Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 21, 1896, Image 3

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For Over Thirty Years!
"Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty
years have kept me in good health,
never having had a sick day in all that
time. Before I was twenty I suffered
almost continuallyas a result of con-stipation-from
dyspepsia, headaches,
neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive
diseases. "When I became convinced
that nine-tenths of my troubles were
caused by constipation, I began the use
of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac
tory results, never having a single
attack that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife, who had been an
Invalid for years, also began to use
Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly
restored. With my children I had no
ticed that nearly all their ailments were
preceded by constipation, and I soon
had the pleasure of knowing that with
children as with parents, Ayer's Pills,
if taken in season, avert all danger of
sickness." II. Wettstkin, Byron, 111.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer'i Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System.
J 6 7 3 9 10 IT
12.U 145 I6I7T8
222 23 24 25
Take Notice.
t The turn ot Bra rents per line will b
charged for "carda of thank.." "reaolutlnne ol
reanect," Uata or wedding proaent ud donora,
tnd obituary nnticoa, (other than time, the edit
)r ihall hlmeelf (five aa a matter of newt.) and
aottona of upenlal meot I nga for w halever pu rjinaa.
S. Notice of church and aoclcty and all other
Milertalnmeiita from which revenue ta to be de
rived, ahall be charged for at tlia rata of fivt
jenta a Una. Theee rule will ba atrlutly adher
ed to I o every Inilance.
Advertising raUsa reasonable and made known
ipoa application.
Rtaga for Hardman, Monument, Ing Creek,
foha lar and Canyon City, leave aa follow :
Every day at a a. m , eicepl Hiindav.
Arrive every day air n.,eceit Monday.
The cheap t. quickest and Luat Una to or
from til Interior cimniry.
WALT. TIIOMf)0!, frop.
Conaer A Brock. A Kent a.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and Smakabla
Cigar. Call en Ted.
it .uMH
Have added a NEW SPRING
STOCK of Trimmed Hats for
Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock
on May Street and ask the Public
to call and
Did It Ever Ocutir to Your
Thai n Finn Could bo Boycotted
nnd Still do Business ?
Hat Iniet Hm
Here and There.
Fat MoDaid is in from Ed McDaid'f.
Boy Glassoock is back from Punilletoo.
L. F. Raesiug ia orer from Hamilton.
W. E. Chapman was in torn last Sat
urday. Tbos.
Morgan was in Heppner Sat-
Marsh White was in
day last.
Ueppuer Stitur-
Henry Heppner got baok Sunday from
Alex Lindsay
oauae in Friday from
W. L. Hill was over from Davidson
Frank Sloao was in from Batter creek
S. P. Haney was in from Lexiugton
Mrs. Daye Fresgley is ill at Geo. Vin
son's hotel.
C. E. Fell
Friday last.
oame np from Portland
Jack Lake is down to Oorvallis visit
ing frieud 8.
Andy Tillard is ever frum Butter
crek today.
J. V. Morrow returned from Portland
this morning.
Porry and Oliver Siy dor were iu town
Saturday lust.
Tbe mill boys are
tbe new flume.
busily pngiged o n
Theo. Anderson
Mile yesterday.
was over from Eight
Sam Adams was over from B itter
creek yesterday.
J. H. Giles is over ftom Lone Rock to
Si end a few days. .
. 1. N. Hughes bus uccepted a. position
with Horner & Rhea.
Highest prices paid for
t .e lower warehouse.
sheep pelts at
Ed. Rood and wife were over from
JUgtit Mile jesterday.
Stephen Henriekson is in from lone
to spend a few days.
Mr. Cant well, of Wasco county, visit-
eu neppuer mia wees.
John Barker and wife were over from
Butter oreek yesterday.
J. w. Hilton and family went out to
uardman Saturday last.
iirneet Hmitb is up from 'Frisco and
will ride here this spring.
lobn Kojse and wife were in town
irom Uarduian yesterday.
W. B. MoAlister, Frank and Ed Hoi
land were in town Saturday.
J. E. Sevenonki. one of Eight Mile's
nsideots, was over Saturday.
Mrs. Gentry, mother of Frank Gentry,
very nt out on Black ttorse,
I Jas. Osrty, Mike Kenny, Tbos. Gilfillen
ana rat Dougherty are in town.
Joe Canister and Joe Eoaley
down from Hardman yesterday.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers.
George Freuob was In town Friday,
aiter a nam winter ork with sbeep.
Mre. Lena Donahoo. daushter of Mrs.
J onus Heitoly, is visiting in Heppner.
Jsa. Jobnsoo, son ot Felix Johnson
wiis oue of Heppner'a visitors yesterday
La GrHnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ure. a. U. Smith, salesman, Heorner.
Born To the wife of Torn Nelson, at
rendieton, on Apr. 1Mb, a 9 pound girl.
Friday evening, May 1st, is tbe date
for tbe iiratid bull at tbe opera house, tf
Eucrne Newton, wbile inlrxioated
was burned to death recently in Salem
Carl Crow, Human Caldwell and E. P,
Rtautou were among Heppner visitor!
loo ay.
Mrs. Margaret Baroett, sister-in-law
of Mr. Nelson Swaggart, is visiting in
11. i aanerg ana son, oame up
yeMorday from tbeir ranob below Lex
Keop id mind the grand May day bell
to i given at the i p ra boose on Friday
strum, May 1. tf
P. Coho bsi pure baa J tbe Price
rloreooe premier in front of the Nation
al bank building.
H. 8. McOntmick and H. B. liar
dromtsrr, loikrd after tbeir Heppner
menus sataraay laas.
The lead eonteat sgaloat Thoe. Oil
fillej by John iVilliauM wae settled yet
lorday uy mnioai consent.
them before
DIM II' I'lllS
r .it r t. -KW-j-i
is Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy. It will stop a cough in
one night, check a cold in
one day, prevent croup, re
lieve asthma, and cure con
sumption, if taken in time.
It is made on honor, from the
purest ingredients and con
tains neither opium nor mor
phine. If the little ones have
croup or whooping cough,
use" it promptly.
Three Sizes 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle.
At Druggists.
16 and 18 Chambers Street, New York.
Eli EeeDey is buying sheep pelts and
paying the highest market price for
them. Office at McFarland's. tf
T-M.: Mr. D. 0. Herrin returned ves-
erday from Heppner. He spent last
Saturday in that oity, and while there
witnessed a beautiful snow storm.
Milton Eagle: Mrs. Kate Farcell has
gone to California where she will shortly
De married to Mr, w. A. Stewart.
Walt Thompson has moved oat to the
half way station beyond Parker's mill.
Geo. Lutrell is now driviug for him.
Grand Mav day ball at the opera
house ou Friday night, May 1st. Ar
rangements are being made for a good
time. tf.
Lia'j S perry says the outlook for a
wheat orop is bad down in tbe lone
neighborhood. Cutworms are very bad.
Miss Rosa Hayes arrived on Thursday
morning from Lane county and will
pend tbe summer with ber sister. Mrs.
Joe Hayes, of this city.
Fossil Journal: Coe Barnard started
for Heppner with bis mother Thursday
morning, bhe win visit there a while
and then go on to Feudletou.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can
be found at bis parlors, Matlook oorner,
where he will dispense at popular prices.
shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc.
Bob Gilmore oame io reoently from
Sherman oounty with '200 head of cattle
for Hober Sutton, of Eoho. He will
take over 50 more from this seotion.
Any inventor in Eastern Ore con who
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington. D. 0 . will find it to his
advantage to call on or address this pa
per. 6tf
Bnmor has it that Hail Ridge had
qnite a contest after churoh last Satur
day, Tom Davidson and Lee Farrens
being tbe principals. No one was hurt
Mathews Bros, bsve moved across on
tbe east aide of Main street, in tbe
building formerly occupied by the Gem
aaioon. iney win oe pleased to see
tbeir old customers. tf
1 hi! Cnhn is now associated - with the
firm of II. Heppner & On., in tbe for
warding bnsiness Tbej pay tbe hiahest
market price for pelts and bidea and at
tend to all forwarding.
Martin Q linn, populist candidate for
congress, spoke at tbe court bouse today
to a fair audienoe. Mr. Qninn wonld
have bad a larger crowd bud the speak
log been better advertised.
If tbe care of tbe hair were made i
part of a lady'a eduoation, we should not
ee so many gray heads, and the use of
Halls Hair Henewer woild be unneoer
A very intereating tirnsrain was de
livered at tbe M. E. cl.nroh, Rnnth, on
Hnuriay evening by the Christian En
deavnr society, which was listened to ty
an attentive ani appreciative audirn e.
Eli Keener' coon got ont Satardav
end was raptured in an old maid's bed
room efti-r having wnated one dollar's
worth of perfumery end paten lot of
morphine hedaobe oapsniet. Iberoon
la wen yei.
Tha ebeephuyera' trio, eonelatine of
Dr. Wilaon, Geo. Wrlgbt abd Mr. Foaher.
rendered some eieellent sunns oa tbe
street Sands? morning last, after which
eolleclion of 16 cents m taken np for
tneir Deneot.
E.O: The Portland Oregoniao is
still without a place politically to lay its
bead. For the time being it ie recom
mending free silver coinage anrDortere
to vote fur Judge Bennett, democratic
candidate for ooogrree.
Orin Farnaworth oame in yesterday
from bis raneb onl near Hardman. A
week ago last Tbaradav night sfow fell
to tbe depth of font lo Mr. Faros
worth's neighborhood. The loea of
lamb baa been considerable.
No small obtioa wbich yooot- folks
bad to the old-time spring mediciaee
wae their naoeeoaaoaee. Ia nor day
this ohjertioa Is removed and Ayer's
naraapertiia, I rte ml powarfnl and
popular of blond-purifiers, ta as pleeeant
m ine paiaie aa a cordial.
F'il Jnnrnal: Marriage ia earelv
failure In Gilliam ooontv, wbea divorewe
are more nomron than marriagee.
There are qqite a anmber of rfivnrrwe
greeted every eeeaUw of court, end el
hie Va eawicia Att'y. Ileodrieka of
Knaetl erere4 aa leea tbae five fir as
many elieats.
Ilafiry ward neher oaee informed
a naaa whe eanae to Mm enmplelnlng of
gloomy and deepondeet feelinge, that
bat be mm ro4 wee a good ealhar
lie, meaning, of eoarve. atvb a median
aa AtPf'e Cathartic Tills, every doae
twiog fferttve.
Fneail Jooraal: fl.f. Gray of Ilepp.
ear. rpfe liner a Wyoming Ora and
binlf, ta In thm pari or,kn f
yaeriteg ewee and eihr. Iwfnre
eonin vr be W1 ..!? pnt-
ehaaM Bn ba4 q the (it-ei ennntrf
ma TA Pone, edtnleivt'e't, f ,a
til iar kaiap eat, ai-H pan Xf '.n
t. Ha wanle atwxit Uf) - It OU
onl liia evBjfret
Ma, ye nig aaefl
lee to'e
of MoT row, hurtle
tat the "t e-ti'lele." I ra lr kt Male,
with ml June-
111 frtey
TVi let hlM Ml M. auger l.la-U, a (trt pri a
Jneod a re
Tw t ta thma. f that g e-4 H drii.k. U
ritng ate dry
rV,IJ jly al lb tWUaiera aal'a.
kerawaa aad fi rry
rftyf. (r feh H. K1f. f l.ate
take llonl'a rUeeapartila aa1 m t
I'llta aHfc lha I "l netlle waa eery
aerena an I Kal d rte er-l!e aM ltM.4.
cl-e, I nt l.a.e drtTe. gr.af rfwCf
frnaji tlomf'a Her r aril'a t l ile a
I'll a.-alt a Jta It pet.
lJno4 t f.IU furs all litrf ilU,
Aa Cnkaowa Book Peddler MeeU Death
la a Horrible Maaner.
From Blue Mountain Eagle.
Wm. Budio, wbo reoently returned
from a business trip to Crook oouuty,
gives an aocount ot tbe diaoovery in
that seotion of the charred remains of
a book peddler in the ruins of a oabin
owned by Joe Krns, whioh bad been
burned with tbe evident intention ot
csnoealiug the orim. The oabin is
situated on tbe border hoe between
Grant and Crook oonnties near tbe bead
of Beaver creek and in a very sparsely
settled a tuntry.
The victim is remembered in Canyon
City as having passed through there
last fall with tbe intention ot returning
before winter. Stranger as he was no
notice whs taken of his non appearance
until tbe discovery of his remains and
a pirt of hia ou'fjt by Mr. Kerns a few
days Ban told the story of his fate The
last seen or haird of him as near aa can
be ascertained, was at the farm of Mrs.
Uinkle where he stopped and made in
quiries abiot tbe route to Bremen's
plnoe It so happned that a daughter
and son-in-law ot Mrs. Hinkle were
abont to start for the en me li-oality, and
informed tbe wayfarer that if be would
follow their tracks he would reach tbe
place all right. With that understand
ing they started out, but upon reaohiog
Hwemp oreek, it. has since transpired,
the pedler must have lost the track, tor
nothing more was seen of him. After
wandering aimlessly about he aooidently
stumbled onto or was inveigled into the
deserted cabin where it is supposed he
was mnrdered for bis money. It is said
that be bad between $200 and $300 in
cash when be left Canyon City.
Mr. Rndio says there is no doubt but
that the man was mnrdered and robbed,
as the condition of his effects plainly
reveBl the work ot pillagers, end it ia be
lieved that he was followed by some one
wbo was acquainted with tbe fact of his
having money in bis pnaesion.
Sheriff Combs and V. G. Cczad went
over from Canyon Oity for the purpose
of making a thorough investigation ot
the premises, and hope with the slight
olew whioh thev are en:d to have ob
tained, to make it rather uncomfortable
for the guilty ones.
As w bo to press it is learned from
James Maomn, a ootnmeroinl drummer,
wbo Brnvert yesterday from Canyon
Oity, that two young men -Hinkle and
Bear were arrested by Sheriff Combs
and Deputy District Attornev Coxed.
and are now being held at Canyon City
with a oharge of mnrder against them.
The Eagle was unable to learu the cir
cumstances leading np to tbeir arrest,
hut Mr Manian says it is thought a
very strong cise oan be made against
Bear will be remembered by persona
who attended the races in Long Oreek
lat full, as tbe owner of tbe "buck
skin" pony.
Pills Do Not Core.
Pills do not on re constipation. Thev
nnly aggravagate. Karl's Clover Root
Tea gives perfeot regularity of tbe
bowels. For sale by Wells and Warren.
I have 1,500 ews ani 1.000 lambs
that I will sell after aheariug at SI per
bead, all 'ronnd. Parties wishing to
ouy enouia sanress me et Vinson, or
call on me at my ranch in McDonnld
oanyon, near Vinson.
- Cass Matlock,
20-lm Vinson, Oregon,
and I the ruH ol cold and
o75r omr.cnltfel
aiMoaa eilmatie change.
It can b enrad br a Dleanant
remadT which I applied di
rectly Into the aaetril. Ba
Int quickly auaorbadit gives
rel let atone,
Ely's Cream Balm
I acknowledged to ba the meat thnrnnfrh ear for
Naaal Catarrh. Cold In Head aud Mav Fever of all
remeaie. 11 opene and cleanae tne aneal paaaaxra,
allay pain and Inflammation, heal the aore, pro
tect tli nwmliran from eold. ran tor the aenee
M ute and mell. Price 8e. at DrurKiit or by mall
u.1 vnuiuuts, as narreneuet,ew lor a.
XJ Or., April ai, Iwjii.
Chartn, John
..N'enkatn, Jacob
lalhrrtr, H. A,
rxilloa, WHUrd
1 hotiiaa, Taylor
Howell. Mwnry
li I. hell, K K.
when rallln
for the'? letter plcaec My
4. r, iLLiaa. i'. m.
Teachers' Examination.
11 tha uuriMwi of mating ail anamination ol
all pvnona who may ollt-r thrinarlvra aa raud.
riau-a lor Irai'hrra of the h Iuh.IhoI thla county,
fur .talc and III rtlploinaa, the rouutf K'Oih.I
uimrliilrndvnt tlirrnif will hold a pulilli?
eianilnaihiii at Ilia court hotiaa at Heppner,
opriilnt Kelt l li. I will.
liatoi ttila i ;in nay ol May IK-m.
ill a Co. Hi hool impt , Morrow Co , or.
nf lin con, lor lha Coiintr nf Morrow. In
tha matter of Hi cUt of Ihoinaa K. liar toll.
decraaed, Citation
To the helra et law. and any and all bcranna
ItitcrMlvd In aald ra ate. rrcriliii
ii Hie nameol tha Mate nf llirinn. toil are
hereliy riled and r''ilrrd In appear In the
l oiinly I nnrt ol lha male nf Oregon, for the
County n Morrow, at the court room thereof, al
llrppiief. In the ouutT ol Morrow on Monday
Ihe 41 li day of May. I"a. at in n'rtoek In the
lorenoon of that day. I lieu and there In aim
ranee. If any eilat, hy an order of thtaenurt
houid nit lie made for tha aele nf all the ral
pmierty beloiialof to Ihe aald eetale, devriiied
a folloea, to w : M'i eW ol i, In Ha,,
B. 14 at. and W, Sk. tf a'i. N V.
arrfMrc, U. Tp a a, M. U , W. M .all In
Mirtrow innt.it, tfreffroi.
WtTaau, the Hon Julpia Ke lhl,
Jn.lrnf the nonly Court of the
lEAI.) eiateot Oregon, lof the I mintr r4
Mormw wlili the ami of aaid i ouri
m.d. thla Ird day ol April A It , l.
ATtaat; J. M. M"KKUW.
fVo(cti of Intention.
I .an Orroi at ta bataaa oio.
Mar h . Iw
oTU'E ia iirsrsv uvr.i that imr
follow t,( named eettler haa fled notice
ot hi I I'enll'Ht ! wake Boat pnmA In aupport
nf l ' rii,a and that aald i r..( will he .!
txtoe ion til y 4 lerk. of Mucrow tounly, al
lie, c r, regnn, on May lath, let. l
i HH I. I M4Mx K. li K No kl.
for the r N1. a V. .. Ta II .
He ttanua Ihe follow log wttm aa tnpmee hla
et, 1 1 reeideoca aputt and CMllliaiion ol.
aaPI land til '
Joha MoteDr Jerry ftroenan, J M tirea-
and. U S. liufiord, all uf V loeon. otr,'tti
. f. ltt
4.1 f Itegletef.
Notict of Intention.
Ia 'trriE a T t tt it" 4I4 rt onr.if,
4 April I. Ie. Ntie M tterel.y gl.ew II at
the f.iiwtg eawied en ir haa Slr4 .4m
f hi. leunlpa to reake anal rw. In t
of hi. Ci.lw, iM thai .aid p"wl HI lie r.ede
fcer.r the e.Nintf rreifc of H 'fw rin4y at
Hei'poer. trg,Hi. on May IA. teei, ft.
rAi r. U J' INK. Hd t Mo tf.
h. Ihe arH action 4. Tt f m nt. W M
' Heene Ihe l'tlwog WMneeeee Ui 9'oe
hler'it,in'ia eee l"ri u im a,d entiMattna
ut aed lei ! tit
Ja M Mat. Jaa Met,. J ( Klik.Jaa
Twtog ail id Oeppoer. tr g"l
t ta r M-eifr
" Negte'. r
Nutice of ftwil Sstttvmtnt
N (irf 14 in arat i.n r
..-1. 4 ,
4 the .(
m..e rtl
t . ." I .
e t ft i ' 1 -n n A ea.l
a4ii -i ,t ,.t i i.
e- i '.w4. ir e-.t tw, .a y
4 ,-t m4 H-itnum I i'f'ilf t lctM.
t" w Urn i-n al llM-.r. 4.g,, t
aad i 444. t H e 4th ay 4 4y l-
A a a .
I A Iran l't'..r
"Who are nervons, weak, worn out
with local troubles find pure blood,
nervo strength, and perfect health in
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
M'o do not say the above to raise
false hope. It has been the experi
enco of many, very many women in
tlioso intensely trying periods which
demand and consume so much
force those special physical trials we
delicately indicate by merely using the
words Maid, Mother, Matron.
Like a confidential friend wo suggest
the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli
able blood purifier and tonic; it has
helped many others and will help you.
"I was in poor health five years, broken
down in strength, and appetite all gone.
Local troubles and other weaknesses in
tcnslfled my misery. Nervous sick
dizziness, heartburn and pains In my
back made me think I should never be
well cgain. A friend prevailed upon mo
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon began
to Improve and in six months It restored
mo to better health than for veara. I
have found Rood's Sarsaparilla a grand
medicine for all troubles peculiar to
I am now strong and healthy and can io
a pood day's work. I stand by Hood's
Sarsapsrilla, for it cured me after other
medicines failed." Mrs. Lub Dieb,
CtKlinvllle, Illinois.
This nnd many similar cures prove that
Is the One Trim Illood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only byC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hrrrt'o Ditto "re nrely reuetahle, cur.
nOOU S flliS fully preparod. cent.
Nerves On Edge.
I was nervous, tired, irritable and
cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea bss made
me well and happy.
Mks. E. B. Wobdkh.
For sale by Wells & Warren.
Naw Fkko Yard. Wrn. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
the Oaeetto office, and now solioits a
share of your patronage. Billy ia right
at nome at ibis business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Hay and irrain for sale. tf.
Pllesl Plleal Itching Pilea.
hymptoms Moisture; intense ltohing
and stinging: most at night: worse bv
scratching. If allowed to oontinne
tumors form, wbiob ofteu bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Mwathb a
Ointmbnt stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals nloeration, and in most oases
removes tbe tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for oOcents. Dr.Hwayne Hon.
Phila.1t! phin.
Notice Of Intention.
Land Orrira at LaGrakdr, Onannx,
April III, m.
((illiiwlHK tminc.l ttli-r lial lllwt notice
of )i I a Intcntliiii Ut maka Anal proof In aniHirt
nf lila etui til, anil that paid proof will b inaile
twlnra County clrk of Morrow County, Oregon,
at ilcppner, Ori'Kon, on May:l, IhmI, via:
TlmlHT Culture Kulry No. !08, for the KW;
w. in Tp. 1 8. R. n V.. W. M.
Ha mmcl the following altnr-aai'a to prova
hlirontluiioua rralilutica upon and cultivation
nf aalil Intnl. vU:
John t. Barton, William Barton, John O.Brown
and Kranrli li. (It'Utry, all of HiM.pnir, On-son.
B. t. Ml IJMIN.
MM K.'Kl.tr.
Notice of Final Settlement
iin.ler.lmie.1, Kllra J. Ihiyer, aeriitrl of
the rafale of W. (I. Borer, deecaaed, will maka
final Melt lenient of her aeenunta with aald ra.
tale a. tueh racentrla at Ihe lie it term of the
I nitiate Court of Morrow County lo lie hold'
al Ihe court houae In Heppner, In aald Count
on Ihe 4th day ol Mar, A. I. ifal, at in n'rlor
a.m. MKrt. KLI7.A . BOYKK,
I'll Kaeculrli.
Timler Culture, Final Proof.
Km Ire fitr Pehlieatlna.
I AM) OKriCE AT THE liAI.I.Ka. Oltr.tKIN
I i March ,, wm. Notice la herehy given
inai Aimrew neanry, nt iiiiikIoii, Oregon,
haa Aled notice ol intention lo make final prool
bMoreJ. . Morrow, county clerk, al hla nthca
In Heppner. Oregon, on nalur-lay lha 4h day
of May, mm, on Tlmhrr ( iiltora appllratlnn
So. lHt Uir the HW, u'lertrr ol are 'ion ol No,
IV In Towiiahln No. 7 M, Kange No. l Kaal.
He name aa Itncaara: Jamee CynerL Ken-
hen l.ane, J :. Thomaon, Jamee I,r h, all of
Maiiiguiu, urrgon.
Kegl.l. r.
Notice of Intention.
I Al) orrit'E AT THE liAt.l.M. oRE'lf
J Mart h Hue, M .tl.e U herel.r el.en II
lha I
Ihe foilue lug named eel Her haa hied noiiceol
hia Intention Ui meke Roal pnf In euppurt nf
herclalm, and that aald proof will lie made
lielore J. Morrow count clerk, at llriomer.
AMiet A Ml ll.lil IK.
Hd. t Jin Vfi, ..r ihe H', ri, Ne, II. a ad
SKI,, are. II, Tp a II ja K.
He namea the following alloeeare In yrnrt
hlaoioiiiiuoita raapleitf e ua and culll. allow
of aald land, tic
Hroer ulrr. frank flenlry, W. 0. Hcitl,
ona narom, all ot Heppner Oregon
'- Negleiaf,
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At J. M. Hmn'i ftwoma.
land rpti.nand fleal frwnte lakea,
ntW;!;iH!.R. NOTiRY 1 1 WJC
Cummings & Fall,
ror-n TOPS
III the (lid K'il.l.le
Gault House,
If UI.. k e el ISe I ektx. w4 el r
t 4 W .( r , A a I r , w t
el 4 et I. f ., , .t.
1 4
I A'I'ICM NU.ini I1C l Ia,
(t Me1ieHl aM 4 lit.! a.. ,
Been a fagns Business All tal l
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
e Slailiter Pr
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
Manager and Salesman.
The National Bank
flat Do h Want ?
Some people want the earth ; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including d
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not email men, lbs. We are email men, Xs.
we are not tne Largest tlerdiants In (He world !
a But when the people of all the lurrounJIng country are In need of . .
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glaaeware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nulli, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumherland Coal, Gaaa and Water Pipe, I'lpe flttlngt, Btovea and Rangea, Wagons,
Hackt, Bugglei, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Bawa, Bledgca,
Wedgea, Utina, Iletola, Cartrldgea and Ammunition, Maaon Jara, Oran
tteware, I'lowa, Uarrowa, Kakea. Moweri, Tuba. Waah Bottlers
and Boarda, Bheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Qoods and Get Fricee.
We have Oood Ooode at Fats Prlcee, and Cheap John Oooli at Chep John Prices.
Groceries, Gknts'
i r
And Wants
He will make it an object for you to trado with
Lira as bin pricce are right, and all gooda that be
Landloa are of tbe very bent
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to Citv Drug Store,
ticceaanr lo C. n. Van Vujn. Kelt door to Tlly Hotel.
Has everything in tho line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
AttorneyH nt Lnw,
All bnaloaaa aiUtadatt la
aaaaaar. Nolarlwa
All ttM tao Ii4 I'mrur! at Ihomimm k Itiuna, Iivrr Main Hlffft,
HfJiJiMiT, Orrgoti.
thae gentlemaa are e.! esttelte-i allh rieaet, llarnef f k Cirtlara a4 letttrf rettellea,
u4 ran aae "..! a4 llwe la enatlKg laeM an ik-.i. ana Ira.edt.g a
frVee la keeyMng alia the llewa.
.1. c. noncriKits. ii.p.
j Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
R. BISHOP, Prop.
Building, Heppner, Ore.
Furnishing Goods,
Your Trade !
lb a pfotnpl anJ aatiafariorj
i'ablw and Collaciirra.
Do You W.int .i Kijr ?
Don't You Want .1 Place to
Put up Your Team ?
You in Need of a