YTOCK. BRANDS. While yon aoep roar subscription paid ap jcn en keep joar brand in frssof ohargn. AUth. T. J.. lona. Or. Horses Gtt on left shoulder; eattls same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row ooontj. Biird D W. and eon. Horses branded D B on the left hip; ci'tle the sameon left flank, crop off right ear. nndarorop in the left. Bange in Morrow County. Bartholaraew. A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded T E on either ehonlder. Bancs la Mor- MMmieter, J. W.. Hardman, Or.-Cattle brand ad B on left hip and thigh: epUt in each ear. Rrnnner. Peter, Itooeeberry Oregon Horeee Vmnded P B on left shoulder. Cattle eame on " nhJman Jerry. Lena, Or.-Horeee branded 7 on TehouL; cattle B on the left .ide. lift ear half crop and right ear upper slope. BaZn, Wm.. "keppner. Or. -Horses, J B right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in eBCBrown J C Heppner, Or. Horses, eirole C with dot in net ter on left hip; cattle, me. Brown W. J., l.ena. Oregon. Horses W. bar ovCTlt, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hiBoyer, W. Q., Heppner, Or.-Horses box brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in BorTr. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses. P B on left v .niJar oattlo. same on left nip. BrownleTw J.. Fox.Or-Oattle. JB connected n Wri le;or)pon left ear and two splits and middle p e ont out on right ear; on horses same brand E 1 the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley. 6 CernWarren. Wagner. Or.-Horees brand . ed Son right stifle; cattle (three bars) on ol Ha r.rftD and split in each ear. ttange in t. i ' . i l. 1 V 1 1 nr U with quarter circle over i"".""", nnrl on left stine on an ouiu, u-... ,. left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. Wren. A. A- Heomier. Or. Horsee running AA m ahuilHui" P..ttl. mm on riirht hifL. I loons. J. .. Uooeeoernr.ur. uorsae Dnsav I TsoaUM runt ahoBla. aidonTnr.rtine on all coiis under 5 years-on S; .hnnldar only on aU horses over 5 years. All ? lnXruv '. or Lena. Or. Horses w"' TV .hnnldnn cattle same on right hip. Hanee Morrow and OmatUU counties. ConigalUM M, Oalloway. Or-Cattle crop out ."IT?"..' .A mrl.rhit. wattle in forehead; horS; naif circle C on loft otitis. Range Mor. Curl T. H . John Day. Or.-Donble cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei bi eacn nip 'n . Range in Grant conniy On sheep. In verted A and spear point oTshonlder. Ear markoii ewes crop on left ear ou snoninnr. j right, Wethers, crop m rTgrtha1danPnderrbhalf oro in left ear. AU rang. in wraut oouMu,. nrM ri-htshonl ..??r.VVl. .'.me on right hin: ear mark square "WnZVt U rrinsr. -Horse.. on 'tftj., Hard-nan. Or-flaitls, C with in center: horses. CK on left Vo. l?"J R K... Monument. Grant Co, Or.- Ho'r branddo role with bar beneath, on left shonHe?: cattle same brand In-.both hips, mark under slop-w-."-- fir .Horse, branded li hin. (battle hrauded the same. AU, brands ( I on right thigh; oat'e mm brand on right shooldsr. and out off end of right ear. nn. Or.-Cattle. R Don right" X .w";io.-fUrk in each ear; horses. H D on left Mo. n,.-Horses branded ELY on l7t shoulder, cattle same ou lefthip. hole '"EmerV'c.nardman. Or.-Horse. branded r Kre7er,ed ( with taill on left shoulder ; oat. to !W hte: "sr'SK Lr?n)n A.En-I inV with bar under on right a P. Hennner. Or Horses. F on right shou de-; cattle. F on right h.p or thigh Gentry Elmer. Echo, Or. Horses brsn'led H. B with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Bange in Morn.w and Umatillaoounties. ui.i K H llidge, Or.-Cattle. ronnd-top 4 w"n quarter mrole u'nder It on the right h,P. BangeiuMormwandOmatillaoou-a. i. u.mnal Wagner. Or h (T V L right ear and slit in left district, morrow op,iv. GET THE BEST Wh en von are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led to tbinc you can get tue uesi maac. nnest nmsnca ana Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained reputation by honest and aq uare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one tuai if easiest to manage and is lHJolAiowUlo E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES THR OHOICB Light Running of Two Transcontinental There is none in the world that can equal in mecnamcal con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or Has as many improvements a uie MERCURIAL POISON b the result of the usual treatment of blood disorders. The system la tilled with Mercury and Potash remedies more to be dreaded than the disease and in a short while is in a far worst condition than before. The common result to RllEUHATISn for which S.f.S. is the most reliable cure. A few bottles will afford relief where all else has failed. I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial Rheumatism, my arms and legs being swollen to twice their natural aim. causing the most excruciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollors without relief, but after taking s few bottles of 1 improved rapiaiy sna am now a well man., complete ly cured. I can heartily recommend it to any one suffering from this painful dinease. W. F. DALEY, Brooklyn Elevated K. K. New Home: It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (aifterf),noother has it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducingfnction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWIHG MACHIKE CO. Oba,-"!, Mass. Bostow, Mass. (8 Truro Sottars, V. Y raiOAoo, III. St. Loi-is, Mo. Dai.lab, Texas. Van FaAHcw-o, (Jal. for fiat R BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., AgentaA Heppner, Oregon. GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RV. VIA Denver OMAHA I niilwauKBB & St Paul Ri St. Paul Kansas City gnee, n . Mu. knniu. nn nttl onnecien on "...,.."- T i lln.inl J Ij. liSUOWay, ur.-niinmi -r wni- with h w above HI on riKhlshoulderi cattle same on left side, llange in Morrow and Umatilla oonnties. n.t,i, E H on right hips' hors ' same ou right shoulder. Range ,nMn7 Mat n-PPner. Or.-Hoj. shadl hMrt on the left shoulder. Hang" Morrow Co. Hunsaksr. H A, Wagner. Or. Horses, 8 on left i ..I.J ..itlaa Q nn ift HID. Hnmphrefs, i M. Hardmw. Or.-Hor H Huston. Luther. Right Mile. Or -Hor. Hot the left shonldrend hrt on the left stine ( at. tie aarae on lert nio. : - " , . ii . ii.,,nnr. Or Horses branded H J on 'the left shoulder; cattle braided J on hin. also undurbit in left ear. .Uange in Morrow count r. i.- i..i.; M RMnnnar. Or. Horsee. boras. shoe J on ' left shoulder. CatUe. the saint. Unite on KIhMlle. , , b.ii- I...,. Or. Horww. nlmleTon left stinei'eattle'.sameon right hip, usder half oroo in ri"- nil solit 'n left ear Kminr.Mik., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded KNY, on le'l hip oaltle same and orop off left sr; nmler slope on the rlht Kirl, j. T Heppner. Or.-Horses 9 en left . V ..I. Utl ..M l.ft 1,1,1. ImlU'lwi ruin, -" . . , KiimbwIand.W.H.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I li on i.i ...4 Ufl IiIm.sws low fork in lfl Sir and nnder oiop In right ear. Horses sains brand on l1 shnuliier. lUnge In Orant '"int. Loftn. Htepnen, "ox. Or.-H U on left hip on oatlle. crop ami split m rtgiii ear. ra-s same brand ou lft shoulder. lUnge Urant W.. Ijxli". Or.-Horas in Popular Magazines FOR THE BODE. . i fs(ies eoiintv. l,inllen, J "tin hra'niM half-nlrole J I, mnectl on l-ftshoi dr. Cattle, sains on left hlo. Hangs, near 'ni"'"I,. t ur lii,r.nir Or. Hoiws brand I. and K ii-i l-rt slioiildw; enltle same on left b I p. wattle over right e, Uires slila in right branded called P FRANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY Contains each Month I Original Water Color ,:.nMii.n ni , i zn uuarro nun ui Kuini Matter: 1U0 New and High -class Illustra tions t Mors Literary Matter and Illustra tions thsn any otner magar.ina in smciu 13 CIS. J Ja rear. Frank Leslies Pleasant Hours FOR DOYS AND CIRLS. i rt-ixlit Whnlosnme. Juvenile Monthly irmlv lliisiraled. The best writers for young uoi lo i' titrllmie lo li. lonmiijw S30 ALL suBSMuriAUua iu THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, , 0?f..j Prank I.ssui's Porut.i Monthly and the UazelU), both for one year for s..uu. Prahk IjRslis's Pleasant Hours '""I0 ANUtilKlJiaud tue uaieivo, iw""' uns year .i.uo. UndoiibtedlyjheBest Club Offers . ., ... e. l r'. rVMff.Mni fTnllM. Jt.T- 1 f urr((ulrallfTii"iA.,'''. I LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all detail call on 0. R. A N. Agtnt at Heppner, t r address W. H. BURLBURT, OeD. Pass. Agt. PoitTLAND. Demon. QUIOIX TI2VI33 I TO DIVORCE IN TURKEY. The Onlr Formality Is the Retora of the Bride's Dowry. Divorce in Turkey is obtained with a facility which would surprise even our transatlantic cousins. As easily as Abraham cast forth Hagar, the bond woman, and her child, so also can the Turk open the door of his harem and send out into the world the woman who no longer pleases him. He has but to give her back her dower and personal effects. In the upper classes, however, certain legal formalities are gone through, and indeed, as the lady is usually protected by her parents, di vorce is, comparatively speaking, rare. There are instances, however, in Con stantinople of ladies in the highest of ficial circles who are not yet very far advanced in years, who have been di vorced twice, thrice, and even ten times. Among the lower orders divorce may be 0,XJU!.M," EIoswift srEc',laaaau?,Cs?", aescrioeu as a farce. Many gins wno are not yet 20 years of age have been divorced and remarried a dozen times. I OHIO AGO. The surprises of divorces are among the most amusing features of Turkish social life. A very great personage, second only to the sultan in rank, un less, indeed, it be the Sheik Ul Islam, married some few years ago, when his position was very inferior to what it is at present, a highly educated lady, of good connection and fortune, but, ac cording to his excellency's version of the story, of ungovernable temper. Within the year they were divorced and remarried. The lady soon found her new husband disagreeable, and was once more divorced. It must be remembered that if a Turk can divorce I his wife, she can only divorce him at his pleasure by making herself as un pleasant to him as possible. In former times he tied her up in a suck and had her dropped into the Bosphorus. To day he divorces her. To return to the lady in question. The next time she was heard of by her of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Tai l Rall ', f" n tpacher in the Moham-1 way aiid note Its connections with all transcon- medan high school for girls at Scutari, tinental lines and 8t. Taul and maha, and A few years back she was selected as remember that Its trains are lighted with elec governesa for the children of the trlcity and heated by steam. Its equipment Is khediva, and is now her highness' pri- "Pero- Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and i ,.i.v. . .Sleeping- cars, with free reclining chairs. Each pomnan il t... iTi . sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, r Zl? h, ' 'T1 distress to Rd , AMng car, are the be,t ln the world A.ouuUp ma yCttr anu uctuauy othe, ne, are lon(?er tha thu, but one arc iuuuu uerseii seated at a state I 7 ' XMILWAUItCsll! That the RAMBLEK Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is an' Indisputable fact. It stands in the . . i, -ii v,i, munhlnfis. and if vou buy one you will make no mistake. mnvcLE if vou want to be happy, for should your wheel be punctured, It can be mended by you ln five minutes, as It is equipped with the world j renowned 0. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-piatea sieei rims. Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $160 each. tub- dsmdi co l. tha fastest, liehtest and strongest wheel ln tho market. For style, finish and durability It Is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict mechan- j leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals r, , a -i.i. ,ik o a onri 94 wh whpnls. at GS. 155. H5 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge , clincher tires and are fully warranted, j n-r vuu ,vffA fn- Antflnamn nlrpulflrs. farms and discounts, or call neiuie run uui ui,;uiQ, wi.TO... . v-.., , . , b on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers W anted ln every town in Oregon, wasning- tonanaiaano. . FRED T. MtrlHILL 1TbLL wumrani, vr,i,wot rsnrp.pntAtivpn fiormiillv & Jeffery Manf. Co'l "Rambler Bicycles." Main! Store. 327 Washington bt, Portland. Or Glance at this Map asked her who she was. Tableau! The ease with which divorce can be ob tained in Turkey leads to many abuses And all points ln California, via tha Mt. Bhasta and creates a state of affairs not un like our prostitution. Fortnightly Re. Son Franolsoo ban- ahm-tor and nn other nltVm the above luxurious quct at Yildiz Kiosk next to the third accommodations. These are sufficient reasons wife of her first husbnd, who quietly lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coapon ticket agents ln every railroad oince will give you further information, or address C. J. EDBY, General Agent, route of the Southern Pacific Co The great hia-hway through California to all points Kaat and Sonth. Grand rioenio Route of ths Paolfio Coast. Pullman Bnffst Bleepers. Baoond-class Bleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for seonnd-claas passengers. For rates, tiokeu. sleeoiuc car reservations. eto. call upon or address i H. KOEHLKK, Manager, s. r. Kuuaao, assi. Gen. r. A V. Agt., Portland. Oregon i3K Comrt. Sa'rst, Simplest, itrongest, j 5olld Top Receiver. Most Modern and progrculvi. Fur calsliigne or lnfiimillo;l wr'lf to TMG MARUN RRH ARM5 CO., New Haven. Com. g XV Atg M t: C f fl 00 ""h lovly Musk Isf f srrt r3 III f I .nH.l.lin. . full slit :ort Mink uf a llnt. brlghlnt, llvrllnl and imt poruUr 3 sriMiiont, tin vmai anj mitumnui, t giMirn up In ths stntt rlrant auuMt, la- ciujing riHir urgs sue I'uftislta. view. THEY TOOK NO CHANCES. ronrressman Helped Mike Out In Dis pensing Hospitality. One of tho Massachusetts congress' men lives nt'ar Boston, lie has a beauti ful estate, his admiration for which is shared by his coachman, Mike. The other day Mike brought u couple of bis Irish friends upon the place and alUr escorting them around the grounds and showing them the stable ushered thein Into the hull There, somewhat to his surprise, he met his employer, but the hitter was determined not to be outdone in hospi tality by his coachmnn. "Brirg your friends into the dining-room, Mike, he mid, und into the dining-room the trio followed him. "Now, my men, of i ou rue you can have what you likr," he remarked, as he stotxl by the aideuoard : "but I have a drink here that I think you will like. There is a story to H, by the way," he added, "which may inter est you. It is culled Benedictine, and it Is made by monks upon the Alps. Tliey fill a little flask with it und send out their St. Bernard dogs to find travelers ulio may lie overcome by the cold. When a poor, hulf-frw.rn fellow is found he drinks a little of thin cordial from the flask and then he is able to follow the dogs to a place of sh.-I'.er." 1 he men listened to the story in silence Finally one of them red up cour J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Orkoow. jk Sclentifio American I III TRADK MARKS Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exerciseneed it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. CAVEATS. TRADK MARKS. DESICM PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. toJ For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN A CO.. Mil liaOADWAT, Nxw Vorc. Olilest bureau fir securing pnU'nts In America. Erery patent taken out hjr us Is brought before tli. public by a notice given frueoCcUarge Ul Uie sf deutific meiQtt iAnrfst cIpmilMlon of uriT nr)ntlflc pupf fn th wurttl. hplt-mlUily lllustratol. No .iiU'llltf-Mi man KhmiM b wllhout It, Vfklr. 3.(MI JO 1I...1 nrM. lUnnner. Or. II doulil. 11 o.n.nei'1. I Kometltli. . - 11 nn i.rt .li. ,, Mnf. M.rls. M. ' . Hl'pnr. r.-'altle hraniM emil. oq rmM liipi homo, sains on right stine, IUi In Morrow Minor, IMmr. nr.-tUs, M D on rilit hip; hon M on loft shouhlar. Mormn. H. N.. Ilnlu. M OO ltt Unl.l.i ratlle satoe on left hip. Mithll.-ear.loBa. Or.-Hrss. H on right him eallle. Hon nM sdls. Um. IliK-k tH.-llora-1 A N e.v Beriol on Ml shonl-Wi oaltle "ami 1 os 1 h.U hla, tiller. I'errr. UstngU-, itr.-lf O on tofl shonl'l.r. ... Itaborn, J. W Dinilaa. r. hormws (I vn left slio-ilileri eallls.m 00 r'glit hip. CrHi, Olar. KiW Mils. Ilr.-H.iraas, qnr lw cirel.lil.l'l on l.ft should. and on lrt hip. ('aula, fh In Uft . Hht er..wt. H on Uft hip. Han, on KUht Mi to. I'arkw A (lUasun. Hanlman,tr,-llorssslPon .ft shmil'l. ,t . . I'iihh?. Krea-t, leiln"., r.-Hoews bmad. e K (L K aiiiiiimH'-II Ml lfl ahonliW I ealtl s mi on rtM hip. lUnsa, tlorr... eonn'r. I'iihh, J. M.. Mslnetoa. JK eon vit tM.WI .himl'Uri snltto,ssun Uft hip. sii'lf bn la eh m. a 1' I.,., ttr 1 Iioim dlamonil Pnn .h.i.MW; eaiiln. it " on th. fl hip, uppw slops la Uft saraai slip la U tutht. H.nd. anlM. ll.Hmwi. Or -H. -.. law. n miH qnanin-U it Uft sil K...H Hr.-.. Heppnw. -," "". 1 1 M U rlW slMinl-Wri eallto. It on Ui. l-ft hip .p ortLM..' and top nan". o kl.T. aud .l,.liiiiie.H1iill. U.n, Andra. Ii.n., ( -Hoe-) hran.M A H im nh Ww, l qoartat rirela howdi enllU sans un nnW hip. Ila-is. mm e-anlr. Iwy-Twai. .ltoirTllto.Or-IIHH sriih .ireto mm U-P e"ll.on nM his and en ol a end atdil In .ft. H.-j- aata. braid . TUft .h.l to. Iton. Is S.WTMW Iiril and tiillmm ini!.e, i...- J. W . M.t i-nM. Or.-llii Mi stomUtor. I niUa. O n fsM hip. I H nn Uft MtfU; Mil. i tort hip, ssntllus) .h is rii . tofUl la hft. Have. 1 h , M"V .-Musses, AT os rUrora, lt d--rt, lmslaa, trr -Calllsl 1 on rl.t rip si I S " .! . M- 1 h-o, S on n.1.1 .Ih..iI.Io Iubs M.r i.f . H. iow. im. atliaM. Or.i hrao hrjMto4 J,m Mi ..wl.U -Mlto lh o.m, sin i.Mi, to at -- I. ' T t. n.u. o-i " o. .7-..-, nu k,M,iJ L n IN. ,..,i 1 1 .ii. r.-s i. tn . 1 . .,,1 aa m. Uft hin. o.-r. s i. Hmi . . - .Mto W r on I.', am. . f " a-d In Wl roar, 1.... Hi U(l ttmUtm 1imi..1 A . Il-vi-i -lloss.nn Ufl .1.. !.- li. I . Ul T.-.. r. n.wp.-.l.-M.--a. C-n Vrfl .-'b 11...... O -aH aar-ltoi .n mt,i. 4--i MU sum n tol h.f H' I00 , . II t .4l i , mm t...L-... M.T. loon. '-M.ooasM pmA on iwjM klrtimn on fvsM U .II-, 1-. W . M-w f. Mooaa V U a ti-i M M.ixii.W. outo . on mtt hip tn to' I w al on H,M Ww.Ul J 1 IM toft Stownlt. ,rr-n m H lilAoM wa niuk sa- ,.-t. im H .on ton sii ojri.. 1. m.w hl on Mt itosi, II-.,. II -l-t - ft tl-r . oe4o. 1 .,.t- M toll U. B4 tot hi I ... I.... tod tofl wto I ton Mp, VI t H-ii, .1, W- n in. 1 ... t ..1 1-. . .. ... l-()o"Ht r. I' '- '" utl h't. sis owns se STEAM AN0 ft A SO LI NK " -- - sw Mi( SUV r u(INIn 1 J I J 1 1 1 Is 1 1 f 1 no lj 1 IT I r I1Jh7i F Aouin ftrriamt 3 naked. ' manins CUTTIXQ. rS, man, nn ha Ui.l salde the conliaJ. -JIHp If jou think of bnying so pnKme of J thf mfw vork miisicsi trun cn 3 Jr-l'" Ths mm leek i good, iub- ny sire nr kind send for oar OWaiy"' ZZ Uu..N York Oty. 15 otuntlul drink of th (fin sod smiled mm So. 30, 0(intinirg illiislrslinus sod brloen nf eterjf kind of enetns from one iid li 2"i hciisa power, si bottom prioes, or Linl AV. S9, t"t ysoht onginMi, boil rt tod msoblnerjr. Eilber toot free. m Asv.iiins waojTID. TJJllJllJUJlUIUlWJimUllR Gitas .P. WW HO 197 Csnsl Strtst, CHICAGO Q tmti ct rccc 1 1 ft t Ttttt Q 1..HTHLETIG FIGURES.. M a,, a ID t'enrs In "imim. ACsmplntsSsI.eox'toiiinolirs 2 lliiiT. u,.i... II.. Hall l l.T.f. r..d 2 ttoll l l.t.r, U"ll I'l.rer. T.awiS l'to.f fS sod Hlrrl. Kl.l. nlll sent Wi sd'lrM upon torvipt of lo roiiu, in pay rh.rtea. . I he ftroa in a,,ul.lf nortorl hMMiilutlr rolnrod ad nMinlOi, sod srraogl Ui .t.o.l Mprifiil.and arva. .s O"."llol ai tears a. leaders d It,, alhl.ito Sofflf ootid mi i. I.I. I.if rlub, ioalins r-. ofi-o of hootn, A. G. 8PALDINQ 4 BROS.. StV tor tStntso , (!.( te-AM M as rA. P.T. L. ThsAmsrican Protoctivs Tariff leagus it a national organization Advocating "Protection to Amstican Labor and rnduttry" at plainsd by its comtitu. tion, at follow ' The iImI of this leaffuS shaa hs to SeoUe luo h S kae," WI MBSooSS, oto.a Sh4 aM.t.f owl Si.hiim.. OSiaWal seMns ( Wm) MwrVoo. tt toeoa lasao." Thr a'S no pronal or piivat profits in connection With theofganiia. tionand it iiiuttained by msmbershipi, contiibutioni and the diitribution ol its publications. riser: Ci " w stoito . " weA-..--Orr-o C M'o' ta." SICONO VV v4 omImios lolr.Wa, srotkM ...I s. Iaea, to aw ss si TniSD' Wi s ir soios S...WS, S s..l 0t K To Comb p.M. Ml O.S S. 0-k 1. SO si I'll! tt3 0S f :ustN: Iwi pAi so. sn fc r-eV e . S.v. I aW.i WWO OOi S..tei, tie Wort eiewl. kn Vers $1800.00 OnXN AWAV TO INVENTORS. I'Ot M . IO I l.nn I LH II inum 1L Ad.lre. 11 Vi'SLUiiuui, H til Uruatlwaty, bow Vork Cliy, COUGHS and COLDS ELT 8 FIHE0LA SALS AH Is s sure Kemedy lor couglia, cuuU, sors Uu-ual and (or asthms. It ooiucs, fmosfy shales ths eonRh, snd renders expect orauuo sssr. Consumptives will InYsrlsbly derive benrfll from Its Boa, Mtnj a ho supposs their esses to be coro sumption srs oulr suflertnf (mm TWJh-' . . . , ,1 1 I'll Ik va XKVNV areraratrd br ca tarrh. For catarrh bos Kir's t'ream Hslm. Both remedies sr. ilea.ant to Bos. Cream Halm. (0 ets. peek. "Hare you sn? ln7" he porhotile; Hneols ltalm.V. Hold hr Drnwlsls. ..r-..!..i - .i.l .-I.. tU llltUlUI.Ka,M Wsrrsn bu,h.wuik. VV l ns i ll IV4 viiw vij,i:- mmammmmmmmmmlmm MoST7CjrSAN0" FASHIONS. Striking n sfrBK'. EnRlinh viorn- i vienr Sinn's two sues larger than Amrricnn womrn. IWaiitiful flmdy woven lariro round tinaUpta now i-omu cheap, sud sfter Wins cildi'd or pniiited s tli-lirnte color rw txnwillnirly pretty for holding miIiiis or lurpe ilnnU. Theotloro KiKioerrlt has s "csitoon u a i s . S I - 1 onni, wii lr n niiifiii i riuieu a, pic torial kitchen; for it contains ponbrd Min the walls numerous carirsturea rtwstliifr him. It Is whispered that three times as many New Vork men aa women Invoke ths aid of '-e manaag to araoom away the furrows time has plowed upon their t lasses. The handsomest lunch cloths are made of fine linen and have s deep Uinlrr of rcnaiaaatics lnc. Dot lira and buffet covers are also edired with ths same Wsuliful lat. It wsshra wc! and Is hsmtonme ns lor.g aa It lasts. The Intrst card ennea and poi kn- Umka srs mails from a leather thst la ailed elephsnt'a hide. It has rather rmifch surlsi-e, and Is at lifttil tan color. The. ar mounted at tJ cor- King' of Bicycles. (rwm -o FINEST MATERIAL, Xfr SXv SCIENTIFIC SPEDY BOA MM. MOT to SO .O. oho SSk s o-1 r . -o- po .i A f sw ais thosool pss.ols atooetooha, so4 tva oo. ol Mm. s. i r on, n s. Imppily over its familiar taate, "That wasn't bad, said one of them. "Now bring on your dog Iiijuor;" Waa'uing t on Tost, . Unn nr assise s WMnws. There is now living in Hart land. Me., at ths H old age of "i yearn, ona of Maine'a notable wldowa. Thla la Mrs. Kllen rhillim, relict of (ieorge, a brother of Wrnd.-ll Phillips. Her hus band waa a graduate from Harvard col-h-gv, a memlier of the fnmniia claoaof 1, among his rlaasmatea and Intimate friends being Hr. Ci. V. Holme and Jamea Freeman Clark. Mrs. rblllips has In her house several antique relics of great Interest and historical value, among them beng a marble top table And drawer which belonged to John llrown, of Harper's Kerry fame, and a copper ewer and eidrlmnrd. once the property of John riiilllpa, the Aral mayor of the rily of IVwion. Kbe tells many aa Interesting retnlniawenc of Wendell I'bUllps, with whom aha waa loUmatcly acquainted. fht.lral f Sorts ( YoooaM, Ir. Manaeman, a notable pbyalrlsn of lbs last century, one published s work entitled "The I'hvsiml and Men tsl Treatment of the Human Hody," In whnh ho gne the Minis ing curs for menial worry I "l-et the sufrrer think of ths person he ir aha lotea bent; dwell utt their rhsrms and grnrea eogttate deeply um the affectHm they lear one for the other. If Il ls dws not ha m smt hi tig rfTrrt, then let ths pniKnt try a small drsught of airoftgty breno.1 tea, with a lump of ginger In It. The rfti.scy of this w under f ul." tofO.I4iMto)Mrtok tlSHMSSMH swjs s n i om ioa the B" i as nW Isoi sVoi rr $ the swrtcTEma Mt?rnaN$ TllATlUXOIORatS. OMihas SmjQ.m ..I .'.WIimW ss.ts 4-1 () ato pmmu i ... s -a.A-a moo. fas sfesilossls sfihoss Iae4i Is sooora Is sss ssrsssa. The Itloslrsie thst tMM fossllly la hoi slo.rt smsI M he SoslrsA. Thoss sniss sspeaas ths oo..laJ a .si ll 4 Rlpansrfabulcs As I worses! nrllfc snf ssss to.i'f ITS) .. i r.osTao.loi i .., H sesm a Uf tfns(iss, ol yf sos4 .S te ass tnl esesi t , 1 1 ar at. a Bs-assBJ aaaa) MVUes (MfssjB VMo 4) sMMMtfsnv asBlMM PeMai jfatf9 SmM sasaj mmm 9mm 4V-4 ej 4 tmfmm t mm tmm eaa-aaot mmmmm m sasa tisM Ws t-rsM tmmm to mW, rf M W tk. MaW la aillloU rt 1$ not so n ird as rr srxni fwnnsAMSMNie.-.sha. w iins.oj.o.sls . C ,ofcsiv.oo.. t'.i" r ,i .... mi a... S . n I 4 . ImimiS s fm oak, .OO AAI Am Sol Of IA Of Ol OM1 ito.iBA oaa 01M.M ! ." oi I in. Bi in of Wmmbmb af iii, mi 4 m 'tool! I m I S SSO.4 pSil .1. mm4 S S.O B ' of to ill I li IB I lO. I MtoOMMMl S m mrm r.ii al o4 onir. mmj. oa soofog n m At ...... ..Q4i.ellllli't A4moo grsaios sS roa eiolo. Ths popiilaiom of I'rnnen In 191 ws il. and of l.rrat Itrlialn )7.m, lit, or a diHerrtH-e nf nsily al"iil half million In famr or I ranee. II la ttow annnurtcod thst ths census to t take ll.e r.t,.lrr Jesr ill shnss that I tie pop- nUtion of l.rrat !f iis'n Is the gtrnie Iho resoiisi f..f this reveranl of total Ion is ll sfnsll tilth rale of Trance and tt unn. uillr ts'irc ens In tiros! I'rl'ain Th re ha. tors no emlfrnlios ol " M ien. e tsttms th taller eoiinlrT. arid rrsnrwkasrroil but linlsby ei.graii a thai tho aVereeaims aeeminia for ths fo!aiie ft lih Increaas) of o-r IJJnrt. onu, Ths ares ef rrsncs In error I ranr mites, and that sf riitsia os!y a lit is r,M( 1U1 U'.t esfrrnl.or l.I.tal sril. Four Model sS85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAf FOR CATALOCUL Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts.. CH1CA00. ILL, BKANCttliS i -New York. Saa FrancUos. 5slt Uks City, Danrsr, Msmpbls. Dstrott. Tereats. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Hrppncr, Oregon t1 i ! i.i 'v OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a rim.". matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. JOHN UTDOI urn UN A Crt.. 4at l ol Iwiim sol I o'l fsnote, ftHJ'Wrerl.N... TM I't, W .h.nt, t. C. t-f lsooorwH.. i In ths h renlqry Mtro!ogtra tlrm were f.t,,or.aM In luir. 1M S-U,rf were inrj w,v4 reWetiai t4oi kirl gyAbii. row lieilir. An rrs re Aa oli'. gentleman who had dismount ed from his hoi or atked In to a wayside Inn, and b-ft the animal In charge of a barrlr clad urchin. Hut on ri turning he found another hoy holding his hot lie srs n ted tho Utile dr. H I ul throiif h his eC(;torn, and ei lime.l: "Well, but )'u'r not the Imy I Irft wy horn wllh!" rt, ir." said the t-ny J "I jiat SrcVI- Isl "I. and bought im of t' other buy frnT a hri nri) . The Uiv lroiir.1 a "threepenny" foe his siraightforwardBeon Til Bits. ste rsniSM In Soajili Afrtea. The JVmth. Afrhran rrisiariors are full of smu tig lnri.e-ils la eonrsectlon with the t'.snd wsirr famine, fU.ts a trr at fle stiiliina' Wtl la la genera! ue for culinary snd ss.hlrig purwoe. The (lern.n I f. riorl-la. 1st rum. San do eiilnf-no arwl other li'iui-ls of IiW chats. t r la tinprrrril.-iile.llv rrrat, and anj'hirf that can I pros.e.1 n the Brr-i'o of ths tmlet r.nmarids a fancy prlc. mittars of smmrnai and lavender water ts said to od sstiafne- toty trsults. and even ease tins tad boa- fine Sf1 l' ooj ow.fca ile.!. Si tan tMoniM b Yo'tg l 'y (i moro i.t;) tths waa th.t oie.r..rr )' t ni'W ? . . . . Iwi,i ',h.n i l .u-tjr j, u a ' pntirM wlm ail Uirg trowtni fro if IP ion -:WlTia PlffiiSS : wm : PILLS Youro J JOUND to Take UCin. Leaves No Conttipntion,- ("sees t, as '! as si ft ilieMW, . , ; t wet atiss a i ill s )M HoeoiH I ne. r I asJ o. . ill in IM S ..M tV l t, ail n,.4, , j e.n. vu.. I lujii iii n ri id l It 1 ill V-Aili-efSosiWosi, WltelfSiW, S