OFFICIAL swx PAPER r .T. "777777"! I MY SUCCESS ! I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Is owing to my liberality in ad- vertis;ng Robert Bonner. 2 Advertising brought me all 1 1 own. A. T. Stewart. I ' j M'liI'M ItHVIIMillM I Milflil'M :MllllillMIMtlii X f ' p ft, '71 it FOURTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY W PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. . . . Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $2.50 per year, $1.25 for biz months, 75 ots. tor three moutns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept On file at E. 0. Dake's Advertising Agency, K4 and 65 Merchants Exehangs, Ban Vranciooo, California, where cou raots for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD, Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. dally, except Bunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m.; east bound 8:H0 a. in. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going eaBt at 7:25 p. m. and 8: 17 a. in.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. in. official xnxaEcxosaTr. United States Officials. President. G rover Cleveland Vice-President., ..Ad si Stevenson Beo-eary of Htate Heorntary of Treasury Secretary of Interior Secretary of War Secretary of Navy Postinaster-Oeneral Attorney-Gnneral tteoretaryoT Agriculture,, ....alliohardS. Olney , Jahn G. Carlisle Hoke Bintth , ....Daniel S. Lamont Hilary A. Herbert ...William h. Wi son Judeon Harmon J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor Secretary of State Treasnrnr Hnnt. Pttblio Inntrnvtion. W. P. Lord JT.K. Kincaid Phii. Metanhan O.M. Irwin Attorney Goneml. C. M. Id'eman M-..,. jtt.W.MoBride - (j, h, Hi litchell r, ( Binae Ringer Hermann vxjngressuien j w K EUi Printer W. H. Leeds F. A. Moore, 0. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Cironit Judge Stephen A. LoweTl I'rotwmtiiia Attorney John H. Lawruj Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... .... Representative I'oonty Jnlge ' Conimixaionera... J. M. Baker. " 'lrk " Hheriff " Treasurer Ananaaor " Bnrveyor " School Bup't...., " Coroner A, W. flowan J. 8. Boothhy Julius Keithly , J. H. Howard .T. W. Morrow ..Q. W. Harrington Frank Uilliani J. r. Willi. Oen. Lord Anna llalaiirar X.W.Ayers. Jr heppns town ornoitRs. Mayor Thos. Morgan r mncilinnn O. K. Farniworth. M. Iiichtentlial. (His Patterson, T. W. Avars, Jr., H. 8. Horner, K. J. Bioeum. Reconler F. J. Hallnek I'raurmr E. L. Frwland .Martl... ........A. A. Huberts Precnet Ofnere. Jnrtios of tlis Peaca.. F. L. Fraetand CpnsUble N. B. Whetstone United HtatM Und Officers. tbi DALLta. on. J. F. Moore , 1Ur!ar Biggs Iteowver LA OBARDB. OB. B.F, Wilson IWIr J. 11. Kuhbins... - Iteceiver Bs:nsr bosibties. UAWUNU POST, NO. It 0. A. R. Meats at Leiingtoo. Or, the last ftatarday of met month. All Tat wans are Invited In Join. ; C. Hnon, ii wo. VY. Hmitm. Adinuuit. tf (V.inuiatnlar, LUMBER! -If ri RAVR FUR MALI ALL KIVTM OF CN t V dressed Lumber, 16 mitra ol Urppuer, at wnas is suuw n as m FIK 1.000 FIIT, ROl'tlH, --mm CLEAR, - I I CO II M rr MUVIRgn IN HRPPHKIt, WILL ADD L sa w nar ai'Uiunnai. Tos atiov quotations are strictly (or Cash. L HAMILTON, frop. National Baal ol mwi mn. FINLAND, KD, K. KUIIOP, rTai4wl. CasBis. TUSUCT1 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLL.KCTIONS Ma-le m favorahle Tartna. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD H EITHER. If ORROOS Ontario-Burns Slaac Line BUBHS-GHHYOK STBSEUHE M. A. WifJAMS, l-cp OS'TAUIO-IlUliSH !? lit'ns Iaf1f at mm. an 4 a. n at OoUilo la 12 tnara. Slnqlo Fnro $7, CO, Hound Trip $10.00 nunxs CAsros irpr 4!'v t4f rMiM MM tkm iwiatlt, fHeU s4 L at Iim. 6m AiravMj&it t fiwtm , INS W t. W i b (-". tJh H 'VI I r m-i iu i n- I im' -f . m n. i. l HE lAV'CA'HinE I N'StfRATE V,0. It iIm ai. ! I f MB, , rewti m al M ) . ' " t ! ..-M.ul , , .. J - f " ' .tLANI. I l i ' ' -,... , , . i 1 . J I . OJI A WOOL This has beoome an established market for Eas'ern Oregon, Washington and Idaho' wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and Intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dalles In quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf- fieiently low rates upon wool in the g rease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Tendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool at ths point than is averaged at other places having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool, and shrinkage, It may safely be claimed that the average sales In Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of ' wool than can be obtained in any other Market in i the State. is a tan NOTARY PUBLIC a a n WHITE COLLAR LINE. ColiimWa River and Puiet Sound Navigation Co Steamers TELEPHONE, BAILEY Leaving Al.ler Street Dock. Portland, for uuu i.innuoii. xirrui onnopoiion who iiwaoo eieamera and rail road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad. Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. X3A.XXj13-X- Os-ATSBEXVr Leaves Portland I P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Saturday night. 11 P M. Leaves Astoria Dally a at 6:45 A. U., except Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P, M. OCEAN WAVE Leaves Portland and runs direct tollwspo, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Saturday at 1 P M Leaves Ilaco Wednesday aud Friday at 7:30 A. M. Bagga Checked to Railroad DestiDatioa Both Readies Free cf Expense. For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Qatxert and Ocean Wave. Attorneys All buiitHwa alleoded to it. prompt and aatiafactor manner, Notaries Pablw and Collector!. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t S i 5 T. R. HOWARD -DEAL8 XN- Grockries, Gents Furnishing Goods, Stockmens SurrLiES, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! IU will rotlft it to ol.ject for joa to trade with lira m bia pricn ar right, and ail gooda tbat be baodlra are of the rery beat Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Heppner, - - - Oregon. JHiAVr Do You Want a ? rl) Don,t You WantaPt Put All tbfae tu be procured at Tboturianti k Dinoa, Ioer Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Tfcas IwIIhim are ll l 14 llk Orant, ttarnvv . etnnt. OVlm s4 mhwmmmUm. FrlfM la ! tM lima, THOMPSON cfe HTNISrsS, .-, ! C. a. Vsa tfeia. ktl aW la tlty MtL Has everything in tho line of Fresh Groceries Candies, Nuts, end also keeps Crockery, Lnmps and Tinware. HEPPNER, MORROW - MARKET. CALL AT OtIIOJB CONVEYANCER GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Attoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beach, Ooeao tit 10 w, OREOOK 'lace to up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? COUNTY, OREGON; Contagious Blood Poison. Mr. Frank B. Martin, who is engaged in the jewelry business at 926 Penn sylvania Avenue, Washington City, where he is well and favorably known, was a victim of that worst form of dis ease contagious blood poison. He realized that his life was about to be blasted, for this terrible disease has baffled the skill of the physicians for ages, and they have never yet been able to effect a cure. His mental despair can better be imagined than described. , In a recent letter he says : "About four years ago I contracted a severe case of contagious blood poison, and it was not long before I was in a terri ble condition. I immediately placed myself under treatment of two of the best physicians in Washington city. Their treatment, which I took faith fully for six months, cost me just three hundred dollars, and left me worse than when I began it. My condition can Frank B. Martin. best b appreciated, when I state that my throat and mouth were full of sores and my tongue was almost eaten away; I had not taken solid food for three months. My entire body was covered with red blotches, my hands and feet were sore and my hair was falling out rapidly. I waa in a truly pitiable condition. "I felt that I was incurable, and waa in great despair, when a friend recommended 8. 8. S., stating that it would certainly cure me. I began Hb use, and when I had finished the fourth bottle, I began to improve, and by the time I had finished eighteen bottles. I waa thoroughly rid of the disease; of course, 1 was not sure tnat I waa cured, but am now convinced, as no siirn of the diseaae has ever returned for four yeara. 8. S. 8. is the beat blood remedy in the world, and my cure was aue aoieiy ana atone to it. Contagious blood poison is the most horrible of all diseases, and has been appropriately called the curse of man kind. It has always bn filed the doc tors, and. until the discovery ef 8. S. 8., waa incurable. For fifty yeara 8. S. 8. has been cur- ing thia terrible diaoaae, even after all other treatment failed. It ia guaran teed purely vegetable, and one thou aand dollars reward is offered for proof to tne contrary, n. n. . never fails to cure contagious blood poison, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a rem edy which will not Injure you. Be ware oi mercury; don't da violence to your Byatem. Our books on blood and akin die- eases, will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ua. IONIC ITKUS BoJ Ilrney has rrovad Into and takeo charge of tbe lone hotel. We challenge Webfoot to prodoo more rala than w art having , There was a large atlrndaoee at Bar- day sohool and cbnrob Mrviea raster, day. Rala and bail was oar daily program for tbe past week and tbe soil la well soaked. The grtia bee Improved woodrrfull sod the tone seel ion will make a good aba w Inf. Tbe tarty aowa rye la Ibis totally la beading oat and it growing rapidly ataee tbe ulna. f Pa wsioem.ker and eew blai ktatttba eoatrmplate making a eeaUr of ae ag oris thia samroer. Mrs, Alio Kllr, a rmidVnl ef our village, ia tlporlmabltog tfing In raise eg stable oa luoe soil. Hre. B, llaaey k oo tbe atrk list. fttckaswi prefaitir g ia ear eolgbburboad aasoeg a aalr uf famili. A Toang f eo U'e Christian Kadeavor aoeUty waa ergariit4 daring tbe wo. k aod ill bold wskly awilegs. All ere lniil. Uiead brAtd! ear aboensakef, Mr Haftdit, baa tk bia !. If rf4 tsatB a ng, and te bssiM far Mootaoa. isaa Iua, Oa., Hay 4. IK4 Hr la trval a Wlfs (fmai far I At Hmlik luvfnsl , FtM. gat a wif; umil, b tatiat Toa asay have ysal trial aad rpil lrm ia tans bnaittvM. bnl tin au.l Ihmtm lose, earrr In yir ax mm a ellr t OO-trartrd bsnw, loaf ail May trial, obtrb, thnee nf leas ataaalle't a, at ba !,,! ff be t ltr A kk wm4. a in An kwk. will wtm in ebaMeg f'o tr brr.w all etet nf al.Krrn. T'i lb a nM a44 aiwaye fca B b'la t.f Cf(Saiheflsi'S Cf IUwity la ila hftf l te Me tvsl d I m I it a ( t n !! T ill It !, .a !; I a I .. It p- l !, ll I ! 1 C- f A 1" k, diBsg4A FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1896. PBESS COMMENT. From The Dalles Chronicle. Judge Bennett, the Democratic can didate for congress, is out on a cam paigning tour. His poiots of speaking oover a wide expanse of territory, but the Antelope Herald points out that Mr. BeoDett, with bis usual good judgment, neglected to put Antelope, the center of a lurae stook country, oo the list. The Mitchell Monitor oomplaiDS that Judge Beooett has entirely ignored f rook ootinty. The Demooratio oandidate ia avoidiug some embarassing situations bv refusing to visit the localities ; where men, who three years ago were wealthy, are now mined because of Democratic legislation regarding wool. Tbe Oregonian is after Thomas H. ToDgue bsoause in a recent speech ha deviated slightly from the ediots of tbat ouper regarding the ooinage question, few weeks sgo Mr Tongue was lauded as a worthy oandidate, sound ia every particular, and possessing brains and ability above the average. Now the Portland paper snvs tbe remarks of Mr. Tongne show total misapprehension of he monetary situation. Poor Ongoniao 1 It has fumed and worried till it hat reached a state where it oao be pleased y nothiDg or nobody All it seems oap able of doing is to furnish campaign material for tbe Democrats and do all it can to eleot their candidates. Hon. A. 8. Beonett, the demooratio nominee for congressman, ia billed to speak at variona points throughout tbe 2nd district from now until eleotion time, but we notice that he has ooosid - ered it out worth his while to oome to Antelope, one nf tbe largest Drecinots in Eastern Oregon. lo leaving Antelope out of tbe list ot points wbiob be will visit, Judge Bennttt has exhibited bis nsual good judgment, for the advocates of free trnde sod free silver (one of which is aa bad as the other) in these parts, are in number aomethiug similar to hen's teeth. What the people np here want Is a man in congress who will fight for a sonod, honest currency, a high protect ive tariff, and for the repeal of the ob noxious Wilson bill. Julge Beonett, bb nsual, will get snowed under by tbe regular biennial storm ot republican voters. Tbe Herald waota it understood, however, that it is entirely opposed to tbe financial views of Hon. W. K. Ellis, tbe republican nominee for congress man, but in the present case all true re- pnblicauB oan do nothing else than give him their hearty support. We wonld have muob preferred a sound-money caodi date, but rill always auppo t a free-ail- ver republican who will vote for a high protective turiff, ia preference to a free silver democrat, who iaafree trider, and therefore an enemy to the great sheep aud wool industry of the Paoiflo eoast. Therefore, since Hon. W. It Ellis ia tbe regular republican nominee, we believe it is our duty as a Una repoblioau, to support him, and to do what we can to luaure bit eleotion. Antelope Herald. For every quarter ia a man's pocket there are a doien oaea; and to as each one lo auob a way aa to derive the great eat bentflt is a question every ooo must solve for himself. We believe, bowovar. hat no better ns einilil ha mails nf n of tbese qi srlera tbao to exobaiige It fur a boll la of Cbsmherlain's IJolie, Cholera and Utarrbowa Itmdy, a mediaiae that every family aliould m proviJ! with. ror aaie oy u mssr tlrook, droggitte. Prasasraaa TlMaa at Heenaer. rrore Tka DsIIps T. M. Mr. W, K. Kabler relnrnad this morn Ing from Ueppoer abero bo apeet the pa t wrek looking after bis boslnesa la tofeeta ia Morrow caaly. Mr. Kebler reports pmeperoDS times at Heppner. iboot all tba unltoQ ahrep lo tbat vicliiitf Late been attorn, and a large oomber bate bean delivered to eaalera Imyera. Bete as o IS UXJ aod lS.OUt) ba-l ill be started oo tba trail fur eaatrra points Dxt Monday. Tbe nnttna boy- ortaroootflttlnt tbir man in Ueppoer with tearsa, wagons, provisions, oto., bkB pate oons'dsrahle moosy a tirca letloa, aod Ibis tngalber wlta Ibe amount tbat Las bea paid lit lb por ebaae of abrep and f r ebeartog rcskra aioney appear quia plenlifal at tbat plaae. Aaida from Ibis etlr awing tkaap. ea aod I He loeal aserebasU of llrp ar, Mr. Kabler aaya I bare ie little eetiv ilf eibibiU.1, altbiogk lbs wbsal faroi- ere or Iny.kief for aid a praeperooe a.m, the arpete btl l ,f bvy rrope and fair trwia bate better tbao II has baao for years. not rut iwkiag nas. hymlotns - Misiorr; tolrnao itebiiif aod alleging; wioat at atgbli wotaa by aetatrbtng. If allowed ti fjoliaee laomre forat. obieb oflea bleed ad treeaie, bnng eery tore. Kwataaa Otatatefatope IU llrl.iag tad bleed , bak olearaltoa, and ia aval oaaea remwtee tt. I a mora At aroggtete, or b mail. BOoaata. r.Nwrae fVn., -Prelif? St, I waaf ef kaby o prty " dclre4 a toeng kr, -foe I eao apeak t4 bin imperliatly, eta koegt, Ie te ay owe, e4 Ifeal'e awe j Ike aw! axnt-eto eo do. tie bee Wee i 'r Wee eye, -eei to ehap kale ke 'lb ttxa ft obl; avMib-wttl. oo ' Iiii la ,!. , , o,j. f. 4ita iy fsns I it I , esaaiag f.-f eit t,j ia f,., ka's rei le. Bit I I ook't aaf Le e it)y. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report a4B50IillTEE.Y PURE AKBDTD8. I push with eaar handi the snow And thatch of faded leaves aside, And iol my gladdened eyes behold Beauty ttself there glorified. Beauty Itself in perfumed robes, Of white and royal rose I see, Deep In a cloister of the woods, Beneath a gaunt and black-limbed tree. "Fair flower," so I so tly croon, "for palaces of ivory met, So delicate thy rayment is, Why in this cheerless, dim retreat. 'Art thou in hiding? Furry things, , Shy squirrels and rabbits skirling go With quick a d startled feet across ' Thy lowly roof of leaves and snow. "Art thou by witch-arts bound to wait Till some strange prince with potent spell Thy weird enchantment breaks, ana thou Com'st a fair princess from thy cellf "As over thee I bend to catch Thy sweet revealing!, perlumes rare As fairies from sweet woods distill My senses artfully ensnare. "I know thy subtle secret now, And this It is, thou dainty elf: Thou art the white and rosy witch, Weaving for others spells thyself." M. Phslps Dawsok, from Demorest's Msgaxlne for May. UPPEBKBEA CREEK. May first. Bain and snow. Bee tbat yoa vote right. Vote tbe straight republican ticket Our school will begin next Mondav and will be taught by Miaa Wren. Mr. Grant Oopple is suffering with tbe quinsy. Wo hope he will toon be better. A bald-beaded baobelor is improving bis cabin In order to board tbe aohool ma'am. What makes some men in town to ready to shako bands with everyone they see There it a youog man in tbese parts wbo makea a good many trlpa to Six Dollar canyon. , We have a very interesting Biblt read ing every Sunday. Tbe subject next Sunday It "Mercy. " Mr. Alva and Wiley Mikesell have re turned home from lambing. Tbey have been working for Mr. Penland and re port a pretty squally time. There ie a young lady to tblt aelgb borbnod wbo ie looking very anxiously for oews from tbe (Jranl Oa. Eagle, or tome other Grant oouoly bird. Tbe weather baa been to bad aod tbe groucd oo wet thai tbe farmers bate Dot been able to get in tbelr erope, bat we eeu't get too tnoob rain in Eaetera Ore- (ton. We bear tbat Mr. A. Rood waa In tbese parte yesterday looking after re publicans. I don't think be fonod aov- thing also. Tbey grow ia tbit neighbor bood. O. O. O. A drowning mat would btve little ote for a tn ft bod of resent which wonld re quire day a, A dspeptie doesn't wast to bol ber with a remedy that lo goieg to take weeka to thaw lie b0eie! effete Tho Mount Lebanon Hbakera are offW ing a prndorH utiiof the ft a ma of Hhaker Digaative Cordial on inn yialda Imme diate relief. Tbe very Brat d prove Danaooiai la axial ease; ao4 It Ie owtog to tbHr aoboaeded eoofjdaeee ia it, ini tbey hate pot 19 eaul tamplo bottlse on IDs ntrkrt. I lira eao ho bad tbrouvk any dratftet; aod II III repay ineeixitfied m latsai iba triuiog euta pewaaary io make a trial. Tbe rtbekee Digealite Cordial relietee by reeling Ibe etoaiaeb and aulitg lb digeelioa ot fuuU. Lsiol Ie Ibe best aa.tUaa foe thlb drn. Iirlora reoemaiaad ll la pi see of A Bwewiea (Iwa Has as. frrrm thT. M. II Ie gstiiag to bo fat bee bard pepere ojwa at Aaloria wbea a ossa asost be eK)si.lfed iesaae beraaeo bo beat net a little effaufloa apoa bio awa wife. No daabt eaeti aeiioa ie aoeoain la tU fair eitf by Ibe aea, jolglag from tkt aumlior of divorce raee that a pear oa tba eeert dofket ay Clatenp oooaty, wbtek aeabebty anrmiait ff tbe fxilow leg item to Ibe Oedgl: "A bard bt4 waataa reraatlt bad acweplo areswied le aaakiog teo io froat of aa op wladiw. Tko role proved laair atarrlsga, aa4 Joib AfaerrmmMe deotda-l Ikat a eaarrtod eoeiile be-l a petfert right la Make Mi la INr set wlaUw witk tMb I bo aba-le aa I wladiw up. Tbe teee aae appealed to tbe rlty aert eed lodge Ktea ainrnie4 Ibe deetaloa of Jalge Alieforaaible. Pbe rase will new bo tee. rll to Ibe aaiy ewart eo4 aa oiteajpt ill be aedo oa the laaaally tfodga, aod tt at a4 aalikaly Iba aale wul we oeol Ie tbe laeeeo eeilora, fir la late aatry ao eaoe asaei wae er rttgkl eprktr bit owe wife." ll ItTH ilH twttf tf t I hiis- I .l eer irf I a e,."i"09 j .. !'-".. C -I i a I 'ay e'4 - l-s is et i i, i 4e I ,f l4b want A Mafia. WET5TTTV rid abqi SEMI-WEEKLY NO 438 i dm BITS OF FUN. Brush away the oobweba straying Lightly through the balmy air; Let the oarpets nil bs swaying On tbe line and thumped with care. With a towel for a turban, Up the ladder see ber elimb; For in homes remote and urban Itla now honse-oleaning time. Io this hour of renovation Mies Columbia should not pause O'er the musty legislation Waiting to be turned to laws. Often have ber thrift aod bustle Been the wonder of each dime. Good Columbia, prithee hustle; . , It ia now house-cleaning time. Washington Star. Not Literal. Teober-If a boy what smites you on tbe right obeek. should you do? Dick Hiokt Give it to him with ma left.-Puck. Head of Firm -What time does that funeral you want to go to thit afternoon take plaoe? Clerk It it called at 8:30, slr.-Life. Bobber Oome, shell out! Rural minister (sadly) If I had snob energetic fellows as you to pass the plate now ana men I might have something to give yoa. Tid-Bitt. Boy Do yoa want a boy here? Mao-Yet. Boy-Wbatkind? A rice boy tbat doesn't swear or lay naughty words or tmoke cigarettes or play tricks or get into mischief or Boy Tbat't enough, mister; I guest U'e a girl yoa want Qood-bv. New York Bun. "Joseph," said tbe merchant to tba bright young man with the beat of refer e icee, "the book-keeper tells me tbat yoa bave lost tbe key of tbe tafe, and bo oannnt get at tbe books." "Yet, eir, ooo of tbem. Yon gave ma two, yon remember." "Yes; I had duplioatet made in oase waa oftonident. And the other f" "Ob, sir, I took oare of that, I afraid I might lose one of them, koowf yoa "And is tbe other all right?" "Yea, sir. I put It where there waa oo danger of its being lost. It It In tba safe, air." A lady waa onee larteeting tba ill- lack wbirb attended ber affaire, wbea a friend, wishing lo ooeaolo bar, bide ber 'look upon Ibe bright aide." Oh," tbe tighed, "there seams to bo oo bright side." "Thee lieh np tbe dark out," waa ibe quick reply. I)ISKA8rl OP THE SKI. The IniitMo lulling and smarting Ind dVnl to ewsis, latter, salt-rheum, and Mhf diw'aare of the akin lis Instantly allayed by applying CbsajbriUia e fcrt and Kkin Ointment. Many vrry bad caw hare Ua pFrwianrtttly ruini by tL It is equally nVirnl fr Ib hltig il and a favnrila rrm ady tut are nippis; rlii. bamls, chil hlains, frtni sifl rhrmie are eya. Kor sale by drugMi at Si emu pr boa. Try Pr. MjH Ceadlllea Pewden, tky ar juM hsl a horse iw-U bta ia bad eond ttuo. T'Xim, llwd puriUr and ttrnifuge. For tale by Oooeer k Uroek, dreggbte Mall Tartar's Jake IWa U O Matt Taylor of Pendleloa, who boeata a larte mont ef av.lfdnpa, wsel aver to Uoloo iNtoaly a fw dayt tet, eaJ re torted Toeaday evening with eeveral b iee of etgare, a talis A4 air end a aotipl of g'. ,a let esoea. It ismdi tbat Mr. Taylr, wbo apprerlatse a gl jok. wae asked ever there If k was Iba asao raaalng agaiast Gla Rsley ft j tin! senator end be replied "yea." lot. avedieUly be wae lb elrf atlrartita and pl.lgaa weio atad li Ia Oreada aal I'ataa oa the JnUkiO) qaaelto bteh I agilalleg Ibe eipl there, Jlta tUy wet t-onMared wllb wine eer-paee e1 be lit l oa lb fal of lb I aod. Peo j t U br wit) ee a fa pnfal to Ibe J -k. loann ae Mail leikr welbe abal eel T j C. Tf It. Ibe reaj I aea, llpe tbo aeale at ehaqt IV). 1 Twt I 4T - rttve ii afrjirt eerne,!y It f t'nti' ft k Is-w'v a0 vk 4 lsr t e b v tews S est fnmt' t vX V " fRis a n I c4 0 1 p f ISH I f-.Vt M o-y dv - w4 r K-"t l-rt I ii v -it i'rl 'iit (-' spvl ', U '.- e Ik I r . g r I ! ii.ii i) ' I ' " ' ' ! ' ' '. t. A. f.i . H f IlifalH.l.. f-m t I 4 I . .-.r- a aa 1 w warn a Ma ae m a c