NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! EESTJLT OF T7SI50 AYER'SPILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health, never having had a sick day In all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con stipation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced . 0 Here and There. Briog on that cord wood. D. Q. Coats is io from Hardman, Chat. Foqua, of Eight Mile, is in the city. Wm. Garger was in list. town Wednesday H. Stamp is over from Hnd Mr. A. uoilow. T. W. Avers Jr. left for Pendleton last evening. O. D. Allison was io from Eight Mile yesterday. Wm. Dmglass was over form Lena Weduesduy. f. J. Allyn aud lone yesterdav. Mr. M. GnrrigHll, of Galloway, was Heppuer yesterday. sods were np from HiijLest prices paid for the lower warehouse. sheep pelts nt tf that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to us Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I bad no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, If taken In season, avert all danger of Bickness." H. Wkttsteik, Byron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. 5(JNlMQNlMWlDlTI1UlrKll6AT i& &XJL 4 JL76910T 12. 13 14 15 16 ill Jk.20 2 22 23j2423 Take Notice. h The sum of firs centa per line will b Ihargrxl for "oarda of thanka." "reaoliittons of reapnct," lint of walilltn prpaaiit and donors, mm obituary nnttrns, (othar than thoae the edit yt shall MinaoH gtvn m a mutter of newa.) and sotloaa of special mevttugt tor whauivarpnrnoaa, 8. Notices o( rhurrh and aoclHy and all other Mitertatnmenta (mm which rarnnue la to hade rived, aha'.l be chargwl tor at tha ram of five nu a Una. TIiwb rule will be strictly ad nor d to In ery Inatanoa. Adrertlnlna rates reaaonabls aud made known ipoo application. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Irna Crack Inha liar and I'anyoti CIIT. Im fiillowt ; Erar dar at a. m., eivnt rtiindar. Arr1vraYrT dara'f ,n..x"-pt Monday. Tha eheapeat, qnlikeat and Irom lb Interior mitntrr. WALT THOMrHOH, Trop. Conaer A Brock. Agen's. Attend the club meeting at the opera house tomorrow evening, Miia Ltllah Pierson is over from Prioevillri visiting friends. A Rood fsrm to let on shares. Inquire of H. T. Bngley, Heppner. 2t Iloa. J. N. Brown returned Wednes day from Salem and Portlaod. Clerk J. W. Morrow left Wednesday night for Portland on business. Cbas, Pease is sick at the Central hotel with au aboess in tbe groiD. It. Lieualleo and wife and daughter are Visitors from Li-xiogtou today. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. B. 0. smith, salesman, Heopner. A good program has been arranged for tbe oiub meeting tomorrow evening. Friday evpning, Mbj 1st, is tbe date for the cruud ball at tbe opera house, tf Mr. D. 0. Berrin, the photographer, is here looking after hie Heppnjr gallery. Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. James Royse wns in from Ilardmao Wed oesd ay, and Bays be will shear this spring. Mr. Espey. renresenting Cor bet I. 1! ailing & Kobiusou, was iu town Wed nesday. Mat Halvorsen was np from lone ye terday and reports business good in that locality. Born To tbe wife of IMok Howard, in Heppner, Wednesday, April 15tb, a 9 ponnd girl. Keep io mind the grand May day ball to he givfn at tbe opera bouse on Friday evening, May 1. tf The Morrow County Republican Club will met at the opera house tomorrow evening. .All are invited. Peter Brenner and G. W. Maxwell were in from Eight Mile and Goose berry, respectively, today. Eli Keeney is buying sheep pelts and paying the highest market price for them. Offloe at Mi:Farlaod'e. tt Gardening it delayed considerably till winter ends. However, the elements betoken tbe coming of spring. 8. L. Lloyd was op from Ella this week where he is employed on Geo. Swaugart Tnb aprirgs rsnuh. Tbos. GilQIIen came in from Mike Kennev a thia morning. Lsmba have fared pretty well io that vioinity. J. W. Beckett, of Eight Mile, tbe re publican oandidate for onaoty commis sioner, was in Heppner Wednesday. fitaney Roberts wns over from Eight Mile Wrdneedny and report that his invulid auo is improving very alowly. J. II Kolm'in got baok tbe first of tbs week from a tour of tbe ooantry in tbe Interest of Mao Mouteitb k Co., tailors. (irand Mav day ball at the opera bouse no Friday ownt. May 1st. Ar rsngements are being made (or a good time. tf, A row between Owen Hood and the Pearl family at Ualaey riulted io the mortal woondiog of Ira Btroud, cattle buyer. DOCTOR i ENQLI$H Mv for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of all modern medicines. It will stop a Cough in one night, check a cola in a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, and cure Consumption if taken in time. "You can't afford to be with out it." A 25c bottle may save your life I Ask your druggist for it Send for pamphlet If the little ones have Croup or Whooping Cough. use it promptly. is sure to curt. Tktta SUe-a5c, 50c and . All Druggists. ACKER MEDICINE CO., 16 & 18 Chambers St., N. Y. Through trains on tbe O. R. & N. will run via. Umatilla, waua waiia and Pendleton. Through sleepers, first Bud second-class, will run in connection with the Union Pacfio, tbe same as hereto fore. A through first-class sleeper Port land to Spokane, connecting with tbe first class sleeper to St. Paul, and a through tourist sleeper Portland to St. Paul, will run in connection with the Great Northern railway. tt Henry Ward Beecber onoe informed a man who oame to him complaining of gloomy and despondent feelings, tbat what be most needed was a good oatbar tio, meaning, of course, such a medicine as Ayer's Cathartic Pills, every dose being effective. Tbe families of tbe Bartholomew Bros., recently from the east, and brothers of A. G, Bartholomew, oandidate for coutty judge ou the repnblioau ticket, Brnvrd at Heppner this morning. The Gazette hopes that they will be well satisfied in their new home. e voting men of Morrow, whittle ud a velv tune For the "Candidate," I'm free to state, will stay with ua till June; Then let him oil hlj auger blade, with "Sperry's Llnwood Kye;" 'Tla sweet to think, of that good old drink, for voting men are dry. No More of It. From The Dallea Chronicle. The recent political convulsions in the repnblioao party in Mnltnomab oounty have settled, for a time at least, sny question of one man power, which baa proven so disasterous, botb to good gov ernment and party organization. Joe Simon has been biaten in a contest, tbe warmth of which hss never been Bur passed io tbe political history of Oregon, Simon has been so unattractive figure in tbe political world. The speoies of biseism hiob be represents is ioimioal to republican institutions, and the fttct tbat. his hold upon tbe political affairs of Portland has been broken is a cause of satisfaction. The men who have secure 1 the advantage should gnard against the bass evil. If tbey set one man np on a tedestal and allow bim the power which the modern political diotator oovets, tbey will encounter the same uprising which has overtaken Simon. .People are getting tired of oabals, cliques and combiuntious. Bud the day is surely coming when mnuioi pal government will be a matter of public ootioarn, aud not private manipulation. osres 'Get it" is good alvioe, but "Tnke Simmons Liver Regulator" is better for your health and happiness. Everybody should take a liver remedy occasionally and especially in tbe spring to wake np tbe torpid liver aud keep up a healthy circulation of good rioh blood, free from poison and . full of nourishment to the body. "We would not keep house with out it." H. G. G. Fiuk, SDringdnle, Pa. Ho, ye llvi The Poor Dollar. From the Salem Statesman. It has become a orime to wish tor a I larger coinage and circulation of silver money only within the past few months since the present administration has been attempting to bide the monthly deficiency by railing at the poor silver dollar, . Before tbat it waa considered resptctable to hope for the ultimate nse of the entire product of Amerioan silver mines. In combination, proportion and process Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself, and unequalled in true merit. No other medicine ever possessed so much curative power, or reached such enormous sulcs, or made such won derful cures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is undoubtedly the best medicine ever made to purify, vitalize and en rich the blood. That is the secret of its success. Head this statement: " When my son was 7 years of age, he had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma tism, which settled In his left hip. He was eo sick that no one thought there was any help for him. Five sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said were sores. We had three different doctors. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be cut open and the bone scraped, before he could get well. Howard became bo low that he would eat nothing, and one doc tor said there was no chance tor him. " One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla wns loft at our door. Wo decided to try this medicine. Howard commenced taking it the last ol February, nt'er having been sicli for a year and a baat line to or i freight tralo. log rails. A wreck np above Wallnla ) eater day killed the fireman and rPgineer of It waa caused by spread- Qambrinus Beer, w HALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drlnkabl Liquors Cigars. Call and Smokable on Tad. Dr. A. J. fjlmba ia recovering from reont tlloMa. Tha doctor ia 78 years of age. and defplte bia yeara is a pretty stout mo yet. No small ol jectioo abloh yenog folks bad to the old lima spring osediciaea waa their naaaeooauraa. In oar day. thia otjertioa is removed and Ayer'a Haraaperilla, lb Din I powerful and popular of blood-panders, is aa pleasant to tba palate aa cordial. Sold only at tbe Belvedere saloon. Mat Mosgrove, representing Fleisch ner, Mayer & Co., of Portland, spent Wednesday and yesterday in Heppner interviewing bia friend in a business way and renewing old friendships. Mathews Bros, have moved across on tbe east side of Main street, in the building formerly oaoupied by the Gem saloon. Tbey will be pleased to see their old customers. tf Mis. Green Mathews, who is just able to get around on crutches after a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism, bad a severe fall yesterday hurting her on-siderably. ii toe care ol toe hair were made a part of a lady'a eduoatioo, we sbonld not see so many gray beads, and tbe nse of Hall s Hair Renewer would be unneces sary. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo desires the services of an attorney in Washington, D. 0 . will find it to bia advantage to call on or address this pa per, 6tf Cord wood on snbsoripti'.n ia needed badly at this office, and all old promises oao now be redeemed without any pro teat being made at this end of the line. Tbe Gnzette ia informed that Dr. P. B. McH words assisted Dr. Mcr'anl in the snrceaafui removal of tbe tumor from Miis Esther Ford'a neck, last Saturday G. B. Hatt, tbe tonaorlal artist, can be fonnd at bia parlors, Matloqk oorner, where be will dispense at popular prices, shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc. A. A. Jayna will be opposed by J. H. Gradlebaagb in bis efforts to sroare re- eleatiou as prosecuting attorney in tbe seventh Judicial district. IWrord: John Michel!, formerly edit or of Tbe Dallea Monntaiuoer. Is tbe re publican nominee for state senator from Was oo and Khermao. Record: J. W. Armawoithy, demo- eratio nomine for joint senator for Waaoo and Khermao oonolies, visited at Arllngtoj Bnnday, T. D Mathews baa eo far ri covered from his recent stvldxot aa to be able to b about again, and was op from Gallo way yesterday. 1100 Reward, 1100. The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to onre io all its stages mul that is Oat'irrb, Flail's Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and .muooua surfaoes of tbe system, thereby destroying tbe foun dation of tbe dieease, and giviog the patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faitb iu Its curative powers, tbat tbey offer one hundred dollars for any oase that it fails to cure. ;jend for HhI of testirrmniula. Address, . F. J. Chbney A Co , Toledo, O. pySuld by druggists, 75o. orner w 4 - Have added a NEW SPRING STOCK of Trimmed Mats for Ladies and Misses to the Fell stock on May Street ind ask the Public to call and sec them before purchasing. Oregooian: Mr. J. Watermelon Ked ingtoo, a rising youug jtnrnalist of Pnyallnp, Waab., arrived lxet night and ia at the Perkins. Mr. Hediogton ia known far and wide, front tbe snooulent swamps , of low-lying Duckbusb to the balmy waters of the swift-rolling llnmp tulips, as tbe inventor of the bop louse, and the disonverer of Mount ruyallnp lt.tH miles high. HIIKKP FOK HALK. I have 1,5IK ewes anl 1,000 lambs mat l win sen arier shearing at 51 per bead, all 'round. I'arliet wishing t boy should address me at Vinson, or call on me at my ranch iu McDonald canyon, near Vinson. CHS MaTI.OCK, 261m Vinson, Ortgon. half. Ho hadn't taken It a week before I saw that his nppetito began to Improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when ihe sores were oil healod and they never broke out again. The crutches he had used for four years were laid aside, ns he bad no further use for them. I give all the credit to Hood's Sar saparilla." Mns. Ada L. Moody, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THKHB'S. Been a Changs in Business ill fall ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the etock is being disposed of at . - mm Skill D I1 REGARDLESS OF COST-. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. flat Do li Wat ? Sarsaparilla Is I ne One True Mood f uriflcr. All druggists. $1. frfpared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. cure I ''"p I'N : r Naw Fbkd Yard, Wm. Gordon baa opened np tbe feed yard next door to tbe Ussette office, and now sohoita a share of yonr patronage. Billy ie right at borne at tbis business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes reasonable. Hav and grain for sale. tf. Flint Piles! Itubtiig Piles, hyuiptoms Moisture; iu tense itolnng and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, whioh often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore, Hwaynb s Ointmrnt stops the itobing and bleed. iiitf, heals ulceration, and in most oaaea removes tbe tnmors, At druggists, or bv mail, for 50 cents. Dr.Swayne& Hon, Philadelphia, Some people want the earth ; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee CATARRH i.trjLl fr-l HsBim. an a Merveaa aaa" Dm J. Islington, Ore, Feb. 8, 18'JO. I have taken Hool'a HNraspanlla and Hood's Pills llb the leal results. I waa very oervone and baddittr spells and bead aebe, but I baa derived great benefit from Hoods Harsaparilla and Hood's PU a."-alra. Jbn Piper. Hood's rills ear all liver ills. ha LOCAL DISEASE mi la Ike mm eaMa aitf sedaaa liMtl cttaaoaa. It can bafnml tir pkaaant madr wbKh laamiltod u rattlf Into In Bnairila. H. In aolrklf aiiaurtMd U ftvaa rrliW atone. Ely's Cream Balm M acknowMr4 be tha aviat thnronrh eara fnr rMK'aurra. (old la Ha4 and Hay tmt of all maadlaa. II snvna a4 clramra tha ii-aalpaaaar, altayt pal and Inftammauna, baala Iha anna, (iro iKti Ua aaaialwaoa I ma Solda, Mm tha mwt of and mil. I'rk foi. at Dntir)unt , mail. tXI kUUTUKlUt, M WamaauaasMaw laia. Notice Of Intention. 1.AKD OrritE at La Gsandk, Omonx. April 16. ls'.ie. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE follnwliiK-naiiiel aettler has filed notice of fill Intention to make final proof In anppnrt ol lila claim, and that tnlii proof will be niale before Comity Clerk of Morrow Comity, Ori'Koll, at lluppner, Orennn, on May :o. 1h-.N1, via: JOHN I'. WtOWN, TlmlierriiHiire Entry No. !K03, for tha NWW Her. IS Tp. H. K. K. W. M. He namca the ("I owIiik wltnenncl to prove hlii I'ontliinoiia ri'tlilunce upon and cultivation ol Mhl In ml, vli: John f, llurlon, WIlllHin fliirlon, John P, Ilrowu and Fraiii'ia M. Ouutry, all of llrmiiirr, (Irrgou. B. F. WIMON. 19 Notice of Final Settlement. XiOTK K IS nKRK.IIY )IVE TIHT THE iiii.tiT.lKnnl, KltraJ. Hoyor, ainulrla of tha ratalr of V. U. Hoirr, diHoaainl, ll maka rlnal iwttliMnrnl of hr ai'rounu Hhaall ra y am h rmt'iitrU at tha lint trrm of tha Proliala Court of Morrnar Comity to ha holilrii at llirroiirt hoiiiw In lli' r. In aalil County on the 4lli ilay of Mnr, A. II. IikI. a in n'rlork a. in. MKH. ELIZA t. B'lYKK, tV KiM'iitrla. LiTTLa riaaaa' Paarr.-Oa laat Tues day tba nan frleods of Tsreaa Ldchlea tba eaaamblrd at tba boma of br par sols la tbla eity Io eelabrato bar llib birtbda. Tba moat as made o( tba opportaally sad an eicallaot time waa bad. Tbara arerapreaeat: WillaMloor, Zoa PatVafaon. Uoeala Ahrabanslrk, EmIs hvt .FroBDia LehUoibal, Dartba rrietoe, Katie Mloerl, KaUe 111 haw. tm thia ntm HUlla LalaaJa. Nina Oarrlajqea, litre ;Tfa-r, Una Oillism, Holla Oarrlaa I aad Ima Lkbttolbal. CITATION. IS THE COI MTV 1'iM HT Of THE STATE 1 of orrton. for tha fiunty of Mormai, In tha aialiar of th aauta vl Thomta f, Harlon, Arrrmn. 1 Hal Ion lo th h-ln ai la. an1 any at4 all parema ItiirnMUai in aaiq ra ai. snwiiua In Iha oama Iha MUia of tlf(on. you ara hvfrhy rll auo rx'ilnrt hi ai-oar In tha I ouolf I "Uft ol tha flat nf inmn. for tha I'fHioly of Mf Mr, at Iha rourt ruoia Ihrriif. at Mrpi'tivr. in Ih 'oiittr ol Morrow on Umiflay Iha 4h rlaT ot May, l. at Iu n rlork In tha hirvoiHin M that fiar, lhri and tlar Inahna ran. If any ailt. why an of thiaroiirt hmihl nM m n.a.U tor Iha mla rH all Iha f-al prifl, laloiitii( m tha aald aalaia. ilr, rl' I aa luaa. In wi s l-iinu ol mw :. Iu I a., r ol mr. u. Tp a . at U I , W. M .alllu Mortua lvu'lr. fvrn. Wiioi... u,a Hon. Jutloa Ka lhl, Jti'ltrof Iha ounty tmrtiflia IxltAl.l aiaia ol Ittwin. hrf iha lonnirnl Mttfrow wita in aai ia aa.i i wiiri attl.t. J. W. MHKW. ." . I laik. Wo are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we are not ins Largest rnercnants in (tie vDria! But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glaaaware, Wood and Willow ware, Naili, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oaaa and Water Pipe, f'lpt Flttlnirt, Btovca and Ran (tea, Wagona, Uacki, BiiKKtre, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Ilammeri, Bawi, Bledgea, Wedgri, Oiina. l'lttoli, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran lteware, flows, narrows, Rakas. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Buillers and Boards, Bheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Oct Prices. We have Good Goods at Faib Trices, and Cheap John Qoods at Chep John I'rlrrs. GILLIA.M & BISBJSJS, MA.IN 8THEET - I1EPPNEU. ORE it OONJ T. R. HOWARD -DEALS IN Administrator's Notic. VOTICE H HEREBY (IIVEM THAT lit ii tiiitrlamNt has han appointed admlnta- Iralnr nf tha aaUla of Harnh li rll. dnoaaapH. hy Ih Coiiiilir Court ol Morrow I'nunly, hlala oMlira-on. All Mraoua having rlalma aaalnat aid eaiaia ara hfralir n-oulrad to priil lhaia Io nia at Hrppnar, Or., duly varlBad, alUiln all mooiiia imm iinia npraoi. PaUxl thia lh day of March, l"in C. B. FELL .'! .. Adiiiliilalialor, Notice of Intention. I AM) OEFM'I AT THE PAI.I.Eit. OHEIMIM. J Manh. 4. IM. N..t.- la hrl strap lhal Iha following namad ealllar has fflrd ni lira of hla lulantlon In maka Anal proof In sup port of tits rlaltn. and thai aald proof will da mada hlora J. W. Morrow, County Clark, al llrni.tirr, Oragon on April n, IMi, tut JAXK1 ( AM Y, id f, Ko k.ii, .,( u,a ay.-, aac. 10, Tp. I K. H J E. W. M, Haiia-nra Iha following wltnraart Io pfrt-a his miitiiiwHis rval'laura uwa and cullltalloa of. aald land, I harlf-f Van M Ink 'a. frarwls Rllknny, Bar. tiaa Ihihrrty, John Kllbaimy, of iialloaay, lit. ii Ail. Ja. y. Mooaa, kglala. Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! Ha will make it aa object for you to trade with Liia aa bia prices are right, and all goods tbat be bandies are of the very ImhL A a laalt Tbia is to aawllff that on May IJlb, I elk! to Mallrk's itag atore oa a pair nf eraUtbaa anJ btagbt a bnfila of Cbantwr lalu'a I'alo Haisa fr ihUarama taty rliaamafiaM wblrb ba4 a'lpplaj ma nis Afiaf aaing tbraa boftlaa ara en pla'aly rnrl. I faa rhwrfally rvra-m-bd il C'bailaa II. leiL Mutbqry. la. favnra et4 anW'ihti .i ha ra m " I , liW,ll.f HblMaaa, J. V. '..realal fkl ..f blla trjr C--ir A I'.r.ak. .f'agw . Did It Ever Ovvmy to You? That n Firm Could bo Uoycotlcd nnd Still do HuMnci ? I) C. THOMPSON IK l 1 M IV. 44 f.H t e wns Saw r t a4 4f pmi r-'""! a. v Tl M al "i M .a baas la tiil faat many talidia lUiara. Ihay ara l a fl'al In) rr aaa tt oi,a ly nartiinrf f ; the Aral in .nj np awta la liilla iakag a; If.a . m n nfar-ttra Hit aai'e Hoar i,y ara rut alii) aaath -4 f nrti rf)(.aia l-y laaiir f Ih at, mm ark) 7bir rrol ia kn-iwa a Ita HU.kaf D gaaltaa I . f.,.l, aai , t, a fowl la aa a fl lally digaaM f .raa j t1 al IU sn 1 1 mm al ia tbe t gai.a all ag wy.M fif Hkrl f'irt In eloffia'i. a 1a, by tba af Ike rlhakat lira CV-rilal. a 4fs(t awinally gale al"ft wl-a-xi Iha mtm rf bat al'.-h 'II ! te raUraf to la aalrl Strang) Vofc of Intention. t,a Orau a tf t. (isi oat... Mar- h ., NliTtr E t IIEKrHY UiV Til AT THE toHitalug namal artllar haa Runt awrtira a! nla inianlla u maa S'tal ynail lt aip1 ri .cal-a aod thai aal t-v-if will ha mala t t a lo-inif t lark, a.irma minly, al I,. , ofw, .a Mar H. I"a, lt I'MII. J B)IU k. Il E 'l. Irt it. r 4 k'. h' a, a . , fa a B. f a kf ll nan4 Iha fnitwlng wllm iai l l(.ifin hla mnliaiywia raidw apt.a an4 aalUialloa 4, aai-l tn-l ! : J.l,a Moiailf. l"ff a-aa, a r.raaa al. is a Hi'.fl. a.l !", ri.,, i.i n - i Notict of Mtntton. TimUr Culture, final Proof. Xoilra for f'abhralloa. I A HI) CiEEII E AT THE HAM.M, OEE'I'IM. S Marra , t,ta la harahy alB llial Adrw kaana, ol Islington, iir.g,a haa fllral iMi'lr nimta) ut aaaa Anal prwf Wl,.ta J. atofrow, .Hinig rink al hla urftra In Muppnaf. orrgon. on aalnr.Uf Uia atk lay of Mt l, aa Ttwlf I ullora appllralloa o T?i". ff Iha W, a iari'f of arn , H . la Inanal.lp Hn. 1 . Hai.ia ka faat. Ha namaa aa a linaaa Jta c? nrt, ka. Imi !., I V. Ibimaia, Janaa t,arb, all af la slug ton, Mrvgna). JAft. r. M'MiRE, I. Ktatr, Af I 4 Man Iai rri E at tn ti 1 1 rmr'.. I April I. . kIM Ik :,, gtaaa lhal lr,a f.Mil,a aa4 al a a. amirt nia mianih.a l' Mtak aal a-'wf In aitf-a.-! i r.( hla tkmlm la4 11 alt .". will ha mta I in r'Hiaif rr cwaiy al ll -nr, iHoj ia. rra Mar I. Ial ' riA g . JoW4, III E Ha tar), M Iha r wtloa t, Tata Nasi r at II aaa taa l-ll wl-.g alt irial to a.a kla .oi..,a naai laa a aa-4 aiuliail-a a aa. laal ! Ja m Hum. Jaa grtatna. I r Elik Jaav r.g'.a Ja r MnriSE, IS aw taW Notice of Intention. Ittru AT THE IUI.I t.fME'tt. r h ( l knth la hr.l al.aa lhal Ina f'fiOtaiog aanwf artif kaa fti. nott of ttn in aiaa anal I--"'! la aiMt l.-f.,i,a. a't ini aanl ajfwH a III tm n.a.1 iit I ttiwmw .Hiif aiark, al llappoar, ' trrg,a, uw Mar Si. Iva at. I AM A Mlll I'ltE. I4 r 1 , ! II, I l V aaa, II, rir,,r it. t a i at ar Ha a M ina fc.iina ag w naaaa an aara ki ( raMa anaa) iM raltlvatWw al aai'l l.,'l U ; I Iaa iulir Eranl IwiiUf. W. Q UriMl. J 'inn kaH'-n. ai(ra) Il o...i Jaa I k'Kiff, I . at katr Door Store on Main Street, Next to City Drug Store, Iloppnor, Oregon. awveaaaot to C. B. Van Dya. Ilatt dof la City HotL Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. Attornoyn fit I-tiWa AH btjaloaa giia!aj to la a prompt anil asliafartory aaaeaar. Kotarlaai PaUie anj O'llarWa-s. OrriCK IN NATIONAL DANK I'.ULWNO. 0KmEIl. i I I i t r . 1 1 tfi;Va U. J. Mchaul, M. U. iii'i'itn t Ar J. M. Hicta't fiisiotkcr. Notice of fini! StttUmtnt. I aa4 ., A aihgla II laa tM'a 'r.(lin.a flva fata. flat . fi..m tar 4agg.a n1 lr H. gH(ttfniiot!ii Ounroiitoecl. our ta arntr .ivt tntt tug l j a .. trHn-S alaiaiaoaw M IN a .ta , al" II !'. 4,,4 aj.H a... . .1 i l M .4 , .ma alt aa I aaaa a a a Jaata., . tl. Ml l.m 4 Im I mmmmmmm , jwnf t m Mwjanaa I at Srm,i i LII. ta Ih baat Ullajj f f gal' 1 " k k-M. H.f-f-. la j 4.. ! a, fa.,,.,. II la tar) tf '. " T -f al jja;. ( JfaaJ ' i5i. j f. at i!i.-iv. E. L. FREELAND, Mt COLUCTlONt, m muiANCl, ABSTIHCTS. V. S. I WD COM MHSlOM K. lm-4 fl iirtl ri-aal fr-at fakaa Do You Want a Hi ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Ncal of a Saddle 1 lnrr 5 a s i orsc Alt Ufa ian m rirtirr.l at Tbfmm A Uiona, Lowir Main Btrept, Hf pjiricr, Orfg'tn. Thaa r " a wH a-li-l aiifc Uaant flara r-k fil'liaat Sa4 akt tetialM, i4 ta aa.a awn., a 4 II -a la aaatlug lfca-a saol-wa atk lratll aaa, hWa la lHh( alia Iha naa, TJlOMHaSON Sr. IHKKS, n'ratnYkg arr. it m rrrr u m. ! THE PA LACK HOTEL HAR, .1. C. JJOHCri KltS. Prop. fftwtmp. Mini intR cc.)5 t,c :incsl Wiricf, l.!,,uora and Ci-ara.