Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 08, 1896, Image 3

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By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
:could be done to save my life. As
:a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsanarilla, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear ana my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fiklds, Bloomfleld, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pllla Regulate the Liver.
10 1LJ2 J3.J4 TJTF
17 18.19 20 2122 23
MMM. 27 28 "29 30
1. The aura of lira rent rmr line will be
)nare;ed for "cnnl of thaiika." "reaolutlnna ol
respect," lUUnf wedillnif pri-amita end doiinr.
ind obituary nutlces, (other ilun thoae the edit.
V 1)111 hlmwtlf ijlv aa a inufxr of new,) and
ottceaof pnrUl mwllimn (or h hau-var pnrpnw.
2. Notice of chiirrh and nor I. -It and Unlhr
fntertaliimenU fmm which revenue liiohedn.
need, ah:i be rha.ncn.1 for at tlie ree of Are
-nU line. Tti(i ruin will bo strlctl either
aid to In eeery Inaianre.
Adrertinlnc muw reasonable and made known
ipoo application.
SUee for Hrdmn. Monument. twi rrerk
lohn ltf and I an r on I'ltr. learn follow ; '
Every dr at a a. m.. itwiit Snmls.
Arrtveaeverv dava" ,..ei.i Monday.
Tbe cheap"!, quickest and burnt line tu Of
from tlx Interior country,
,. T TlIOMPsOS, Prop.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drlnaabls Liquors and Smokabla
Ci arc. Call en Tad.
Iloo. J. W. I try, of Portland, aceoro
paoked by local ikere and thacu.li.
da lea fur ll,a vaiw.n county tflleea on
Iba ff publican llrkel, will make can
" ao.l .k ft tba Mlawinj delea al
tbe plact named:
May ia-Ieilnfffnn,':v30 p. m.
May 13 - loaa, 8 oil p. m.
May l-lu"a. 1;W p. w.
May 14 (lraoa 1111. H fj p. m.
May . (lwieliery, 1 il I p. aa.
May r-K.thi Mil. KWp m.
May ia-llrdro,n. 1 .11 p. m.
May H-tlppner, HUU p. m.
May H-Wm. Uo.ti'e plae, M p. In.
Mr. Itay ta a rrpoUwaa epeaker ol
promt aerie, and the en nana at Ibe
ahnva ttrol .lne)tll awlaialy be
all nUrmrl Tb repabina al
Iba Ji(Irw.f pl( are re-ieal. lo
airrqlata Iba repnr nf three meellnr.
act coetuberi all prlle era taptln;
r'jdeelr4 lo kl!4.
J. M. !!.!.
Cbalimaa Cva. Out.
Ofla f all a,
heerefary. f.
A Carl Perth awla(
0tie iK-n, !a t' v. I'i.eatr'tiia
aal all 1 lir cni ,n iIwun are
aare4 hf hbllofa C'arw, ff aala fcy
Welle k VVarrre.
Waal rii
Atill.. I r. fbe flat tnng r
enrd. la Iba ! eir.l. I l'tt roa.
I I abieli 1 k ! J .al tflaf erf
Jar daoee tVrJr,ia t) .(M tee exnpb-e
ri,l.y I'.t no an. XI f I.t e, M f.
Miller Vl'. I Sk,1, ant
rlt.lle AM' d.r e- t . f 2 Hr ! tl
!', wiib-.'il a ei"a"e elep,
aa. ll t-.iiti..l. fat9.l!, eT.r rnoa
a Ma la all lh-1 lrsa. I wee a r-- i I
.( elanevra IU C ) ( l.e r(ea
lal Kie( ( 4 hiI ewnr
befiat rav4aM "A l . h MmiV.
e-l iitf efira ll fli'l clif M,
ahni eel,k, tK b-'4 l'tie-
a all bf w ! ee.r l fm. we h.
Ia, awiaeKe I
Aalelof-a ll I. J
Ati u e-. 4 it i
Ak f . . . I ,i
yae lia it r ..! .t.'. t f I
(awaaiia. If T -'' . . .eJ
Here and There.
Spriog. where art thon?
J. T. Hoakina is in from Galloway.
L. O'Connor is back from Condon.
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood
for eale. 87-tf.
Ed Holland
wag in from Lexington
County court this week,
in next issue.
Henry Padburg was np from Lexing
ton yesterday.
Henry Padberg was np from Lexing
ton yesterday.
Jag. Cochran
was in from the John
Day yesterday. ,
Chprlpy Frev was
man Tuesdav last.
down from Hard-
Ralph Bpnifft was over from Social
Ridtje Wednesday!
R M. Cree, the Montana sheepman,
is ill with sore throat.
8nnwiog a little today. How is this
for an O.regon ppriog?
Loren Gentry is down from Oukes
dale, Wasb., on a visit.
Alex Cnmett was np from Little But.
ter creek Tuesday last.
Al. Hand is np from the lone oonntry
after a bard spring's work.
J. P. Havden, the veteran traveling
man. was iD Heppner Tuesday.
8. C. Smith & dro., the furniture deal
ers, have a new ad in tbia issue.
"Light" Howard accompanied Lee
Caldwell and family from Burns.
I L. Howard, son of Commissioner
Howard, was In town Wednesday.
Mrs Harsh Donahoo is able to be
about after several months' illness.
Come out tomorrow night and attend
the club meeting at tbe oonrt house.
Drink the oelebraled J." H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
Grandma Matlock was taken seriouely
ill today and is not expected to soryive.
La Gmnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S. 0. Smith. Sidesman. Hennner.
Mrs M J. Sailing, of E'fiht Milp, is
ivRitiDg fiiends in Heppner for a few
Dr. A. J Shobe suffered another stroke
l 1 1 . w .
ut imrHijBiH ihbi mooaay ana is lu a
critical oondition.
J. B. Carmiohael, one of Morrow
oonoty'a eucoeeBful farmers, waa io
Heppner Wednesday.
Sheepsbeanng is now in full blast
rjetter weather prevails and tbe work
will go on uninterrupted.
Jas Ham ret orta that on Wednesday
last tbe mountains back of Hardman
were wnitened with snow.
the race between Dutob and Bob
white today, three eights of a mile, for
a sine, waa won by tbe former
U. Jatmaon came over from Burns
witn Liee OaUlwell and rp porta a tough
inp. no win ret am to uuros soon
Joe Brown, who fell into a well out al
Milt Powell's ranob about two mouths
ag'i, ia in town In about as good repair
v ever.
ueo. L,una leaves tomorrow to work
wiiu foreman, Unn Nevill, aoross the
rail with a band of abeep belonging to
VC. ttllRltn.
The Heponer raoa meetino. lo heirln
on Tuedy, May 2Gth and lasting fonr
uaya, proanes to ue largely attended by
"uihiuo partips.
Arlington lUonrd: II M. Thornton's
wool clip this irtaon waa 78,00) Jioiiods,
inn tarueai Clip Drotlgbl to tbe AMlLg,
ton warehouse.
.Mrt. O is Pttera-n and dauahtfr,
Z , were called to Walla Walla Wed-
ueaday l the aerions illneis of Mrs
i'attersou's mother.
It A. Ford Is papering Iba Belvedere
rum room in Ins uanal artiaiin bihmi.
Lie baa als t jiul completed Iba paiuling
f ti.e PaUca bottl bar.
Benny l'al'era-n col in Mnnda from
riiifr.l.i, N. Y , where ha baa been taking
bi Oral ) ear's work In pharmacy. Ha
ill gradual belt year.
For sale a cheap learn good roadaters,
on road wagoo and llabl rlonbla bar-
oea, nearly new. E. P. OaatNi,
al M. E. paraooaga.
Mia Floreaea V. Crittenden began a
jci eeoooi at iba scDoolbouaa oa Mon
day tnoromg wild an aerolloieat of 43.
Tb sohool will cootioua for I wo moo tbe.
(1. B. Halt, Iba toneorlal arliat, can
ba loaod at bla parlors, Mai look Corner,
ber be will duiueruae at annular nrioea
sbavea, ahampona, balrouU. i.
Bnckirfham's Die for the a Maker
eaa l applied whe0 al bom a, end ia oat-
tortniy anmeaelnl in evtlorlng a brews or
black. Uroee its great popularity.
Tbomaa Neleoa end tni tber a roo
Ing Wblle hotel and reatanraat to
Pendlaiofi. Uheo ynti go Ibera aia
Item a ea". They til treat yon right.
Tba repnbllraa elub will teeaelo
morrow evealng al I he snarl hone. In.
lead nf opera boqe. as berelofor aa
enanred. a (s atltadaaca la
W. M. Tbflmr. brofh nf Walt
Tboeapava, nf the lleppeee Mnenmeel
ie l.ne, down f'ta tils raaeb, eal
aeae tbe bead of I truer Caayoa, laal
Jba fWifnar and L Kilbnaraa
ma r.q a tmwd nf herera to 'c
Dry Fork raaeb leal WeHaey Cat
mm ba rlteiartMad iba wbeal la
lb IVy Fork bwaMy.
I Ml Che la raw aevUte4 with lb
flm f il. Ileppaer A C. in Iba for.
at tin- iHiaiae Tbey py I he hlflheet
m'ki pi.- ..r peha ao I bide and al
U4 1 1 all fofwitting.
lla. I W. Irey will a t ra ba eil.
It t4 Ileppaer an I iirly tHI lb pn.
Intral wiea ef I He r1.T ai nper
'-o li ihl mf mi M.y 1 at OJ a.
m. All .U.l4 bear him,
M '. "-fcttb 4 pr. bate lneafe.1 I
I, .i..it t p...tt f. U. Ttoaptt
(.. ar.. are pepre4 ll d rabtael
fk, pin fal-. aw-Wl km', ia,
Tb eMole eaprwy M b ( by lb
M e.i ) ne. eair. tt t
In the ( tint rwB al lb
r.i i, a im..i Umm t
"I tlt I aard all tU allaa.l
la fe.ee Ia a I I yam ana.,
iKm ' ili-a of tf eaotber, kit.
n. . aira, (ft f,t
U- bee
e.M r-t Well Wl a T -! y ,
1Vifr.H IM Hrbt 1,
lleepeer T,. A'tef fee-
a I ft fraa IK hi tm Ke
' I te.f"i, e ta1'! m f I.
.. ..ie - ai-H .1 . ,
e . i t It. f .1 ,t,, I h
t ie wa r-r1 ! fa l pt an
4 I le l.eft H feb l,sa
vvary M aai- yw.
will stop a cough in a night, check a cold
in a day, and cure consumption if taken
in time. I the little one have Croup or
nnoopmg vouga,
Croup is a very
! " "Cwl a tat disease.
fully one
half of
those at
tacked die.
The great
danger ia
in ft 1 a -it
The disease progresses bo rapidly that
the loss of a few hours in treatment is
DY will cure Croup, and it should al
ways be kept in the house for
emergencies. A 35 cent bottle may
save your child's life.
Tbree sizesi 35c, 50c, SI. All Druggist.
iff & 18 Chambers St., New York.
J. C. Brown, of Black Horse, oon tem
plates leaving for tbe Okanosan conntrv
tbe latter part of this month to view ont
a suitable pasturage for his bunch of
cattle wbiob be will remove to that
ooality later on.
Hon J. W. Tvnv. a nrominenf. mnnh.
lioan of Portland, will epeo I a week in
this oonnty in tbe interest of republican
ism, ttepablioaus everywhere are re
quested to give pnblioity to these meet
ings. Bee dates elsewhere.
Dr. J. A. Geisendorfer wai called no
from Arlington yesterday bv Dr. P. B
monworda to hold consultation over the
child of Albert Slocum. We are inform
ed tbat an operation was performed and
that tbe child is muoh batter.
Elder J. W. Jenkins filled his appoint
ments at this place on Sunday and de
parted Monday evening for his home at
Tbe Dalles. He was quit sink when be
left Heppner and his many friends here
aniinnalv await any news of his recov
ery which we hope may be speedy.
Ayer's Pills are reoommendel by leading
pbysioians and druggists, as the most
prompt and efficient remedy for billions
nees, nansea, costivenese. indigestion.
sluggishness of the liyer, janndioe, and
sick neaaaohe; also, to relieve colds,
fevers, neuralgia, and rheumatism.
Hon. A. 8. Bennett, democratic nom
inee for congress, will address the citi
rene of Heppner on the political issues
of the day. at the opera bonse tomorrow,
(8atnrday) at 1 :30 p. m. Mr. Bennett is
a good speaker and the people of Ibis
vioinity should turn out and hear bim
W. M Molotire, an old oondnotor of
tle Oregon Short Line, is In Heppner
with a phooograDh, and also one of Edi
son's kinetosoopes. This is a late inven
tion and portrays sones as realistic as
life not as silent figures, hnt noting as
natural ss if imbued with the life of the
As the strength of a building depends
upon the solidity of its foundation, so
health depends upon tbe ooudition of
tbe blood. To expel impurities and
cause the vital fluid to beoome vijrorone
uu me-giving, Ayer s Sarsaparilla is
the most poweiful and effective medi
cine in ue.
Milton Eaale: O. W. Rea, of Morrow
Oonnty, candidate for prosecuting attor
ney on tbe deruocrrtio ticket, w a np the
di in id eek luioiviewing voters nf
the East End. Mr. lie a is a man well
along in years end seemingly a very
aflTibl gentleman, and would like very
much to be eleoted, so be save, for the
reason tbat ba needs the office iu bis
At the M. E. ohiirob, Honth, on Sun
day evening, an interesting program will
be delivered by the hp worth Leaiftie of
that rhurch In conjunction with the
Christian F.ndeavor society. Come out
and en oon rate the yonng folks. As the
pastor will e ont of town during th
day there will ba.no eervioes at Ibe
sbnrcb at tba morning hour.
A lively seen waa created down on
Mio street Wednesday afternoon by a
rnoaway. Oeo. Shipley's delivery waif-
on horse became frightened and started
dn-n Ibe street on Iba run, doiug some
tan kicking tbat armn demolished the
front end of the wagon. It was Iba
ena nf considerable einitement for a
littla while, and lb unmoor of men if
brought no! ra tba eidewalka demon-
l rates tba fact that Uepnner lacka a
good deal of being deeerted y.
TbaW. O.T. D. met a ennnnnreo1
In lb M. E. ehnrob, oa Wednesday last
Tba attendance waa noticeably better
than ool. Aa iotwreaMng Droaram nf
reading ami dienaion waa reoJered.
lbs topie being Ibal ol the deoarlmenl
of aortal pnrity, which lopio will b la-
tea ap again at lb bnl meelteg. Th
plaea nf meetieg for tbe preeeet will b
altheM E ebnreb every WedoesUy
at 2 .TO, p. m. FHnd nf temperance
and other ara cordially Invited to at-
ieaa ibet Beeiinga.
Mo, ye oint men ol Morrow, ablatte aa a
llely liine
ror the -t an.11.lau - I'm re to euu, will uy
Itk Ma ttl iune: '
Tben M him oil Kit aufer blade, with "Uperrr'S
Uno N -Tie
to Ihlnk. of Ibal (oo4 eld drink, lor
iui4H aaf H w MrT,
Bold only at Iba Belveder aalona.
falsa all We Iba lUay.
Hlar. Or.Mreb9. lfl. I have he
eafTerio wtlti pain a: over say body
lof eoeeral yeara. and bav tried man
rrlkM. bat fonnd at felUI aeill I
bta laklag Uod' Haraaparilla. After
taking tnte medlrla to-) ber wllh
lloml rtll I f iln l mreelf eotnplal.l.
fed -Mr. Le (. Wood.
Hood Fill rare all liter Ilia.
Paw Ftto Taao Wm. Oor.hrn
epi ap Iba fe4 yard it d'mr to
lb()iatt cfTl.-e, an I -w eolie le a
Larof yoar ,troee. tMy ta right
I - al lb. boale, and Jnut
bafaew W.ll t well le..d fie. f'tloee
ronlU. Hay aad araia f aala. if
litt' -a, e the Lair
; IM III ol w, .,,. Karl n.. llol.
Tea kl plai. rre fy 'J..balpall M.
I'ora.Ubi Hell A Warrea,
"I me ol l.e bar.l.ly eat -
HS was a lsg Xw Woratat
"I oul.l aa,er a atlj beael wed,
bo kiaga a l baa."
Tie 'filled oa. He aaaf'ted Ibtloe,
') aal ee l a4 6 b ;
AaJ iLlfbs) Ibal aw aour aaMt
44 ff'aa- av fab.
Ma Fratci) Xw ellef.
aim i, t ..( I. ...ib . I. tt
'' lt--ll !-. JO
a i ..,1 .jl .
IVri4 .
f. by
From Pendleton Tribune.
Judge Northnp, of Portland, baa filed
bis acoeptanoe as tbe sound money oan -did
ate for congress in this district. He
will probably tot fully realize bis mis
take until after the votes are counted on
tbe first of Jane. It is safe to say he
will not receive over 2000 votes in Mult
nomah county. Portland republicans
have been led to believe by a few "ad
ministration" democrats that a eound
money candidate would reoeive the sup
port of eound money democrats, but
democrats are not built tbat way,
Tbe administration democrats are
very mach interested in the disorganiz
tion of the republican party, and by
forcing the ourrency i-sne to the front
tbey hope to aooomnlish their objeot.
It is safe to say that Judge Northnp will
not receive five democratic votes in
Umatilla county, and should he receive
any considerable nnmber of republican
voteu in this district, it will simply result
in the election of tbe populist candidate
for onngresa. .
'I bis is nil republicans can hope to ac
complish by votiog for the independent
candidate for congress, and it ia not at
all probable that republicans are going
to tumble over each other to fall into
the trap that, has been so adroitly eet
for them by Cleveland demoorata and a
few bolting rpubhoatis, who prac ioe
that whioh they have time and again se
verely condemned lb others.
Hon. J. A. Wright passed here on
Sunday to bia home at rlparta. He had
just returned from Union, where the
nommit'ee unanimously ohoee him in
lien nf Otto Eckeraly, of Gove, who
tendered bis resignation. This will be
a surprise, and will be welcomed by the
masses of Union oonnty, who were sore
over the treachery Ihat sold ont Wright
Bt the Btate oonvention. However, as
we understand it. the La Grande people
are willing to do the ''amende honor
able" and will stand by the nominee for
tbe legislature. Mr.' Wright is ooroing
before tbe people tbe fourth time as
their representative, and I118 been fnllv
tried snd never fonnd wanting, and the
ooramittee showed good jndument in
selecting J. A. Wriaht. We are glad of
it, especially tbe action of the La Grande
people in calling him to sot as their
representative. Outside of a few vicious
politicians the "election, will voice the
sentiment of Union oonnty. There is
no question nf Joe Wright's election in
June. Baker Blade.
Eastern goldbngs are threatening to
stop lending money lo "the wild and
wooly west unless they let np on silver
It may be a great blessing to tbe "wild
and wooly" if tbev do less borrowing.
They will, however, still go on furnish
ing tbe bread and bntter and bog and
hominy npon which the gilt-edgers feed.
Baker Blade.
The Oregonian has been enffisiently
vigorous in advocating its bolt from tbe
regular nominee of tbe second congres
sional district for congress to find a man
mean enough, and silly enongh, to assist
it in carrying ont 'ts eff.trts to defeat
Kills During the last session of the
legislature tbe Oreuonian charged, rant
ed, bnekpd and villifled the tibole thirty
for not abiding hy what he called the
canon nomination in the election nf
United SUtes senator. It has been
abusing all thee who opposed its course
np to the present time. And after oer
one year of hitter abuse of those whom
it falsely called cancns bolters, jt does s
mnoh worse act by boltina from the
chnloeof a regnhir republican district
convention. But this is not the fl'sl
time it has been gniltv of a similar
offense. It made a flk-ht on Ool. Cor
neiltia, the repnblinan nominee for gov
ernor, at tbe time I'ennoyer was elected
for his first term. It Is now miking
desperste effort to down Mitchell for
United Htae senator. If If eneceeds it
will hv the effect of electing Pennover
to the United Htate senate. It wanted
Pennover for governor end it looks as il
it wanted him for United States senate.
-Buker Blade.
No good, sound republican will cats
hie vote for Nnrthnp, the Orepnnian'e
nominee for con urea, for it la dead cer
tain thai Northnp la not a good repnlili
can, for If he waa he wnn'd nevwr atent
n with the O'egnnisn to oVf-at Hon. W.
R. K'lie. the regnlar nominee, when he
honld know lhal be stood no earthly
show lo be elected. Every voter in the
dilrlnl certainly nnderatsnil the dirty
rick and will govern bimself accordingly.-fisker
Karl's ( lover Hoot Tea
la a snra on re for lleadaobsand nervnns
disease N"iMog relieves ao quickly.
For sals by Wells A Warren.
Smitb. c&
:st rTlis 3 M a i.a as is:-
Do All Wotk In ThU Un. ( ontrtlnf and Joh Work. Plrtur rramlne
all klnrla. at prlre to a. ill. He n lielor ottterttif a w na'alitr elalc.
Uon. I'rb-v reaeoiiabl. Terai ( b.
BtoroOpp. I. O. Thorn pHon
AUUdlCO youbii. One bar
R. II ' ,0,P with tath pound.
8 Hulk . W hv' Mt4 tvtry wholf
ww, . im
e W y ewe
Oh! Where Did You
Get Them Pants?
, C. TlllW tapaiij
t a I si If . e
.Pdtronacc SoiiGM
Nerves are weak, inauy people say,
and yet they do not 6eem to know
that they are literally starving their
nerves. Weak, pale, thin blood can
not give proper sustenance that is
why you are nervous, tired, exhausted.
The cure for this condition is to
purify, vitalize and enrich your blood.
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla fairly and
faithfully, and the rich, red blood,
which it makes, will soon feed the
nerves the elements of true strength
they require; they will cease their agi
tation and will resume their proper
place being under the control in
stead of controlling the brain and
body. Head Hiss Bartley's letter:
"I want to express my gratitude tor
What Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for
me. My health has been very poor for
three years, due to trouble with my
I was nervous, had pains in my back. I
cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight
became affected and I was so despondent
I did not have any Interest in life. I had
two phyBiclans, but my complaints be
came worse. I was told that I w as affected
With Bright's disease. A relative urged
Die to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so
and in a short time I began to notice a
change in my condition. Things began
to appear brighter, my eyes improved and
did not trouble me so severely. My appe
tite returned and I gained strength every
day. I am now able to do my own work,
and feel perfectly well. I cannot find
words to express my gratitude for what
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me and I
gladly recommend it." Miss Ella Bart
lev, 213X S. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
. rj. cure Mver Ills; easy to
nOOa S PIUS take.eatvtnormnitn. 250.
and Is the result of cold and
f udden climatic change.
It can be cured by a pleasant
reieudy which I applied di
rectly Into the noatrll. Be
ing quickly aurorbedit gives
twittf alt nnra
Ely's Cream Balm L
I acknowledged to be the moat thorough ear for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and clenes th nnsal passages,
allny pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tect th membrane from colds, restore the aenae
of taete and smell. Price 50c. at Dnisitlata or hy mail.
ELY UltOTUEKS, 6 Warren Street, New York.
n r r.
i vjrirva both grow ;
pftylnacmim. l'tfrirctwiMi
urniiothtttiwu by ruuneo. Nuih- -j
1 Mat l ever It ft lorhance tnurow. ,
murmri wan. ininiHi'u
thru. vo when. Write lur
for I SOU. Brimful of vslull
InfiiriiiKilonalioui tel and new. I
U a'iMs. r rea by mall.
D. Is. FERRY 4 CO..
Detroit, Mich.
Notice of Intention.
I 4 My , Iw.ev. Noll, e la lierrhy Slven Dial
Ihe tollnwliis nanieit aelller has llle.l nollre ol
his I 1 n-1 1 1 1 1 1 ti to meiie fliml priMil In sn.rt nf
hla Halm, atil that salil proof will l mail
twlore J W Morrow, munty clerk, at Heppner,
OriKon, 011 June K l'al, vU:
IM. E. No. Sifi.1. for th EHNr.i, and t IEU,
Her n. Tp. H K S K.
He tiime the follnwlna wllneeae In pmv
Maeontiiiiioiia resilience upon and culllvatlou
of. Mill leiid. l:
lieor t-hli k, Arthur Hunt. Sherman (thaw
and Hor Hunt, all ol Heppner, Oregon.
4" W Heflaler.
Co., Main Ht Iloppnor.
itiy Back
w ,1
DUftHAM, N. O.
Dear 5lri
You ara ntltlcd to rclv
FREE from yoir wholeaala dealer,
Blackwell's Genuino
Durham Smoking
aaa aeawr in ma I'nltad Slates
that wa will aupply thern with aoap
lflv yoi rRCE Order a good
ypnlv of fll.NQ.sn li'iHi m .a
and Insist on rrtlJng your
mvmp. im ptrsi &oaa ffir f
ath pownd yon buy. tn
ffrrad for a limited lime aa .
V. Votara twi l.bM
mmmm - tl wm
w le aVeise.
e il .-, I . ..1.1 1 . 1 ,, j ,
ULANKSL gSooiiI'co" at lh0
Been a flap in Mm ill tausi!
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
Manager and Salesman.
The National Bank
What Do Yoa Want ?
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money.
r 1 1
01 general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not small men,
wb are not trie Largest fnercnanis In tfie Worid i
a a But when th people of all the surrounding country are In need of a a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oaa and Water ripe, Pipe IttliiK, Move aud Ranse. Wagon
Hacks, BugKle. Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Raws, Bledgea,
Wedgei, Ouns, Pistol, Cartridge and Ammunition, Maaon Jar. Oran
Heware, Plowa, Harrows, Rakes. Mower, Tub. Wash Bolllera
and Boards, Bhevt Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
We bar Oood Goods at Faia Price, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Price.
The wool market U not yet affected bf tbe McKmley loom, and
reports are not encouraging. We bare ample atordge capacity at
"he ioieoras' mum
for tboae who desire to hold for higher priwa, tod Ly introdncina
Lutern boyers, secure for tlioae who wish to sell, the hicheat market
We pay teamstera and hold wool aubject to order.
No commiasioQ charged for elliof.
We pay highest price for hide and abeep pelt.
Rolled barley and feed for teamatora.
We Are fluents lor little's dip,
The beat abeep dip id the market
We hare 6,000 abinglea which we will if II at cost
Mark your wool 0 and direct teamster to lower warehouae.
Heppner, Or. R. F. IIYIND, AUnaoer.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Ta ndafslgaa, kaa ot- ap a sew M.tktmtlb shop ,,rxv
Work J. aa al I'o polar Vtw aa4 la a taila'solor aaanaer.
e Kalem, end lii-ae will U ,bo4 sn aa la -.e.at l.ieeleru,, aa.
rt.ayat,araaM w. 1'. HUH VN Ell. H.PPL. Or?
G. W. UTT & SON,
Hiok-N '.10 (Hi. V.nrU; VvUm lr, Ci. JU II.
AxlttnH-Pr4r(itri(l tr, r,0 lUwU.
f F All atfcef w a pt-ftk.a 4 A IX W'-RK W4gTIti. -jri
tela . Miitfiwr .
eaahk etwa.
Keeps the Finest Wines Limmrs and Ciirars
R. BISHOP, Prop.
Building, Heppner. Ore.
He keeps a full line
lbs. We are small men, Xs.