il CK BRANDS. While jroa .ep roar subscription paid np y? ess keep yoor brand in freeof charge. Allyn T. J., lona. Or. Hore GO on left honlder; cattle mm on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the lef tj range. Mor row ooantr. Baird, D. W. and son. Horses branded D B on the left hip; cattle the earn on left flank, crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left, Uange in Morrow County. Bartholaraew, A. G., Alpine. Or.- Horse branded 7 Eon either shoulder. Bangein Mor- TOrwnn"eter, J. W.. Hardman, Or.-Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in eaoh ear. Brenner, Peter. Gooseberry Oregon-Horse branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle aame on "llrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7 on riirht shonldar; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and riht ear upper slope. Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horeee, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C with dot in cei ter on lft hip; cattle, same. Brown. W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hiBwer. W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses, box brand on right hip cattle, same, nun spue in Bor, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left ahonlder; cattlo. same on left hip. Brown ee, W. J., Fox,Or-Cattle. J B connected on left side; crop on left, ear and two splits and middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same hrand I on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley, G CarsnTwarren. Warner. qr.-Hora. brand ed O on right stifle; cattle (three bare) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in bCin E.;aib.)r;-y D on horeeB onleft stifle! U with quarter oiroie , " JT . . and on left stifle on all colta under R years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county.. Cate Chae. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses yi n on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Bange Morrow andDmatllUunt.e. Corrigal . m. m, uaunwaj, vi- ""-- v of Saohear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; J", hnnai half circle v on iwi "s ow and Umatilla counties. Curl T. H.. John liay, Or.-Double oross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei bi TT "!! S. .lit. in Inftaar. Range in Grant county. On sheep, inverted Aud spear point on shoulder. Ear marko" ewes, crop on left ear pnnohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop 10 5?,; rSfl nnder half orop in lef t ear. All rang nDti0?linin..Or.-Horeei, Won right.hcral der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square crop off lef t and split in right. nSSn R. Currinsville, Or, -Horses, M on left, sti tie. Cox m B Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with "toohrrnVrE"'Monument Grant Co. Oft oonran, n. . , beneath, on left . ,. 1 u H nn Mi 11 li. shoulden cattle Urn. brand on both hips, mark ""lo. branded ' - SSlt h'ln. Cattle brauded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thighf cattle same brand on right should., and out off end of 'ougTase. W. M . Galloway. Or.-Cattle Don right side, swaUow-fork in each ear; horses. B D on..1.B,thiD-' tu. rir -Hnraea branded ELY JYJrt .hulder?oattle Mm. on lefthip. hole iDEmerVrC.' 8.. Hardman Or.-Horses branded ! IreVersedd with tail onleft shoulder ; cat. lrew"8?1i.7 ki ltL,,r in Morrow oonnty. llnnira in Morrow oonnty. tjattie. Lie on right hips homes. F with bar nnder on right ibnniuer. . Or -Horses. F on right . holder., cattle. Kon right hip or togh. "entry. Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horse. branded R. B with a quarter oirj e oyer it, on left stlHe. P.' wl. V. (lmatillaaonntte. Hmtt A B. Bidge, ()r.-l!attle. round-top wUh quaHr circle nnder it on the right hip. in Morrow and Umatilla oountie.. it 1. H.mnal. Wagner. Or t- (T F L . " " ,.a .iaht ahonldnron homes: on cattle -oii..-.- . H .wallow fork in 2- . t in left. Bange in Haystack lutrlnt. Mtirrow oountr. Howard J li, Oslloway. Or.-Horses (oross with hr above it) on right shonhler; cattle aame on left side. Bng in Morrow and Umatilla ""HallKdwIn, John Day, Or.-Cattle E H on right h'ipi hors sains on right shoulder. Kauge ,Bu".?- M.Z'n.nnnw. Or.-Horses shaded . " . " V- .i..,n Llur. Ilnnn Morrow (Jo, II nnsakir. B A. Wagner. Or.-Horses, on left houlder: oat tie, on lefthip. Hnmphreys, J M. Hardman. Or.-Horsee, H on ' Huston. I-uther. Kjht Mile Or -Honw H on the left shoulder and heart on the left stine ( at. J e mine on left hip. liange in Morrow county. Ilarrv. Heppner, Or Homee branded .1 t th lft shonliliir: cattle branded J on riKl.t hip. also nmlorlut iu loft ear. .Kange in '.'SS'2nt&' . tLnnnar. Or.-Horses. hors sli.w J on ' left shoulder. Cattle, the saint. Bang on lflhtMlle. ."!:... lr. Horses. nimleT on left stiHe; oatlle, same on right hip. usder half oriiolnri' n""i'i n ""' ""r,. . .. "' ... ll....,.r tr. Horse branded KN on left lap nettle aame and orop oS left ear: under sl.u on the rlsciit Kirk. i. T., Heppner, Or.-llorees en Iwfl 1 tl ...ttl. MU ,tn Irtft Mil. Kn.iiberl...I.W.I.. M-inut Vernon. Or.-l 1, on miii.,,1 right and left sidna, swallow fork in Hit I .. n.,.l.,i. mop in right ear. Horses same 1 ... i..f. .h,il.W. Uaiiue In nonnli. Ijoflen. Hletmn, t, ttr.-H I n left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Ilnme k.miwI nn 1MII BIMlUMlHr. IMIHI" Ul'MM l...:il.,n John W.. ,-Tlit Or. -Horses hramlMl lialfircle J l imi"ctl on left slmul. .1-. I'.il a aineiiu leriiuu. iui,ic in 1 . 1 . 1 t w ll,,,,nr Itr Hones lirsn lxH I, and A on left shoiildw; rntlle anie on lft hiii. wattle over right a, three sills iu right ""Yiwd. (leorge. Heppner. Or.-Hon double II oni.nwli I iiimtiiiin - 11 n l.ri l.,HildMr. na hranded calixl u..i. il i' llM,nnnr. Or. Cattle hrandwl eircla on right hip; hoiwissaine on right slitle. Bange in M.irrt.w eonnty. Minor, lner, niHipti' nr.-4tue, M in right hipi hr-a M m left shoulder. Morgan, rl. N., Iltpn. r.-H.rese. M ) on left .honldw cattle aa-ne on l"ft hip. M,,..k.ll (w r. Horeee, 11 on right hipi oatue. 71 oe right side row! Andrwr. Ume llock r. Horaas A N eon Burial On lft eh.Hil.lefi eattle aame on both Ml. OIIr. I'erry. llliii'on, rw.r v in wh i u.l.rn. J. W., tMiglea. ttr. horse O on Wt K.Hil.lnr: mill same on nglit hip. . I'earwm, Mav. iaght Mile. H.iree. qnar ter circle shi-hl onl-t h.wUlw end M lM h.u. let lie. fork la left ear. Hglit cropped, irt on lft hlo. lUngaoe KUIil Mil. Marker h (ilaaaoe, llwliuo,lr, Bora IP if. .....i,tM 1...-. kr....! tilntnn. !. HnrM) branil. a . K (L. K nonneetxll ea lt ah.mldof ealll a m na right hip. Bange, H"vr.-w e.nt. J II . loilnaloa. lv. -More, JK - ntt 011 Uft h.l.iri eatUe ' ue Uft hip. amW till In ae"!! . fur. '., Ion-. Or.: b. iil roe l,.tUri Mil, f HJ eoaoeeted. In fl am. uuuer sloM la left ear ead allp ta the riahU Hood, Aadnns, llar.l nan. IH.llnrwe. taaar tf-m vi.h narlr-Minla ll Hift etilt Husk Mr.., Mei iwww, Or - ll " h""i,lt I the rlM shl.Wi eat lie. I the Ul hif rf-.p ..fl Ml andaVwIap we Berk. Bang U Me and a-IMning ejHtnlie. Unt. Ae.lmw. lin". Or Horeas hrandol A H e right ah-mld-v. qaartal rl.. nvae htaadi ll eaOM " ngl,t kip. It', Mrrw einlv. IW-s Uh niaH" tnrrUt arm t e ! nSi hit and rr K rigM a ad la Hh. Hne eaw Wan I .nUh K.ml4r. Iiaaew t ll'Tow Mreot eed llilltai " H-. t W . Ml-. -1l.wea, JO a MieaWder. let lie. tUM kip. "iraight W. III.m-w 1.h-l 1 H lf ilUjeail J left ktp, .k la nM ear. al.ll la h..u. 1 1..-. uw. r Mi left hipi eetll kn hip. ,, ll..h-rt, IK!-. Of-fata II as right hip aid It right .h.e.l.-r 1 .--, B em B.i M.wn.we imt. 11 i - 1. 1.. iiia, MuMMi kaH afc,ml.W ...... Jmm kllmgl'wi. htaaxtad J a .t. M..WI.IM1 wMtl eaoa, atan ' II.. II., im a4 UlilMMI SMBtM . ... t 4 ll"n. a Km .in., mill kMiisueiai t est K rigai iu.M.Mi. Un A. i . Hii v -t ', ax ngt lei i U.w k i MwMeart- A. , M'f . T - H-. U e Wt ,4il.U. 1 .-. M- l.r k'f l.t, .4T n.m -t iti ie Wt w, j A llvi, .H'ea. I e HH evnUi wil I . . rkMeP-.'-" " i. 'l lle l..-fl earl'al t .n l"i eaeie ee) Mt kif ,. o,i Wa 1 II M . ! IH - II ra Maeaei i. 1 .1 M. I ,. - ll e M mmmt urn rtjlil eikMM eaeae rM '", m Wm . Iltx-M l. IImi, V M im Mei mk tM klet. a,. Mi ear 4 1 . tl imm Mi'lif. Ir II hn-i Jf vH Wl efaiMi-, Me M w .-. we W H IV-fc.rtf-4 eltJe W wnkaw ...... m 11 im tori . .. te nM .a ee l! l ekw. ia.1. linn. H. - II.m lel1 e ,4 mi U 1 ! . l ! w k.e ..... 14 MR imH fct..l Wl li avr' lt' i. W .. I !!... It rt MHHeoekn iommm. - , tare w - kin, k-tfc lu.M. !- I" Wren, A. A Heppner, Or. Horse running A A on shoulder; Cattle, aame on right hip. loung, J. B Gooaeberry.Or. Hot brand Ttt on th right hould. GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu mcturers that have pained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none In the world that rSfcif can equal in mechanical con ''tjs struction, durability of working T A 9A parts, lineiics Ul llHimi, uvauij pX'iva " appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE SEI HOME SEIIHG MUCHIHE CO. Oeafob, Mars. Bostow, M. S8t7mowSotTAHi!,lI.T OHlOAOO. IU. HT. LOI W.MO. DALLAS. TEIiS. BAN BAJC1H(X, .AL. fliuMi," fOR SALE BY C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Popular Magazines FOR THE HOME. fnlUnS WW And IGRU Bi'aiii.." FRANK LESLIE'S OOPULAR K MONTHLY Contain each Month 1 Original Water Color, t t zn uueno kec 01 Kiwiini Matter: 100 New end Mlfrh-clas llluatra- n.. . Mora I Itrrarv Matter and lllustre. tlont than any other Magazine In America. ij Ct. J 111 mar. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours FOR DOYS AND CURLS a -ni1, tiThotanme. Juvenile Monthlf. F.i lv illiisiratml. The Uen writers Tor young people c ntribote to It. 10 fls. ; l a year. BEAD ALL SUtt5t.Kiriiun9 ill THE GAZETTE, HEP? HER, 0U. Frank's PoruLtn Mowthlt ana roe (laaetto, botn lor one year lot Fbamk I.gsuR'i Plrasast Hours oBot AND U1H1.S ami me ubicimi, one year :).W. Undoubtedly tliGjsst Club Offers frnd fn frnnk UiHt WtaMnf Route, iV.T, or Nrw iiiuMtratra Tfrnimn itJ STEAM GASOLINE 0IT ".'ENGINES NO M Aril If you think of bnyiPB an enne of an. aire or kind .end for onr CnlaUntut T . ... . So. SO, oooUinmir lllualration. and prior of every kind of engirt Irom one np In Zi horn power, al iKittoro tirioee, or List Ko. .', for yanht englntw, boil er! auJ roaolilitery. KitUer ent free. Gas.F.WIlM&Co 197 Canal Street, . - CHICAGO "1 I H11 !.V,,,V1! - t 4 t. MI'Al.llllMU'H I ..ATHLETIC nEORES.. my Ktarralr m Yntn t dulwa M ! CwrwpUt Sl, e.inaiMltif t J lll.-.u.. Ha.itr 11. a. Hall I'lator r4 2 Hall I'lairr, ll I lt, f, Trniiia l l.i.t 3 'i. Bi Hl-lor, lll m wnt u aitf l-H U(li lr.rl.t ul IU rwnta, U) f 3rl'r'- n. (iir am tMaWr fwrtart tm.iiilnllf r.'liimt a nl mminiaal, an. .,m..Ml hi M.n ithtl.hl mAtmmmm.. 3trlul i, mil tafa lrlr at lli all ). ll,' nilf nl ' J l'r rluh, r44liMi rtwtnt, eihr nr hum, n 3 A. Q. SPALDING 4 BROS.. 2 M rl rw Itito-IMrtM 1 QlTlltllt A A t A AVt t Q fa ru ! r ihm ti..4 I tarvt mm. ra. Tatf l!tMtr tkt (te fwaeilt la Hwt l w awl t at4. .. Y4) ta kalal Href RlpansTahulcs 4 twrat4 rtih r prt a 'y tawsra) Mlflrllt Ci AieS t "! 1 fti.a. a w 0t erwff wi, at kf 4. Itfitt Cl ni (,! afwe wUAIi mix .1 Ms TTT liUo E. McNElkL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES THK CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. UNION PACIFIC RV. VIA Denver OMAHA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Everu 5 Cfaus For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. R. ft N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Geo. Pass. Aft. Portland. Obboon. Q0XOK TIME I San Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt Bhasta route 01 toe Southern Pacific Co The rreet highway through California to all point East and South. Grand Boenlo Route 01 tne raoino t;oeai. ruuman nunec Bleeper. Beoond-olaes Hleapers Attached to express train, attordim superior aoonniBiodationa fur Moond-nlaa passengers. for rat, ticket, sleepiu ear reterrattona, etc.. oall npon or addrea R. KUKHLGK. Malianer. E. V. KUUEiU), AMI, Oen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon Most Modrrn and progressive Fur calalniriia or Information write to Tim MARLIN FIRU ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. i 15 T3T T S: g -V-' -ea-Tw JM-V Ja-J 2s ff ir00w"'lit kivi-lv Mulc tor forty tm latnt. hrlghlrtt. srlolloni. : : run full tlie Mlrrt Music nl ,ii vocal ana innuumrniai. (.mm up In il emu rln-jnl rnauaer, to- 3 nujmr nair urn tin Portraits. w- GAHHIHCIU, th Ipaxlt Oanrtr, PAH! BtlAiKkl ... II . a. . g AVI IM Urn ami 3 HlKHIt 81 LIU M AH CUTTINO. 3 aeeatae ft 14 eeeaee ve X h6 "tw tohr musicalecho CO tZZ THE NEW YORK MUSICAL tCHO CO. S r . w yorkuty. I JW CANVIIIIHI W1NTID. ii 7t!llll lit HI 111 111 lit lit III Ml Itllr I 7MHUM4UU4M4:ul(UMHi,t I TP la The American ProtectivtTafiff League ti national organization advocating 'Protection to American Labor and tnduttry" at eiplainM by iti conttitu ton, at follows t " Tka !, f (hi thll UU anrtar MKMII ! T " M4uat4f aiF ttmunm jml rtiuwn acain! W asii Ms f ena la. (nl W awatt-vw There A' AO personal or private profits in connection with theorgtnilA ion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. riftST : C..a.- I AWM r4-1 tMwi,f-w'-t,aNi,liiiinl iaf IC0M0. W 4 ! 1 aWrMwi, Thi0' a aT S m W M- aaw X Cw a. t hi a a il w a, il i'sn a c0 fOVUTN: SW atol mH m f ! " a . I .- W WitMw, Smwii, as . s j Swt. va. S1S00.OO OPiTN AWAY TO INVENTORS. a na t Mni.ia m im ant Aw Bal Ums IT'S TttC WMPtCTttVUL Pi DTKS Trt4TVIll0I0Ka?tCS, wi. kt"tmmdiwm w-WdiaMSaSBviriM a-4 wi lmU Hm fiww Mi, tkM n ir pwias mm IT IS NOT 50 H W AS IT MXHS. y XiiraiM IwMI M e-WM4 tM Pil 1 a')iii t w " l ! . .-. a.i.... t M i W wwwa ,4 a mmtmmm m H-, W. m i fr 4 tiii.1. ,feHW4ki waa m mm ftf f. t. n w m a i mu. is ml r-,mn Am" i i" si i. iii-Sm a efcsl iti i. mm mm m4 s ea-sr Uwiiima. I t mm .4 t ' an i tmvrnnt km cn a cn.. iitlaWw 4 AaMfcM tmt ! ( faTt. ill' Mrwwi. N. W VtJ . aahlnffn), , C. ff ik.mmw te.ifatt. a vvM Simplest. MmR-,lr,t Jtrongest. B1J6gm j3 Working, Solid 14WJJff i$rtnott T,,p Sltp Accur',e Receiver. Nal.": Compact, ata ia a a 4 iW M 4 .liiit m a 9mmmm wiawiimas M r NK4 - ' S, ... ,., V MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. When the Dutch destroyed all the clove trees on the Ternate islands sev eral diseases never known before in that region appeared and became epi demic. The pure white lotus is the -syal flower of Siam and Is always borne be fore the king in state processions. For a subject to carry one or have one carried before him is high treason. The colored people living in Berlin held a festival in that city recently which attracted many of the prominent people of the capital. One of the best speakers made an address, as became a good adopted citizen, in eulogy of the German emperor. Negroes in the fa therland have reason to be content with their lot. They are said to be received on an equality with whites, and are often called "brunettes. The average duration of human life in European countries is greatest in Sweden and Norway, and lowest in Italy and Australia. A farmer tied his horse to a trolley car in Baltimore the other day, and in a short time garden truck was spilled all along the main street. A Dublin correspondent says that by the death of Lord Waterford the Irish landlords have lost their guide, philosopher and friend. . If the moon is red or has many red spots expect a cold and stormy winter; but if only a few spots are visible the winter will be mild. BOOKS AND WRITERS, "Devil" occupies 17 columns in the new installment of Dr. Murray's "New English Dictionary." The Boston public library has se cured the manuscript of one of Lope De Vega's 3,000 plays. It Js 264 years old. Pierre Lotl is writing a romance called "Bamondcho," about smug glers on the Basque frontiers. It will be ready n;xt summer. Yorick, the humorous writer of the Fanfulla, whose real name was Pietro Ferrigni, is dead. For 30 years he stood at the head of the small number of Italian journalists who can be purpose ly amusing. Dumas body will be placed in a tomb not far from that in which lies Marie Duplessis, the original of Camille. Once every year Dumas visited her tomb and placed a wreath of flowers upon It. Mr. D. P. Dip. a prominent livery man and merohBDt of Goshen, Va., has tbia to lay on tbe subject of rhenmatiam: "I take pleaanre in reoommendiog Obamberlain'a Fain Balm for rheuma tism, aa I know from pergooal experi ence that it will do all tbat is claimed for it. A year ago thia epriDff my brother waa laid np in bed with inflam matory rheumatism and offered in tensely. The first application of Chatn berluin'i Pain Balm eased the pain and tbe nee of one bottle completely cured him." For aale by Conser & Brock, druggists. The Minister lilnnder. The New Yorkers are telling; one an other of a good joke on Kev, John Wes ley Brown, rector of St. Thomas' church; previously rector of St. Trail's in that citj. Jlis port in the ccrcnioniul of the I'npct-Whltuey wedding v. as to rcud the service. Kither he bud marked the wrong place in the prayer book or the t-'inginp disconcerted hinij at nny rate the wedding party was amazed to heur his rich, full oice utter tbe words: "I nni the resurrtction and tho lifei" "Ilinvcns and enrlh!" ejaculated BiHhop Potter, in a whistier behind him. The rector al once nwoke to the fact that be was rending llie.burial nenice, and, after one breathless second, he jiroeoedi'd with the proper ritual. Mo linat. The dlfiiosilion to see a pleasant side to everything is often eomnentcd upon 2 am inoKt tli-airiible iH.sHession; but H I m 1. . 11 (I is iMiaailile to exiitrcvritt and Imiiirlne la Kiaailile to exinrireritt and Imnfrine 1. benefit which loe not exint. A ttrty of ttiurlhla) were detnined at a hotel nenr a Inke by a w-vere minatorm. 1'innlly it wna deeidetl toertiaa tlieluke, anil one lady of Hip mrty nirreed to the tilnn chet rfully. "Ob, it will tie rniirh twtler to take the iKiat tven If It dnea rain," he aald, "and onr tiling, t aha'n't have any dust on the boat this morrilng. A MnlHtllQl fur Hold, Frenrh jotinial dearrilies a new and promising aiilmlilute for puld. It I lirmliired by hlloj ltiff 94 art of eoper with ail of the antimony, the copr ltelnif flrat nielled and the anti mony afterward added; to this a quantity uf nmrnrium rarbonai la added to Im-retvae It appcille rratlty. The alloy la raable of bring drawn out, wrtmght and aolilrred jual aa ptild la, and la aaid V take and main aa tin a olih aa srold, Ita mat la a hilling' a pound. Ktientifle Amrrkan. Mat Mailt Tt Way. Metllutn The spirit of your wlft wlbe to aprak with you. Widower You're a fakir; my wif netrr would aak prrmlaaion to sprak to me, Truth. Cvllatrral. "Ami you marrird tnr fr my money 7" "Certainly.' "And lo mit talur my loT "A rollalrral, yra." When a nmtiwnt later the dukr mm tlalnrit thai the blarult wrr not turh a hi mother tist to make, her frar rtprrieDml a ferllng of aatagw grat illation. trtnnlt Tribune. The Wife John, didn't you feel like a fiml when Jou pmiwd Ul me? The II italiand No; but I w aa one, life. It t eay to learn anmrthirig about eterj thing, but difficult to learn rry thing atmtit aTtttliirg I siMnt. fill tw X4 l r. Pill da aot eere e"aeinaiKe They nit crata. Karl tVeef U T g pHt rrgnianty r Ihei twaia. r of by W ell o t Wrra. -r.n Mal Tartlet Make two llilerHif;l f en meat lntl a itb faale with eo!4 Milk, aalng at bi tie miik aa will answer the purptwe; tr Into the pate Ibrwa giH f tery h4 milk, plaee all In a aaaerpaa and dr trlhly rrer the flee till tt thtrh eri. bat dj ! alUiW It it SatiL W hea .ail eeta it lt aa 1 tsr with taaiila. Wl tha vnlfc of two erg at4 a lt t th. innte. t patty pan with fwlT paate. fl',1 ilk) the Ntlstarw. dal arf the tp p drre I Cf at. tril. rw..aMit and bh the e.irig ti, r I ir n the taste aod tl. tattlri ill W f.w t e?!f rm.t arrvrl hi Uf eIA -4 isr f"rMB, COUGHS and COLDS XLT8 PIHE0LA BM.HoM is a sure Kemedy for coughs, coid, sore throat and for asthma. It I abates tha cooph. I and render expect. I utauuu caaj. Consumptives will invariably derive I benefit from Its use. Many who suppose their case to be con sumption are only suffering from a chronic cold or deep seated cougs, oiten aggravated by ca tarrh. For catarrh use Ely's Cream Balm. Both remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, 60 cts. per bottle ; Plneola Balsam, 5c Sold by Drnggists. jkLii luiiiu, do nwreuouin iu.i CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPVRIOHTS. etc For Information and free Handbook: write to MUNN ft CO.. 361 Broadway. Nbw York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out hy us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the JWiifirmmra Largest circulation of any sclentiflo paper In the Largest circulation of any sclentiflo paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. Ho Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly, 03.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address, B UN N ft CO., Publishers, 361 Broadway, New York City. 0S PICTOf -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Through Pullman Palace Sleeper. Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclining Chal Cars 1'AlLY to Chicago. Many hours saved via this line to Eastern Points. STEAM HEAT. LOWKHT PINTSCH LIGHTS, RATES. R. W. BAXTER, Oen. Agent, Portland, Oregon. J. C, HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. D 5 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all fat-! tent bunneu conducted lor MootRATC ' .Oimorricc laOeeosiTt; U.S. TCMTOrrictJ iandwecanscrurs patent m leu tuue uiaa Unme Innuii. from Waxhtntrtnn. J bend model, drawing or pnoto wun aecnp-r . . f lion. We adviie, it patentable or not, ire 01 J frhantm. Chir tea not due till Datent isaecurrd. d A PaaieMttT. now to vuuun raicnu, wimr 5 cost ot earns in the U, & and ioreiga countries (.sent tree, Audrcia, C.A.SNOW&CO. Op. Patent Orrict. Wmimqton. D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS 01 tho Old Hpllahle Gault House, CHICAGO, ,u"1h,?r,,':l,.0,Jh?.,'i?'?B JJrw01,;! 1 M, t-. l. nl. I ., t A , I . r t. w . t.., nd thai:, nt. L. & 1: Haiiroada. and the C. M. U 4 1'. kail road a. HATKM U.oo PICK DAY for. W. Madison and Clinton Pti., Tbrnngb train 00 the 0. 11 & N. will run via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and I'rodletnn. Through ileeper. Ortt and eoond claa. will rnn to Ct'Dneotion with the Union Paciflo. tbe ma bernto 'ore. A tbrnngb Orat-claa ileeiwr Port land to Ppokaoe, coQorcting with tbe Rrtt-cla leerer to t. Pant, and a through touri! sleeper Portland to HI. Paul, will ran la connection with the Ureal Northern railway. It The regular eobaortption price of tbe SVml-Weekly Uaaette (a t2.&0 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian Ull.M). Anyone eebaenbiog fur tbe (lateiie and paying tor one year in adanee ran get both the Oiaelte and Weekly Oregtmiaa for 13.60. All olJ sob. amber paring their enbaoHotiona for on year la edveoee will be olillni to j tneaama. Charley Jooee, lb wll-ken "old tiuer" in tha tnnanrlal line, baa again bwated la Ueppner, btr g parehaaed Ureea Math' ebop. Minor bailding ppoeite the city hotel Charley will appreciate a rail ao la sown. i. W. Kera. the eity paiaUr. ie pre. aaretttedo all kiad of palatieg and paper banging and Hide hoci el so- mt and tak ap aad put dovs carpel. 'jfnre os Main et reel, opposite tiy hotel. lUho tut laatea HepMee Monday e. Wdeedaed Krl.l). Leave Kobe Tueadat. TartaUl and Italardara rare 12 eaeb way. umee. Weil a Wartee.Ufppaer. E.1. l'rwkell, Pmp. '-r m I alii aell a Art rlaea. high gra te, tilth arm "Hf marblaa gnaran t4 (r U eie, for frthf parlieit- Ur eal i or adJrea, . A lach. t-tigr, trregoa. A-tf. Wall, Thntnt' ma t between llet paer at Miajei, arriving every It wtr-t al'wxUr aad leavieg ever day eieepl Paa.tay, HUxtrteet aod hep t f.aie M the leWrier. lknf A t!rk, agri. M'!r tr. hv SBOVed rrm Mt lha t ..! klia te. I th tutildmi f ittiif neeapt by lb Clem !., tit ailt be teJ U w Mr h4 ear"r. tf Aay rarif la r.etta Org' itittm th tea f a attty la l,tei'n. H. C , w,ll fed it lo hi a,lat4 rail ai im ti l ! tr. f e i Tea ' et fc l ee Ns i e.l pk ef llrprae. Ad tea I In I. a' 4 T, pler, Arliea . tr), l4lt M American nnn aiihh UWiadalU! CtGGtS frwF . v -w -w 4S. lMU.b.UUVtKJNiVltiil I PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, whe now do not. Thousands under the new ' law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it I to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present I your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. ' jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. f The Press Claims Company fn sXJ PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. Jf. S.Tkia Company it controlled By nearly one thousand leading newt- papers in the United States, and is guaranteed by them. It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. . --: WITH. IDB8 : mm : PIS ! Xouro BOUND to Take 'Em. Leaves No Constipation,- Coree it, at well ae all B llinmneaa, Pirk Beadnebe aod Malaria. Tbe only oobIFortaiili pill to he world. Hold by all riropolau or enl by mail on receipt of prioe, 25 oeote per box. FKENTlbg MEDICAL CO.. 411 California Blret . Hae Franeiaoo. Cel. Iks Eesls; Institute CHIOAQO. Mmm & St. Fail R'y Glance at this Map m th (hi. at. MltakM M et. rl Aall ey a4 ana It enaMwtlniia with all luaama liMotal tin 4 t tat a4 ataha, n4 rewltthIIMtrlMar tft.t4 aUntler- IrVliy 4 Bi4 f It e,iH'l I o f H. gUtatit PwrM, I ll ff , tolt. r4 Wtlnf tmf alia fre fwUfln fhalr. trh Irpli r tarHS he aa lr1H rllff taw p. 4 It dltiln rar am lh tt la lit afH. lMht II ae lof laaa Hit. tt anr sa-iwapf. a4 aa 4hr pr the im.naie .f.iwwi1ail", th ) eH-i e t hwUvellyet'-Va MllaaikM" r. U.fwa la every rllraa4 eVr ei:i i f a hrtM Itf iIWl, et 44r C I. ltT.ftal Aft J.W.CAif, tt. fa, . rstniis, .. tw a airrn a u inr a WMii I i.u-rM iuut..HH it,i ri' rv"" w' : H, W J WlllWi tl Hf VI , liMt Ai'w T4itMf M, 3.rauS I l l H f a yrrl T AT XUvTrTrA a OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD V 4 For tho Cure o Liquor, Opium isd Tobacco Habits It I located at eaUra, Oregoa, TU Most Beautiful Town on f Ae Coart Rati at th 0tTTi offic fnr particular rHrVlly con ndntli. Traaunaot artTaiaaod surt Vour Face Win be wraatk wHk aegagtag ", a flee yaw lat la a lleSeiBiUaclB tfuteeta wtni rr ai PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TWStCH RELEASES, The , fAwipbxe 4 tawfat Vkn rear 444 l y aewtag atkaa, Th WllITn la Csrsbly aai NaMsettflty ltn, Cf risa rialat aa4 rVfett Aitfw, ttwt AU ttwakta Arllelet, A4 will 4 pteaay tMeepseiS fall Aat at )m rt(tiiKM, Arms f tatt.s U awntw. pwd lenry, LUtl ttmm, A4Jm. WHITE SEW1I3 UACKUE CO., CHYtLAAD, O,