Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 21, 1896, Image 4

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' While roa aep roar subscription paid np rra
eu keep your brand in free of ohaire.
Allyn, T. J., lone. Or. Roraea GO on left
shoulder; oattle aameon left hip, nndarbiton
riht ear, and tipper bit on the left; range, Mor
row oonnty.
. Biird, D. W. and eon. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; cattle the eame on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Bange
in Morrow County,
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Homes
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Bange in Mor
row count?
Hannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in eaoh ear.
Brenner, Peter, frooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Broetnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; eattle. same on right hip; split in
each ear. '
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, cirole
C with dot in oei teron left hip; eattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
h,Boyer, W. Q., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in
each ear. ,
Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder; cattlo. same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splita and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; ilange m Fox valley,
Grant county, m , ,
Carsner. Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three barn) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh earv Ilange in
Grant and Morrow eonnties.
Cain.K., Caleb.Or. Y D on horsos on left stifle!
TJ with quarter cirole over it, on left shonlder
and on left stifle on alloolts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Orant county.
Cate, Chas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle eame on right hip.
Bange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrlgall, M M, Oalloway, Or Cattle crop ont
of each ear and underbit, wattle in forehead;
horsos half circle C on left etitie. Bange Mor
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Curl T. H John lay. Or. Double cross on
eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bit
in right ear, split in left ear, Bange in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewee, crop on left ear
pnuohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop m left ear. AU rangs
in Grant oountv. .
Cook A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 80on n ah t shonl .
der; Cattle, aameon right hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in right
Currin. B. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
'"(jo'Kd. 8.. Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
I in oanter; horses. CB on left iip.
Coohran, B. E.. MoDoment, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
nndor slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'.tle same
brand on right shoulder, and cut oil end of
rl5)ougTas. W. M Galloway. Or.-Cattle. B Den
right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
0nEyftBros'., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole
lDEmery?C.'rJ., Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
reversed Cwithtaill on left shoulder; eat.
tie same on right hip. Bange in Morrow oonnty.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.- attle, Lf on
right hip; horses, F with bar under on right
,hFlo'renM, B. P., Heppner, Or. Horses, F on
right shonlder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gentry, Elmer, Eoho, Or.-Horses branded H.
H with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Bange in Morrow and UmatilUoonnties.
Hiatt. A. B., Bidge, Or.-Cattle, round-top K
with quarter oirole under it on the right hip.
Bange in Morrow and Umatilla oonnties.
.Hughes, Bamnel, Wagner, Or- ITU
on nected) on right shonlder on horses; on eattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Bange in Uaystaok
diatriot, Morrow oonnty.
Howard J L, fUllowav. Or. Horses -F (oross
with bar above It) on right shoulder; oattle same
on left side. Bang in Morrow and Umatilla
TlHuTEdwln, John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon
right hip; lionets same oil right shoulder. Bange
. In Orant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Bange Morrow Co.
Hnnsaker, B A, Wagner, Or. Horses, t on left
shoulder: oattle, ft on left hip.
Humphreys, i M. Hardmau, Or. Horses, H on
left Hank , ,
Huston, Lnt.her, Eight Mile. Or. Horse H on
the left shonhlnrand heart on the left stifle Cat.
Ue same on left hiu. Kange In Morrow oonnty.
Junes, Harry, lleppnnr, Or Horses branded
M J on the loft slionlilr; cattlo brawled J on
right hip. also unilnrlnt in left ear. ;Bange in
Morrow oonnty.
Jnnkln, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse,
shoe i on left shoulder. Cattle, the sains,
liunge Klht Mile.
,f'iliiiein, Felli, Lena, Or. Horses, nlreleTnn
left stifle; cattle, earns on right hip, nuder half
or.ip in nM soil snlit 'n left, ear
Knnny, Mike. lUppiier, Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hip oattlesamsaud crop off left
er: iindnr sloiie on the right
Kirk. J. T., Ileminer. Or. Horses U en left
honlileri cattle, nil on Will hip.
KuiiitierlHnd.VV.il.. Mount Vemon. Or. I Lon
oslileoo right and lfl sid.w, swallow fork in If ft
ear aud mi)lr oioii in right ear. Iloram earn
brand on lft shoulder, Bange In Grant enmity.
Lorton, Hteptien, Foi. Or. H L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right, ear, Horn
aiike brand ou left shoulder. Bange Grant
l,inlln, John W., j"lnir'ii. Or. -Humes
m-andol hal'-rirnla J I, eonnaplml on left shonl.
dor. Cattle, same ou lefthip. Baiige. near lx.
In gim
L.ln'y, J. W. Ili'ptinnr Or Homes brandod
Land S on I "'t liinildiiTi mill Is earns on lft
hip, wall la or right rye, tlirse sills la right
lrd, Gxirge, II "turner. Or. Horses branded
double II nu iwrli'l Homntitnas called
swing II. on li-'t ehiHildar.
Mirln. M. I'.. ll.'PIi''r, Or. -Cattle hramlnd
cirri on rmlit hip; homes sama on right stilln,
Itnnim in Murriiw county.
Minor, Over, ni'iiir r. attle, M D oo
right hip; home. M on lft ohouhlar.
Morgan. Ft. N llptuw. Or. Horses, M )
on Mt shonhUi rattle Mine on loft hip.
MiMioll.Oanar. lone, Hr,-Homos. 77 oo right
bipt came. 77 on right side.
Nasi, Ati.lraw. tome llork.Or.-llursee A N ns
Bnpil on lft shmililor: ealtle eame mi both hl,
tMlar. I'erry. Illusion, Or. I' O osj Ufl
iialnirn. J. W Dieiglae. Or.: horses O on k'ft
shofililort reiiU sainn on rlslil hip.
'srin, !. r'ujlit Mile, Or.- IIotms, qnar
tmr rlrrl hixld on l"'t sliouldf end it on loft
hip. Can la, fork in left ear, right empeL M
on Uft til p. Hangs on Klulit Mile.
t'arkar A (ilaaeoa, HardiDaa.Or.-lliMMslPo
of stioaMnr. .... .
rir, Krpet, lilntw, r.- Homos bread.
K (I. K MHinsetoill on Wt shim I. lor ssitlie
mooa right hip, lUogo. Hierrow eHsnt.
I'iimt. J. H , lslngta. Itr.-lloesos, JK eo.
erisd Mil.fl sh.mhU; eatUa, saiae ua Uft hip.
edor bit to ew;h ear.
I'll. A. ., I olio. Or I horses dtaeannr r net
- - .h.oil.lor: callla. J II J aonn ld. !
rt hip, uppu slope la Uft ear aad slip la Utm
II. 1, Aadmw. Ilsnlmaa, Or. Hoa, sB)af
ar,M with quariarMri'le over It oa Ufl stlna.
Mush Mr... Ileppnar, ir.- H.sm- bf I I 1
aa the rlglil sh.ojl.lof . pallia, I a oe ue lfl kip
f r.,p nil Uft ear and lUalap oe aark.
Morrew ao'l viflniiig mmi .
HoMioy, Aadmw. lnin", Or -H.ot
bramtol A K oo right oIwoiUmw, eeal qawlei
plmla nrar brandi ratlU saiaa aa rig til kip.
He'iga H.r.,w vmntf.
I..ra, W. II. lialryvllU, Or-IIH anaaaMoi
With qaarlot e.rrle mm ua eaUlsoa nM kip
aad tip "f7 rtgM ear and split la UH. II.
brand ih Uft . l-U. Itaaga la roa
(Imnl and Uilluwe woinlioa.
Itatiw i. W . Hopi-aor. IH.-M.iws. JO as
Uft soowid-r. t elite. ua rtgM kip.
Himlsl.t W. K.. 11-ii.ao. r - H.Masa sKad
I n it, lot UlU.eoiiio J II urn Uft kip, saallow
.k ta nM ear. unUWI la Ufl.
Ksi.p. 1 a i llsfl". - M.wass, t 4 T aa
Uft hipi aailleaai-aaa Uft kip.
lUron. IM-it, l"M'aa, ttr.-faltle oa
tight top sod H rth( mhI.U I koraoa, M tm
ligi.toh.MihU. IUe la M.wrow oBt.
a i ! lootill. r. H"". to Urt
A uasfc.oihUri oo'lio. oameaa Uft ah.oU
a.j.iima. Joaaos 4flia4-o, Of.i koraoa HtwUd
JH-mM sfc.tal.lo oollU Ifco sataa, alo Suom
jo.1 lio lUt eoia ol.ttwsd UiliMwao.ii,iioa
tu l.o.,. . A , Hsnt-aa. -i fcttraoa H na
r ! Mino, ta'ilt k.n. ti L aa tfcs I'g'.l sfcU
nmowe, Mrs A. i . Il-no. w -t alios, 0
aa rtgM hiu l la fcfl oa.
Pa-" ' ,Miia.lk - ll.trase, M aa
Uft ,i.li"UM.l-'l ki-
aiM.T n u. m-i .. . - r aa
Mi din. rf ff ns'd ad a-4Wti ta Uft fsar,
gVa Ihw I Uft oVtil U
lwa,o. J A , ll"M. - M.waa.a
rt( 4.. oolo. 1 ot Ufl OVMlt-U
l.i.i-ea l,,iatrfoiv.-ll.to.t".aaUfi
Uma ll W,,Hii - eat Mai 1
rt j..oil it h.oot, eatifcs satog oa Uft kif
a -k M. I.aa
tk,i, II. M . I a IV - H.tm Uao.Utl
f o,nWt4al U'l otiBo, ofcaof auaa t"o4
U. II t . I", ifc", Ha Ml oa
0 i m, n n taUraitna,aooa rtgM
"( W II IM IW. Il tm-a r I.
a iw l-i Xml-Ui .'. mo m tgi.t kip
g toi at.. nM oa P !
VI il.o J.oxa U. ! Itotoutt, Ik) -
M mm fcw t-l J t oa Hoi Uft efcMoU Uaoga
S raa o..f
DwM m H l olofc, l aiiU a ilk oartos
..M wo M . aa lo, 0,1.1 la ,! aw
M- taM a U ofc.-et.ta. kw'-e" !
l. aai,
Hoi. Iir. llaMo Of - ltMaa tlW
goa ' I o)k a aa W at toaf aa Ul kip
I ... a I ... o.l M Ml I- I lafl kr
a .!.. I f -a Mna, IH II aaaa. If
Ovr- n. '4 "O Wfl C. I-
u..... .l.o Ili Or Mamas k' lag
a i it... ,m tf - Qao -,
.tat r ut n Ha aa an
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running AA
on shonlder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., Gooeoosrry, Or. Horses brands)'
T8on the right SuookU.
When you are about to boy a Sewing; Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to it that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have Rained a
reputation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There Is none in the world that
a.n1nl las n.nain,.l
parts, nneness oe nnisn, oeauty
in appearance, or has as man
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (pateneti),ia other has
it j New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
OBiJios, Mass. Bostok, Mass. 88 TTjnog BgtiAKF, H. T
fnicAnn, III. Ht. Louis, Mo. Dallas. Tcxas.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Contains each Month 1 Original Water Color
Frontispiece; 128 Quarto Pages ot Heading
Matter i 100 New and High. class. Illustra
tions; More Literary Matter and Illustra
tions than any other Magazine In America.
23 cts. f J a Veer.
Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours
A Jlrli'lit, Wholesome, Juvenile Monthly.
Fmlv illtmtratnd. The bet writers for young
oo;ile c ntrlbntn to It. 10 ' ; )l a year.
Frakk I,.si.t"e PopttbAB Monthly and the
Uiuollo, both lor one year lor .)"
AVlGlKU!aml the Oa.tU), botn lor
one year $:i.UU.
ll-J...U..!l.. sU D.. PIU ntfsre
"nVnd In Prank Is'Ut'l PuhltoMna fTmio. S.T J
fitr New lllulrutrt VVrmlo ft 4. I
If Jtihi think nf bnying to angina of
any aua or kiml aond fur our Cutalngut
So, oontainiriK illustratinna aod
prince nf every kind ot engine from ooe
up lo !i'i botaa fxiwer, at tx it torn jirioea,
np .! A'fl. VI fit aonlit AnninM Iwiil.
en anj niaotilnery. Either aaot free.
. P. Wiiiard & Go
197 Canal Straat, . .
TTTp -- rr.TT nl
Jl a i Minn i a t r
Q mj B.tm t Kim - it Q
m Hira(r at Sti Iran (a f)laaj.
f A Cmpilata Sat, '"itin M Ire 2
J lllrlip bi .l.o IUI I.Trf, rutt P
- lll I lai ar. Im.II I'latat. IrlM.K Utrf
3 and Hit t la hi-lar, alll I arnl to aiif
J s l l'r-ai uptin mr!d id u rents, to mi
2 tlmrN
n liia t nrae are sa..liilrlf atrlarl
2 aaatillltillv ntliitait and anttintot, and
J ertanrnl vi Hau l iifiidit, ad err aa t
Q roMoiil .io,.,,. ni a, raa lra.lors
H "I the aiMfiiJ" S'i't-lr a,.i. atiiuMe M
o I'tt i In It, faS'llita. rioitft. nlfi.a or atna, V
Qt . fasi.tJ
TM aafaralaaalas ef I Reat twataraa
Is taa ta aaoat psrasaa.
Titer ltltsi the! f re faaatltf kt
Hat slasS aaa ta k tin4.
Taaat sataa essaeas ls Waeastal
AVp.ins Tabula
Assaanfared eriik say f isslaasly kaasrs)
IriM T-ios ' fti.s, as teat a,
t'l to it, f saaO.
iwaal Cl IMUai I karat K, f.
V.'!,, Aa
Q Popular Magazines:
E. McNEluL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details call on 0. R. A N.
Agrut at Heppner, cr address
Qen. Pass. Agt.
San Francisco
And all points In California, vis the Mt, Bhasts
route ol the
Southern Pacific Co
The street highway through California to all
points cast ana sontn. Urand Moenlo I tout
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Bleepers. Beoond-class oleepers
Attached to express trains, altording superior
aocommodatinns for seoond-olase passengers,
for rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
no,, can upon or auareea
K. KOKHLKK, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
uen. . r. Agu, roruana, uregon
, Easiest
Most Modern and progressiva
For catalogue or Informs. loo write to
New Haven. Conn.
IS E) !
a aaaamamaaaamaMMMoaaa
C IflO0 """hot kivrlvMuk torForh;
tr" oj I U t , Csntt, coml.tlnv .rf too rig's -
, luii ir. .Ma. Mu.ic oi -
a Islrst. hrlghirt, Uvrllrtl anj einl popular -j
' slMllmi. r-h vmsl anj ln(rumnul, -
a giHirn up in me most rletrant mauoef, in
J; iluJlni limr Uugt sle I'oiuslls.
CARHINCIU, 11,4 4an. Danctr,
f. fAOl HI 8H, (. Ortat Pianist.
e AVIUM A FW mnf
THE NEW York mu sir t truncti n3
iUoaJwsv Thrnlre HUg..Nrw Y.Kit Uty. 13
T nsss WSNTIP. .-
A. P.T. L.
The American Protective Taiiff League
it national organisation advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
rnduttry" at eiptained by its conttitu
ion, at follows :
To ab.a-t mt this taague seal as la aastaH
aatanase lolxw aa a tanfv aa aaasaos, m sasg
aaaauetaif m.re alwiV4l araoeeta
against tae siaissVtua a erga kkaee.
There are no personal or private
profit, in connection with the CHgani.a
ton and it it tuitained by memberhipt.
Contributions and the distribution of its
IMT : Cataaseeaveaas Is ssBslasd
MaAsaaska) " aaa Cffal
rCOa 0. We aaag aad . slaaaa asaarifcaVsas.
oMioa oatso avga, ta ear ssasa.
TNinO: WiMMistntajat
at ,a". s eosaas a oo, T aioMtta, Caaot
aarta o a.s oo aa too at ef mnn a (Java.
V0UNTN; Saaa' aarlol aooa rmmm eat
soatate aar ar oa aa,aasa iwaio4tN
a4aaWa oVokoaaja ftoaaai la'laT,
I4S Wa Hi tVoaV htm Vat.
ttaasasitu a gtaaa es at saa aj ii aa.
raaa aaaaaa at aa at aaaj sootsaaaaa aaaaaj aa
asiwsii laa aaat palaaal She aae allaata.
aaa aa) atajw at aa. -aa. m ..o m,tm .t m
aaopaaj a aaaaantM ao-oa At So aaaa ejaa a
Bask a aaaaoas afaa Ha) aaaas oW feat SVai
IT'S the sime.Ta.ia MtxmNS
o,4 At - oka eoo W aav stl
tao-Va., SV. p,mm ...
iWUfca, "OoUO
a -a toa as s aoe l
a III) so to ao aVal laa.s otaj lHaiaj k
aajaaa, 1 ft ko Hiwa at aaolmug 0. Is.laS
Va a ... I.o.1' - - - . -
It ' - - 1 i r ' - -rloi naal
aaaMsaoat Vl t '. s aa oa
"a-aj a ) a a.l, as at a-at, at aaaas i
tS ala. s4a.m oao art, So aiaoooot
aaa aj aj , m. fat, a 1 t oo .. a
flaf VeMsaajSja ajgj f4l "aPiiasI oil asjsjaajgjs
atootaa. a4atailo
a ta aoao.a4 a va) Mat t aaal
e.iai in a. I aom.rai, Va) 0,114a, as ooa
eawa si V fajafar-aS ear f'aasaiasa-
' 001 ap.as-o awalTf a I east
ni vi nttt km vn A cn..
4Wa)as a latM aad I aaoi(ej -anat'
longest, f
top Vnrai
Receiver. &t$jifa'ir
till Mrm.M w
f1f. MritM, f1. C.
4f- ,tii,nJWon.. )oaarao
Followed . a Piece of Timber from One
Tree to Another.
While the thunderstorm waa at its
height on a recent Sunday the light
ning played a peculiar prank out at
Liynwood, says the Minneapolis Trib
une. In front of A. Eichorn's cottage
stand two enormous oak trees, each
something like one hundred feet high
and from two and one-half to three
Jbet in diameter. The trees stand
about twelve or fifteen feet apart and
are connected, as it were, forty feet
from the ground by a piece of timber
lour inches square, which has been
placed in a fork of each for the pur
pose of furnishing the children of the
neighborhood a swing of unusual
apacity for making aerial trips.
While the storm was raging lightning
struck the top of one of the oaks, the
electrical fluid passing down the tree
and tearing several limbs from the
trunk on its course.
On reaching the timber supporting
the swing the bolt shot across it as
though it had been a metal conductor
provided especially for the occasion
and tore down the trunk of the second
oak, finally spending its force in the
earth, leaving a large hole to mark the
spot. The force of the electrical -current
was so great that in its passage
down the trunk of the second tree
struck it rended off pieces of timber
six feet long and as large through as
the body of an ordinary sized man.
Smaller pieces were hurled through the
air a distance of three hundred feet.
Mr. Eichorn, with his family, was sit
ting on tho porch at the time the shaft
did its work, and all were badly fright
ened by seeing a stick as large as a
good-sized piece of cordwood come
whizzing through space in their direc
tion. It struck on the roof of the porch
above their heads, however, and did no
more serious damage than to tear off a
patch of shingles.
Remarkable Specimen Found In a Mary
land Iron Mine Recently.
Charles E. Coffin, of Muirkirk. Md..
has lately placed at the disposal of the
Woman's College museum for study and
description, in connection with other
collections irom tne same region, a re
markable saurian tooth, recently ex
umed from his iron mines in Prince
George county. It measures three
inches in leneth. and the herbivorous
dinosaur to which it belonged was not
less tnan twenty-five feet in length.
The dentine of the tooth, with Its
beautiful polish and characteristic
irauBverse marmngs, is almost perfectly
preserved, and the delicate
of its edges are as sharply defined as
wnen me reptile was Imbedded In the
lignitic clays of the Potomac forma
tions. The mine from which the tnnth tv as
excavated, savs the Baltimore, Amerl.
can, is the same as that from which
I'rol. O. U Marsh, of Yale, several years
ago, obtained a considerable collection.
These remains were so highly prized
by this distinguished investigator that
several men and an engineer were em
ployed for a number of weeks in mak
ing excavations for the nama.
Though the Maryland dinosaurs wpr
huge animals in comparison with rep
utes now living.they are but dwarfs be
side some of the gigantic species which
inhabited the western Xorth A morion. In
Jurassic time. During a recent visit to
the Woman's college,. Prof. Marsh re
marked that one of the fossil Bpecies he
discovered in the west could stand on
the lawn in front of Goucher hall and
eat with comfort from the roof. This
"terrible lizard" was one hundred feet
long, and the largest animal ever known
10 lniiauu Uio earth.
I'sea ta Which the Animal Will Always
Ha Tamed.
When railroads were first put in op.
oration it was predicted that there
would be a great full in the value of
horses, a deterioration of horse flesh,
Htid finally that the animals would
nam become euriiwtitiea on tho
way towards extinction. Of courae,
says the Iloaton Transcript, everybody
knows that nothing of the kind hap
pened. Iloraes invrcnacd in number,
value and quality. The business the
railroads developed all along their
lines occasioned a demand for more and
better homes. Juat at present the
popularity of tne bicycle and the appll
ration nf electricity to transportation
are causing some people ta repeat the
predictions of fifty years ago concern
Ing the horse. It la even aald that the
horse In the near future will be raised
simply for slaughter for food. If the
horae could learn of this prediction his
Intelligence and his sens of his value
would prevent him from taking il
aerlirualy. Ue might ask: What good
la the eleclria car off the rails? How
dura a bicycle act on plowed ground,
and what ran It draw without the a
aUlance of human energy? If horaet
become very cheap will not more peo
ple liny them, and will not the pirre-
gate nf Individual wants owaainn a
great demand that will send op prices?
The Intelligent hisrae asking these
qucatlona rntli well affi.nl to oilmen
his (ta calmly while the alurmUl
were englUltng ' "hat reply was
John Rogera, of Portland. Ore., la 104
jrsrs old and la hale and aetlva. He
a J a his father was 10 yrr old when
he died.
An old man and hie wife, both over
a and pauper, were brought before a
li.ml.in police Justice recently for be
liilual Inl.oliaUon.
Mr. end Mrs. Durgtn, living near
IVrlland, M hate reached the age of
i 1 and 9 years, reeparUvely, and berth
are bale, h-arr and bappy.
Il la la-1 ;,-! that Mra. ( tarlaaafWn
err, of Manchester, Conn,, Is I he oldest
rlniirh lnrn.tr In Ihsl slate. Ph ha
lr mrttibrr tf the ('( 'rrrslional
rliunh fi r 4 lillle tiMr UaA M)eara,
and inUut alUii.lanl and as-llte
or krr diiring Ilia hole petto!. 8 ha
now Kt yeara !.!
saoe tar4 loraara.
l Hxtnt hi jon had a f aal girl, Mrs.
-I l a !
" hal haala-eome of her?
"I bd.l taef to get np early and dual,"
) f l vp and tal." Wlroil
Tree l'r
A tela! eatlaf.
Trtera sill Irrvll.le fcolee In lb tavk
rio.tn and nsr Iking au ra ilalri'fa.1
! a cr Hi r 1 Imam, TKe fastarapvst.
It ass U Un f gas !') II rarit out
and hi (d in tlw 1,1 tie Juti l.rr'sl a
sra- "I oft'" thai a.me dar
I ra. 1 r rw.l. ftwat lis h'"
Mr. A. H. Cransby, of Ko.
JE8 Kerr 6C. Memphis, Tena,
writes that his wife had can
cer . wnich bad eatea two
lanre holes in her breaat,and
which the beet physicians
of tbe arroondlng country
treated, and pronounced ia
enrable. Her grandmotbar
and when told this, the most
eminent specialists ol New
York, under whoso treat
ment she was placed, de
clared her case was hopeless.
A U treatment having tailed,
she was (riven up to die
6. S. 8. was recommended,
and astonishing as it may
seem, a few bottles cored
her sound and well.
Our treatise on this dis
ease will be sent tree to
any address.
Atlanta, G
Iwaleu St. Paul lfg
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Kail-
way and note its connections with all transcon
tinental lines and St. Paul and ' malia, and
remember that its trains are lighted' with elec
tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment It
superb. Elegant Bufl'et, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
and Its dining cars are the best in the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none are
shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons
lorthe popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents in every railroad office will give
you further Information, or address
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon
Sclentiflo American
Agency for
TRADst nun.
ror Inrormstmn anil free Handbook write to
MUNN CO., Ml HaoADWAT, Nsw VoaK.
Olilost bnresu for serurliifr pau-nts in America.
Krerr fisb'nt taken out by un Is brought befom
the public by a notice given free o( charge In the
iMt, ttterau
Ianret clrmilatlon of anj a-lentlfle paper In the
wurlu. Ki.leiiaiilljr llliiHtniU;U. No Inb lliirent
man nhmilil be wllhimt It. .Weekly, a.l.OOa
yeuri eLMslxmoniha Art-Ire, MUNM ft CO
Vukluukus, 30 i ilruadwuy, Mew Vurk city.
ELY'S PINEOLA BALSAM is a sore Kemedy
lor coughs, coiua, sore throat and for asthma. It
sootnes, ouictfy
abates the eoueb,
and renders ezpecte
will Invarlshly derive
bnient from lis nsa.
tinny who aupioM
their rases to be con.
sumption are ouly
snffiTiiii . from a
chronic cold or deep
sesu-a couijn, oilen
ai'prsTsted by ea-
tarrh. For catarrh uoa Kir's C'rram Kalm. TI0U1
remeilu-ssre ninassnt to Bos. Crrsm na)m, SO cts.
per bottle; I'ineols llalsitm, SSe. Hold by llntiriflsta.
xrenbu, Nuw Vork.
Kaaaons Why Home Huslneas lloasea Mali
Trifllns; Aanounla In Hills and tasnpe.
A sensido hotel proprietor wiahlnfr to
clone his seaaon's account with one of
the largest uphoUtcrliitf eKUbluhiuonU
In this city, wrote for his balance a few
days ai?, rcucstlt)R a check for the
four dollars and thirty-two cent that
stood to his credit, lie was surprised
the day following, says the New Vork
Herald, to receive a registered letter
containing four one-dollar hills and
sixteen two-cent txwUge sUuina,
lie mnde Inquiries of his neighbors
ana learneu that not onlr tbls nartlcu
lar business house, but many others In
New York cltv. were In the haWtof
paying small auiounu la cnah, rather
than by checks.
"The reason for mailing emah Instead
of checks In settlement of small ac
coniita," aald the manager of one of
these houaea. In answer to my (juration
"is twofold. For one thing, our bank
object to small checks. We have ac
count only with big banks, doing a
nunnraa of many hundred of thou
aanda or mill lona a year, and a maa of
small check would tend Ui bother them
greatly. Koine Unas wont take ac
ciunta eti-apt with the understanding
that small checks will nat be drawn up
on thru except occasionally.
"The principal reason, though, la to
trusra us agalnat the ralainv of checks.
Any check under tea dollar la very
elly raiaeil. and there are au many
iw.iv anarper engge. In that bua.
nea that we are apt ti ta greatly
ladhered and fretted by thcae little
fraud. We find tht It U mncn chwip.
er foe U. In theae day of cheep regla
try. to art tie ifvh an.unta In bill nd
lavage aUrtiia, and pay the reglatry
charirra, ttmrt to run the risk of .a
and innil.U by sending a lot of little
rhechtall over theeraintry." .
lial.l l t. M.Ulae, of ( inrlnnsli. says
that during I he at fi tear be hss
or. Iair, at n,ial J,i.H str.l lir.ga,
and o tv thrve coitj lra ln.ru be has
tnarrixl he rr S- l.nl (of dinrt,
I'rriu h f l.rriitril ill thi r, f .iiud
l ri I Muka are lo l a rnilr I vulh
v. ell end 'irlinl cuiiif i-l, Nr
1 rar ft III rSte "I Ma'.t, t MH
14 il.a iitf nf, a prlrat ou twrl. irrilloe
riii! the riiitiii gite slsme
, ttltrrr t la nr,!i,.
I t sncri liter, a a..n t.f I'jrl firr
j t. tin a.,, j rica frutistrf f n.rn td to
j t- t, and I nti! rf pf i,P fv-r r fy lale-
If ih 1n. ptrhl't i l I'm. r of
' , hat - t l a m liar i.f !! f'li.ia !
''if f -r J- ara, an ! i It H e ore
, 1 r 1 r 1- ii h I s I f I in
"hiu, a l.i j fT.V...r I,. J hri I
1 '"ivUgf. PAUL, . -
: 1-1 fs slfe
o w -aSs- yl
. 1 la r I I o
I UU J a"
j S. j ,... f.f A j. f.
Is one of the very best wheels ever made
front rank with all hich grade machines, and
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want
punctured, It can be mended by you in five
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated Btcel rims.
Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each.
THE RAMBLER is the fastest,
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
For men. women, bovs and elrls. with 28. 26
ively. are splendid medium grade wheels,
cuncner tires ana are tuny warranted.
Before vou buv a blcvcle. write for cstaloerue. circulars, terms and discounts, or call !
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers
ton ana iaano.
Northwest representatives Gormully 6
Dtore, on rr asningtou Dt., roruana, ur.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call. at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power .House.
immmy King of Bicycles.
LIGHT, STRONO. JfrtisS. ' 1 ' " '
Four Models-885 and S100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office: Lake and Ha.stcd St.. CHICAGO. ILL.
HRANCHES i-Nw York. Saa PrancLtco, 5alt Laks City, Ucavtr, MsmphU. Detroit, Tsronta.
A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon-
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business wc must sell it.
Thf. Patterson Punishing Co.
Youro JiOUIST D to Tnko 9KnU
Leaves No Constipntion,-
(orS II, M a !J t l,.n.r,raa.
is an indisputable fact It stands in thef
if you buy one you will make no mistake.
to be happy, for should your wheel be
minutes, as It is equipped with the world j
lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
and 24 inch wheels, at 165. $55. $45 respect-!
with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge ;
Wanted in every town in Oregon,"Washing-1
Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main j
UT1H rATTiSKBUN, Agt. lor Morrow ua, Heppner, uregon.
yoF . . .
Hi, flaa tarl ar..l VI
1 ' ,( C.