB ICaaea wrvw r?a ae PINCH TENSION, TENSION INOICATOn AUTOMATIC TENSTOH RELEASER, Tbe B"t tmaoWia aa4 '! aVvtcaa evae aJ.i4 to aay arwlag taakiae. Csntly tal Hiatftectty gir Cf risa rialtb Ml rVfaet Asttasw, trwt ALL ItwiVe Artlettt, A4 1 ea4 fl. jm e the M taut W )ow ripe. faunae. Arm 1 ! tatrig Waaria la, jr l M.MUjry. I 1 t,J .f-n. A .! , . . 1 . ...1. ........ . n,..,..a,.., , . ... .a... ...v 'uf.WTfft.nMinrn ii.ii it. i.i 1 itri iiiif 1 . nn iilu nil iukn4M.,i. .i.i.,a-ie...tfit.at.aa.4.u: . !!.... !!.rt-?:!r.,r,. ' Itmtp ?rv:'i wifim'F f.fl.. W.h.sae,P.r. , I ..alyf.Ma.elkaa.-t , ,, A.I .l.l T. lt,ii.lv-iUMRa., ttPiiUan o ,, aM.... ' ' ...... ' ... . ..,! ........ it . tALt UirtMeiaiiajiaaa ... 1 W La ILAA C. V 4aA I UfW, wal I et.J IMg WI..I lai ivi,Mf',ina.vii -