TURNING GRAY AND THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Sanger U Averted by Ztlng AYi VIGOR "Nearly forty years ago, after sonic vetks of sickness, my hair turned gray and, began falling out bo rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing Oyer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, 1 commenced using this prcpara- Here and There. Capt. Warren ia on the aick list. Dan Hale was np from' lone- Wednesday. was io from Batter Billy Donglass oreek yesterday. Wills & Slooum begin their cloning ont sale May 1st. tf. Cbas. Ford is in from tbe sheep camp for a brief season. from Little Batter ttttpf tioi, and was so well satisfied with (he result that I liave never tried my oilier kind of dressing. It stop ped Hie hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of liair, and kept the sealp free from dandruff. Only r.n occasional application is row needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines lo my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaigiit, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor FRKPARED UY DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer'i Saraaparilla Itcmovet l'implei. Ed. Day was in oreek Tuesday last. HiifLest prices paid for sheep pelts at the lower warehouse. tf W. G. Scott has parohiscd Osoar Minor's Clack Horse ranch. J. W. Salisbury sold J. B. Camobell 900 bead of sheep recently. Two inobes of snow fell out at Cass Matlock's Wednesday last. Bhu Stevers Is np from Arlington and will remain till utter election.- B. F. Hevlnnd was down from his moil at kid ranch Tuesday lust W. E. Kabler is up from The Dalles to look after business matters. Miss Laura Baker, of 'Prison, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. D. W. Hornor. "California Diok," the tourirt printer, is headed this way from Pendleton. Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cotter whiskey. On tap ht Chris Bcrohers'. Mr. Thompson, brother of Wash. Thompson, is spending a few days in town. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8. 0. Smith, sulesman, Henpuer. Misses Anna Brown nod El'Zibeth MBtlock are visiting friends at Pen dleton. MeCage Raedftr and Nils Jones were over from Big Butter creek the first of this week. DOCTOR. ENGLISH for Coughs, Colds. and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of all modern medicines. It will stop a Cough in one night, check a cold in a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, and cun Consumption if taken in time. " You can't afford to be with out it." A 25c bottle may save your life I Ask your druggist for it Send for pamphlet If the little ones have Croup or Whooping Cough use it promptly. It is surt to cur. Thrt Sizes 15c., Joe and Ji. All Druggist. ACKER MEDICINE CO., z6 & 18 Chambers St., tT. Y. DAR a-:.. w . i illL J2 J3 14 13.16 JZ.ja.i9 20 2 . "22 23 Take Notice. 1. The mm of At cent per line will be lharged lor "cerdi nl thank," "rcanlntlons ol fiit," ltU ol wedding prent end donnr, iiifl obituary untied, (other than thoae the adit. r nhall hlmacll Rive aa a matter ol iifvi.l and notice ol peclal meeting lor whntnverpnrpoee, 2. Notion ol i hurt h and society and all other sntortatnmenta Irnm which revenue la to ha de rlyed, ihall b charged lor at the rata of Br OTH a Una. The rule will be trlellr adher ed to In every liietanra. Advertising rato reaeoualile and made known pon application. B. B. Openheimer and Rilph Ditten boffur were here Tuesday to see their customers. Keep in mind tbe grand May dnv ball to he givm at the upera bouse ou Friday evening, May 1. tf Wills & Sloonm are going out of busi ness and will offer their entire stock at ooat after May lit. tf Paul Jones and Zora ran one-balf mile today for $50 a side, which was won by Paul Jones. "Old S)dawMter,"as tbe friends of Jas, Oowins have named bim, has indulged in the lnxury ot a new wagon. Dr. J. W. Yogel, oculist optician, will arrive at Heppner about May 12 and re main one week. See add elsewhere. Cbas. Austin, tbe Wagner merohant, was over Wednesday and left yesterday lor uome witn a load ot merchandise, Friday evening, May 1st, is tbs date for the grand ball at tbe opera house, tf Geo Huffjrd spent tbs early part of this week io Heppner. Geo. has been working for some years lor Cass Matlock, I Grand Mav day ball at the opera hnnna An Hrirtnv nlolit Mav laf A. rangemenls are being made for good time. tf. Frank Jones writes from Iowa City tbat be will shortly graduate in tbe bast ness department of the college at thai place. In oases where dandruff, soalp diseases falling and grayness ot tbe hair aoDear. do not neglect them, but apply a proper remedy and tonic like Hall's Hair lie newer. U. 1). Urane, so old Nebraska news paper man ho had lo leave on aoooaot of Ihe drouth, dropped in on as Ibis morniug. The many friends ot Mrs. George A, Brown of Hardman will be pleased to bear tbat Mr. Falkiobiirgb, oashier ot the Manhattan Life Insuranoe Company t flew York for the Hortuwest. aooom pained by Mr. Helmbold, special agent. are in town to se'tle the claim other late husband against the aforesaid oompany air. crown took his polioy on the 10th ot April, 1895, and died on tbe 2nd of April, 1396, just eight days before his second premium was due. The prompt payment ot this 2U00 olaim without e pense to the estate only 23 days after ntinoation of death was received is a further evidence of the prompt and sat isfactory manner in which this grand old oompauy settles its claims. Through trains on the O. B. & N. will run via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pendleton. Through sleepers, first and seoond-olass, will run in oonneotion with tbe Union Pacific, tbe same as hereto fore. A through first-olass sleeper Port land to Spokane, connecting with tbe first-class sleeper to St. Panl, and a through tourist sleeper Portland to St. Panl, will rnn io oonneotion with the Great Northern railway. tf TIME TABLE. Stag for nardman. Monument, font Owk, foha Day and Canyon t:ity, leave m luiloaa : Every da at a. m., i -i.t HuikUt- Arrtveaeverydeyaif a.,iept Monday. Tha rhaapMU, quirkeat and bast Una lo or from tha luUtrlor r.nniiry, VVAI.T THOMPSON, Prop. Conner A Brock, Alien u. Qambrinus Beer, XWwHALf PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors Cigars. Call and Smokabla on Ted. The Wattenberger orsw of eight men reomtly sheared KW head of sheep io nine hours, out at E t, Campbell's place on Hotter creek. O. B. II st I, the tonsorial artist, can be found at his parlors, Matlock corner, tiers ne will dispense at popular prices, snaves, sitampoos, baireuta. etc. liiirt Simons got tangled np with wild onyuaa the other day and in oonea- qnenon hit rft arm is In a sling. Hi right, however, i In good repair. Tbs Hardman or Morelatid orsw oom posed of ten shearers are out to di Ihfir part of tbs "r m hing." They are: Dan liatn, Jaa. and Frank MurrUod, John and Frank Howell. Oamer and Uti Hbaner, J iba lUdly and son, Uy, and r rani uramsr. A child wss cured of rrnnp by a d as or two or Aynr s Chsrry rrotoral. oeighttor's child died of lbs sans dread lllarajK, wblls lb (athrr WM gMtia rtady to call lha doolor. This shows lhSDretany of having Ayer's Cherry i ecuirai aiwsya at hand. MOT I mr Have added a NKW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and ask the Public to call and see them before pur- THE BOLTERS. For every quarter in a man's pooket there are a dozen nses; and to ns each one in suoh a way as to derive the great est benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. We brieve, however, that no better nse could be made of one of these quarters tb'in to exchange it for a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine tbat every family should be provided with. tor sale by 0nser & Brook, druggists. Messrs Phil A. Falkiobnrgh and Rob ert P. Helmbold. representing the Man hattan Life Insnranoe Co.. of New York, are in Heppner. Mr. Falkinbnrgb is oasbier of this well known life Insur ance company for tbe Northwest while Mr. Helmbold is a special agent of tbs same. Tbe latter gentleman has tbe fur ther honor ot being a son-in-law of Sen ator John U. Mitchell. John Lony has been pnt on the Hepp ner branch as seotinn foreman, and will work a gang of Chinese Ibis summer. Mr. Maurioe Harmnn is transfered to the mam line. Maurice has many frlendi here who regret to see bim leave Hepp ner. Wben fevers and other epidemics are around, safety lies in fortifying tbe sys tem with Aver's Harsaparilla. A person having thin and imp a re blood is In con dition to "catch" whatever disease may be floating in tbe air. Be wise in time. Charley Jooes, the well-known "old timer in tbe tonsorial line, has agmn located in Heppner, having purchased Greeo Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite tbs city hotel. Charley will appreciate a call wben in town. Wills ft Hlocum mean btminn; yon want tbe goods, they want the money. You II get the goods at cost for the money after May lit. Look out for pries list io dfxI isroe. It I hil Gohn ia now sasoointed with the firm of tl. Heppner V Co., in tbs for warding bnsineas They pay the highest market pries lor pelts and bides and at tend to all forwarding. For sale a cheap team g md ro idstrM, one road wagon and light rionble bar 0'i, nearly new. K. i'. Gbkbxb, II at M. b parsousgs, Geo. Wright and wife were in from the ranch to spend Honday and Monday with Mr. Writfhta parents George say stock are all doing well this spring, Born Near Heppner, on Thursday, April 1, t'i tbs wire ot M. Lklamle, a lU't pound bl. No wonder Hievs don't spak to bis old friends any mors. This spring Is backward slid ronru rain bis ftlleo. If tbe weiberi lnn warm. l h an oocaxnnal shower, large crops and 0n range ars assured. Ths 0"tu wss given the narnea rf lbs Welkins shearing crew recently but somehow it tbs (! a The boys 111 plsass 1st os doa I ght. Krgnlar ssrvlres at ths opera Imti on hqmlay mnrniog and vning. rrasculng ny .ider Jenkins. loa ars iDvltsd lo tbt ss services. Having bsso diaapfiinled In getting a epkr there will I no mealing t.fine Morrow Ooonly Hspublioao Club to asorrow tilgbt Their Han Formally Introduced 1b to the Political Arena. From Salem Statesman, April 30th. Judge H. H. Nortbup, of Multnomah oonnty, has been made an independent nominee (by tbe individual eleotots method) tor representative in oongress from tbe second district of Oregon. His acceptance was filed in Heoretary of State Kiccaid's office jester day after noon aud was appended to the list of pe titioners who urged his independent and "sound money" candidacy, over their several signatnres, of which there were exaolly 352. Tbe petition itself was very nearly fifteen feet long and at the bot tom of it was the judge's acceptance couched iu terms nt once shrewd aud appropriate, si ce he aokaowledged and acoepted the nomination as ooming from no party, but from the "sound mouej" men of the district and urged npon bim in the interest of "sound money" piiuci ples as they apply to the current polit ical oampaigu in Oregon. Among tb;se whose names are sub scribed to the petiti in may be found tbe following group of well knon business men, oapitalistB, lawyers, journalists and i thers, to-wit: Messrs. 0. B. Bel linger, W. M. Ladd, Euf us Mallory, E. C. Bronaugb, Ellis G. Hughes, E. D. McKee. J. A. Sladen, C. J. Bobnnbel, H. O. Grady, Wirt Miner, W. J. Church, C. H. MensBdoiffer, J. S. Re?d, Tyler Underwood, Donald MaoLeay, E. C. Maaton, S. B. Liuthioom, O. A. Dolph, Thomas N. Strocg, B. G. Wbitehouse J. L, Atkinson, W. T. Muir, T. B. WP, cox, J. W. Whalley, W. V. Smith, Pres- oott C. Smith, L. Blnmaur, W. W. Ma gnire. H. A. Hogue, F. 11. Wiutler, W. F. Burrell, J. O. Ainsworth, John Catliu, John Orun, W. A. Cofty, Harvey W Sc. tt, P. W. Gillette, J. VV. and I. Wood, T. Soott Brooke, A. H. M.r;;in, P. F. tie Flon, B. M. r mith, H. S. Buttetfhdd, H, 0 Breeden, Emmet B. Williams, H. K, Arnold, J. F. Failing and H. D. San born, besides many other prominent members of every other pal. do ;1 psrtj in the Webfoot state. ires Catarrh Cured, henlth nnd sweet breath secured, by Bhiloh's Cntarrh Remedy. Pnoe 50 cents. NhssI Injector freo. For sale by Wells & Warren. In combination, proportion and process Hood's Sarsapnrilla is peculiar to itself, and unequalled in true merit. No other medicine ever possessed so much curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or made such won derful cures, us Hood's Sarsapnrilla. It is undoubtedly the best medicine ever made to purify, vitalize and en rich the blood. That is the secret of fts success. Read this statement: " When my son was 7 years of age, he had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma tism, which settled in his left hip. He was so sick that no one thought there was any help for him. Five sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said were Bores. We had three clKTereut doctors. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be cut open and the bone Bcraped, before ho could get well. Howard becamo so low that he would eat nothing, and one doc tor said there was no chance for him. " One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door. We decided to try this medicine. Howard commenced taking it the last of February, after having been sicli for a year and a HAVE YOU HEARD 11 THAT THEHE'H a ta a Change in Business Arcuni? ED. R. BISHOP Haa bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at h i I I m ii t WMn mm K.n:ARI3LESS OF COST. All woolen uoods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete.. urn heinc snlrl hlnm wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too lata. rnees ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building. Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. a 1 1 You fat ? half. Ho hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to improve, and thon he gained rapidly. 1 gave him five bottles, when the sores were all healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he hnd used for four years wero laid aside, as he had no turther use icr them. I give all the credit to Hood's Har saparilla." Mrs. Ada U Moody, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that IrO Sarsaparilla Is tne One True Blood l'urlller. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co,, Lowell. Mass. rx'ii "ire Ilvrr TIN : c.".sv tr Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HARDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. A Good Pbbformakob The rcoeipts of Prof. Ferguson's specialty entertain ment last evening at tbe opera house, were a boot (20.00, a rather meager com pensation, considering ths quality of the performance given; the small at tend Lnoe bvintf somewhat due to the ex tremely short notice tfiveo. Ilia enter tainment presented some peciiiiur feat ures, ia marked contrast to anything ever before uiven bra, and certainly deserves an extended notice. Tbe pei fortunuoe was principnliy of a musirnl oharaoter, the programme Imuhk as ex tensive as if a tronp ot 5 or 6 performers were engaged by a peculiar species of yooalization, ho produced a wonderfully corieot and nrtistio imitation nf a bari tone bom with his month, alone, playing accompaniments npon ibe violin, a rep resentation of o full orohestra (in m in iatnrr) hiob made an instantaneous hit with the andieuce; aud to demonstrate his wonlerful Inn oipinity, he then gave an imitation of a Locomotive, ahn a whistlx due t, piis, buck aud many other vnenl etJVots; also rpren tationa of guitar, baugo, Hcotnh bag pipes, Violoocello, eto eto. Hit piiie organ solo, elicited O'liis'Heralite ap plause, the vox humans, clarion, and chofr-nngriqilft fflVcts of this grand in strument being wondei folly correct, Tbe military bogle calls were also given; and imitations of barnyard fowls nix! animals without number. The iierf'irn. ance was interesting el 'sr throngh, and shonld be entjclnde to ive another he cai onnnt "n a belter attendance. If sinew permitted a inueli wre e. mpre- benew Idea of the perf rmuce o 'iild b iilven. M. . Ohuboh. Being called away suddenly late in tbe week I could not make definite arrangements for filling my pulpit last Sabbath. Next Sabbath, Mut 3, the program ot Isat Bnbbatb will be onrried out. Moruing subject, Holy Enthusiasm ; eveuing subjeot,Tbe Wed diug Gurmont. Moruing intrndaotory rending, 14 verses ot Psnlm 103. Special ruiiMO nt evening servioe. Tbe sacred concert, announced tor May 8, will be given on the eyening of May 10, on oo oonut of tbe absenoe ot Miss Drown from the city. E. P. Grkbm, Pastor. A Natural Brantlfter' Karl's Cloyer Root Tea purifies tha blood and gives a olear aud bcantiful complexion. For sale by Walls t War- Nrw Fbkd Yard Wm. Oordon has opeued up tbe feed yard next door to ths Gezttto office, and now solioits a share of yonr patronage. Billy Is right at borne at tbis business, and your horses will be woll looked after. 1'rioes reasonable. Hay and grain for sale. tf. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not email men, lbs. We are email men, s. we arc not trie Largest jnercliaiits in tlie Worldj But when the people of all the surrounding couutry are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Uui and Water l'lpe, pipe Klttlinrt, Moves and KanRes, Wagons, Ilacki, Buggies, Wagon Msterlsl, Hardwood, Aim, Hammers, Haws, 81cdgi, Wedges, Uuns, PUtols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars. Oran Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Kskes. Mowors, Tubs. Wash Bothers and Boards, Hhoct Iron, Zlno, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Got Prices. Ws have Ooon Goods at Fais Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chcp John Trices. GILLIA.M & BISI3J5J1), MAIN stkkkt - iikppner. ohkqon Ho, ya voting men of Morrow, whittle up a lively tune For die "('aitldnt." I'm free to state, will stay Itli lit llil June; Ttuu lei Mm nil hl auger blade, Itli "Harry's I.IiiWihhI Kye;" 'Til fi l ii IhliK, nf that gool old drink, lor voting men are dry. Sold only at tbe DuWedere saloon. CATARRH I a LOCAL DISEASE aS Is the rult e eeWt tut vMea chaulio caaatea, Ilraa twrnrad bfapleaaant renwdy li-S laannlM n rertif Into Ihe amirila. H. Ing qulrklf aiMvrtwd II gives rr imi atones By's Cream Balm Is arknnled(4 le be the aywt Ummeri ret for NaaaM atari a. ( 4 ia IIm4 and liar fmt of all rewedle. It ina t4 clrenere the aial paaaafiv, kiiare paJa an4 InBamnalH, bean lha anna, p lena lha anemitfaae f rua aoiiL, ea.im Ua at umt af late aa4 mell. I'rV. m. at lrn a n by in. L tLX UUuTUKUli,Mwanatewteik. Foil HAl.K. A three ineb sleel skein Hcbuttler farm wagon onmplele. Prartioally uei Cbesp fur essb. J. A. Vawtrii. Ilrppnr Jufirilon. P. ()., Arlington. 6 7 A Fart Warta Knawlag. (', 'ii'iimptl'ifi, Laljrlppe, I'lieniimni aud a. I Throat and Long diaeaaea are en'ed bv Khiloh's Cure. For sate by W ella V arren. Mathews Krna. have tnnvrd acroaa no lha vast aids of Main street. In ths building formerly onrupie by lha (Jrm aal.xm. They will tie pleoeed to a their ol 1 rnatomers. tf chasing. 0h! Where Did You Get Them Pants? !) rales all Over las Itoay. Hiar, Ore . Msreb 9, 1T.. I bs Ueq nfletina wiib pains all over say toxly lit avreral yeara, and have tHe4 many refre-lM. bal found relief oatil 1 begea taking llf)' naraapar Ilia. Alter taking tliia ttitdlolna together with IbK.d s Tills ! fonnd rojaell pornplrl ly fa fid. I r. he t). Wimds. tlMl's r tis rorew all liter Ilia. MtRKir.0. At iba reel.leic of Iba hnje's parerila, 4. C. aad 1 telle a II. Col. KlUnsbarg, Wh , Friday svealng. Apid 24. , I t Iter. lU.Uft Warner, Uv. Klwya P. (Ir.ea, paalie; r.f tha M. K. f hnnh of I lila siiv, aJ Mi Jeew Uarle Ci. Mr. (Ireea ritiri4 bw )eier4y sa-fairg Mf. (If.et, ii reweie at lUleaabtilg a few mmh to rr fr br ITWbr a. I hi lli,.aa a men- ll .t,.J U.i a..k. Whm X.'r llri-a bf aa Ta !ay Mrs. C i tal api arenily paer, h fll.le r.( er i, k'.eee, and Will f'.UI.If fMNitef. The J. M. RUSSELL Co. The Dalles. Portland, Heppner 0. 1 d lr r-mpUifct hate a fntreal i-m nf t--.nle VrMf e, fail j SaJf I f Wella A ar trial' 4 A hi il. 's an. Ir liiRTI ASri, firrf.,ii, A t-rll Jl, e, T't Int Pi u : the Mlualng IvU ha darldM Iu aa an fi e al Tha hatlea, and we l-lle Ihe ml graaera all! Il a Inlnmt la mtr pl.--ll.H la Itaielle Ihrlr "!. TI!C DALLCt MARKCT.eela l aHHa BouMaal wool was aaklet there, a I. t.i.,..M titf-m (.iw -a the "l oiill.S la thai m lm lhaa elfl.l Million attitude .. I. toarket.) there Ihle Mann, and lllre aonle a..l. In Tbe le!l will ntlng lull talura f,t Ih ful lug rerte : !(. Ihe la't amminl nl anol handM not nlf allfa 't bofere and Ihe atoM nt Ihew mat The tMliee ihir hrd-itaHen tne ihe ewunn. ii m a htl.l e.(MMi'n The (trn eat til wa ant Ih than aui.in n4a. at a.u in The Paiiae hae Ihe hnKi nl Ihle ro..ni.n, a ell ae Ine the and a!lf ma "'k t The toallon nt Tin lal! leewhlhal Sie Iranamnllnealal rail4aemna lr ll,l,. giM'auWii.g M.e l,l.-f a U ra. In "i aw.le 1mm The tmlie lo ll.e Faat wet Uaen al ra'e el wi r't rt han-lred e,Mt ad, Afanil hare l-na asale ailh Ihe rallr-Md onMnle hf.Wf f'.lfl.l U The lii-e ahen a-l l-t m ll.e trlM If The Italian gnel, allt t4 be hlahef than Ihe Itelfhl mn alnta difl r and In ntan mm leae Th'e ! a !'. ae. .m Ihe grwaete Ihe hit .! nnaethie ptu CON SI GUM CNTl.ee hi" we .1 SW reail ...!. lea Ihlhgnt Ihe helte.a . n I I 4o well eede nnf rn..allnn, eaxlai!r Ibl aeaana ae Ihera I er tm II lit he a . draeir fear 0.. h 4,Ma in Ihe e4 I ten hnji . in .fi a-4 geeiefn mi l and denier ftn Ming hsw tha mill and all he i la. lug Ih.l w. IM f'. ae Ihlnl nlha4 nt haMUnf all1 he an aHt. late lathe fn. and enal.rtg tha autt a III n4 he awted trtm tf hMM nit ln n .Me . td a Hbal e..n.l, a nine a4 h-S nen mi ,'.-,! 1,. if, ii.a hi, ol fi.i fi n "'! ln fef !."' ntl" I Ihe t ihe u." a.ta h htmehl H .! In ih tn n.ia. e iu. edi awe I lhan al Ihe Kfanihg a I ae M II all)l Bucoeaaor to C. S. Van Dnyn. Nent door to City Hotel. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries. Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. .tiZ""Wee-a, h (Ft I I ' ! Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put m " " 1 ' a a a , B ( M 1 f Qe, Jel1 f HI - -1 i uu ill 41 V-VV I tkhVclViUIU a WW 1 e-2n i lorsc : All tlicHO can bo procured at Tliotnjmon A llinns, Ixiwrr Main Htrcet, UppjiDer, UrfRon. Theae eenllemen era well amnalnled allh Grant. Ilarnev. rrfmk. (lllllam and nlhet efiilan and ran aa luoiier aud time la making then an ll.oi nHU traveling men. I'rl'ea In keeping alia the time. .THOMPSON & 1 J INNS, WT-xnTMxir. xtxrrirxn. ,1 New Blacksmith Shop. Tha oiideraigned baa opaand ap a a blVmltb abop r.ppv Iba nparo txtnan, aod ta prepared to do any kind c.f work la bis lm. la roasraiiua b will raa a FIRST CLASS WAGON SHOP ! Work d fi a at I'npnlsr I'rlrwa and ia a satiafanlorr mariner. I baa a araj ba serelres of an aipartenaoil toraealw-r, n. J. Ilall.m, tf tUlem, aixi biiraea will m sImhI an aa lo preeent interfering' aixl tr renohicg, or an aay w. 1'. HC'UIVM Kit. Heppner, ()r. S' ef t.l ' t.M'.fc' a4 net aa.n, 1 1. 4 . jeii , an i nra"n 1 I 1 1 j W an ittitiii. anxiln I h-44 twir a,l, uf hw w l i b. ihelr I )lnT lh regnlat aa'mwiti' Ja-W ! Ihw Mil aa ail ! leel llial teie nt liuM am hit ,K,,.,4 Ihe n-4 ff I (lllllllll 1 rWt Ueakls (.aaetta ta H V) Sbd I a !- M Mhee.ha.g ba eeHwted In an a, a-d aba a.tanb.h hiri4 In The lilllMIKIII I mwilnr firw al IM Weekly I rg,.,i,a ! It.S'e f il, ae alll l-e ' nt Ihe mn an ret H t, r4M nt ahimenl In The l:H M J " ' I 1 1 1 1 11 I I at ha f Aftfnn en!-rfl lag f 4 tl a a f4ot ft. !. eM ! t", a II ha a .rMn. a hn a l! rhat at (lle n. ittiff f..r " a tear in Ihe a. aM h'eeft 11 G. W. UTT & SON, LOOK AT THESE PRICES I HH)kt.s no c :t. Kitt h; I't.n.H.nt :tr, cta. Knch; AxIflM'f-i V.'siiml yn.no Krtdi. g"w-all mi,. a.k la nfi-iia'.d tM. W'dil WSTr ft, nail ..Vi5; G- W. UTT & SON. Paironaoc Solicited. Sailstauion Guaranteed.;! t.tra(.l larfb, ! Ie(l a. , ,i i, i. k.t il itoli. I . aui l an ! !. u. tte41t lr. g ii.n t-t IS Ui All . I en i. 1 - he f t .A a!. ae ha . - . t. 1 Vi n. a ... b ' , . . gjeftta mtiag tHir nhnH,lhl.o lor k.t IMi., ! teat ia adeain till la entitled ta) W a Ml M ind hi ben' ! f m d 4 nf,.,t vikli l next e4 ll ,i. Mi'.M Ta i M. l aefli. ta I T1IK 1'AIiACK IIOTIOL BAH, .1. C. I IO I tCJ I I 10 1 IS. Prop. ii aanannwnaaa mnu Keeps the Finest Wine?, Liquors and Cigars. HTU l!l IVkX1 p,cnly oJ thcm at lhc imh Gazctto Office, . . .