Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 24, 1896, Image 3

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C. H. King, Water Valley, Kim., cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For five years, I sintered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best physi
cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times,
spending Jiooo there, besides doctors' bills;
but could obtaiu only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-three pounds ; my left arm and
leg were drawn out of shay, the muscles
' T t V
being twisted up in knots. I was unable to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could only hobble about by using a cane. I
had no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at
times, were so awful, that I could procure
reliel only by means of hypodermic injec
tions of morphine. I had my limiis bandaged
in clay, in sulphur. In poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilte.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has Increased
to 105 pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
ATEJtl'S PILLS cure Headache.
p . 2 3 4
9 20 2L 22 23. 24. 25
26272d29 30 HSg,
Take Notice.
1. The turn of Ore rent per Una will be
Shamed for "cards of thanks," "resolution of
respect," list of weddlnK preaenta and donnra,
ind oliltuary notice, (other than those the edit
or shall himself slve a a mattor of news,) and
otloea of special meetings (or whatever pnrpote.
8. Notices of church and society and all other
inUrtalamenU from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
jetiU a line. Then rule will be strictly adher
ed to tn every Instance.
Advertising rate reasonable and made known
ipoo application.
Here and There
Pen Parker is ill with pneumonia. .
Harry Bagley returned yesterday from
Hi Tash was down from Hardman
J.J. MoQee oame down from Hard
man yesterday.
Asa Tbompson ia up from Ella enjoy
ing a few days rest.
Highest prices paid fur sheep pelts at
the lower warehouse. tf
J. B. Carmiobael was one of Heppner's
visitors Wednesday.
Geo. D. Fell and wife came in Wed
nesday from Portland.
Mike Marshall and D. O. Justice were
in Heppner yesterday.
Bain and storm Again, bat warmer
weather, thank goodness.
Barney Doberty and Pat MoDaid were
over to Heppner raesday.
Ben Hansaker is in from Billy Mor
row's ranoh on Bbea creek.
Mrs. M. A. Knox and Miss Gertie
himpsnn are np from lone today.
O. W. Deoker, an old-timer of this
section, is over from La Grande.
Edgar D. Leach, of Rhea oreek, was a
visitor at the Gazette office today.
O. W. Brown, son of Asa Brown, ia op
from Calif, aud will shear this year.
0. W. Oney and Geo. Anderson
dropped up from lone Wednesday.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Gutter
whiskey. . On tap at Chris BoroberV.
Jas. Wylund, stock inspector for Mor
row county, is down from Hardman.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner,
Friday evening, May 1st, is the date
for the grand ball at the opera house, tf
Tbos. Woolery and Tom Carle of lone,
and J. B. Stanly, of Gooseberry, are in
Keep in mind the grand May day ball
to be given at the opera bonse on Friday
evening, May 1.. tf
Uzz French is in from Johnny Elder's
ranch where he has been lambing. He
reports a fair increase.
Jeff Hayes was in from the sheep camp
the first of the week and returned yes'er
day with a load of supplies.
Miss Edith Potter, who bas been at
tending school here, left last Saturday
for her home at Hood River.
Eli Keeney is buying sheep pelts and
paying the highest market price for
them. Office at McFarland's. tf
A. E. Powell came home from Port
land last week wbere be had been with
his sister who is under medioal oare.
The populists of Umatilla have refused
ts endorse the osndidacy of K. M.
Turner, independent oandidate tor
, judge.
I Uraod Mav day ball at the opera
bouse on Friday night, May 1st. Ar
rangements are being made for a good
time. tf.
Al Binns returned yesterday from
Winlock, Gilliam Co. He took Mrs. D.
0. Hetrin over a few days ago wbere sbe
still speud the summer.
Miss Florenoe Crittenden is atill in
the race for the county anperiutendenoy
of schools The leport that sbe bad
withdrawn was a mistake.
G. B. liatt, the tonaorial artist, can
be fouod at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense atpopnlar prices,
shaves, shampoos, balrouts. etc.
The beat way to avoid scalp diseases,
bair falling ont, and premature baldnees,
is to use the best preventive known tor
that purpose Hall's Haif Renewer,
will stop a cough in a night, check a cold
in a day, and cure consumption if taken
in time. If the little ones have Croup or
wnooptng Sou to,
use u promptly.
Croup is a very
tatai aisease.
ully one
halt of
those U
tnf'knd Aim.
ftijtl The great
The disease progresses so rapidly that
the loss of a few hours in treatment is
often fatal. Acker's English Reme
dy will cure Croup, and it should al
ways be kept in the house for
emergencies. A 35 cent bottle may
save your child's life.
Three alxeal 95c, 50e, 91. All Drug-gist
16 & 18 Chambers St., New York.
Wzddino Bills. On last Sunday,
April 20, in Eight Mile, at the reeidenoe
of the bride's mother, Mrs. Eiii A.
Beymer, oc our red the marriage of Mr.
Tbos. Morgan and Miss Lena M. Bey
mer, Rev. Howard, of Heppner, perform
ing tbe nuptial rites. Cbas. Beymer
aoted as groomsman and Miss Lulu
Bootbbr as bridesmaid. The usual
good dinner attending such oooaeions
was served and enjoyed. Those present
were: Hon. J. 8. Boothby aud wife, J.
W, Beckett aud wife, Sam'l Meadows
and wife, John Jenkins and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Case Fuqua, Rev. and Mrs.
Howard, Mrs. E' za Beymer, Mrs Bid
well, the Misses Norma and Mary Beck
ett, Edith Jenkins, Ola and Eva Fuqua,
Mr. Theodore Henderson, Will and
Frank Beymer. These young people
are so well and favorably known (hat
they need no praise at onr bands, yet
riobly deserving all tbe oenfidenoe and
esteem that their friends have bo freely
bestowed upon tbem. May the blessing
of the Almighty be showered n pon tbem
Stage for Hardman, Monnmrnt. Ing Creek,
foha Day and t'aiijruu City, U-avea at lollows ;
Every 4r at a. m., axri-tit HumUy.
A rrlte every day elf ,n., i-e.t Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the Interior country.
Corner A Brock. Agents.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and SmokabU
Cigars. Call an Tad.
Mathews Bros, have moved across on
the east side of Main street, in the
building formerly ooonpied by tbe Gem
saloon. Tbey will be pleased to see
their old customers. tf
1 hil Oohn is now associated with tbe
firm of tJ. Heppner & Co., in tbe for
warding business Tbey pay tbe highest
market price for pelts and bides and at
teud to all forwarding.
There will be preaching both morning
and eveniog at tbe opera house on Sun
day by the pastor, Elder J. W. Jenkins.
Sunday sohool at 10 a. m. ; Y. P. S. C
E at 4:15 p. m. You will be made wel
come at these servioes.
Servioes at tbe M. E. oburch Sunday
tbe 26th as fellows: Morning suhjeot,
"Holy Enthusiasm;" evening subject,
"Tbe Wedding Garment." . Speoial
music will be a feature of tbe evening
service. All are invited.
E. 0. : George Fell and wife will re
turn tonight to Heppner. - Mr. Fell will
attend to bis wool business at that im
portant point during the present season.
He expects to remove to Pendleton next
fall to make bis borne here.
Mr. Joe Liifferty is over from Pendle
ton and is endeavoring to establish a
lodge of United Artisans, As as in
surance order it is a grand snooess, hav
ing better features than any other order
of the kind. Mr. Latterly will doubtless
A half mile raoe between Opal and
Chester this morning for 820 a side was
won by Chester. Tomorrow Sawbuck
and Rooky will go a quarter for $50 a
Bide, followed by a five eights dash, less
33 feet, between M Quad and Gladdys,
for $10 a side.
"Half a span of angry steel" will pro
duce no more ratal results than a neg
lected oold or cough. For all tbroat
and lung diseases, Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral is tbe best remedy. It is invalu
able in oases of oroop, whooping oougb,
bronchitis, and la grippe.
Ho, ye voting men of Morrow, whistle up
lively tune
For the "Candidate," I'm free to state, will stay
with us till June:
Then let him oil his auger blade, with "Sperry's
Linwond Rye;"
'Tls sweet to think, of that good old drink, for
voting men are dry.
Bold only at tbe Belvedere saloon.
Catarrh Cared,
health and sweet breath secured, by
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by
Wells & Warren.
Word cania ) estsrday that Mra. Cox,
the evangelist, was dangerously ill at
Ellensburgh, aod last evening Rev. E
P. Green, of this place, leit to be at ber
A young man named Uinkle and on
Wm. Baer. are under arrest over in
Grant onnuty charged wilb the murder
and robbery of Geo. A. Scott, a book
peddler. Tbe murder oronred near
Beaver ereek.
Geo. F. Davis, the well known wool-
J buyer, died recently io Bakersfleld,
Calif. Mr. Davis was io Portland last
January and appeared to be io tba beat
ot health al that time.
Spring is full of terrors to all wboaa
oouatitutlcn is not able to resist the
sadden changes ot temperature and
other insalubrities ot tba season. To
pat tba system la coodilioa to overcome
these evils, ootbiog ia so effective as
Aytrs Sarsaparilla. Taks it bow.
W. C. T. U. Convention. The Ihird
semi-annual convention ot the Morrow
County Women's Christian Temperance
Union is now in session in this city,
having convened yesterday morn ing.
Tbe program as published io a reoent
issue of the Gazette is being carried ont.
Last evening's entertainment at the, M.
E. oh u rob. South, was largely attended
Tbe session was in charge of the local
president, Mrs. Drew, who in a very
appropriate and pleasing manner intro
duced Mra. Narcissi W. Kinney, ot
Astoria, state president ot the W. C. T.
U. who delivered ber leoturo on "Tbe
Demand of tbe Century." Mrs. Kinney
is a very foroible, logioal and entertain
ing speaker, and held the olose atten
tion ot the large audience for m re than
one hour. Appropriate vootl music was
also ooe of tbe features ot the evening's
Nerves are weak, many people say,
and yet they do not 6ccm to know
that they are literally starving their
nerves. Weak, pule, thin blood can
not give proper sustenance that is
why you are nervous, tired, exhausted.
The cure for this condition is to
purify, vitalize and enrich your blood.
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla fairly and
faithfully, and the rich, red blood,
which it makes, wiil soon teed the
nerves the elements of true strength
they require; they will cease their agi
tation and will resume their proper
place being under the control in
stead of controlling the brain and
body. Head Jliss Bartley's letter:
I want to express my gratitude for
what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for
me. My health has been very poor for
three years, due to trouble with my
I was nervous, had pains in my back. I
cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight
became affected and I was so despondent
X did not have any interest in life. I had
two physicians, but my complaints be
came worse. I was told that I was affected
with Brlghl's disease. 'A relative urged
me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so
and in a short time I began to notice a
change in my condition. Things began
to appear brighter, my eyes improved and
Relapse After the Grip.
Independence, Or., Apr. 8, 18. After
having Ibe grip I suffered a relapse,
wbiob left me in a bad condition, aud I
was obliged to give op my duties and
travel, and tba results were not satisfac
tory, and I bava ben taking Hood's 8ar
aaparilla. I am well satisfied with what
it has done for me. II makes tbe stream
of life Hmw more freely and smooth. J
li. Baldwin.
Through trains on tbe O. R. & N. will
run via. Umatilla, Walla walla and
Pendleton. Through sleepers, first and
eocond-clas", will run in connection witb
the Union Pacific, tbe same as hereto
fore. A through first-class sleeper Port
land to Spokane, connecting with tbe
first olaes sleeper to St. Paul, and
through tourist sleeper Portland to St.
Paul, will run in connection with the
Great Northern railway. tt
Politics. The epeeches of Martin
Qninn, popnlist candidate for congress,
at the oonrt house last Tuesday after
noon and evening, were fairly well at
tended. However, liirgr crowds would
have been present had the speaking
been more extensively hdvertisal. The
sneaking was very ordinary and convinc
ed no one not already a populist.
Mabrixd. On Wednesday evening of
laBt week, at the residence, of the bride'i
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hill, Mr,
Lawrence McAlister and Miss Annie
Bill, Judge Keithly emulating. The
Qi ulta 'was not Itifoimed as to the par
ticulars of the wedding, but joius all
friends in c ngrstnlalious
Hood's Pills onre all liver ills,
oiw k Mori
Have added a NEW SPRING
STOCK of Trimmed Hats for
Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock
on May Street and ask the Public
to call and see them before purchasing.
Countt Jcdoi Fined J. M. Chiles,
county judge of Josephine county, who
was indiotr d toy the grand jury at the
last term of oonrt, bad bis trial recent
ly before judge Hsnns, in the circuit
coort ia this city, says an Oregoniao
dispatch. A jury waa secured after
moon difflonlty, aod tba caa was given
to it about 8 o'clock Uti night, tba trial
having taken tba antlra day. Tba cess
Is thai in which Judge Chiles is
charged with baying eoanty warrants
for less than their faea value, contrary
to law. Tba Jory was ont all eight,
and brought in a verdiol at Oft)
o'olock, Boding tba judge guilty as
charged. The law makes tba penalty ia
sooh caws a floe of not less than flOO
or mora tbaa .V)0. The court baa set
Apr. 23 a tba time al which etoteoca
ill ba passed npon tba defendant.
Naw Fkd Yard. Wm. Gordon ba
opened np the feed yard oeit. door to
tbe Gasette office, aod now solicits
share ot your patronage. Billy is right
at borne al this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Priors
reasonable. Iiay and praio for sale. tf.
a Change in Business All ArGund ?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Pre !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below
wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
What Do Tn fat ?
did not trouble me so severely. My appe
tite returned and I gained strength every
day. I am now able to do my own work,
and feel perfectly well. I cannot find
words to express my gratitude for what
Hood's sarBaparillR has oone lor me and l
gladly recommend it." Mrss Ella Bart
ley, 213 X S. Grant Ave., ColumbuB, Ohio.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only byC. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass.
r. cure Mver Ills: easy to
MOOU S PUIS take, easy to onerate. 260,
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
In oonseqnenoe of tbe supposed de
tailed accounts in tbe Portland papers,
of my case wbiob was recently celled for
trial In that city, I deem it neoeesary to
interpose at this juncture in my own
behalf. These windy organs are sup
posed to give an impartial report ot all
such proceedings, but in this instanoe
tbey have fallen far short of the mark.
It the contents ot these articles was
wholly true, the writer of this epistle
would then be void of all prinolple. Tba
efTuir is indeed an unpleasint one and
bile I am oompelled to suffdr from tbe
effects ot this gross iojnstioe, wrought
npon me by these heartless heralds, it is
not my desire to attempt to wrong ber
who posed as my opponent; and at this
time I eeiZ9 the opportunity to state that
she is pure and good eio pt for her un
conquerable jealousy by whioh she waa
prompted to do things which would not
have been done under othfr circumstances.
Tbe suit was not contested by her, bnt
by parties who have a craving and
mauia, asmnny have, to interfere with
other parties' affairs and happiness. Tbe
articles are a fabrioa'ioo, the writer ia
a preyarioalor aod guilty of willful
misrepresentation. II. T. Baomt.
Gilliam & Bisbee
mm ii' urn
If aaked the question "II are ?oa got
a stomaebf" it won Id ba safa on general
principle, to attsaar ''Tea." Bnt, II yoa
era aura of it; thai la, if you avar ImI
eor distreas after aallog or any pains of
bt?r diacripltoa In tba ragloo of the
stotnaeb, yog bava got something omre
tbaa ao ordinary elomerb: In olbet
words, yoo bsva g4 a dieeeead atomaoh.
Tba stomach ia a powarfel Bioacla, aed
tba proper rrm ly for a tired Basel te
rest. Try lb Mbsker Infective Cordial,
for this product aot naly contains dl
gealed I'hkI, abtflb will aoarieb tba sys
tem wilUoot any wnrk on the part of
lb d ! orcaea. but II aljs I ha dl
geeiion i.f wilier foods aa w. Inn ea
ttl II vias la y tur ca f r tba trifliag
am of 10 ele Hampl bottle at It s
pi m aia earned by all drngg ats.
Lsi'tlalhe best medietas for rl,l.
If ii !Krtte ree'itn ! It la plaea ..f
Ulof Oil
Aavertlma Thi-naga h Paper.
A Pinkerton detective is traveling
tbroogb Iba country hunting a criminal,
says tba E-O. II nes the newspapers
to advertise his mission, n th criminal
ill ba tally advised as to tli deletit's
bereahou, as shown by an item io
Tbe Dalle Chronicle:
"Mr. J. U. Law, a finkertno detec
tive, is ia the city en emit to Heppn-r.
lis Is trying to looaia Ilia murder r,
Wolf, who kill I bia seotheart some
thing over a year ago. while she wsa
going to oborch la W. Tabor. The shot
was inslsntly falsi 81. fell to Iba aide
walk dead. Tba roar tier was dona
through j-aloniy. Wolf escaped and
tbara I a reward of flood for bs
Oiptnre. Mr Liw believes b is now
a' U'ppner "
(?hrley Jnoe, It. well-baoan "itl l
timer" in (! 1'instrtal line, baa iti
liratl la Ifeppiiff, havirg pt'rhed
(ireeo Mailt' alni. Minor ImiMInf
nprmatl III rl bnML Charley will
appreciate a rail abea in town.
Woare not email men, Iba. We are email men, Xo.
ve are not ine Largest rnercnants in trie v;orm !
But when the people of all tlie surrounding country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, dais and Water Pipe, Pipe Uttlng!, Btoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hanki, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Baws, Wedges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Qran
itewara, Plows, Harrows, Kakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Botllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlne, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
We have Ooon Goods at Fxia Trices, and Cheap John Goods at Chcp John Prices.
GILI.IA.M & BIS33353I,
For sale a rheap team good madu'er,
r road w(a and light d ohl liar
a, nearly new. P.. P. )(.
If at U. K paraoaaa-a.
M tt Hi -eaa) at aM a1
ll raa k (was f a
nmdf whv a laer-poa
ati law IM xr". a.
fjj4-Hf minus it gttas
Ely's Cream Balm
r . .... u.. ..... 'X' . u idi.a: aa aa tfc mm 0mr tmt tm
r.utio Pts.mmB Aata -Hnw. Co. ; nMllMnkiMa Nm4M ii.i .. .f . i
Hill..-. .J fl.lli.iB a.nnlt a. a .I.Uala.1 ' eiai.a. tt enaaaea tea !
1 ftas) aajiai in laslsai 1MJ' sal , aastalin) VT1 ea-
(If drUfal tn lh . lf eita ia aa Iha awww tma tewoniunN
bla bows preriaet -f (Voao lltttt, a pre
It Might Have lleea K4 Ink.
A wrtain nctur w how Mini tolntro-
iluce Innovntiona Into "llanih-t'' jiro
m)mo(I to play the part of the Dunlch
prince In a red cloak, which ititi-ntion
he communii'uled to Hr llrnry Irving,
who said: "Very well; I do not
anything ahocUlnir In that." "Tint Is it
right?" Inquired the Interlocutor. MI
dure say It In," rrplird Irvlnp. "Red
waa the color of mourning of the ro; al
hoiiw of Di'iimark. "Hut how tin you
I'ct over thla?" ifrr.t-il the other,
ij'iotliiK the worda: "Tin not alone my
ItiUy rwt. otwl mother.'' "UVII," re
)ili"d the Mm!ii-riimin, ralnily. "I
aupom then Is aiirh a thing as rrl ink,
I there notr
Notice of Intention.
I st omi t at
H A.rll. II, !
Nni Ire la h-rvl'V stn
thai the lulloaltig harnvt ai-lller liaa Ble4 no
Iha ot hit liilrotiun tn make Btiel nl In
air1 n( hla eialm, and that aahl .n. will be
nad lirlr Heaiaier a it. I K"i'-r I . a. Ini
(llllra at I Craii'lf itr.m. on Mar in, I, lt
ftmiKK AI'AMil
Hd. T. N. tan. inr the 'i K and Ma I and
1 ex.. a, I p. 1 a H, n K. W. M.
II l. I ha h.ll.ialnf wllnmra In mt
alr HiiiniHiua reahlenr ua and cultliaikia
ol aald land. li
Mintla I. drain. J. .ha T OaltnwaV. Albert H
Su.np, t harlaa Murgaa, all u4 Mf..i.i.r. r
a. t. iiji,
i.H.4t Hlur.
5737 M I c FauVM 0.
Grockrif.s, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' SurruEs, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an object for you to trade witb
him aa bis prices are right, and all gooda that be
bandloa are of the very IxhL
on Main Street. Next Door
to City Drug Store,
auroreaor to C. a Van I)uf n. frtt 4nf la 1 11 llolel.
Has everything In the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lnmps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
oi'i'i cie i
AT J. M. HiClH'l UlSIDlUCt.
Did 11 Ever Occur to Your
That a Firm Could bo Boycotted
and Still do Business ?
I in . f yM
Hat iHi'tiet Ion Otiiirmitootl.
aleal rtsvtoi abiai W rettihlira vet.
Al lh Ui 0ietat.ll n l aa lald
Io lt i tonal ..ntaiiua oa. K. L.
ttii'H f W r s jlf lfU4 for
deUfal ti lh r..i i; a-av.atl.ia la Ll
presmel nf ll 1 Uiver, hat lh
anaet nnveail'ia ! his a a del
iU i lb stU aaveblina, aod lh
lata aavaliMi aoeni. hlni for
lraii.lial alertor. F'il Journal.
Uw ! rl l lea siaia anavMlt. I
II aea lite trrtf I'af
llKinaa'' rf f. 4 C'i.anfBi.tnif ,
Allmv 'nl . ('"1 1 1 ('".Ufi are
f4 tv lf v t bil'-lt'a l'' t' t
by Walls A Hart.
af iaeaa4 .mi pvm n mf aBm fcf
ILt M1 U KM, mmm Hum, I aik.
laM flilntaaM rtnal tw.lt T.
xxmrcn. citocir.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
h - . . .
L I PlTTrRSdN. AGF-VT. tti nw..rni
New Blacksmith Shop.
T aa letai a r. -! as a tlekttHb W rte
il tt -prfn bfHia, sal as l I to da sat lul uf
or a In liaa. fa taaiii a atl raa a
Wi4k A a at I'epilar t'rtrtai aail la a tif actor f ataaaef.
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