PAPER I I 3 , I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT j 3 Advertising brought me all l own. A. T. Stewart. I MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad vertises Robert Bonner. .-:' ;. ... M Mil 11 lillMiliUHIW MiMifWIll 'MliS HMtMJf) WDM' HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTt, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1896. FOURTEENTH YEAR WFKKLT WO. 6891 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4371 OFFICIAL .-a- rv r s. SEMT.VEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBLISHBU Tuesdays and Fridays BY M PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. A. W. PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager At. $3.59 per year, tl.M (or six months, 75 ots. ' tot three muuuis. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. on tile at E. C. liake's . ArivArt.iRinir Amnev. H4 and 85 Merohanta Exchange, San Francisco, California, where oou- Taota for advertising can oe maae lor it. THI8 PAPKR ill kept 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. The CITY BAKERY la now open with fresh Bread, Piea, Cakes, etc, constantly on band. Wedding Cakes or Pastery for sp-oial dinners baked to order. Also carries a line of well-selected Groceries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. TWO LUNCH TABLES Will be kept for Hie aooommodation of tbe trade. Country People stopping temporarily in town, ran get what tbey want very cheaply at the CITY BA.KJ3RY The Patronage of tbe People of Heppner is Respectfully Solicited. OTTO FRIEDRICH, Old BaKery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. in. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon- "v'est bound passenger leaves Wfllows June tlon 1:13 a. m.; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction troinir east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.5li a. m. OFFICIAIi LIHEOTOBT. United Btates Officiate. President Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson HaamtArv nf Hlfttfl liichard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury Jahn Q. Carlisle Heorntary of Interior Hoke Bmith HnorelHrv of War Daniel 8. Laniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postinaster-fteneral William 1.. Wilson Attornoy-Oeneral Jndson Hnrinon Secretary ot Agrioulture J.'Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Beomtaryot State H. K. Kincald Treasnrer Phil. Metechan BnY.t.. Public Inn traction (1. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman u . IG. W. MnBride oouuiur. j H M,U,1B Congressmen Printer J Hinirer Hermann Supreme Judges. W. li. Ellis . W. H. Leeds H. S. B-an, r. A. Moore. C K. Wulverton Sixth Judicial District. Rimtiif Jiidm Btffuhen A. Lowell I'romontina- Attorney John H. Lawrejr Morrow Connty Officials, -II Joint Senator .- Kepmsontative. rnnnty J art ' Commissioners.. J. 11. Baker. " Clerk ' " Sheriff " Trwisursr Surveyor.- ' " School Bap't... " Coroner 1 TIT !.. . n. ... ..wot.... J. 8. Booth h Julius Keilhly , J. H. Howard J. W. Morrow ,.G. W. Harnnaton - Frank Uilliam .J. tf. Willis Geo. Lord Anna Haleignr T. W. Ayara, i hevpnkb tow a ornoraa. Wmoi Thoe. Morgan Cmn-ilinH O. K. Fanisworth. M Llchtnnthal, (Mia Pattwrmm, T. W.Aysrs,Jr, H fl.i-ntr K J. Hlnenm. u F. J. Hal lock rreaiwrar .... .K. L, Fwland Marshal A. A. Huberts Preeinet Ofllrer. E. L. Freelend Constable N. 8. Whetstona United Sutra Land OtHccra. TUI D1LLU. OR. J. t. Moor lUgistw A.S. Himrs lUowver l.i niKtii. oa. B.F, Wilson IUltr J. H. K4lbina llecwiver BECSWCX gOOIITIIB. KAWUNS G.A.H. it net at Latinaton, Or., th last Haturday arh month. All veterans ara Invited to join. C'CHnon, Oao. W. Bum. Adinumt, tf ('oininarvlee. Of the Breast A WOOL MARKET. This ha become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewlston, Walla Walla and intermediate stations, Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dalles In quantity ol wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool at this point than Is averaged at other place having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales of fancy lota of light wool. Considering character of wool, and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average sales in Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. Mr. A. H. Crausby is one of the best known and most highly respected citi zens of Memphis, and resides at 158 Kerr street in that city. Some years ago his wife noticed a small lump in her breast; She thought nothing of it, but it increased in size rapidly, and soon broke through the skin and commenced to discharge. She was at once put under treatment of the best physicians, but they -'ery soon found that they could do her no good, and simply prescribed antiseptics to keep the place clean. Both her grandmother and aunt, by the way, had died with cancer, and when ap prised of this fact the doctors said that they would not attempt to save her; that she was incurable. Although the cancer had by this time become deep' seated and her health very low, one of the most noted specialists of new York then treated her. After treating her awhile, this doctor admitted that the AN EUREGR10US MISTAKE. MRS. A. H. CRAUSBY. Otis rattan NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER A H CALL AT OPPIOB L U M B E R ! Wl HAVE FOR AM. ICIKtm OF CU droned LomhM. M Balla of Hvppnar, at what la knova aa tiia BOOTT SAWMZZjXj. Pit 1,000 FKET, ROUUli, - - CLEAR, - Moo - 17 M It Truvrnri is hfpfkur, V W par l.u tons- additional. WILL ADD Th above quotations ara strictly tor Cash. L HAMILTON. Prop. national Bank o( Mwi W. FSNLAXO. K!. ft. DIKHor. frmleeeL rkU. mSUCTj i GENEIUI BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS 44 on Favorable Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD li Errs En. tf okfkjs Oolario-liurns Stajc line a r it BHYOli SHELWE M. . vsrl'.iAMJ, P-ep OXTAUIOtiUnSS ! finer. lUilf at fl r. m. al sr. fltra si Oi.Urio to 41 boar. Sinqlo Fare $7.DO, Round Trip $10.00 nunxs c.i.vro.v f a -tsi'v h " I I .'t in. Mt kv-M w in t !. t.-. r -iui.'t a tb ....., . . I Vtf at . WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pud Sound Navigation Co Steamers TUD'IIONE, B.ULE1' GATZERT AND OCEAN' WAVE. Laing Alitor Rlrnl Dt-ek. PoHUod, for Aslorla, llwaoo, Loos; Teb. Oooao I atkaod Nabcotta. Iirel eonDi(ioa with llwaoo ataamar tod rail road; alto at Yooag't bay with Seaaboro UailroaJ. TEijinr'iiorji I .tares Portland T A. M. Dally, sicrpi Sunday. Laave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, tieept lunday. xiviijE-v oatspieiit Uaves Portland a P M ixllr. airvM Mnnday. Natanla nlrht 1 1 P. M . Imvm Astoria Dally at 16 A. M., r.t miuday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M OODAtf WAVE Imtm Portland and runsdlrart la II am. Tuesday and Thnrvtay at A. M. ftatnrdaT at 1 P. M MH iiaaco naiiiMaoaf ana rnaay ai i.w a. si. us uiuiay uigtit at r. M U:-0t (Mfd lo Eiilwid DtsUutai Bolh hula Free tf Ein for aM)f, Comlort, Plnuura, Trawl oa th Tettphona, RalUy Oatwrt and Oran Wav. 3 c& Attorneys lit Icixv, All basin atUn1! to iu prompt and Usfactory suooar. Not aria fablie and OollrrWira. OrriCR IN NATIONAL HANK BCILDING. I I I OHEOOS T. R. HOWARD DHALH IN Grockriks, Gknts' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' SurrLucs, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! II) wilt mkV) it o rl j-rt f.r jnn In UU with liiro a) ht -trrt ara right, q4 JI g$ tbal It tiitbllw r tt tlt vtr teat. case was hopeless and further treat tnent useless. "It is difficult to im agine how despondent we all became," aaid Mr. Crausby, "knowing that she must die and unable to give her any relief. I had spent over live hundred dollars with the best medical skill to be had, and felt that there was no further hope. One day I happened to read an ad' yertlsementof S. 8. 8., recommending that remedy for cancer, and in view of the failure of the moat eminent physi cians in the country, I confess I had little faith left in any human agency. However, I purchased a bottle of S.S.S., and to my delight it seemed to benefit her. After she had taken a couple of bottles the cancer began to heal, and astonishing as it may seem, a lew bot ties more cured her entirely. You can probably better understand how re markable this cure was when I explain that tbe cancer had eaten two holes in the breast two inches deep. These healed up entirely, and although ten years have elapaed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned, and we are aaaured of the permanence of the cure, which we at nrat doubted. "As my wife inherited the cancer, I certainly regard 8. 8. H. as the moat wonderful remedy in the world, and it is truly a Godaend to thoae aOUcted with this terrible dlaease. You may be sure that I shall always be grateful to that remedy, for without it my home would now be deaolate and my cbil dren motherleas." The above is but ont of many re markable cures being daily made by d. . n. Cancer Is becoming alarm tngly prevalent, and manifests itaelf In such a variety of forms, that any lump, sore or scab, it matters not bow small, which does not readily beat up and dis appear may well tx regarded with suaniclon. We will gladly send to any address, full accounts of several other cures fully as remarkable as this one, for real blood troubles, 8. 8. 8. has no equal. It wipes out completely the moat obstinate cases of blood dlaeaars, which other remedies) do not seem to touch. 8. 8. 8. gets at tbe root of the diseaee, and force It out permanently B. B. B. la guaranteed purely vegeta ble, and Is a poaltiv and permanent cart for Bcrofuta. Rctema, Cancer Kbeamatlsm and all traces of bad blood. Our valuable book will he nailed free to any addreaa. Swift Bpecifle Co., Atlaata, Ca. From The Dalles Chronicle. Tbe independent oandidate for con gress in the eeoond district is a reality. Tbe acceptance of County Judge North up ot Portland has been filed and his campaign aotively begun, for reasons already expressed, we are sorry that things have taken tbe turn they have. It is generally considered Jndge Nortbup bag no obanoe of election. Out side ot Mnltnomah county be will have no eotive support, and tbe majority it is poesi6le be may obtain in Portland will not land him in Washington. At the same time, his candidacy threatens tbe eleotion of Ellis. An active campaign is in prospect. Tbe populists, enoonraged by national lead ers, will exhaust ezery resooroe to elect their oandidate. Tbe democrats, seeing the breaoh in the republican ranks, will vote solidly for Judge Bennett, while ths republicans like a hoiiBe divided against itself, are in danger of falling. Two years ago tbe vote in the second district was as follows: Ellis (Rep.) 18,875; Baley (Dem.) 9,013; Waldrop (Pop.) 10,749; Miller (Pro) 775. Ellis plurality, 8,126. Though Nortbup has no chance of election, the Oregonian thinks he bus, yet be will at least greatly rednce tbe Ellis vote of two years ago and may bring it to tbe level ot tbe dem ocrats and populists. It is more than likely that the democratio vote wili be larger this eleotion than last, as then the contest was so hopeless that many democrats did not take tbe trouble to vote. Tbe oontest would be equally as hopeless now were it not for tbe en trance of tbe Oregonian candidate into tbe field. With an increased democratic vote and tbe republicans divided, it will be admitted that tbe man who laoes bis money on Bennett is not doing a very foolish not. This is the situation that confronts tbe republicans ot the sjcond district. There are troublous times ahead, and it s tbe duty ot every Republican to rouse himself and give bis hearty support to tbe republican nominee. Wa believe that Ellis will be elected despite ths efforts ot tbe Oregonian and Bimoo; bat it will need a hearty support from East ern Oregon lo accomplish it. The Chronicle did not favor tbe noml- ation of Mr. Ellis, but it believes now tbat it is the duty ot every loyal repub lican to support him. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report LA VVV ABSOLUTELY PURE Ta Orvol fnalstt Pslaia, rtrfotl rltlrn of Mlrh-oU who have brrn Ud lo r-otnnlrr thmarlri heirs Ui "tit grrat Jrntiinjr relate" of Knf land, art still walling pat irmly for I ha enormous lilpmrnl of bullion from the Hank of I'liglsnd's aulu, wlil till n put our nrptilatii.n nn an Im movable gold lia. M. Paul boa the rrae tmdly.nrarly tVA.mxi having lr rollrrted in that rilr ! fr "roala' lu tl laat frw iar. The rwllrrllon of this ha Urn In tb hem! of regular I The chronicle will use every means at itsoommandto defeat this aspiring ap plicant for unearned political honors. Portland Ohroniole. The chief bound in the pack tbat scents tbe soalp of Ellis has. sounded his dismal howl, and tbe refrain has been puppets that follow the Oregonian in the silly bant for Ellis' scalp. This is tha usual Oregonian style,' and it is amasiog to see the little dogs follow its whine. Ellis is safe. No question about that. He stands firm by the peo ple, he is their favorite son , and they will see that the Oregonian and its puppets tbat follow the Oregonian in tbe silly bunt for Ellis' scalp. This is the usual Oregonian style, and it is amusing to see the little dogs follow its whine. Ellis is safe. : No question about tbat. He stands firm by tbe people, be is their favorite son, and tbey will see tbat the Oregooiao and its puppets do no harm in June, Tbe voters will knock Jadge I Northup so bigb he can pat bis hat on tbe North Pole, but be won't so to Washington. Baker City Blade, Are Voa Hade Miserable by Indigestion. Oonatina- tion, Dizziness. Loss ot ADDetite. Yellow Skin? Ubilohs Vitalizer is a positive oare. for sale Dy wells ft Warren. WEDDING BELLS. BITS OF FUN. Teaoher What boy in the class can give me the past tense ot migrate? Well, Johnny, I see you have your hand up. What is it? Johnnie My gracious! Judge. "What a liar you mast be to tell ber she looked good enough to eat. Why, she is tbe coldest girl in town." "Certainly. It was a very bot day." Detroit Tribune. First Aspirant for Fame We've got a ben that's laid an Easter egg. Second Ditto Pooh ! That's nothing; my father's laid a foundation stone. Fan "Haven't bad a peanut thrown into my trunk for more than an hoar," com plained the elephant. "Well," said the monkey, "I wouldn't despair. I'd just keep on stioking It out, old man." Indianapolis Journal. Blossom Do you ride your bike muob? Bloomer Oh, yes, off and on. San Francisco Wave. "What are the usual symptoms of spring fever?" "Strikes-Chicago Post. How to Treat a Wife. (From Pacific Health Journal.) First, get a wife; second, be patient Yon may have great trials and perplexi ties in your business, but do not there fore, carry to your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Tour wife may have rials, which, though ot lea magnitude, may be hart) for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders In chasing from her brow all clonds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottld ot Chamberlain' Oongb Remedy io the bouse. It Is the best and is aire to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that yon really eare for her ana wian to protect net health. For sale by Conser A Brock, druggist. I'ltKMS COM II K.N T. The stats press In general favors the lection of Ellis and condemns tbe Ore gonian. This is right ; It 1 not tba plaoe for tbe oewspspers of tbe state to aid in disrupting tbe party. Tba Oregonian, by its action, has sounded its owo death' knell, and its requiem will soon be song. -Portland Chronicle. Judge U. H. Nortbop who bss allowed bis name lo be pat on tbe independent lirket for eongrees io tba second district will ba a wiser man by Jane 2od or 3rd then be Is n iw. Ha may ancreed nicely lo defeating Ellis ami potting a fiea trade, free silver popollst or democrat lo oongres. That will be a floe represen tative for th Eastern Oregon sloomao. Uillaboro Independent, Tba Eagle favors tba elaalioo of (Jor dan, Davis, Itigby end Tayl r to the Oregon legislature beoaaaa Ibeir eleotion means foor voles tor 3, II. Mitchell's return to lbs UoiU.I Hiatus aoaU. Ma is man eminently qualifUd to serve nor poople and Bona uthat ean accept ably OH Lis place. Tbaee us ara all loyal Mitobell men and will u Ibeir almost endeavor lo reelect bios to rep- reaeol Oregon 'a later est In tba hlghe! legialativa body la tba lauJ. Mil toe Kegla. Oa last Sunday, May 3rd, at the real denoe of tbe brides's parents, near Col well grade, in this oounly, oocored tba marriage ot Mr. Mart Smith and Miss Martha Wilson, Rey. J. T. Galloway officiating. Following the performance ot the nuptiai rues, a weaaing dinner was served which was much enjoyed by all. A few relatives and intimata friends were present. Tbey were: D. Ooz and wife, M. Ftencb and mother, Mrs. D. O. Justus, Miss Ethel Gentry, J as. Brown and wife, Mr. Tyler and tba immediate members ot tba bride's family. Mr. and Mrs, Smith will tska np their residence on tba Morrow ranch in Sand Hollow. Tbe Gazette extends its con gratulation. For every quarter in a man's pooket there ara a dozen use; and to us each one lo snob a way as to derive tba great est benefit is a question every one raasl solve for himself. We believe, however, that no better tiss could I made of one of these q'i artera than lo exohatiKS it for botne or UuemberlHln's Colie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine tbat every family alioold b provided with. or sale by Oonser A Brook, drtigglsls. Daia-iiurrcw Weddlag. Fro.n the Eaaie. Tba marriage of Mr, T. U. Duoo, of Bourne, Baker county, and Mia Alios Morrow, ot this valley, was aolemnizad t the residence of tba bride's psrenta in this valley Batardsy evening, IU. Flood performing the ceremony. The well wihe of all friends go with tbe otwly wedded coo pi through after Ufa. Mr. Dnoo returned to Boorna Monday and it la tba Intention ot Mrs. Dooo to follow aa soon as tbs roads are open. N w Ibat II. W. rteotl baa suerelrj la bringing oat Nflhup as aa lode pea lent aan lidaU tr eoegreva against W. 1L. Kllt. tba regular to sore In, lb Cbrrateta will soenlrate all Its eflorls to defeat Ibis roaa Nortbop A more unpopular, arbitrary and too atork rotopany la riilllf, an baa Koe. surh . thlt.gtUt an-. ..ik.j ,b,.,w, (trier company nmm own iwmm in Minneapolis aa a rornftltiy Stok 00 R on Main Strut. Niixt to Cnv Drug Stork, r t . . " -. - iiuppnur, Oregon, Now t I Ha tin U ft In aal M-.r-t.-e hi; Lancasiiirk insuranck Lo. tmA I-, - "l -!. i rTTXv1 J,rT. ,f Macaws Im f lt Mforil la f nW'!b. 4 fWerrrly have I rver heard rr read lb'rv .br-s frl may aay ilthoul sanity." but rum atrikingaixl rbarartrrl'tW" In-tat,. rif vsfiity baa Immnliately fi.ll ir. - I'ratiklin. plleat rilat MaS ( ilea, hj rrptt Moiatrjre; ietne Itehing sal attngicg; taoat at algt.l; war by eftfeUblag. If aliuw4 to eoatisse faatra f'm. tlti afla Mr4 sa4 elrva. bwon.lag ef HwTa S OlTWaar ( ll ileh-ng ul ble4 . LU alneralioa, and la mnet aae raow . taeaor At d'lgt, "t hf mail. I f)r. la. !r. Haajn A Hm, l,, oftbicily. Tlt-re sr ft rmrn I tefMta etialmg batweea LI'S atil lb II I la lb n-l-l aa a randi 11 imply gratify tba overU !! M ll m r.f llarver Ma ilt, who ts willing lo saerifln rr thing ia order lo diarnpl lb repablieaa party of this atl. avir vil sal d-grle4 aatlon avr look fla Ihaa fltal of t( ia-ing al il.i ma N iHi'it f r a -i n that aO'Ir IK law of l I, suae and (be Oraed OI4 It"fstMaa party La U Loauf a Mr l.a'f I ffrta aptin. rl ooa hnaeat f )"u f tt la tit wb UU will b rt It Una aati'pieg off eifii g i llsrve KHt'a, wb 1 1 ' in b'ii-f h !' f-f bl nf l a"nO of f-afty k r anJ tiaelpl. "Josiar," said Mrs. Corntoseel,Hye was a sayia' the other day that Hiram didn't seem ter have any bent fur anythin' in pertiokler." "Yes." "Well, ye osn't say It no more. Jes' go oat an' look at 'im soma time when he's a-soorohin' on his bioyole." Wash ington Star. "Has your bouse-oleaning been done?" "No; wa always move." Chicago Record. "Your pastor looks worn our." ies;a minister's life is not what It nsed to be. He ha lo get op at B o'clock on Sunday and read the newspapers to get bis text."-Trutb. Merchant Jaraesl Clark Yes, sir. Merchant Why don't yoa pull dowa those curtains? Don't yoa know tbat those good in the window ara warrant ed not to fsde? Roxbury Oszette. "I cannot, oh, I cannot I" La moaned. In bis agony lbs wretched man twist- 4 blmselt almost out of bomao shape. "I csnnot!" He aobbed freoziedly at tba futility ot bis effort. Tba collar button lay where it bad rolled beneath tba bureau. New York Press. t'aaipll fee k 'area By the nee of Kbilub'a Cor. This great Googb Cora la I ha only kooa remedy for that terrible dieoe. Fur sals by Walls A Warren CANNOT BUM. I tska tbla means of Ibsnklng mj friend for Laving planed m la nomloa lioa fur eoesleld of tbla diairiot, and vary tnocb regret my inability to mala tba rare. Uowvr, yoa bv a goxl rasa to vol for oa tba republics ticket. Mr. ft. H. Wbetston. II bss ma-l aa ftlrleal offioer aad It la my alser da Ira Ibat La shonlj roia tba loyal support of republieaca. II. T. IUulii, Uppor, Or, May 4, IH'JA. A Url Ueraa rrvarrlplleo. lMeaaod blood, cowllpaboo, and kid ney, liver aad lil irootii ara earM by Karl' Clover Root Tea. Fur sale by Wall A Warren. I) IS I: ASPS OP THE SKIN. The intense lu lling and marling Inci dent to enwma, biter, eell-rlieura, and other diM-ax-e of th akin W IrwUnlly allavnl by applying Chamberlain's Kt and Hi in Ointnx-nt Many very bad cases have bera permanently rurrd lv it It la equally elfii M-nt fr ilrliing I'ilea and a favnrit rem edy fur ara nipples; rhaipl liamla, thil lilains, fr4 liili-a, and rlirotilo ar eyes. For aal by druggiei at Vt tvnl pt r box. Try Br. fadjs famlltioa rewdrra, thev r jtot tshal a luratieU whrn in hsxlcmali Uun. Totiir, Llil purilM-r and vermifuge. For aal by Conter A Brock, draggials Fat!, Art idst. Oo last Friday ftcfaooo almul 4 o'clock, tba lofaat child of Barney McDevill was accl deolly drowsed not aa Blark llora. A lob was Ml lo tba bona partially filled with water, and during Iba mother' haene lb child arawled op bi Iba lab, draw ileelf ap aaJ fell over la It. Wbea It wa daarvvarsil lit w eitiurt. Tba remain (f II, attforlanaia el. ll J wra interred la Iba Alplo gtveaid. fterrea O $ I wa aervoo, lire.), Irrilabla aad Karl's Oliver ltot Tea La t4a m well aad Lappy. Ma K. B. Woapan. F if ) by Wtll A Warrea. "kfaa want bot littl br Ulow," AI Uaal 4 La oUefve When La mmpmttt Lia weal wilt wbal II Ibiiik Ibat ha drear. Ia4iaplia Joa'ael. Tba LeadMf-Tbst Uoala dla euvar t a woadarfitl tblng. New Hotdr(lrtlaf l tl Shirk al-Yea, wia-lam, bat II t-a t alas, I aer . 1I. Well, lb Wkboft of wlaUr hi bf k a aoa. Wht make fr-n say of" Thsl aa 'lt dnof La b'lfMeoed ap a 1 1 frx by plrng t"i wnrtn of wliileb l i-g a -! tail ml aUlleM."-CLl' at Na. Aatelopa Herat: Tb lntna l. pbaat wbo ferenlly drank gallon at biakey to ofvl geliiag rhetimatisfn hit It wa aluck la lb soow dis play -l Lamaa latlligae. Consumption To tt tUT I lit sNrAf) rrwr&f I- ( njrr V tl omrlv a'4 I utkha' tvev c i-r h i N-" sJ r 1 f fvrrtwwil.'y CAoel V pva" frf.r!ia am 1 i4 Hi f"er hs I ftwraVr I ff dfy H t4 tv titli f" in'' ' y.r rrlpi b Chn tpvlh at. Wjni liul i iu"t tne.'w. 'y J pat link" rsrr ! rt all r. . A. STA tl. KUIil Pwr I ,. Tart. (r V 'I ' ' Si Srtslsa wi.....le,n-