Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 08, 1896, Image 2

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For Presidential Elector!.
T. T. OEER of Marion County
E. L. SMITH of Wasro county
J. K. CAFLK9, of Multnomah County
B. M. YOKAN of Lane County
For Supeme Judge,
ROBERT 8. BEAN, of Eugene.
For Congress, 2d District,
W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner.
For Circuit Judge, 6th District,
STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th District,
H. J. BEAN of Pendleton.
For Member Board of Equalization,
CHARLES JOHNiON, of Lexington.
For Representative,
J. N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff1,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. 0. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEYS, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner.
For School Superintendent,
MISS ANNA J. BAL8I0ER, of lone.
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner.
Justices and Constables.
For Sustlce of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
J. 8. YOU NO.
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of Srd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th District,
john McMillan.
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 5th District,
J. T. H08KIN8.
For Constable of 6th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
Nervous Hands are do Low M-
To be Strictly Correct you must
have Rosy
Hanged ia Prlsoa la Philadelphia for His
Namerona Crim. e-
Philadelphia, May 7. H. H. Holme
aa banged io Moyamensins prison tbia
morning. Jveo on tbe scaffold be waa
probably tbe oooleat peraon in tbe eol
emn aeaemblagra. In a few chosen words
be proclaimed bia innooenoe of any mur
der, including tbat of wbicb be was con
victed and for wbiob be was banged.
He deolared that tbe only wrong in tak-
ng bamao life for wbioh be conld be
beld responsible oonsisted in tbe death
of two women wbo died as tbe result of
oriminal operations at bis hands. He
did not name these victims.
Men Admire Wholesome-looking Women, and now
Seek their Wives from that Class.
Coming Events.
Republican national convention
Loo la. Jane lutb.
Annual reunion of Oregon Pioneers,
Tortland, June 10 Hi.
Democratic national convention Chi
cago, July 7tb.
Io aoonrdance with the general de
mand on the part of the voters of Mor
row oounty fur the repeal of the bill
creating deputies fur (ha sheriff and
clerk with salaries at $1000, I hereby
pledge IbHt if elected clerk X will nrge
the reDreaeotative eleot to use his in
tiuenoe toward securing- the repeal of
the law providing for a deputy clerk in
thin county. A. V. iattbrhoW,
Dated, May 8, 1WM.
"Qainn in tho cntuHilnte of the
onlv party that ia opouly, avowed
ly ami unanimously for free coin
age of silver. Free coinage is the
Pure blood ia tbe secret of health andt
beauty. The features may be regular,
tbe form perfect, but no woman can be
beautiful in tbe full sense of the word
wbile Buffering from any of tbe peculiar
ailments of her eez. Disease destroys
the complexion, is productive of wrinkles
and premature old age. Regular mooth
ly uterine aotion is neoessary to every
woman's beaitn, and it this ranciioo oi
life is checked, disease, a pale and sal
low oomplezion, and a feeling of ezbaos
tion, are tbe resnlt. Tbe monthly secre
tion must oontinue from puberty to tbe
turn of life without unnatural obstruc
tion. Any breaob of tbia law of nature
will result in tbe distressing symptoms
wbioh make tbe lives of seven-tentbs of
the women of this country miserable,
almost unbearable. A few of these
symptoms are severe beadaohe, loss of
appetite, pale or sallow oomplezion,
palpitation of the heart, swollen ankles
or legs, nervousness, ouensive Dream,
etc, etc Tbe sufferer may exhibit one
or more of these symptoms, or may nave
all. They simply indioate tbe ravages
disease has made upon the system, and
tbe more of the symptoms tbe patient
shows the greater the neoessity for
prompt and persistent treatment, until
tbey have been banisbed and tbe oionm
of health restored. To accomplish this
end Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills are tbe
only unfailing remedy. Tbey positively
on re all suppressions and irregularities,
wbioh, it neglected, inevitably entail
sickness and trouble. By taking these
pills for a week or ten days before tbe
expected return of eaob period, tbe
promot return of "tbe visitor" ia in
sured. For suppressions, tbe pills must
be taken steadily until the re-appear-anoe
takes place generally In a month's
time, sometimes less. Follow tbe direc
tions on tbe pamphlet abont eaob box.
Nursing women will find tbelr milk im
proved in quality and quantity by tak
ing these pills, and alao obtain relief
from pain in tbe baok aud general
ragged out feeling. .All displacements
from weakness of tbe uterine liitaments
are speedily relieved and ultimately
ored by tbe use of tbes pills. Lenoir
rhoea, bearing down, weight in tbe
pelvis, and all female weaknesses, Dnd
needy relief and onre in the adminis
tration of tbe Pink Pills for Pale People.
The most critical period in tbe life of
a woman ia that attending tbe oessation
of menstruation, or, as It is most gener
ally termed, tbe change or turn of life
The symptoms attending this period are
faioting epells or attaoka of faintness or
dir.siuesi, heailnche, general debility,
rxbauatiuu, a feeling of melancholy,
hysteria, pain in tbe loins, or limb,
hypochondria, etc. I be ohangn ia a
gradual one for better or worse for
the former if the patient is wise enough
to fortify the syetem against the ravages
nf the symptoms attending the ohange.
For tins iiurunen no remedy ever dis
covered equals Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.
They purity the plood by acting directly
nynn the sexual system, lessen the se
verity of this critical period, and finally
leave the patient In the enjoyment ol
robust health. All Isdies approaching
this critical period should take Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Tills.
daughter is pale, oomplaios of weakness,
s "tired out ' upou tbe slightest exer
tion; if she is troubled with headaobe or
backxcbe, pain iu tbe eide; if her tern
uer is fitful and her appetite poor, ehe is
in a ooudiiioo of eztreme peril, a fit sub
Jeotfor tbe development of tbat mo
dreadful ot all diseases consumption
It you notioe any of these symptoms
lose no time in procuring Dr. Williams
Pink Pills. Ibey will assist tbe patien
to develop properly and regularly: tbey
will enrich tbe blood and restore bealib s
roses to tbe cheeks, bright eyes and
lightness of step will surely follow thei
oee, and all danger of consumption and
premature death will be averted. Wise
and prudent mothers will insist upon
their daughters taking Dr. Williams
Pink Pills upen tbe approach ot tbe
period of puberty, and thus avoid all
obanoes ot disease ana eariy decay.
The Biggest Fool at Large
Is tbe individual wbo persistently ne
elects bis health, and the means ot pre
serving and restoring it. Many persons
who are not constitutional idiots do tbie,
They are genuine objects of compassion
as well as censure. A failure of appe
tite, .loss ot sleep and flesh, impaired
digestion; an uncertain atate of the
bowels and eynivtoms of biliousness are
so many warnings ot the approach ot
disease. To disregard them l abject
folly, wbiob offended nature in due time
punishes severely, if not fatally. That
genial and thoroughly reliable preven
tive of bodily miechiet in tbe shape of
chronic disease, Hostetter's Stomaoh
Bitters, will, it resorted to io time, avert
those disorders, to tbe removal of which
it is also fully adequate. Among these
are obronio indigestion, liver complaint,
kidney troubles, constipation, nervous
ness, rheumatism and malaria.
Having Decided to Go Out of Business, We will
Offer Our Entire Stoc of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Hats; Caps, Etc.,
fundamental tenet of bia party.
From this point nf view Quinn is
the only logical silver candidate.
If silver is to win, its success must
oome through the principles and
tbe com age of the populist party,
The above is from the Oregon
ian of Yesterday. That paper ltd
viaoa all the voters ot the aecom
district who favor the free coinage
of siiver to vote for the populist
nominee for congress, Mr. OutoD
instead ot either Mr. Ellis, the re
publican nominee, or Mr. Dennett,
the democratic nominee.
The Uregoniaa would rule or
rain. It it canuot have its caodi
date, who is ia favor ot contrac
tion and ot the policy calculated
to play into the bauds of the Hoth
childs and Wall stieet, it would
advise the voters of its diattict to
fleet a populiaL
TheOiegoniao knows that while
the populist party is "opeuly aud
avowedly" for free silver coinage,
it is at heart not iu favor of this
measure. It is only a temporary
eubterfiige, Its leaders are all for
Gat morej. Notoue of them ei
pecU to remaia with the IW
silver issue. The advice ot the
Oregonian ia, thetrfore, nut sincere.
It is not to be trusted as a popu
list newspaper, any more than it
waa a republican newspaper lx-
a . I ? 1 I !. IS i .1 ,L.
lore 11 kick! iiwn om oi ma
party of progress. Salem Maka.
The above shows tu the Ore
Couiau's ponitioo riactly, ai.d com
ing, as it il-tea, from the lead
ing republican, paper of this state,
it carries much eight Just now
it is anything with that pal' to
defeat Mi. l.llia, aud it rare litlU
about ali') is aucceaaful aside from
Tut Chilian t.itrate king. Col.
North, ia dead.
Tbe V!den ruin" wotka io poli
tics aa well as in other thiols.
Im usa endorses McKinley. He
will be nominated for Ptraiiletit,
1'ale aad rlallow Glrla
What can he mors d is i reusing than to
see a girl drooping and fading ia the
anringilme of youth? Instead ot bright
eye, (lowing, riy cheek, end an elasiio
step, there are dull eyes, pale, sallow, or
greeoteb complexion, and a langutiinee
of step tbat bespeaks disease sod an
early death it proper treatment is not
promptly resorted, to and persisted in
nntil lbs Impoverished blood is en
riched, and lbs functions of life beooros
tegular. Upon parents rests a steal re
sponsibility at the time their daughters
are budding into womanhood. If yoor
A Thankful Girl.
From the Examiner, Ban Francisco, Cal.
MiBB Lottie Donell lives with her par
ents at 702 Natoma Street, Ban Fran
cisoo. ttbe is a young lady nioeteen
years of age, and of prepossessing ap
pearance. Ever since sbe was ten years
old Miss Donell has been a sufferer from
a rheumatic affection of tbe wrist, and
since sbe was thirteen years ot age sbe
has been aubjeot to various female
weaknesses wbioh have kept her physical
vitality at a very low stage. Thus, ta
sbe says, sbe has been a victim of disease
ever since sbe oan remember. When
she waa a little girl at school she was
always placed at a disadvantage with
bar playmates on aooount of her frailty
ot body and timidity ot manner. Sbe
oould never Join in any ot tbe more
boisterous games, although sbe always
longed to do so.
But tbe embarrassing conditions of
Miss Donell's life have all been eliminat
ed within the past year, and the ohangn
is wholly due to tbe effective work ot
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
"It must be remembered," said Miss
Donell in telling of the great relief that
Dr. Williams' Pills had afforded her,
"tbat at the time I hegan taking tbe
pills I had been for years a oon firmed
invalid. My wrist was swollen out of
all proportion by tbe oh runic, rbeuma
Hum that bad loug sinoe settled in it.
Tbe fetnata complaiots from wbicb I had
so long suffered bad wasted my bodv
away until I was but a mere shadow ot
my former self and I bad really come io
think tbat tbe brigbtnas and happiness
of life was not meant for me. 1 bad not
tbe energy to perform even the most
simple of my household duties, and, In a
wnrd 1 was completely 'run down.' I
began to taks Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
while I was in this condition and before
t bad taken ball a box ot them I realised
that they were doing me good. I began
to leel lively sgsin aud to lose tbe lax
feeling In my limbs. I felt so happy
over tbe momentary relief tbat bad been
alToided me that I resolved to continue
taking the pills. After taking several
mora 'Miles I was more tban uonvtnoed
ot tbe ingu merits or the puis, for I was
then wholly relieved from the rbeumatlo
pains in my wrist and I bad so far r
gsined my vitality ot body tbat I really
believed I had oeer experieuoed the
enervating effects tit thoae sating di
aeeaee wblch are so peculiar to women
il ia a very great lcaoie to me to be
able to tell my young lady frieods of
the relief tbat baa been afforded me by
Dr. Williams' Pick Pills and I will
sorely eolinae In recommend tbelr as
In all who are afflicted with tbs Oom
plaints from wbiob I suffered."
I'ink Pills are sold by all dealers, or
ill be seol post paid on receipt ot price,
60 seats a bos or sn boxes for 91 ftXtbev
are never sold Is hulk or by tbe loo), by
a ldrraslng Dr. V iliiams Mediciae Vu
Hobrnretedv. N. Y.
Sunday promises to- be a big day at
the M. E. obnroh. At 11 o'clock an "old
people's servioe" will be held. Every
person whether christian or non oLris
tian, 60 years of age or over, is espe
cially invited to attend this service.
Subject pf sermon, "Life's Western
In the evening tbe oboir, assisted by
other singers, will give a sacred concert.
Tbe admission is free bnt friends are
invited to bring ooe or two bits along
for use at the olose ot the oonoert. Tbe
fol'owing is tbe program:
Organ valuntary.
Gloria Patria.
Hymn "Old Hundred."
. Heading 96th Psalm.
Duett and quartette "1 will joy."
Holo. with aooomoanying soripture
from Esther "I am King o'er tbe Land
and Sea," Mr. Greece.
Hvmn "Creation."
Bolo "The New Kingdom," Mrs Dut-
Quartette "Hark the Boug," with
obligate solo, by B. H. Horner.
Quartette "Oome Tbou Fount."
Bolo Miss Brown.
Duett "Hope Beyond," Mrs. Dutton
and Mr. Greene.
More Precious
Than Bright Gold.
Notice for Publication.
J Mar 7. ls'JC. Notice Is hereby aiven that
the lollowlnn-iisinert settler has nieo, notice ol
h i Intention tn make mm Drool in sunnnrt ol
his claim, and that said proof will be made he
lore E. U Krecland. commissioner U. H. circuit
court, at Heppner, Orexon, on June 20th, ln,
Hit K. No. 7iifor the N'4HWi and WWSE'
Sec 1 Tp. ft H. K. 27 K. W. M.
lie names me miiowiinr witnesses to prove
his L'onilnnous ri-siUuiice upon aad cultivation
of, snld land. vU;
D A Hamilton, II T) Mlkesell, LesndcrCopple.
William Mlkesell, all of llvppner, Oregon.
B. F. WIl-HON.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Kotlre For Hnhllrstlon.
Nothing In the world can take tbe place of
one's eye sight or restore It after It is per
manently Impaired. Tbe wise thing then
Is to take eareof the priceless gift by wear
ing proper glasses preserve that which all
the wealth of tbe Indies cannot buy. Cor
rectly fitted glasses cost no more than 111
flttlna ones, provided you get them at the
right place. Examination free.
U Dalle. Oririm. April 1:1,
Jot WnimiT ia out for rcprcann.
tativa over in Union county. The
regular nominees Otto Kckeisly.
resigned and Mr. W right wa
rhoeen to make the. race
Col, Itrr.ni has been choco as
the ramlitlaU) for mayor 00 the
republican ticket down at Port
laiul commonly known aa the
"Mitchell republican" ticket
Till repuMicana of California
declare for protection, reciprocity
ami free coiuace of silver. Their
uVlegatea to the national cootco.
tiou are instructed for McKinley.
Till main isaua of the republi
can party la protection to A men.
can induatrie. The efTurta of tte
Otecobiaa in its Ult ta "switch"
the tufty in this state will prove
of do avail.
No trkUM'hT has any moral
right to aav that W. II l.llia la ti.-l
a republican. A roan who has
ot.il tha democratic lirael all bta
lift, anl suddenly teootuoa eo
licitona about tlm welfare i f the
republieau petty aa to vote for
.illiiiS still Late tittle weight
ailu reiil liina.
republican party and McKinley
will l their man. A proper eolu
tion of the money question will
follow. In fact, if this nation will
protect American induatrioa and
American labor, by a tariff wbicb
will alao leave Mor money iu the
treaaury than ia paid out, the
money nueation will arltle iteelf.
to a great extent Then it will
.a t ' as . a a .
not I (lilncult to lrlos atwul a
cotnpli ta solution of our financial
Ho. A. 8. McfLlntc. of Ohio,
Hon. IL K. Marsh, of 111, Chaa.
Curtis and Caa Itrodcrick, of
Kanaas, all republican repreaenta-
tivra iu cop urea, volM for free
coinage of silver and yet were re
nominated by acclamation tn their
respective districts. The issue ta
protection to American industries
and theee rcpuhlicana are hot re
joctl Icmim they do Dot agree
with Wall and lumbar I street 4.
Notice Is
lip'Hiy given that Jnlui V. Brnwn hns filed
notice 01 his intcntlnii to iimke final pruf
hrloie J. W. Morrow, enmity lerk, at his ollle
In Heppner, Onvmi, on MmidHy, thalithdny
of May, l'.l, 011 llinlu r enllunt Kppllcallini No.
h , 7 , for the MVV of M-ctlmi sn II, In loaushlp
No 2 noiith. lUMk'c No Ka.t.
Il tlllllcl Sft H It'lt'SHI'li:
Junius M. Ilcsnmti, Win Duran. IllramClaik.
O. M. Yaw, u( .icl'imcr Orevmi.
4IIO. Keitlm-r.
Timber Vulture. Final Proof.
IihIIi-i Or inn. Apill 11. l.il. Nutlre is
hrr' y glvrn that lieo'ae W. HarrinKlnn, Ad
mlnUlrsior of the K'Ule of Jamil eiewart,
diTninl, hn fll1 nniii-a nf his lutein on Io
Iimke Anal proof hefora J. W. Morrow, county
rlerk. al his office In Heppner, Oremn. on
Monday, the IMtt day of Mav. w. n llmher
rolmre spidirailon No 770. for tha N4 NW I.
HK'i NV Vs. and NEa W4 of arrt'on No. I, In
luwnsh'p mi. s smith, rungs mi h cast.
It names as witnruea:
lames II. Wvland.i harlea H. Pallia. William
Luelllng, (ieorga W. Chspln. nf Hardman, Mrs.
411 41. Kemr.
Notice of Intention.
4 April 7, I1. Nolle la hereby given thai
Oi following named settler ha filed otlc of
her Intention U make flnal pnmf In support nf
ner claim, a'"t mat aani pmi win t maiir
hefntaj. W , Morrow, ennnly rlrk. at Hppnr.
tlmton, on Mar I". i :
HAi i.AKsri. n am f.wtin,
M l R Hn w.u, lor the folia., ewe. 17. T. 11,
a. r.w. m
ah name lh fullnwln wllneairs Ia ernr
tier continuous rwldur upon and eullltalloa
of said land. la:
A. T K t'. M. A. Olden. John Olden, all of
loit. Orrfm, oud C. A. Khr. of Heppner, Ur,
11 1. teIMr.
Motict of Intention.
IAnorrir at t.AOBAirK. oarnoi,
4 April 4, isua. Not lr la werebv siren that
lh follow Ing named setilef Km Sled smile ol
kef Intention to mas Snal wennf In mpnnet nf
kt rlaint. and thai U pej.f will It wd
Swfirrei onnt, ( l. of Morrow I nanty.al ll'pp
. m-eon May I t. ism. t
Illla tatllkT NIK LIZM KtVtU.K,
M lh V new a, Tw s a H ft B . M
h name th Inllnwlnf wlunr.ml to pen
Iter ronilniemi rrwl.lt D up a4 lalUiallo
ol aM U l. tls
Jaiwe M Ha. armn A. Eelly. Jaiwe
iM, IIIMm Huthwa, ail 4 Meppnee rtu.
tx ts Mrg tr.
Land Filings aud Final I'roofs Taken,
The Dalles,
PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1899.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At J.
OiereiCIC I
M. Hagcr's Residence.
WANTED A relish. lady or gentUmsn to
(llitrlhute samnlt and make a houae-Uv
house eauraa for our VegeUhla Toilet noaps
and I'ure riavortni Kit nuts. IMJ to M a
month easily made. Addrea.
Laorraa niiD, viuragn, in.
Notice of Intention.
j Anrll ia. w4 Nolle Is herel.r given
that th following-named settler has filed nolle
of his Intention to mak final proof In support
ol his claim, and that aald proof will tm mad
hfot Jowph U tillwnn, U. a Com., at Lexing
ton, Oregon, on Jnn , wat. rls:
ltd T. No. ur U rec 11, Tp. 1 a. R.
ii F. W. M.
If name th following wltneaae to pror
his continuous mtdsnc upon and eultlvatloo
of Mid land. Tls:
John T. Vonng. William Kate. Cyrus K.
Shlnn, all of Heppner. Oregon, and Edwin R.
Bwach, of Uilngton, Oreon.
J AS. r. ItOORF.,
iM 14 Keglsur.
To Ths Public :
The following facta have decided us to open op an office at Tha Dalles, and we believe the
wool growers will feel an Interest In our proposition to handle their wooL
THE DALLES MARKET.--In 1895slx million poundsof wool waa marketed there.
which brought extreme prices. The present outlook I that not less than eight million pounds
will be marketed there this season, and we believe wools sold In The Dalles will bring full values
for the following reasons :
1st. 1 he large amount of wool handled not only attrac'a buyers, and the most of them make
The Dalles their headquarters for the season, causing a brisk competition. Tha Oregon mills use
not leu than two million pounds, so wools in The Dalles have the benefit of this competition, as
well as for tha East and California markets.
2d. The location of The Dalles Is such that five transcontinental railroads compete for freight,
guaranteeing the shipper a low rate; in 189S wools from The Dalles to the East were taken at a
rate of 90 cts. per hundred pounds.
Sd. Arrangements have been made with the railroad companies whereby local freight to
The Dalle when added to the freight from The Dalles East, will pot be higher than the freight
from local point direct East, and In many cases less. These facta alone assure the growers the
highest possible price.
CO NSIGNME NTS."Whlle we fully realize consigning wool is a thing of the past, we
believe growers will do well to consider our proposition, especially this season as there If every
reason to believe It will be a slow, dreggy year.
Our business in the past has been buying for Oregon and Eastern mills and dealers. Realising
how slow the mills and dealers wilt be In placing their orders this year, we think our method of
handling will be an advantage to the grower, and considering the wool will not be moved from
the home market nor from tinder your control without content; you must not look upon our
proposition in the light of shipping on consignment
For ten years past, "excepting lMi.1, the year of the panic," wools have brought better prices
tn the home markets, as th season advanced, thau at the opening, and we believe this wilt be
especially so this season.
When growers are not In a position ti bold their wool, or feel Inclined to sell to pay their
bills, we will make an advance at a liberal rate of interest ; will take charge of the wool, pay the
teamster's and other charge when requested to do so, and when wools are to be shipped to The
Dalle by rati, we will t eareof the railway freights from point of shipment to The Dalle, and
at such palms as Heppner and Arlington, w will have a representative who will take charge of
th wool and forward It
Yon will keep In mind that when shinning to Th Dalle there will b no cite mum. in
you, and considering lh low price of wool, we have concluded to do Ibis work at cent per
Notio of Intention.
1 4 Jun. II. lata. Notice I hereby atra
urrow ewwB'
that lh fnllnwln wmd Settler h
tlw of HI Intention to mak Snal pranf In sn
port of hit claim, snd thai M1 pmu will
mad before lh ennnty clerk of a
ty, Uieguw.ee May an ase, via-
vital aw at aw i.
ed. I. No. Tan. h o e't N a and lot I aad
i pee a. Tp. i a an W. M.
NilwwM th following wltweawe tn prove
Ms conMnnou reMoc npoa anU euilivauoa
Of, said la ml. VIS:
Mimin I. larvlw. Joke T. CallowtV. A inert H
Stam. Charles Morgan, all al M !. '.
A ay pvrwnw whwdtwlre la proieW enlntt lh
ll'mnre ot wn prani, oe w nw m any
turwlaatlal rewaoa. war lh law and IN re-
laitontns lh Inter Pewartiwent, ey wa
pmot ahould If A be tlUwl, will be fteeej a
opportunity at th sawnttottwl aad
aiare ta emaawiamln rwa wilin t a aaM
claimant, and la er l-lenr ia rtewtlal at
taaJ submitted by ctelaaent.
9k t. WftJM),
tU.ll Sgtaer,
OctooM leUiaoatjr a!at ia tba
I'lH -ii ll.at ia rit,l. aeiii ,5 ti n.aka
tliA I'll.AU. lal laaUM tli lea, hi tti)
iu Ilia n I'uUi.-hii rank a. lln-aes
Uiitrta ar aweiate.l ly a few UU
iltj tit tii Hf ata, ut their (fff itts
wtil atail ix'tliinii. Hllia ia tt.
Irctioblai an. I aa such will l
WtrxL He ta a ailtcr tuao. bow.
rrer. an 1 daa r,t ailtM;iia Ui rtiake
1 f fit, tilt It. at l tX't tb .!
Wood Wanted.
V'OTK t ItraVafllVM Ttt
, 4 a r..4 b.atr-1 mi lM,t No. I. Hen
(if , will rerelea btda f.-f IKe d-IHer, ol alttv
ihii eut-la 4 a at In bd rewiie t
tl.epnee wMai end on Julf II. !,
tnta tier. rv ne Kvf'.rw -t I, w
I he ! rM4 n nh reVel
ii M ia kt t aeaa or rag pota.
I J ltllt. CTe'
rle4. Htei.uM. in? . Mat L 19
Niitl g or pai r
l,t n
voritt t wrv
,1 k.lrfr.4l,, unbelt t4 eeM
The Orrnlao fta-lra Iha .nea
(ion aa t- hrlLer or ttt 1 11 1 1 as waa
the regular Dnmin) ol IIim is.ri.
a . Mt . . .
tfutiiau ia .ul,l..!,iS IU rSul.r XZJZ'l? Zl
lei.ulitii-an lu-kt. f.iT imim th.l Hi. 'ei-' k.wti..H( exting m rn
, ' . ' . , a. l.'.l ... m a l-,..iet.- - t Ike
l.llia tiaum awara Im ra'ar
of.lnf. Tli OieL'.if.iao Vane a Kllis
Notice of Intention.
t Ar orrtr-R at tub dai i , oagtMy
I 4 April 1. IX K.akw le berel.y gUew that
lh following wasted eettler kfta aie4 watlr
wf bit Iwtwatio la Biake anal proof la twppnrt
of kit claim aad that aald pen.4 will We made
nefnre lb enwaiy eietk of Morrow eowatjr
ll.ppnef IMva,M Mat I !. VIS 4
isnoi tta I. joata, Md B tr?
b- tb kgw aertioa 4. Ta I a a j a W. at.
Mawm Ifca Mltwlng wlinwawe penv
btoenntinwoua raai4Bta npoa aad IUatko
al mid land lt
Ja. M Mate. Jaa PrMaav J. C Kl't, Jaa,
n a Sagiwar
aa triaUilj ttmtnst(HL
s U I f I
Wni Ji 1 tiolJ u-li; MHlinn, J(M
rSitti.m an.l olLrfs i f lint ilk HCQ
Iha rwiiiinej f.r Jul, N,iiirtni'a iatia ol Ihh irjuMicao rt.
rai. ii Urt? ht a.t U )a! TUy j
aLa-,1 h I, a.M)iit. an l atf SrU fl r stt 'ii l..raf a c
llartry Htwtl au luSLifaaa IviMry. w l -t 1h tn.t lat.
11 ail! a
eMtf - ml ,:HaMM
kt 4 M ed ll I 'V
i a Tft no.
al at f
ka Bel A yets al lb Warbse f a-r
Ayef e MeaMla r J ,ye the ettrent
Jlnery d .ImHt.-e il hat N lb on If
Moo, pnrifWr avowed an eibilot al I be
V'. fair, fief t, kliee'aelafei
el alber rapril.e eneghl ty ewy
....l,.M.,...aei. tJlbelr r-.U.' ,,.IB,M M (M
el inr wwrw isrprq awt ww-,av low w-, . i
apllb lt f Is tl f.wl4 lief lk . l4imi.u,tlit.t
eairy rf pa cit aaejieiart en -I pwfeaa. !
Tbe d-ae ef tl.e aiall't fair ar, , ! Ctpj' f $f"' r,"rfif.
cf, I fat ,. -f Al Maeapiil W aa
In tff.,-i eeMl-et! A.iet fa-tar . , 1 bihh mitt tttiT
til M kM talent pdwlea ,1 ' " ,J -- ' ."
. ...i.- i . . . ... - - ' fvta ,( - -t
Notice Of Intention.
Lata e at Luata. oa.,o
VOTI' t ts ktarST IV4 tair TM
IM MoM ..d m a l-ao.iei-a- el lh. a I , I' MM l"g wme. we.,.e, aw wmw
eafele w II fK.t l.rf aa.e al --- . I e. la ; 4 kl IntawliM I" male l peon I Mrid
I kiM !, i ! u..m h fc-l w nie. I ol kiiaim ad IKt wall ptm4 will ba n-e-la
rf.e j . ,1 illl IK I.... 1 beloea anwlf I at a Cumntf t
i ini 4.i i r-M "l wM dePMl all I 4 Het-waat, t"", aa Hat latt
i... i. ......... i. ..-.I m.i ..... k.i i (nf T kKi'Wa.
1,1-11... ... iH iU.Ko' th M... TlmbetfwHwr g-.t.yl tAO. M the BW
h. I ii ii.h. laii awee wee a . -
. I a-..l W ' 4 k'. lwSl M Hen Ik ln aw In !"'
I , I i I . Il ! kla n"ll.Ml eaW Mwea iro tan tlU'lll"t
. of kee fw t S t t kt.
, v. It w I ft Heel Ik t"4 aw lag
Hii,i,M v t I . a f I . I kla ellaat eaaitaaea a pi
M . i l w I .-' iwwm, featlaat! alaM "U
te l ta a I !.- I l-..eea Jaea karw-a Wllllaai tUetem Aab
m,,iuum . ii Hiihtl t--t iM 1 ead fra.e M leaatrf . 4.1 Meea,
a. r.
Ttachtn' lamination.
NfrTKt ts atstar nxi n twit rea
a .-- tiha el
I I.
a f
I tmian t IHMI ee a e4l
aaa fcaiaiUnel Itmarb el ia ewvalv
f t . -a i e a i nwit a ,
I ie'i -te a.t tw w.l al l 1m41 a
4-l ' m lee a. bMa bl M, pa
l- war ' -I. im
i-aw I U i lab 4.f MI t
Hi J a ilf.. l
W w III h pleased to hear fiom you, and send regular account nf eastern and local market
ted. 1 aa J. M. Rl'fUaLL CO.
ben request!
Tbe Heppner 8pe4 iaaootalloa be JeciJJ to bolJ a Raea UeellDgat
IntfiHtliifr lotir IfiyMe
k 26
$700.00 IN PURSES!
flRMT P4T-Toa1.T. M.y M-llaee 1. Qnarter nUe deeb. frea for atl.
Fare. tfO luea 1 lielt eaile dealt, for two-) ear ohl. br4 ia O'agon, Wah
lgU4 er Mab, aorslnaiioa raem, ,Noa Itw roognbre-1 aliowei S poeeia weight.
AdJedl m.ww, nO.
KEO().NI 1AY-Wddef. My57-Rarel Torae ad ow-lalf freage.
free foe all. Perae, :J. Um 4. Half aalle dh. free f,i all. I'aratt, 0O.
THIIlII IHY- tbarad.t. May -HaoaA Uo Iboasaod yard, frae e all.
frit, J0 lUee 8, Tare eights beodtcap, r-eat, free (or aQ. l'nrs,
rorirrn D4T-mu. vitt 73-n.ee t, Oee.,ir mu. ak tee f rii
ten. year el-U. stiejoar nf stake reoa hrr t raeae, R.te 1 far eed .
bait fnttVwig fwtmel, f-e for all. rar, Uk)
WIS I'UIOSI:-ie race will be t".l by IM raUe of iK TiHoa BloM
Mar. Aaanelalmn, Knlranea few) la ail raoae, ftol olberataa epeainVd. la per ewe I
of atone I ef par, Bt of swnr) 1 1 eeilae, Ih'we Io elaM. Urea thai eqrwa)
above givae di ftol fill 'tb te fonjl lata erlilee. lb txHirJ baa tb pnt la) rw
dweelh eranaktsrflbe pajrwe a la lb r jt lgment eeaane penpr Tb dirwMor
ete l be rig bt te i-noe any aed all ee e acvaal wf leelrmenl wealbar.
If Soa tacwe d ft" I flll, pejreei el U gn Io pHt teeaw, te ba ebeltlule4
by its trnra rtaa wi' Im titi.M 70 per reel M flrl am, fjl py raw I Us
AU eolr.ee lo do by iiiurt, p. , es tb ewsioc P'enaadis ib
A W. FATf KU4i,, amereiart. or,.). 0)1tn r w:,l.,'
E . bjiw.a, li Meaisas I. tl. fief'y, Ueta Uiir4ua, Utar; II.jp4r,
v ... w .e i iwuih e, i pe a. . ..ki( j n a i.
tt VS .U a-4,U, J Mt rMl i--ena-.
'1 fwUUuiti ta ILd makbaoid ol til
I taa l- aba S.V, aUarvw l.',Vja.