SEPCBUCAH 6TATK TICKET. For Presidential Elector T T OEER of Marion County K". L. BMITH of Wasco County J. F. CAPLK9, of Multnomah County 8. M. YUKAM of Lau County For Supema Judge, ROBERT 8. BEAN, of Eugene. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT TICKET. For Congress, 2d District, W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Circuit Judge, 6th District, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton. For Prosecuting Attorney, Oth District, H. J. BEAN of Pendleton. For Member Hoard of Equalization, CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Hoppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A, 0. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Hoppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEYS, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner. For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BAL8IOER, of lone. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner. ilcKWLEY ON THE VALVE OF No ose blames Mr. Malcolm A. LABOR. UrrwvlvtVw Hi hnU ia NorthnD. Mr. Moody, if reports are correct, is supporting the regular republi can ticket. ' Justice! and Constables. For Suittce of the 1st District, E. L. WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS SHANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. 8. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W, BRANNON, For Justice of 8rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 8rd District, WALTER CA80N. For Justice of 4th District, JOHN MCMILLAN. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 6th District, J. T. HOSKINS. For Constable of 5th District, I. h. HOWARD. For Justice of Cth District, E. L. FREELAND. For Constable of 6th District, N, 8. WHETSTONE. No worthy American wants to reduce the price of labor in the United States. It ought not to be reduced; for the sake of the laborer and his family and the good of society it ought to be maintained. To increase it would be in better harmony with the public sense. Our labor must not be debased, nor our laborers de graded to the level of slaves, nor any pauper or servile system in m 1 any lorm, nor unuer any guise whatsoever, at homo or abroad. Our civilization will not permit it. Oar humauity forbids it.' Our traditions are opposed to it The stability of our institutions rest upon the contentment and intelli gence of all our peoole, and these can only be possessed by main taining the dignity of labor and securing to it its just rewards. That protection opens new avenues for employment, broadens and di versifies the field of labor, and pre sents variety of vocation, is mani fest from our own experience. Hon. Wm. McKinley. Mb. N. S. Whetstone has been nominated for constable of this district on the republican ticket, in place of II. T. Bagley who was unable to make the race. "Whet" has been tried as an officer and found to "fill the bill" in every respect. Coming Brents. Republican national contention St. Louis, Jone ICtb. Annual reunion of Oregon Fioneers. Portland, Jane 10th. Demooratlo national oonrention Cbl cago, July 7th. FREE WOOL RESULTS SEEN IN LONDON. The tariff issue is ot great im portance to every sheepman, stock man laborer and farmer on the Pacific coast Besides the Ameri can people are wedded to the prop osition and propose to select a man who will not Clevelandize the re publican party. Judge Bennett w a mighty good man but he failed to get ai audience at all up at Milton last week and it was only by the hard' est kind of work that he had any person to hear him at WeBtoo and Athena. The trouble is that the people are stack after the repub licans getting hold of the reins again. THE WRONG MAN. "Another question that will arise to influence voters in their choice between these candidates is, which can do the most to further the in terests of the common people of the district? Judge Northup has always affiliated with t'ae Oregon ian-bimon ring of the republican party in thin Btate, hence he can not but be closely allied with the intorosts of corporations. If elect ed to congress ho cau bo eipocted to nse his influence m the interest of thoso with whom ho has affiliat ed. On the other hand, Judge l'ennett, both in his public and privato acts hat always boen on the s'ulo ot tho people. Thero is not a man in the northwest who is more generally hated by corpora tions than is Judge lU-nnctt, be cause he has always espoused the cause of the oppressed aa against oppressors. Therefore he may well be termed tho candidate of the masses of the farmers, the pro ducers and the real bone and sinew ot the country." T.-M. All that the Oregontan says about Northup is correct, but it the personnel of the petition for bis candidacy is aoytbiog by which to juJgft, Mr. Bennett will losa a creat many democratic vote Ellis has over 8,000 plu ralitf to oommenoe with and can lose great many votes to North tin. who is at the foot of the WW column, and yet l elected by ft handsome plurality. Banoett's rtartv was the third party two years ago, and losing tome gold boir votes this time, how in the name of common sense can the T.-M., or any other paper or per son. figure Bonnett In the race? lie cannot win and votes for Lira ate thrown away. Votes for Lilts are vot for the top man and for Messrs. Helmuth Schwartze & Co., of London, comment upon the fact so well known here, that the United States in 1895, in addition to the unprecedented imports of raw wool, also imported "manu factures of wool to the extent of over sixty million dollars($G0,000, 000) as against less than seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000) for the preceding year." This increase in the American imports of woolen goods in roughly calculated as equal to 130 million pounds of raw wool, which is ex actly the amount of the increase in the world's supply of the year 1895. It American wool had been used to manufacture the increased amount of imported woolens, more than one half of the entire Ameri can clip would have been con sumed in their production. The increase in the imports of wool, including that used in the manufacture of woolens imported in 1895, over the average of the previous four years was over 257 million pounds (a quantity within !$7 million pounds of the Ameri can wool production for 1895), an increase of about 114 por cent Tho effect of this extraordinary in- cronKe in imports upon American prices is now being very seriously fflt-American Kconomiht. S B Parrlsh R E Davis HW Scott FK Arnold F M Gillette Js MclWood H H Parker E E Mallory W M Howes D R Young J W Howell R H Blrdsall W E Rock J C Morgan C O Briuker H W Wltzler F A Gatis F F Nelmeyer H O Butler F W Mabn M S Eads Scott Brooke O H Marsh George E Streeter OF Adams ALMulr A Walter Wolf W R Drake Andrew J Marshal E T Williams A H Morgan W H Mitchell Pierre K du Fllore B M Smith A E Gcbhardt W C Puffer T W Jackson Emll Frank E R HablghorBt H L Aiken B 8 Butterfleld L Simpson J Pollvka V B Vcsely E C Sterne F J Rothchlld H C Breedcn . W R Walker T A Kindred A B Garretson J F McDonnell H 8 Flynn 8T Russell Ludwlg Levy J R Rogers Frank Nau Edw L Estes Frank D Cleveland Lewis Blinon Si S Rich Chas II Gaylord G Herz E R Lauer L F Black L S Rosenblatt S Parker, M D Adolf Wolte L P Reeves CLOSING OUT SALE! None Hot Ajrer at the World'a Fair Ayer's Saraaparilla eujoys the extraor dinary distinction ot having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exbibit at the World'a fair, Ohioago. Manufacture ot other sarsaparillai sought by every means to obtain a ahowing ot their goods, but they were all turned away under tbe application of tbe rnle forbidding tbe entry of patent medioioe and noatroms. Tbe decision of the World'a fair autho rities in favor ot Ayer's rJaraaparilla was in effeot aa follows: "Ayer's Harsapa rilla is not a patent medioine. It does not belong to tbe list ot nostrums. It u here on its merits." E Simpson J J Knox - K Maloy W R Acock L M Sulllm Chas. Alisky Chas Meredith F Hellen C W Mullen B E HolTer E P Morton A 8olomon 8 Mish . M Solomon D W Welner J 8 Freeman B O Wemby L W Frieman E A Erlckson E Wltchelinor Oscar J Oppenhelmer J R Mott J M Roberts L Sevenskln E B Williams H W Fries C Mlnsimer J P Menefee H H Haley O F Latrd Z Miller O P Church H G Vincent C C Fastes R O Smith M E Heath W L Gould C C Gould E J Stas R E Menefee Thad W Vreeland M A McEaehem J T Thompson M G Urban J F Scovill Geo Mann Jas Shanneser Gui Warlen H H Bhrobder T M Call C M Chambers W Hays W H Hensworth Horner K Arnold C E Velin O H Schwlchelenberg T A Bailey A H Morris L B Cottlngham J F Falling John R Foster AMMcMaster E H Col Us A M Black THE BOLTERS. The Complete List as Fllrd la the Office of Secretary of State. The Gazette bai taken the pain to se onre a list of the original Northup bolt era, and it will be fooud to contain tbe names of tome wbo were delegates to tbe same eonvention that nominated tbe regular candidate for oongreas, William it Ellis. It it farther dignified by the name of a noted "sound money" man Sam Qoodman, an ex-convict. Readers of tbe Gazette and otbera who are interested In honorable politios should out out and retain the appended list for future reference. It is as fol lows: It in refreshing to boo how little stock the republican tiewepa)crs take iu tho Holtogoniau's claptrap. The "rule or ruin" policy of the Oregonian will lose it three-fourths ot the weekly subscribers in Mor row county. Our readers can guess an to tho eflVct in other quarters. TuE Gazette has the full list of signers to the Northup petition. It is intorestiog to look at This is something that should be kept on file to see that these boltrs get their Jttit deserts. TfJK Portland Telegram spits and sputters in the wake of its big, bolting brother. Every time tbe echoes come from the tall tower the ahailow take np the refrain and say a, "Me too, ret," Tut Gatette is plea! to note that Frank I Parker is one ot tbe Clatsop roanty republican nomi nees for representative, "Flank" is ft rustler and, if elected, will make bis people know it Till efforts of the BulUgonUo to eaat sarrrioos against the re publican stato central committee . f ,;..! ,J II.. fr.mtnnn r-n.U and K" 0e A gnu., f U ran B .nmv of orruftioo and in. Dot U injured by ft foul, ill-mind- w - s s triune. Many tlftnwrsts and independ ent populiats will vote for F.llis this time. Notthnp cannot Uke asv but a small t art ot what is termed "sound money" strength because party etbiee and party ties bold them ti the regular no in nee on the regular paily platform. Ninth op will reotve no wore tvr. eideralloa ara'Mig the Urge wj r. itr i.f reiullirt than a man who - ed, diahoueat person or newspaper. Tm Oarette is for the ticket as published la this iaeue, from top to bottom. This is tbe year when republicans should vote their ticket It Is tbs year when Inde pendents can and will consistently lend their aid s that end. If l a Bt unable fact that the uleuKH-ralie tpets in tbs oo.l .li.lrirt are unanimous in appmv never lloogsl to the republican : iitf Hi eurt tf the OrftronUo i.iutv (ri-arilinii tl.e trotting out of i J u l iorlhup candidal, aa aa iudepeud T l 11 O. siks of the Oregon, et.t camlilaM. I here aie utaey ian aetke leading lepubliean paper dnu viate mho will b f.C North InOtegno. In a born I It Is t t up till eWltoo Jay, than will gi halt as much re publican as the II i tie His and ever j mother's eo (., and it isdeiuoctatw tolls iv f tl.eru vote f r lWonrlt. Tit Hat the i; U. U fair, an I lie It ll- d- m tts are o -t g mb to torow egtiaa tvr w4 It onl lo t 1 aeay tt otAf e'uaow of vkHif publish tbs lWI e i rarrr without Out Us taa gtutt Ilea for year UietortloK IL -I'.ulecge. W M Ladd C B Bellinger Pammil HeltihU W W Cotton Jas 8 Reed Kills O Hughes C ) Schnaliel K D MrKee John Kollry John II Woodward W 1 Church Sol Ban in John C laaure FC MII1.T A S I'nttulle (INK lUnson Guy R Jewell Tom K Norton Rll Jvnklns Henry II Nyt J A lloiii'k E C MmUin L U Cole S C Hwnrr J V W Mnntaf iia A C Fremont K DTImms C H Woodward J II Mlddletna I Unthlonm C A Polr-h R Ctlroa I I Jnhnsoa JCHSrti Om W Jrp Thns) M Wrong B O WhltohouM It Atkliuoa W altar S Ferry Wm a ltn WmTMnlr lames) a Karr LC Maartrhtea I W Wh.ll.y ft Cunnlnf ham I W f wk a Ooidsmttk B I (tntdtmlth erwUta C amllh William Weaholta N SUwts I A ttpf TH Crawl. I tThompsmi I r Brnawuth H C ewft UitMaf W llano N LMltork H C l amplall K A Mwa m B Meartof P N Mmrne FT MkMlMI A MmIM I B II 111 A 8 Mwart M I !! N Mawawwa r a inif V N I lot W r Bvrtwit c a m ti f'4 a Sul im H C ImH w e rt m Frank I WUU Tvw W II II am a i ttiMB TV. M.kaaaf tV t ea iirwal BW tali 1 1 nT I " T i tmtm4t UMl' Itartlave a i ..f a w WkitM C B !! irta I t0Wri lr I M4-a o h -ia a s ! n w o..m w a ! a a r.-m a a a Bao44 Ruins Mallory Henry Goldstein T A Davit Wert Minor K C Broiiaugh Jr H C Orady N A Hladen H II Henderson W B Gilbert John L McGinn H R Mnllord C H MeiiMdorflTer Tyler Woodward A M Wrlnht Donald Marleaf M LTIchner W B Morsaa II 0 Jenklnt R P Henley E E Moraan Chat N Hrott John f O'J he Joha K Kallock E E Cor wen Geo I Cannon M C ( heal W B Ames K Orlmm Ralph ft Dnnnlway Nnrrls ft Cos ft r Ashby J W Malhena C ft Templeten W It Marrkk B B Umana Ooort A Craw f a Mronf MllUta W amllh Thaa B Wlleoa B A Ooodnmitk I Tbohura Bos P P Pabnay S I Barbs N V Maator I B Thorn ua J B n ty 0 W Wondwar4 II W smlia Alt Banwtala f Efr T A Ullhatt RW Batter B C Sloart 1 Htuhwr SWI BlawtawM i P rinlwf IIm I Knswt H MHIwtra I' P wlrt 0 A Matnrh t'MI s4ak E B Blakiwlaa M I ataliaaar )n A wnwri.lf 1 IMMaf ft MinW.m W U IKIMHI Julius L Naaa CI Bm4 I A lm I C AtMwwrta 1 0 Mare pra4 P4lwt l.malaiila a (Maiawa Bl ta4 A T Biartiwlati D UrU.(M ( WrtfciiiM I B liWf thmt U Bnw W S It A Umt ll a.M 1 H w u a utot f HanllS) BaMiaa J 6 wtetuf T a t M :ta A N.Veaat) B taaKe a w lw Twat tml U:nh tr M W SWwa4tm (t Maw hjaving Decided to Go Out of Business, We will Offer Our Entire StocK of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., FOR AN UNLIMITED TIME. Than Bright Gold. It is popularly supposed that horse chestnut are very unwholesome. Nevertheless in Turkey they are roast- a. rj0 M rl tnr mffee. fermented for liauor and. iilOr 6 KreClOUS utilized lor korso uedicine. .....rf Announcement. An Pnf.liM. i: sunou iitcriirv mnn whn wn. the ver,re of brinpinp; out a book at the' I ltt press ordered his nronfa v. u i to him at a house where he was en K&gei to dine out, intending; to look them over in the half hour after din ner. The printer's boy, however, was late in brhiffinp; them, and the frentle men had already rejoined the ladies in the drawtnp;-room, when the company was electrified by hearing the sonorous voi.-e of the butler announcing: "The itevil from the l'itt bus come for Mr Timber Culture, Final Proof. Nolle For TTMTF.n PTATKS LAND I J alle. Ori'tion. April 111, Ihwi. I'ubllratloa. OKFlrg AT THE Iip'div iriveii that John C. Brown has Hied noitre of his Intention to mate final prof holme J. W. Morrow, enmity' rlerk, at hlsoitln In Hi'ppiH'r. (irrrmi, on Monday, I lie t'lh day of Mii, I "'!. on tlmlii'r rnllura aillratiin No. .".T. (ir Hie NV' of rtT..n No 11, In township No i Couth. Kaim No. 'Ji'. Kaat. He nunii-s aa wltnrsira: Jii.lm M. Miainan, Win Unran, lllram Clatk, O. M. law.ol .n'l'piii'r Urruon. J AH. T. M'XIRK. Ill II. Iteitlster. Nothing In the world can take the place ol one't eye tight or restore It after it Is per manently Impaired. The wise thing then it to take eareof the priceless gilt by wear ing proper glasses preserve that which all ' the wealth of the Indies cannot buy. Cor rectly fitted glasset cost no more than Ill fitting ones, provided you get them at tbe right place. Examination free. DR. VOGEL WILL BE IN THE CITY A FEW DAYS ONLY. The J. M. RUSSELL Co. The Dalles, Portland, Heppner. V Timber Vulture, Final Proof. S1TKO OTtTEH LAN l OKK1CK AT TUB Ihillrt Or ton. April II. I.. Notice it rrlir siven thai liro'f W. Harrington, Ad- InlaUalor of tin r'.tate of Jamra Mrwart,, hat fll'1 noli. of hit tiilriii.nn In ak Dual proof tiora . w. Morrow, rouniy Irrk. al hit otlH In H'ppner. Umnn. on itnlar. Hie l.ili day of iw. oil tlmhrr llr applP-atlnn No yijil. lor Ih N'a NWU, .'. NV w. and NKa s'i ol arrl'nn No. I. Ill low nahlp No. a aoiilh, rangt No ii east. He namrt at wiine.- Iiim II Mrland. ( hrli II. Mai I la. William Luelllns, lieorgt W. I liaplo. of Hanlman. ora. JAS. r. Mix ik a, Ul II. Krfiair. E. L. FREELAND, mkis COLLECTIONS, wnitcs INSURANCE, "AM! ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Land Filings and Final Proofs Taken, STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY ITGUC. D. J. McFaul, M. D. At J. OlMMCIC I iVf. H acer's Residence. TANTKD A rellah lady or gentlaman to dlatiilmle aampla and make a honae to house ranvaaa lor our Vrlatln Toilet Hoaps and I'ura Haiorlng Kxlrarls. tW to l'7 a month raally made. Adrirm. i.k 11 I aorra KttD, innaao, in. Notice of Intention. T AND Of rtrit AT THE DAI.t.r.4, ORItOON 1 A April J. ku. Noll. la hrlT at ran thai lha followltif namaat aviilrr haa Sled wnllra ol nr Inliiill4n to make Anal proof In tnpport of hrrrlalm. anil thai aall proof will ba malr hrforw J. W. Mnrmw, rnnnly rlrrk, al Heppnar, Urvaiia. on May v. vis : M A HI A KaT J. HUl lanop. rid R X -v, lor lha Mv. mtu tl, Ts. I ., 7 a , w. la names lha Mlowlng wltneaarw to ar hermflilnunua rnulaitra upon and uliltatlon ol aald land, vis: A. T k o. M. A. Olden. Joha PM, all of too, Utvgoo, end C A. Kha. ol H'ppt,Ut, AS, f. MiaiKR, is 10. Kralatar. AND Orri( K AT THK DALLE" OREOOH, j Aorll . 1W Nollca la herehy alven hat tha followlnc namcl arlllrr haa filed nollre ol hla Intention to mass Anal proof 1n support ol hit claim, and that aald proof will ha made hrfoia Joaeph U t.n-aon, i a. on., ai idling Ion, Orvgou. on Jona an, l. vis: jitM k. i innr. i ii. lid It No. Swa, lor the eEla., au 11, Tp. 3 A R. Ja K W. M. Ha namea lha loiiowing wimeaaM to provt hlaeoiitiniimi realdaoc upoo and cultivation ol aalil la u.l, vis: John T Vsona. William Kttea. rvm N Ahlaw, all ol Hrppner, liregon, aud Edwin K. Beach, ol Lailiigtuu, Urrfon, jab. r. m inr., . M Kf lat.r, notice of Mention. Aft OWC AT t.A (it AKDK, lREiA" April i. e X ! la rrl.f alien thai lha oii.atnf named fiU'f haa tied a-wire p her inienlhHt to make Bal trnaw in anppnrt ol tl rUim. and thai aald pnl will t aia4i beloret ,.il i te.a. ol 4.,rT.,e t llapf- awt . wrn, on n. 1" hi lllirilUY KIR I IIB "IVIUJL M ine w S "ee a, Tp tat rl tsr. M aNe awoMa Ihe tniinwlna alimoat le am her n-oimtiotia rvaidan. a a (mm acMl i aiUi atia attl.l und. la Jame M llof waa A tally. Jaww Juoea, liiiaa UuglMW, all wl llrt p"f lHa. a r. w iijw'i. MB at ke Mef. Notice of Intention. ta Ortua at La Oaawoa, VlRh je l V'OTHS W HISrsY UV tNT tM 4 nllaln Mel trtlte kaa Sled fHt ol Nla In aMte lul rW l Mpr-1 ml fcia ..! and (hat tall will hm ma-ta -! . Imalf ileft, I niKI), tl It, -et nnet. war ita i i.ani i iiiiji a . m a hn fc lha r ft W. ea ."-.. T IL ( He mm Ike Ml lt laaiw Mawn at eA.tttM,rt reai.eoet apn a4 eaitlali a4. aa l Kat alt K-.a it Jeerf fia, Araaay. 4. It Manual, ail el w ft f B n a tfl It fteigiataf CITATlQt V. Notice of Intention. PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1896. To Thi Public : The following facta have decided ut to open up an office at Tha Dalles, and we believe the wool growers will feel an interest In our proposition to handle their wool. THE DALLES MARK ET.--In 1895 tlx million poundt of wool wat marketed there, which brought extreme prices. The present outlook it that not lets than eight million pound! will be marketed there this season, and we believe wools told in The Dalles will bring full valuet for the following reasons : 1st. 1 he large amount of wool handled not only attracts buyers, and tbe most of them make The Dalles their headquarters for the season, causing a brisk competition. Tha Oregon mills use not less than two million pounds, so wools In Tbe Dalles have the benefit of this competition, at well as for the East and California markets. 2d. The location of The Dalles It tuch that five transcontinental railroads compete for freight, guaranteeing the shipper a low rate; In lH'JJ wools from The Dalles to the East were taken at a rate rf 90 ctt. per hundred pounds. ltd. Arrangements have been made with the railroad companies whereby local freight to The Dalles when added to the freight from Tbe Dalles East, will rot be higher than the freight from local point direct East, and In many cases leas. These facts alone assure tha growers tba highest possible price. CONSIGN M ENTS.--While we fully realise consigning wool Is a thing of the past, wa believe growers will do well to consider our proposition, especially this season as there Is every reason to believe It will be a slow, dravgy year. Our bu tineas In the patt hat been buying for Oregon and Eastern mlllt and dealers. Realizing how slow the mills and dealers will be In placing their nrdert thit year, we think our method ot andllng will be an advantage to the grower, and considering tha wool will not be moved from the home market nor from under your control without Content; you mutt not look upon our proposition m the light of shipping on consignment For ten yean past, "excepting lsu.1, the year of the panic," woolt havt brought better price In the home market!, at the teaaon advanced, than at Uit opening, and we believe this will be rtpeclally so thlt season. When growers are not in a position t ) hold their wool, or feel Inclined to tell to pay their bills, we will make an advance at a liberal rate ol Interest; will Uke charga of tha wool, pay tha teamtter't and other rharget when requested to do to, and when woolt are to be shipped to Tba Dane oy ran, we win iat ear ol the railway Irelghtt from point of shipment to The Dalle, and at inch poind ee Heppner and Arlington, w will ban a representative who will take ehar the oid and forward It o will keep In mind that when shlnnln to Tha Dallea there will he n ..... ........... you. and ronttderti'g lha low prlca of wool, we have concluded to do this work al cent per pounq nn'irraiv. W will he pleated to hearfioa you, and aend regular account of eastern and local market when requested. . 1 a i. 11. KL'iMKLL CO. Notice of Intention. f Aiorrtrit atl iraspie. oreoo 1 4 June. II. 1V Notice la heret-y given that the Inllnwlng named teltler baa filed no- tare o hla Intention to make Anal proof In tu poet M hla eialm, ant that eata pmn will I made helotw the eonnty rleit stf Morrow tost). ly, Oreo,eay an lava, via Hd t vT.w?. ut lha Naaa4 lot land I nee. . 77 w. m. H0 m ue following trliniaa.a wi in hit enlnooa eeatdencw a pun and rulUtalloa of, eal'l lao.1. vis Mimin J laraln. JokaT (ialloway. Allen H Stamp. herlea Moraan alt ot Hl poe. "f Any peraon whoaealre topvMeet aaralnat Ih alievanre of aura peonf. of w ne aaoes ot any toletanilel reaaiMt. an4rt Ih law n4 lha ree,. all"an( lha InieiK Ikrpenmenl. wny aw-a pemrf alinuM not be allowed, will be gl'en aa oppntlnniiy at Ih ahuv aeBllan1 time aad e'er to en etemia the wilni ieia vl aald claimant, end M efiat evldene la ra bulla! thai submitted ty tlalaaanl. . r.WIIJa. iU.4 kealete. Notice of Intention. nrrirt AT THI r A 1 1 1 A nago I pell I, IM N.rfhre I hereby fit i! It. a that nice f An I S Ae the I.MinwIe narnM aelller haa e kla llell.. te make eal pr( el hiartaim a4 that aai pmr.1 will be made brbe tbe rMinly rit of Morrow ermalf Heppner ner, am Mr ta ! via aH ia I. JiiM. M l K be W tn tbe b axtkHi I lr II I al M KtuM tbe tr-liawinf allmiat to pr kla Klin.M rm.tenr apoa and ttiialw sn eafal ! vtt Jea M Met. Jaa F'tateav . C. El'k. Ja Tamat. ail m Meppajet, ( ( ftewtetef Notice Of Inttnticn. RACES ! RACES ! Tbs Ileppaef 8pJ Ataooiallon ha dedJol to bol4 s Rao alrtlof st WW If a-' Vtaiiilllll I ucsriay, May 26, iviiMtliitr L (Hftra f La i.taaa oaeon aprl I law VTt t wtara iv inr t V t,tt kaeM-l ai ba e4 b-tfee sa b laeeltn b. at. ImI pen I tnreMt r r TM Tat1 la biem a( iei ait t-e4 wm be ave . . . . M M -rr-wa It ! wlrniMMt l irtt at Soaaimiilf llen. ihmm t. ftartm, 1 at ), tawej... bat a lea, f I i,.it r .), T1Wf.'l I-I't f M, fcf lit k . MtMsMlft Me Ibe b welng wltnraae to feeae bie r i rae4ena apea) 4 en.U.aU el Mtfc t te 4 ,( M P ab-. Wl'ttnai terMt Jb f Ixit e f laaot M lxal,t.iri K.ft-. m. ft 1, nilai. AO ) beeef ail rwn yen I Ttit t tr m 4 .n tbe t t wan.r ik oe v4 4r- at I te.n t .- . k... we. n-t axv aM i nt ( a. t't' f im me t ibe ea-e 4 twrAn !.. f r.l.t a a.1 pe, b eiee ' t I t re t ee e m tae tfce 1 1 , if 4 ti-ae at tfce ' t ra tbeMf l., la e .! M Mr,e en W W Ml.i t lo Mt at w at l t ! bB 4 at Aea a4 tbee tw ebw 1 e- ilaeaaaiet way a e-4v taw,t ' tatoaaltM tae a. e el a . be el ) Itathtft' iflWBSf 10H. j a.... v ta tax t eaee mn4 I HM'nuuvn, hi ..taai i-itMI u i. li.j Vl't l HHIIT HI fglt M lb If l I t t tl all, b f a . i tl e pa'eMae H Mllt l alaamlha ! I n e. at tp I a ft. I, . M . a.l le t i m .eai . ..-. a re-tt M eta 1 way.n f a. a. -... l ie a -.4 ta e .iv Wiaaeae. I a fta, Il laa f M ie e air a kwl t .i. ml ibe t.r HmH I t4 a aa w tlt 4 tm-r-m tbe . , .a aa m't-m el tfce rmmf I n aais at tl'tr'. "intinn et- " $700.00 IN PURSES 1 $700.00 I'MUOH AMMItl rilUtT IUT-Tty. Wr W-H.. I, Qanr miWi daab. fraa foe art. Tsr, tUM 1 Ull Bill daeh. ... two ear cl.U, br4 O'o. Wat. lagtoti r IdabA, ttocaUtaiios It Xm- tbr roaabe4 JWiwl I poaad igbl. A4Je. m.m.y, T MXXMI t'AY-W,jneJ.y. May 77-Itar! T-r-sj S4 ! bfttf rrMforall tre, 7J. U-4, Half 4eH. (.ew f. all. t'araeL. ikX TIIIKO IHT- Ikaralay. Mat . Um ! ltaa,4 aeta, fra l ail. i"T ' Tlrpigbi M,r.. B4ip, rft, fr f o U. far), rocnm inT-r-iuv. v., rj. .,,?. o...aif tnit dwh. fr, faii l' ,4ktm hr. rar,;i. Ile9 fr a4 til rt'et retwnt, few r.ay ail. I n'ae, WIN 11 T I M 1;Trtw rare w.I he (. veraet ,y U tale of IM Feel ft flUevI Mere A aeoelal lot), r .traree f In , ane. olkria apeeifU-C i ft! el of, tl, ef Sbof it smlee. three M . I ra b girts h" ve J., tn fill tjiift ,t pntjii leu. et lMra, lb b..arj baa Itr f) U rw. 4n the o)bl i4 lb pnme a ia Ike t Jvlgn.erl . p' lb .ireeeor aetv b f i hi la iipi t t all rae sea txvaal nf taa)tft iHlto, If above taee J. PM B'l, ft. will tw f'.rt tnt epOTal fttbaa, I U belllnl4 fcf lb 4ieio. far U d,.t t. p, gral ft., J per re I lay " l hf :, m, a lbtatf ftjas4.a IM raev a. i b aa4 ibi b4 ey at . t J. H. bb VatV t I "-4 lb in et taetl lew J lli.l tS ttb fafteaal t, Mre ve , ALL PURSES WILL DE PAID IN FULL 4 w r4Trr.'(x. ,.. B I. MalWI, ll,v t o, tr flora P tfy, (j uiPtos, tltftr ll-rwr,