Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 28, 1896, Image 4

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Wail ron al jonr subscription paid np jrcn
as keep your brand in freaof oharga.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horse GO on left
boulder; cntUe same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row eonntf.
Baird, D. W. and son. HorsM branded D B
on the left hip; oaitle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Range
in Morrow County.
Bartholomew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in lior
ow oountT
" nanniater, 3. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. Gooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
"Itawman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle H on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear tipper slope.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, 1 B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
e8Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot i n net ter on lef t hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hlBoyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
"itorg'p. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattlo. same on left hip.
Browhlee, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle. JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; llange in Fox valley,
Grant county, rr , .
(larener. Warren. Wagner, Or.-Horses brand,
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bare) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Hange m
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.E., Calob.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle!
TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on left stifle on all colt under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oounty.
Cate,Chas. B Vinson or Lena, Or.. Horses
H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall, M M. Oalloway, Or-Cattle orop out
of eaoh ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half oirele C on left stifle. Range Mor
ow and Umatilla counties.
Curl, T. H., John Day. Or.-Donble cross on
eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bit
in right ear, split in left ear. llange in Grant
ooanty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, orop in
right and under half orop m left ear. All rangs
in Grant oountv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, Won rightshonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
CuiTin. U. ., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
'"coi'lM. 8.. Hanlman, Or. Cattle, Cwith
c in center; horses. CK on left iip.
Ooohran, R. E.. Monument, Grant Co , Op
Horses branded oirele with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapln, H.. Hardman. Or.-Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same
brand on right shouldor, and out oil end of
''iwai. W. M.. Galloway, Or.-Cattle. R Don
right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
nEWhros'., TJouglas, Or.-Horses branded ELK
on left shoulder, oattle lame on leftlup. hole
inEmery?(I.' H.. Hardman, Or. Horses branded
) reversed 0 with tail) on loft shoulder ; oat,
tlesame ou right hip. Range in Morrow oounty.
Klorenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses, F with bar under on right
,hFlwmo. H. P. Heppner. Or. Horses, F on
right shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh.
gentry, Elmer, Koho, Or.-Horses branded fl.
H with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Umatillaoonnties.
Hiatt. A. B., lliflge. Or.-Oattle. round-top 4
withqnarter oirele under It on the right hip.
1 1- m. and Umatilla oonntioa.
wmibv iu il,w
Hughes, Bamnol, Wagner, Or-r (T P L
connenteai on rigm immium vi, ,..,., .... i,.,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
richt ear and slit in left. Kange in Haystack
distrlot. Morrow oounty.
with bar above It) on right shouldor; oattle same
on left side. Range in Morrow and Umatilla
Tli John T)v. Or.-CHttleE Hon
right hip; lionws same oil right shoulder. Range
In Grant county.
Hiiuhsa. Mat. Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded
,.,.. .. lrt himlder. Range Morrow Co,
Hunsaker, B A, Wagner. Or.-Uorses, on left
Ihimlderioaiue. on len, nip.
Humphreys, i M. Hardman, Or.-Horses, H on
lt M....I.
Huston, Iinthar, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the InftstiHs 1st.
tie same on left hip. Range in Morrow county.
Jones, Harry. Heppner. Or-Horsss branded
KJon the left shoulder; cattle branded J on
right hip. also nnderbit iu luft ear. ;Range in
Morrow county.
in.,kin M M Hennnsr. Or. Horses, borne.
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sains.
Rang K!lhtMila. , ,
i,.i..,.n c.ll I,n. Or. Horses. olreleT on
left stiflsi oattle, same on right hip, nader half
omp in rih- and "olit '.n left ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
KNK on left hip oattle same and orop off left
r: nnder slope on the right
Kirk. J. T.. Hennner, Or. Horses 89 en left
.1,.... 1.1.... n.t I In m fin left hln.
Kniubsrlaiid.W.ti.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I Lnn
uiii.ii nuhl anil laft sides, swallow fork in If ft
air and diidnr ololi iu right ear, lluraee sains
lira,,,! ..n li.fl shoulder. Range in Grant county.
Lofton, Hleplien, fox, Or. H Loo left hip
n oattle. erop and split on right ear, llorssa
same brand on left shoulder. Itange urani
l.iennllen, John W., jlnni. Or. -Horse
tsromlMt lialf-virnln J I. nonneetod on Inrtshoul.
iter, Caltln, same on left liiu. Range, near Lex.
i!T,e. J. W. Hummer Or.- Horses branded
Land A on Ml aliimldnri nettle ssm on Infl
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
"Yin-it. Grga, Heppner. (r. Horses brandsil
ilotilil II roinwlid shimetiina called a
mm,,.m II fin Inf aliMtllltfT.
Mtrls, M. I!.. Ilwiipner, Or. Cstlle brandtol
eirrls on nglil hips Inow Mine oil right stilln.
Itnhirit iu ll.irrow eiHinty.
Minor. Osnar. it.iir nr.-ttl, M Don
rl.1,1 l.ii,' hunt M on infl sltouhlar.
Morsaii, H. N., llHnr. Or.-Hore-s, M)
tm left shimldst cattle same on left nip.
Hitfhell. O-oar. I'tne, )r.-Horsm. 11 an right
ft.lt. . fli 11 .m rtaiht side.
NnsJ.Andr-w. Ion- IWh .Or.- Ilorsf A N win
asrtfvl on left shonliter; nettle same on high hl,
tllr, I'evry, LfSilngum, l'r. r u on len
k , ... i .1..
ttalmrn, J. W., Innls, Or.I horses O on left
sliiHll.ler; relllessmeon rtitlil tilp.
I'ssisihi. IHave, Kigh Mile, r.-Horses, qwar-
ler einle stiiel.l mi left .l,.ml.lc end 1H on in
hip. Call lev fork in Ml ear, right oropped, M
UN hln. UuiMiin Hsl.l Mile.
I'seker A (llesxoa, llsidiosn.Or, HorsssIPoa
nfl IuhiI lc. ... .
1 1 r, r it -. . ..... . .-
.K (L K nmneold) en Ml shonld-r nsllis
s fniia rialii h t u. lUniM. Morrw ennl
l'ilw.j. H., lioitnelfiB, itr. - llnrsas, JK eon.
KsriMl tilsfl shiwhlerj eslUe, earn tm left hip,
ndsr bit is ew-a ear.
i a l' lnu. Or i tinresa diamond rna
shiiflldf, estiK J H J einn"i'id, tm IK
ft hip, uppot ! la Mt ear sad slip la lite
IWnat. Aadrow, HsnlmsJl. r.- Ilofses, SOert
tf with nusii-f-firels o H tm lf1 "tills.
Mwh lr.s.. lispl'iMW. .-H" hrs.ll 1
ee tit sliovhlars eailta, I the l-fl hip
t,v oft l.ft Mr and dswlap im tm k, lUlig U
M wtew and .l("lntngMil"a.
Hnfy, Aadts. lu0i-n. Or-H.-rs
hrsnd-U A H Tlftl'l SlHSlhlaW, Vsi.l quads!
rime net htond. rnlUe aaM right hip.
Re eisitilr.
tU.fm, Vi m. M IfSiryvltla, Or-HH ennnofrtfa,
Wiik aeanx rle arm upturn eel !( nM hit
al " as' an t eplil la lift, l.m
es-ss lxs I .hi Wfl .K.nl l. liabge la M xr,w
Itfwil ami Millie enaelie. ...
Hi.f t. W . Il-ift.-. Or.-H.maa, JO is
Ml slW Ier. aiUe, II am rtgM fcl.
Mla4, W. K.. It i. IV - W'mm ha.M
Mm li iirv.. ii i a ln kip, il.-w
t k la rM " !- M' la M,
nf.v. lifts, II-vvm, Or. - Huraa, ire
M kip, ex ii saute Mt it.
Haisrs, R-rt, lasasl l -faille i f a
rmhl si and II rWM I"H t Immsm, i
tal, al,..al.U liK la Siil,
amiih U. . Wm-iml., lr. llirfsss. aU
H K fc.Wli reui mi Mi at..e.i.i-
.(SirMi. tls-ias Arlise ,. i km hmwtfBl
JM iWI .."! estilf ii S.f
Wol-lie, Its' la aa I itilitsta
KUI.MM. . , llsH 4M. !. h.S M
rWM siiOsi fm"m l.itar lal L MS lis rtgM st-le
fumrmm. in . J .11 4 aiWa,
tm rurM li . sllw f- w.
iwiwl It. , ttrttmm, IH - ll.trstax M M
lH stfsi U- iss'iU M m Ufl h
H.ns k II. Hsi lSMM. . - I allU l'
Mi kti, entw -t ! swl a4si I Ml yaat.
VsKMi, ws !. Hl assfoessr.
I (-.. J II .- i.mm.
M wii I If1 ssMsr
I,, .MM l..tf.l-1-.l l"t. tl'MSMi. t Ml
t..M R .!lMa Or - ejl esfiisj 1
Un sb.l..t, wis saw mi isfi I..
(,k 111 is
IhMuM, II, M . l -e Ov - M-ssss eks.W
f lts4ail M ntUsi tmmm tn4,
f ..mm. M, f .!-. M.wmHImsi
t IKM hMfcM sal i .
k!Ulr, Wat M -"", Or. ll.iMaa V U
tas li- ! ii.ti saM um mt ttiai
tf -A Ml mm 4 mM ear l"-ii
u . i- lli . Iw -
I' ..rsas l . II J f W SSMhu-ts.
uw M I sUK t am W arnk
.. - mAm, fj4. l MM
It .. I tl aaa4fw, !- l
y,is Nif
" r
II "i II W
'I H.. I-. as I ifH li
L.w ll MM u, H HI I' I Sit
..III I II , - II -, tf
w-'st !- 1 IW VAtif
f, . Ii 1st',
I ,. II Iwl Ml l'4 oik kvl
kf s MiS4 s-fa-i .
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Hones running AA
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
loong, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horse brands!
TBontiia right shonldf.
When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think yon can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to it that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
re piitation b v honest and so uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bilitv. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and ia
Light Running
There Is none in the world that
can equal in mechanical con
Btruction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or hag as many
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other hu3
it i New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hincred
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Oua.iok. Mass. Bostok, Mass. 88 TJhton BotTAny, N. Y
P, C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
ConUlns each Month I Original Water Color
I rontlsplece ; 1 28 Quarto Pages of Reading
Matter; 100 New and High -class Illustra
tions; Mor Literary Matter and lllustr.
lion than any other Magazine In America
23 cts. $J Vcar.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A nrlt'lit, Wholesome, Juvenile Monthly,
rn.lv Illustrated. The best writers for young
imui'lu ' iitrllnita to It. 10 nil. ; ft a year.
Fbank I.xsux's Ponilae Monthi.t and the
UaaetU), both for one your lor ,t.0J.
FrahxI,xsi.i s Pleasant Hours rouBovs
ANUUlKi.SMid the ti.ette, both lor
one year $;l.ou.
Undoifatetily theJBest Club Offers
fJf-HfBil In Frank fnllr'n f uhfuMat; ffoiiss, Af.T,
f,rNrwlltutrnteil IYrmiuml.ut.fiet.
Use A.JT'rH m4 .iU.kA
If yon think of buying to eiitfint of
any i. or kiml send fur our Catalogue
Sit. 3h eootitining illiislratintu anil
prloea of every kind of rnijiti from on
np lo Ti hoMA power. At bottnni prines,
or l.m no. S:, Ir yacht tnglne, bail-
crt and mioiilnery. timer hdI rri.
caas. P. Wiiiard & Co.,
197 Canal Straat,
Q 1 1 i r t- r t r t nt Q
1 Asmir M Yntn Im Huiwm, p
? , A C"slt Set, rxnslillm ol flv
' till like l,.,irs Hsmi HsU I lsrr, t P
2 K I I'lsiff, imll risri-t. Tenuis I lsr
J ni lllrj. I. Hi Iff. SHI t srlil III snf f
i I'lirss uuoa rn-lii ul iu rsnts. to mi M
JJ lh.se t'iw lnlMllf perlts-t, H
tftftsiiiihilir tiliiitst an. eHftuiiml, ti4
"him tosiao'l s 1. sn.l srvsa
r- trnl smitsntt l tutf i pfs as ls.tr
nl llis sil.liilr sniiy s .i 1. 1 siiiisl.l
lor rluh. I. s in s n.in. oHI.s rt hums
. U. aratumu a. BnQS,, m
T fc tassr-srsli s vsls ( Ir4t
Tf lllat Is l tf fsatMHy si
Hi lsr sseel V t9U4,
T irxssa IM Wst lal )!
4 ifl ! Sf ptIWMll )
tmit im una
V f Tk'.si rie, e
Of sWie, M I s4,
UI (tKi , t f4 H,f.
1 II IT I i I
II E i a I j
E. McNElkL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas Citv
Ooean Steamers Leaue Portland
E very 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R. k
Agent ai Heppner, tr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
quick: TIMXl t
San Fronolseo
And all points in California, via the Mt, Bhasta
route or lbs
Southern Pacific Co
Th (Teat hiahway through California to all
point East and Booth. Grand Hoenio Rout
Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet
Weepers. Second-class Hleepera
Attached to express train, attordine snnerlor
accommodations for eoond-elaat rjaasenirera.
For rats, ticket, sleeping car reservations,
em., can upon or aaaress
K. KOKHLKR, Manager, X. P. ROGERS, Asst.
lien. r. x v. Agt., roruana, Oregon
Most Modern and progressiva
For caulogn or Information write to
New Haven, Conn.
fc ff lf00"hof tovMy Mulc torFrly3
T tJ I (J Conlsllng M loo Meet 7
w fll, ,,,, s,, )Hu,k t)t it
tm Islesl. MghlFkl. livelle! snd mot poeulsr
r.i,i.m, pinn vnrai anj intllumenlal.
d'HIc n u
n up In III most elreanf nunni-r. In.
lludinn fmir Urirt site I'mtralls.
CANmiNCITA, IX, BpumltH Daxrtr.
aullina Ftm oni rzj
v 2
r! TitEJJEWJ'Vt HHS,Ca,L CH? C0-3
T lifofclwsy Thestr HMg.,NcwVittliOtv.
St: cisvii.i mm J.TJ-tl. v" 5
e Pa "I" La
Th American Protect! Tariff Ltagut
11 national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Industry " at ip!aine4 by it conititu-
tion, at follow :
' TH oboet tt tKi iMfTu U
Araerteen by lianft a MepeMa, oliKk ss4
Sfemst th esfapetitt mf ffw-fti lakee.
Ther are no penonaJ or private
profit m connection with the organiza
tion tnd it it tuitained by membership,
conttibution and the distribution of its
f IMIT ; CeM" I eKitel t'4'r
tCONO W t ml .tWM mw,
kclt. mU kv. t sane.
TNI NO W tmt ( t .ni.s
nif) MH mt ia lf"iwli"i Cw
(, -.. I . t. m ij w"; l lm tst B0 (,
f."tl)TH tM tml eanj r4l e V
M" -oj mt " mmrmm f t -
l.ts wtmmt tarn wvm ttmm vea.
tK Wet lfMit tv mmt Hoot.
UlnlilllHKMMiH Ai v.
it's the sjMn.E.rsma ismTOHS
6 "tmm,m I ImW aA tU
mm mm lm,i. w iaai
'mm' Jim mmf.m." -mkmm." '
feel mWm ft 9aeae4Nsf ffcmWt mmW$ MsV9
f a-J .f W f . m.t i K.IA.WT
tMMM mmm tJmt mfm mnmrnrn m m
fw tAtm i--.ili iw witil a la
11 ,wlN,ra IM flaMw f
t W tttanix tn W I
pptji tm th,, , if xfjl, mt fs. I
I Mi lM I m. tjt,,.-w..w
ImIi m ntm mm I r 1 awftK-l, tl i
tm ftwf mt M KMtl p.
il Ammmummt. mm tmtmtmm wtU.
mm w m mm-t i tm-m.mm w I
mM.mm0m . &m mm9t mm I
mH wriwrRrtts a ca.
Pkilc mt -"k tmrntft tfmtmmU,
I nre.f. n. w
lg . abi(t. n. C.
V 1 UU 1 VarJ
-Implcst. SMl(Jn.le,t
Receiver. "vSiJgffc Compact,
Ue Hasarded Life and Popularity la the
Cause of Abolition.
Jueiore be was tnirty he had made np
his mind that it was his duty to do what
he could for the relief of the unfortun
ate negroes who were held in bondage
in the south. In 1833 he wrote a pam
phlet called "Justice and Expediency,
in which he considered the whole ques
tion of slavery, and declared that it
should cease iorever. lhree years
later, writes Prof. Brander Matthews
in St. Nicholas, he became secretary of
the Anti-Slavery society. In 1838 he
went to Philadelphia to edit the Penn
sylvania Freeman; and so boldly did he
advocate the right of the negro to own
himself that the printing oflice was
sacked by a mob and burned. Then,
as more than once afterward for the
same cause, Whittier was ra danger oi
his life.
Whittier showed physical courage in
facing the ruffians who wished to pre
vent free speech; but he had revealed
the higher moral courage in casting his
lot with the little band of abolitionists.
Up to this time he had looked forward
to holding public office, as well he
might, when many another journalist
was stepping from the newspaper desk
nto public life. When he became one
of the small band who denounced
slavery, he gave up all chance of office.
TTo nlci bail lil.i.T'ai'Tr amViitinn hnt cn
stronf? was the power of the slave
owners then? and so intolerent were
they, that most editors and publishers
were sorely intimidated, and declined
to print not only any attack on slavery,
but even the other writings of an au
thor who was known as an abolitionist.
Thus Whittier, in identifying himself
with the anti-slavery movement,
thought that he was giving up his lit
erary future also. He made his deci
sion promptly, and he never regretted
it. Indeed, in later life he said to a
boy of fifteen to whom he was giving
counsel: "My lad, if thou wouldst win
success, join yourself to some unpopu
lar but noble cause."
Mrs. Upton My dear, one servant is
not enouffh in the kitchen now. We
must have two.
Mr. Upton Good lands! We have
three daughters, and only yesterday I
paid a biff bill for their tuition in a
cooking school.
Mrs. Upton Yes, that's what's the
matter. They are all assisting at the
cooking, and Bridget says she must
have additional help to clean up the
muss. rt.Y, Weekly.
During the winter of 1893, F. M
Martin, of Long Kenan, West Va., oon-
traoled a severe oold wbioh left him
with a oongb. In speaking of bow be
cared it be says: "I need leveral kinds
of oough tyrnp bat found no relief nntil
I bonght a bottle or UbamberlPio'i
uougn ifemedy, wnioD relieved me
almost instantly, and in a abort time
brought about a complete cure." When
troubled with a oongb or oold use tbie
remedy and yon will not find it neces
sary to try several kind before yon get
relief. XI has been in tbe mnrket for
oyer twenty years and constantly grown
In favor and popularity, tor ante ai
50 centi per bottle by Uonaer & Brook,
How th Guns May He Mounted In Future
With the many new devices of offense
and dcft'iiso which have recently mado
their appearaneo comes the bicycle-
cannon. The gun mounted ou a bicycle
wan in a parade in ey lork city re
cently, and was seen by thousands of
people, suys the National Tribune.
Iho yehicle was a twin cycle, in ap
pearance much like a tricycle, and
known aa a duplex. It is csneetallv
light and Ktrong. The cannon, a steel
rilled affair thirty-four inches in
length, eight indies at the butt ami
four at the muzzle, ami weighing about
fifty pounds, is swung between the two
rear wheelen, resting upon the con
necting axle and ia further supported
from ftlmve,
permits of the piece of ordnance being
1 1 1 ,, . , . , 0
raiM-d or dellecteil to any angle.
An Ingenious mcchtmlHiu
The caiAHon containing the ammuni
tion is carried on another duplex. Four
artillerymen equip the battery. They
are at onee gun crew and motive power.'
1 wo men on 1110 aeata can propel the
machinea with their heavy looda at a
fatter gate than homes have ever
shown in similar aery.ee. The work of
wheeling the gun into notation ia the
fork 01 an Instant.
Twelve mllea vint of Hereford, at
the aouthern end of the Gulden Taller
ine nav or trie old ( lutrirfnn ahlwy
liore w dug up laat aummer. There
were nine twyi to the nave, divided I
rolumna 3', feet In tlinmeler. I'aru
of th rude acrrrn and frngnirnU of
a ahrine in 13th ivntur' carvlnir. riih
Irnifa tf rlor, nerv found, together
v. it h armor In I and eiiilKHua d (ilea.
The tilggvat nioiwe head ever mrvn
In Maiw limtight Into Isjinjmr the
other day .y T. I). M. ( anletn, of Phll-
alrlihla. Tbe antler attrriid 1 Inrhra.
J'isl two Inrhra mor than tlioM tm
hra-l rmnetl t.y Hon. f. It. Uarlilne.
of lirlfaat, Mr., whlrh mt, until Mr
t'ml- aerurnl hi trophy, ihf big
gpt ttioiNi hrml In Maine, M r. Cardma
hot I he moiaw at the foot of ChrauneiMik
An Inlrrrailrg rrllc dinvrrni
near Kan liernartlino. ("!., rwrnilv. It
I aa immenae iruli4um arro head.
fuur feet four lin lir. long arid weighing
rhii-w than S"0 ttounda. It I of MuUh
granite and harJ In prrlWt ImiUUon
of the mailer arrmilir-U firiwnily
roumi la that region, tin the niounuin
aide, near where lh alone wa founiL
I a natural formatlnn in the ha f
an arnm hrad many frri In h rgili and
eMi.lrMly lilil for many tiiilr.
II i!t te aa agrenable earMtta ta
Miami ant kt to aiiark nt tnllioat
ulie ta ba tb.t isi rlf way le
jbaJ by taking l hiulrlai g Uu'ia,
(bloia and IhanbnM lU4r. Ia
In tit li lat r Ida allatk By b) pf
vt4 by taking tbia rmdy a a
lh fir.1 i mi Iota nf Ibe tli t'(af.
1 aaj to awal blll tot eale by t'rr
A trH b, dmil.
I aH artn ta rar rii In a high
w lttl.
IV not rcrfwiTtl4v on the manU ur'
, 14
! !( iKgWt ibdy nf .mall utrftd-
I'm 0t rr.rl lb oia a a suballlvla
f-r tt hwtle.
It ,. - . at-.- -.1 U.t 1 mm. '
dtn at IW bw
;i.m akirva lrtlwiiw trued
or ;'-- "ft
Scientific) American
For information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau lor securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us Is broucht before
the public by a notice given free of charge la the
iArgest circulation of any scientific paper In the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly, 83.0O a
year; $1.00 six months. Address, MUNN & CO.,
VuBUsliKUs, 3 m Broadway, New York City.
ELY'S FINEOLA BALBAm is a eon itemed
for coughs, colds, sore throat and for asthma. It
Bouuiee, quietly
abates the cough,
and renders ezpect-
urauou easy.
will Invariably derive
benefit from its use.
Many who suppose
their cases to be con
sumption are only
Buffering from a
chronic cold or deep
seated cough, often
aeirravated by ca
tarrh. For catarrh use Ely' Cream Balm. Both
remedies are pleasant to one. Cream Balm, GO cts.
per bottle; Pineols Balsam, 85c Sold by Druggists.
juix AuvuiU-Hita, on n arreu ok j.icw lui.
Through PiUlman Palace Sleepers.
Tourist Weepers and Free Huullnliig Chul
i;ars uaili to tints go.
Many hours saved via this line to Eastern
R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent,
I'ortland, Oregon
J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-1
ent BuuneMconuuctcd lor Mooraavc fir.
Oo Orricc i 0eoiT U, S. TiTOrnet
and vecansri ui jMtenlui 1h iuim uu
rtflimi from Wsmhlncrtoa.
bend model, aranng or pnnto Wlia oesenp-
S a I vim, u alntabie or But, Ire 01
Our fe not due till naleet Issorurrd.
a .-..t " How to
Obtain Patents," with
na vt Muue ia thm V, & awl lomga gousUms
cut IrM. Aaurcaa,
Asa ka ar Avsrso r IsliauisiaVMai r A
Cummings 8c Fall,
OI th Old Reliable
Gault House,
Halt blnrk west olthet' tilon IVpol of r, B. 4
V., CM U . C, m A , I. H W. C,
ana in u. et, u m r. Kaliroaiis.
Cor. W. M.!ln ami Clinton at.,
Tlie r(tu'r sotiaoripiuin tmem of tbe
tfetnl-Werkly (iatotu ta IIM and Ibe
rriular prlre el tbe Weokljf Urrfoniaa
111.60. Anyone eabarnbiag for tbe
Utite and paying for one year in
a.lTnne raa gal blb the nasaite and
h fkly Orf e-mlan tor H M. All olJ aa b
mbiK paying Ihfir anUMVIpilna f4
ona vi-ar In advaeee will rw ntitlJ to
J. W. Krfi, tbe elty patnlar, le pre-
pmtM to in all kind of paiailag and
f.af banging and ill da licoaorlsao
lr a. k up tad put doa Crr.
Oifu-e on Mala etrret, oppoaile Ctt$
boll. e
fu bo etm mmmi IIponee MoniUr a,
WMlcHla aad Kriili. I-avr K.oliO
Tnrwlva, Tlaya and Malnrla)a.
rat li aa y. ()ltl, Write A
Uarra,llr(iDr. Kd. lfrktkrlt, I'mp.
For i:i SO I ill 1 first rlM, bigb
gr.l. bih arm eg aaarblDa gsaraa
t-.l for 0 fmrntm. f fqrthr (ailicq
I ra pall m r ndlrM, N. A. Ib,
Itiigiwa, Of.gna. JMf,
Walt, Th .n,-"B run u ttaa
llrtlxr aad UiniirAwi, arriving ery
day i(it Uimilay aad leatiag ry
day eiet na Uf , Hbrwlawt and eba
mM M the Isitoriar. 0te A
HfWk, agfi.
, Aay m.'ktif la I'.atT trg- b
dair Hi. Mtitv of an ailnay la
Waauiat-t'xt, l. 1 , villi Bud It In ht
a-laatag li rail am Of a Idrnaa IUi a
1 1".
, T,a .,., , f .,,.k ,U N,.t
tu k f l -t t'.". A 1 1 I. l .-J t.
ItV. Kiriii, li(ta, t)tan. t4lf.
i i"?a
$ mmr4 - w -r w
IS i
S To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension? Had You a
1 relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
y on whom you depended for support ? ,
is To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
3 law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
f) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
) ' jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
& 6.8 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
JV. B.This Company U controlled by
papers in (he United States, ana is guaranteed oy mem,
It to Advertisers at
fice. You need it in
matter of business we must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
Youre BOTJ2STD to Take 'Km.
Leaves No Constipation,-
Care it, aa well aa alt B llionaneaa, Pick Deadaohe and Malaria. Tbe nnl
oompobtabli pill in the world. Hold by all rlrncririita or aent hr mail on
ript of prioe, 25 eeala per box. PKENT1B8 MEDICAL CO.,
411 California Btr Ban Franclaoo. Cl.
h I'd M
Wmm & si. Paul Q'y
Glanco at this Map
OI U(-alrars Mllaanta an4 M. tHnl Rail
aaf aa4 iwil IM foinwUmii w It It all miunm
IIMitlat lloos sikI t I'a.il 4 inafca, )
TmtmmXmt 111 1 la rlasr tlralod IIIW
lii llf r-l lalmt hf mtrmm tl 'ilpMal Is
stirV. Rta Mi4, UUaif. anvinf mmt
lH"l ex all ta r llnltif rttair. r-
ill ear Wei kw .1- Hie ra,!f( UaB
4 It 4llte tan mm IM kt la I a ot4.
mbt lima am Wmavf lha th, Imi
t4 aa altf e. lb. liurlaei
awMtoUa. fkiMaafa fita.rltmt tmrnmim
lla.filanlra-1aM.Iat.' ftmfom
II ll la er iili4 aa am git
a NrllMf laKamailaa. mt mUmmm
r. I. iPI'T. 0l .
I W.C ASir, Tes. rata, at!,
rvtii.a iHtwi
iti im m til . I (rani nn n aitat
a I
mJmmm m- - - "
tv m
V P!Fa; flPnf Wit ,sfc
nearly one thousand leading ntxei-
OF ...
a great financial sacri
your business, and as a
-rr wm YM M "m Thrt .?
1116 : IBB
For Uho Curo o
Liquor, Opium ilJ Tobacco Habits
It la lart4 at Balcm, Orefoo,
Tht Mutt Beautiful Town on tht Coast
Call at lh Ottrrra ofllo lor Bartleiilara
KlrtiUjootiBdeutial. Treauaaul srltstsaud ture
Vour Face
m a n-MH4 arlia mast acta(
aaMio, aftar y ! la a
eutoots tvi ni at
Tbe awnt fraortkig 4 aatfat dVfktM ea
jj 14 r tg i
Canity Maa1ttl taCt,
6f raa rialib gal Nrfttt Afltitatt,
ALL ttwabtg Artkita,
Aad aitj ara a4 f4iMi tp ta Ike f3
I! f t.iiriuiMMia.
A-Tiva t'taif ti Waattn anir.
tJ ,'ry. I,-t. Utm. Ki'rmm,
WiliTE SEWIX3 imi CO.,