TURNING GRAY AND THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Danger is Averted by Using AYER HAiS VIGOR Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened ,wiUi immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara- tio i, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing.. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaight, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED BV DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer'i Sarsaparilla .Removes Pimple; f THE & CrA (J Jpj. JO IL12 13 14 15 16 17 16. Jj) 20 2f 22 M" MMMMM&mo Take Notice. L The um of Ore rente per line will be jnanrea mr -ranis or irmnlia." "rMiiliUlnni of reapwt," llatenf wxldln pronctit end rlnnnr, nd oSltiiurr notices, (other than t'l.wo the edit or ehell hlmeelf iclve aa e mnder o( newa,) end aotioeenf anerlnt miM'tlnaa (fir whttuvurmininu I. Notices of church end acwictT tnd allnther mwruinmrnu tr.im hlrh roretino ! to hede flred, sha.l be rheriMt l.,r t the rate of five iite a line. Thwi nilue will lie strictly adher ed to In every In-unoe. Advertising ratue ruaaouable end oiedeknova poo application. TIME TABLE. tare lor Har.lman. Monnment. lying Creek, lohn l(ar end t enyou ("It. lnv In, lone ; Beery der el a m . ici.l MiitwUr, ArrlTaaYi-rv1 e'f .a..ic.-.l Vnn.lar. The rhixNit. quti kMi end tmt line to or from the Interior rnnniry, WALT TIIOMMOS, I'rop. Coneer 4 Brurk. Acentt. Qambrinus Beer, wHALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar ! Drlnaaala Liquor) and Smokablo Clgara. Call en Tad. Kt.fl'BMf AN M'lUKIMJ. Iloo. J. W, I fey, of rorlleal, aronov pen led b; lixtel eeieri and tl.aoej!l. del mi fur the ta'tooa county office on Iba republican Ik-ket, watt tusk a 0e. vaea and siek on Iba following delft al Iba plaeet nemrsl: Mat 13-Uii."on, 1 .31 p. m. Met i - Inne, R 00 p. ro. Maj H-I !!. m p.m. Mar U-tretge Hell, H 01 p. m. Mejr I -O m-t.rr y, ixt p. ro. Mty n-Ktgbi Mile. HiO p m, Me 16-IUrJnen, Ap, m. Wejr 11 -lI'ppoBf. ft W p. m. M.y H-Wm iCneh'a pl 1 p. m. Mr. Ire la a rril.iiree, (her f proniae. a4 lb ait ! al Iba atwta Deo I tla will cwielel ba al aaUrUfnxl Tbe rpQh!ine al Iba di!Tre p!oe e re rtMUJ Ui trrtttel the r of Ibma mrellpre, aad memhereof ail perl ire ere rt;ll!y rejrU J a al'a4. J. M H..a. Cbeimaa tVo, l'.ro. One rtTir.., rvr emery. f, 4 May e Uh 4 "t f l.ehy l I rrtpe-( ww eeexl fcy ShHob'a Ter." eniM Me. J, It, MM a, f lUa'eetlle, Ala, ft eele I f Welle A Weffe. hy Met AatHaa Isae e 'i.J I he reye o lb f4retil eMqai, n a I it lle Lka Ibu: M n l. e a -'., .)n r.l-K- l.r-e t.-I-e MirlM-? AUf, Uh! iu-r 4 feterrb fi4 tloelfb ted t e 'l Ky r.il"Ve 'eleli I. J'r.fa I-r. $wl l)-l f t, . Here and There. Ooouty oourt this week. W. Q. Brown is in from Leo a. D. C. Co hoe ia over from Mannmenl. Ed Bishop epent Sunday in Pendle ton. W. B. Finlev waa ud yesterday from Alpiue. Tbe Heppner Transfer Co.. baa wood for eale. 37-tf. Joe Laokmao was ia from Lena Yes terday . Jae. Doherty was in town tbe first of tbe week. Dick Beaman was in from tbe oonntrv lost week. Jake Young was in from Gooseberry yesterday. Peter Buiok is over from Long Creek for freight. O. W. Lnnd is in town after a hard spring's work. Miss Bell O'Brien, sister of Mrs. Wm. Duni, is quite ill. HiuLest prices paid for sheep Delta at tbe lower warehouse. tf J. B. Natter is still suffering from an attack of rheumatism. Billy Barrett and Cbas. Thompson were in town Saturday. Nat Diokeon and Bob Johnson were in. Heppuer Monday last. Mrs. O'Brien, mother of Mrs. Wm. Dunn, is up from Albina. Clay Luce and Walter White are over from tbe John Day oountry. Joe and Tom Wonlery and Tom Carle were up from lone Saturday.. Frank Wilniorth is down from tbe mines of northern Washington. Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. Born to the wife of B. A. Spivey, in Tbe Dalles, Sunday, April 26th, a son. La Grande Marble Works, La Qrande Ore. S, 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner. Yarn Hioton and John Cnsman, of Long Creek, sot in Saturday for freight Mrs. M A. Knox, of lone, epent Sat urday, Sunday and yesterday in Hepp ner. A. M. Cree is down from Montana and will take out a lot of sheep this spring. Young "Yak" was thrown off Chester, Hatt's raee horse, yesterday and severely bruised. Tbe ladies of the M. cburoh. South. will srrve ioe oreain on election day, jane is;. E. O: JudgeS A. Lowell is in Hep- ner, holding au adjourned term of tbe oirouit court. Eagle: Jobnny Crisman departed this week for Heppiier after freight for our meiouints. Lew Reed and "Kid" Moore, two mem burs of the sporting fraternity, are bere till atter tbe meet. Tbe Morrow County Republican Club will meet at the opera home Saturday uiuht. All are invited. Tbe telephone people are putting iu iostrnmenta In Heppner. Jae. Hart will otlioiute at the "Hello" girl. Come out to the repnblioan meeting naiuruay nignt nexi at tbe opera house. uootl apeakera will be present A teachera' local institute will be beld at the roni't bouse in Ueppner on May kid, opening at iu o olouk a. m. Tim rsre to-day between Paul Jonea ami l'eoland Unties, for $150 a side, one nail mile, waa won by Ilia former. Billy and Ted Barrett and Mrs. Anna Crump are in receipt of Ibe ead newa of tbe Ueatu or their father, id Eugland. A. (J. C ttn, reprS!-nting Ibe Brad street Mercantile Agency, ia in tiwn lo.'kiug a tr iba Interests of bis oom- pany. Frank Tlmmns is over from Ibe ranch of Kllkruov 1 ( eily when ha baa beet) ploying godmother lo Ibe fritkj little lambs. Judge Stephen A. Lowell came over fron, IVndlrioa Huodey and beld ootirl here yesterday, disposing of tome law cesas. lief. Oreene. of Iba hi. E. cbnrrb, preached aa intrrraling serrnoo leal Hon ley evening. Subject, "Iba Wadding Married la Heppner, no Thursday leal, al Iba residmoe of lUv. Oreene, A. M. Kellnye and Miss Jennie Perry, lUv. Oreene clllouliog. Uood lark. Fur eele a cheep teem good roadsters, one rued wagoo and livhl doable ber oree, nearly Deer. E. P. Oansa, ( at M. E peraooega, (1. B. Uall.lba loneorlal arliel, cD ba found at bia parlure, Matlock Oorner, bera be will dwprnee at popular pricea, abavee, sberniooa, balreate, elc. TbaOrrra a ill aborily poblleh tbe hanga lu Iba eloion lawa ct Ibis el eta t.at every voter wbo is a reader of (be Oaiirri may U able lo ii.fortn bimarll A II. Windenr waa ap from Idling loa lal Halnrdey. Ua rrp-vls Ibal Iba cot worms arw raieiag nej' with the gram. Msoy wbral Crl U are eerlufialy If J. i red. In eases bre dn If off, aealp dieeaara. fallieg aq I gtayaraa of Iba hair appear, dn ! Mlwl Iheoi. bnl apply pi o per remedy aad loio like llall a flair lU newef . I hll Cba la no aeelai' wilb Iba flrejiof if. Mr, pr A Co . in Iba lor warding boalaeea. Tbey pay Iba hi sheet eaaikei pnr ,f pelis aoJ biJra and at lead to ail forwarding. llt i. W. Iy will adJraea Iba fit Itree of Ilrppa end tieiniiy te iba po. Iniret eeeaM .f Iba day al Iba ofera b"ueo la Ihle eily oo May l al i U) p. m. All sboald bear tlta. Tbemee N.leti an I rrw Iter are raa Ib(Hh While bote) snl rreieoreal la IVndle it. M,ra yej go there (Its Ibw ell. lUy a ill treat c rthi. 37-tf. r-.e t ael Mr lltward got ia teday frnea ft t roe iib I1 K, a raa I .He of a.'.e Ibee l"el fr(.oe4ia. M a epl J'-w 'way bws ei d II ia e4. l ey ll. b w III tnaka II eery la. (treating. ti.M. J W. Ify. a proealeeal rpab I "f P'iile... o1-al a wrrb ia II, le awt If Iw lla lnlaral ! r(,ul.ieea lm IUl. eaa rfab' ata fe ejqrelxf fi a pnMirMy la Uvea saeet Higa, rw dle ilMaUfi, a . lar May H. al II 'Ui, e t li f I ie' tMiao wi' be 1 1 al lb M R tiH. A ei iel iip'w wtM be prrV el In lie Mriwi la tjea 1 'e. i ("-(('I ,1 tdi yeere fag ee m.,',t aill ! Ibia ai t. W taj frtrre e4 ol. efldwa ee fw.B 1. i.'.k la fi'rieg lira ee ! wtin 4e Me'eetile A ffas tt ibe i I lf i I le la - itti ? -r. j eitotaf dtaeeee nf U 0 , t ia - i"f b am iiIim, f be Best V. V of all G)ueh Medidnes Is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Three Sues 25c., 50c and $1 per bottle. At Druggists. ACKER MEDICINE CO, 16 and 18 Chain bere Street, New York. Tbe ladies' aid eomVtv will oiva nn. other of tbeir Splendid suppers on 8at- uruay evening next. Tbis one will be a "chicken aunner." and nil Invara of onnj ohicken, well cooked, sboald come out. auuii8 wm De required to pay the sum of 25 cents while ohildren under 12 years of age will be served at tbe rate of 10 cents per head. Come out. You will aureiy oe well lea. At a meetinir of the anhnnl .1 district No. 1. of this place, last Satur- uy, ine ioiiowing selections were made: Prio., Will Howard; Aes't Prln., Jay W. Shipley; Room 4. Jack Horner; Room 3, Mary Barker; Room 2, Floranoe Dritten den; Room 1, Addie M. Jones. Prof. Drown, tne principal or last year, made no application. Jack Horner was rlrtvlncr in tmm k; sohool oat on Black Horse, last Friday, the buggy came uncoupled, tbe horses rucning away. Nothing was hart. Fains ah Over the Body. 8tar. Ore.. Maroh 9. 1896. I eufferin with pains all over my body ior Bnerai years, ana nave tried many remedies, but found no relief an til I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. After taking tbis medicine together with Hood's Pills I found myself completely oared. Mr. Lee O. Woods. Hood's Pills cures ell liver ills. BAD CHIMMIE FADDEN. Be Mlebeharee Illmeelf en Board a Mew York "L" Car. A small boy carrying a big cage, with a parrot in it, got aboard a Third avenue "L" train at Fourteenth street the other day and took a seat next to a benevolent-looking man wearing a white tie, says the New York World. The boy set the cage down in front of hiin and, as the train started, the par rot began to mutter in most unintel ligible fashion. The benevolent-looking man glanced up from his paper and said: "Nice parrot, Isn't he?" "Yep." "Ia he yours?" "Nop; m' uncle's " "What's his name?" .;. "Chinimie Faddnn." "Can he talk?" "O' course; hello, Chimrale!" bending over the cage. "What fell! what fell! what fell! screamed the bird, without an instant's hesitation. The bcnevolent-looklncr inun crot red in the fucc, and a girl across the car giggled. Other pasacnircra lauirhed. also. The owner of the white tio got twhlnd his newapaper, while the small boy looked Innocently out the window, MALAGASY COOKERY. Great Cere Taken In Preparing the Sim ple Food. Cooking being an art, every race haa a atyle of iu own. The Malugaay, like the gentle Hindu, knows how to pre pare h la nifha of rice, nay a the London Teh-graph. It la not boiled to a uiaah aa In England, or aa our potatoes are somctliuia pulH-d, but, covered with a propvr euQlciency of water, ia carefully treated until the grains arc awollcn fit lo buret and yet remain full, Intact, soft and rather mealy. The manioc root la an eaaler diah to prepare. It ia sometimes acrved boiled, aa yarns and sweet potatoes, and again as sort of cold porridge. Native coffee they un derstand how to make, and the aroma la rsoullr nt; but tea, alas! you have to look to the brewing of that from start to finUb If you den I re a drinkable cop. Poultry and game are eaten freah. and the cooks have a clever and withal cleanly trick of dipping the dead ani mals In boiling watw, which enable them to pluck them eaaily and quickly. Tha preparation for truudng cornea later. Thera ia no lack of variety at a Malagmay table, but. all tha earns, yon mb the w beaten flour bread, augar bud condiment when cloyed with ric, fowla, manioc and egga. Tha staple fuel la bunch graaa, wbleh when drk-d borna flerorly, and aettlra Into a glow log embrr that gives of? a deal of heat. All tha cooking la dona on earthen hrartha. and tha maotlng. boiling and baking la big iron pot. The grae be ing allghtly aromatUi. the odor U aa agreeable aa that 0f a hardwood Ore t mih ml Iba Miasmirt Mi. ha.-l Vimwnl. a nr.. f. clonal eB' glneer and draughtsman of .iwa, la baa la-l tbebappy thought to plot the conn of the MUtioiirt In iH. ae laid down In Hie memn-npl Journal of IU and t lark, at l it for the iTUm of l!i rlvrr. A m blue print I una map arw In prlrat rlr.-ulatli.n. Th" plo'jrtgr-r-iiii ri.r-inlin.iry Inlrrrat and no n.a! by Infrajitilr valnp. Il.nainil. h a It lir ludea t!, fnltrd Miir anrvey of Ir,J and tbe rxmtiiy irv.y of Ap'i!. . . and thu e!.il.lU i . lien, lu Oiekiream al li Inter! of a;';roltnetPy f.irty Breyear. TUe atel of ll.i mighty rlrr In aSttivtai a... I are aim t l.i-rrd-ll.le, nna who ehould attrmpt lo f..l.w lifraily In Die tra k of 11 and (lark In tbrlr a-rnl of the MMmr,H ww! I ba frtinily t- romvrrt hie plnu Into a "pralHe . li.rtier The toit.lritry ,f ibe rlrer oh Iba whola at tbl trlMu;r p.. hit ba n to stra'i'l.lf i IttM-if, and Iowa baa U- n Ibera.nrr of Iba operaliua atthaes trnat of Nebraaka. I'aly'a Irtrmn rrop wiiTb ry arr thie year, but not of aa good niialii aa btler, ' Tbf tr kiKMi famine fcaa la. 4vrm: Um kaiet C aJifhrnia ehlpmenta er knotea r.f tbat fatori fruit j t:!felo rid almt ilQ buabrls : f t-'Uu and ,,rth nf ,l,rr j rr' l br l ifprt f,iio pu Ua j Ooe 'imiii.f, and II ia e.lu. eU-l tt ) tha fUrs.e ;( ei'l fj' d- hrt ter d .;r in ..!. aT M. A. B0TLER APPOINTED. I'aited states CommnwIoBer Bean Succeeded by tbe Young; Attorney. From the E. O. When Henry J. Bean accepted tbe nomination for district attorney for Umatilla and Morrow oountiea at tbe bands of Ibe republicans he tendered his resignation as United States commis sioner for Pendleton, a position he has held for many years. The resignation was tendered about April 15, and was to take effdct on May 1. It was accept ed, and Judge Qilbert, in oonferenoe with United States Oirouit Judi;e Bellin ger, made a successor. Tbey selected Mr. M. A. tintler, a young attorney of tbis city, and that gentleman has re ceived offioial word from Judge Gilbert that tbe offlos is bis. Mr. Butler has been a resident of this oounty for a num ber of years and has made Pendleton his home since his admission to tbe bar. He has won the respeot of the people of this oity and oounty, and his appoint ment will be acceptable to everyoqe. Mr. Butler no doubt will oonduot his office efficiently and honestly, as he' has always transacted any other business given into bis oare. A obild was cured of croup by a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A neighbor's oblld died of tbe same dread disease, while tbe father was getting ready to call tbe doctor. This shows the neoessity of having Ayer's Cherry Pectoral always at hand. PRKB9 COMMENT. From the E. O. Republican. The Oregonian has left the repub lican party on the money question but every day it fills oolnmns of its space endeavoring to oocvinoe itself (it cannot oonvinoe anyone else) that it is still with tbe party. Tbe last national platform as well as the state platform adopted iD Oregon this year deolares for bimetal lism; but tbe Oregonian is outspoken for tbe single gold standard as advocated by England and Wall street and Cleve land. The Oregonian claims it is not a bolt er when it ndvooates the election of Judge Nortbup; but It is a bolter and everybody knows it snd its attempts lo justify its aotioni are the silliest taddy waddle. Nortbup, the Oregouian's nominee for oongress, will receive no support in tbis part of the state except from a few Cleveland goldbugs. We suggest that he remain in Portland under the guar dianship of Dolph and the Oregoninn during the oampalgn. The republicans of tbe state outside of Multnomib ooun ty hsve no use for him. The Beat Couuli Care Is Bhilob's cure.- A neglected oouh is daoaerotis. Stop it at once with Hhilnb's Cure. Fur sale by Wells & Warren. FASHION'S DICTATES. Enormous hutturfly bows of bias vel vet on the fronts of bonnets are more fuahionuble than becoming. A vicr.VKT bonnet with bowa no nr rnnged that the silhouette would form the ears of a cat, la one of the novelties. Skirts made with very narrow gores, ouch scum outlined with narrow jet, gimp, galloon or other fuuey trimming are among the novelties. A liKt'OMlNO and sensible style for Ar ranging the hair la to crimp the hides slightly, curl tho front over the fore hend and twiat the back into a rather soft, looae knot, fastened with fancy pins of various sorts, Amomq the popular color combina tions for spring will be yellow and white, yellow and black, gray and black, (ireen and tan will he popular; very pale gray, almost a pearl, and dark blue, medium brown ami light tan and old row? in a pre at variety of tints. New Fir.D Tabd. Wm. Oordon haa opened np Ibe feed yard neit door lo tbaUht-tle office, and now snlioda a abare of yoar patronage. Billy la right at home al Ibia business, and your horara wdl ba well looked aftr. Prioea reaeonabl. ilay aed grain fur sale. tf. ruR HALE. A tbrea Ineb steel ekeln Hebottler farm wagna 0"mplele. IWticallv new. Cheap for oeab. J. A- V.wter. Heppner Jonctinn. P. 0 Arliooo. 0 7 ernes BUCKWILL't DURHAM oic, sxeap Wk Off To ALL Merchants lo Retail TOBACCO. BLACICWELL'S DURHAfil TOUACCO e N y ka ear SitVKaNr laecvorlaf yw. - - -w. fmt ae la fmt Oh! Where Did You Get Tlicin Pants? ) . C. THOMPSON Company fka I a-tl fti.'e. .4 eii-. tPatrooaoc Solicited. "Who are nervous, weak, worn out with local troubles find pure blood, nerve strength, and perfect health in Hood's Sarsaparilla. We do not say tho above to raise falso hope. It has been the experi ence of many, very many women in those intensely trying periods which demand and consume so much force those npeciui physical trials we delicately indicate by merely using the words Muid, Mother, Matron. Like a confidential friend we suggest tho use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli able blood purifier and tonic; it lias helped many others and will help you. "I was in poor health five years, broken down in strength, and appetite all gone. Local troubles and other weaknesses in tensified my misery. Nervous sick dizziness, heartburn and pains in my back made me think I should never be well again. A friend prevailed upon me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon began to Improve and in six months it restored me to better health than for years. I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla a grand medicine for all troubles peculiar to I am now strong and healthy and can 4o a good day's work. I stand by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other medicines failed." Mrs. Lub Diee, Carlinville, Illinois. This and many similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. It. Prepared only by C, I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. HnnH' Dillc ;rp"rely v"a,l,,,l" ' 11UUU S fills fully prepared. SS cenU. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE and it the retult ol colds end sudden climatic changei. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which le applied di rectly Into the nontrlla. Be ing quickly absorbed it gives relief at once, Ely's Cream Balm le acknowledged to be the moat thorough cure for Kaaal Catarrh, Cold in Head snd Hay Fever of all reinediea. It opena and cleanses the nneal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heels the sores, pro tect! the membrane from colda, reatorae the aenaes of taste and smell. Price 80c. at Dnienlate or hy malt lUtOTUKKS, M Warren timet, New York. Wood Wanted. NOTICB IS HEREBY OIVF.S THAT TUB Hrhnl hoard (if District .No. 1. Hennnar. Or , will rwclve Mils tnr the delivery ol sixty iiil cords of wood at the erhool premises nt nrpiu-r, same 10 oe rpciien on julv 11, 1HIKI, wood to lie delivered on or In-fore I let. 1. 1HM. I he hoard reserves the rluht to reject any or lima. BY UKOKS OF THa HOARD, Attest: J. 1. Horkhtk, Clerk. Dated, llvppnur, Dr., May 2, lte.m 4:I7-July 10. NOTICE OK 8A1.K. NOThK IH tlKUKHV MVKK THAT under and by virtue of a dwree and order of sale duly made anil entered on May aits, twei, In the matter l the, palate of I honiaa K. HarUm. deceused. I.v the County ourt of the HUle of iireuoii for Morrow County, M-tllng In probate the undent ;nl es eiliuliilalmtur of the said palate, will oner for eale at public: ailrt on, to tbe hlirhcat hi. bier for cash In hand on hatur iy. Junes, l-el. at II oelnek lu tbe fnrenmin ol that day on the prpmlsee of aeiit deoeaaed. all the lollowlna; de-erbed real pri.rxTtjr Ih-Iui:-Imk to the above-named eaiate altuated In Mor row County, Oreirnn, lo-wll- N't Mu of nee U, Ti .1 H , K. 1 Keal. and WU SV ;. Ik KK'i and NWHKol m, a., Tp 3 ., K l K., W M all In Morrow County, OreKun. Hld eale Is made aubjert to ell llena and ln umbraneee now eilstliiK iiun the said reel property, and aubjpct to the roil II mi a I Inn of all aalee to be made by the above entitled County Court. j. a voc no. Administrator of the estate ot Thomas f. Barton, defeated. Iiated Ibia II h day of May, twin. 4.17 i Ho, ye voiins men of Morrow, ahlatle up a lively tune for lh andldate." I'm tree to state, will slay with us till June: Then lei him oil hit enter blade, with "Sperry'e l.liiMiNid Kye;" 'Tlssneet to II, It, , of that (imk old drink, for vullns men ere dry. rVilJ only at Iba Kelvadera aaloon. (la. Prenoh haa Jual OnUhad shear it'll bia 10tK) bead t.f a bee p. afler Oineld. arable delay no account of wet weather. er r TOiaCCO COMfaNV. Sierwous eadache SGI;. DUMMAM, N. 0. Dear 5lri You arc tntltlej to rtcafvs) FREE ,rom your wholeaaU dealer, JWHITE STAR SOAP with ail BlackwelTs Genuino Durham Smoking TobaCCO you buy. One bar of aoap i reey with aach pound, whether 16 or.., oi., 4 ot., or a 01., paKkaica, Wo hava notlfltd tvery whola al dealer In tha United Slatea thai w will supply them with aoap lo ly you rn r r, tf4r rood aUPDlv ot tlAU.Sl' llClfHIM .a to, and Insist on getting yi ip. One bar of Soap fRrr h pound you buy. b7ap rred fur a limited lima, sa or and Insist on retting your ltd la order tOdav. Your a vr irui COMPANY. eeeeseee mm m a, ,ia wa.l - aie tVeler. awl n t. ri.i.i 1, , n, t- Satlstaotloii Guarantecd.JiGAL BLANKS. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THEKE'SBBaaaT a flaap in Business III Around ? ED. R. BISHOP Been Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! All woolen goods, boots, shoes, wholesale cost Great A caps, blankets and m fact everything kept in a general mercantile esl T n hllon rvt rx - f 1 1iJ J I 1 1 1 er a . - V..UHDUUIOUU voii ami see me siocit FRANK M'FARLAIMD, ED. Manager end Salesman. The National Bank W Do Some people want the goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. f 1 1 01 general mercnandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, we am not ins Largest jnercnaats in tus woncr j a a a But when the people of all tha surrounding country are lu need of a a a Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware. Wood and Willow ware, Kails, Iron. Barbwlre tumberUnd Coal. Gees and W.ter Pipe. Pipe MtUon Stoves and R.nKes. W.gons, Hacks, Buggies, Wsgon Material, Hardwood, Axe., Hammers, Baws. Sledges Wedges, Ouns, Pistols. Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran- ' Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tuljs. Wash Bolllers aud Boards, (Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. Ws have Good Goods at Fia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. QILLIA.M & 33ISB133S, MA.IN 8THEET . HEPPNER. OUEQON Successor to C a. Van Duyn. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Oomplete. Notions a Specialty, . r- r"." Va jfi v r;7l Don't You Want a Place to S Put up Your Team ? ' H ti A V.. m...i r o 1 11 K.u-4pvi -r t T All tbese can be procorctl t'Tliomrmcn & Uinns, Iower Main Street, lleppoer, Oregon. . ... wi n.inwq who and ran aa.e moi.r aud time la awaking tbeae 1 m ra i a eeepuif wiib the llmea. THOMPSON" & T3TN3STS, New Blacksmith Shop. -.aaaaiaaBBBaMBVBVsMMaaaBW Tb nilaraigaarl ba cpaaej ap s Bw tlaaksmilb slx.p eppo. ail Iba npero bone, aad la pre par l o do any klol of work la bia Jms. 0 coeaeibo ba will rao FIRST CLASS WAGON ShOP I Work d n at Popular Vtle aoJ la aatiafaatory vannar. I ba sex nrej Iba iereloea of aa aiprUooc torebr, Vt, J. HelU.o, ol Halem, aod boraea will ba abo4 an aa lo .e.nt Interfering arl over reaobleg, or to ay (J. W. UTT & SON, rapoi : ipps. LOOK AT THESE PHICES ! Hrol. HO fits. Kiwh; IVll.v.a flf, Clu. Kftch; Axltii-'ei W.'Mintl B5 r0 lUwU. feT alt aiker sratl la aroaoHie aa4 ALL Wont; WiJlgaXTIn, k r. MRttKiwr tk eailik e,. TIIK PA LACK IIOTKL UAlt, f. C. UOHCI 1 Kits, Prop. s laaaa a Ivrcps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. overshoes, ete., are being sold below oeiore it is too late. R. BISHOP, Prop. Building, Heppner, Ore. Yn Want ? earth; you can get a He keeps a full line , r,. HARDMAN, OR. lbs. We are small men, Xs. Next door to City Hotel. nil vvnnf o orsc r tirani, iiaroay, mni ill ara ana Other eaunlin erUina Mt tra.alli.g iea. inUea, W. I. HCUIVNEIt, lleppoer. Or. G. W. UTT A SON. Qa02Soo V