a. I 1 v KEPCBLICAN 6TATE TICKET. For Presidential Elector. T. T. CEER of Marion County K. L. SMITH of Wmco County J. r. CAPLE8, of Multnomah County 6. M. Yorau, of Lane County For Bupeme Judge, ROBERT 8. BEAN, of Eugene. REPUBLICAN DISTRICT TICKET. For Congress, M District, W. R. ELLIS, of Heppner. For Circuit Judge, 6th District, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, of Pendleton, For Prosecuting Attorne 6th District, H. J. BEAN of Pendleton. For Member Hoard of Equalization, CHARLES JOHNSON, of Lexington. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. N. BROWN, of Heppner. For Sheriff, ANDREW ROOD, of Hard man. For Clerk, A. W. PATTERSON, of Heppner. For Judge, A. G. BARTHOLOMEW, of Alpine. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For Commissioner, J. W. BECKETT, of Eight Mile. For Assessor, A. C. PETTEYS, of lone. For Surveyor, JOHN HORNOR, of Heppner. For School Superintendent, MI83 ANNA J. BALSIGER, of lone. For Coroner, DR. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner. Justices and Constables. For Sustlce of the 1st District, E. L. WOOD. For Constable of 1st District, OTIS 8HANER. For Justice of 2d District, J. S. YOUNG. For Constable of 2d District, W. W. BRANNON. For Justice of 3rd District, BEN CASE. For Constable 3rd District, WALTER CA80N. For Justice of 4th District, john mcmillan. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 5th District, J. T. H0SKIN8. For Constable of Sth District, I. L HOWARD. For Justice of 6th District, E. L. FREELAND. For Constable of Ath District, H. T. BAGLEY. The Gazette has its own ideas on financial matters and it is sot alone in its opinions, yet this does not prevent this paper from ad miring the editorial assertions of the Salem Statesman, one of the ablest papers in the state, and the leading republican paper west of the Cascades. Like all of ns, it wants sound money but it is not in favor of contracting the curreucy by destroying a large part of the money in circulation. The Times-Mountaineer is not the paper of old. It has come to be a sort of a will-o'-the- wisp sheet, making charges, then retracting, then accusing some one else. Day Bros, were responsible for the de lay in opening the locks, then it was the government engineers, later on Mitchell got a dose and now Ellis is in for. The Times Mountaineer is worse than some prattling old woman. Poor Indeed! There are degrees, and kinds of poverty, just as there are difference of opinion among those who oorupnte aud measure poverty and riches, by different stand ards. Some men deem themselves poor beoanse they are less nob, than others, again there are comparatively porr peo ple who are satisfied win a oompetenoe. There ie kind of poverty for which no amount of wealth oan compensate, name ly, a poverty of bodily stamina, evinoed by nervousness and a derangement of the functions of digestion, bilious secre tion and the bowels. To restore visor opoo a permanent basis there is one remedy that folly covers the require ments, "fills the bill," and this is Eos tetter's Stomaob. Bitters. By restoring digestion, giving a healthful impulse to the notion of the bowels and liver and tranquillizing the nerves, it fulfills the condition necessary to a resumption of strength by the system. It also over comes malaria and rheumatism. W. c. T. C. CONVENTION PROGRAM. Coming Events. Republican national convention SI. Louis. Jans 16tb. Annual reunion of Oregon Pioneers, Portland, Jans J6th. Demnoratio national convention Chi cago, July 7ili. BAD WEATHER. Let Bnows and Cold Rains Kill Many Lambs. A telegram to the Oregonian from the regular correspondent at this tlaoe. dated April 15, says: The weather for the past eight days has been very rough, rainiog and snowing most of the time Snow fell to a depth of 14 ioobes within nine miles of town Yesterday it snow j ed and bailed moat of the day, and it X vnnisK a rAnnhlir-ana ara for was very oold today. That the sheep ...... I raisers will lose a large nnmber ot lambs iUcmniey. The following is the program ot the third semi-annual convention of the Morrow oounly Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, to bs held at M. E church, Heppner, Thursday. April S3 "96: 9 a, m. Devotional exercises. 9:30. Convention called to order. Boll call of officers. Beading minutes of executive com. Appointment of committees on ore dentials, courtesy, resolutions, and finsnoe. 9 :45. County president's annual ad dress. 10. Keports ot officers and superin intendeuts. 10:30. The cider question, or "The Little Foxes that Spoil the Vines," by Bev. E P. Greene. 11. Beports of oouuty presidents. 11:30. "Discouragements of Loon) Unions," a general discussion. 12, Noontide prayer. Adjournment. AFTERNOON SESSION. 130 p. m. Singing. Prayer by Father Jones. Beading minutes. 2. Address of weloome, J. N. Brown. '2:15. Response to weloome, Mrs. Lucie B. Beaoh. 2:30. "Encouragements of the Local Union," discussion. 8. "The Social Glass,' Bev. Cba. Howard. 8:15 "The Bridal Wmeoup," Mrs. J S. Brown. 3:30 "Purity in Literature and Art," W. L. Maliog. 3:45 Beport of credential committee. 4. Song. Adjournment. ' EVENING SESSION. At M, . obnrcb, South. In charge of the looal president, Mrs. Drew. Sieging. Paryer by Elder Jenkins. Doet, Mrs. Dutton and Mies Brown, Scripture reading, Rev. E. P. Greene. Quartette, Sailing, Howard, Freeland, Horoor. Leoture, "The Demand of the Oen tury," Mrs. Naroissa W, Kinney, state president W. O. T. U. Solo, Miss Brown. OfTertoire, Mrs. J. N. Brown. Benediotion, Bev. Cbas. Howard FRIDAY MORXINO. 9. Devotional services, led by Mrs. Celesline Rush. 9:30 Roll call and reading minutes. 9:40 Election ot offioers. 10:30 ReoiUtioo, Mrs. Asbbaagb. 10:40 "The New Woman," Mrs, Drew, followed by disousslon. 11 Question box, Mrs. Kinney. DEATH OF B. N. STAN HELD. A Highly Respected Pioneer Passes Away at His Batter Creek itaaca. From the E. O. A telegram name from Echo this morn. ing summoning Dr. G. J. Smith to at tend Robert N. Statfield at his Butter oreek ranch. An bour Stiter, another telegram annouooed Mr. Stat field's death. No one here knows what was the direct cause of his death. R. N. Stan&eld may he classed ns one of the most universally respected men in Umatilla county. For thirty or forty yeats he has resided bore, and bis public and private relations have been such as to O'lmmeud bin) as worthy of a' ""lute OonfUence. Mr. Staufi-ld's tEBUppor sd word was always a guarantee , good faith. Honesty marked hi every not and eout:d business judgment whs the characteristic of bis Gnanoiitl and com metcial transactions. Though hampered Domino Evening Cloak. The latest make of evening cloak re calls the domino style, well plaited in st the back, so that the base is wide and rmple. These plaits have to be dimin 'shed and arranged in a most clever way on the lining' that supports them to prevent the back looking clumsy. Im mense hanging sleeves, wide enough to take in any other kind of sleeve, add to the voluminous appearance of the gar ment. An elegant one worn by a mar- j quise at the fetes given to the king of Portugal was of yellow lampas broche, with silver, lined with ermine, and revers of the same fur, showing in front a long white satin gilet. covered with point d'Anj,'ieterre. The same lace was quilled inside the ermine-lined sleeves, falling on the arms in a most becoming way. Detroit Free Press. Blnk's Good Luce. Mr. BinUs Don't you think it's about time our daughter began to think about a husband? She is getting on, and she'll be an old maid the first MIHIt by surrounding depression in business thing she knows circles, Mr. StanQeld maintained an nn- Mrs. Binks Indeed it is time, high questioned credit and was always safe time. Kut she's me over again. I never and conservative. He engaged priori- thought of marriage until my mother pally in stock raising, making it a warned me that if I ever married at all To ALL irctats orrtcc e BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. DURHAM, N. C. Dear Sir: You are entitled to receive from your wholesale dealer. WHITE STAR SOAP with all the BlackwelTs Genuine Durham Smoking rm i J.OD&CUU you buy. One bar of soap Free with each pound, whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or a oz., packages. We have notified every whole sale dealer in the United States that we will supply them with soap to give you FREE- Order a good supply of GENUINE DURHAM at once, and Insist on getting your soap. One bar cf Soap FREE with each pound you buy. Soap ia offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, 14 to Retail TOBACCO- TOBACCO COMPANY. la a foregone oooolnsioo. How great the loss will be cannot bs told- It baa been many years since tbey have had such weather at this tlmo of the yesr to eon tend with. 8 una few started to shea The Arlington Kecord comes th" Dr"' oMhbI w'ek bnt haTe hd ,0 wan lor ueurr weataer. In conversation with sheepmen the Onotte learns that the loasot Iambi bas Htn very great la this vioinity. N. Rally says he will not save over 73 to 80 uercent, hut many think tbey will be Gov. Bradlet has Kentucky be hind him for president. squarely oat for the republican ticket Cleveland offers to act as me diator bftwen Spun and Cuba. It is not likely that the former will fortunate it they get out with i) to 61 accept the offer. per cont. Wm. Penland, wbo bas 30.000 head ot sheep, will loss not less than 7,000 to 8,000 head ol lambs. Altogether this spring has ben 10 far the worst ex psriuueed for years. I T 1. .1 I 1 T ..11 , T special study, ana, through it, amassed A a competency. Everyone who k ew Mr. 13inlcs-Um-I suppose so. bim will sincerely mourn bis loss to the Mrs. Binks Yes, indeed. I made up community, in which for several decades my mind to take the first stick that of- be was an important factor. No partio- fered, and that very evening you came nlars are obtainable regarding when the I Weekly. funeral will he conducted. The minute creatures that have lived The O. R. A N. gomonnv has tendered in the toT &f?es past have leftendur- tbenseof a special engine and coach in monuments i ln the shape of islands i u -wr a a rocks and continents. If the sea had , , , w , , , nt been salty, these marine animals to attend the funeral of Mr. Stanfield. could nothnve existed and secreted the The arrangements will be announced hard substance known as a "calcareous tomorrow. Mr. Stanfiold was a promi- skeleton," which has largely contrib- nent Mason and his funeral will be nt- uted to the growth of continents, tended by a body of representative Among these early inhabitants of the mmher of that lot. as well an hv s were corals, crinoids, sea urchins many other business men tHMIMW you lav any difficulty In procurlngyour soap, cut out this notice and send It with your order to your wholesale dealer. and star fishes. A Natural BeatttlBer. Karl's Olover Boot Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. For sale by Wells A War ren. SHERIFF'S SALE. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER 1' and bv virtue ot an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County 01 Morrow, on March 10. iw. ana to me directed ana aenverea, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th U V P ftrAAnp hai ratnpnArl frnTYi m 1 day of March, 181)6, in favor of J. H Townsend, ? -7L 7 ' Ur,een? fi"S r.rn'n(? ,f0m ' Plaintiff, and against Thomas Walden. W. G. Sit With friends at North Yakima and Scott and G. W. Harris. Defendants, for the sum visit Ellinsbnrgh, Wash. of Three Hundred Korty-eightandlO-100(lW.10) Dollars with interest thereon irom saia atn oi March, iWHi, at the rate of ten per cent per an num. and Twenty-five (S2&.O0I Dollars attorney' T.-M Mr. anil Mn. TV f!. Hnrrin lee and the further sum of Btittv-four and 89-100 lftvA tnnioht for Hennnar Mra Herrin fi 89 Dollars costs! and, whereas, by said leave coaigut ior ueppner. mrs. nemo i,,jm.n, i, . .h.. .,ii,.ri,roH that th Contemplates go'ng to Qrant county to following described real property, to-wit: 8W!4 VKlt relativel there. 01 section a in i p. l norm, range n, . w. m., oe soia to sansiy saia juugmeni, costs ana ac cruing costs, i win, on r i a. i ABiL a ia canfi The Ills of Women asiurosj.ws coin s.joi npni, igv Constipation, canoes more than half court House' in' Heppner. Morrow County, the ills ot women. Karl's Clover Root, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the w ssv m iivinnui vim t tui wuDsiairU For isle by Wells A Warren. A WOOL MARKET. E. O. : Mra. flenruA Fall nama nver ite port soi oommiuees on reso- from Heppner this morning to viit with lotions and flnajoe. relatives for the oomiug week. Mr. and Misoellaneons business. Mr"- Fe". "ll returo boma t0 Heppner in kit . Ill.l cci li Adjournment. It will an agreeable snrprise to persons inl'J-ot to atiai-ks of billions A fact Worth Knowing. During the winter of lR'.lll. P. M Mnrtin, of Long Heach, West Va , con tracted severs cold which left him with a cumuli. In Masking of how he Tory wel The oalem ntateBmaQ wants n protective tariff, and say" this will do tnoro tbaa nay tiling else to Bottle the financial question. The WflBliingtoo dcruocrate eo- dorfiO free coinnuo Ot Silver anil , ure,l it Im s..ys: "I nsed several kinds send a divided delegation to Chi- V r"K I ry,upi , r'li,'fn,111 , . I bought a holt Is f Chsmbrpin s cago. The prosulont is cot faring Cough tnilv, whiob relieved roe ,,li almost Hint iit ly. ami lo a short lima ii.. !.-! . . . ,. . oiiiuKiii Hitoni a rnmifM rure. nen iroulih.d with a cntiuh or cold nss this OnEOON's duleRatcs were in- remedy and yno. will not find it neces- i i s.i'ii- i f . sary si irv several linos omors yon get irncinu ior nicrviuisy aim oic fe!lf, hti be for Kinley S pUtiorm was Adopted oyer Iweotr years and constantly grown i , n ii i ul t t.. il. In lavnr and popularity. For sals at down at rortlaud. Wbat has the BOrent. r-r i,tn. h. ivfn... nw Oregonian to growl about? droggists. I.lll s Hnna ml t, 1.. i.l r JIDOK Ht.u uaa .ccopitHl JamM IVIers. for man tears funeral the nomination as a candidate for I rosdmnter of ih O. R. A N. Co , is ia congress on the democratic ticket critical oonJitioo at Ht. Vmoeut's He is a man of strict integrity oospitai, "d nttis bops art entertained and well worthy the support of ,of bi mo!r'' . 4 ,u'1"1 8r,b 8 " SB mm laanfia,! aimnl Bt avaa 1 m. b , 4 t C lift I w s v-w. t74 ww wwu, mirf "rTI RIQ is party. et he can hardly hope lo h lh,, , bt , h( tOBOCCfMHl with such a large pin- ditk.o,bot bo ohanga for the better bas rallty Sgainat him. I taken plaos, Mr. fsUrs bsi bsso a urrsrer for mors than a year; bs Is now Orioos docs not ma the rcDob- PfrC0 . "l bi anc5 lican party of the United States "n' Wl,,,,,i"lto" P I I - I , t.i I I I it.. I " -" V. alinnea)olis platform on the nm hh yrs at wmM's fsir money question. Neither did it. I Aysr's HarssparilU shjoys lbs sitrsor- Tim tariff and twit ths) mnnrr nnosu I '"nary dislmotios of having Wa lbs rHl? tion is the leading iae ot the re- worij-s ff, chirm, vi.ooi.oiure,. publican party, and on this stand "" rsspariiias eoo-i.t hytvy v I . t 1 l I wvuisis sihowisi oi IDAir (iMXIS. Rrckivbb for Ten Thousand Shkep. Karl s ( lover Hoot Tea rt thA im f UinhnrH T n,i. rMeivAr I ' a spre on re ior neanaenssna nervons f lh. Fi,.l KuHon.l hank nf A,linBln. S"""'1 . N',!h.,.BB. "!J?"? ,0 l"1'- w. ...w ...... .- . I f Or BfilH nv Vlw l ttBrfHn vs. tseci liros. ana me national pans oi Ilei-pner, on applicalion of oomplsloant Charley Jones, Ihn well-known "old Judge Bellinger baa made an order ap timer" in ths tonsorial line, has again rn Oregon are united. applsratma of ths rat f.ni.i.ijisg ib ThA iM nl lh U'n.l.l'. t.i. Tut Hirsrh-Carey faction, claim nties ia favor of Ayst's Harsaparllla was lnU lui IK vrxtnlaf lrll!lifan ", " as follows: "AyAf s Hsrsapa- , , . rtlla Is aot a atnt Bltetns. It Hnaw organ! stion, held tbelr county I sot bci( to ihs bat of aostratns. Iim wn.i;..n V.1ni.A.I. ar.,1 Ml I ' 'W lt'WII"W " f W I 'lV full ticket in the field. pointing Tunis Sweek, ol Oraot ooonty, receiver of the property In controversy, desorihe.l ss all th sheep beloogiog to defendant Beck, iuol ndiog ths increase of the sheep and the wool tbereoo, buut 10.0)0 brad. He is to look after ths sheep, have them sheared and th nol sold, sir., and to do snob otber sots s th conrt from tiras to Urn may direct. His bonds are Died at 85OO0. Oregonian. AIIRrroaairDS It- Ask yonr physician, yonr drnggiat and your friends shoot Hhilob's Cor for Consumption. They will reootumsod IL For sal by Wall M Warrn property at rubiic Auction to tne nip-nest ana best bidder f r cash in hand, the proceeds to be I applied to the satisfaction of said execution and an costs, ana costs mat may accrue M-iSS. U. W. HAKK1NUTUN, SheritTof Morrow County, Oregon. Dated March IA, 1896. SHERIFF'S SALE. N OTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT CNER and by virtue of an execution Issued out I of the Circuit Court of the HUlte of Oregon for I the comity of Morrow on March 18, lxso. and to Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment Northern Flatiitltr, lamllton, Idle Harvln and J. N. Brown, eleildauts, for the sum of 1 Ihlrteen Hundred Two and -l0n (llM 041 Doll- ir, with interest thereon from March ft, Ix'.ttt, at the m'e of plvht per cent per annum and One Hundred Dullars at'ornev's tee. and the further um ot Kilty rive and M(M.V iO) Dollars ousts; mid. wherriis lv said indwnent it was ordered sikI ailjiiiluvd that t lie fnlluwlns desclbed real property, tn-wit: The W'4 of of section :, W 'i of NtVii. K SK'i.sml NNVHof MKU section II, and su , of SW section :ti, all In Tp. AH, K. ' i K W. M.. he sold to sntlsfr said Judgment, eosis and accruing costs, i will, on Saturday, th 25th day of April, 1898 t 1 o'clock, I. M., of said day. at the frontdoor ul tliec.uirt House In lleppuer, .Morrow County, ireiron, sell the rlxht, title and Interest of the i; I-1 Dele miauls In slid to the shove described properly st I'ubllc Ailctinn to Ihe hlirhent Slid IK K! hidiler for cah In hand, the proceeds to be I'llcil to the sntlsfKctiou ol said etecutlou and I ("!, snd costs that limy ai i rue. ii-.li. . w. HAKKINGTOM, HherllTof Morrow County, Oregon. Dated March III, lt'Ji'i. This has become an established market for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho wools. Last season three million pounds were received here by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewiston, Walla Walla and intermediate stations. Low freight rates are given on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and packing in tranBit. Many of the leading buyers make this place headquarters, and all large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place is equalled only by The Dalles in quantity of wool which attracts competition, with this advantage : From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is worshipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low rates upon wool in the grease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in " curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact Pendleton buyers are enabled to pay as much or more for wool at this point than is ot'eroecf at other places having reputations as "high markets," based upon exceptional sales of fancy lots of light wools. Considering character of wool, and shrinkage, it may safely be claimed that the average sales In Pendleton Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. H j ... ,, r,,r... , , t " j: reunereo aim enierea in saia court on oolio to learn that prompt relief may be "'i IhniHt and Long diseases are ,1ay o( Maren WM, in favor of The N had by taking Chamberlain's CoMo, ""rr,d 8h,lou Cnre- F,,r eale b counties Investment Trust (Limited) P , , ' . . - We A Warren and against (J. W. Stewart, lames D. Ha Cholera and Diarrbooa Remedy, In w arren. u. W Harrington, Administrator. Addle many instances me auarss may oe pre- vented by takiug t bis remedy as son as E. O.: E. Y. Jnd.l returned Ibis ths Ural symptoms of Ihs diaesse appear, moruing from a winter's sojourn in lh 25 and 50 oenl bottles for sale by Couser east. He will make Femlletnn bis bead- & Brock, drnegiats. quarters during the comiug wool season. F5 $ m. jr. - w Vfl V. XI located In Heppner, buvir.g purchased tlreen Alntliewa' shop, Minor buil linv opposite ths city botl. Charley will appreciate a rail hen in town. rreaching servioe ns usual by the pastor at Ihe M. K churoh tu Suinla morning ami evening. will LET IKK Mif. AT HKI'I'NF.H IF.TTERU ADVKHTISKD J Or.. April 11 la. ( ainlx-ll. Hella Osliorn. F. K. (sinpbell. F.dwanI bailor, 11. rsrisu, aarion when callliif for these letters Pleas sat advsrtlsvd. J. p. W ii.liam. P. M. Vofce of Final Settlement. NOTICR t tlERKRV )IVS!t. THAT TH umlerslsned administrator nf th estata of II W U K.l.t.a ,I.. ..M,I r i ... I A Hl SraiHS PasTT -TIlS young flrl tllmnt of his aerounu with MM mall as s.i . i. .. ii'.il. s.iin. .... . ... ') admlnlsirater, at the nest term ol lh friends Of Wills Mioor Java her a SOr- , !, ,, Morrow fount, at Mem.ner. priss party on Thursday arternooo. Miss l,r""n- " "''' Herpner, tirrn, in ,,.,,,. , snW t,ontr. OB ths Uiitay oi Msy, lm, at IS nuia K'wm in ii'ioj inver mnurros syuki, s. si, i -i - .ii . : j i. . I Siiunr.il ini, VTVdidi wiivrs run uu rwn u i i ttt-Hl. AdmlnUtmtor. tba sacDtner wiih f er sistr, Mra. W. B. , Potter. TbsliUI. s.rlsspeptapleassall nown oj inienvon. afternoon wbiob was cIoSbJ by a 1 ASOOrnrg AT THS PALI.ITA ORKOOM spletdid lunch, mnch spprsclsled by prl' J,'T ''"'r si thai ' ' . ' 1 Ihs foliosi Ins named settler ha Sled sxHIe of III lolloping sruil wersi present: aisna Sot Inlenltonlomats Snsl proof In iuprrt ol r.-ll ii ,,! . t t herelAlm, and thai said pni( olll tm mxll " -- "'"'i benr ). W. Mnmiw.rnuntr clsrk, at lisp her Intention U, mats Snal prwH In inpfrt ol mal unar Maryuepoy, tlwlba ntsioss Vu-'RJui.wttltlin trrsoD, Ella Rogers, Ula Csmpbsll, I IM It i.r this Mts. sm. xi, T. I a, 1 1 - A I i... k at. l. f. tl.- I . ""iv. ,n.i. vm, ha t,amM ihs .illowln alliism to brar) her entitlnuoos rvaidtnps upon and em Itallon ol said land, vis: A. T , M . Ill.lso. J,,t,n Oldea. all n( lona, Urrgus, olid 1, A. Kara, of Heppner. Uf. JAS, r. SiiMMIK, to SO. Heaiaur. Rogsts, Earl Hall ck and HiJaey Ual- loek. ll avr lives Rvery ly. Tlnusaa.ls nf eases of (Wsoflpllosi. Aslbina, LngliS, I'nl.la sn. Croap osrsJufif dt l' Miilub's t'sr, fat sl by Wells A Wrrs.i. If Stale I A Hsaiors CtsaUa Tuesjsy triil rotiRrcssional PootpoUoos s Cbtr Psrfl, of Ibis lsr, wss Lav aof wrictit, the recognition arrv-atej shsrgsj lib mssqIiibc and of 23 out of 41 M gata in f aror p !' l , t it . .! tmnn ,. Kul'bis. lb sssll daaihlsr of Ilia. oi lb atii-nitnoo tno rro luai u ...... . ....... thrjr tare th Mler right to call w. o (Utttry. 1 eia.ip.iio, . their convrntion th regular oda. tr4 bfo Jsd.s rrrlanj p wJ TlIB llirratrticl Uilt of o.!i!s ao! f u Is from th renulilirao anI t1Miiivrlio j'Sitioi ia congression al inaU' T i!l amount ti roll. In, as mit j aitjr men will stay with llii'tr ticket. Kach bolt can not tun. It ahoul I not da These) bulls can Wolk K'th sjs, an I if shall fif r ffon ft taoget every lima fail tigehate wat.l, c-iiitei li.jns anl jurly jirin. Cilrs are Well l.ih llarleaa. It is tat fair then lliat UHer ii. Ull. set r-mt Uit.1 tn tiv l.e. " ,, ' straits II fail W rrv, ff CC iaoUllA 'sale -r W.Us A VTafr. Sss.lsy, rtillin la Cbt Uls bUI In as alt II. actios ul lh stand jury la ns snrs) tl u ixm.ls wbish pn.tm.'l; farlsl,sl 11m I In.leed ft sri,itt rt.alief art. if !, y i n t tnaa la l.l.l '!j II Is f S 'ul t.l il.SA, Isjt ! Il utUr bin I f L t guilty rou.l l rs tsl Just tunULmel sIiomIJ t tute.l t. (rft fsreS. health ss I Ssl I faalb n rd, by O.ilol,, lUrh H-wJf Pfsrw M e,t Ma t j-,1 .f ff. fn s by Url .A WMiea. notice of Mention. I Aspornri ati iRMt, i.sr(, l 4 April . Ia Sntloa I heret-v slrea Itlal Ihe ilnng named Settler Saa Sled hot Ira of Ths sfrviees sl ths M E, eborrb. lm ,",'nln'i' T. "3 Lt,FlLT ? .qlli. w rltni.U iveoleg mill m la U-le.. nnt t l.s eJ.a t nti.t .p rs trirs "t I1 i.iitirnss i.nrsnir aTisij. rtn. i wji. i --v tu A hsvlssi l.s lrn tMemred l.ir he . '"' "' . "V" .1 l.rf lllfsak. A 111 ISA II m, W W l-w .ai.ia;. s wis sirr iutiii s iu m vrravni. Jamea M Haser. fiarman A. Kail. Ja ioaaa, " lltMsa UvfeiaS, ail a4 Hej-ee lreai r, II saix. SB SI a Me. She names Ilia lnlial altlui m s In senva a, . . , . . , , . Ne rontln fesldenra upua aud talUiatloa For al-S rbrsp leans (vd rnsdsleT. I i a.M lad. H o rad oac'ia tod light dnabia br- e,Barly saw. K. P. (Isssjib, If al M. E parsocag. M. J. tVavts. gsweral ssast nf lb Iramrooail Tolto t , Hi tsia. Is la loa today la lbs lolatvsl U bis boas. lUtalsf peaachist ftiews) at lt M. F- ehttreb, rt'itita, om Hssday kaomlBf . Timber Culture, final Proof. OUT gr. Arlnr.a's ralf rrup Is trnrirl to W very small Ibis year. Tli rsrifil air' ieie of ih nty ul j4.)llie, ( ul , l lathi t.i rala, ll. Imh, The Prtiijuha family, of Walla Walls. Wash, liu ru'rs lm lnliluala. Ibe rrr be if M nf tb lB las,t Slid on Lslf fwt ai.d lb arf 'lM tit MIUUl'S, Dallas fa Tatilleatlas). I TiTn statm i r nri atth thai J -ha C. S.aa kas el kotua A S S Inleutlna, la tnaaa Snal pt mM la II.) r- n h. ih I'kd, nt Sit. Iat. m llplMf ettura ar-t'Oatt-'tt V r!. I.rt Ike h ot a II, la ..a eahl I .!. Ht . S last lla air.a as ail eaa I e t Ha. n, fin ran, II i 'a at t la-1 " N laa.ef "a lr-nf r. K 'i. II. K'tia ar. SWAMP, The Thoroughbred Running Stallion stand the season at 'ci ormmn ii i i i I II n ill ft I II i II U KJ k i U U Lit Terms: S20 for the season. All mares over one from the same stable will be bred for 5 less, each. Swamp is a Dark Bay, 16 hands hioh; Star in face, Two w'hiti ii n hi ,i.T iiiiiiiiiiii ii M iii,i! wmm m, 11V'1IVJ VIVI SHERIFF'S SALE. nvrirf. m rf.ukby wive that I'sihr lv and hv virtue ul an cseeution lasurd out l the Lire tilt Court ot the Hint of tiresjon for hsl'niinty of Morrow, March IS, 1MV and to nie dlrerted and delivered upon a Jiiilsment rendered and entered In said rourt on the M I - ..I 11 t. t-tMl I nt 1 ....-. I tm 'tmj ... i . ,,, f,i ... . a, .rum man, rialtiiltr. and aaalust Oaoraje W. Jtinkln, Itetendant, lor th sum of HI teen Hundred and HUtTttv itw&tsi lri)llarsllhlnt.reat thereon Itotn Marrn a, I""., at Ihera-so! ten per rent Cr annum and On Hundred lllars attiirney s ami, wnen-aa, u aani jiiiisineni it waa ornrm . , . ...r.n.tt. 11 en and sl)udKe.l that tha folio. In tleaerllre.1 real F T ON LEFT 8IDF, AN0 WEIGHS 1150 POUNDS. pnipertjr. lo-witt sr. aim ss t ot aerti.m lu, Tp. i M. R 21 W. M , IM sold to sall'fr said ludginaut, costs and arcrulitf eosu. 1 ill, on 1 1al lit awampby lon; flrat dam, Oresnn Rtiaa, ah by Tiptop; h by Ira- . , r. j a a .ana ptitwii uTHi ioih i initio s n ra nam, nriureT, ana pt impririeo rMinnia aroiiana i rrrron utaat . a " i " L m i a a . .7 7 a Brat dam. l.rapeahot; aha by Burkshol; h by luiportad Buckton; third dan, Sal II Morgan, by : V. ijonBMorgaai ns dt irnporira sonmis. o th Hurl lliuiae In Heppner, Mnrmar ouiilr. I Oregnn, sell th" ruilil. till and Intereat ot the aald lelenilaiit In and lo In alrnva dearrllied A. ,,.! lullna Ik. ft.ll.M. -:A ire.1 Mdder in? ea.n in hand, tha prree.t u b fee Dsvable when mare la lefTed. either bv cash or rood note- piled to Ihe satl.lartlon of said eieeutlon and " errata, and cost thai may arrru '21 St. O. M. HAHKINOTO!. Sheriff of Morrow (Jountv. O-reenn. Iaiem marrn i, Can furnish good pasture at $1.25 per month per head. Berrice are ia served, eitber by cash or good note. GEO. C. AIKEN, Owner. WHITE COLLAR LINE. tTe IV u n ni 0 0 Slfioen TOETOQN BAILEY CiTZtRT 1ND 0CE1S WlYt s0 x1 aa v 1 l)lAn ftx J Y)aM.L a I toiu uum mm a u mmm m m on to SHERIFrS SALE. Notk i ii nr.RKar oivr.t that t noitR atid by virtu of neeullon laaued mill of ! Meruit etmrt ol lh DlaU of lireconlorl tl roiinty of Morrow, on Man S la, law, and In I ni olrer lert anri 1.irxl. upon a JurUmenl 1 renrleeed and entered In said Court rq the &th I lay ol arrh. I, In fatmr nf K w Hustle. I'laiullff. and aealn.t Henry Kelly, Irelen.laitl. I lor tha aura rd aeren Hundred f'ntrt,n and ll lis If tj i7 iKillara, alia Inir-real Ihera- oa) fn.a Marrh lh Sth. al tb hu".."" AUsr Rlrl IX-ck. roHlaad, for A.m,a. IUseo. Loaf lVaeh. Octaa Thirty Irmr and I 'Si iltl ) Itoiiara eraita I 1 ail Boa nancotta. Uireoi Soonest loa with Ilwasa sUsauts stil n L. anu. aneneaa. ny aam jimsmeni II w aa oroererl 1 tOil a SO St TOOA S It Wltb Raullnr IlailpnAil aiut ..I I, ,.1.1 lhal lh. follnalne deaerttxl Mil B) IUUII( ay WHO FMPSWDOrS IkaiirOs. pr..orty. U ail Anulh hall o the n.xlb half n I TTlTT!TSTT-Vvrl "" ianiy iaa, anq -eai m i m aerima ... r.A t A M fwn. i... i , , w . taanty t'.fea. all In In aihlp smith, ran re I " " r- . r, . e.M, .,r.fi raawj, la.ht, ,.nea.t. W M . ha ..ld lo s-ttafy said X1A.IXj13"V OAT7.DUT :.:: .;:r.k:.:.f Mnr.'j. tM!:"s a?A?."-. i -tt- II I trltvl r s , M MM lf . II IM irnril Sum I a-a-ar-a ia a. ,. Ihatourt ll.niaa In Henp ... Morma oantr. I UOHAr WAVH t ireo sell all I ha rikl, tlt'a and latereat rrt I Ihe said leen,lanl la and lnlk ahnea dn lihed rf-prt at Tuhlie A M-tl.a In lh klsheal nr rreal ht.l l., I.r eaah In baarl. ihe pr.w to ha sppileri lu lh aail.l.r-l na at a. I I ets. Ua ! ail mat, aaa cut tn.i aiay arrni, II 4. . HaainiTof. Shetif nf Mote I ounty , treei.. lai4 aarin ia l. T mbtr Vvlture final Proof. ttttTitrs i am. i rrtc ri I a a li. a,. ...it tl i la V la Lwl.r, tilabn, a uaw Is Sf" I fc ' ' H..'t-r. s4 7? J ., ... ' . ' I- M-al aJ the .. , 1,,. M.a,rl '." .l4 to lh rmrt f.a ft dlvnrtrw frwrsi .a-i. ..i ( ,, J flaiairws, MIKHIFtyjSALK. oTirt IN MVRtftV tilVt THAT I StrtrR arid ht trtr,ecd aa tiaulles taaued en,! rW Ihe t In-ult ( r.Mrl nf lh Mala nf lreerMI the r.u.,l al M.xnra, aa "an k 7, aw , aaadieerted and rl.lli.fr-t apoa a arlwal een.lrer r. er l.td la aad I xrl I ha id 'lay M Man h la lain, nt lrer W Mar r..ir.a aslh t,ii.ralr,f art lha rtalaaf l.rr M.aaH, rt""ard, fialnM. and aati Jamea ! H."! ! ps ' lallba. I li r,aa S t l.e I nr. a l Th ..,th,a I -,nttea l.trarH.nt T i. Illml1e.ll r.fr a-'ia I... the im rH n-e f ,.tr,aa-r I r.;!ara aMS 'l PrrrVrirl rwa I tl, l IHaata m i.h err fn a an n, and it . II -l r.. I a I t ae iry Ira k attorney . hra. and th l.llrt.f. r anJ IhlrtyatS od M kMUII I e.'a an-l ah.ra hy ami I flc-n.rrl II aal .. l 1 t I l.l lhal tha .. 't.s r " i,tnalm.Mi Inan r IS1-. la n i , I e a a. ,- W M . d a .,1 a a d ia ul an w anriln A -d S w i i 1. I s, H. ,i I M . haM4 ha aaij Ju l, sent, anal 4 aVaiaf raaa Uy INarlland and runs 4lreH la lam. Tueadav and Thaeaday al S A. sl. SalnMay M I P. M. I"" II tsedaeaday and frVUy at I A. M. On ladat aifit 4 1 f. M. UXJt (V.r, It lihxi Mnfa l& Mrt Frtt if bpix fat Satetf, Pperd. Cot I net, Daaatiraj, Tra,. o I be TelepHaa. Railey (ialaert and Oraaa Wsr. The CITY BAKERY Is wlik frattb Dr l. IV. C!, fon.lni, res basil. WkIJicj Cal or rlry f? p ia dtsr Uk4 l W 4r. AIm tarrl lit ol wi II ati4 (IroratU.. Candies Nuts, Ciar, Toha'-co, ttc TWO LUNCH TABLES Will Ull .r l i sramArl.tbns f b tral. C,,alry f.' sl r.t.in; tprfr I, la,, a t,. -fc.t h m t v-y ebesr,!, sl Ik c IT Y HAKHIi Y her tmalxift l Ik armiM thai h" ! s-t d . . is . . ... '' Al Stla .e , a-rislhly tvfusa lu S'Ull.J tiur l ; ...i., ... , ,, .ts) Uf. ..-ii..-- at -,.iw. i,. , i, . - t ... - . a. i - ' ' i.it i i u.il rosy. ua was ia (... ... a. i..a ., J.ia lam .aa. .n a - . t . a. a!.., a. I. M .r mr iv... nn M la I rt,l irr.a In Mye-r Mnna rnnl l.k Ir..t I , , . ,,1 ,,M . H. " ' I e'4 l i. - . In arl In ha a..a rl a-nsH r Ai I rrt a4 1 ,M ,!4M. . allraHltr Am. ,!.. I .L. a I. wm. . l r lr 1 I... H IM .. n ha ,h a . . , . I, a,, ,.. - . ' "- ana Mat.J.1. 1-aU traarYHlnua fe4M .. 1 ... . U . i TI 11' V" .7. ' . S-.4 thai e.., a.. .,a i rtf i-i, ftira, t'H ly ft fatftiVf Jd h.', ai.e-r,ins2Sth..s Ahi. I i Th ralrBag. of the rorU of llai pCT nr'tfij1lf Kolif-tUA If i at faetr, r w .nlaail ar al Iha mnniannf I 'H,'J wiirnfc. OTTO FltlKDUICIl, I I n - . . Ol I I irnr.lieaea am mm ..W .-ad ft.- , I ji a V421 ' ( ' 1 ' t i mr i i ,n- ... r-...a,,. b I