REPUBLICAN BTATE TICKET. For Presidential Elector. T T OEER of Marlon County E U SMITH, of Wuco County J F CAPLES, of Multnomah County 8. M. Yoran, of Lane County For Supeme Judge, ROBERT 8. BEAN, of Eugene. The Oregonian cries "bolters" and prates about a regular republ ican ticket in Multnomah county, yet bolts itself when it wants to do bo. The Oregonian stands almost alone on its bolt against Ellis. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT TICKET. For Congress, M District, W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Circuit Judge, 6th District, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton. For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th District, H. J. BEAN, of Pendleton. For Member Board of Equalization, CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For BherlfT, ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A. O. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEYS, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner, For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BAL8IOER, of lone. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner. Justice! and Constable. For Sustice of the 1st District, E. U WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS SHANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. 8. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W, BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 3rd District, WALTER CASON. For Justice of 4th District, JOHN MCMILLAN. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. " For Justice of 5th District, J. T. HOSKIN8. For Constable of 6th District, I. L. HOWARD. For Justice of 6th District, E. I FREELAND. For Constable of 6th District, H. T. BAGLEY. The names on the petition for an independent candidate for con gress will be published should this petition be filed. It will be a splendid opportunity to see who are the real leaders in this moye Hakvey Scott is so anxious about getting a bolter to run for congress, why not run him? The Gazette nominates Mr. Scott as the bolting candidate. lie is in every way qualified as a bolter and will please bis faction. No better bolt er can be found anywhere. FOB ELLIS. From The Eagle. Harvey Scott, a soreheaded bolt er of the last republican state con vention, is after Ellis' scalp, but the ultimate result of all his efforts is, the more space he devotes in attacking Ellis, the more votes he makes for that gentleman. The Eagle has heard many repubcans state that Scott could pursue no course more acceptable to them, A WAR REMINISCENCE Scenes at Hatcher's Creek and Petersburg Recalled. John B. Scace Speaks to a Reporter of Stirring Scenes Escaped with a Slight Wound, but, Like Other Veterans, Has Suffered Since A Story that Reads Like a Page From History. Coming Events. Republican national convention St, Louts, Jans 10th. Annual rsunion of Oregon Pioneers, Portland, June ICth. Demooratio national contention Chi cago, juiy I ID. Emmett Cochran. Loo Leathers and Billy Gorton same in from the John Day Sunday. Emmett has returned home, hut Lr-n and Billy are still enjoying a visit to Morrow's metro.o is. A Baby's Life Saved. "Mr babv baderoUDand waa saved by Shilob's Care," writes Mrs. J. B. Martin, of Huntflville, Ala. For sale by "ell & Warren. Mrs. John Hager, Miss Elne Jouie and Mrs. J as. Roberts bave each under gone operations recently for enlarged tonsils, Dr. McSworde performing it. Tbe Best Confth Care Is Shilob's care. A oegleoted oounu is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shilob's Cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. NOT A REPUBLICAN PAPER. The Fossil Journal, our neigh bor, asked the Oregonian a few pertinent questions a few days ago why it railed so at "bolters" last legislature and now was doing a thousand times worse. The "Bolt- egonian" attempted to justify its course but this is what it says: "Boiled down to solid meat, the answer is just this: That the Ore gonian is not bound to practice what it preaches, and that it is not a republican paper. This wil be sad news indeed to the hoary beaded republicans throughout the state who for half a lifetime have regarded the great daily as their bible. But it does not look wel for an admitted 'professional bolter to call his brothor bolter a 'stinkard.' " The Oregonian commented upon the late republican convention in the following language: "In order to hold the silver vote, the repub lican state convention was made to vote down a resolution declaring against the free coinage of silver. But every silver man knows, or should know, that to look to the repuplican party for the free coin age of silver is to entertain a de lusive hope." The facts of the case are Harvey Scott could not run things to suit hiinaelf, and since has been trying to organize a bolt from the democratic and republic an ranks. Thus far he has not succeeded, but has placed himself on record. Harvey Scott's oppo sition means the election of any man, while on the other hand, Uarvey Scott's support will bring about defeat The people are on to the Oregonian's tum-tum, and generally vote the dictates of their own cranium. Nona But Ayer s at tbe World's Fair Ayer's Haraaparilla enjoys tbe extraor dinary distinction of having been the oul blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's (air, Cbioago, Manufacturers of otber sarsaparillas sought by every meant to obtain a showing of their goods but they were all turned away under the application at the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nnstrnm Tbe deoieion of the World's fair audio rides in favor of Ayer's Huraapiirilln was in effi'Ot as follows: "Ayer's Hsrssps- rilla is not a patent medicine. II does on! belong to tbe list of nostrums. It bers on its merits.'' iU'KPmx K M CAHK COM KM M: XT. lie lias Kaiiloyrd Julia C. Iesar for H Debate. The poople want Ellis returned From the k. o,: to congress. I Isaao Ruddock baa beta arraigned, and, when Humiliation was to take This weather ought to bo good ''" w' cr ra ,r B I ft tin Paatlillitftll fWialttfTlA Its! ft I Vea.l asttA for crops and grans. WMlt o ,,, m j, btv u placed at 110,000, instesd of at lS.OIK), OllEOOS wants Mitchell to nnc. m was lbs lUst arrangement. Mr. Had- I. in nrrrmuL He will nM P' O 4.1. ........I I... II.. .I..'..-.. II...I I Ula VUHUX'I I"! U V u.' "U -V. IIUUMIUl get there, to. b , ,hmi, rf.faed to maks any i I statement for publication, lasting it all WOAT is the name of this news- with his eonnsel. John M. Hentley, rtancr Published in Tortland that JPul Culled Btates marshal, will test.- I a g t si . at U Itnliinn Villa ,I,M n" "w .waiioon D- "" Ol " -""-e. ... , ...... . ii.. 1 UV auaa.l.lvW IIW HIIHHIII IfTtlHI HIV robbery oecorred. On behalf of lbs d llriTNEK DCods U-lophon'lO tson-1 feats, II will U set up tbat IUddock was nectiou with tha OuUiJ world, silting in certain saloon in Pendleton Why not push the matter along? - '' 0,bw; lllaaa. it.. aw. 1,1 ..aa t. u .il tilaMA feHil 1 1. . I I.. I nuaa , ' iwuii j a. r.' ,. y.mvw a... - .11.. a. w ut immediately lo lbs ttoatofflea with Till Bitieni Statesman, the lead- bis companions, as lis news ol lbs mb- ioff republican patter of this stataJbsrj spread down Ihs street few is doing cicelleut work for the itv wn.nt. ' woorml. The a a I CMff PUIUri WH lf ! IUI VHlflfJ VI la Portland lbs tniddls of Msy. It is TllEliK seems to DO doubt of lbs Aral cms on lbs docket and wl.l be tU aortas of rPDublicaotstn this harj loughl on si la, it t t is-- . .... I I II will ba aneetlon f eatabltabiaf year throoghout Oregon, regard- l -f ... .1 ... ' CM Ol cimid. ui .n-. I"""- n, lbs time of lbs robbery. eoniplets deaeripllon of tbt maa,eiet't 11 CrrNtTt should once more Col- Ibalbs was alwol fits feel and sit or leel itsolf Utber and aaaist in lhe la beigbt, aaJ weiba. Bi a .a a a ..n.UMA.! vtm. I """ iw w poooas; msi ns naa jiloted U'tweeo MitchrlL I I k . . . Slt t.l - . k L....I ft. .1.1. ej-puer l-Ufc ' . . a.,k sblastlla ..e. When one enoounters in print tbe life story of some scarred veterao of tbe oivil war, a feeling of admiration and sjmpatby is tbe certain result. Aocns- tomed though we are to tales of heroism and suffering in everyday life, there is something peculiarly attractive about these old war reoords, serving as they do, as a sacred passport to the heart of every true American. Thousands found their rest on the field of carnage or in tbe hospital, but their comrades, when the struggle was over and the viotory won, returned to their homes and began anew tbe battle of lite. John B. SoAoe, tbe widely known con tractor and building mover of Albany, N. T., has bad an anusaally interesting life, and when seen by a reporter recent ly at his home, No. 15 Bradford street, told of his many experiences and ad ventures while serving under tbe old In tha late war. Although having endured all the hardships and privations of life in the ranks, Mr. Scace bears his more than half a century of years with an elastio step and a keen mind, taking an aotive interest in private and public affairs. While still a boy, bis family moved from Albany, bis birthplaoe, to Pitts- field, Mass, and here he was educated. He mastered the carpenter's trade, be came a member of Berkshire Lodge, No. 62, 1. 0. 0. F and waa entering upon a successful business life when came the call from Washington tor men. All over the oountry tbe word sped, and exoite meet ran bigh. All the old time patriot ism that bad made Massachusetts famous in revolutionary days was fired to its utmost. Every town and village sent out its squad or company. The company in which Mr. Scaoe en listed in September of 1862, as a private, became company A, Forty ninth Regi ment, Massachusetts Volanteer Infantry. Uodsr tbe common impression that tbe war wonld be one of but short duration, tbe men were enlisted for nine months only. Soarcely were they uniformed and armed before they were ordered to tbe front. Tbe regiment, whloh at the time was under tbe oommsnd of Col. W F. Bartlets, served in tbe First Brigade, First Division, Nineteenth Corps, and participated in some of tbe hottest battles of tbe great rebellion. Mr. Moaoe, at tbe time, waa but twenty two years of age, and be remembers well with what beating heart ho flist full la line, liis regiment was ordered south, directly throngb the enemy's country, with Baton Rouge as the objeotlve point. After several months of weary marohes, during which Company A paxstd through several lively eortmmagee with the enemy oonstsntly hovering about the tUnks and rear, the capital city of Iiuisana was reaoheJ. An evacuation illnwed. Citii'tis and the rebel sol diers statiotied in the city flml like frightened sheep, bearing wild them bat goods Ibry ooulJ carry and setting torches to the rest. Tbe besatiful ospi- lol balldlng, which bad been converts! into a war prison, bad also been fired, and the boys in bins iarmed in, just in time to ssvs Ihslr osptivs comrades from perishing in ths flames. Mr. 8aaos wbo bad been, while en ton I a, promoted to enrporal, waa in ths lh!ckat of ths melee, and describes lbs seen in graphlo niann r. Although lbs city bad fallen almost wilbnnl a M w given or rereived, a flUt wa not far off. fur word was received ibt a large f iroe of the enemy was fast approschiog. A bloody battle eotoed al TlaJa Htora, sfewda)a march nut i.f lbs eapital, lo wbtrb Cori-oral H'-we was severely wounded. A mitiute bull struck bis left thigh and, grating Ihs bone, nar rowly mUttd lbs area! artery. He was retired lo ths two al Itatoo linage, bat recnpretl so np'Jly that he entered, aHin after, agtln lulu ativ srvire. The bellies of Port liaison and Ifc.aslJ eutivilk followed, with all thrlf tbrillieg SptOHlrS. II wss til I after tb'.s thai, by irwo ul ih ti iiaiii of bw lrm of eniwtroai.t. he too-.fshly dis charged. Ids freplta waa .e ue, t.Hwevp', ( b s xia eftrrwardt re Id I'Ki fur ths reiaaiader of lbs war. Fur merlliirtous actus be baj b ralal lo Ihs serseanl's strip. sad as saeh srd inOwpesy A.Mlilv first Keglmeal, Msebawlls Vula From the Albany, New York, Journal. teer Infantry, under Cbas. F. Walcott. Dating the term of his re-enlistment Sargeant Soace participated in some of tbe hottest struggles of the war. Many a gray-baired veteran today recal's the scenes of Hatcher's Run, tbe tall of Petersburg and tbe battle of Sailor's Creek. After bis honorable discharge, Jane 4, 1F65, Mr. Scaoe retarned to Albany and settled down at once to bis business and sooial interests. He bas resided in tbe city ever sinoe. It would seem that now of all times, his peace and bsppiness would bave been nninterrupted. . Such was not to be tbe case, for four years ago, while engaged, jn superintending tbe raising of tbe immense smokestaok of tbe Albany Eleotrio power house, tbe lever of a loosened windlass fltruok him a heavy blow across tbe baok. Tbe effeot of tbe blow was not at first appar ent, be being able to leave his bed in a tew days. But tbe worst was to follow, for without warning he was seized with sniatio rheumatism in all its virulonoe. Untold sgony followed. Said Mr. Soaoe, ' I could not sleep for tbe pain. No one will know tbe tortures tbe rheumatism gave me. I don't know bow I lived during those days. I be came little more than skin and bones, and it seemed like lite didn't have any thing but suffering in it. Cures? I tried every so-called rheumatic care that was ever invented. I Last Sunday Lon Markhum's biby died, aged nine days. The infant had not been well from bir b. Tbe remains were buried in Lower Eight Mile. Hheepshearinq. As many ot our readers are well aware, this delioate task is all tbe rage in Morrow. Numerous crews are at work when weather per mits, among them being tbe Campbell and Richardson crews. Tbe Matteson Watkics crew will soon shear out Tom Quaid's bands, then go up to Penland's where they will baye a long siege ot it, omci or BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. DURHAM, N. C Dear Sir: You are entitled to receive c-nrr from your wholesale dealer, WHITE STAR SOAP with all the Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or a oz., packages. We have notified every whole sale dealer in the United States that we will supply them with soap to give you FREE- Order a good supply of GENUINE DURHAM at once, and Insist on getting your soap. One bar of Soap FREE with each pound you buy. Soap Is offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. To ALL Masts Who Mil TOBACCO. If you hav any difficulty In procuring your aoap, cut out this notice and (end it witb your order to your wnoieuw ucaicr. The regular subscription price ot the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for tbe Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub senbers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to thesnmo. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, on March W, 1896, and to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th day of March, 1896, in favor of J. H. Townsend, riainun, ana aainsc 1 nomas waiuen. . u. Scott and O. W. Harris, Defendants, for the sum of Three Hundred Korty-elirht and 10-100 (;M8.10) Dollars with interest thereon from said ftth of March, i, at the rate of ten per cent per an num, and Twenty-five (125.00) Dollars attorney's w ill fee and the further sum of Sixty-four and 89-100 fJMH'.l) Dollars costs: and. whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the lollowmg ooscnoea real properly, uj-wii; on of mvilon 24 in Tn. 1 north, ranse 25. E. W. M.. onvn all fif be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac- "'" ' miniriat, I will nn them a good trial befora I stopped tak- s,turd.yi th. 25th day of April, 1896 iug tbem. My friends and neighbors at 2 o'clock, p. M., of said day, in front of the . . . t;oun uouse 111 nepimer, jnorniw i.uumy, reoommended remedy after remedy that Oregon, sell the right, title and lnterestof the they beard of, but my rheumatism went sail Defendants in and to the above described i..v m -4 . " ... property at Public Auction to the highest and f a .t 1n.11 Si. t 1. ...1 I . i. on just me same. vren, auor i uu pest imoer "rcaan .in inano, ine proceeuiio oe wciruo 1111) PIHIHMI .1...1 L.lil.. 4..,-. .J appiltMl 10 me wtusiwiuuiiui am execuuuu nnu rcc I vn ttrf uiit., anv rn.fu.iu . w almost had the life tortured out Of me, I a(i co,t, and costs that may ancrue. . The Thoroughbred Running Stallion stand the season at BILLY GORDON'S STABLE, Apr, Tvrmq: $20 for the season. All mares over one from the same stable will be bred for $5 less, each. Swamp is a Dark Bay. 161 hands high; Star in face, Two white- O. W. HARRINGTON. BherlfT of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated March 1, 1896. SHERIFF'S SALE. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TINKER I came aoross a newspaper ot Dr. Williams' Pink Fills, and I thought I might as well add another name to tbe list as not, so I ordered some ot mv driiffiriat. XT ' I V 1 1... , .n n .... 1 ..... ..,1 .. 'I tell yon, I was glad in those days of the Circuit Court of the Hints of Oregon for to hoar of anvthintr that eonld irlve me th County of Morrow on March 16, lKHfi, and to 10 near ot aoyining tn couiu give me , rtlre,te1 a)d ,.ellvere(li ,lpon s jU(igment any hope at ail. les, 1 gOI mem, ana rendered anil entered in said court on me.icn , . a 1 .1. I I nay "1 niarcil, in:nj, in invifr ui i ill, mirvui-rii before I bad taken two boxes that pain counties Investment Trust (Limited) Plaintiff. huoan tn Imvs ma Whv I nonldn't nrt K"l"st O. W. Stewart, James D. Hamilton, negan to leave me. wuy, 1 oouiao 1 .. w .P,i,,.n Adii p.rvin Understand It. I OOllldn't imsslne my- I and j. N. Rrown, Defendants, for the sum of ... . . Thirteen Hundred Two ahd 4-100 (lt:.0l) Doll- Sell DBing cured. BUI berore 1 DU am, with Interest thereon from March 5, lww, at tnkan a half dnren of tlifwn boXpa I was ",0 ,e ' ritM Pr cent P" annnm and One laaen nail aosen Ol Iliose Doxes i WSS Hu1)lr(1 UnUnn .ttorney s fee. and the further OUred. The suffering Wbiob had made sum of Fifty-five and W-luo (.Vfi0) Dollars eot: 1111, wiierpHH. uj Him jiiiiKiiiriifc 11 w as uruert-.! re 3 1 Swamp by Leon; first dam. Oregon Rose, she by Tiptop; hi ; Tiptop's first dam, Bribrey, she by imported Bonnie Scotland. Oregc lot; she by Buckshot; he by imported Buckton; third dam, Bailie M ported Ureat loin hrat dam. GraDeshot John Morgan; he by Imported Sovereign, he by 1m- on Rose s organ, by Can furnish Rood pasture at $1.25 per month per head Service fee payable when mare ia served, either by cash or good note. GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner. Timber Culture, Final Proof. u Notlie For Publication. NITED STATICS LAND OFFICE AT THE Dalle. Oregon, April l, in'JB. Mince nr. .1 .1,1. . . li.n r niu,n u. tu, uj iiiv niuiuD. uitm-Ri.viv iwi .vu ana anjutigea mai ine iniifiwing ueacuiiea real 1 u'y y?r . , : , , . t nnuiMrlv tn-wlt The VU of ha u of section :J I nonce Ol on iiiieiuion w uinav mini ytn had disappeared. I was a now mail. P."''", 7-HY'V.nd i L ol s tion befote J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his otllc - :ll,atidHWHof SVVi section XJL, all In Tp. & 8, In Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, ths day i j t 1 1 1. 1 1 : .-..-..... iu urau, bhu i wrui uin a iu 1117 uimiufra costs and ai-crulng costs. 1 win, on with nil tbe vigor aud vim of a young Saturday, tha 25th day of April, 1898 I think nv-rvonn who knowa ina '" M-.' said day, at the troiitdmir of the Court House In lli-ppiier. Morrow County, 111 toll von what it did for me. rink Own, sell the right, tllle and Interest of the ------ W - - - I I,.. I l.... I.. I'ills is tbe grandest m-dioine ever dis covered, and if my recommendation will do it any good I waul yon t use it. I bope oilier will bear of it and be bene fited a I bave been. Kvery one should bear ot it. I can t say too mncli rr them," Mr. Hcace exclaimed eiitbusiasti oally in cono'uainn. siild Dcfenilaiiu In and to the aliove described ronertv at I'lililln Auction to the highest and hsI litddi'r for rash In hand, the proceeds Ul he aiiplli'il lo the aatiafactloii ol said execution and I coals, and costs that may accrue. UM. II. W. HARRINGTON, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, Dated March 16, liejti. SHERIFFS SALE. i'OTK K HHFRF.BY OIVEN THAT I'NDER nl Mhv. Ihim. on timber ruiture aPPlicalion No. 2-.H.7. for the SWI, of section No 14, lit township No. 2 South, Range No. i tut. He names as witnesses: Justus M. Beamau, Wm. Duran, Hiram Claik, O. M. Yaw, ol iicpimer Orcnon, J AS. F, M'XRE, 4:it-ll. Rcgisiir. Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT THE DAl.t-Kfl, OREO ON, I j March as, 16. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of herrlalin, and that said proof will be made before J W, Morrow, county clerk, at Heppuer, Oregon, on May ), lK'.id, vis: AMOS A. MISHILDINE. Hd. K No. si0, for the K'i SKi, Bee. 11, aad KU NKU. Sec. 14. Tn. 2 S. It. 26 E. Ha nainfa tha follourinir witnesses to prove hlscniitiuuous resilience upon and cultivation of snld land, vis: Klmer Gentry. Frank Gentry, W. Q. BCOK. John Barton, all of Heppner, Oregon. jAn, r. jiwwniv, 4M-.Vi Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT T1IK DAI.I.E8, OREOOl. j April I, I wis. Notice is hereby given that the followlne-namcd settler has filed notice tierehy given that Geoige W. Harrington, Ad- of Ills Intention lo make final proof in support nillllstrator Ol tne r.UMO ol JllllM wc-win, I" nnrmim, mii hhi ..ui vt..ii mu u u.... dix-eased, has filed notice of his intention to before the county clerk of Morrow county al make flnal proof belore J. w. Morrow, county iicppner, uregou, on May in, i, wa: lerk, at his office In Heppner, uregon, on FRANCES L. JONES, Hd. E, No. "-V7, . M. to prove CUltUallon Timber Culture, Final Proof. TTN1TED STATES LAND OFFICE AT THE U Dalles. Or gon. April 1,1, !. Notice is i . .nil ii. .ui - i tin.',, imih'i vii. i H.iiKiaw in. 7,in fi iii mbt. inn. D imiiKTr I . . . ... M... I. I i ..S It.. . I., II.. l,....ll ,r, ..I II... Mini, of lr...,n l,.r 1 n...i k. iu .... klii V li L. lor Ih IXRVl Section I, ID.IS, S A I, , 1UIH II lllll uuv 111 HID UIRUT www. ill - .....,,.....-". .... . . " .' I en 1 1 II rr m iiiiiiiki i.i ... . !, i". hi. , I M tha ff,ll.,arln wtttiMM . . ,, . , , . . , the County of Morrow, March 1ft. lw., and to 8F.U NVV. and N KV, SW'; of section No. 1, Iu ''' which l'liik lM s have taken such a ben- .... ,iir.. i .n.i ,i..n..ri unon i,i,i.m-iit I 7. . '..u.-w.. i ...... k v .... his continuous reaiduncs upon and cu .. . .. . ... .. .. .";....;j:...t... " of said land, vis: ell.-eot pail tn the history or humanity. , , ,.,. -,,, u or. 'ATwyland.Trrles H. B.llis, Willi. ."-; f, c- K,rk',M- m. c- i. ii.. I...:,. .. iM.u.iiir ...,i iixinm w Jimkin. I i ... n.r. . u, i....i. ..i n i I louug, all of deppner. Oregon. ""ol" u,,w "'j-ji-'a it;-." ' ;- """ jas. t, moork, Register. "r'"cr- of an nnusoally large business, managed -i,tr n iIhasdiii Dollars with Interest ihcreon . i i .. n . i. ... a i . -i . I flmn March ft. Intnl. at the rale of ten per cent soii iy ny uimsoiy, anu coTerm4 aiiumi .,,,) On. Hun.lml miliars atuirtiey 4.11 41. Notice of Intention. Illieiltire eastern portion of tbe tal. (.eaiidlhefurthersumof Twenty Dollars coats: . ami. hrreas, by said ludgmeiit It waa nrdcred Mr. SoaCS IS also an Wury carver tl and adjudged that the follow liig lcrrld real marke.1 ahilil whlnh h. follnwa anUlv proiwrly, Uwlt N Ka and N ' of serlloii In j AND OFFICK AT THE DAI.LF., OREGON, I maraeil ability, wnlcb be follows Solely ( J ,42, K. w.l . b sol.fto astUly sal.i I Slari wA Nolle la herel.v atv.n that I lha lol nwina nimM aettlrr has B ed 1 on pleasure. litlla I luiUineuL coau and scrruliig rusta. 1 will th following named aettlrr has Sled notice of N Notice Of Intention. I..KD Orrics at Latiaasps, Ossoow. April ia. lie. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE followllig nameil settler has Bled nolle for bis on pleasure. Many trinks... carved by tha light of tb. ""J'l .ZSrJilr SSer.J3W earn,, fire, atle.1 his skill in this dire- "t ?h. t m.r HouaTi 'ZTtrTZ' lM"'1"'"' S'rX "n SZL W ll- lireaon. sell th. right, till, and Intereat of lh. Oroa, on Mf' YVa it FWtKin 1 1 ' jilS K BHOWnT' Far from beinf solioiteJ to reontn- (""JT" uhl1' VrL,,hihf J''l'h:, '" l il t o see. is Tp, t a. R. w E. w. M. mend tha eor.tiv. which bal t.leo pTJSi Jrh-,XVJ, .SZZ sucb.lo., of misery front b,s Ufa In 'Wa of-.d i.nd v,. B.r,n, ., C.Bmw. bis gralitods bis pra for it is OOStioted , . u ,a i-2 -""F. Oregon. ( 0frfI, ond c. A. Khc, of pPner. Or. and Francis M. Gentry, all of Heppner. Oregon. and nneeasing AnJ from bis own I statements one may easily see that when SHERIFFS SALE. 4.W40. Register. MegUtor. bs doss cease to sing its virtues il will voTH'E U HEREBY given THAT I'NDER . . .11. .1 11' and by virtu, ol an eseriitlou Issued out bs Ui answer tb last mustering in. M ,,, , llrul r.,Kir , h. eut nt Oregon h Notice of Intention. Tim1er Culture, Final Proof. Nollr. roc I'ablwatioa. The ifpul'hcna tickot of Mor. row county Ui lie) aatisfac. nunan. dl and deliver; n.n a limin, 1A ft"- NVlUh given Vh.t f r.0"2?.Ha; eondensed form, all ths elements necosv r-miered and .nt-rt m said Court on th. Ma ,h (l,,i'0.ii.f settler fca. eiej none of i'TJlJ ruLn.. .iTZ.To.ur LH" sar, to give new lit. and Hobne. ,0 ,h. P ty. VZSXt tZ3VT SS'ttW g-Mgg blood and resbir. slisll.r I nerve. 3r.K Zfr'Vr"'Mtt T i ASCT, Th.yaran nnfalling sieeifid forsuch n - M.r.h in. .,h. 1-. .t th. J.eTb e v' iV. i Ufnn NIVU.I.F., tT,' .1 .ii ri. "f e" P" rent. l-r annum and Slsty w .lVillL2lt S k .. V V diss as .-oUr alalia, p.tM .mu......,. . le.. lh. i.he, . J: ,:,. ti.V To pro.. r Jmr'.Pi. Vrillf n-"',ea.Ben. IWlZZJZ Z.:' t KYJXZi H." .......o JTnTiV VShw J'lffi Juwf I UI I I. .to .!...! I It..... JanH M. IUrr. Knrman A. Kellv. James I ' ratgia, rbeuniallsm, nervous headache, and adjutant lhai ih lol lowing dwrih.! real , , , . I po.-ilf. Ui ll S.iulh kail ol tha luifth ball o4 the after effect of la grlpp. pal pit al km of lb heart, pal eoj sallow mm pl.t 11 Of I t,knA. MliilAM Uu.hM all ..f tir,.,iP ILMni. nlliin twenty ao4 waat hall ol swrtlow I H r, WlliN. I.einy irirw, ail in n.wnif 11 nnff (Da) Rrg'Stef, lona, all lorma of weakness eiiber tn arrruing e.wa, tm. on mats or f.malw. l'mk Tills are old by Sat.rway, lh 28tt slay f April, 1696 ,. . , , . ,, at o rlor a I" M , nl aald day. al th. Irool doo an, or win i erot pcsi pain on rselpt of pe ("i0 rente bi, or sit JAa. F. M'w"iRE. foal, buttoned to ths tbte. Ills mask as an ordinary baadkersbiet with boles. Ills rpintn at lbs tune wss tbst lbs robbor was not ahov saa.linm ...- 1.1 . malnrit. of f enub. n.igbl and s,,lgbl. IUdd4k is sit fee , , ' , ,, ' tall and weighs abont 1) r-an Is. list MnJ(it tutcri. eieitennt pI ths oann hensmss eoulj dst.lly llrld oleT. all TlIK nsvl sKrtW lha tUOUbUio thing wtlti tffeft accsifsey. Mooumoul Is well olgh Imps. riu! r,",",,,,. r aabJn. TtiO iUJicftinor fclot g tL h); mlenss ittung . ,11 t t 1.. . and .tinging; tmwl al night; wnrws by rout ahouU tUnt iru.rof- h' m. ..,.fcl" , -,,,. liK tits arr lUaila l oUCA. tnniara Mse. abieli nften I WIasJ tiliraw, ir...niiig Very -tw. r ? Otrrwivv slnM lh lleti'ns and M4. If il.L Ian IDlrrteling W lb tag. b.als nlewt n.m. sad bi ft 12 5(1 -I by are net.r sold la balk or by ths (i) by MraaBg Ir. Willisnis' Mdulii Company, Moh' a en la ly.N. T. lost ITEMS nl sqohr aro to alien J ehnrrb asnjvtcea laat HunJav, but lie. krk A larg. f lbs grain has brt , j., a rt, nwiog lo tbe s.rt'ias iltnea of bis w . Tli.r will bw pf.-b-Ing every two week front new ea. lone, April SI, 1"V. Jasi. by woiro. Tbs seWoul rbawd fur a few da) last week oa ! vt lb Waebet Ul.g IIL Tie and daib are Ihs oat; seitaia things talliM ..nt," ssts a fftl al ritis.n f !. Aaar Willi larri.J f.w ds In ear sillags rpUlig his mwni'tn vt nwr n.lghbnftMMeL rMlwaaif T. i. I'aiU ! ,u.. lb? I . - . . . . I. (I. fc.. ..M II .A . M a , ,. , . 2 , i .. ... i il . rnie" it. iikmi s.i fs)i'ftMj,ri"w" " -- ' ftlUlO 10 kOUW VUlOnrWntlHP,. , , ItnS.INlh,. l.-lltla... ... tl t k Ska),! 1 1 gs riiiss'i.iftiin, j fcoll m4 mM uu t if j r.ils sa s 4 I are. I tUw p' f.S r SSat.y '!. r.i'sdir fS'S e-iw.ln.all-. I I ... tH..j aMkJ ia J A lireal lierwiaa s hwiitM Insaaw4 hliaat. (St.lHan, and kid ney, ttv.ff a4 bw. ir-MibiM new ear! hy Ka'l I'lov.r H wl Tea. ttut by W.I Is A Warren. in ins iwt rii"a 1 n s"itw . frfvtfoti ti lh right. 111. mn tntmtwi l th U tl1nt tHs.1 lOhshtt ilrsjsrf ir- Teacher t' nomination. VOTH E l IUHMY ntVEM TT FOR all ,. smivi ir lh. prrola.klnf a ts who may o Ihemarl.ea a. randl. ihfM nl IK. 1.... ..J L. uu.. Marrh . !-. 1 1 relate and III. iHi.l.imaa. th. eouat. arhi-J rr.H"V.I ruhi.e aTJ,,.,. w.h. k.ghe.1 an, VOTtrE IS HFRFRY THAT T II f"!. -11 0,,., t mil, n miip niw prawn in .n (., I I ' ...... -. pfw si T'la-I 11 lh nla-iiHt ol aald arulloa and all rawta. and raatta thai wiay aaarraiaa Hit, a. iiUKiwpn, of his Inlaantl., si his elalaw. and lhal said praaal will K mad taelaar. I'ownly 4'l.fS, ol Morrow latinty. al 1 ak.Mar u.. 1 ......i. I Meppoet, l.iajna. oa stay laih, !, U hauyaaua . -..a.... '(.IU, I. Mill, t. H 1 . W I " a " 'w. 't sw I J St. m, , MIEHItFH SALE. He nam. Ik. following wit a r. . iaa. -a. a, , See. , Tp J k R. I open, his ol Ik 1 im, aaufl ra ll !, n ln-(tHI lh, l ..Mi l, al Mutrt.w, oa Marra IT. ai Ut WIS dlraarlwat .O-l tlellfW.. paW ludgaMnl nm.)ra-t 1 ,1 l.raaal I. all I imft o lha I'l 41 Han h. Ia la I, a aw a la.,, w N.e toit m lha a laoli.l.iral. rat lh r.taienf l.iaaaa, W aMaa ,ni-l. a"1l "'I. and II4 J,tai. i Hamttlw. li..fa i lrallt.., J Nrn.a. I li linln, Tk a,.all,t I (aaiMlieS nMaaaa.ti Ttt, Jal,a4l lfaad ,1,1, ..( lha ia ol no Ihaa'iaa ad aa.i:aa with lr4 IhWa-aaaaa, ImaW Juha, II, l4. .1 IK, , U-at wf aaf ftaannaw aad II-. H.,t'taaa ,'! 1.aif S ait.wy s t. an. IK. I-I'lh.t ral thlrlf at ari ll !),'. r.i. ,n 1 9h0m by )(Htfant II laj M ,. .... a. .a.. I . aaM a.l,.ll I". I ! N-.,".li nm tlh. bat ateJ S. ei-aao ,ltt, frT,.I, u. .11 -4 aw. the .awt . I. iif Muk ."e!. I lh 1 M , . !... ) If ! a dl an, a , I... II ng o'rtipw.1 I ih..B",x '? ' - 1 . .. i. T.aaUk.a B a. ha .1.1 ... IW I al I ' ' " MIWll fatJ U IflUbLtaalt d ft.lU aMU !,( , I radnaw'S. If j I ai.l. a VilTlrf IU IIF IUt I.IV I THAT l-Stiri ".""' tra.srw np-a an.i euiiKailoaM. i and l IH.I .a .iutlaaw laaiMxl mil ''' V- , , .waa ai.a, a ' a a- - --, a a.ra -!, Ii. S HuSufd, all Ol t lwa, I iann a f, WU1I. i.T JJ lu,t.r. Ialea this Ink 4ar ol Mat I 4HHA i RAUdXtR, taa. r. srhom aopc. ktorw , iW. Notice ot Final Settlement. NOftrt i rtkarsr filvri THtT THE Bt.,.n., lij (mnin, th M n4 u Raiae, aa. . I. n aa Flii aalU.Ba.nt aa haaff areowala alia mmlA Ul a '. ,,U , h, m, Warn si lha Inli 1 .aqii si M.Mra.w 1 no air ts . kuiawa al thaeaaaitt kaaaM, I. Hfll.. I,al.. lh. l a Say a M, A , taa,, at r . rU. a . mm. uilti a-.tsa, Notice of Final Sttltmnt. Nntti t t liras.T f.lVF- THtT THE i" l""ln-t aVl-ailnlaaltatai. mi h. MI.M ral It II. I K. aaa., ai lawal will rS. flaal iiral of th lnUing fartinO in I'llia. U oM I nuri riaiCif io lc4ifU.r t.!9 if otin f Or ft OQ tb list !. W. Us a JWanrn. N l.ks nail la lbs gwsat. t I aa4 K. iviavle 1. th aai al al th, a. tstwrway , N 2 St gay Aril, 1696 t iiti th aaid .. i-i ItlllM list !H r al ,tWatAa al lha a, I " 1 a 1, as l aj. I a ' nt lla, , a ifiaaa fa a flKMf airaia, I aaaia. I -a a - w i ar-a-m, -a-a .a. a. , -a ti t tllaru AT BlrpU, ....,.a a. I lh. ,i,hi i.i ...4 int..- mi ta. I "a W Ts . A U . w. , lH llliaM v. the a. 4ajralla- I "", ' b ! : , , r, ,u. a. at .a M lh kiai.aM aaa.1 I W,,as.. t'.i k I ,.'.ai a . , , , , , m , , fc. I I I...... !! ., , .1 b, I .an. a. I .i. ,Ja,l u. .iul I 1'Ettl , i , .a. a mm A aui II ,1 ! av. l-l M.. . t aat J r itaia I. M i j) a II S!Vl1i fcaa! . aal a atan-W 4 avaaly, IMaS'iaj UM Xtrt I i. 4 CITATION. I THE lit TY nl T Or TMg aTTf 1 ra .. 1.4 Ik. laaartty n4 M 'l-H a lh. aaaiiar rat K eatai. ol 1 kauaa. F. Ha'taaW, a 1 I i .... I T.tiolai-iii i aM mt aM all aararaos IliUraaiaal la aald a a'o fraetlnt I I IK MB, at tla. Slal. aw I iraa. r, 1 wilwal rat Iu aVaaaa,.), a III, .... karvl.y ellaH .ad ra"ilraa Wa a.,ar in Ha a4aliili,iri h, tmm ai lh. I ,an,l, I ,.,,rl al lla. mi M..a .rf lh. .-,,,!, m u,,ra, 1 B ,l i , . ..J u . a. .1 II.. .4 a...K IK.. f . , ! . . . . . , . . va.raa.,. . .... .... . . - - - . aaaa aa'.-aaaa l . , . , , -a. I . H.(... la th, t ...ii, la ra M.Mftaaa aaa M. .ta.l.f mrrnt I .aaiaty raa the 41 a Sat ol M .t I II,. na 4f aal wa, I- at I" a 4 In l. ' A s I IA ..raaaa ll U, .I,?. Ila ant Ikara a ah..s (a. a 4aaa IrTltaf raaaja II 4.1 . aal Whf a. Sa-daS 4a4 IMS - .. .. f .. ,, tm L nwirr nut, st,. I ha l.lVn aal lorn lav a . a l ia lhal I Wl a.l fur at,ar,g t.ti,-. I J '"" r.rlw. WUt,,., rt a, ii. , "' ar"nl I s.lltra. ,l Vi.araW. e ! " - " ' ! e. tn mw t tt rstxti la lie I -,.! w.-a w.-ktia. aaalaa.. 1.,1 ,.m,..Lm '-laa.!l . wart a a. t Ik-aaa. Iif.. It .a !.. , raar tf s ?at 4 4T . laOl