Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 21, 1896, Image 2

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For Presidential Elector!,
T. T. OEER of Marion County
E. L. SMITH, of Wuco County
J. F. CAPLKo,.... of Multnomah County
8. M. Yorn, of Lane County
For Supeme Judge,
ROBERT & BEAN, of Eugene.
For Congreu, 2d District,
W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner.
For Circuit Judge, 6th District,
STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th Diatrlct,
H. J. BEAN, of Pendleton.
For Member Board of Equalization,
CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington.
For Representative,
J. N. BROWN, of Heppner.
For Sheriff,
ANDREW ROOD, of Hardman.
For Clerk,
A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner.
For Judge,
A. G. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For Commissioner,
J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile.
For Assessor,
A. C. PETTEYS, of lone.
For Surveyor,
JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner.
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner.
Justices and Constables.
For Sustlce of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2d District,
For Constable of 2d District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th District,
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 5th District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable of 6th District,
Evebt republican candidate for
the legislature who, if elected, will
vote for Mitchell is being opposed
by the Uoltegonian. Ibia is
enough to insure their election.
The Oregonian has no right to
claim to be a republican paper.
It cannot do so. Tbe people have
no respect for it and its influence
is cone. Let it "bolt" It can do
no harm.
Brown is for John H. Mitchell
Mitchell is the people's candidate;
he is the enemy of autocracy,
Members of all political parties
can support Brown as the Mitchell
The editor of the Times-Moan-taineer
has a very "warty" liver.
liie people know Jiillis and re
spect him and no misrepresenta
tions or bilious attacks on the part
of any individual will cause them
to do otherwise tban vote for him
Coming Event.
Republican national convention Si
Louta, Jane 16tb.
Annual reunion ot Oregon Pioneers,
Portland, Jane 16th.
Demooratio national convention Chi
enffo, July 7tb.
Ellis will gain two votes for
every one he loses through the
Oregoman's opposition. The lat-
ter's fight upon our congressman
is sufficient notice to the people
that he is a mighty good man and
they will rally to his support.
Word comes up to Eastern Ore
gon that San Francisco capital has
been interested in a newspaper
project, in opposition to the Ore
gonian. It is to be hoped that this
is all true. Oregon has been mis
represented long enough. Be
sides people are getting tired of
being abused because they rebel
against being led around by Har
vey Scott.
Women Hesitate to
Talk for Publication.
Still Some Suiter in Silence and Will not Open
the Matter to Their Pnysidan Even.
The Oregonian is kicking over
the traces. Suppose that M. A.
Moodv or Judge Caples had been
chosen instead of Mr. Ellis, does
any person suppose that Mr. Ellis
friends or the rank and file of the
party would have "bolted." Noth
ing of that kind would have been
tolerated, and the kicking of the
Oregonian comes with poor grace,
considering the face that it put on
last winter when the so-called
caucus was knocked into a cocked
bat by "the 30." The editor of
the Oregonian is a very small man
when it comes to running the re
publican party.
The Gazette in this and subse
quent isBue presents the names of
gentlemen chosen in a regular
county convention of republicans
for the various local offices. These
are preceded by the name of state
coDgresBional and district candi
dates, also regularly chosen.
This is a presidential year. It
is the year that the people are to
select new men to take the place of
the past administration. It is the
year of hard politics, when every
email thing counts and the Gazette
has much concern over the result.
It is confidont that the people want
a change brick to old conditions,
when the laborer and employer
wore both prosperous, when the
anvil raDg ana lue stores were
crowded, when every honest work
ing man had something to do at
good wages. It is conceded that
the masses want the old regime to
run things awhile to stop the con
tinnal sale of bonds to pay deficits
thnt no business administration
should ever have had, and to for
ever put an end to the continual
discrediting of our honest paper and
silver money, to the enhancement
of gold and to its upbuilding iu
favor of a few Wall street mag
It thou becomes the duty of re
publicans to vote their ticket
1 allure to do ao assists to tear
down the organization that repub
licans have built up for the party,
A dotnocrat or pnpuliH. in power in
even a local oiiice will use his rr
quitites and iu 11 nonce to build up
Ins own party, and lor the tearing
tlown of the republican party.
This year, of all times, the voters
who rcprcneut the republican
party cao not safely and with jus
tice to the people of our country
vote for men wiio do tiot in any
political sense represent the party
The Gazette makes an appeal to
tbe rotors of the republican party
to stay with tha ticket It u right
they ahouhl do so. There are
gtxkj men on other tickets. Th
republicans have lutt as good men
in the lii'M, ami they repreiterj
the principle that the rwople de
sire to dominate, and it therefore
Iwhooyes every one of us to up
port the republican ticket from
tep to U it turn.
The newspaper in the tall tower
has rhaiigtvl ita tiaras to lloltogon
i n
Wll4TMdiity combine was the
Orogo we mean thalWiltogonian
to when it tril to defeat Ktlia
againat the will nf the Hipa,
lUnur Ktinr turned do
by lion. Ceo. II. Williams, for the
more curiam alive republican,
llou. hoi I liraoli, as a tnomlwro
the committee on resolutions from
Multnomah county, Mr. Jlirarh
was promptly raaU chairman of
t!i cointuittiv, and aior that
Harvey Iim two io a luU boat
Moat pw.pl pity (ha rTngs of a
f hiMiah ol I man, i
Two years ago the editor of the
Gazette was turned down politi
cally. It hurts to be defeated,
but no one can say that the editor
of the Gazette and hi brother,
who is now a candidate for clerk
on the republican ticket, did not
do all that was possible to elect
every man on the ticket In our
zeol for the ticket we did even
more than many would have done.
This year some of our friends have
been unsuccessful. We cannot all
nave omce. liut tbe party is
arcer than anv of us. and thora-
fore in the face of circumstances
we urge all to support the ticket
straight. It is but justice to do so.
Iwo years from now the tables
may be reversed. Who can tell?
Nona Hot Aver a at the World' Fair
Ayer'a Haraanarllta enioy the extraor
dinary diatinotion of having bean the only
blood puntler allowed an exhibit at tbe
World'a fair, Chicago. Manufacturer
ot other aaraaparillaa aouirht by every
meaua to obtain a allowing of their (toocla,
tint they were all turned away nmlr the
application ot tha rule forbidding tbe
entry of patent medicines and nnatroma.
I he tleomioo of the World'a fair audio,
ritica in favor of Ayer'a Haraaparilla waa
in effect aa followa: "Ayer'a Haraapa
rilla ia not a patent medioine. It rioee
not belong to the lint ot Doatroaif. It le
here no ita roerita.
Tka TU-aat.
From tha Uasettc, March 17, I sat.
lue reptibhoaoe of Morrow eonnt
have dona nobly, and put In tha field an
exceptionally atrong ticket, one which
wa know will be elected to a man at tha
Jane (lection. The UaxelU ia axeeed
tngly glad that all paaamt off pleaeantly
ana id in good old faiulooed repoblt
can aplrlt.
Now let all fall into Una anj work
hand in band for party aaooeae, without
aiettniiun In any quarter. Life la on
certain and oooveoiiona are likewlaa
liable to da what wa leaat eipacl. llul
no man defeated I ant Hatarday la bigger
man nia party, ao lat oa burr tha tat
and take a fraab grip on tha tiller of the
grand, old, repubhcao ahlp and ataer it
to viotory. Doming aa II do from tba
editor of tbe Oaxette who went doa
laal Hatorday after a eharp battle, aa did
uia enoftior, -jiuiy riteraa," eome
yeare ago, it ahonld be oonaiderad aa ad
lea worth listening to. It matter Dot
if a little Job waa "prong" to
trap the nawary, wa mnat eooaider Ibia
aa tbe mar hinetmna of men end that
onr party ia Utter, hi her and aoblef
than any Individual. Hard, practical
pounce rate r-eennone and tbia we
moat expect. If itelrgatee promlaed to
be loyel and fell do a." il I vol onr
plaeetokk-k and "twit Tbe prloei
plea of rtpublioantsm are deer In aa all.
and ilia our pUm doty ti abide by tbe
raemi, tan into line aad da onr almoet
to place Marrow at eee na tha hat ol
eeriaia repabltoao eouolire ot tba eteta
of Uregon.
Are tea Ie4
Mieerabl by ladtgvetiea, ttrtietipa
tioa, mMineae, of Appetite, fellow
namr nation a nuiiae la a positive
tara, tor aaie by W lla a Warren.
From the Nug-gct, Chehalls, Wash.
The neighbors oalled her a walking
corpse. For fifteen years she bad suf
fered from loss of blood and dropsy.
She bad not the strength to stand alone.
Hbe bad spent thousands of dollars with
the doctors and bad been unable to find
relief. Her oase was oonBidered hopeless.
That ia tbe experience of Mrs. 0. Reed,
a well-known lady ot this oity.
A Nugget reporter called npon ber at
her borne last Tuesday. She was will
ing to be interviewed, she said, if she
could be tha means of pointing ont to
other unfortunates tbe way to recovery
and good health.
"It has been over fifteen years sinoe
the malady asserted itself," said Mrs.
Reed. "Sinoe then, until within the last
few months, I never knew what it was
to be well tor a single day. I oould not
sleep. My appetite went away and I
began to lose flesh. This continued (or
yeara. I beoame o weak 1 oonid not
wait upon myselt. I bad to have tbe
help of others to dress and undress,
even to walk from one room to another.
I lost all my strength. In addition, I
bad dropsy ot the blood. My limbs
were swollen, and nothing I oould do
seemed to afford me relief. Tbe doctor
said I mnat take iron to atreegthen and
invigorate my blood. I took iron took
it by tbe bottle and by the box; took it
morning, noon and night. Bat it did
no good, and I had finally lost all hope.
"At last I law an aooount ot Dr.
Williama' Pink Pills for Pale People.
I thongbt tbia fitted my case exactly and
I tried to get some ot tba pills. They
were not kept at tbe drugstores here,
and I bad to aend to Olympia. They
came finally, however. I began to tuke
them and experienced relief immediately
I sent tor two more boxes to the Dr.
Williama' Company at Scbenwtady, N.
Y., and by the time I bad taken them I
felt like a new woman. I have been
taking them occasionally since then.
"It was twi years ago that I began to
use vr. wiinama' rinc run. i was
aixty years ot age then, and had not
been able to do my housework tor many
yeara. Now I am able to oare tor my
self, to do my own work, and I oan walk
a luug diatance without being especially
"I think my curs is a marvelous one
and ia due entirely to tbe Pink Pills for
Pale People. Without them I fear
ihonld have been dead before now.
'Sinoe my cure lias become known tbe
drugglsta here have always kept tbe
pilla, and I do not have to aend away
tor them any more. I bavereoommended
them to several of my neighbors, and I
know that they have done much good in
mora than one case similar to my own
In order to oonflrm this statement b
yond all doubt Mrs. lined offered to
make aftldavit to ita truth, and the
affidavit ia here presented:
8tts or Wabiiimotom, ) ..
Cocxtt or Law in. )
Mrs. Martha L. Keed, being first duly
sworn on bar oath, aaya that aba baa
read tba foregoing report ot an inter
view with ber, and that tbe same ia aa
aha gave it and ia correct iu every par
(Signed) Mae. Mantua L. Ribd
BubaoribeJ an I eworn to before me
tbia ltb day of May, 13.
J. M. Krrxaa. NoUry Public
A cue i f ainuler importance and of
muib intereM ta bare given also, tba
ria ler lane
Thoaa who have dame la Willow rreek
nt pat In fish Ie4dere aerorJiag ta
ibw or ran to rick or prmeeattn.
I'm a Iw.enaT,
IVptjty (lame Warden.
Ike S. rMk far
I rltiiloh a rma A aeglee. mutt
a dangerotia. Miop It ! rum mub
wtiiloba rre, rr sal by Welle A
Charley Junee, tba well ke "olJ
timer" la the tonanrial line, baa agaia
hvated In llf pner, batlt ( parrbwed
Oreea MalbenV at... P. Uinnt buildl-
loeit tba rity bol-l Charley will
ei'pmlata a rail abea ia town.
luf aale-n iheap Want g . r Ulrra,
one road atJ liM l.alle tar
eM, muI; pew, Y- V. tlaaa,
I' at M K a'a.ag.
same having been originally published
by the Advance of OgddUHburg, N. Y.
While it is from the far east, the facts
oan nevertheless be easily substaminted
by writing the patient direot.
Every female who is Hearing the criti
cal period of a woman's life will be
pleased to hear the story told by Mrs.
Frank Murray, as follows:
Mrs. Frank Murray, who resrlea near
Ogdensburg, N. Y., says: "I am 46 years
of age, and for a number of years resided
in Presoott, Oot. We movj over here
eome time ago and have worked this
farm since. It is what is known as tbe
Ferguson farm and ia about six miles
ont from the oity. My husband is now
working in Ogdensburg at bis trade,
that of a stone mason, wbile my children
and myself carry on tbe farm .
"I have been a great sufferer from
sick headnobe, which would generally
oome on about evening, and I would be
completely prostrated, not even able to
lift my hand or help myself in anv wav.
These spells would last for about 24
hours, and would leave me in s weak
ened a condition that for a few days I
could scarcely drag about the house.
Periodically the spells would oome on
me. I have also had considerable spinal
trouble, tbe sharp darting tongues of
pain being most severe, following along
my spine and to tbe baok of my bead.
"nave dootored mncb. but without
the desired result. I heard of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills tor Pale People, and
also later heard ot tbe cures they had
effeoted in a number of persons person
ally known to me, and it was their pub
lished atones that deoided me to try
I got some of tbe pills, and after I
bad tairen tbe Brat box 1 bad no more
headaches for several months. Last fall
the headaches returned, however, and I
took another oox ol tbe pills aud am
happy to say have not sinoe been
"This summer my head began to have
a heavy feeling, and at times I was quite
drowsy, but no paina aooompamed it I
now have more pills and though I've
taken only a few I feel well again.
"1 dou t think any person could stand
it a great while to be troubled as I was
and etaud the amount of paio. I know
tbat I'mk fills are a good medioine and
fully what tbey are represented to be.
I have reoommended them to some of
my friends with beneficial results. Oh,
my, yes! They have done wondera for
me. I do all my own housework on the
farm. We have a dairy ot twelve oowa,
and often when the boys are very busy
getting in their crops I have milked all
tba oowa alone. '
Dr. Wtlliama'Pink Pills for Pale Peoa
pie are an unfailing remady for all di
eaaea arisiog from a poor and wateiv
condition ot tbe blood, auob as pale ao t
aallow complexion, general muscular
weakuess, loss of appetite, depression of
spirits', lack of ambition, anaemia, chlo
rosis or green aickuexR, palpitation ot
tbe heart, shortnea of breath oo sliuht
exertion, coldness of bands or feet,
vf oiling of tbe feet and limb, pain iu
tbe baok, nervous headache, dizziness,
loss of memory, feebleness of will, ring
ing in the ears, early deoay, all forma of
female weakness, lenonrrhoea, tardy or
irregular period a, suppression of meuaea,
hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia,
rhenmatism, r-ciatha, alt dirensea de
pending on vitiated humors In the blood,
cansing aorufula, swelled glands, fever
eorea, nrke'a, hip j' tint diseases, bnnch-
back, acquired deformities, decayed
Done, chronic erysipelas, catarrh, con
sumption of the bowels and I an it, aud
also for Invigorating the blood and aya
tem when broken down by overwoik,
worry, diaeawa, exceeax and lndiaere
lions pf living, recovery from acute
dlaesaea, euoh aa fever, etc , loe of
vital poaera, spermatorrhoea, early
decay, premature old age. They act
directly on the blood, U plying to the
blood lis life giving qualities by anoint
ing it to abanrb oxygen, that great sup
porter of all organaa life. Pink 1'ille
ire old by all dealer, or will be sent
post paid on reoelpt cf price, 60 cent a
tx.f or six hniee fir t250, by eddreee
log Dr. Williama' Mediom Co., Sche
nectady,. I.
No change baa occurred aa yet in tbe
fishing aitnation at Aatoria. Both gidea
profess to be oouGdent ot viotory.
Ira Strond, the victim of the Ilalaey
ahooticg, died Thursday night. He was
to have been married to a young lady of
Albany next month.
One man waa killed and two others
seriously injured in Seattle, Friday
afternoon, shortly before 4 o'clook, by
being atruck bv a wire cable.
Tbe store of G. 0. Cooley & Co., at
Brownsville, was broken into Thursday
night, and the safe burglarized. About
$100 was secured by tbe robbers.
Hon. William Chrisroan, mayor of Mo-
Minnville, was Brrested Friday for using
ahusiye language, on complaint of N. Jv
Kegg, a prominent merchant. He plead
ed guilty and paid the fine.
Two of a gang of counterfeiters were
arrested at Spokane Friday niybt. Tbe
remainder of the gang, live in number.
escaped. A complete plant for the mat
mg of half-dollars was fnuud, with about
30 of the bogus ooins. They are splendid
imitations aud have been in circulation
freely in saloons and sporting resorts.
The Grant's Pass and Cresoent City
stage was held up near Kerby ou Friday
morning, by a lone highwayman. He,
however, proved to be a faint-hearted
knight of tbe road, and took to tbe brush
without robbing tbe mail sacks, wbion
be had compelled tbe driver to deliver
to him. Offloers are in pursuit of him.
James E. Turner, a plasterer of Port
land, was killed by tbe fly wheel of Ibe
big engine in tbe basement of tbe Ore
gonian building on Saturday evening.
He was in an intoxioated condition and
stepped on the main engine belt which
drew bim into tbe pit in wbicb tbe wheel
runs, crushing him to death at once
Tbe body, wedged in between the wheel
and tbe masonry ot the pit, stopped the
A few enemies are about all some peo
ple have to be proud of. Galveston Newc.
and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow, on March IS, 18, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th
day of March, 1896, In favor of J. H Townsend,
Plaintiff, and attainst Thomas Walden, W. Q.
Scott and Q. W. Harris, Defendants, for the sum
of Three Hundred Forty-eight and 10-100 (18.10)
Dollars with Interest thereon from said 5th of
March, 1896, at the rate of ten per cent per an
num, and Twenty-five (f2ft.no) Dollarsattorney's
fee and the further sum of Sixty-four and 89-100
($64 89) Dollars costs; and, whereas, by said
Judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the
following described real property, to-wit: 8WI4
of section 24 in Tp. 1 north, range 25, E. W, M.,
be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs. I will, on
Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1896
at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, in front of the
Court House in HeDoner. Morrow Cnuntv.
Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the
said Defendants in and to the above described
property at Public Auction to the highest and
best bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds to be
applied to the satisfaction of said execution and
all costs, and costs that may accrue.
24-34. G. W. HARRINGTON,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated March 16, 1896.
1 and by virtue of an execution issued out I
of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for
the County of Morrow on March 16, 1896, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court 011 the 5th
day of March. 1896. In favor of The Northern
Counties Investment Trust (Limited) Plaintiff,
aud against G. W. Stewart, James D. Hamilton,
U. w. Harrington, Administrator, Addle Parvln
and 1, N. Brown, Defendants, for tho sum of
Thirteen Hundred Two and 4-too (I1:I2.0I) Doll-
ars, with interest thereon from March 5, 1896, at
the rate of eight per cent per annum and One
Hundred Dollars attorney's fee, and the further
sum of Kifty-five and fiO-loo (t"5.60) Dollars costs:
and, wnereas, oy said iiuigment it was ordered
aud adjudged that tha following described real I
properly, to-wn : 1 lie w '4 ot s i 01 section an,
V"i ot NW'i. KKK.em! NW!of MKI4 section
:il. and BV'4 of SWU section sw. all In To. 5 H.
K. -' K. W. M., be sold to satisfy sulci Judgment,
posts aim avurmiig costs, i win, on
Saturday, tha 25th day of April, 1898
at 2 o'clock, P. M., of anld day, at the frontdoor
ol the Court House in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell tho right, title and Interest of the
said lieleiidnuta In and to the above described
iroiierty at Public Auction to the hliihest and
M'st bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds to be
ipiilled to the satisfaction of said execution and
all costs, ami costs that may accrue.
24-11 1. H. W. H A K KI NGTON,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated March 16, 1896.
ornci or
Dear Sir:
You are entitled to receive
FREE from your wholesale dealer,
WHITE STAR SOAP with all :
Blackwell's Genuine ;
Durham Smoking.
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of soap Free with each pound,
whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or
a oz., packages.
We have notified every whole
sale dealer In the United States
that we will supply them with soap
to give you FREE. Order a good
supply of GENUINE DURHAM at
once, and Insist on getting your
soap. One bar of Soap FREE with
each pound you buy. Soap Is
offered for a limited time, so order
to-day. Yours very truly,
If you havt any difficulty in procuring your n
soap, cut out this notice and aend It with
your order to your wholesale dealer.
This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho
wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington,
Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and
intermediate stations.
Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing in
transit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera
tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by
The Dalles in quantity of wool which attracts competition, with thl advantage :
From no point in the Northwest, Portland
included, is wool shipped East at less ex
pense than from Pendleton.
Water competition has not afforded suf
ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease
and dirt, to equal the lower expense in
curred by shipping only clean, scoured
wool from Pendleton.
Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool
at this point than la averaged at other places having reputations ai "high market,"
based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool,
and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average tales in Pendleton
Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of
wool than can be obtained in any other Market in
the State.
The Thoroughbred Running Stallion
stand the season at
ron rt.i.iH.
Prom Hi t'liloa H'p'ibHran.
Tba republican! of r.aslero Oregon ara
aalisflf J with tha nomination of W. R.
F.llia Iu ancrwd Mralf la coogro.
Tha OefionUn, tba rP"r 'bat lat da
opportunity to r'lrii)) IIipm lavtntwra
ol tba legislator wbo aa il lerinwl it
"lxi4 lb canon," ia now bolting lb
rnliliBj srty anl al sing I hat aa
lutlrprnitvnt rariliUto lw tal up In
defeat II -oabla tbe t ruMlx) part
baQM I'.ilia, lb ui oiIi m lof coagr.
1 o a ln jl g 'I.I slai lar.l tnao. Kllia
rrprrart.1 ii.haMy ti.t . than fit.
iilbt f lb i.nl:ici ( lb! Jislnot
DHa tba tuouey qnrsluia bbI Ibia act
C lb Ortgoniaa aboaato bal tUat
lb organ vt lb raontf Htr will go
la tba intrt cf lb noo bag of
Wall atrL Na lade potol odiJat
that lb Oragonlaa pot tap caa t
laotrj agaioat Kill la tht district.
Tba principal polllUal nl of Im
portance ta tb !at tbia k ba twwa
lb fT t of tba Oroin at4 f
of Itv other Bltra folj bia to pot op a
gold bag atllM f rpfalatv,
la Irr If pnanibl to dVl Mr. I. Ill", lt
regular rpliua imiim tut Ibta
nftic. Tbaf Brat tried Ut gl JaJ
Iwnnvtt, th dca)raMa nrnln, ta
iiMra lb4 l-l bag anight t
s-l I bl pia., W. J. I'arauh, of
IVadletnn, th ma thef bad la
tiaw. Hut Jalg iMni, wbn t a
r man, ju.II 4 diagrae and
stultify btoMlf by Ivttig a partt to any
urb bM aad BihI b awHaa 4
lb a- rolaati -a. Aad Mr. I'arntsb ill
tol hi t aandidala agalnat IVonclt. I'o
In lbs) lis aa on ba t "ad M
ill .ib onl aa aa it.itro.l.t caadi
Jala, a J aa pfobably will t a b
sroald al aud lb gH ol (banc
to aia la tb! it'n.
fivm It U.,
Tbr la ao ,iUa bat al.al II jk.
W. h t.llia. aif rr'rM( lb
nation, will auocd bicuaell a eoDgr.
man, a b baa bnu ot gjod acrvio to
OriguQ. II rpreaot and adtoratn
lb ntiman(a of four fifth vt lb pf
pi of lb atat oo tba ailvcr qttiun.
from at. lUlan'a MUt.
All lb talk about an independent
raatlulat fur (Ningrcaa In th areimd
dial net do not amount lo anything,
and Mr. lidia" friaoil acnl mt fear lb
result ia eaa I her aboald b aa lod
pudmt eaodulatc. la tb O'al plac.
lb uaa alio would aland any aim of
clcctioa must I a naa wall known and
of mora Ibaa ordinary lotUeoea la lb
iliatriot; and ia lb iweood place, an.-b
a niao would an go bf ira lb pop aa
an !dcpndnt raBftulaU agatoat Mr.
Kllia at ibia tttn. aud lb man who
,dwao dl-bianww p.lllual ra la
which ta b bartsKl oa atactica day.
Tbia lndpadt aaadidal l.l cm
to ba bad K origin atclaaivaly la tb
maantT imagina'loa of tb dit of th
(trcgiHiian, wbo an Wit aa uncavlahl
rcpatatma fat boat lily to tb hl la
tareat tf ba alal.
A Ucsal ftwau i fwrlslMsi.
lttd blood. Potialipation, and kid
ay. Iir aad bowal trnubla am crd
b Karl'a Clover KmI Taa. tot aal by
Walla k Warren.
(ttida OI"l: II. Jt. Frair rcid
a talagram Wddy aaiag dating
that lit Mcr, Mr, iaf ' l.acaa, was
dnag la a boapilal at roriland
aha ba hma un.laf Iraaliucnl f r
tim. Mr. I'raiw aad wif Uft at one,
dieting to reach tb city tba Tbara
day ntnrning. Mia. I.ncaa'a tay
f-tra.la In Ilia tnaidy will V lti4 It
te'a t rf iteatb.
4 a Ufa a4
"Ms ral- badatunpaad aatl by
ftl.t!..b'a t'n. antra Ma, J. ft, Val n.
"I INa'ati le, Ala. Fr ', ty Ui
A VI ai 1 .
Ilea tb a. eet Uealli a.rn'el. ly
liilb t'alarrb lletaedy, 'fic !Vr.
al ecr free.
Can forniab cikkI nnsture at 11.25 ner moLlh T)cr hparL Rprvica
i ni.iorr lor ran in nani, liie I'tirwii to ha I ... . , . -
llFdtolbeaatlalaHl..nolaaideserutlonand 166 payable UGD tllftre IS (PrVDU, either DV CrUD Or COOU D0t6.
eta, and oiet that may arrrtie. I
GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner.
l anil by virtue of an exivutioii iasncil out
of the t'ln-ult Court of the Htato of Oregon lor
thet'oiinty o( Morrow, March hi, lwi. and to
me iIlnTti-n ani iKMIverrd upon a ludKnieiit
reinli'nil and entered In aald court on the!
day ol Marrh. IMav, In lavnrol Thomns U. Imr
man. I'lahitltr. and aitalnat drome W. J u 11LI11 .
IH-Irndaut. (nr the aiun ol Hlxleen HimdriMl and
Hlxty five tlliAMai) Uollars with interest thereon
Itoin Man-h a, at the rate ol ten Der rent
M-r aotniin and One Hundred Dollara atUirnev'a
lt-e and the furl hersumoi Twenty IHillarsrnals;
aud. whereaa, by aald Jodament II waa nrdrred
and adJ'iilKrl thai the (olluwlng dearrlbe.) nl
imiieriy, lo It: KaaiidNW'; ( w.tlnn o.
In Tp. I n. R. VI K. W. M , tie sd.l to satlsly said
Jiidgmetit, rnata and acrrulug roata. 1 will, on
Saturday, tha 25th day of Anrll. 1896
tlorlP M., nl aald day, at the fnintdonr
ot int i ourt iiiiiiaein Hi t.t.niT. Mi.rmw I ninlr.
iirraon, sell the rlxht, title and Interest ol tha
eld lietemlanl In tnd Ui the almve diwrtbed
oroiiertr at I'ulille Am'tlon hi the hlulir.t and
rat bl.ldpr lor rash In hand, the pnn ee.ls to he
all rivta, and oiata that may
aherllfnf Morrow County, Oregon.
Paled Marrh ia. I"H.
il and by virtu nl an eseruiiun iMumt nut
ol t I Irrim p.mrt nl the atat l liretonlnr
the l oniily nl Morrow, on Man h la, 1., and t.i
me rttfe. le. atnl (tellvere.1, iifMin a )iii1atnent
Cendereil and enere4 In Ml.) Court on theMh
.laynl Mmn h. I", In f..r ol k F Huatira.
I iaintiu, aim avainal Henry h tl v, lielrndanl,
lor the sum ol itoten Hundred t orty aeven and
AT m (t:t1K iHdlara, Hh Inlereat there-
nn from Marrh th Vh, Iwat, al the
rate nl ten pee relit twr annum and lly
iN.iiara attnmrv fee. and the further sum nf
Ihirty loiir and lui iIm) lioiiara cnata:
and. a hereea. b? Mid ii.t(meut It ordered
and adjured lhal the loimvlne deai-rlhei real
pronerly. In all Hon In half of the mirth half of
ei iion Iweuiy leo. and el kail ol aerti.m
leenly three, all In fcienahlp la fcoilh. ranee
i a mil aeven east, w . . be sold to Mlt.ly Mid
ludamenl, etieu and arrrulng eoaia. 1 III. on
Saturday, tho 2Sth day af April, 1896
altorlnral M ,nf Mid 4av. al the frontdoor
of the I ourt IIoom In Hr.pirr. Murmt Coiitity
(ree-on aH an the riahl. title and In'errM ol
the mi.I ir(en.Ue In and In I he !-. d-ritv4
rrtrtv al Puhlle A.wtl.m to the hlalmt and
htmt l-tddpr for ra.h In han1. the ti eeda to t
ai'ileit lo the Mii.terlloa ol Mid eieruUon and
ail rl, and ta tnat may aerroe
khertsTnf Mnrraat I ounty, Ureta.
iaieq m an a ia, m
BILLY mm WW Hciper, h
Terms: 820 for the season. All marcs
over one from the same stable will be bred
for 85 less, each.
Swamp is a Dark Bay, 16 hands high; Star in face, Two whitc
I 1 1 xiea Hwamnby Ion; find dam, Oreon ftnee. alas he TI
r nrtd llreat loin . 1 lpl.it. s llr.t dam, Brlbrry, aba by Imported Honnl Hontlan
rat dam. (irapeeboli she by Hurkshot; h by Imported Buraton; third dam,
John Murnaii; ha by tuiHirtcd Wovun-lan.
h by Im
lorgan, by
A M..
n n n it
; rr r mm mm
i r
MVty rvu UIIU 4 I t.l I liLli
rtof inn
LaaHng Alder Htrccl U-ck, TortUod, f.ay Astoria, Ilwaoo. Long Deach. (Wa
I an ana nncoua. Direol oonorolioo with Ilwaoo aUamer aad rall
road; alao at Yoaog'a Day wiia lahr lUilroal.
Leave Portland T A. M. Dally, asr.pt Pnnday. 1.. A.lntla 7 P. K. IIIy, t.repl qrdf.
ijiiy,er.,,nnar. ".ltir.larrilaht.il r M. Imin AetnrU fWllt a
aa J
leaves Portland t, M
al a A
f. M.
tsre4 aunday and M.mav. eund.r night. 1
LaMV fVirtland and rnea dlrerl In lleam. Tu-1. and Thna.1a till U BeioM.. . I at
U.vM U, tH-l., and rrWay .1 J " ai A, . ,n I tl.J-.T,kj ! t t V? '
Cklw la fM Drjtiulioi Buli IVib Fire &f Eiptu
for aafety, Ped, ( nmlort, Pleaanra. Travel en tb Tal.phou.. aiur o.irrt and Or Wav
hliKKirrS SALE.
and hv virtue nf an -. ill. .n laiiel not
of the I trruit i ourt of the Mate of imia !
the i oMi.lv of Mote.., na Uarrh U. tv 4 u.
ane dlrrrletl end rtrMlered nnin )a.1menl
reauleteH a M entered la Mid I ourt i. th. M
laf m Man h. I, In !..( of ,n.te w Mar
l..l..a .. l.e dml.lral of the .aleof
laoMe w wain. .I.r.aa. I rtalntta'. and
aaaln.1 liain l llaralil. l"a II ..a 1 4. .n.
i Ilia leMie ai I The ,H..fih.n
I nMNiiee In.eelNtenl Tru.t. 1 1 l.tiiir-t ; ivttd
aie 1.4 the ..il. of Ilea ri..Mivl la.liar alih
. j li.iewel laraM from J ava Jl. (art. al the rat.
O' r , w n r s,,. i,na l.t
I I ill? a a4ia'allnrnef S lee. and Ih.
in iwieia N ikimt.'V n.l a.. ,u la.,,.. a
ea e-t a ,v a.arh ..leaanl II
e.-1.f at a-l)udaet lhal IHe f, 4. omlttf dra
r he. real tn.nrnv loeli VuhIis ,, a'
, a im "j I p a a a. ;J t W M . aed
ol w Vj ... I vj nl i, i ,.a S'-l M'
t..a 18. tf a , a, a, ta M . he a.d. In
ei..'t aai I j . la.Mt. i-H't IM a. - rm eta
(itegy,th3Sthyf Aarll,1696
tljai.tr VI ,n ai 4.1 al Ike ...,,t
M l.e I ! H M.aa 1 111 paf ll,.mi. I n.,at
! - ail Ifc. M(.l anil . ..ml nf IM
Mi l i.( lc. iiU.in) t. th. 4arlM
r"'i"i a ( a . to i. ti,,i ..
ai .l I I... la l-al ll.a tf.nl. lo m
. -I t . M-i.ta. ii-. .A m i .vm h'.-.4 a!
e,, f-e'a, a"4 a !. e-r
. M ' M i it if
h.etf of M e..S) I aAi, iie-fai
M v... a t;, i
Timber Cutturt, Final Proof.
Matte fee raWlkalle.
UMT?r tt tAt nrrt' g atthi
liailaa, Olrfm f.rl j, . h.j.
kenht flvea thai J.lm '. Hmaa haa led
nmlie 4 kia l,,u,ti..ii in anaSe lial n4
helme J W . Kt, roorlf riara, at fcls ir
ll ll.f.t.e. Iiraenn, on ktondar. (,. IOi.i
nf Mar, nn lle.ha. rnlK.re al l li.all..a S
rmj, I", ine a n nl aarll.rfl Ha
n lanaia. a i r !a St I a. I
He hampi aa m Ii.i.m. a
J...I ,a M ma. ) (Xtraa, tllram Claik
O, M lae, at M.. net Ure-n,
. . r. !.
' i- au,,
It, la tenenit
Timber Vulture final Proof.
UjHTtprrttra it nrrii t at tan
l-e, M fa ril !, I nlo, h
keevlvv fltetl llial a.-aa W M..'1r.,l.. 44
wlalMralof of the l.'.le .4 Jamaa ewe a
eariea. t, k. itet Mh. " I l l I,,!..! ., m
aaasa S'.. i"a km. I tt Marree. enaaiv
..... af ai
n 1. t
nn .
1. 1
ew.e ia ll'iru"
Ihe t "a of Slav.
rmin at iia'i,-n i f, 1 1. a J . 1
a, .. a-4 l,',"ia.ii lm
tea .. n e.-i-n ra- ga ). fl ral
ft . name .4 eltn.aara
l.-.a II . -a.-'l ll.ix It W U i,
tne.,1. . t"a j I b. f . a .4 i.M-.n n
Ih t a ..kf
Hotlct of Intention.
1 1 .rtt J, laaa. Kotle u ketel.y fiveti thai
tl nimnlnf Mae4 HtIN ha. t 4 aoTlToJ
k Intenlt... in ,) A
eea, v., T H,
win' J, W . Mofroal. mnli i-.h t
"fae-m. on M.r i (a. ,,, . " '
Ih'iltlt I u...i aa.u.n
" ' M, lof Ik
n ti r . w n
. he name lha tVd!n alia
of MTTur.u'i'l 4 ""
i !Lr. u "'ten .,kaj M4. all M
t4 ita. r M 'ha:
notice of Mention.
lSU..rfu T AAt.g. iiaf..if,
Ihe !...,!. na, ,,, Kaa fcf an.vn.ef
Lt ?iniJ!"? -
"" la.a nf tinea.,. I Mm.
I I' . 1 III II It aaa lit. .a feat... ,
M. . ----. ,i.iaaB.i .am
. .na a... ...l. ( III,,,
''; ' """'""i ea l.ee at.41 aa
nl MM I... .,.
J.ma ti li . . a J .
J -aaa. . !....'.. ." :'"
' tar.
a r aii.i.