REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Presidential Elector!. T. T. GKER of Marion County E. U SMITH of Wasco County J. F. CAPLE8, of Multnomah County 8. M. Yoran of Lane County For Supeme Judge, ROBERT S. BEAN, of Eugene. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT TICKET. For Congreai, 2d District, W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Circuit Judge, 6th District, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton. For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th District, H. J. BEAN, of Pendleton. For Member Board of Equalization, CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A. 0. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEYS, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner, For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BAL8IQER, of lone. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Hoppner. which you worship, He is the 111171X1 DflflDI fl WflM man who bnilda a home which en. lUMlAj 1 1M LU II DLL. hances the value of your property. Every subscription paper that is passed has his name on it; he is the one who can not afford to swin dle yon. Self iutrest, if nothing else would prevent this; he bears his share of the burden of good gov. erment and stavs with vou in sun- - i ..mi. shine and darkness, in days of rar bUDeriOi tO Uminary barsa- prosperity and adversity. These nias Nervines Qr BlUers ova nnt raw rT f no fflrjann a trhn 1 " 'rouo "v your patronage should be given to the home merchant Most Remarkable Rem- eflo in ttie World. Tre True meaiclne for Los! Hervous Strengin. WASHINGTON LETTER. The Oregonian fights Ellis and Mitchell becanse the money plank of the platform was adopted at the instigation of their friends. Be consistent. Harvey, the commit- tee took your platform of 1894- WITHOUT AN EQUAL IN PURIFYING the one that you insisted was a ENRICHING THE BLOOD. sound money platform. It was the nlatik that Mr. Ton on p nwnr.Arl. Mr. Tongue stated that any plank Gt Cures Effected by Paine's Justices and Constable. For Sustice of the 1st District, E. L. WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS 8HANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. S. YOUNO. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable Srd District, WALTER CA80N. For Justice of 4th District, JOHN MCMILLAN. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 6th District, J. T. H08KINS. For Constable of ftth District, I. L. HOWARD. For Justice of 6th District, E. L. FREELAND. For Constable of 6th District, H. T. BAGLEV. Coming Events. Republican national convention St. Louis, Jons 16tb. Annual reunion ot Oregon Fioneera, Portland, June 16th. Demooratio national convention Chi cago, July 7th. Celery Compound. WHAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH HAS ACCOMPLISHED. that was good enough for Harrison to stand on was good enough for him. There is no doubt of it, for the editor of the Gazette was a member of the committee on reso lutions. Now be honest, Harvey. To satisfy yonr mean malignant spiteyouwantto bolt, don't you. proved by Success Where All iuu wm u bat uown on in June . , .. , itlfit A.H von hftVA hftpn in ftia nnm. ClbC Ild3 rdllCli, erous contests of the past There is one trne specific (or diseases No ONE person is larger than arising from a debilitated nervous ays the reDublican Dartr. Then U tem, and that is the Paine's celery oom harwmAa thA rinfw f .11 , P"nd Kenerally prescribed by pby. almana It is the most remarkable remedy that the soientiflo researob of came a republican journal it has this oountry has produced. Prof. Ed the ticket Since the Gazette be- never shirked its duty. It has been sorely tried; the "golden rule" has not always been invoked in peoples dealing with it, both politically and in a business sense but should it desert the ship and bolt? It will not do so as long as it is a republican paper. No one, no paper, not even the Oregonian, can afford to "bolt" Dr. Smith, of Pendleton, has discovered an infectious disease for the destruction of squirrels. It is pronounced a complete success. Marvin Turner will come out as an independent candidate for jjdge of this judicial district, and will receive the support of the populists. It ia to be hoped that the wagon road between Heppner and Mitch ell will bo opened before spring hauling begins. lleppnor should have the wool clip of the Mitchell section The Oregonian admits that it is a constitutional bolter. What right then has it to give advice to regu lar republicans? Every man, woman and child in Oregon knows that the Oregonian is not a repub lican paper. The Eat Oregonian is talking against Mitchell in the vain hope to dofeat him, now that the JJolte gonian is fighting him. Jack, you should know that the bolting rag in the tall tower has not won a fight in ten years. Drown, the republican candi date (or representative, should be and will be elected. He brings to the office much experience and is the candidate of protection, as well as the friend of Oregon's great senator. John II. Mitchell lie is deserving of support L I Protection is an issue that cuts no figure with the bolting sheet published in the building with the tall tower. It prefers to tusks lU own issues and leave the art j. Let it go. No one regreU its move. It has been running under false colors long enough The Pendleton Tribune and the Gazette have not always agrwd, and tn fart some bitlernena Las existed. Editors are just tuco and it ia to 1 ei peeled that they can not all agtce. Hut the Tribune's republicanism baa Wen tented and is found to lt of the first order. thake, Mao., let's call it square. Tut rouuty judgn of Joacphins county iWu buying warrants under face value which ia contrary to Saw, and recently he was indict ed and heavily fined. This is but just and rilit A county otHcei should not I allowed to take ad- tabtag of Lis p it iu to "cal uu fortunate. A tUtHSOE save; "Who it ward . Phelps, M. D..LL. D.,of Dart month, college, first prescribed what is nowkno the world over a? Paine's oelery oompound, a posi tive cure for dys pePsia, billioos- ness, liver com plaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, and kid ney troubles. For the latter Paine's THE Boltegonian denies that it celery compound has sucoeeded again roared about the failure of the so- Jw " ,ii , , ., , , isiiea. ounerers irom neuralgia, neu- called caucus to hold the repubh. ralgic heildaohe Hnd rhenmati,m Bbool(1 cans to Dolph, but says it support- it0p short their morphine, quinine and ed Mr, Dolph because he support- soon pain-killing drugs. No ours can ed right principles. Mr. Scott be P ,or ,rom theea temporiisrs. should look up his files and cor- Ther- u 006 w" of ettin rl! ,orever ...... iii-, , of the causes of all this sofiering; that rect this statement else he is placed by ukiDf P.ine,. celery C0inp0UDd oeiore me puono as a iaisiner. Mr. in lbig great modern remedy the real Scott at that time presumed to means to health is attended to; sleep is give more free advice to republi- made sound and refreshing, the sppe- cans than any person in Oregon. ,ela rpro ,DU "a " loPoora 1W.I!II,.U1I,U.I plain)ng because, they get the A U V- I .1.1. U1U1 UU lUUUCIi I . . . . . . . j " nnnrlahmant that iiatnra reaiiiraa. Tin a ia the fundamental, rational way that THE E. 0. comments on the I Paine's oelery oompound takes to be Portland Oregonian as the leading able to cope successfully with diseases and ablest republican journal on the coast Hot! In politics it is nothing, in principle it is a blank. The E. 0. is nursing its old enemy in hope of encompassing the de feat of the regular republican nom inees. The bolting paper publish es cousiberable telegrapio news. Aside from this it is neither honor able nor reliable, and every citizen of our state knows it Every republican who has the privilege ot belonging to the party should take a pride in party or ganization and to that end should support the ticket from top to bot tom. Good men have been put up in other parties. No one denies that, but they do not represent the party that is expected to bring prosperity to our land. Defeat any part ot the republican ticket and you do that much to disrupt your party. TOE Doltogoniao has dodged arouud in its choice ot a man to support for congress. First it was McKercher, then I'.ecnelt and Dow it is after Judge North run, as an independent candidal Judge Nnrthrup is Dot letng supported as any sort of a protectionist, for in fact he cares little altout that itnpoitaut principle of republican uw. He is the bolter's choice, that seems to Iks bis only recom tnendation. There are deg-re-M tad ilaJ of poverty, jnai as me re are diirevenewn of nNnk amoag llmee nhn mm, pale sim! bwnn pnvMtv sad no bee by different aland nrja. Hoes ttioo dra Ibetaaelvaa rax Ueeiu lbs are lee fieb lba olfevte. aio lhare are e- iii fit!f mm r tt (le be tr saitafUl aib SihsHm 1 Urate a kinlul Mirty Ut abkb ttn ariMitinl t libesn eotacwtisaia. m If, a tt?rly ol b.ttiy aUmtna. eiar4 ty hfasitM an J a 'eni.tnl of lbs itnrii..i of A f ttlHna ln'0 att'l lt tv.rU T'i inIi " S rWK)bl t'i llivr la !.( rtt)lf fulls rMnt tit rv)itr. nU. "Bile lb Vilt." an.1 ttas ! II Uiui a hlnmaeb HKra. iy rnlnriii ditfMlt., gll aballbSl Imtrabeta the of lha lla eaJ lnw J traaqaillntac tbe . it faiatta Ike 'S(lilln of ths liver, kidneys and stomaob, and ts guarantee a oomplete return of sound sleep, good digestion and a quiet, well regulated nervous system. Fur I'ysprpsla and Liver complaint you bave a printed marantic on every bottle of Hhilnh's VitaMier. It never ails to cure. For sale by Wells A Warron. THE INirr.O ARTISANS, A Uoo4 asaraa Ordr roisdrS oa BssImss rriarlplM. The objects and benefits of the United Artisans are to nolle is fraternal bonda all sooeptable persons, mala or female, between the ages of elghteta and fifty years, of good moral ebaraoter, mentally and physically soond. To care for lbs sick end indigent members, snd ntoa lbs death ot any member la good standing, to provide for ths payment of a benefit to the bene floiary of the denaed, and to provide a comfortable Income tor Its members Id ease of o'd ar. To eecors the safest kind ot promotion fur the smallest pos sible ontlaj; to prevent suffering and dietrtee; to elevate the dignity of labor to promote le Bi-ersbi-e and morality to enlighten Its tnnibrt, to propagate tbe feeliog of brotherly love; to itsisi Its members when seeking employment; to belp 1 1 mi nsvd), thus pmvisg a direct brotfit in life I" tb aba avail them selves ol its a l nut , aa well as to pruvide for tboee dependettl niton tbeni It aroor.ts to buth male and ljale rUt.l Mr. t.'fT Hy s ju t front 1'rndltton .i rttliii a tianrli r.f tbe fjalle4 Aril sssiii Uipi-nrr. It la wortn lokieg In In. Pel (n ml lb SstU i tmf Ayet'e Hitriile njye the ettraor- dloary Uielmetton u( havitig lia tbe cxilf blood pnnOer ailnvs.1 an eibibit at tbe Wovl.l's fair, Cbieagab Mannlaetnrere of ntber eareaparillae sosght ty ey SB Mas kt otittia showiot of tbelf fols tint they were all turned away o.t Ibe applratin of tbo rale f'l'iJlig tbe entry of patent ndteiae and etneirniBa. Tbe JeeMtna of the Wori.l a fair aniho- nttre In favor of Ayet'e Haraapar tile wae a errrot aa fiJUiwe: "Ayer's Bareapn- Mile ta n..t a t-ir.l kulietne. It i net bvl'iag in tbe lot of awtstfs, bere ra He nterite." From our Special Correspondent Tbe river and harbor bill is now being oonsidared by tbe oommittee oa com merce of tbe senate. If the Yaqnina Bay contract is retained in tbe bill, it will be d fficult to say too much in praise of the senators from Oregon. It bas de termined and formidable opposition to meet. It is an unusual, an almost un precedented tbing for congress to make bo appropriation for an improvement in face of an adverse report from the Unit ed SUtee engineers, and this is what the senators from Oregon bave to combat In order to seoure the retention of tbe Yaqnina Bay item in .the bill. Cbptain Symons in his report of January 1, 1894, declares: "It is my opinion that Yeqnina Bay bar is not worthy of further im provement." After reviewiug tbe con ditions that govern tbe hnrbor and the work already done there he states tbe further opinion that, "It is beyond the power of man to make it into a harbor of enffloient capacity for deep draft ships engaged in foreign commerce, or in fact to give this entranoe a bar chan nel depth appreciably greater than that now existing.'' Following upon this report by Capt. Symons, Senator Mitchell had an item placed in tbe last sundry civil aOt, pro viding for an examination of tbe barbor by a board, to consist of three officers of tbe engineer corps. The board oonsist ed of Lieut Col. Stickcey, Ma. Post and Ms. Sears. Their report was forwarded to the secretary of war four months ago, While the board did not give any opin ion as to tbe practicability of a soheme for deepening tbe bay, tbe tone of the report is decidedly adverse, as tbe fol lowing extraot will indioate: "It will be observed that tbe board (under tbe resolution) is not called upon to express any opinion as to whether a furtber per msoent deepening of tbe water on tbe bar is prsotioable, or, if practicable, whether the commerce of tbe port pres ent or prospective, will justify a further expenditure." "To the reports ot Maj. Hener and Capt. Hymons espeoial attention is invited." "The board is of the opinion that if any furtber deepening ot the bar oan be made it will be only by prolonging the preeent jetties. ' The board then esti mates tbe oost of snob work at $1,025,' 000. Ibese are tbe official documents on which Senator MoBride is supposed to rely in order to seoure the retention in the bill of tbe Yaquioa contraot. Of course snob reliance is out ot the qnes tion in this oaae. Tbe official reports are witnesses for tbe other side. Tbey must be faced down. At Ibe first meeting ot tbe commeroe oommittee, after the bouse passed ti mer and harbor biil, Senator McBride received a full broadside on this snbjot from the ohairmau of tbe oommittee, Senator Frye, who arraigned tbe Ynqnin Bay proposition and indicated that it would take a good deal to remive bis opposition, it in any way, it oould be re moved. 'Senator McBride tberenpon consulted with Snnalor Mitchell as to what should be done. The latter im mediately asked that Ibe Orrgon delega tion be given a brarit g before tbe oom mittee and bas summoned Messrs. Her mann and Ellis to bs present and belp faae down the engineers' reports. Ths item bad a narrow, very narrow escape in the river and barbor committee. One night shortly be fore tbe oommittee made its tour of inspection down ths Ohio river, Mr. Hermann wslked into tbe oommitli room feeling more than usually jovial. The work of paroeling out tbe "pork" waa about completed. Tbe ennui u e was to take final aolioa on most of tbe items that night. Mr. Hermann bad good reason to be satisfied tor Ibe com mittee bad given bim almost everything be bad asked for. As a matter nf fact 1 e bad gotten more than he could possibly bave obtained if be bad been chairman of tbe committee fur two reasons: Tbe first Is that tbe appropriations for tbe state otitis chairman am always moat earsfully scrutinised. Tbs other reason Is that bis colleagues on tbe oommittee who bad served with him were Indlgnsnl at ths soion of tbs speaker In peseiog bim ovsr, nod knowing that it would injure bim more or leee lo bin stste- wished to do everything In tbsir power to belp bim ont And so it was that Mr. Hermann was more than usually jovial on tbs algbt in qneetinn I'em after Item was enalderel and determined. Finally tbe Yaqnina Day e Kilreol name a p. Then n frtling of constraint ervpt ovtr tbe rmmilteew One of tbe members snggatd tbat tbe miliar bettor go over. Mr. Iletmsnn looked Bp is surprise. The face ot bis colUagties lookt dark and forbidding' A seonnd wae made to the mo i ton. "What doe Ibis mean j neked Mr. Hermans. "Let my matter so over afir all nthors bsvs boon noted uponf I do not understand yon, rtllrmn. This la my matter: I am vitally later! el anj lest I on a vole biog takn boo." Ton as old friend, a sseaibor of tbe committee, naked bin not to InaM on a vote Uisg laku now. Ml will bo bMM," be said, pot to insist. Lt tbe ltss go over natil we rMnrn from enr trip d. en tbe UbM." Me. Hermann sen tbat It was wiaJotn to snbmit Iur- Mr. Ellis is,' of conree, feeling very happy. Hie colleagues bave been keep ing bim busy ehakiog bands and eacb shake Is generally coupled with tbe re mark "I wish I could do tbe same for Hermann" or words to tbat tttVot, for both the representatives from Oregon are popular with their associates here. Washington, Apr. 13, 1896 A Natural Karl's Clover Boot Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful oomplexion. For sale. by Wells A War ren. NOT AUTHOK1ZEU. Editor Gazette In your issue of April 7 it appears tbat I antboriz-d the Qazette to state that 1 would not accept the nomination of tbe democrats ot Morrow county for tbe offioe of county superintendent of sohools. This notioe ot tbe Gazette was au entire surprise to me , and I am at a loss to know bow any snob, statement wag authorized.. I aow desire to state to tbe people of Morrow county that I aocept the nomi nation and should they see fit to elect me to this important office, I will do all in my power to advanoe the educational intereets of the county. Reeoeotfully, FloUbncb V. Cbittendbn. Heppnbb, Or., Apr. 23, '96. ernes or BLACKWCLL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. DURHAM, N. C. Dear Sir: You - are entitled to receive rprr from your wholesale dealer,. WHITE STAR SOAP with ell the Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or a oz., packages. We have notified every whole sale dealer in the United States that we will supply them with soap to give you FREE. Order a good supply of GENUINE DURHAM at once, and Insist on getting your soap. One bar of Soap FREE with each pound you buy. Soap Is offered for a nmiieo iimc, so oraer - to-day. Yours very truly, BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. To ALL Merckats Who feil Tseesssee- von h v difficulty in procuvlae yoor' soap, cut out this notice and sand M wb your order to your wnoieaara nearer. If you've got bad blood in you take Simmons Liver Regulator and get rid of It's a wonderfully good medicine tor Malaria and obills. "1 have taken Sim mons Liver Regulator especially in ibe spring and fall, and found It tbe best remedy. I know ot no way to benefit people more than by putting Simmons Liver Regulator into their bands.' N. N. Sbepard, Coohranton, Pa. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor ine uouniy or morrow, on Marcn it), lsvn, ana to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered ana enierea in saia uourt on ine am day of March, 1896, in favor of J. H. Townsend Plaintiff, and against Thomas Walrten, W. O. Scott and O. W. Harris, Defendants, for the ot Three Hundred Forty-eight and 10-100 (I Dollars witn interest mereon irom said num. and Twentv-flve (I2.WKI1 Dollars attornev's fee and the further sum of Sixty-four and HO-lOO .89) Dollars costs; and, whereas, by said I Judgment It was ordered and adjudged that the I following aescriDea real property, to-wlt: sw of section 24 in To. 1 north, ramie 25. E. W. M.. be sold to satisiy saia judgment, costs and ac cruing costs, i win, on Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896 at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, tn front of the Court House In Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest of the said Defendants In and to the above described The Thoroughbred Running Stallion stand the season at will i BILL! GORDON'S STABLE Heppner, Ore. Terms: $20 for the season. All mares over one from the same stable will be bred for $5 less, each. Swamp is a Dark Bay, 16 hands high; Star in face, Two white der forcash in hand the proceeds to be fff ON LEFT SIDE, AND WEIGHS 1150 POUNDS. to the satisfaction of said execution and I ' property at Public Auction to the highest and Deal DKKi applied t all costs, and costs that may accrue 2V. O. W. HARRINGTON, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated March 16, 1896. Swamp by Leon: first dam, Oregon Rose, she by Tiptop; he by lm- rtd iimst Tom Tlnton'a Unit dam. Brlhrev. she bv imported Bonnie Scotland. Oregon Kose s rort lfl;ree i SHERIFFS SALE. arstdam.Graoeshot: she bv Buckshot: he by imported Buckton; third dam, SalUe Morgan, by John Morgan; he by imported Sovereign. r-. m 1 1 I I ai r II i V C n ... m. IOTtCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UN ER .au IuTDIBO pOOU pasture Bl 91. O per moulli per lieau. u"uvo 1.V and bV Virtue Of an execution ISSUed Ollt aa n.n.kla nlian mnKa i. aarraA oiftnoo k tnot r rtrsA nnta of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for 100 r ' ""cu 1D CC"UVJ' "J vt'" w b"" the County of Morrow on March 16, 1nW), and to - y-v TVVXT me directed and delivered, upon a judgment renierei ana ewerea in saia court on me sin day of March. 1HW, in favor of The Northern Counties Investment Trust (Limited) Plaintiff, ami agamsi u. n. siewan, james v. Hamilton, O. W. HarrliiKton. Administrator. Addie Parvin snd J. N. Brown, defendants, for the sum of Thirteen Hundrrd Two and 4-100 (IWi (HI Doll ara, with interest thereon from March b, 1H9A, at the rate of eight per cent per annum and One Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and the further urn nf irifttf.fli' .ml lULUMWSV. Am ll..llu ami, whereas, hy said Judgment it waa ordered and ailjudged that the fnllowliig described real Timber Culture, Final Proof. Notice For rabllratloa. TTKITED STATES LAND OFFICE AT THE U Dalle", Oregon. April 13, Hwa, Notice is hereby Klven that John C. Brown has Hied notice ol nis intention to muse nnai proof before 1. W. Morrow, county clerk, at his ottlc; In Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, the Mh lav ( 1 ,Mld ....II .1 . costs and accrulug costs. Iwill.oi, ' SV , f Seturday, the Z5th day OT April. 1890 I He names aa witnesses procrtv. to-wlt: The Yi ' of S of sectloa :sl, V'4 of SW'j, E' SK!,and NWi of K section and HWl, of SWVi section XI, all til Tp 6 8, at 2 o'clix k, P. M of said day, at the frontdoor in lie court House in lieppucr, Morrow county, Oregon, sell the right, title and Intcrent of the said Defenilnnts 111 and to the above deHTlUil iirowrty at I'uhlle Auction to Ihe hlithest and Hat bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be ai'inii'd to ine aaiiaiaetiou ot aaia execuilou ana all cosu, and coats that may ai-crue. . W. HtKK .nunn. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. uaicii Marcu lit, ikw. Jurtm M. Bosnian, Win. Duran. Hiram Claik. O. M. Yaw, ot iioiner Oregon. JAB. F. MOOKE, 4:11-41. Register. Notice of Intention. 1 AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I i March 1k;. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice oi his Intention to make final proof tn support of herclaim, and that said proof will be mada before J W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on May ), HW6. vis: AMOS A. MISrtlLDINE, Hit. E No. w, for the E'i HK, gee. 11, and r-'i .r.'4, nee. it, i p. x . k. n t. lie names the following witnesses to prove Discontinuous residenre upon and cultivation of said land, vis; Klmer (ientrv. Frank (ientrv. W. 0. Scott. John Barton, all of Heppner, Oregon. J AS. F. MiXlKE, t'JtUW Register. Timber Vulture, Final Proof, UNITED BTTE8 LAND OFFICE AT THE Dalles. Orrgon, April 1:1, 1j0. Notice is hereby given that (irorge . Harrington, Ad mlnlatrator of the Estate nf Jamea Xtewart. deceased, has filed notlre of his Intention to make final pronl nelore J. n. Morrow, county clerk, at his oftlre In Heppner, Oregon, on Unml.v thm 9M h Amw ni Uaw lurnl . , I ... I of the Circuit Court of the Htate nf Oregon for culture application No. '(jo. lor Ihe Nt NWI. maiounty ol "orrow, March 16. lwai. and to hri k Wt and NF."4 SVV14 of acctlon No. I, in ...i,-. ,, iirnTcmi u,n iiuuiiiriii usiiiii n Ao. o souiti. ratiua No. 2t eaat- He ratnra aa wltiifwa: lamea H. V. viand. Charles H. Ballls. William Luellliig, (leorge W. Crispin, of Hardman, Ore. JAB. r. MOUKRi 4.11-41. Register. SHERIFFS SALE. VOTICE IX MK.KFBY GIVEN THAT L'NDER I l and by virtue of an eteciition Issued out rendered and entered In said court on the Id day of March, lmai. In favor of Thomas L. Dor- man, i iaiiiiin. and against ueorge w. Jnnkln, lielennaiit, for the sum ol Slsteen Hundred and HI it jr five illMWMiil Dollara with In terra t thereon n and Ona tin lid red I IV IXllll and, whema, by aald Judgment It waa ftoin Marcl per ami ti ia lee and tbe further sum nf Tweut a. Ikbl at the rale of ten oer cent r annum and Ona II 11 lid red Dollars attor J April I. If. the followliiK-i of hla (mention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that nald proof will be made nernre tne county clerk 01 Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on May 16, 1, vli: FRANCES L. JONE8, Hd. K. No. 3397, (or the NE14 section 4, Tp. 1 S, R E. W. M. Ha namea the following wltneaaea tn prove hla rnntlniioiii residence upon and cultivation of aald laud, vis: Jaa. M. Hares. Jas. Fristoe. J. C. Klrk.Jaa. Young, all ol Heppner, Oregon. JAB. T. MOOKK, 4'SS Register. lornev s iNiuaracoau; . .,.. , H.,.., ... .(.111-,,. VMM ..I'll-fTl and adjudgail that the following dearrlhml rent erlr, lu-wtt Notice of Intention, N "T'.'"n "i T "D OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON 1 . W. M . be sold to satiatv said j April 7, !. Notice Is hereby given thai it and accruing coU. I will, on the following named settler has Sled notice o! Saturn-ay, the 25th eleynf April, 1896 her Intention u. make final proof in sm at 2 o clock P M , of aald day. at th. front door !' cl"'mi,n1'1 J"?' nl the Court llouaeln Heppuer, Morrow Countv, fT'an W- M"rrT,w' ,'""I,,T c,erk U prope (11 To. IH. K. Judgment, coa Oregon, aell the right, till and Intereat of ths salt! Defendant In and to the ahova deai-rtlied property at Public Auction so the hlgheet and beat bidder for cash III hand, the proreeda to ha applied Ul Ihe satisfaction of aald eatcutlon and all ONila, and ets that may accrue. .14. II. M. HAkktNGTO. UherifTof Morrow County, Oregon. fateq piarrn ia, im. SHERIFFS SALE. NinU K IS tlKRFBY OIVRN THAT t'KDKR and hy virtue of an eaeeutloa taau4 out nf the Circuit rourt of the Wat nf On-gon for Ihe Cnuuly nf Mormw, oa March) la, taut, and lo me nim-iri and neutered, upnn a ludsmenl thai of pport of tw madr c miner. ureaon, on stay it. im, vis : MAKIiAKKr J. M Mil EWIMin Rd. K. No DK'wt, lor the NKI, Bee. 27, Tp. IS., av 71 c, w. ai. (the namea the following wltneaaea tn prove ner continuous minenca upon ana cuinvaiion Of aald land, vis: A. T. amg, m. a. uiaen. Jonn niden, all of lone, Oregon, ond C. A. Khca. ot H'ppner, Or, j a, r. NOOHK. 4.10-10. Keglater. Notice of Intention. f aKDOFFlCI AT t.A GRANDE, ORFOON "",,;r"1,i V ' " l"""1"'"' I tj April 4. !, Kotlca la berrhv given tbat , . ,. J . - . '. ' " V ." - rnl lowing named settler has Sled . In "r IT f .H,,h' fc tnlentbm to make Snal pronf In 1 rialnllfT. and aaalnat Henry Kelly,,. --a ii..i m.1.1 .111 i' . for Ihe aum n seven Hundred Forty aeven erwf I llnr.i 11... l w...r.. 1 ....... . 11 . Willr nl auppnrt of or, orvgon. oaj May II m. l IJiilS LKAHR . SII I Ulg US VI U.K. I10 I. dura, with tniereal there on frfins atari rt ihe flats. at the iZT, T""- P-r nnuw ana ""'v I fnv Ine SV. fee. a, Tf. a S. ti. 7 K. W. It TkilT i7 . 1 I.,. .. m I "he nanwa the following wlttneaaew In prove an-l. . he.. h, said Judgment II ..a nrd.nM o UM vis' ' -.....ow an.lai.iiliiiatini..iiint ,ieerrtr4 real Umrm M. Ha-r. Kormaa A Kellv J.m it.. ..! 1 11 MnaifK h. I J Km h m k.ll i I ..... .. . . . . " ' - - " ' 1 joaej. m 11 nam ituanea. an of HrKt.n. f itH, r. w IUto.1. ar. tl.Mi twenty lea, and week kail at a-ita taenly Ihrea. all In low nahla Iwa amiih. rente iaiy erven eaei. w. M . he a4. to eattsfy aald Imlgaaent. eoaia artS arrrulng nana. I will, Satweeley, the 28th nay nf April, 1896 at f n rl.rt aald day. at Ihe front dons nt I Km MM.r4 II .iim Im U ......... V.mmm orrg.n a-ll all the riskl. Una and lnieee-4 ai Ihe aald tM-Modant la awl an tbe above dMarrlned emnenv al Pnbile Aurlioa W Ihe hiahMMi ana brat 1,1.1. 1 !.. raah la haad. Ihe bli.wil an be 4SMS kee'etea. Notlci of Intention. tasn Orru 8 at La Oare War. t, laMl VOTICE tS ttlRFRY CilVFJi THAT tHI .1 follnwlng named altief fcas Sled imiire ai-pibMt u Ihe aait.HM-lloa uf aald esacuUMI a ad " ' ",,B" tn aaaie Snal proof la enpanrl ail cwta, and eMe lhal may arme 01 h'a claim, and lhal aaM fen" will ha made Alt U . H 4 MHI 4GTOf , h-4a wanly C.r. of H.,rrow County, at ahertff nf at.N-row 4 wanly. Inwgon. HTf"' VTV-J ? : tvalmlM.irkia.laaa. ' l'l!l.l. i. SU k, H l Sa MM. SHERIFFS SALE. V'uni g tn tiratav i.ivm tint cmb i and by tin ue of aa esarnllna Imnad mil I .'""'L '. fcU'wrt ' I--1 He kemaa Ike Mlnwlng am In prnve hla enntmaoue rraldenee apna and rultl.aUoa nl lb. m. Ms I. It. rr T.Z'.1. tuan wlm lu lj jr for lit ttrfftn.ennses malailn nn t n.o hicU joti nalk; lot tLe . tZTit 17. nclnml In nli'icb your cliil ltf n or Ctsumi n-n, !.i, ipe. i. tlmt a .iri wrrn e.luratA.l! lie l't an.t Usf .tiawaa-e ae ; , . t 41 . ; 7 enre4 t M.i..b a Cnf t ot aa iieij uj arcj ui u.n cuurca 10 m e le A arrtn. i,l,n,tr lit. .mmh f .Neva vtk nk t lie lamril pf riH at 4n lo mUl aw Im tiling' In I he itilii.' ai Inail i linn ulum. lr I rvwrerHk W inew, ttte nutrVllr (n rf tmlnnlivg, haa laa apMttel lee turer on mii-tal rlaawa nrt marlal evlle in llararl nnlieraily. l;lMt Will it jear aur-a) tk tl-i'ratlaa ech.a at f'i-aain(isr 1. 4ivbWa ni1 r.Mtnkitrre. aM fls fre-e InalrurlMvn In Imlgartaaa In Ma nai veraiit-Hk, Tlw Is a movement en f.t ftf tH fiil.!n'.n,i I ,,f e,li,t. v,H,t, r IM tr.'U i tf1 a. I e.w. at ,i of I Ke .i,e. In tf I an riisis la' l,,litrn In the nal art. j lrniil tf "'a, nf the inroll t inirl nf the mala nf l h-mi imi h. i m,Hiv nf MMf., kterh 11. f- and ha MaSlnelei an.1 rtlltaH. nmHl a Jndgntent in Ibe days he argae l aaj ) n., m M.e, h i-m, in a. nf .... w Mar H-M ..IH kie roleaea fc,4 to sink. .TZZt"!?' ml the Item linae re lain.! la tbe bill " I' itamiii.MS. I'a r li..niiu.n. . . , , , I s km a, a.i i,. Ir. in and The kMihoa n i wna an viu'i I'Mwa rij4 immna. innnliM invmenl ma, ilimlinli ll f,.., li,. MiiM.k..J .kmmmImm b. l. k I f" " " "lime thnaaan.l lMlata a lih ' " ' irn.M lh.n,,i Ina lia ll mi ikm m.,. faatiltej fr,MM fyataaagn nn4r Snajiaoaion ' " ent umia ami t .,n.,Md . ,, , . . ..... I end f aenif Sve IMiere atrney a and the nf the rnlae nJ mtiiont nttier then gen . i- .., a im f thinr s and . ..u.ra NniaHy ttrt ftrnanan, R araw ami, u. n H otfard, ell of inann, rmem a. r. iiuix, 47! ti kegvar. CIWlQlt. tn tn mi tt im nr of tm srig a ! i-twf.m n Ihe I ..,i.l, .4 II ,nt I, Ihe man., ,.( ti,. eaiata ot lttms T. fSartnn, mmc. I 1 m t t.m la lha hiral law. and any and all twraana InUrMbtd a aald ea ale tratif In lha name of Ihe Mate of Imrm, ynw an ...1 .t.k.iM Tk,. .....J Im. -I.. i. il.. ' a id tkm hy e.wk ).uf,m.nt II I . " a i.nM and a ll'. il lha lha tnii-alni iIk . ' ,r"' " l t-a In t naoala. r.terr item In Hm Ml nll te ' fi-r m m env a. Z1Z,1 JTstJll, II'JH'Il " ." , , . iilkeviMiiTli n W M and a ! "" m al the wrl enn ikmnl al gqlijm le J le clfe af nllay nal l)l. m., hSwnianw I and . "I'M- l liw I milt l Kmw m MnnUv , l, . mibwM Tk a. n. g at M . heemdt. "" " a l al W n... in the M. II . al.L a eauae l ai. eatal, why aa Hw M IINnait r. tlmniann lake km 1 fi at rf I ' Tf .k .. iimLW im ai. mitml thlli.,.hie.ilt naaataka baa n.i.eJ! '. St4lnnf Ae4l, 1696 r-t-f kning lo the mil HaH devrihmt r".- iteali. nesS aaaere M ,h. aa k Mai k.i,4. ij,t, iv, ha Hale a L.rg lim an J mi U l..a !"'- w t-n ., Mm il ,U " ra a4 nw Notice of Intention. AND OFFICE AT TH K DALLES, OREOOf, Notice la hereby given that named adtler has filed nolle Notice Of Intention. I.akd Orrica at La Uaagpa, Oagnow. Atirll IX lNOS VOTICE IS RERFBY OIVF.N THAT THE 11 lollowlns named aettler has Bled nolle of hla Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and thai aald proof will be mada oeiore l ounty t lark ol hi orrow County, Oregon, al Ueppuer, Oregon, on May an, Itut, vli: John p. hkown, Tlmlier Culture Entry No. fcwi. for the W Sec. a Tp. 1 S. R. Ci E. M'. M. . He namea the following wltneaaea tn prnvn his cnniiiiuoiis residence upon and cultivation of said land. VIC John F. Barton, William Barton, Jnha C, Brown and Francis M. Gentry, all of Heppner, Oregon, B. W. W1LMOM. m ft kesUUr. Timltr Culture, Final Proof. Net Ice for Fablieatln. I AND OFFICE AT THE tlALLFJt, OREGON, J Maerh A N"tlw la herehv elvaa that Andrew keanev, nf lslngton, Oregnn, kaa Sled notice of liilentlnn tn make Snal pn4 In-fore J. W. Norma, county elerk, al hla orhrn In Hrppni-r. Oregon, on Saturday the Mh day nf May, !, on Timber Culture aniilleaiioa so, iTwi, lor Ihe sw, onaiier of aec'tun nf ha. I In Tnanahlp Nn. 7 n. Range No Faat, Ite names aa wltiiraaea: Jim i'rnax b... . hen Una. J C. Itiommm, Jamea Learh, all ot vm lie Ml, vn-goa n M tkK T. MOORE. s"3" aWtaaev. Teachcr$' Examination. NOTICE t HIRTRY OIVEJf THAT FOR lha parimmof maklna aa esamlaalloa nf ai! fwra n,a a ho amy oflef ihemmlvea aa randl lai.a k-r lam here nf lha arknoieof thla eoanly, .... SHq mpnaits, ine eounty arhml eolmrtntendeal Iheranf will hold a biks eiamlnaih-n al Ihe eoart boaan at Maklraae. opening fib inh, law, lald Mils tub day of May I an - hK t"lGIR, m A Co, frham aupl , Morrow la , Of. Notice ot Find Stttttmtnt. NOTICR fttttl'nr fllVEt TM tT Tff n,l.r.l,n, kilns J k,.yae. eaarntrta nf theiwuieof n ii k.n.1, dmianit, will mate Fnml Miicmenl nf her m-enania a Ilk aaM ea ImI. a sm-h eteruins el lha nxl kana nf lha lmefe l oan a kwna .nanty la ka hnldea al lh.en.irl knwa la MtHmv, la mid (,ny on lha 4th day nf Mv A. I. law. a ia a rimk a m MttA gjl tvilgn, ksarwtfts. Notice 0 Final Sittkment. VOTli ft is iirns'nr .tvn thst TWt i niMeetid edmlnlaimt, of Ike eaiaia nl tl M, ietrtmaa. 4mwad. wilt avete rinat anwmnl f hla aeraanu wllh mil ealaia aa swh almlnla(nitnr, at the I wrn ,4 lha Intinlyemtrt al Morrow nnnly , rtrrear. "". kv ka h..i.i.a al" r., l aafct iwaaty, aw kk sib day nf u t A a suit AdmtakMtakar. hup ro ntE ffwrrktarea tKtbln( if wfcieb la ie m I lin-i.,.i ia tn4 a,, ihe a ,inM 1 Mww iii imr,n n.bam.l a. I be k.i,. ,., Ik. ....ta r""'" r.u -wa k. the mM ... 1 the ttn Jnlin R.f hi. 1 l !"' i in ' la l-a . I ih. ta W I llf. nf Ihe wuli nn ni Of Irr. .a i t r-ala ba I as teaa ' "'"''"a "f mid u,l.. I I4I! tm k the mmi i i, 4 nan llnl .. I nie a nh lha ami n aald L ull w n u in in em n IK irpnnii HllllKlToV l,S.l Ih.i li.H,, d l,, l !-. I lira tai a, il . w I nH a , Urea,-. ' "t J. W, a)..aa-' k " ' . ' lae-l ak 17, a, , .!.. C)a. I I bate 1n anl 1.01) latnl-t tbat t mill sail attwr abmaiaa at II pt keaxl, nil 'msaj. rnetM aswlaav lay bnv eHnalit Mlrea ana ( Vlamis, mt ew!l on tne at mt ranch In VMnel I rasf on, nar Tti. C.s Vt.rtxwa. 3 ! Vteavnn, Urtgnt.