UNTOLD MISERY FROM RHEumATism C. H. King, Water Valley, Kiss., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For Ave years, I suffered untold misery Irom muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, -spending aiooo there, besides doctors' bills; 1ut could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed nly ninety-three pounds; nwleft arm and -leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles being twisted up In knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sai saparilla. Inside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has Increased to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." AVER The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. -AXER' a PILLS cure Headache. IV '" V ill MN MlMMtEHuTTRTM J 6 7 8 9 tO tl 12 f3 L61718 f9'20 222 2324 Zf 26272d29 JO ' Take Notice. L The inn of Are rente pr line will be Jhamei for "oarila of thank." "rwolntlnti of freeimct," Hut of waMtna prewnta t donor, ; ind oliltnary noili-m, (other limn tlwae the edlt r nhall hlinwll give m a mattnr ol uawa.) and i aotlren ol iwll mm'tlim. lor whatever purpoaa. t. Notlcea ol rhuri'h mil annUily ami allothar ' interUlnmenU from which revenue I to be ite irtTKl, ahail be rharao.1 lor lit the rale of Ave nu a line. Tlitwe rulee will be trtetlT adbor d to In every Inatawa, Advertliliit rates reatoiialil and made known I poo application. TIME TABLE. Rtave tor tlardman, Monument, Ixinc riwt, fohn Hay and I'anynn Clijr. Iran fullue : Every day al a. m . iimi Kun.Uv. Arrtvaacvery daya'f .0 . n.-".l Monday. Tbe rhraprai, qiiU-krat and I mat line Ui of from tbe lutertor mntitry. WALT TIIOMI'iWS. Prop. Conerr . Brock, Aaenta. Qambrinus Beer, .HALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drlnkabla Liquors anal Smokabls Cigars. Call an Tad. 111 Ml mm Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Hats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street and ask the Public to call and sec them before purchasing. Did It Ever Occur to Your That ii Firm Could bo Uoycoilcd and Sltll !o HuJrici ? , t THOMPSON ta t, i ... . , Ktilliriiotloii Here and There. Wills & 81ooum begin their closing oot sale May 1st. tf. Highest prices paid for sheep pelts at tbe lower warehouse. tf Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Cotter whiskey. On tap at Chris BorcberV. EL L. Hordesty dropped dead in tbe Umatilla county ooart room iast week.' La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S, 0. Smith, salesman, HeDpner. Friday evening, Ma; 1st, ie tbe date for the eraud ball at the opera hoose, tf W. M. Radio and Henry Blaokwell came in on Sunday's stage from Lone Ureek. Mrs. Walter MoAtee died reoeutly in Enua, Montana, leaving a obild eitfht days old. Hon. HeDry Blaokman, wife, and eon, Aby, spent Sunday aud yesterday with friends here. Keep iu mind the grand May day ball to be given at the opera bouse on Friday evening, May 1. tf Wills & Slooum are going ont of busi ness and will offer their entire etook at oost after May 1st. tf Tbe raoe between Datoh and Jubilum last Hun day, one-fourth of a mile, was won by Dutch in 0:25. Eli Keeney is buying sheep pelts and paying the highest market price for them. Office at McFurluud's. If Cons Harm, of Barm Bros, Centralis, Wash., is stopping at tbe Grand Central, lie is here to benefit his health. - mar i a . uraaa mav a ay nan at the opera house on Friday night, May 1st. Ar rangements are being made f ir a good time. tf. Q. B. Hatt, tho tonsorinl urtiKt, oau be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner, where be will dispense at popular prices, shaves, BbampooB, bairouts. etc. The best way to avoid scbId dmeases. hair falling ont, and premature baldness, is to use the best preventive known for that purpose Hall's Hair Renewer. Wills & Slocuni mean business; you want the goods, they want the money. You II get the goods at coat fur tbe money after May 1st. Look out for price ret in next is?ae. tf 1 till Cohn is now associated with the firm of H. Heppner & Co., in the for warding business. Tbey pay tbe highest market price for pelts and hides and at tend to all forwarding. Chaa. Bondry, deputy game warden, reports that Willow creek is open so that trout and salmon can run un without diflioulty. This ought to make Willow creek an excellent trout stream. The fnmda of 8am Palmer are in re ceipt of word that bis fundi are all lied up In the busted American National, of Denver, and that in all probability be win not oe nere ibis spring Eagle: Chas. Bockler and Arthnr Hamilton got in from Heppner the latter part of last week with freight. Tbe bojs Daa a longn time, owing to tbe oontiou ods storm tbat raged during last week. Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old timer" in tbe tonsorial line, bas again located in Heppner, having pnrobased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite the city hotel. Charley will appreciate a call wnen in town. Hpring la full of terrors to all whose oonsiitntinn ii not able to resist the sudden changes of temperature and other insalubrities of tbe season. To put tbe system in condition to overcome these evils, nothing ia so effective as Ayers sarssparilla. Take it now. Antelope Herald: Mr. D. E. Glliam, a promioent humors man of Heppner ani Mr. J. W. linrney, an rxtensive sheep buyer from Wyoming, stormed in tnn a short lime last Thursday on their way borne from trip lo the rrineville country where Mr. Barney bad our ehMd 11000 head of yearling eves at VI X.) per Item after shearing Esgle: W. 8. Brown, of Fremont, Ne. branka, returned to Heppner leal week not sncvrctllog In the purobaae of any beep iu (Irani ennnty on socnunt of the price twing too bigb. Mr. Brown was out in all the storms of last week, and living somewhat oat of bimior remarked lo this family j inrnal "that be would out be found dead in a eotiolry where it snowed ins year ronnd. Thrnngh trains on the O. R A N. will run via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pendleton. Tbrjngh sleepers, first and FCond claM, will run In eonoeotion with the I'nii n I'acltla, the same a brreto for. A through flret-elaea sleeper Port land to fpoketia, ennnecting with the Drat elaas elpr to HI. l'aol. and through tourist sleepor Portland to HI rani, will ran In nnaection with lbs Ureal Northern railway, If it m mm t;unriiiUcect inert mi Danger Signals Mori than half the victims of consump tion do not know tbey havt it. Here is a list of symptoms by which consumption can certainly be detected . Cough, one or two slight efforts oa rising, occurring during the day and fre quently during the night Short breathing after exertion. Tightness of the chest. Quick pulse, especially noticeable in the evening and after a full meal. Chilliness in the evening, followed by Slight fever. Perspiration toward morning and Tale face and languid in the morning. Loss of vitality. If you have these symptoms, or anv of them, do not delay. There are many preparations which claim to be cures, but Dr. Hrtef engliih ResKsyfor Consumption has the highest endorsements, and has stood the test of years. It will arrest Con sumption in its earlier stages, and drive away tne symptoms named. , It is manu factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16 and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold by all reputable druggists. And yet it showers. Bob Shaw is np from Portland. Mrs. Wm. Hughes ia slightly ill. Bill Brown ia over from Lone Rock. Joe Qibson waa in town the first of the week. J. R. Stanley spent tbe past week in Heppner. John Ambrose waa in Heppner Fri ay lust. Bob Matteson was in from Rhea oreek Saturday. A. Andrews was over from Alpine Saturday. Rev Jenkins came in Saturday from Tbe Dalles. Tbe political arena is very quiet this ear, so far. Henry Heptner went down to Arling ton Friday laet. Robert Krick made a visit to Arling ton last Friday. Fat Kilkenny and Ed. Mi Daid were in town Saturday. Henry Yanderpool will go over the trail this season. Qeo. W. Obapin oame in from Hard- man Friday lost. Polly won tbe quarter mile raoe Sat urday against Booby. W. H. Ooohrau and Bob Cur ran were In Heppner Saturday. MoCajie Beeder and Nols Jones are over from Butter oreek. D. Cox and R. W. Turner were Hepn- ner's visitors Saturday. Ladies of the Baptist church will eive dinner on eleotion day. Wm. Barton and Nat Dickson are in from the country today. jbks crown ana Marion tsidaJe were in from Gooseberry Sunday. Paul Reitman, Qua and Robert Qlook were op from lone Friday last W. 0. Qibson, representing Barnard ft Co., waa in Heppner Saturday. Chas Valentine and Cbas. Jnbnson were in from Lexington Saturday Marion Evans and son came no from their willow creek rancb Saturday. Aleo Thompson and Tom Crow were in from the Galloway ranch Saturday. John Johnson bas trsded his ranch near Lexington for a plaoe near Van couver. Frank Engleman oame op from Ions Sunday. Crops are looking well down tbat way. Cbas. Van Winkle, Frank Kilkenny and Jaa. Carty were in lieppuer last iturday. Ernest Finer, M Beamr and Coon R'ho were ui from tbe lower couutry Saturday . Mr a. Mat Hashes and obild have been viaiting Arthur Smith an J family for the past wnek. A. Fnaher has retarded from Peodle. ton and ia getting his fljoka ready (or tbe long inarch eastward. Oov. Ra ia hack from Pendleton tod aays be is 9.9119 milee ahead to tbe raoe lor proceeding attorney. Bill Walker bas eompleM bis bridgs eoroae tbe John Day whioh will be welcome Dews to stockmen. Ueppy Illicit man bad tbe miafoitune to get Lis Dos bmkaS while playing base ball down at Portland teat week. Geo. Vlneent'e litrdera foood a dead lamb a fw days ago tbat bad two bo lie, eight Uga, ooe bad aod three eye. R. F. Lee, of Ban Fraoolsoo. ana of Frank L, Is here to boy wool, juet aa bis illoatt ions sire baa bwo doing for years. Broee lfcAtiaUr got kloka.1 out of a bora cotral Friday at, but showed np la HeppoMHatarday but little the worse for wear. elaleae laal halutdav, eutd at ahaiiff sale. Tbe price paid m - three i w "'nn' a,m"" quarter eoclmoe, aofcli.atioej ol a giJ atao.larj fpuhll. W. . Juboeoo and son, Cbas , eme ". " ' '' ! Hueday oirtltig from Has Joa. Tbe'n " .t do raodi tal. baa brn yuaag Wan baa bra below i!b bis wife bo I lo ff beat lb. Mra A. A. Roberta, and little "T, Mf. T. W. Ar'. J'-, and a T. I'lor etine'e Ive little daughler deparUd la I evealag tt rodleWo. la epeakinf of the marriage nf tbe daogbtef of IL J 11.11. t).e (latatte elated -ilaidhir ef W. (I tlitl " I'rtat e, bka btber people, make aalatakee. i. W. Illake ia ever frt.m C4n. Mr. r.laie M tr of Uilliam'a taeel koB ai i,.r ly reetea t . " fWfi WWW f VH UeVfJ IfJ 11111 ROM mlvJ J.ff Mea Lai a dialiii rusaear er I iNtleranilk eat)'"i while ea bis ay lliiar vtl. Ti I " liajlv ui.Ul aallJaf aui baiitliM erilre4 to tl.e tr leda. "II alf ! '4 angry steel w, Il f 4r aw Hurt falal traiille II. ae ag elr4 Skid Of rrb. For all tbroel ! I")g 4ie. ' f'befry 'r. nt ia IL beat r .! Il Mliia!i alU In tae nf ei np, whipping ', trfiXKlitna, t I gnpp. H-e-e ri. lk Wtf lM-We.t'. At- S -Af'e leg Ibe ffi. ala, leli Ml te to t-l i If-, e.'i I i.l. In (ie aay dtt e 4 lfal. anl lb fll e-1 alif t y, af 1 1 (,! I- laki II l f tM ' I am e.ll inf. t lb Lal It aa .1 (( f l I. lla a'fum ,4 t.U It . tvf (( ai.i ' l n'B i, Il lu:4t j n-,r,ik,,r...ii,mii-. WHAT IS REPUBLICANISM? From Portland Chronicle. Everybody in the second congressional district, who pretends to be a republi can, should vote to send W. R. Ellis to the national bouse of representatives This meana republicans who believe in either eound money or tbe free coinage of silver. Mr. Ellis or any other man elected on tbe republican platform ie bound to support tbe principles laid down ia the national platform. If tbat contain a finaaoial plank advocating tbe establishment of tbe white metal, the representative mnst and will eo vote, or vice versa, if the gold standard be de sired. The matter hangs on the decision of the St Louis convention, tor the finanainl question is one that ooncerne the lo'erests of the whole couutry. But it that body should adopt an ambiguous plalform, as waa tbe case in 1892, tbe congressman is in duty bound to offici ally accept tbe demands of the conven tion that nominated bim, and, if the latter mde to rnhng regarding money, as was tbe case 10 Oregon, of the state convention. This baa plainly declared for bimetulism. The republicans of this state ao decided by the emphatio majority vote of 129 to 108. Wm R. Ellis, as a representative in tbe national government, is simply the exponent of tbe views of the people. He was there npon the Minneapolis platform, whiob, on tbe money matter, was indorsed by the Oregon republican platform, of 1892, promulgated by Rufus Mallnry. His vote for silver, whiob bas been bitterly antagonized by the Oregon gold-bugs, was perfectly consistent with the enun oiated principles of republicanism, and, it re elected, be will stand on tbe bidding of bis constitneuts and tbe St. Louis platform. To do otherwise would mean his politioal extinction. Tbe issue of the Oregoniao, last Sat urday, contains an editorial, beaded "let ns have a straight vote," against Ellis, agaiust tbe republican party, and against everything, except tbe selQsbness of its own writer. Itsajs: "Ellii, in voting for silver, ia going against the polioy and purpose of his party," and "every voter who opposes free coinage of silver should refuse to vote for Ellis, beoanse EIIh supports free coinage, as a dema gogue, when his party ia agaiust it, and it is time measures were taken to enforce honest dealing on this all important sub ject. Gold standard men cannot vote for Ellis, becanse they detest false pre tenses." It is almost useless to argue against this unjournalistio bypooriti whipb bobs aronud like a fl ;s. It is too inconsistent to be worthy a thought. It claims to dotfsl prcltnae, and yet, it would have people believa it is repub lican, while it opposes tbe elictiou of tbe regular republican nominpe fr con gress. Forsbami'l Thre is no repub licanism in such an attitude. The i"o pie are virtuoncly indignant over this ricocheting, aud the Intert-ste of govern ment are thankful that the influence curted by the Orpgnnlau is fur below par. Tbe Chronicle believes iu a single gold atandard, but is for republicanism first. ('iinanmptlna Taa be Cared By the nae of Pinion's Cure. Thia great Conu Cnra ia the only kucnn remedy for Hut ten ibis diseasa, For sale by Wells & Warren - Niitninatlona are la Ordrr. From Tlie Pallet Chmiilrln. The wrilhlogi of the Cvegnnian be. cause of the dose admiuiatered to Ha cherished Idol, Jose; h Simon, at the late Hf publican oonveulion furnish ainns- ment to tbiaa pcopbi who have lit t Ia conrern buh way Multnomah county IMilltic go. Fur a day or two following the 0'MiVoiilloiia there was a period of heeitnney, of uncertainty what eonrse to puisne, no the part of Hie great dally. Considering the fact that the foroea of the Oregnnian lil Iih,o d-Ifatid aid the "romblnr" had won aignal viclnri-a all along tbe line, there we a tuarkid alenee (f eommenl npon the eitntiin. (ralilllv. bowercr, tittle by liltlf, di torinl pwavriipl.a b'gia to apear Inti mating that a raadiUti fur evif lo tl.es0lil dialnot wlui.wor.M rcepert the gold aid of I hit monty qaeall'io woold bm deairable thing. , Than rams the annonnuerocnt I hat Do republican almntj vote for Mr. KU a. Lirh earrla with it tb loaaend I that lie elinuld tula fur Jndge Uenneit, Mr McKarohcr or, p waibly, Mr. (jnlnn, the jxipq.Ut ean ll '.date; sine for wlxro eUa o-ml.l b v..t-T it,.a it.. ii. .i. n.i. w n.. . . . .... , Irvg"f tein rrw WJw MIU PII'PrMflf ailW J. lt.nH.ii u. t,ir..k... s! . ... ...',, , found I fill lbs bill Mr. Malloy tiM 0''l iln, heraaee If be er nnmliiatrd Mr. Heine wglil lake the atorup glnal bim, aa I Mr. Mallnry wml I ,m twpr. J hi Himon woohlii't d'i. Ie rsna he rnnl In't gt any v jU J ibn 0 IMOie wmllq'l J. i, beraiae Mr. r e rat arrr rati fur i fSo, sa t eo in dues the line of lha ntiiae ftrwiie, Ha-I aa Ibe plight m lie, we llntik enloll" M aty tbe rliUf ,) u( lb Orfgiai.a. a II I. m... ly, pneeiblf , tbat ia pre? ante I that Ppf tn m anaxmrieii.g Ibe et.diday f aii W. Hrt.il, a g'h'biB a !' la )cq all a lb ab''. Ul-t.. afd filar editor f tb Orgtla. Al y ft'it rtr.lr.e M'. Kn.M II I a4 a l irr. Id be 4 eft4ma M. bibfika ete. rnl at HaUm? e tll pn.lvr'i'i, ble ariielae, riMnj ftt 9 tgt will r . He I hi rit:' I a gini; I li.fl aur al by -e e th eae, ad, al. nil Imi il I iffett amn l f M all .,. . tt ! a'xt ift ! t l Id e4,e itKH( ii..n 'll "I . . . i . . ' M ' i ng I I t-'Ma f !.'..' I eH e ft tt. M e.rir.( In WI tat Ie e ia ' I' !' ( i? M ml N... I'l!;. fT "llf eti-l f r . I It 4' f It baii.e nf If, w.ki..a f i lb ak tMittt, nj bods Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build ing np medicine leadB everything ever produced. It is positively the beat. Others may make the same claim. But there's this difference: We prove it. Not by an tiquity, but by Aferit. Not by what we say, but by what ' Hood's Barsa- Fy par ilia does. Jfffjsl if 1 has a rec- vV1ir L3 or(j 0 Cures unequalled in medical history. It positively, perfectly and permanently cures when all other medicines fail. That the keen discrimination of the people recognizes its merit and the cures by Hood's SarBapcrilla, is shown by the fact that they buy Hood's Barsspa- JJ rillainprcf- erenceand to the ex clusion of oil others. Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than all other blood purifiei-B. It wins con fidence everywhere because the state ments in its advertising and testimonials are verified by all who take it. No other medicine has ever received such praise, or so many voluntary testimonials of won derful cures. No other medicine possesses the peculiar combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and which give itmerit peculiar to itself. This is the secret of its wonderful power, of its wonderful sales, of its won derful hold upon the confidence of the people. This is why it cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys pepsia, That Tired Feuling, builds up the nerves, createsnn appetite and strengthens the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hmvl'c Dillc ",e ,,e8 '"mllr cathartic 11UVJU fills ,i,d liver itlmulant. Easy to take, eay to operate. All drugglsta, 3b conU. HOME HOT SHUTS. From Portland Chronicle, At last the Oregonian defines its posi tion. With a most refreshing stupidity il enys that it is a "professional bolter" and tbat it "doeeu't care foroonsistenoy." This is what tbe people have known all the time, and for what tbey have been waiting. Iu tbe issue of April 22 it says further: "It (the Oregonian) wants noth ing of party, asks no favors of party. It iievir set ks lo nse party for its own par-poHi-s or advantage." It would take more spues than the entire issue of this paper to show where the Oregonian has asked favor of parly. Whenever a po litical oampaign is on the tapis, It runs aronnd alth a little tiu cup, looking for pennies, aud (be faotioo tbat haa the "biggest sack" alftaya gets it weak Blip port. After tbe Imbecile confession, tbe voters of Orrgon will justly feel tbat no matter what eland the OreieotiiHO may take on any Issue, it is liuble to ' flop," for it is a "professional boiler." From Tho Dalles Chronlrta. Tbe Oregonian I supporting the LVraocraiio nominee fur oongrrss in the second district. It may not be doing so avowedly, but by advimog ita reader n' t to vote for Ellis, tbe effect ia tbe h:e 1 lib Oregonian la a "bolter," the aim cort of a rtrrcant It ooodt-mned orrlaiu indiiber of the nt legislators for bring. To the ordinary mind there la little dmtiurtl'in bi-tween bolting o iiious nominee and a candidate named by a oonveulion. It is a qnesth n if politically tbe tnao who bas the ill ill of the Oregonian it not to be o m idrd looky. From Portland ('hmnlrla. The Orrgoniau onw wanti to further disrupt the republican party by securing the Domination of an independent oaodi date to roo agaloal W. It. Ellis for eon- grraa. Aa AIB lalU Thia la to eerliff that oa May llth. I walked to Melirk'e drug store on a pair nf erntelirs and bnght bltle of Cliemberlaio a I'ain Halm lor inflamm lory rbearaaliatn whlob tad orippled me nit. Afir uaimr ibrre UiIIIm I am o-m- plelrly etred. I caa rhecrfnllv reron m od it. Charles U. Weltrl, Hut. bury ii. Hworo and nlierril)e. to M re me on togntll, IWi. Waller Hblpman, J r. Fur sale at W eente per bMI by Vilii r A lir.a I, Urogg'at. Kaw Fain Tasd Win. (lrdoo be opene op th fe. yard Bell dmr to Iba Oas-Ml ofHi . and ow aolioil altar of yr pairoaag. Dillr U right al bum al Ihi i'ilnr, end yonr linrae will Ii well lK.aed after. I'riee rraerioable, liar and grata f ir sal, tf. At Ie Rule Miabl ly It-1isrtitt. O.oiipa- li'ia, Ihuiri". Iie of Appall, lellow rikiuT Mi.il.ii, a ViUiitae i a t-iit ef. n( eale by Well A Warrr. .,, f l.rfit.J M.B 4 Mufftt, l.lH Up rm ' ' ."1'l.it " I i lra l UI. a ill tla llll II I I'liit. II... , iwt him .hi M a-if f blaa, lit "yttf 1 1. e t . ' 'Tw .. H i. i4 ll-al t'"t oi l ilil'. . ! mii a., at ti ll I i.ti'y al ll.e lUlftUr (, CATARRt localVisease It IW mm at aa ' Ii aa ev a .. Ii flipl.ll.lii4 Ifca. iii r-tMiir' i EJy'sCrean Ba!m m. i v. A m. li.4 fi.r I a f a I fca i . 4 5 . 1 1 m i . . -a a- 4 w . i4 t. ti t MlatlM,MIIVnMitM,M ta. parillai V tkaaWaWw - n 1 mm I HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBRB'SBaasasar a Change in Business 111 Around 3 ED. R. BISHOP fa Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile (Jo., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Pre ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. ED. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. What Do You Want ! Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, ve are not He Largest But when the people of all tlm V Hanlware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Qlauwara, 7 ('lltnlMirlanil Piul n.ia.nd Walurlilu til Hacks, Bugalei, Walton Material, Hardwood, Ae, Hammers, Hawa, Bledgua, WmIkci, (luni, Ilatola, Cartrtdnoi and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Oran Itcware, Plow, Harrows, Kakee. Moweri, Tubs. Waih Bolllen and Board, Hhevt Iron, Zinc, etc, etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Got Trices. W hav Ooon Ooodi at Fia Pricct, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John Price. GILLIA.M & I3IS1315K, MAIN STHKET IIKPPNKH. OHEOON Bucceaaiir to C. 8. Van Diifn. Has everything in the Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. The Lancashire Insurance Co. O MANCHICMTICKi ICNQIMNII W PATTERSON, AGENT. j'!f . ti yvrin II AH thrao can bo tirocurftl at Tborotwon A liitins, Iiwcr Maio (Street, llejipner, Orern. Ttirae (vntlvmaa art ll artnalnl4 ellh litar.1. Ilimtf, Crnr.. lillllaai and cHbar couullra. and ran aa miiit and Uwa In aukliig tb ftUrt In kt,ln alia lb t Intra. TI LOM RSOTsT IVINNS, New Blacksmith Shop. MnaaneBBaaBBBaaaaaaaBaatJaafjaaaBaj) Tb nJerlgaei La oitfu-! tp a aew blssiemtlb b"p oppn. ail lb pr bona, m t prepr. li Jj sa kml ef work la bis line, roarilia be will raa a FIRST CLASS WAGON SHOP I Work J u al I'npular I'rl- an4 la a i.fectry kauaer. I bam nt I lb ertre i.f an trlene' Lnrabr, rt. J. Ilalkiti, til Peletu, !! btrtee l t!i Kl u III ..at iblrrUlitig anl uef rrl.ieg, or en ea W. I. hCKI V.tt'.IW llHef, tit. D. J. McFaul, M. D. At J. U. Hicus Rwoitict. E. L. FREELAND, coutctmn. m AtsruJtcis. V, S. I.AM) COMMISSION! K. l ri.i. -f a A tt ft-a-ta Tta, Himrsn, tniitif, I R. BISHOP, Prop. lbs. We are small men, Xs. piercws in He Woiffl ! iirroiiiidlng country ar In need of Woo1 and Wlllowware, Nallt, Iron, Barbwlre, lu k-l. ut... ..... n ... Nrxt door to City HotoU line of Fresh Groceries, Notions a Specialty, Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle orse wUt ell liallu man. Mtilict of Intention. Iain iirrt lit ii iBM r mf xii. 4 ..ii i fk m ia att t at l.illui. i..tlIMw4ii Ma ' m it ,4 ai ii..it,.i in .! ii. a.a ImMI'ih" t4 li..l Mil (- alii M tMthi. it . it a. I', e I -l al I f t" af at. It iu ftt a lln4 il. I l i. n . t , a4 le I M i ii M i ri h II. m th. l iaifa aiiMta a m ..,. to.wuai a a4 .tiiltait I 't W.- i. t l-i l a T ea, M. I ! tt. a l "t ! a r, ii I II wi. f't ! - a f If an g"n fa laiat. "Tl',t I ! "' I1 ' ' ,'', "' ' ''U.aa, ,vl aew. t'C tleaaea. II at M. K. '.