gtMa mi 1 1 miii mii mi iMiiiMMia.t.tni nxNtmum OFFICIAL sfJV PAPER a IMHIIIltMlll1ttftftl)M MY SUCCESS - Is owing to my liberality in ad-i vertis;ng Robert Bonner. wS)Sje)S)aj0 mi i Hi I n i niiuiiMia Minus I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. i FOURTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays HY , TOE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS .A. W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON. - .. - Editor Business Manager At $2.!S0 per year, $1.23 (or bix months, 75 ets. iur luree moacna. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIB PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Duke's Advertising Agency, fit and 65 Murohants Exchangs, San Francisco, California, where oou- racra tor aaverusing can be made for it. 0. R. & N. local card. Train leaves Ileppner 10:30 p. m. dully, except """""j' auiYcou.wnju, uuuy. except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m.; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction Kolni? east at 7:26 p. m. and 8:17 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. rutted States Officials. , J'tesident.. ..Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Secretary of State , Richard 8. Olney liecretary of Treasury Jhn G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War.... Dmiel S.Iniont Heorefary of Navy. Hilary A. Herbert Postinsster-tteneral William L. Wison Attornev-ttoneral Judson Harmon becretaryo' Agriculture J.Sterling Morton State ol Oregon. Governor. W. P. Lord Heoretary ot State H. It. Kincald Treasnrer ..Phil. Motsohan Hnpt. Pubho Instruction . M. Irwin Attorney General o. M. Idleman Senators i W. McBride J. H. Mitchell Congressmen w "6 VlTa malin Printer .'.W. rll'Leeds (Tl. 8. n-n, loprnme Judgae . I F. A. Moore, (0. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Cironit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attornoy John H. Lawrey Morrow Count, Officials. lolnt Senator A. W. Rowan Representative J. H. Ikmthhy 'flnntyjadge Julius Keithli Coram iwionnm J.H. Howard J. M. Bator. " Crk .T.W.Morrow ' Sheriff G. W. HamngtoD Treasurer Frank Gilliam ' Assessor J. f. Willis " Surveyor.- Geo. Lord " School Sup't Anna Halsignr t kroner T. W. Ayera, J r BKPPNEB TOWK OmCKRM. Vayoi Thou. Morgan Cniinrilmnn O. E. Karnsworth. M. Lichtenthal. Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., 8. 8. Horner, E. J. Slooum. Recorder F. J. Hallnck rraaenrar E. L. Frwland Marshal A. A. Hubert Precinct Officer, Justice of the Pesos E. L. Fmeland Constable N. B. Whetstone I'alted States Land OlHcars. TBI DALLM. OB. J. F. Moor....... .'. ltMriater A.. 8. Biggs HaoMver LA OBAHDC. CI. B.F. Wilson Renter J.H. Kobbius Keoaiver BSSZT BOCZSTXJES. llAWLIXri POST, NO. IL Q. A. R. Masts at Leiington. Or., the last Baltmlay of t mrmut. AU veUran are Invitwl to Join, I," C Bonn. (Jau. W. Km Aillutant, tf Counnamb. L U M B E II ! WR HAVK FOR HALE ALL KIN PR OF CS dresaed Lumber, M miles of Hspposr, at what ts knows as the BOOTT HAWMIIjIj. FEE 1,000 FEET, KOUUH, " " CLEAR, f t 00 17 M F nrUVKRRU II HIFPNEE, WILL ADD paw i,wu net, snaiuonai. The above quotations are strictly for Cub. L HAMILTON, Prop. national EaQK of flewr. W. I'ENLAN), ED. H. BMHOP. TRANSACTS 1 GLMR.IL BANKING BUSINESS colliccttions lll 00 FatorabU Terms. EXCHANGE IMJUGHT 4 SOLI) HErrxEn. a oheoos Ontario-Hurns Staac line BDBwisTiBEUSE H. A. WiUlAMS, P ep;io.iiuils LtM Dama iHtly at tt p. m. a-' rltet at UUra a boar. Sinalo Faro $7.00. Hound Trip $10.00 sTw""Tkfti"i trtSI T mIs ft prntmi. nunxs c.i.vro.v mfll H l p..t NuxawHltofl it!,., f1t Ilk lt llnUilHv lfi,l ! an. nm b la I" r tl w.iy I i otWAKt IN TIME.The first acute twinge of JACOBS OIL. JSTSVLSS The CITY BAKERY Is now open with freab Bread, Pies, Cakes, eto., constantly on hand. Weddug Cakes or Pastery for spoial dinners baked to order. Also carries a line of well-selected Qrooeries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. TWO LUNCH TABLES Will be kept for the aooommodation of tbe trade. Country People Btopping temporarily in town, oan get what they want very cheaply at tbe OITY BAKJ3RY The Patronage of the People of OTTO FRIEDRICH, Old BaKery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE. A WOOL This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho e,1'0n thre mll"on poand' were ree'vel here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Bpokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and Intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing In UansiL Many of the leading buyer, make this place headquarters, and all lage opera" S! '?l"e,:tly-Vi" PWleton warehouses. A. a market this place i. equalled only by The Dalles In quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : from no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. . . ? .'J'1" T rcnd,l'ton bl",r ,re MM to PT much or mors for wool at this point than is orip at other places having reputations as "high markets " based upon exceptional sales of fancy lot. of light wools. Considering character of woo'l and shrinkage, it may safely ba claimed that the om sale, in Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. A ft AflfAri NOTARY PUBLIC UllllMJII OONVFVANPCQ tl WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Puoret Sound Navication C Skmm TEETUOXE, BAILEY Lat iot Al,l.r Rtrwt LXck. Portlsnd, for Astoria, H..00, Loo B,.cb. Ooeaa Park tod Nahcoti Lh0, ooonwtioo with ilw.c -aef. and r'.IU ro4 j also at Yoang'o Bay with Pea. bora H.iiroad. Uart Portland 7 A. if. Uavta Portland I F M lilr Hi.M.y. a.u.M.y ftlfh, P M ,lr A . t . A. M., str(H Sunday and Monday. Kuuday Bight, If, H. 1 Imvm Portland atwj runadlnrt to la,. Tuday and ThurUat A M H .d Friday at 1 m A. . On aJtl.y nT.n, iL1 1 P' CtfiifJ lo Kiibii Driiiwtios Bull fwht Frrt tf Etpes Fo lty, pd, VvmUm, Pl,, Tr.rrl OB th T.l-j.hone, fuiUy .Uert and ()..,, Wa, Attorneys All bnio alWaiUd to It. rump and aattufaalorv KtaHHi Fablie and Cullirtursj, vrrivr. IX NATIONAL nr.rrrtrn, 1 t t T. R. HOWARD DKALH CiROCKKIKS, Gr.NTS OTOCKMKNS And Wants II itmU tl a l jrrt f.r jrou U IraJn iib biw a Lia l-rlra r right, an.! nil gmI u , kt)(J!Ni rs) if , r.f !,(. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1896. Heppner is Respectfully Solicited. MARKET. CALL AT OI'l'ICH GATZERT AM OCEIN WAVE, TaaxsjaxMoxo-jsi Dally, tiepi Bunday. Us. Astoria T F. M, Dsllr. r.i. aHluu. nt BANK BCILDINO. ! onEoo IN FURNISHING G OODS, SuiTi.n:sf Hie, Your Trade I From the Pendleton Tribune. Many rppnblioans and republican pa pers evidcuoe siaos of clissutistaotion with the outoome of tbe reoent state and eoDgresBional conventions, and tbe Trib. tine frankly admits that it feeli keenly its disappointment over the renomina nou 01 uongressniftn iuiiis as well as over the narrow eaoiipe from defeat of Mr. Taylor, candidate for joiut sen ator, despite tbe faot thnt the Dmatilla delegation was instructed to use every honorable means to seoare his nomina tion. The Tribune bad good reason to believe that Mr. Ellis was not the choice of the republicans of this oonnty, and had every reason to believe that Mr Taylor was tbe unanimous ohoioe ol the republicans of this county for joint sen ator when they instructed their state del egates to vote for bim as one men. There is an old saying that it doea not do to always tell the truth and for this reason it may be just as well to leave un told gome thiDgs that occurred at the state convention. While Eastern Oregon is not entirely free from the evil influences of the polit ical boss, Portland is dominated bv the worst sirt of bnlldozing bosses in forty, four states. Portland for years has suf fered from boss rale and there does not i seem to be any prospeot ot immediate relief from the fraudulent methods of the maohine in that oity. But tun repub lican bosses of Portland cauuot destroy tne repnblior n party in thia state. J-ioyal republicans all over the state will support the ticket named at Port land and in the various oouuties of the elate, and th mgh fraudulent enrollment packing nf primaries with dnmonraU high-handed and desperate methods may have employed iu some instances, put ting it bevond the power of repnplican voters to express their will in the usual manner, the regular republican tioket should and will ba supported, as nothing oau be gained by t oliiiifr, and no bolter nor no independent 0 odidate should re oeive the support of any republican voter, nor oan any independent oandi date in any county or congressional dis trict be eleoted. The Tribune has already expressed it dissatisfaction with ceiluin methods that have been employed wbioh seemed to it to have ben intended to prevent real re publicans from making their will known inrougn tbe channels which In other states are left free and nntraniroellcd bat now that thu nominations have been made, there ia but 0 m thing left for re puuucans 10 110 and tbut is to support the ticket from top to bottom. Democrats and popnliwts every where, knowing that iipith r Btoiid any chance for soocess so long as the tariff was the main issue am aiming to f'lioe tbe nion ey question before the country as the one great issue ai d no well have they agitated the mutter that many retuh licans have aotoslly bu led to brliev that thers is really something io if. But the plain people who tttli be their votes all th great qneaticmn nf tu day, lake s very different flew f the situation, as m m ind in their per sonal preference so widely uprenaed for Mcliitilry, dim to tln-lr iileiitif.dal.iio of bim with s tariff tinder bi i Ubor and business et j iyed (lis bigbttat prosperity. With s Ui iff which defeuda home indus try and siciins prosperity the moiiei ques Ion wurttd at once bei-oms a dead issue. Tii tarifl ml of WM was il, irk of any one nun. Hot its enemies faetened La nans i.f UcKiulay 00 it, sod Ids per pis Ibroiighout ths oountry bv ctii Id ssweiats bis Dams with lbs principles which mo red fur litem ths highest pf(.S(i..fily ,.y bats ever kauw d. W eannot sffrd to ullnw nnr demo cralio md.I popii.ij fr(,, , to bolt tbs nominal Kins of th rej.ul -lieaa party Ufau-s i.f lbs pn (nrenna of Bomtniws for gold or iirr. It makes but lulls diffrtrenes to us whether they are g. .1.11, ns or sdver-liinallrs so long ss thsy may b dpetidet sipon to stand Solidly tbs priiioiples lhal s has us saensrages tUm rtetelopnt'Sl of Ihs ind'islfial luUreata of ths wbnla ontry, and IliU Is what protiding isv. snna lor lbs snport nf ll, general frit etitltiebt I7 defies ss Imporfa di sa. All Heeastssessl It Ak your pbysirlas. or drrifslat and -nr friroits aH-mt Ht.ibib's V,nt fie 1.0- imilfin Tbef will ,! II. rf sal. by We Us A Warren IU J my sitigir f distqrb toi tester. datfssid lbs untlral tantt womas. Wersioa slssifitf skl tl.s ir-- lit boarder. "Why, i.f rtif. iHlo't jnq rr )!" "I UVis it was )-nt tiam bd, bst llfiwgLl t .. ae-ril a a,noa." Wssl.lrginn rtiar. H TTfl rr-r-v kir.''.L. I was s let 1 sis Hd.H I I V trJsir.z.Wr; 1 i- r ..k.d iu s.isl n t if-riarjsJI '-rtel..Mi...s,.ti.i,-i.usid ssVsk) m mm " ' " i i i "r I ' N estd !. m.m i lis aaw '.TV I ur "niri"ii , . .i Mrs. Dnnlway on ' Man Bless em! They share our joys, they double oar sorrows, they triple our ex penses, tbey quadruple our cares, they uuc magnanimity, tney inorease onr self respect, awaken our affection, oontrol onr property, nnd out manouver ua in everything. This wonld be dreary orld without tbem. In fact, I may say, without prospeot of snoocess- ful contradiction, and without tbem this wouldn't be much of a world anyhow. We love them and the.dear things oan't help it. We oontrol them and the preci ous fellows don't know it. As husbands tbey are convenient, though not always on band; as beaux, they are by no means matchless. They are most agreeable as visitors, handy -at state affairs, and inde- spensible at oyster saloons; splended escorts for some other fellow's wife or sister, and as friends they are better tb flu women. As our fathers, tbey are inexpensively grand. A mao may be a failure in business, a wreck in constitu tion, not much to boast of as a beauty, nothing as a wit, lees than nothicg as a legislator for woman's rights and not very brilliant as a member of tbe press; but if our Heavenly Father will over, look his Bhortoomings we oan cover bis pkoadillos with divine mantle of our oharity. Then as our husbands, how ws do love to parade them as our paragons! in the language of the poet," We'll lie for Vm, We'll cry for em, And if we oould, we'd fly for 'em We'd do anything but die fo.- 'em. , Piles! Piles! Itching Plies, bymptoms Moisture; intense ltohing and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, wbioh often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynk s Ointmknt stops the itobing and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes the tnmors, At druggists, or by mail, for 60 oeots. Dr.Swayus Son, Philadelphia, Pendleton's Moral Wave. From The Dalle. Chronicle, Pendleton ladies of the W. C. T. U. are urging a movement to abolish bouses of ill fame in their midst. A petition was presented to tbe council oontninlng 400 names, as follows: "To tbs honorable mayor and common oounciloftbe oity of Pendleton: We, tbe undersigned, oitistans of oity of Pen dleton, respectively ssk your bonorabls body to adopt suoh measures as may be necfsiary to prevent any person or per sons from opening, setting np or keeping or maintaining within tbs limits of ths city of Pendleton sny bawdy bouse, sod to suppress and prohibit tbs keeping or maintaining of any and all bawdy bouses within tbs limits of said oity. "We would respectively represent thai such btuses ss tbess now exist In our oity srs detramental to ths morals of tbs people of said oily, snd particularly of ths children nf ths city, and srs a men acs to Ihs pesos and quiet of lbs city. And your petitioners as in duly t-ound ill ever pray." Might not ths Pendleton ladies U In. jtring tbs earns of morality by tl eir solioo, raiber than aiding U? Lustful snd unprincipled men, driven from their aoeosbimed fields, ars apt to invads ths homes of resprolal.ility and accomplish mors dtplorsbls ruin than nndsr tbs present conditions. Csoss rslhrr than effect Is ths pronsr obi -el nf in quiry sod reform. Ksrl's lover Ksnt Tea Is a srrs ours Headache and nervous diseases Nothing relieves SO oolcklv. t ssls by Walls Warren. Iks Irtahasas's View. An Iritbmsn, who was Bssr slgbtsi, and was atwut to fight dost, iosisled that b shoold sisnd six paoes nesrsr to Lis aiilsg tbial tbsn tbs IstUr did to biin.snd I hey wets both to firs al lbs sams tins. This bests rlhsrrldsa's tsll ing about a fst man who was goiat to fls-bt a thin ons, thai tbs I. tier's slim flftirs oof ht to U chalked oa lbs other's ptly pers.o, snd if lbs ballet bit bim (inlaid lbs lios II wss lo o for B 'll.lng. 7 as Ills mt Wastes. Constipation, esQaee mors than half tbs Ills nf wou.rn. Ksrl's I'lovee iLwil. Tea Is a pleasant rnrw for Oiestipsliiti, rurssis uy wsiis v arrea. If a girl Is fiB to marry a aasn a ho ms s boras or a 4'i sbs ess, by ib sartaltiio, lorat a pretty good Mrs uf txw sbs will be treated Li fa. Ib,Miy-May, ntnai, s lbs Uhy seal d iss lf m besa Usui as Why, yes. IU bby-L'sa! They l.kes Is bats It qslet Bp Iters, d-Nifi'l tbef 7-rab. Vt kal arre ya im ssrlhT' sjesrWd Peter, ss II s aheelmsa katskd si Y"W ee slsaya t.,t.g ,e as. asl ! ' : Highest of all in Leavening wtv ))rr II AU&QMMTEMX PURE o roBUO liXERoisBs.-Rawlins Post. O. A. R., of Lexington, baa deoided not to have any publio exercise on Deolara tion Day, but will appropriately observe tbe event with fitting tributes to the memory of those who braved shot and shell, aiokness and disease, thBt this grand country should have naught but ireeamen, that tbe prinoiple of a union of people, inseparable forever, should be clearly deflued for the protection of tbe repnoiic throughout all time. At reoent meeting the following committee was appointed on deooration of graves Mr. J. L. Hill, Hon. J. 8. Boothby, Mrs. J. L. Hill, Lexington ; Mr. J. 0. Ball, Mr. A. J. Stephenson and Mrs. N. A a.., neipoer. ah members of the U. A. K. and W. R. 0. are requested to be present. Deafness Cannot be Cured iocbi applications as they cannot -buu mo uiseaspd nnrfmn tk . There is only one way to oars deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafnees is oaused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tbe Eus tachian tube. When thin t,,K. .- 11 , . "uuu .n ni named you have a rumblina sonnil ne imperfect hearintr. and whan if 1. tirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless this inflammation oan be taken out and tfeis tube restored to its normal oonditnn, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine oases out of ten are oaused by catarrh, which ia nnthino ht n i flamed condition of tbs mnoons surfaces Ws givs Ons Hundred Dollars for sny oaee of deafness foanaed hv nAi.rrhi h. cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs. Send for riroulars; free. a u u F Jl Cu"1 CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 760. LtAoca Mattbbs The young peopls of ths Epwortb Lesgue, of ths M. E ohurob, Boutb, gave a social at tba resi dence of the pastor, C. R. Howard. 00 last Wsdnesdsy evening, only members and Ibeir friends being present. Tbs event wss an snjoyabls ons and adds great credit to tbs history of His league. - vtni .iuou oi tuis society tor soms time past bas been inaotive, but nudar tbs supervision of tbs present third vioe presideut this work bss been revised snd mads one of the pleasing and profitable features ot tbe lesgue work. A large number were in atlend aooe and seemed lo enjoy themselves in the fullest sense of tbe word. Refresh meots were served by tbs ladies to whom great orsdit is due. How Is Treat s Wire, (rrom rarlflc llrallh Journal ) First, get a wife; second, be patient. Yon way have great trials snd perplexi ties iu your business, bat do not there fore, osrry to your boms a cloudy or contracted brow. Tour wits may bavs trials, wbirn, though of leas magnitude, may be hard for ber lo hesr. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders In ohssing from ber brow sll rlnads of gloom. To this ws would sdd slwsys keepabotlls of Cbsroberlain's Congb Remedy in tbs bunas It is the best sod Is lirs lo b needed Sooner or later , Your wife then know lhal yon really esrs far her and wish to nroieet bar beslib. For ssls by Conssr it Brook, drnggists. IhuBH or TSAUB If isrisnt.'s txrd of Irsds met al tbe eoonril ebsm bsrsTofstlsy evening IssL Minnies of Is! regnlsr meelisg resd and approved. (srsr Minor wss called anon end slated ths object of ibs nsstlag. frsnk Me Kar land slated that I hers was Bothlng in tbs way of lbs immediate opening (he roa-I as ths tirns was past for filisg of Ihs spers by I boss contesting U,s antina of appraisers for dsmsgss, sad tbsl they nnsl now senepl tbs amoobl ''I'd. All Ibs old offlssrs of nrgsnl. tattoo wars eleeUd by ssslamsttoa. K. (I. flurry was slerU.) vms president tf. Mln was sh'HMa lo go to Canyon City and to ba.k after the aoMpUltos) of baainess. rWrslsry aad (Tseideat Wsrs laalrselsj U siga Iwads of 15flfl t-t psymsal of dsmsgss ssassd by oiling I'snieb crsk fosd. Tbs preai.lesl ap poiolsj Ibs following oonatiils: Oa rsilrats ad trsne;iortsliia, H, f. Ifynd, frssk Mrparlssd aad K. I. Hi ons. AiJ-iara4. Tbs sa alio ssls bersass It Is tMttf'y Ihss far, tit a Isvsl atMfci tbs lls. Tbs aasn abe siips ssilt.g Us BVStiev.l bis hneger Is SI psa. bs ! smhi msa. Msls's snd ni snors fx.l lliSl Sbs Sslls f, (Wliseew SI.ess hf(e SUwtt tn.llsalkH. nf 4SsSs, lib st of Deab. sUeliglh, s'seo, sssM In and snesia) power ss4 sa hsiss laln .f ssbes, psisee Slid Many daw. .l roals-lles. Tbs s. saw 4 a4bii.g !" t e wH Sff-esl Sofas Hi "''' l i sealed w.M, M- k rftseat lt,.r f. ls TT,at Is t-i ear, ts fl.asef igitirs (.l. Ib srl.- ia .fi4S4 sl i WmI Tks f WEEKLY fJO 6P8I SEMI-WEEKLY WO 4361 Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report BITS OF FUN. What makes her proud? Upon her hat Are feathers, bows, and oomplex ourla Aod what is more important still, The eyes of all the other girls.' Detroit Tribune, Mr. Winks (looking over the paper)- Cheap Drugg St, Co. are selling all sorts of patent medicines at half prioe. Mrs. Winks-Just our luck. There isn't anything the matter with any of us. London Tid-Bits. 'Dootor," said the anxious mother. Willie oan hardly speak above a whia per." "Indeed T" Has he taken oold, or did he go to the ball game?"-Washington Star. Lawyer-I now offer in evidenoo a photograph of the broken heart of tbe plaintiff, taken by the Roentgen pro oess. Judge Admitted. "Exhibit X."-Puok. Let it be marked Wise mother Be oareful not to allow the children to annoy their father at the breakfast this morning. Nurse "Yes ma'am." Wise mother His baseball olub lost yesterday, you know.-Pbiladelnhia American. Weary Walker-Say, were von over tarred and feathered ? Johnny Restful Yes, onoe. Weary Walker-How did you feel! Johnny Restful-Like a bird.-Hae. vard Lampoon. She I thought you told me your sal ary was '25 a week? He-Ob, no; I said I earned 125. but I only get SS.-Amosing Journal. Now the youth aod winsome maid In quest of flowers o'er bill aod glade Will go a gloHning, While tbe wife in dowdy gown Will turn tbs household upside down In endless cleaning, Washington News. AMSIALMJIT.o. Oysters live ten to twelve years when tbey have the chance. Io Ibis country they don't have tbe obance. A dog fancier in New Usvsa is the Owner of a black-an.l.l an .I.,.. .I.i.k " WUIUU weighs not an ounce mors than a pound and a half. i'bs Isrgs horsed lieells esn osrry 315 limes lis own weight. Due bas been known to away with a pound eight A ben belonging to Joseph Bisboo on Licking river, near I'lesssnt Valley. Kf .. discovered a largs bird's best ia ths top of so appls Ires, and flew np aod depoe iid a,a rgg in the erst. The eye of tbe eat, like tbsl ( lbs borss, Is provided with a falsa cvslid bleb may bw movsd Independently of ths ooter or trus lid. It Is often em ployed by a cat bsa obligsd to fsce a my bright light, end la Sieved to art as a sbsds. Live bses ars sometime shippsd on lee so as lo keep Ibem dormsal daring tbs Journey. This is psrtioulsfty tba es wltb bnmhlebewa, wbieb bsvs ha taken to New Ks!snd, where I bey are ns-fol in fertihsiog lbs led elovsr that bss haws lotrndarM.1 iolo Ibs eoloay. DloitAHrJIor TMRIKtX TttS InletiM lulling ami uudin. In. I. AmtA IO ftrnis. Irtlrr. salt-rlieuM. and traarsoflhe skin U InaUmlr ailavxl t stflvliig (l.anUtlains Irs sad hkua Oo.lln l.L JdaSf Vert lwi CMS Lata baa rwribanriillr rured I f it. It ks s.tua!! b. for Ik hint MUs and S favorite Fm. S-ly f..r aora Mi-vU; r Us d bamla, thil. I'laina, Ifm. Inb-a. anJ t hrinu! aim k lor sals by duiMs at Si tsats t boi. Try fr. fadi! r4UWa I'swdrr the sr a I, si ras k-Usl in bad osvli- bim, l'e, Ul jmitto r and tertotugs. Tut sals If IWecf A l'rork, dtasaisls Tbers ars ia bssieess tbrss things asrMsfykiio,gs, leavpsr sad lisse. -Nlthsai. Iks ar 4wa sbk lha (bias Is bks lbs tlesdri'p o u,a ns, bea at it lbs swmr ltss svsses by snd lb bush, Ibs rUssr Is dry, -Hott. lsrs s). pears lo gd bsir wbils bs sesesfw an I tlf is bat ssssrs lss Ibs a e gl,l, as m ) Is ptw Sd fr-ta ji IgssMt, a4 frwsa ftmmbm. Ywaag. is aa eilraordisss SraCS! Stork on Maim Stkkkt. Ni:xt Door 8 f H I f'sLW.g.rtttr.r.44LSSrll.sVw taik bt.s lis fl ,f t-! .-Ik Ic.iu .li-I.