Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 01, 1896, Image 2

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For Presidential E lectori,
T. T. GEER .of Marion County
E. L. 8MITH of Wasco County
J. r. CAFLErj,. of Multnomah County
B. M. Yoran of Lane County
For Supeme Judge,
ROBERT S. BEAN, of Eugene.
For Congress, M District,
W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner.
For Circuit Judge, 6th District,
STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton.
For Procutlng Attorney, 6th District,
H. J. BEAN of Pendleton.
For Member Board of Equalization,
CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington.
For Representative,
J. N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk, '
A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. G. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEY8, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner,
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner.
Justices and Constable.
For Susttce of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th District,
John McMillan.
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 5th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
of the business of the country."
Several days later, in the coarse
of the same debate, be said:
' "I am for the legal use of silver
in the currency of the country. I
would not dishonor it; I would
give it equal credit and honor with
gold. I would make no discrimi
nation: I would utalize both metals
as money."
This is the gist of the record. If
it is treason to desire the largest
possible use of the product of
American silver mines without the
debasement of our currency, we
would say to the "gold bugs" of
Wall street and of the balance of
the country, make the most of it
This is where Senator Geo. W. Mc-
Bride stands. It is where our next
congressmen, W. R. Ellis and
Thomas H. Tongue, stand. It is
where all the leading republicans
in America stood until a new idea
was promulgated by the Cleveland
administration in obedience to the
dictates of the gold owners of Wall
street, with a view of hiding the
real cause of the depletion of the
treasury gold reserve, which is
the monthly deficiency in the rev-
The great majority of the people
of the country wants McKinley for
president. They want him mostly
because he represents better than
any other man the doctrine of pro.
tection to American labor and prod
ucts. But they admire him also be
cause he believes in an honest dol
lar without subscribing to the plan
of Wall street manipulators to dis
criminate agaist everything, but
gold. E. 0. Republican.
Coming Events.
Republican national convention St.
Load, Jane I6tb.
Annual reunion of Oregon Pioneers,
Forllaud, Jane 10th.
Democratic; national convention Chi
cago, July 7tb.
Rev. Zephania Meek, D. D.
Eminent Methodist Divine Cured ol Nerve
Trouble bu Fame's Geieru Compound.
A writer who is opposing DIo
Kinley's candidacy has looked up
his silver record in congress, with
a view to turniug the Bound money
men against him.
The effort will not be attended
with success, though it reveals suf
ficient friendship for the white
metal to prejudice the most rabid
gold standard adherents against
his candidacy. It appears by the
record that up to eight years ago
Mr. McKinley was recordod Beveo
times on the silver question. Once
he voted for an out-and-out free
coinage bill. Throe times he is re
corded in favor of the purchase
and coinage of silver in the man
ner provided for in the Bland act
of 1878. Once he voted against a
free silver bill. Unco he voted in
opposition to a measure which
placed silver on an equality with
gold in all coinage laws; and once
against a bill requiring the reserve
of national bauks to Ikj kept io
gold aud silver.
In the fifty .first congress, sii
years ago, as chairman of the wajs
and means conitnittoe and titular
leader of the house' Mr. McKinley
bail more or less to do with silver
legislation. 80 far as the oflicia
records show, he was in harmony
with the republican majority and
io accordance with the decision ol
the republican caucus, support!
Speaker Heed consistently on the
floor, lie voted for the Conger si!
ver bill with other republican mem
bcrs, and when that bill came back
from the smiatiswith 11 free coin
age amendment, he sustained
Bjwaker Ilccd io the memorable
ruling through which the speaker
prevents iturnodiate concurrence
a the free coinage amendment
the hounft. Ho also voted for tl
bill as rrortl from the confrence
committer, which is now known as
the Hhortnao art.
The writer who lias undertaken
to furniah the country with hi
silver recorj says that "io 11
pcch which McKloley mods
during this eontrnmsy be shows
very decided leaning toward stiver
It is evt.t. thai 11 tlirrs were
any fault io the projod Itw, I
his opinion, it lay io giving sdvrr
I) little recognition rather than
lio much.'
When the resolution of the com
initio on rules Cling a day for lb
ronai lorntion tf the bill was un le
discuMtoo, h said la the curte
of Li jhvh'Ii:
"It is a resolution to give to th
h q of rrtirewoUtircMi aa oppor
Unity to j ae, a ('ill which sha
Uke alt of the stiver built.. 0 of th
lil'd KUi, and tUtu that si
ver for il'vVUrf turjov and ot
Tbb Oregonian will now inao.oraU
its s stem of lying about rvr-ry candi
date that doe not toil it. Everybody
knows that the Oregoniso ia nnrelihb'a.
Hon. T. T. Gkeb announces his in
tention of coming to Eaatero Oregon to
stump the district for Ellia and tbe
whole republican ticket. Mr. Qeer does
not agree with Mr. Ellis on the financial
question, although Mr. Oeer ia not an
extremist He is a loyal republican and
will neither follow tor encourage bolt
ing. Tbe tariff issue, the baokbone of
tbe republican party, will reeelve much
attention at. Mr. Geer'a hands during
tbe coming oftmpaigo.
Tub ntme of every signer to tbe
North tip petition, will be pub'isbed
The Gazette wonts tbe people to see
what kiod of democrats and republicans
constitute tbe Scott gang- These names
ebould be preserved nnd remembered
No man who signed tbe Northup pnti
tion baa an; further light to call bim
self anything but wbnt be is, and if auy
of them erer approaob a party primary
again they show themselves to have aa
little priuoiple as they have party fealty
It ia a two to one bet that Ellis wins
tbe congressional fight. It Harvey bas
confidence in Nortbup he can win
enough money to buy himself out of
"soak" to Corbett, et al., and leave bim-
self in a position to fight tbe battlee of
tbe people, and not those of sby locks
and corporations. It ia said, however,
tbat Harvey is in bis element. He is a
natural born plutoorat and is a worship
er of autooracy. He oould no more
be a friend to the maosns thin could tbe
Czar of Russia. A natural-born thief is
always one Mr. Soott is no pnrloiner,
bat be is rotten to bane politic lly.
The bolting faction in Multno
mah count have succeeded in
bringing out Judge II. II. Northup
as an independent candidate for
congress. Judge Northup accept
ed early this week, presumably on
ast Wednesday, and has signified
his perfect desire to become a
willing tool in the hands of the
Simon gang, to bob np serenely
ike a "Jack-in-the-box" when
called upon to do so, and to pas
sively subside when Simon says
thumbs down."
Boiling is bad business at best,
but if the bolter bad have been
selected from some county other
than Multnomah, it would have
ookod better to the voters at
arge. It is evident to all that
this is the outcome of dissatisfac
tion on the part of a few ringsters
n Portland because they are not
allowed to rule the state in the old
way. No grand principle prompts
them. They see the management
f tho republican party slipping
rom their grasp to the hands of
the common people. Harvey is
again thwarted, and his rage is
icyond all bonds. In a white heat
he paws the air and stutters. The
whole results in an a' tempt to
eat the regular nominee, Mr.
Ellis, which will signify fail.
Judge Northup is the tight kind
of a man to head a congressional
bolt in the interent of a little
clique, lie has no personal fol
lowing or admirers, is proud.
hatighty.over-boaring and dictator
ial. In the hands of his masters
he is as pliable as putty and as
obodient as the shepherd dog that
paws at his master's feet He is
the tool of corporations and corpo
ration powe. Outside of Harvey
8cott no better independent candi
date could have two selected.
He should be !catco. He will I.
As tht sleek tail of the Oregon! an,
tbe Telegram, says, this congres
sional district will attract great
attention from afar, but the mont
careful scrutiny will come from
iU own poople. They will look
into every nook and corner of this
disgraceful attempt to force the
party into the Lands of Simon, and
they will sit down a (hid it so hard
that Harvey will imagin he has
bHn io a Hip VaoWiekle trance
and that his troubles are the re
sult of ial dreams brought 00 by
a disordered stomach.
Rev. Zephamah Meek, D. D., is a
household name all over tbe south.
Sinoe 1867 be has owned and edited the
"Central Methodist," the leading paper
of tbe Methodist Episoopal churob in
tbe south. He represented his state at
tbe general oonferenoe.
He waa one of tbe Kentuoky commis
sioners at the Chicago Columbian Expo
sition. During bis ministry in tbe south
be has built and dedicated five chapels.
He writes from Gatlattaburg, Ky., where
bis home ia, as follows:
"I have nsed several bottlea of Faine'a
oelery compound for nervous troubles,
resulting from overwork, and with imme
diate effect, at well sa permanent bene
fit. It ia tbe best nerve tonio that I
have ever tried. It bas also been used
in my family with great benefit."
Tired-ont, bait sick men and women
need something more than a mere rest
Tbey need s positive, unmistakeable
nerve food; tbey must have s reserve of
nerve-force to draw from, before tbeir
beads will oease to sobs and their nerves
oease to tremble with neuralgia.
II is estimated tbat there are over tin
million nerve fibres iu tbe body.
Bo long aa these minute tissues are
kept fully nourished, one lives in bliss
ful ignoiance of ajy such thing as neu
ralgia, headache, or een a nervonss)s-
tern, but let one become '"run down" and
tbe nutrition of tbe body gets low, and
every one of these myriad fibres beoonira
live wire" within tbe flesh. Head-
aobes, neuralgia, rheumatism, and other
forms of nervousness and debility resnlt
directly from a famished nervous system.
Paine'i celery oomponnd la able to cor
rect this faulty condition. It builds np
the nervous s stein and austaina it. The
brain at ones feels the strrogtbenirg
effects of the superb Dutrimant. There
blackwkll's Durham tobacco company.
Dear 5lr:
You are entitled to receive
FREE from your wholesale dealer,
Blackwell's Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of soap Free with each pound,
whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or
a oz., packages.
We have notified every whole
sale dealer In the United States
that we will supply them with soap
to give you FREE. Order a good
supply of GENUINE DURHAM at
once, and insist on getting your
soap. One bar of Soap FREE with
each pound you buy. Soap Is
offered for a limited time, so order
to-day. Yours very truly.
lo Retail
If you hays any difficulty In procuring-youx t tIMMIIIs
If yon hare any difficulty In procuring your
soap, cut out this notice and send It with
your order to your wholesale dealer.
The Biggest Fool at Urge
I Is the Individual who peroistently nc
gleots bis health, and the means of pre-
serving and restoring it. Mnny persons
... iu....a. . t ,1 j who are not, consiuuriooai mints no inis,
who have been enabled to keep vigor- Bi wel, a9 0en8rir. a f-jinre of aone.
ously at work, who must have given np tite, loss of sleep and flesh, impaired
but for Fame's celerv comnound digestion, an uncertain state of the
Nervous affeotioos are a warning to DOWeli nu -ympioms 01 Dinousness are
busy people. disease. To disregard them ia ahient
At the earliest sign of reduoed nerve folly, whiob offended nature in due time
foroe. inability to sleen. languor, or s punishes eeverely. if not fatally. That
im. h.i,;t i .knM genial and thoroughly reliable proven
KIWUIJ UUUII Ul lUtlJUs IfDIJUUV BUUI 1 I s . 1 ' . , , .
' " I llVA ftf Tfn I I miaAhlAf In ika aUana nl
look immediately to the nutrition of the ohronic aiMM Hostetter'e Stomach
nervous system and to tbe purity of Bitters, will, it resorted to io time, avert
tbeir blood. Paine'a oelerv oomoonnd those disorders, to the removal of which
will attend to both of these urgent U BJ llr sdeqnate. Among these
, .. , , , " are obronio indigestion, liver complaint.
uocu. .uU.uuKu.T uju.o giauey troubles, oonstipation, nervous-
liy tban anything else In the world, oess, rheumatism and malaria,
Paine's celery compound is not to be
oonfounded witb the oommon prepsra
tiona, the sarsaparillaa and nervines.
Being the discovery of a man of soienoe,
Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. ., LL. 1).,
of Dartmouth oollege, it has the support
of tbe best physioians; they prescribe it
universally; and tbe many siolc persona
made well by its nae proves tbat tbat
aopport ia merited
To tbe great majority of business men
vaoation, to say nothing of three
mouths of complete inactivity, is out of
. the question at this season, even when
tbeir brains demand s complete rest and
tbeir nerves aoee and threaten them
with prostration. Mow, there are bun
dreds of business men and bard-worked
The Thoroughbred Running Stallion will
stand the season at
Terms: $20 for the season. All mares
over one from the same stable will be bred
for 5 less, each.
Swamp is a Dark Bay, 16 hands high; Star in face, Two white
Heppner, Ore.
A breeie blown out of Paradise
Kisses the Apple boughs;
The dancing shadow's strange device
With life endows.
And It Is faintly mustcal-
Slng, echoes, soft and long I
Come, Utile birds, and listen alt
Your lesson song!
'Tit subtle-scented with the sigh
Blown from a wild rose spray;
Spring's dearert daughter passes by.
Delicate May.
8. Decatur Smith, Jr., In XJ Ladies' Home
HA.tl.A a Bwmn h T jn An( ri.m nimn Diu. ilia V... Tlnlnn. 1. a m
ported Great Toui ; Tiptop's first dam, Bribrey, she by Imported Bonnie Scotland. Oregon Rose's
first dam, Grapeshot; she by Buckshot; he by Imported Buckton; third dam, Bailie Morgan, by
John Morgan; he by Imported Sovereign.
When you take Himmons Liver Reea-
lator, this spring for voor blood, and for
malaria be sure to note bow well it
orka, and how quickly ynn And yonr
iirofMsiunal men in Ibis city in lust this selves improved in health and epirit. MI
I 1 f a -
condition. What are tbey to do? Those ,DUM,7 '? "7 D mmnM iiv-r ueg-
, , . , , ,i ii niaior, ana us souon was Qtllcg aud
bo are tired out. run down" and de- ,horpnah. i. rnu.rta.(i . bri.k ami via-
bilitatedat this trying season will do omn feeling. It is an eicellent remedy."
w,.',l to read iu of tbe straightforward J- tt. UHanil, Monroe, Iowa
and oonvincitig statements from the
men and women wbo have bwen oored jyQfg PrCClOUS
by I'ainn'a celerv comp'innd. . ,
Nerynns wenkueas vanishes before Than Bright Gold.
raiue's w Icry romMinod as n.ist before
Iha dining, tiraltb diving raya of tbe sun.
Convince ynnrself nf Hit) fact al one,
if your benltb Is at all Impaired.
Tm (lsictM is f..r McKtolpj',
oow thai it spHrs that Is is thn
chtiic of j xvii Is cf Otf,fip,
first, U( sn, ftUsrs. Nv utrctu
lata of snjr soft fo tlrivs Ihs fxHV
l lrt swsy fr un liim. Ni tlml t matiT
null -rcfr A1Iian .t a m othft
Viiin man, l as our tldca
li' l II.m iiatiotia! rs'uvcnl in is
iuatftjctivl for McKitilpy s.l
J'l ullicana alt.tnl S(Vtir0,
TE Uiiw if lUtiwa f,.f if ay
rot.l-.inw ImiraM full - r.f.
traits i f th ) fillip I'ar .f ltuia,
tie lain Tliumaa llughMt, so.l M
iU I'loaila, Ui I'sris cirrtit)4-
II Itstrt f ireolittia for tb tnovpratcl 'tX of tbn ln l'tt 1 Imc.
TnE IkUgonUa eiJvisfs repuli-
licsns to voto sfviiiHt nil Mitchell
camliilfttos fur representatives.
Suppose th rifulnr rppuUicsus
shouKl rttlvixo their folio ors to
vote (niost all csodiilates fur rep
resentative not Mitchell men, hat
would le the renult? The loucy
sbwt ia the tn'.l tower cowers be
fore wealth, truckles to corrupt
soil ilorutueeriog rings, forgettii g
that wrong csntmt long triumph
over riuht Th repnhlicsa rl
ia this sUte has Ih't-n too long tuis
represento! tjr the sx.cslh'l meU
roK)litan piper 1 wu si I'rtlsiiil,
SUtl now it is to le congratulate.!
on listing it on the other title to
help elecl the regular ticket ly
its optv attinti.
The (In "It I very rarneat in
its supMirt of tl.e wlmlrt reptihli.
cu ticVel, shil p irlii'vilaily sniiotis
that lln. J. N. Irwn shouUI te
elettisl li the legtalstore. lie
shouhl get f ery republican tote,
Iteaides f great many inilepen.lctit
votes tliat t-elong to the man who
ill support John If. Mitchell to
succecnl Litnaelf. I'.xrtl sheep,
man, farmer, rorrchtit,at.-:Vruaro,
sol, io fact, the great maaaes of
the people, without regard to oectt
patioe, srs favorable to Mr. Mitch
rll. of the palhrtio featttrrs i f
the oonigrewaional rsttvaM ia
Julgx Itennctt's eti.li'Bt Mid
that he wilt gd th .!nvn4rtie
freo-eoinags !. I lie gU are
lretly ss gl ilrlircfo I t
ipqltat laioB.TeUgram. I'rr
hai-e Mr. Northeti wii! like
the tulrs.
Tal Trlegtsrfl. tht tlU. khl-J
etebiog sha.i of Ui Ull ticf
rrh Iim sb rdit"f il laarxvnt
lesuc on the subject "How to elect
him," refering to Judge Northop'i
cnuilidacy. Tho way to elect him
would le for all republicans to
desert the reculsr nominee and
Vote for JSolthup. lliat IS the IUlrth.it ampl-e and mas a hmiMln-
... i ,M,a .a n.r uur iPfrunif iniivt iwinpa
a . .. ,. , I mnmh Mailt lat. Addrma
UUl II Won I WOtK. i ts is .rt.a ksao, ( hlrai. III.
Nothing In the world ran Uk-tl, place ol
one's eye sight or rrstnrt II after It la per
manently Impaired. The wise thing theu
Is lo lake ear of the prlrelrae glfl by wear
lug proper glased prreerT that whirh all
Ihe wealth of the Indies ran not boy. (or-
m-lly Sited gUaaes coat no more than 111
Slllnt onea, provided you get them at Iha
right plar. K lamination free.
Hotlce of Intention.
The Oregouian has been treated
as it deserves like a hound dud I ao ornrK at tii Du.roaitoo!
I I Aprll W. I" Noll,- a hereby Iten
lloes ft CUrtl Stone, and nOW It hallhlllawlnnanmllllrliuai-4nittr
. , , n" Inlention la mate Snal pna.l In tuptrt
OUCht tO be buried to Stop the "Marlalm. andlhataald fM will h nt.U
. , , . v. V .1 " t'fph U iiii.m. f st Cum., al Lealug.
icnuui stencu. n is wsnie uie pn jim :
I J.afk'a M TIMMVrra
Oregouian with them for it means s. w. li.Ts. tat.
.... t" a w.
uefent for wliSleYCr it S0PPrt. I Ihe f,.llolo wlln-aare lo prove
, I hiaeooiinnmia miltarf npoa aixt rullltalli.a
.o one as me rei:onmn ior any ' .,
r I Jsahss T Yak net V IltloM BTalaaM afe atwae.
help, SO ti t it bosl. It is perfectly M.al ol MM-i..f. otpod. andtdalalL
iiarmiea, except to uie otuer
ja, r. Mwsr.
Hat tea of Intuntmn
Who is Judge Northup? Why.
. li l t ,.l .1,. I , . 1 norrti it at I a isam. oat-.oi.
a klil-glovtsl alia low of Joe btrnon l, )vn. n, t. nw m .i,.s
II . ,,. i I ll.al IHe llli.lne htWaj iHIM baa Ba.l
.haughty, s Jpetcilious and !... (Bh,B.L, , a.i ii.
upreraely swelle. witb bu oo;i.i.i.nii'm,M ctUi.
Un,,il.t.d 1 1 .U.1.. t H,, t
't w at a v" t all til U
would own and direct him. No
true republican would ncod apply.
The republicans of this state sie
ii t reinataling that have
wen dp.sl by titg op ore vt
their Iwlrji.
Can furnish good pasture at $1.25 per mouth per head. Service
ee payable when mare is eerved, either by cash or good note.
GEO. C. AIKEN. Owner.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Notice For Pnbliratloa.
U Dalle, Ormon. April 1:1, lh'jti. Notice
hereby lven that John C. Brown has tiled
notice ol nis Intention to make final proof
before ), W. Morrow, county clerk, at his olllc i
in Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, the lh day
of May, I '.', on timber culture application No.
mi, for the NWI of soction No 14, in township
V ,, ,J. ...... IJ - . . .... .4
lie nainrsas wltuemu's:
Justus M. Heatnati. Win. Duran. Hiram Clink.
0. M. Yaw, ot iieppner Orenon.
J A3, r. SlIMIKK,
411-41. Kcitlster.
Notice of Intention.
I J March 2ft, W.. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make linal proof in support of
lierclalm, and that said proof will lie made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, al Heppner,
OreKon, on Mav so, ln, vis:
Hd, E No. SH'.m, for the M HKI4, See. 11, and
N' NE'4, Sec. 14, Tp. . 8. k. W E.
lie names the follow'iiK wltiicsaca to prove
hU continuous residence uon and cultivation
ol said land, via:
Miner (ientrv, Frank (lentry, W. 0. Hcott.
John Barton, all ol Heppner, Oreeon.
4M-M KeKlster.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Dalles. Or son. April 11. 1h1. Notice is
hereby aiven that Ueorxe W. Harrington, Ad
ministrator of the K'tnte of Jamea Htexart,
dermaed, haa filed notice of his Intctit on lo
make Hnal proof liefore J. W. Morrow, county
clerk, at hla office In Heppner. Orefrin, on
MotKiar, tne ztn nay oi Mav, laws, on Umber
culture application No. mn, for tht, S'i NWi,
KE'4 S .and NK nWij of act 'on No. I, iu
lowuanip M. ssouih, rang No. ii east.
lie nam re aa wilnemea:
lamra II. wvland. rharlea It. tullli William
t.ucUius, Oeorge W. t'hspln, of liardman. Ore.
4.U41. Hesiater.
Notice of Intention.
d April 1, 1KWI. Notice la h-rel.T etr.n lhal
the fol low I nt named e, ttlr ha fllrd nollre of
her Intention lo make Anal proof In support of
her claim, and that aald proof will he made
before J. W. Morrow, eniiuty clerk, al tlepptier,
V'rWOH, n mar la,, w,R ;
Hd, . So skvi, lor Ihe NS,. are. T; Tp. J 8.,
B. ft K.. W. M.
Cbe tumel the fnllowlns wltneawa lo prove
feermnuniiooe realdenre umib and eulilvatlon
ol aald land, via:
A. T. K.ne. M. A. Olden. John Olden, all of
lone, Orefon, oud C. A. lihra, nf Heppner, Or.
in. r. MMiKr.,
4 40. Krl.ter.
notice of Intention.
J April . Noitr i, hari. ilvan thai
Ihe follow lug named art Her kaa Sled tmllreof
kef InlanUoa lo make Snal mnf In annnnrt nl
Sir rlaim.and lhal aald pmf will b ma.U
nrwtni aunty iera.nl Mm oiuily.al llrpp-
iwr, fiin. on . f I,, a, TIF'
UrttU I.KAIUV NtK 1.17t NIVIU.E.
f.if la. V , Tp H T. R W, M
Pbe Mmae Ihe Snlloolns vMiihwm in prove
her wnilnnooe r-ehlenre upon aud cultltalloa
ol aald land, vis
Jau l Ma-f. Nr.rn.ari A. Kelly. Jem,
o""a. imam uifnea, ail m ii-ppwr. t rou.
M. f, KlljaiN,
4 ke Ur
Tne Saleta Jourtitd is ditg
taliaiit wink for the regular re
publican tic art It fa.ots do man
t Op by l-.ltlPg btasri.
prfl l kueiaint. and lhal a. im,I will
at hal,.. the enajfa r).,a
Oiaa.m.M w.v v .it
Iikii a ah t .4
rtd t Kn ih a-, a an4 tola I aM
I A. Tu I a a v m W, M
He aa...ra ihe ..iinlns Willi i i'S feme
Kl. lMillanM fawl latve and CtiUialana
e a. ' 1 un.1 via
Witnia I lil JnhaT Oa!l.iar. AUf H
ihuiks, I fcerla Mvan l n4 HftMf,
Aa enn ha a In ptmaM ...I (1 IH
iri.liM. nl IX 1 kalKXIalia
.iiaaaii.l raw.., .lrt Ihe law and he eaii
IwH'wa n Ihe ,,liPn- I'ryian.wanl, At wa
h.Niu) M b ,ilrt, wtit M ftew an
-l'tw'nln al ihe ' MnniMal Ilea IM
r-a.. In mwawtna.lM IKa til iim M aald
. a I mM (4 ha n r)Mv I rrfcwttel
lhal ehiiiaa hy tialMni,
a. r. W (tjarvwa,
4 M knautrf.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
k-w Sal A rr e a4 Ik -hl iIm
;h's rWaapat ilia lt. ttraf
Jlnaif J.almHf'S uf hsv,r lea the i4ilf
M....I f.rtflr al.iw. a ell.il il al Ihe
V-Ie fair, (Ii e4 i. taeejfeel er
4 nihef a.ra.ja'iiiae a.jiM If ef
ti4MtisslitiS tA lWir f nJ,
i-i.1 I' y re all l'4 away an 1 Ik
ei i-ralt-'W fcf lk Ml f.wt .Jia Ik'
mil I il s-lieine an J siaa)e. t
I We .1.. ... ,f Hull) a fntf anll,.
t! in ! ..f A
In ! m l4Uso: A r'ee
ri.ia n a am I B..Kme l a -... -it-ntf
MtakniMlklMnlMlliM. Ilka tLVl klK
ni'rii,i! t
M. Htctl i Utiiotuci.
m abswacts.
a4 FiiiKca o4 Finn) rrh Tkn.
mi ttrut
Notice of Intention.
La Ostrti s AT La Qaaatii Oas,w.
M.rrh m tana
Vonf t tiRnrsY r.ivr- that tut
l.o..,wl naaM. arlllar kaa Sivl earfirw
i.i u nini,,n to ula snal h Mt.nrxi
nl koacUlm and lhal aald will kw mad
hvl.Mw loumt llol of lloimw Cnnaly, al
i.a,..w. . ...wn. on a iwn, a via
t ! I. J M A 1 1 j m h ti a Xn 1
,h;h"Vk', Wiw.,T Ul.
He haaaaa In Mnwln( wltui In I In pen him
mniinwa n-.i i.Br and rnliltailnv,
wn in. i
i...,n W.M.HV l mm wmanaa, K l. row a
wont, U H"""-l, ail oi .., llnn.Hi
IU Till mrtTT ni f OF TMt STATS
I ,4 tMi. k4 Ihe Inti) ml tlntenw a
Iha maitaf ,w Iha (.! 1 h.Hna f . ft 'la.,
A.raai.l I lfai.H
la ih h.i-i al law. aa4 f a4 all pra,.
raaia. law,,M ,l. fnaatita
lnlh.Mn.iJll. ,4 IH..4 yl an,
ha. tt ,M f I b, 1. .
1 1 1 I n.H ml Ihe atata nl I a n I. , l,a
I im.i, mt Wnft.-w al Iha ,.. han al
Ni t Iw Iha I ...att nl U n m M..w.Uf
tK. (in 4. r 4 Ha? i al te ...... . i
" oh.1 4 Iha ,M lka nn
.a .aa lli'MlM okf an aHe ml Itltm
-I nn tat na4 I-4 it, .. nl j It-a aa!
e-T- n.'t in iha an. 4 ntow Aaarl4
Notice of Intention.
la April 1, Notice Is hereby riven that
tin' followinir-tiamed settler haa (11. rl nr.ii...
of hla Intention to make linal proof In support
of his claim, and that naid proof will be made
nriore tne rounty ciera 01 Morrow county at
... ,',.v, uir,iin, t,n ...j ,n, tniaf, via:
FRANCES U JONEH, lid. K. No. tW.
for the NE4 section 4, Tp. S S. R 91 R. W. M.
He name th followliif wltnesae to prov
hla conliniioiis residetic upon aud cultivation
ot aald land, vis:
Joa. M. Hayea, Jaa. Frtstoa, J. C. Kirk, J as.
Young, all ol Iieppner, Oregon.
Notice Of Intention.
Laud Orrtc s At Uuunni, Oatoon.
A ...I I IA lau
Al following. nauiml aelller haa aiarf
of his Intenlloii lo make flnal prnnf In eupnort
ol his claim, and that aald proof will b mad
before I otmty l rrk of Morrow Coiintv. Orrwon
at Heppner, Oregon, on May inaL Ti..
TlmWCultiir F.nlry No. 2JUI. for Iha Itwi'
ia Tp. 1 R. n t. W, M.
lie name Ih fnliowlna ' - -- - M
hla continuous rraldeoc upon aud CUltlt aUoB
of aald land. vis
John F Barton, William Barton. John P ajpswa
and Francis M. Ovutry.all of lleppn-r Or(on.
. . . r. VlllatOrl.
TimUr Culture, Final Proof.
Katie for I'abllealln.
I i" lrncf T TIIE DAI.LF4. OREOOW.
... iH i""s' ""I'T Slvea
''a r"" fc-ane. of Uslngmn, ilrU"
ka Blr.1 ho lr. ol Inlenllnn U, inml
,Z .? eoiitiiy e.,k.alklairw
hj llrppnrf. r. .m on hahiMay lb wa day
nl M.r, l"s obj Timber I ullor appu-aii.
No 7?u
l. In Townahln N.
II name aa n tin.
lor Ih W, quarter ol ar nl S
i i
. Rarur Ka M Faat,
ben U.. J r. lh.H.m. Jaaan, LeWk tuH
Uiitifton, Orvavn an of
JAA. f, MoilRE.
lof ton, Oregon
Teacher $' E nam nation.
V"Tii 1 1 itrnrnr nivrn that for
f ..Mala ...4 I.I. dlpLnn-A ,h, IL.n'l
...-u.l..v.l.l ih., win fcnld . ZumZ
opaoing May I h am ""rF",
lmtn.1 Ihia lakdayof May lew,
... V ' tl'.RB,
nrot nnpt. War.
l , ue.
Notice ot Final Settlement.
A nn,lar.irt. ,, n,,, ,,;u;tHJ,
lh.nnal.nl w ft.,,Wi 4enn w, "i
i.n,i l nl m har "eM
aesr vi ri skB S , aa au.nl
tlt'.'lLZ'?1:' '''r a. k" d
- - ok 4.y .rnri r.v-;::
- Ma. tUUi s-ita,
Notice of Fmnl Sttkment.
aa h....fwa tn
I M I,
it. a
k M a I ,1. m.iUla'.
ittmten. cskB :.f.
H,atM,u lijt, M . In
a.. i,..,' f, i.if
Wlt.laa h. Mx I. II. t,l',
J 'r W in. . m.l, I a. wt Ik.
' 4 t . a a. . a n K th. .4
" Wlh ma aai Hi a. , .,,t
Mt 4a; Afll A H
J. . MiKa'W
" ' thk
iatakS.a A aa
n.ii .n.-Mnt h.....M,. .h a. I ..i..
said Cnnnly.m Ihe Mk day JVi.. ,"
- SUA,
SMfir o SALS. "
I ka I pn mm, M I rir) . .
I lhal I wtlt a.l aft., .ur.f .1 si
!-. .bweati ..nfwM nm y
V m Mart,.
Iluw, Ortp a.