Portland Library OFFICIAL PAPER piiiMiWiiiiwu'iiiwM i ii rt.i mmi MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad vertising. Robert Bonner. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. LM I I I htm I M ilt I I I I M I WIW M IJJ -MtU MMM FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1896. WEKKLV rlO. 6871 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4331 or v. I 4 .r t r .i 4 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON rCRUSBlNG COMPANY. OTIS A. W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON, Editor Business Manager At tS.50 per year, $1.25 fur biz months, 75 ota. tor three monons. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPEB is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, flt and 85 Merchants Gxohnngs, San Franoiaco, California, where oou raote for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. The CITY BAKERY Is now open with freeb Bread, Pies, Cakes, eto constantly on hand. Wedding Cakes or Pastery tor special dinners baked to order. Also carries a line of well-selected Qrooeries. Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. TWO LUNCH TABLES Will be kept for the accommodation of tbe trade. Country People stopping temporarily in town, oan get what tbey want very cheaply at the OITY BAKJ5RY The Patronage of the People of Heppner is Respectfully Solicited. OTTO FRIEDRICH, Old BaKery Stand, HEPPNER, ORE. SIMMONS a REGULATOR"!? Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives t:ia a. m. uuuy, e.iuepi muu- . West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion via m east, hound 3::to a. m. Vrelirht trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 d. m. and 8:47 a. m.: going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. oars'xax.A.Xi dibbctobt. IlultedBtutesOinelahi. Prosident Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Secretary of Htate Hioharrl 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury Jahn Q. Carlisle Seorntavy of Interior Hoke Hinltli Secretary of War Daniel 8. Laruont secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Poslinaster-denorHl..... Williiim L. Wilson Attor ney-loneral J udxon H nrmon Secretary or Agriculture J. sterling Morton 8tate ot Oregon. ' tiovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. It. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metnohan Snpt. Puhlio Instruction (i. M. Irwin Attorney General 0. M. Idleman ( G. W. MoBride tfenntors J J. H. Mitohell . J liinger Hermann Congressuien j W. ft. Ellis Printer .......W. H. Leed" ( U. 8. B n, japrmne judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell 1'i-owouiing Attorney John H. Lawreir Morrow Count)' Oltlciikl. Joint Senator J0 ICYGLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. million dollar concern, whose bond is as good aa gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER B. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Isn., TJ. 8. A Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. Kenresentativn.. ilonnty Judge.... Commissioners... i. M. linker. " tiler " ShoriM M Treaxnrer AmeMor " Snrveyor " Sohool Nup't.... " Coroner A, W. Gowan J. 8. Uoothhy Julius Keithly I.U.Howard I J.W. Morrow ..G. W. Hamngton Frank Gilliam J. r Willi Geo. Iord Anna lialaiirer I T. W. Ayera, Jr nvrPMfflt TOWN nvnOKRH. Mmoi Thou. Morgan G'unxilineii O. E. Fariisworth. M. Liohtenthal. (His Patterson, T. W. Ayr. Jr., tl H Uiifiip V J. HloiMim. Itaoorder F-,,-J'"1!"0k. rw E. L. Jrwlaml Maralukl A. A- ItoberU Precinct Ofleerp, l...;,. f iK Pom E. 1.. Freeland Conatabla N. 8. Whetetona Ualted States Land OtUmra. nii.i.aa. 01. 3. t. Moore lWir A.M. Hin Keoaiver la mivni. oa. H.F. Wilson ,'l,r,r J. II. Uobbina Heoelvaf ZOXBT BOCIXTIEO. UAWU.NB POST, NO. It. O. A. R. H-wtaatLaziDtfbm.Orth but BatanUy ol ct month, AU veUrmoa are Invited In Mn. (.' C. Hooa. . Uao. W Adiount. tf Smiti. ComnMiwlMr. L UMBER ! Wt HAVR Ft)R Al.K ALL KISIW OF CM drrawd Lumliar. 16 tnliusot lieppoer, at hat U known u the HOOTT BA-WMIIjIj. I FACTS ARB FACTS ! k0U CAN BUY 125.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then have V0D T en al enough left out of (100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This is i first-class machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give no better service T CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight 30 pounds, only I'JO. Ladles' and Gonti' roadsters all the way from M to 175, '? "Boys' Junior, ' only $ with pneumatic tire a good machine. "Our Special," Men's l'0; Ladles', I'jO. ADDRESS ;; WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, ; CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. THE P4TTERS0S PUB. ds jj! : Ileppner, Oregon, Wr MORROW AND GRANT Vlw : Counties 11 -r-'-r t"r'Itlt"T,l?kr" THE BEST SPRING R1EDIC1NE is Simmons Liver Regulator don't forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish a,. . u:i : i, t aunns me w inter, jusi hkc an nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, r-ever and Ague and Kheuma- tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS LIVER KEGULATOR to do it. It also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. iou en aims uiiiisx ASLiUUiJ when your system is In Al condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active. Iry a Liver Kemedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS Liver regulator it is Simmons Liver Regulator which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea cf the powder: but take SIMMONS LIVER KEGU LATOR. You'll tmd the KfcD L en every package. Look tor it. J. 11. Zoiliu & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT A PROTECTIONIST'S STANDPOINT. Trade Mark Dr. A. Owe FOR MEN AND WOMEN Tho latest and only sclentlflo and nractlcal Eieclrlo bolt made, for general use, producing of dtxease, that oan be readily felt and regu lated both in quantity and power, and applied 10 any pan oi ineDoay. u can be worn ai any time during working hours or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE RifKiririATIsn UKNKHALnBBILITV liAItlK BACK NEHVOUS IlfSEASES VAIIHOCKLK flKtl Al, WEAKNESS l.TIPOTKNV K1UNKK DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electricity, properly applied, la fast taking the place of drugs for all Nervous, Rheumatlo, Kidney and Urinal Troubles, ana will effect euros In seemlnKly hopelcus cases where every other known iiwans has tailed. . ' . , by this means be roused to healthy activity before It Is too late. Loading medical men nae and recommend the Owen licit lu their practice. OUR URGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information regarding Ibe enre or acute, chronic ana nervous diseases, prices, and how to order. In EiiKltsh, German, Kwedlob and Norwegian InnKiiaRea, will be mailed, upon application, to any address for a ccats postage. Tbe Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. MAIM omrl AMD OKLT FACTOBT, The 0n tlaclrk Bell niJq., 201 Is 211 Stale Street. CHICAUO. ILL. Tlie Urotit ClKtrlo Onll fstublnhm.al in tr. WotM President Jadd, of the Sconrlng Hills, Speaks on the Business Ontlook. From the E. O. E. Y Judd, president of the eoonring mill company of Pendleton, was seen in bis office Friday afternoon and re-ineat-el to speak oo tbe subject of tbe gener al business outlook and tbe prospects fur wool daring tbe present season. His stutrment inoludes a reference to politic al issues now before tbe people, and be speaks from the standpoint of a protect ionist, so that the East Oregonian read ers may have an opportunitj to "bear tbe other side" of tbe argument. Said Mr. Judd: "Though business throughout tbe Northwest seems to be far from improv ing and tbe volume ot trade showing little encouragement, still it is but tbe reflection ot business general in tbe South and East, and means probably another year of olose eoonnmy and strict attention to business to mtke ends meet. "Tbe unfortunate workings of tbe pres ent tariff in many seotions, together with (be fact of it being a presidential, vear, all lend to press business, while tbe constant agitation ot politios and Ibe money question unsettle the minds ot many that might be better employed, and prevents that return ot coufldenoe that would otherwise show itself. "Tbe enormous importations of woolen goods during the past eight months has overstocked the Amerioan market, and as a result, nearly all tbe mills are run niug on half time or closed down entire ly, oaosiog a greatly reduoed consump tion ot wool and naturally weakening of prioee. However, tbe aotivity anions foreign manufacturer! bas produoed a strong foreign wool market, with an up ward tendency in prioes, which fhould prevent in some degree tbs importation of woolen goods and eventually have a good effect upon our Amerioao market "It is tbe general impression that tbe wool market will open np somewhat lower than last year's opening pncea, tbe demand restricted to tbe better class of wools; still, with MoKiuley's ohanoes ot sncoeps growing daily, which means higher duties on wool and woolens, tbe future oaunot but offer better times for tbe wool industry, and, aa tbe summer advanues, one should look tor some im provi ruent in tbe price and demand for American wools, and, before theyesr is out, wools selling at . prioes that will at leiiBl bold out some enoooraRetueut to our Amttriflan aheeD prrtwir. ' ,Tt, ' J,,t . It r. n . XT' . L Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE lion io realize mat tins is a iaot. x am, for one, thankful to find Brother Soott ready to etate the truth sometimes ever it it is done by mistake as in the present instance. Who wonld have thought that Senator John H. Mitchell was after all a good, a very good republican stand- the putty around the door, adinsted the ing on his party's platform of 1892. The air pump at the bottom and drew the Ore gonian knew it all tbe time but would powder in at the top. Becoming inter. not tell it till now. Oh, Soott, thou art a ested.be looked on breathlessly while mystery, deep, dark, and nnfathionable tbey were potting the fuse in place, and Returning unexpectedly to the store at a late hour, the proprietor was sur prised to see a dim light in the offioe. Stealing softly to tbe door, be discovered two burgulars in the act ot cracking tbe safe. He watched them as they aDnlied perhaps I An Affidavit. This is to oertify that on May lltb. I walked to Melick's drug store on a Dair of orutohes and bought a bottle of Jbamberlain's Pain Balm for inflamma tory rheumatism which had crippled me up. After nsing three bottles I am com pletely onred. I can cheerfully recom mend it. Charles H. Wetzel, Hunburv. Pa. ' Sworn and subscribed to before me on August 10, 1894. Walter Sbipman, J. P. For sale at 60 oenta per battle by Oonsor & Brock, druggists. HERMANN'S TRICKS. Pit 1.000 VIST, ROUOH, - M CLEAR, MW I 17 Ml Ir niMVKRRu in nppnm, will add fUU pr 1.UW (act, aditloaa4. Th above quotations art strictly for Cash. L HAMILTON. I-rop. Wm BauK o! mwi WM. pehlaxd, u. . BiMior. PrwIaeaL Car, TRISECTS 1 GENERll BANKING BUSINESS Its E::!:j Institute For tho Ouro Oi Liquor, Opium iti Tobacco Habit It la located al Salsa, Oregon, Th4 ifust Be out i Jul Town on th CoaM Call al the Ostarra offee for MrtVnlara Mrk-tlyeooBdetiUaL Trmtuacnt arKaieaod turt euro. Onsvlli Uifl and its cmu TO Tun Eihto I have in abmhrbj remedy for Consumption. By Hi timdy usa thciuiantb of hotvlcsj nsn have betn already permanently cured. V proor pcsitiw im i of Kj pw that I consider K my duty to und tvo Oct I in trt 10 tivr in your ia i?n wlo have OirmimjMi(in,Thrrsit, BrtjnchtU or Lune Trouble, If tliry will write me 111 ejtpresi aial ttafrn.- adlrcss. Sinffrrly, I. A. tLOCUM. . IS ream si, ltw inu If TO rMltorWl a H.ln NuwmmI f SMS r mim ItHlum um s wm wrvmm rnvaw Ibe WofI clip of hit utf,n nnd Oregon promises to be larger than for aeveral years, and Ibougb heavier tbau many wools of other stairs, when toour ed and in a marketable ooudilion, al ways ccmmNoas me atlcotion or onr clothing manufacturers. I believe any improvement in wool will show iUelf early in the demand fur wools of this section. Though not encouraging, grow ers expect a ready sale for (heir wt ol at last season's priors, yd I do feel that those who are not compelled to sacrifice their wools early, will later realize a fair price for thair clips." OOMKOTIONS Made oa FavoraUe Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD HOTS Ell. tf OREtiOM Oulario-Burns Stale Line' A ft l BURM5-CHHYCK STBGEUHE H. . WiUIAMS. Pp. ITMU.S. GOVERNMENT PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH os'TAMaiiunss I hint lUily l 6 . m. and af rit at Outario la 42 boar. ft to To ftm who ttrvtd In tho win of tht United Siaira of to thir W4rwt, Children, of Psicnii. Do You tivs a pension 1 Hd Yoi a rvU i in th War of tkt RcbcllbH, IrtdUn or Mtakan Wart OS) WBflrtl yo drptndrd Hippoft t THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To frtlvo a rtoi, r,ow do tA. Tbooaands under th rrw Is ar tniiiWd to as) liter t4 twnuon. Trw wtmmil own It 14 you in 1 it wming and AoskMia to piy. Why not prtet fa to to fa to fa to fa fa to fa to Ltvrtit, sod lrsU-arcbtaij4a4 all l'a-J sraMCMHiiHM Meaiaavt rtta. OuaOrrietieOSToa'VtM. . 'vsnv ornet n4MIM-l fnuMnktt kM IAa Uw aaa4 xudl, at mm .vf tm wna rmp w Mna, M raiMiaia ar a-, w . k..M 1 turn u Mnt aufl ti.l tHMM II- 4. SMaim. -") "' I "Wi M ut wm la tlx V. fe. aa4 tm avooUx -M In. A44ra C.A.SNOW&CO. Am SAar Act. Vaa.ttVO). D. C During Iha winter of lh'JII. F. S! Martin, tif Long lteach, Wrat Va, oon traolrd a Mvera cold wbiob left him itb a emiifu. To six-aklng of bow b rnrod It be ssya: "1 n(l several kinds of ootigb syrup bnt foond no rrlirt (in lit Ixiiiglit a bottle of Cliainlmrlcin's Cougli Itoroedy, wbicb relieved tue almost Insisnlly, and in a abort lima brought atmiit a eoropWe rur." When IriMililcd with a ootigb or eld dm iblo remedy and ynrj will not find it necr-e-sary to Iry aovnral kind Imfora yoo gel relief. II baa lieeo in lbs market fur over twnnl? years and nneslatitly grown In lafr ani HipiiUrly. for ) al WJcrois pi bolile by Oooaer k lirik, draggisls. KNEW If ALL THE TIME. WANTED-AN IDEA Jt'JmSS tl.lna Ui MMll 'rnrl M . i. mr If1.. rmt wMlib. V-rii. Julis KKItl'KIU ll'ttK A) 11, l'inl Alinfwvm, WaaUibgUin, . ( tbatr llMi prlM uttft. Rlnnlo F"nro S7.CO. Hntinrl Trin $1 f OO fT4 J or cUim at this prtat tlm r vowr ptnsioai oaiea irwns ins fTl Hound inpyiu.uu rfi lim0omB(ipt,, ow utrvmed hor. ,J tWl i'-w " r -. rV) (rwr u t i U S' 1 rjm Ut nlwo.iion. Ko Chafft for advka. ' m'lWU m wm to Tim SO Ft UO- tU.C'Mi' ji. nuiiSH-CAsros 1 I i ilf "t M - W it- W fi lk W-.Hr k- ska iiulal tf It t e4w, !'. M Ui ! tir , V4rtHl4l mt -t-" r-W to tb -tli n to fa to fa to fa fa i a. nttUP W. AMEtTT, (karral aaacf, . f ?) iH P Mrrrt. WAStllNOTOS, D. C fa lis fsui mtm, U w fw4 . r, l m AND SI)liTIIE.r vu the iMuHinnc suim Tkm(lt rila li ti. .iih :-' t KUnlii( ( kl ! I aiLI ut i t.Kf. via,v,.vs'.a,vs a-va, k, - A, a- i UaTU1 Tlts'al ,-!-. ijlAlAlJ llliaiulUs Plenty of them at the Gazttto Office. . . sl.f a-n'v aaH ITI H(aT, LCIWKMT .'. If, IM Dm I fuia r HTiCM L''.HT From The Tomshsas la bemoaning tba fate of Ibe pot I lo an party In Ibis stale and in dp reo tars of tlx lata ronveoiion, ibe Oregon- Ian bowls as follow Ever? one a that Ibis c'i.volion, bad it nol bwe for Ibe work of tbe silver mnihlne, would bav d elarsd rlrarly and frankly sgaiK-l free roinage of silver. It wsa prsvenUd from doir g so only by forcing Ibe dlla Ion of lb Mnllnmsbdelegsll'-n, follow td by Ibe drsperaie efforts of tiolilHane of Ibe rtbiue lo l p Ibe bones! dee. laralion tbe eoovenlUm wanted lo nke. By tL moat eilrsorJlsary IT ills, Ibal awbigniiy nf ixrj, wl.ieb Henaior MiLb ll and Ipra-fciaii?ee Ilermaoa and Klii oootinoally jute ae ll.eir warrant ..f voting fi.r free Coinage nf sliver, wae aain approved" Now, it mil be ie n.a.lrd Ibal KenaUr Milrbell I, a rlvalr.lly derlarvd lo tito pulilie tllt aore that bi t'r.bal viana nmn lb SoanelaJ cjnration were la dlr-t line ilb Ibe Buarwial plank le Ibe Mlnnetn- olw i.lalf-.rm of HJ., and e,iU fr.(ji.l ly di.l Ibe Ufonian 4ay Lira Ibe rlkl.l to tbia eUlM in lb pael, riuii rl, Iben, Ibal it la admliUd ao T Ate, .y wbal rigbl e-Mild Ibe Hy In trre,-oo mk or eve mii'il a d,flf tank lo lb (. mdf Tbe irpuMiets j srly f Ibi alale le bnt e amall fraction uf .lb pari; In Ibe ronatry, end f -t it le pra.A U tip no tpleloe dfl'fnl jlotbl iprl f-mr )r ag by a ! Uely r.ip.-. i.f leiellerlnal aa fr tf v.ra,r ( ln Ued ..nlJ U i f Hr. F. W. Hfllm, ot The Dalles, Exposes Them . From Ills Owe Experience. Krom the Chronicle. Mr. F. W. Helm, who bas just returned from Portland, visited "Hermann, tbe healer" while there, and has little confi dence ii the miraouloui powers ol aimed for bim. This man is drawing tremend ous houses In Portland and be la making dollar Dy ids Hundreds. The opera house, where he gives bis performances, is thronged with people, and hundred ot tbe deaf, dumb, blind and crippled seek him for a cure nightly. Mr. Helm, who baa been partially deat from early obildbood, was present with others. His experience oan best be told in bis own words ; Hermann is a very yonng man,' said Mr. Helm, "and looks more like a girl than a man. He wears a blaok blouse and pantaloons. He does no talking himself, bat has a very accomplished manager in that line who understands fate bnalnam. U aeleflt frnnj tbe andienee those wbo are but partially affeoted and makes tbe most of tbem. I assert tbat tbe whole thing is a atnpend ous fraud and should be n posed. Her mann baa magnetio power, bnt that Is no new thing, and I have seeu hundreds ot men wbo have Ibe same power wbo oao temporarily relieve paio by laying on of bands. I have a daughter wbo can do tbe same thing, aod I think has fully aa much magnetic power a Her maun. Now I want to tell you bow they trirk tbe people by my own ex ample. W ben Ilerinaou a manager saw me be naked wbal was Ibe matter. 1 lold bin) I bad a partial deaforse ot 40 or GO years' standing. He took moon Ibe eland and pretty soon Hermann operated oo me, Ue passed bie bands ovrr my bead, pet bis forefingers la my ear, nod withdrew then with a sudden motion. Then Ibe manager wbiapered londly olose to my ear: Cao yoo bear me wbieperT I said 'yte, 1 alweys eonld.' Then the manager anonnneed l the people; 'This mao bas been totally deaf alone rbildbnod; be oao Dow bear Ibe faintest wblaper.' 1 bave do patience wilb those Portland Impoetero and I wanl tbe people bere te know tbey are Irioksiere, and Ibat lUrweno fao do nothing beyond giving a temporary relief Ibmogk) tbe well known power of eJeotrte uagoetlara, wbleb hundreds of other can di ell over Ibe eoontry." just ns tbey were about to light it he called out: "Boys, hadn't you better try the knob? Tbe safe isn't looked, and there's nine teen cents in it. It you blow tbe door off you'll put me to tbe expense of why, what's your hurry f Chicago Tribune, DISEASES OP THE SKIN. The intense itchinsr and smart in? inci dent to eczema, tetter, Bait-rheum, and other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil blains, frost bites, and enronio sore eyes. i or aale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady'. Condition Powders, thev are just what a horse needs when in bad condi- uon. ionic, oioou pumierand vernuluge. For sale by Oonser & Brook, druggists The regular subscription price of tbe Bemi- Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe regular price ot the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tho Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette end Weekly Oregon inn for 83.50, All old an b soribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the sum. J . W. Kerns, the city painter, is pre pared to do all kind ot painting and paper banging and will do house-olean- insr and take np and put down carpets. Office on Main street, opposite City hotel. Echo stage leaven Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eoho Tuesdays, Tuesdays and datnrdaye. fare Ii eaob way. Office, Welle A WsTrm.llepprjer. EJ. DrUkell, Prop. For t'22.50 I will sell a first class, high grade, bigb arm sewing machine guaran teed fur 10 years. For further particu lar oall on or addreas, N. A. '.eaob, Lexington, Oregon. SH-tf . Walt. Thompson rune stage between Heppner aod Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday, Shortest and Cheap est route to the interior. Conner k Brook, agents. for Hale. Ten share of stork in the National Bank of Ileppner. Address Kit-herd T. On, Renelver, Arlington, Oregon, fevitf. (Slllll) jsa m miwa wit te f rliithem. They are IheTk i 9 J yUtiLird rel every yk gwhcre ; sown by ibB ?liin,:el planter In tbe world. U WlK'liiar ;ou plant Wl-iuar fii-t W Of sroonil or Ml awrea, alimikl If II lia 'rry,S Aul lur "vn. M U 1 ha inml taliial-le I'" lar- Of tur and saritenrra evar Klan hf aaajr. Mailed frae. ft L. D. M. raCMHV Hf J IMnll, MWnvK l'MMaiHls ra he Carve By the nee of hbllob's Cure. Tbl great Onngh Core le ibe only ksasi remedy fur that lerrible diseaae. for al by Wells k Warreo Your Face TrK ltlf lh I Wa. rnn Th lllr rhmok l. A barly appearing lrmp apprl at Ibe rret'lenno nf Mr. Verne Kotanll line morning end, lira, M- IX. L. Freneb orHoieg to Ibe door, be ak4 fr aotne- thing to eat lo an Insolent tone. Hbe Is ooe of tboeeklod of woraeo wbo wont land blofl aad abe rwta4 pniul blaok. lie lbn densended rne ftuxl,! end one mt nnh ae eqnally determined I r I not to give It lo bun. IIetbn etd be would go sy, bet wnol l ootee M "beaded" and ehe woeld be glad lo give bin eometblng. rttta eaid ebo would be beeUI y M 001 for lb tnrlil, bnt !be a bill lra We In Boding bias, and be did eot epfiear oono enongb M Make Ibe arreaL In Ibe aneenlime Ike llloe La-I bnog aroond ibe llok ad ian berk lwk efieroeid, teow leg bas drmand. lire. rfeth nasm talne. bf poeH'toe it tbe ibmr nnlll be fleslly went eeay end bt lo eight. tew H.iXTf It. ,(.( f, in j -n, J. V. It Ah T, Ay1 H'lt e, ""i"0. U til I en agreeable rt-" t MlMM (ul'Wl lo Ha k id tnlilolM ! e.lK lo bl 4tsi-l relief ny t-e (bad br laktn' t,fctnlwrlin' Co'i ' I hiblH,.iii 1... I.. I ll.... I I I..Ui at. J lhanL.M ItMawlf. la f r - iwi t - - . . . . aint ImUi ih ll.e aJI ki haf w i fav 1 iu 1 " ,! s,rr nr. 11 w. rtooit b-, . : . , ' I . . r I fiU-l b using iNmHf Mewssa " " r"'r 1 1 h firl nipi'M of Ih t iar lte, e, rule D.al may I ,lta , .t,. . ar. .Vl ewnl lv.lle fof ! br t I lug M e, II i U ,..,). I h Wtf k, drsig !. win be rrtl wiin e ! '" aiie, e feat ! I e (oeteeea wifrt ItO FINCH TENSION. TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, the nxnl SnmpWte Oed O'"! di 414 t Bf "( nvbn. TIm wiim: l Oerafcty i Mandiecrly tsitl, Of ri fleUh aad Nrftt AiJmUest. ttei All lt-'t Artkln, Aed : d I ! " op W lb fa'l bate v ) ,.llx. Arttva l si fsn -ie-4 benwty. L4l !. A1ih WHITE SEW1H3 KACHIJIE CI, CLIV.XAM0. O. C Mi OWW bl