PAPER MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad verting. Robert Bonner. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising brought me all own. A. T, Stewart. t. t iRriiii'i:i!llil i rMiM l mwi FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1896. WEEKLTf itO. 6881 8EMI-WEEK.LY NO 4351 OFFICIAL - or v. Id SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. FOBLI8HED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS A. W. PATTERSON. PATTERSON. . . . Editor Business Manager At $2.50 per year, $1.25 fur aiz months, 75 cos. tor three mourns. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPKR is kept on tile at E. C. Hake's Advertising Agency, 04 and 65 Merchants ExohanRB, Ban Franoiooo, California, where oou. ructfl for advertising can be made for It. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. The CITY BAKERY Is now open with fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc., constantly on band. - Wedding Cakes or Fastery for sp-oial dinners baked to order. Also carries a line of weil-selected Qrooeries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. TWO LUNCH TABLES Will be kept for the accommodation of the trade. Country People stopping temporarily in town, oan get what they want very cheaply at the CITY BAK-ERY The Patronage of the People of Heppner is Respectfully Solicited. OTTO FRIEDRICH, Old Bakery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives o:ia a, m. uauy, except Monday. West bound passoiij?er leaves Willows Junc tion l-.ia a. m.: east bound 3::J0 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction Kolnir east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. ana a. m. Flitted States Offleials. President Qrnver Cleveland 'Vice-President Ad ai Btevonson Heoretai-Y of Htate Kichard 8. Olney Secretary of Trensnry Jehu Q. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Bmith Seoretary of War Dim i el H. Ijimont Heoreiaryof Navy Hilary A. Herbert Poetinaster-Oeneral William Jj. Wi'aon Attorney-l4neral Judnon Harmon Secretary o' Aurionlturo J. Sterling Morton Stale of Ore(ou. liovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treasnrer Phil. Metachan Hat Public Inst ruction O. M. Irwin Attorney Oonei V O. M. MVman u , V (tt. W.MoBride ConKressmon Printer W. H. Leeds (11. 8. Han, Innram. Judaea O'. A Moore. ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial Dlxtrlet. Otrrnit Jndsa Ktenhen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow County OfIUml. A WOOL MARKET. Mitchell Hinser Hermann W. H. Ellis Joint Senator .. Itepresenlative. Imuty Jadite Coinrnlwiionen.. J. M. Baker. " Clork Sheriff " Trenrir AfWAtwor Hnrveyor , " Mnliuol Sup't.... " Coroner A. W. Gowan J. H. Boothby Julius Keithli J. U. Howard ,T. W. Morrow ...O. W. Harrington Frauk Gilliam J. '. Willis , Geo. Lord Anna lialeiimr T. W. Ayere, Jr mtppMicn town ornom. Mayo Thou. Morgan r,.,.ini-ihne O. K. FsrnawoHh. M. Linhtenthal. Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr., 8. H. Homer, E. J. Blocnm. . . ,. . Uartar F. J. Hallock TreMurer K. L. Froaland Marshal A. A. Roberts Precinct OBcerr. Inatina nf tha Paaoe F L. Frmland Uunstable. N. 8. Whetstone United Btates Land Officers. TW DALLES. OK. J. . Mnnra Krwitt A.B.Bi, lteowwr I.A fllAlbl. oa. B.F, Wilson Keiiitr J. II. Kobhins lUoaiver DXCBSX SOCISTISS. UAWUKH POKr, NO. II. Q. A. U. M)U at Luintoo. OrM th Wat Saturday ol Mch month. All vetanuis art Invito t Join. C-C. Ho.. liso. W. Hmith. AillnUuil. tt l'oicaiaaiiar. LUMBER! 1ITK RAVI POK BALK ALL KISm OP CM Y ilnwl Lumtwr, 16iutlsof Huppuar, at what Is Snuwn as lit This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewlston, Walla Walla and Intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing in transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dallos in quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : From no point in the Northwest Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool at this point than Is avenged at other places having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool, and shrinkage, It may safely be claimed that the average sales In Pondloton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. THE BEST SPRING MEDIAN is Simmons liver Regulator don't forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SlAUONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. You get THE BEST BLOOD when your system is in Al condition, and that win only ce wnen tne Liver is Kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR it is SIMMONS Liver Regulator which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea cf the powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER RCGU' LATOR. You'll find the RED Z cn every pacKage. look tor it. J. H. Zellh) A Co., rLiRcIla, Pa. THE THE COUNTY W. C. T. D. OWE! ELECTRIC BELT Trade Mark Dr. A. Owen Otis Patte NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL AT OPPICK WHITE COLLAR LINE. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Tb latent and only scientific and practical Electrio Belt made, for general use, producing a genuine current of Electricity, for the cure of dlnoaso, that can be readily felt and regu lated both In quantity and power, and applied to any part of the body. It can be worn at any wuio uuuiig wuraiug uuurs or Sleep, ana WILL POSITIVELY CURE RIIKiriTIATISItl LDRi II AGO CtKNKH AL DEBILITY LANK HACK Nf HVOUB DISEASES VAHKWRLK RKUAL WEAKNESS ITIPOTKNCY KIDNEY DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electricity, properly applied, Is fast taking Kidney and Urinal Troubles, sni will elfoci cores in Mtminf uopoions cases woere every Miner ftiiuwu nieaiiv uoaiaueu. Any slugglKh, weak or diseased organ may oy inn means do roused 10 ueaimy activity before It Is too late. Leading medical men naa and recommend tha uwen ucit lu lueir practice. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullert Information regarding the cure of acute, chronlo and nervous dlseaaes, prices, fcnrf h,.w In rwiln. In 1 n . 1 1 . li (!..... W ... U . I. ana Norwegian languages, will be mailed, upon ppucauon, to any auuress lore cents postage. Columbia H vcrandl in 1 it T otinn I a 11 VI liU FEE 1.000 FEET. UOUUU, - - - CLE AH, - MOO - IT U Tf prUVKRKW IS HRPPNER, Jk. WILL ADD akl per l.ouw Imc. ajidlUouaL The above quulatlons are strictly for Cash, L HAMILTON, Prop. Katiouai EanK ol imw W. PENLAMD. ED. ft. BIHIIor. Pralat. Caaktrr. TilSSACn 1 GLMHiL BAXKLSS BUSINESS VV IVVllllVt A. ' I ibV' Steamers TUlTHOSE, BAILEY CATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leavim Aliler Htreet Dock, Portland, for A'lorla, Ilwaeo, Loof Bacb, Ooeao l'ark aod Nahcotta. Direct oonoeolioo witb Ilwaoo utoamera and rail road; also st Young'! Hay witb Seaabore llailroad. Lrarcs Portland 7 A. M. Dally, esrepl Hunday. Leares Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. XIVIXjIDY C3-A.T5PliaXXT LMTt Portland P. H Dally, sirci.t Hunday. Haturdar night, It P. M. IMve Astoria Dallr a at6 ij A. M., esrept Hunday and Momlay. Xunday nlsht, 7 P. M. OCEAN WAVH Learcs pntiland and ranadlrsrt to 1 1 .. Tueaday and Thnrsitayal A. M, Katurday at I P. M. I4ceiiara weaiieMay ami rriaay aii.aia. M. on euuday nignt at s f . M. Bie Cbeded lo Poilroid Dtsiinatioo Bulb Ecirki Free cf Expense. Pot Ralety, "peed. Comfort, Pteaadre, Trasel on tha Tslephoaa, Ballsy Ualaert and (Irean Vara. i orrirs aao oslt racroar, Tha Owen Else trie Dslt Dldg.. 201 to 211 lists Street, CHICAdO. ILL. Tlie Largsst Elsclrle Bolt Etlsblishm,ntla th: Wwl4 coLL,i:anoNs Uade oo FaroraUla Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLI) UEITSKU. tf ORECIOS Ontario-Burns Staac Line V. T4 l BnBXS-C0HYQH STB&EUKE M. A. WiL'JAMS. P-op. AttorneyH nt Law, All baaioM atUoded to lb prompt and aUafectory maooer. NuUrlea i'oUic kail Colter tore. OFFICE IK NATIONAL BANK LCILPINO. t i l t OIIEOOB T. R. HOWARD DHALS IN- osTAiuo-nunxs IetM Ilrt !ily at 6 p. in. ao4 ar- fifrs al (otari la li boara. Sinqlo Fnro'$7.DO. Hound Trip $10.00 Hpit in . 1-1 l ! 14 I uk iMtaifct, I ttiotii.s st UtnM le tl. U. lU lf li.e T. W lib lh I. h e'r.ot If kn a lsvr, mj, 1 1 Ul ?t vnrMaalmii f ".psira aa t Ir l lathaaUla. H-iU a lew a j,fmiis m al UH sl J-'i,s!.H tvl i,str. e r""1'"i,i ii Grockries, Gknts Furnishing Goods, Stockmkns Suiiliks, Etc., And Wants Your Trade Hit will malo it ao u'yvi fur you lo Iriulu with hi in m bin tcf r riht, ao.l aII gal tliat ! Iianillra re f thn viry ImL wmnmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Stoki; on Main St k kit, Ni.xt Door to City Drug Stork, HoppIHH' Orison TIIK1ALACK IIOTKL 1JAR .). C. MOltCM JOIJH, 1'iop. a l si in a mmm Vl- Tv Ivts the IriiKit Wines Lujiiors and Cigars The third oonvention of the Morrow Oonntv Women's Christian Temperance Union, was held on Thursday nod Fri- at tli is plaoe, and will long be remem bered with pleasure by those who at tended. The presenoe of Mrs. Kinney, state president, who then made ber first visit to Deppuer, was a source of constant delight and profit to more inexperienced workers present. This citted woman has eiven many years to this work, has traveled extensively and been associated with Miss Willard and other prominent leaders and is berself eminently fitted to lead in a meeting of this kind. Our oonnty cflioers, on the whole, feel that tbey have made considerable pro gress in temperance work. The past half year has been hard, . financially, but the Union baa been able to h?ld its own and is now out of debt. They are grate ful (or many favors from those vbo, it not themselves interested in the work, liaye at least shown muoh kindness to the workers. There is a very hopeful spirit manifest for the ooming year as the movement here is quietly Raining strength.. The next meeting will be in Septem ber, and it was decided to hold these conventions onoe a year instead of semi annually. The following were eleoted as officers and superintendents: President, Mrs. Mattie Smend. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. II. F. liriKifH. Recording Seoretary , Miss Alioe Glass- oock. Treasurer, Mrs. Celeetine Bush. 8n.t. of Evangelistic Work, Mrs. Alioe Mi-Nay. Sopt. Sabbath Observance, Mrs. . E. Lacy. Supt. Press Work, Mrs. Cordilla Asb- batigh. Hupt. Narootios, Mrs. M. L Oney, Hopt. Medal Contest, Mrs. Mamie Brown. Hupt. Scientific Tempernnoe Iustrno- tion, Mrs. Maud Shipley. Hupt. of Literature, Mrs. U. F. Bnggs The following resolutions were adopt ed : Most gratefully we acknowledge the goodness of God, in the inorease of tern' perance interest in tbisoounty and state, and we hereby dedioala ourselves anew to tula work during the coming year. humbly asking our He&veuly Father to acoept the eonsf oration ; and hereby Iietolve M, That we reaffirm our belief in total abstinanoa for the citiron, and prthibition for the state; praying the lima may soon ooma when soon princl pies will be adopted and practiced by all the citizens of our beautiful state. Ileal izing tha need of earnest effort, liewlvtd 2d That we strive to inorease the number of TJoions, witb awakened Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report li w or Absolutely pure Tironments that tend directly to mold and shape the youthful mind, there is none greater than the literature found in the home. We often hear, the old adage "a man is known by the oompany be keeps," and while we cannot deny the truth of this, a better index to the real oharaoter of a man is the literature he reads or the works of art he admires, beoause be is largely what his reading makes him. In connection with the old saying above mentioned we often hear tbe remark that "water seeks its level." While this is true of men in their ohoioe DEATH OF LULU B. MATLOCK From the Eugene Journal. Miss Lulu S. Matlock, daughter of Mayor J. D. Matlook, of this oity, died at her home on Eleventh and Charneltoo streets at 9:35 o'olook Tuesday morning, after no illness of about a year and a halt. The cause of her death was con. sumption. Deceased was born at Pleas. ant Hill, Oregon, August 24, 1873, and was aged 22 years, 5 months and 27 days at the time of her death. She resided at Pleasant Hill until tbe year 1882, when of companions it is just as true in their "he 0Btne to th,B oi,y with the ,ttmily ohoioe of reading. who have resided here ever sinoe. De- Qo into tha house of anv man woman WMea leeB tner. roar brothers and or child, take note of tbe literature there. ,our "8,er8 to monrn her demisft her and you have a true index lo hi. lnn, ",u,u" "uk preoeaea ner in aeatn. beinc?. 8be leaves a large number of relatives Literature is tbe food of tbe mind and ln tm8 county. 8,80 Portland and in cannot fail of betas affected bv the onaii. aB9lern Oregon, wno will reel the great- ty of tbe literature read . Realizing this nfluenoe upon tbe mature mind, what may be the influence npon after life of a simple, teachable child. We speak of those who read between the lines as though 'twere an accomplishment grant ed only lo the learned and wise, but my experience aud observation has led me to believe that there is noue more adept The Bervioe were oond noted by Dean E he Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. interest iu tbe different lines of work; PLANTING . -wr n iN-irun i" imn win, ih-kid , l well hv irnUllltf I'trrv'a k4a. i t? iHin t lil rliHiiis tlfiprtiiine I your i ron, Iml plant K.-ry s I nmin. Miowu ana soiu everrwlifir. Iliifora von hlanL mt ft Ferry Sttd Annual V V t"T !. Contains mora rirae-l tlral liiAirmallnn for farniara I ; 71 1 ami s tnlur than many lilsb-1 J VII prlivii ft liocika. Mai li) Iim, A 1 i 4 I a. a. rtsai tw, errauif. an a. , 1 -V, A 'J tiM'ially temperance teachiog io the Sabbrtlb scboola, publio sobtHils, and the organising of Loyal Ti mperanoe Legions wherever it may lie practicable; and Hetolved 3d, That we heartily thank those who have kindly contributed to tbe ancOMs of our oonvention, by ad- rrases, readinga, and ohoioe musio so to the pastors who aided as, and ot lied their ohurobrs for our maeHoiie and psrlicularly to our (luetic friaods wh'ihnveao oheerfully given space for our tioliora. !Miui. A nil hah Dhiw, Miim, Mattii r'SItl), Mas. Mai Minor, Ami PA" s a m Vtara' atanilinf cereu "f him. lie Ulllhr valaatll ark o this 41s M, whi. I, he mOs with MU. SAI.IMOS AI'l)MKll. Ml FaiKMita: I am asked lo speak to too on a sub ject this evening that to tny mind ! one of (he moat eesetitial, among many of tbe reform movements of the day. There are comparatively few of ns thai atop to oonsicler the wooderful Influaoreeierkd ipoo the world by tbe literature of to day, and eepeclallj opon tha young and (Iriil)U mil da of the Oorolng tnrs aod ono. Nor d i parenta often realia the early age al biob Oral ImprMslnns are made. Tha mind of the child U pure wbiU roll apna l,trh may I scrollrd the chararlrr that is lo govern lbs future titi tn of our land, foul lAfi-ff It of tils h,lM ntra, frs lii any anff'tws ho mm r ml llit I". II n. fiw.u I I 'i Prtt.W.B.raX,r.D.,4i4arUP8wtr , "" '' " aarrioi we woqi.i im. misisbsw uerm rsiuxn ue c'rrwnii est sorrow upon learning of her untime ly death. Deoessed was a member of tbe Christian ohurcb of Ibis oity, at which plaoe the funeral services were held on Wednesday forenoon, the ohuroh being filled with friends who wished to pay their last respeots to tbe deoeased. of which she bad a Brent nianv hern. tlaw ah l-ll4 It. rryort" knows bow to "hard tttri" with liin Irttrra, but rrn lily mi rait''ra would m pul d to Sll M)rrrilay" with els. A Incin tmts girl rotilil ti ll thrm bow-rtiniiiig lo the I'li'inlrrr. Hl dura imt yet go to srhniil, but m tnught by li'f limthrr at Imlin'. The olhrr lily ht li r fallirr ia In aring In S la-It , On word aflrr aiinlhrr W Ka ur- r- fully di'iawil of, atil U rn sal'l: ".S, Ani.i. I mil foiiig 1 tf ! )ou fiaril inn-. If Jii tl it Homily 'II Lt fit sorn" tonlr. Il'iw il toll i II ") i f.lrf cl.ii T " It Wiia a lull Imf, A Mill" lliolllfot fif he raltdr. mi l J'it I tirli l r rj e raugtil lli ralrmlar haiiglng airainat lliv wall. Tltrn sIk nirrr.. w lilt a sruil if trt timph; "I r I. y"r, A a y, day, yre- Irfilay.- f-u.rl Tray m W-i-I. I'y rl.-ir,.- )t ,aa ns i1iMnrrvi Ihut rw ij.r ininl .. I.. t lr.rryf lb (! nt I"hii tn, fr jrrlur In t,- wl, li. riiy ll.r t r n I i,t a ,. w fnm t M.rf alar a u ait I. af f. ! I. wer a i rutitiitu fr!f..!;-i. ai,, an frrl A- a fi.!t. ), lu pi tit !if II." Ir lr f ! I t, I l,r ,fi. bat Impfeaaione opoo this roll feineio la the mi brilliant or obeeare aolors tlimugbnut all lima. I'areota ad IIkim having tha eaorej troat of tha ymth(ul mind remember, that too era dalieg iib a (I'hI lvia rMpoasibtlily, the grralMl of all bia handiwork, thai whkb lieir dies. Ibal tilth ilistiutfuialna man fii.w i La l.rolo erratinn. Nor do i.fu o rali4 at what an early ae the intrlas may be aJ, or prbapa e 1 lwttr say, are mad, for tha lo qiiinag lilt! in in I l gins wboj bat a pfir .i si i awat lla lure i f lla s"il I, an I ii'o-is dirrrtinq alut.a, n i oft'n.g. Aa divlna om s. I, "(live me a rluld hit La la sn old, lbo oinaylke I im fur the remainder nf tie lifa." Tbte g'at farjiaal aajr siri'l the vsbie 'f early lrr.prlooe, bile I d'i itl lwliva thai lha fliail -I I I. a 1 Shuaxl aflat ll.ali !', f4 tbM '! Iii.j fa-ioos are in h al Cf J aii I a' ia raalily lb f ian l Im sii.ra ap-xi wlleh te In.) l1 It , b.t il.i apply ti isr aif Urmif m tltlS " -f b-'liH', IM"tl l.g a. I iseiiug. Iwtl a4l uf tUe in searohing bidden meaning than the youthful, unprejudiced mind before it is rained by trashy reading. Then bow shall we make a wise choice in tha selection of our reading, and for those depending npon as for instruction and guidanoe? By the simple rule by which we shall all be judged, "By their fruits ye shall know them V No mind is oapnbls of produoing greater than itself. That mind inspired with holy motives essaying to place before tbe world a literary production, gives to that pro duotion tbe Inspiration of his mind, and we shall find a boly atmosphere through out. But the work of an unholy mind. filled with base and dangerous thought, will partake of the same nature as the aouroe from wbiob it snrlnirs. There fore study tbe inspiration, study tbe motives, read oarefully between the lines. What ia the character of our ber of Is it a fit pattern for youthful in spiratiou? It not, though it ba embell ished with tha finest flimrea kuown to world of letters, its iufluenoa ia not for good. Iu tha seleotioo of reading for tbe young, undeveloped mind, select that which they crave, that wbiob they will have, that which givea them aa io spiratiou and excites them lo aotivily. Uow many people there are io tha world that are making a serious blunder. They realize the danger of vicious reading and are drawing the line at the wrong plaoe. They bimish from their home all books, papers, etc-, that they term exciting and wonder why the young minds of the household steadily refuse to read the dictionary and encyclopedia furnished thrm. They finally aome to the cooolu aloo that people era degenerating and give up in despair. Tha young, active miud will have thai which eioitea and moves to activity. It la only aatnral and not a signof weakness. And do not think there is oo Inspiration lo pure literature. Not enongh importance ia attached lo the first reading given to tha child Tbia deeira for eoul stirring reading shoold ba gratified by a wise aeleotioa, tbat the oharaoter of tha ehilJ, being molded and faabiooed by its reading, may develop Into oaefal manhood aad womanhood. Let Ibe Inspiration ba alrong aa it may, but M It tend to broad en tha tUlon, develop moral strength and elevate Iba walk of life. We cea Bol over estimate the trrriol evil of vioi'ias literature in nor land. Hundreds of oar yoaeg ptmple are every year rained aad a oft 11 for future use fulness. There era book a and papers put into our land tbat should ba pro hibited by law aad could Iba people of oar land coma lo realise tha fearful iu Alienee lbs wield, Ibeir pubtiealioa woald be forever suspended, but Ihey eeanut realise It and In shaking oa Ihls aabiaet I bear Ibta remark iron, enme 0. Sanderson, of the Eugene Divinity School, assisted by Rev. Morton L Rose, pnetor of the Christian ohurob, Tha remains were taken to tbe Pleasant Hill oemetery for interment. DISEASES OP THE SKIN. The intense itchinar and smarting Inel. dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rhcum, and other diseases of the skin Is instantly allayed by applying tlmniberluin's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bud coses have been permanently cured bv It, It is equally elliciunt for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil- niiiina, i mat nitea, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cnd j's Condition Powders, they are juitt w lint a horse needs when in badcondi- uou. ionic, blood puntleraikl vermifuge. For sale by Comer A Brook, drugglsta BUUliLAtt DONTS. Don't argue witb a burglar. Duu't leave tbe house nuoooupled. Don't yearn to encounter a burglar. Don't boast ol your personal courage. Don't entertain a burglar unawares. Don't live in the country without a dug. Don't get rattled at a oritianl moment. Don't acquire tbe Sherlock llolmea habit. Don't abixil unions your revolver is loaded. Don't boast of your "burglar-proof ' safe. Don't keep your diamonds up lb chimney. Don't trust in tha wisdom of a new aervaot. Don't gel frightened if yon find a door open. Don't think that burglars operate only at night. Dou't bide yoar rockelb ok under the mattress. Dn'l forgel to close the door a ben yon go out. Don't rely altogether ou yoar dog for aroiog. Don't shoot anybody alee in mistake fur a burnlar. I waa Mrrtee Oa Ease. aervona, tired. Irritable aad en. Kail's Clover IUhA Tea baa made ma well aod happy. Ma r.. II. Won in, for sale by Wells A Warrea. MLAsrs) rim inr. ram mors. No man elands aUme when ba Is right. A ttfiuptatioa resisted U foe over eonie. A harsh word to a child may d-almy perwoa past Iba booodsry line of youth, Q n"1 "I beve read lurbt reading all my life and it never harmed me," My frinJ, yor stalrtriwtil will not prove lo me Ibal yon were evr barmud by yoar raavlmg, but If yn ean prove to me Ilia such le the see, I will then aay ya are Ottilias, ikvuid .f lusplrstkoe, aeOled by nstera for an eellve, nwful rllnsn. Al the tears Ifofu bali)H In matarily we are being etreegibeae-l of ainl by the III retore we fad, eiihaf one i Ibe rtbr aad we ran mke Ibechuioe. The ooesratxl bead of vsnos etilmg 1 1 ma I re lb W. O. T. U. le making Htm first nryaelaa-l movement ageinel the bsh fill ,rliaee nf that elaM of literature thai la iialeg aad mining ll.e mlftils ul eo many i,f our ynnrg l ie and it sl.i.til I las ll.e la.f of every nid eiua -a ef ear e-uiry to xa ilU lt. mm Ibe laak la' I I.-S MmIiH and eal fcliilil.'s tUrrti ll'kiJf, aa4 Utw( Irew. earl. ! l uge U Nothing speaks Hb a loader Voice than a gully life. If you wottld be a happy mea, tear la be a rli tali led one. If yii are praying f .r a revival, il m'l Ul eonwlxxly else di all Ibe work. The wnnn I aaU by a katfe may beat. bet Ibal ma le by aa aakind word will B"t. It woald spoil me m eat of la to let lUatn have biroa way for a month. If big aermoas euulJ save Ibe world, the devil would have bea nee4 op l'Og sgn. Tbore are m msny rax la bo are only plasal when tbey tea beve Ihnr eee ey. If m men's piejeis were elesje answered, tbe beat see eiiull alesis be raioiag fire. The a ia? M still l"'i turn wb bare 11, e-il'as li il i r M ! ib lb v Weefl.r l .r IL