PAPER nV MY SUCCESS . Is owing to my liberality in ad verting Robert Bonner. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all 1 1 own. A. T. Stewart. a a a HMVIWIinilMJilllTIIIIIIMlMllillKMililiVMtKitramiUTi,! ,1,111. MI UI I l!MHItl.itt t in 111 I Ml M.IWM Iffll.Mi lilii FOURTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1896. J WEEKLY ft'O. I SEMI-WEEKLY NO 4c2l OFFICIAL SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBLISHIU Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, ... Editor A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager At $3.50 per rear, 1.25 fur eix months, 75 eta. cor throe muncna. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIH PArKKiskept on tile at K. C. Uake's Advertising Agency, At and 65 Merchants (Cxohanun, Bait l'rnnciaoo, California, where 0Ou racte for advertising can be made fur it. 0. R. & N.LOOAL CARD. Train leaves lleppnor 10:30 p. m. dally, except Bnuday. Arrives 0:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. Wet bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m ; cast bound 3:30 a. in. Freight trains leave. Willows Junction (joins; east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:17 a. ni.; going west, 4:30 p. tn. and 5.56 a. m. cmciAii -DrsECTasT. United States Offlt lala. 1'iesident Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Hecetary of Slate Kiohurri S. Olney (Secretary of Treasury John (i. Carlisle Secretary of Interior., Hoke Smith Secretary of War Diniel 8. lfiniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Poatinaater.Ooneral..i Wiliinm I. Wi son Attorney-Onnenil J udson Harmon Secretary o' Agriculture J. sterling Hon on State of Oregon. 'Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of Btate Treasnrer . iHnnt. Pnhlio Inxfrnction. 'Attorney General Senators Congressmen Printer Inpreme Judges H. It. K incut,! , Phil. Metechan H.M. Irwin C. M. Pieman 1 (. W. McHride " IJ. H. Mitohel 1 Hinaer Hermann '' W. K. Ellis .... w. ii. Led R. S. Bwn. A. Moore. E. WolverloD filth Jn Uriel IHetrlct. O reoit Jndge Stephen A. Lowell froeeouling Attorney John II. Lawrey Morrow County Official". Joint?" BenMor Kepreaontative. 'nnnty Jodge '' Commissioners.... J. M. Baker. IR." .. A, W. Gowan ... J. H. Boothhy , .. Jnlins Keithiy ... J.K. Howard Clerk. Hhoriff Treasurer A slsOf tin sees tcrTiyor. rt.hol Sup't... Coroner , T. W. Mormw O. W. Harnns-ton .... Wank Uilliam 4. ". Willis Gen. Lord Anna Ilalsiger T. YY. Avers, Jr ocppriu tows ornosRS. iaoi .Tims. Unrsran C airr-tlineH O. t. rarnewnrth. In Liohtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs,Jr. H. 8. Horner. E. J. Hloonm. Recorder F. J. Hallnek Treasurer E. It. F re lend Marshal A. A. Huberts Precinct Officers'. Initios of the Praoe E. I.. Fraalana Constable N. 8. WbeUtons lalted tates Und Orheera. THK tULLUI. OS. J. t. Moore Ilesrister A. 8. Biggs lUonver t.A numn oa. B.F, Wilson llegUter J. 11. Kobtnus Ueosiver SBJC3a3BT SOCIXTIXS. 1UWUND POUT, NO. IL O. A. R. slaeU at Loungum, Or., the last Hatorday of err. month. All veterans are Invited to Ho. ' :- C. Honsi, Usn. W. HstlTR. Adlntanf. tf ComouuuUr LUM HER! ri H AVI FUR MALI ALL KlNfM OF CM rJ Lmtwr. IS auls ol HePDoar. at uai is bdows aa uis BOOTT HAWMILiIj. rik i.uoo rtiT, AonoM, " CLEAR, - moo - IT W FMUVRRKItIN HFCPMER, WILL ADD l par mui ran. ei'aiuonai. The above Quotations are strictly for Cash. L HAMILTON', hop. national Banc ol newer. WI. rtXLAND, to. ft, BIJIIIOP. rraieret. Caakler. TRlNUCTi A GEMRlt BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS If ! oo favorable Terras. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD UEJTNEtt. If OREOOS Ontario-Burns Stage Line B0R5-CHHY0H STR3EUHE M. A. WV.IAVS. P op OSTAiilOUUnXS Isvee Purne )ily Ml s,K a4 r riff al Onlwie la (2 homt. Sinqlo Fnro $7.D0. Round Trip $10.00 sfTfe ( frvtflit I, ssts p pmtA, Dunxs-cAsrox iMnalinxiit'f aiwHsiif riiMa SI nhM I ,f Kb Hm $vnmi ) Sw4 ennta Sm l rvii4 I wwa ta leiuia, flaii al lsra M Rant. ssiAa Asistsaialai Pain often con centrates all its Misery in RIlATISRIl ST. JACOBS OIL TJbo at ones isysjsy sjsyajey srysysyesjssy ejsy m sy sy sjssfjsrsysysjssssssw If yoa want to feel it con centrate its bcallog; la a cars). S OWEN ELECTRIO BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OF ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS The tied He Cnr- rcnl n be immedi ately felt, although soothing to the moat seiiatnve. The' etreugth of the current lei under the complete con trol ol tne wearer, so uiu ih so that a child may be treated and cured by the same power of Belt necessary for the strong est man. It can be changed from positive to negative current in a moment. Tbey have and are cur ing thousands of cases of Rheumatism, Chronic Diseases suiel Nervous Ail ments In man and woman (from any cause) where long continued medical treatment! ailed to cure. NO MEDICINES ARE NECESSARY. void all oheap (so-called) Electric Belts and fraudulent imitations of our Electrio Belts and Appliances, as these are an imposition, upon the suffering. THE OWES ELECTRIC TRUSS Is the most retentive and curative Trass made lor the radical cure of Buptnre. Inclose six cents and send for onr Larsre Illustrated Catalogue in English, German, Swedish or Norwegian languages ; containing medical facta, sworn statements of cures made and descriptions of Belts and Appliances. Address THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT MID APPLIANCE CO, 80S to 211 State Street. Chicago. .. Only a Substitute. U lltUC 11UU1 UU lllliu, the primary school teacher. She tells it ot a little seven-year-old girl named Maggie. "Maggie came into school after re cess recently, chewing vigorously," she began. "I thought that perhaps she was fin ishing an apple or a piece of candy, so did not say anything to her. "1 happened to look in Maggie's direc tion about half an hour afterward, aud noticed that the masticating process was going on aa hard as ever. Of course, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that she was guilty of chew ing that children's delight and teach er's horror tutti-frutti. . "I called Maggie up to my desk und accused her of chewing gum. She de nied it ot ouce. She stopped chewing, but knd had no time to remove the gum, for I watched her closely as she came to my desk from her seat. "I talked rather sharply to her, and she finally broke down and commenced to cry. 'I was only minding it for Katie Jones,' she sobbed." Portland Ev press. 40 .CYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted inperior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be Induced to psy more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond Is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Ikduhapous, Ihd., U. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. To Clean Velvet. It is worth while remembering In these days when everyone of us who can possibly afford it intends to have a vel vet waist or wrap or gown that velvet should always be brushed against the grain to remove dust, and if in very bad condition should be sprinkled with fine white sand and then brushed till none of this remains. The cleansing power of common seashore sand is very great, and if collected after use and washed can do service many times. St. Louis Republican. I! "Jr-A FACTS : ESfACTS! ! V ' 0U CAN BUY ta.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then have ( Y enough left out of 1100 00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This is A s first-class machine. Why then pay I00.00 for a bicycle that will give no better service T , 1 l CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight 30 pounds, only '.. ! t U lles' and QenU' roadsters all the way from W to tTj. , " "Boys' Junior, ' only I with pneumatic tire good machine. ; " "Our Special," Man's fjO; Ladles', 170. ADDBKS I' WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. i; THE PlTTERSQJi PUR. fts aLz ji lleppner, Oregon, j filli , MORROW AND OR A III f .; The Kecloy Institute For tho Cui-o cu Liquor, Opium ni Tobacco Habit It la located at ftalesa, Oregoa, Tkt Mutt Beautiful Town on IK4 CWf Call al the Osserva mr tar aarttealua IHrtrUyeonAdaBUai. Iraausmt anvate and sure crw. TSJ.S. GOVERNMENT g PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH U IIms lime a-H laa We. 1 1 IWfn'HS, Iks grMl sff 4 I K Wast. 1 II lbe(''.b S' If is a4vaar,a yeas, t f le fcHef nsvlMaairi of at e t male IttKeelata. ItiUeweei l f as atvtatfist aa al l''tT.l J aal.e 1-4 la. se atHi!iri st-. Va 1st 4 Hstis J ft ft ft ft) ft ft ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft n ft T ftrtont vtt ttrvt4 In (' wsrt of Iht UnilrJ Slslrt Of la th r WiJuw, CtiiUren, or Pi rn't. l Vmj rfi 1 r' t on td Yost rvisuvs in th War of I be Prlx?llio, Induis or Mcakja Wait ori whu yn drfwrvAcJ M fcfpofl I THOUSANDS ARE ONTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW T ftrelvf t fwiH, mbt pnw Jo rt4. T1uM"4 tnlt the new Is S' tnf.iUd la I rK reside t,f pvuton. Tl rovtrnmenl n 14 you snl It vUUng and Atuknis la psy. Why fo( present )osf (Ulftt at thta Braes?! time f our awsMios) state Irons tba 1 1 n yosi sfp4) . Now Is the mtji4 hosir. jr t ie M bat i4 tov(4fi ioivmaiion, Ke Oitrrt ht aJvUe. Ka fee nnUt .). The Press Claims Company rtlTUP W. AMVtn. trvrfal MjMrvr, 6iS l 5rwt. WAf IttNCTON. D. C Jf. Hft rftmf is rwlrvSM f rr as las I w4 . m-4 it tmmrlf mm fit a 4 t rfinf stes ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft 2 ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft ft) ft n London's Big Wheel. The big wheel at Karl's Court, Lon don, has so far been an undoubted suc cess. It baa only a record of 15 weeks' work, but during that brief period re ceipts, amount to upward of 23,000, or an average of 260 per day. The total number of Dassencrers carried round the wheel was 430,000. The re sult is an interim dividend of ten per ceni. ana a future dividend of nine per cent., with 2,000 carried to the depre ciating account. How He Did It. ' Friend I don't see how you manage to assume that expression of agony in the last act. Actor I have t he prompter any "rail road tics." 1?hv City Chat. His Hindsight.-"Why does (Ulm- son carry that tiotebook nlotit 'with him so ostrntntlounly 1" "To Jot down the brilliant things he might have said and didn't when he hod the omrr- tunity." Detroit Free IVm. DINING IN ENGLISH STYLE. Every Han Pays Bis Own Score When In vited to the Club. "Americans are supersensitive," re marked an Englishman lately, "and they lose thereby much rational enjoy ment and pleasant intercourse. For ;iiitance, in the matter of what you call 'treating,' I find American men really absurd, don't cherknow. They insist upon paying the full score sometimes for half a do.en fellows when they can ill afford it, mid it ain't pleasant for the other fellows either. It's all from a mistaken notion of hospitality, and if they don't 'treat' or are 'treated,' they go off by themselves in a most miserable fashion. Now, with us an invitation in a public place, at a club, a hotel or anything of that sort, means invariably a 'Dutch trent,' as you call it. And1 everyone pays for himself, as a matter of course a much more comfortable arrangement, as a fellow may ask half a dozen fellows to dine and have a jolly time, without being saddled with a big bill. "I got awfully stuck once or twice at the club before I caught onto Ameri can ways; but now the men know that when I say: 'Come, dine with me,' when we are together at the club, it means 'and pay for yourself.' Why, at Hom burg, when even the prince of Wales asks anyone to dine at his table, it is quite understood that the 'guest' pays for himself, and his royal highness equerry comes up afterward, saying: 'Your share is so and to,' and you fork out without n nwtrr. And a pretty big sum, it Is, too, for nil kinds of wine are served, whether you wish them or not, and for which you have to pay your portion. The royal hospitality is pro verbial at the German hotels, but it is a question whether it would be so com preliensive if there were not this tacit understanding. 'Everyone for himself is the old Saxon motto, and a very good motto It Is." N. Y. Tribune. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MM Absolutely pure A HISTORY OF CUBA. Tfrof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a vt'inltr of Kpiirpsy, haa without doubt treated and cur ed more rears than any living I'hysician I hia success is astonishing. We have heard of caws of se years' standing carea ny him. He publishes a valuable work on this dls. caaa, which he sonde with a tl of h ahftolut run, fr to any nufffiorn wno mar hiiu iiteir . w. una iivprctv. AniiM. W iiIvIm nnv fin winhitiit a riird In n1tr-a mew. sU rtlii, 7. D.t 4 Cedar Lt, Ztv York 1 no Cor a7U Cavesta, and Trade-Marka obtains and all fat-! at iiansscoaytt4 InT Moofaavf ftia. OusOmciiiOmiiTiu.S. partavomer ana caa ais paiaot is less tuae laaa lauac resole Iran V ahtnf tne, seed Modal, etaaiag or photo with eWrla tlna. VA s aaviaa, if patmiabla er ant, tree el Uwrf. OarlaeantdiMtill niaat IssKorra. a unur, Im to uuiaia I'aiaata," with (coat t mm la the V, S. sad lWI esaatnas ana Iraa. Aadnaa, C.A.SNOW&CO. aaaa Baa era ae arWexa m tsW a at aiiaaeaai aX m UAMTrrt AM inrft Wberaslhlntl frtnssw nil ivs.nnf MMnaainple thins to patent HmSart ronr Ideas : 1 her mar bring yn wealth. Writs JOHN WKUhKlu IIC HX St x , J Aliorneva, Waautaftoa, as, roe taaiy liaw prise unrr. m iickeis II Till!- east and mm VII TIE CMOS PACIFIC SISTIM. Thrmtgh rVtsaaS ralare Sleeaa. tautlas Imw-s and free ttarllulna (Lai tars I AIL I te t auagu. Meat aware aar4 U this MM faatare fat ate. STUU MfT. iNTSCH t!GNT$ MA I ICS. R. W. It A XT tit, an. Agft. 1'vrtlnnil, ftrtgnn J. C. It AHT, Aynt, ll'ffir, ()tgnn SLEPT ON THE "SIDEBOARD." A Oreea Coontrymaa'a First Eznerleaea with a Folding- Bed. An old, gray-whiskered man, who had lived all his life on a small farm near Batav'a, stopped at the hotel the other evening, says the Buffalo Express. He said he wanted a room for oue night. He was sent up to the third floor. Later in the evening he went out, and didn't omo back till midnirht. He .ad evidently been enjoying himself. Ilia breath s me Hod of whisky. He went up to hi room, and that was the last aeen of hliii until early In the morn Ing, when a boy went to call him for hia train. The boy got no answer whrn he :nocked on the door, and he opened it and walked in. The folding-bed had not been let down. The boy had to look tbout for a moment or two be fore be (Uncovered the old man. Then ie heard a husky voiee from up near the ceiling somewhere. He looked up, and there was the gurat rurled up 011 lop of the td, rubbing his ryes. He wns fully il rennet!, with the exception of hia big cowhide Imots, which were standing on the floor. "Say, mlatrr," inquired the boy, "why ditln t yer get Into bed?" "H'goahl" slvou'ed the man, angrily. "there Bin t no bed. Here Ive I wen curled up on ton of this here aide- board all night without a wink of sleep, Ain't thla a nice way to treat a man? Hoy?" WHY THE GIRLS LAUGHED. Toting lady la a raahloaable Behest Was I aahle la Km a alter. lii a fuahioniible uptown boarding eehnol the other (lay a young tnlaa (mated that her slater was coming on Hie next Ylhitiiiff day with a liuiiilaoiiia hud very enptitating young fellow. Klie an id all the girls might see hint. bill only two or Hirer of lirr brat and ilcurvkt friends should m lutroducrd to lil in. It waa to be a raae of "you may look but you must n't touch" to iirarly an the sx hool. Malting day came, fays the New York Hun, and with It earn the sister and Hit yotiiitT man. There waa a Duller all over Ilia ax ,.M The vlailora sat In the narlur while Miaa Ilnpid gave the finish Ing touches In brr toilet. Meaatlnta Hie t.rlnrli or the aehia, rnlrrrd the inirlor. Klie Naktxi for 1 he vlailora uanire and got uiem. -Ami nu are not rr laird to Hub young lady?" ahr Inquired of the yiHtlh. "Xn, Bia'am," aaUl hej "Jusi a frlrnd. that's all - "Oh.- said the principal, "only rrlatlvra may visit our pupils, so 1 mu.i Ma you to r, n,c leruin yog In my offli" until 1 he sisters ht hswl their vlalt." This was the situation when Miaa lUpi.1 rains down into the r lor. hha bora brrarl brately. but all through the air of the big bnnslme fcouaa there waa an undertone of strange, ehuklag, Ind per lUI.U hole. It was I he u)ree l-i.-giing 01 u, other glrla. Iter Op!-. "A man ought lo know more than him wife dors," said 111. ky Huddles. "lo yna llilnk so?" rea on1ed Mrs. Jlol lrlrh, with aallgbl anerr. "t)f ronrs. i ah'Hildn't marry woman w Ho ksnoas more than 1 1)." " ow are rry lomanlie." "It seems lo ma that I in o artrsl., a an. iom nave your min flsrd on an Imiioaaibla Mal." Wsah Inrlon falar. Cummings & Fall, MOM IT0$ IH in I Itaitabie 'vav -aw -a Gault House , 1 mi ar.o, 111.. Ms t.WS aae t'. l'et.H fanS M f st a as a ( a a . f ri 41 H i I. r ru '. MATItMSJU,,,,, ,f IIAV C"at W. fa arfi iM ; i , ainsae, Slaa PRIE8 TO BE OrlVEN AWAY- Spain colonized the island in 1511. In 1534 and again in 1554 Havana was destroyed by the French. Matanzas was the first city to fall into the hands of the insurgents. Cruelty and injustice to the natives has always been the creed of the Span iards. The present revolution began Febru ary i4, 1895, when the republic was pro claimed by Marti. In 1848 Tresident Polk offered Spain $1,000,000 for the island, which offer was refused. The constitution of Cuba, modeled on that of the United States, was adopted September 23, 1895. , The revolution of 1868 lasted ten years before Spain succeeded in compromis ing by promising reforms. A triangular blue union, having a Ingle star and five stripes, three of red and two of white, ia the flag of the republic. Very little reliable news of the pres ent insurrection can be obtained, ow ing to the censorship of the press and the mendacity of the leadera of both sides. The first aerioua revolution took place in 1848, under the leadership of X arc I ho Lopez, who in 1851 repeated hia attempts to free the Island from Spanish control. AUTHORS' CHIT-CHAT. Mark Twain aaya the Arabs will take anything but a joke. Dr. Conan Doyle haa bought a plot of ground and begun the erection of house near Hlndhead, in Surrey, where Tyndall lived, and near where Tennyson spent hia last daya. William T. Adams, better known to very many aa Oliver Optic, baa started from Boston to make a trip around the world, and will not be back for four months. , Dr. Samuel F. Sm ith waa on accom plished linguist, being familiar with IS languages. He bad just taken up the study of the Russian tongue at the time of hia death. Zola, who cordially dwplaea English men, will pay another vleit to England next spring. He thinks of writing an other book dealing with Industrial life It exiata in Birmingham and Man- cheater. Mr, Du Maurler declines to be trotted around this country to satisfy the curi osity of the public. He will not lecture here, as It goea against the grain, since ha Is one of the moat retiring men of hia profession. Itudyard Kipling waa asked recently If literary fame waa aa joyous a possea- aion aa many people consider It. "There Is only one great pleasure) for an author," he is said to have answered, and that Ilea In work. A writer finda hia happiness In creating, not In critics." The publishers of Thb Happt Homb will give an elegant Hue toned Upright Piano, valued at $350 00, absolutely free lo the person Betiding tbem the largest list ot words constructed from the letters contained in the name of -their well known publication, v "Thb Happy Homb." Additional presents, consisting ot Bioyole, Gold Watches, Silver Watohes, Sewing Maohines, Musio Boxes, Silk Dresses, China Dinner Seta, aud many valuable and useful articles, will also be awarded iu order of merit, and every person sending not leBS than ten wcrde will reoeive a preseut of value. Use either pluril or Biugnlnr words, but no! both, and nse no letter in Ibe same word more times than it appears in the text. mi QArn home. Tbis is a popular plan of introducing into new homes this popular publication, wbioh bas iu its three years existence re ceived a happy welcome id many thons- ands of homes. As the object io elvins awnv Ibtse val uable presents is tn advertise, and at tract attention to Thb Happv Homb. which is a handsomely illustrated month ly publication devoted lo Literature, Fashion, Stories and Art, every list of words must be accompanied with three two oent stamps (six ceDtsl for a trial copy of tbla favorite borne jonrual con taining full pnrtinnlara, list ot present', and rulea regarding oootest. You may reoeive a valuable reward tor your tronble. Add reus THE HAPPY HOME, 360 Dearborn Si., Chicago, III. DISEASES OP THE SKIN. The intense lu lling and smarting inci dent to ecu-inn, totter, anlt-rlieum, and other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it It ia equally eliicicnt for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chnmied hand, chil bluins, frost bites, and rhronio sore eyes. r or aaie by uriiggutis at zo cents per box. Try Dr. Cady't Condition Powders, thee are jin4 what a home needs when in bad condi tion, lonie, blood purilierand vermifuge. For aaie by Cooser k lirook, ilinngista The regular subscription nnce of tba Semi-Weekly (laaette is 82.5(1 and tba regular price ot the Weekly Oregnniao a f 1.50. Anyone subacnluua tor tba Gaselle and paying for one year in advatie ran net Intlh the (lasetle and Weekly Oregoulan for 8:1 50. All old an b eon bore paying their anlwariutions for one year In advanoa aill tie entitled to the same, e J. W. Kerns, the city painter, ia pre pared to do all kinds of painting and naper banging and will du houae clean me and lake np and put down cerpeta. Olllee on Main street, oppoeita CiiJf hotel. BICYCLES Or' Mew York GREAT COST. ad far fires ta Meet a t B I, OOO llkryriaa. Tba moet prominent New York Jew elry firm baa something new for wheel men In a silver bicycle, w hich aa put on exhibition at their store a few daya ago. The wheel Is the first ot the kind ever made. In order to insure strength and durability It waa neceaaury lo have the supporting rode slid axkee of aleel. All the reat of Hi frame ia of atrrling ailver. The handle bar la of plain sil ver, with burniabed ivory hand Ire. The Other silver parte are finely engraved by band, w llii rrioiiea rtrliliig of the Louie XVI. atyle. The sprocket wheel ta of plain sihrr. The saddle lUrlf la Studded with ailver nails. The cost of tho uiarhlue, aa It stands. Is toQ. A ailver lantern to go with It will add Irora I loo to 1200 to the prirw. The completed wheel weighs aliout It pounds. A meinlarr of Ibe rottipaoy aid. In raplslnlug the contrurUo of tba new bike: Thla wberl was built to supply a demand whk b we know to atat auionr some of our patrona fur B better aud more rtpenalve w heel than ran tm had on I he market al present. fiieb a wheel we have tried to make, and I believe that aother season will see many of Uiem at the fashionable restarts. A woman's wheel Is la-lug finlaJted In the firm's abnpa. This wheel will las mm b more rlrhly ornamented, and Ma prira will b llMl. A Isntern whl h Is bring mad lo go wild It, will ba art with previous ibes aod will f oat several hundred dollars. Echo stage leaves llentioer Mondays. Wednesdays and Krldas. Ieavea Echo Tuesdays, Tu'e.laye snd Nalnrdaya. fere 8 J eaab way. Orfifle, Welle k Warren, lleppoer. Ed. Drlekell, Prop, e For tri.10 I will sell a Oral rises, blsh grade, blah arm sewing- machine guaran teed lor 10 Jeere. For further particu lars eall on or addreaa. N. A. faeb. Leilngton, Oregon. KH-tf. Wall. Thompson rnoa elava lielweea Heppoer and Monument, arriving everv day e inept Monday and leaving every day eioepl Hnndsy. Hbortast and aheap- 1 mnta lo lbs Inferior. Uunser k Druek, agenia. roe Kale. Ten shares nf stock in the National Hack of lleppner. Addreaa Kit-herd T. Oof, Keeetvea, A r lien ton. Ore,on, Bf. Vour Face TM ffrasiae t s rik Whet de msbur w id yon. Ash. dal you look so solium f Ash r.o wsy, gait 1'ae Iryla' lo gt a Job nf drivln' a kar, an' I'ae orv U in lookln' arrrry-To Imu, A monument of lirih'.i,thefiiral fgare la whirh a lutvetta, haa bea t up al Itoret, lo tftvm roots te tit hoaptlsMy almwq tn the people of Kraalnirg by CwiUerlsod at the Uio of the si ?: T f 't.'sifea ol Joanx f An f B ro,terirery art, nw In a ts' eol'.ertt'ni at fer,t.r,m. In AUaee, arw Sel'l by M t'S'flo lo m .i a' Ir tr WsiU at the Uhi4 ( OMrwot trim I. fa. I Isswastaa, Ota of the rlrverret In tent lone rcf ed by I he pai,nt i,ffirw i lhm ma. rhln t'T Slicking roytirooa piba In the era In whl. b they are sold. Titer,,. Irlvsnea brings up thm pl,,s In rHs, draws the paiwr In poalllon, rrlmps It In Iwq U,m, Ibe at B single push peases Ibe pins through H,, p., an,j ela I hew lo position. Tba aptilatlon of tba world avetagea o worn a to every lot men, Fikt nlnika of tba aoddea deihs are Uxsaa of moke. Wore than if1 rwnnaftmltd ink Ide la U. diftereal rrraelrlee of Ik world durir.g Ua year eadie Ppenv iff I. TLialaaaiUKfaaeoiar 1 . orr 1 4- Ilea f"l of tba tespevaof laf.v li's la Iraieod sbea Uf tua anmtr .f tst r.r f.Md aa lusaia at tba let of Jeaweir leal a iTAM.aa oaird witH 1M? a 1 a srariaa. Will tve svraataaa wHs) a eaetl segsgieg eaHe, artar yew tevesl la a lilBufifiDiicif) Ctoewaa oitn n ate PINCH TCNSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TWSfOJI RELEASER, tke sanat rnwplrie aa I a'l rtrvk tvef 4Jd M sy St lag k-a. Tba) WIIITi: la taraity ! Haatfaitly islrt, fit flaa rialil tal Srfe AtfjulsMat, lewl All ItetVl Arlitlrt. A ad ,1 artve aed pbaao jm Up 4 ike fl kast 4 r iaatttMme. Artttg tuttssi Westitt ta d let Mary, iiilr A ' , white SEVIH3 iMta:::- c:.,